Game: Planehopping

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Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor smirks at Elecia's joke and then nods soberly, "Pasha is an important woman and to lose her endangers the onus placed upon us by our patrons."

Sakor blanches and shakes his head, "Everytime I talk about them, I get a chill in my spine. I really can't say as that I trust them and my thoughts often wander to the things Nemamiah said to me after Barbello abducted me."

Sakor shudders and bites his lower lip.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia raises an eyebrow. "The onus placed upon us by our patrons? I just hate feeling like I'm losing a friend. I have few enough of them without letting go the ones I have." She sighs as though trying to banish those thoughts.

"As to those things, I can't say I fully trust them either. And that riven creature..." She shudders, unable to think of it. "I wish I had your confidence in dealing with them. It takes all my strength just to stand there when I see one, they frighten me almost beyond reason. I wish they would be a little more straightforward about what they want with us but, at the same time, I suspect a part of me is much happier not knowing."

Elecia stretches and looks around the room to make sure Pasha hasn't come down yet before she speaks.

"I wonder how they'll react to what happened to Lucius. If the riven pays them another visit with him in that state..."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor sighs and nods, “All save Nemamiah, they disturb me. Nemamiah was warm, if such could be said about one of the Fowl, but the rest, according to Nemamiah, have agendas and unfortunately, I don’t see any good coming out of them when they hear about Lucius. From what Nemamiah told me, Israfel and Barbello are not friends. Their relationship is tepid at best, even when – in the case of the Modron March – their priorities are in sync, both being scions on the axiom of Law.”

Rubbing his brow with a hand, “Frankly, I wouldn’t put it past Barbello to have lured Valran into abducting Pasha. There was an imbalance. The minions of Law had one up on the minions of Chaos. One of the two, either Lucius or Nexx, had to be divested of their patronage. By enticing Valran to take Pasha, Barbello was working against Chaos and tempting Lucius. Either Lucius would fall from grace and be divested by Israfel herself, or he’d go crazy and lose the connection with his patron. Although I don’t think the latter was intended, it had the same effect. Barbello has weakened Pasha’s spirit, and thus her patron, but she has also ensured that Nexx remains her proxy.”

Sakor sighs, seemingly relieved to have shared his dark thoughts, "In the politics of beings greater than gods, I dislike being a pawn. It makes me paranoid.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia watches Sakor, concerned by the dark train of his thoughts. "I almost hope you're right. I would rather believe that all this came about through the machinations of higher powers than by pure chance alone. But all Barbello would have succeeded in doin is weakening us as a group and reducing our chances of sorting out this mess with the modrons."

"No, as much as I'd like to blame this on the fowl, I don't think they can have been behind it. I fear Colopitiron like nothing else but I have to believe, somehow, that he has my interests at heart - even if just a little - because the alternative is not something I want to consider. Even a pawn has its value and I think perhaps that I'd rather put up with the attentions of the fowl than be oblivious to this whole situation."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia sighs heavily and picks up her empty bowl.

"I'd better go check on Pasha. Maybe... I know it's silly but maybe Lucius might be doing better today."

She returns the bowl to wherever it needs to go and heads back upstairs, knocking firmly on the door to Pasha and Lucius' room.

"Pasha? You awake? There's some food downstairs if you want it. Sakor and Nexx are already up. Just let us know if you need any help or anything." She pauses at the door to hear any reply.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor watches Elecia get up and leave. Casting spurious looks around the common room for a moment to make sure no one is watching him, the Arcane disciple reaches into his robes and removes the crystal ball he stole from Valran's scrying chamber.

Sakor looks into the orb and focuses on his connection with his dead deity and trys to scry on his body, adrift on the Astral Plane.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha opens the door looking a bit dishevled. *

Oh, hello. Umm I'm not very hungry... Oh,.. is Sakor downstiars? I've got to talk to him. I'll be right down. Let me make sure he's comfortable.

*Pasha smiles at Elecia and closes the door quietly*

*Pasha gets Lucius cleaned up and dressed as much as he'll accomodate her. Then she tries to make herself look like she's actually gotten some real sleep and isn't about to go insane. Then goes out the door and downstairs*

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia nods to Pasha, trying to hide her concern and heads downstairs. Seeing that Sakor is busy she heads outside for some fresh air.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:
The crystal ball grows cloudy with a swirling mist. From out of the mist appears a symbol... click here.

For Elecia:
After Pasha passes you, you get a chill up your spine and feel a profound sense of depression. It's almost as if she's surrounded by a cloud of ill will, or projecting her emotions onto her surroundings.

For Nexx:
You find Kothar contentedly gnawing on the remains of a pig roast from earlier the previous day. He's lounging in the shade outside the stables. You notice some scorched hay around the stable entrance, like it was briefly on fire but stamped out.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Stupid double post.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Sakor: The crystal ball grows cloudy with a swirling mist. From out of the mist appears a symbol... click here.

Sakor blinks and tries to figure out what the symbol means.


0 Bonus for Knowledge (arca to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:

You recognize the symbol as representative of the Believers of the Source, nicknamed the Godsmen. However, you're not familiar enough with their philosophy to piece together why their symbol would manifest when you're attempting to scry the body of a dead god on the Astral Plane.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor grunts, brow furrowing. Rolling the sphere into his pocket, the arcane disciple raises a hand to his mouth and bores a hole into the wood of the table, his gaze dark. Snapping his fingers and muttering about going to the sources, the disciple weaves his hands in an intricate patterns and poses his request to his deity, asking for guidance.


31 Bonus for ((+8 bardic +5 to do
I rolled 1d20+31, the result is 40.
Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

"Good morning boy."

Nexx runs a clawed hand over his friend's furry head.

Nexx wrinkles his bearlike nose in a perplexed look.

"Stable boy! Was there a fire here?"

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Sakor:
Divine power floods your mind, opening avenues of possibility you had not previously considered. The Godsmen believe everyone has the potential to become a god, and the bodies of dead gods float on the Astral Plane. Possibly, the Godsmen obtain samples of dead gods to analyze for further insight into the path of the divine. As for why the Godsmen symbol would appear when you scryed Gersa's body...perhaps they have warded the body to prevent anyone from seeing what they're doing to it?

For Nexx:
A young boy stumbles out of the stable, one arm in a sling and covered in burns. His eyes widen as he takes in your ursine appearance. "No, sir. We've got a nightmare stabled here now, and she's a might cranky. I have to keep everything wetted down, and feeding her was...unpleasant, if you don't mind me sayin'."

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

"Hold still, I'm not going to hurt you."

The ursine druid reaches forth a claw and calls upon his Bead of Healing to restore the boy's arm and heal his burns.

"Now, go and fetch your Master. I've paid to stable my mount here only to find him driven out by that firehooved nuisance."

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The boy grins at his newly healed arm and then scampers into the inn. A few minutes later, a portly man wearing a stained apron comes back with the boy in tow. "Is there a problem, sir? I thought your pet would enjoy the remains of last night's roast. Did I overstep my bounds?"

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the divine fog that invariably follows touching Gersa's mind. The arcane disciple glares at the table top, his teeth bared in frustration, "Shrowding his body, pillaging his divine essence. Bastards." Bringingh is fist down on the table, the bowl jumps and comes down slopping left-over oatmeal.

"Damn it, I'm pulled in five different directions."

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx raises himself up to his full height and looks down at the aproned man with his large animal black eyes and speaks slowly, showing his large teeth.

"The roast seems to be acceptable. Finding my wolf driven out of his stall by a fire hazard is not. Because of that thing I've also had to use my resources just to ensure that your staff was free of injury and able to properly care for my wolf. Just who brought this destructive creature here and what are you going to do about this problem?"

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The innkeeper blanches at Nexx's tirade. "Please sir! The gentleman assured me that the animal would cause no lasting damage, and he paid me in platinum for himself and his entourage. I gave up my own bedroom to them last night, because your group took the last of the rooms! Surely a measly nightmare cannot harm your massive wolf...thing." He looks apprehensively at Kothar. "Perhaps he just came outside to enjoy the morning sunshine?"

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx turns to look at Kothar laying in the shade in a manner that will draw the innkeeps gaze to the wolf.

"Enjoying the sunshine? I don't see how the wealth of another lodger affords me ill treatment. I will no longer tolerate having Kothar tended by a worker who is too injured to do a good job. Hmm, it seems only just that you earn your platinum. You will personally see to the care AND feeding of the nightmare. The nightmare will cause you no 'lasting damage'. Oh yes, and I would have a word with whoever decided to stable a nightmare in a wooden building full of straw."

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The innkeeper bows and hurries back to the building while the stableboy tries to suppress a grin. You hear the sound of crockery breaking, and the kitchen door is flung open. A black-armored figure strides across the open ground, hand the hilt of his massive greatsword. He's quickly followed by another figure in identical attire. Both of their suits of armor bear the visage of a sickly white bloom on their breastplates.

"Who are you to question how we do business, or to whom the owner of this "fine" establishment caters?" one of the armored figures bellows.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha comes down the stairs, absentmindedly making ehr way to the common area and to Sakor's table. She has something in her hand she's pondering over.*

*She places it on the table in front of Sakor.*

What is this?

(By DM) For Pasha: The object is a metal nut threaded onto a bolt, with a leaf, a feather, and and a tooth attached with a length of sinew.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Elecia, Pasha, and Sakor:

You hear the sound of breaking crockery come from the kitchen, then the slamming of a door. The innkeeper comes rushing out of the kitchen clutching his apron, pays those of you in the common room no mind, and rushes up the stairs to the second floor.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*raises an eyebrow and looks toward the kitchen while moving her hand to grip her scimitar*

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor blinks and looks up at Pasha, Hearing the shattered pottery, Sakor raises his eyebrow. Not letting his own troubles affect the troubled woman, the arcane disciple nudges his staff and wills the oatmeal to clean itself up. Sakor reaches out and picks up the various bits tied together, peering closely.

"My first guess would be that this is an group of portal keys, each specific to one portal, a chain of portals you will have to take to get from one place to another. Do you have any idea where these keys were supposed to get you? There are many portals out there, but I'm not sure if I can pin them down without knowing your destination."

Sakor jumps a bit seeing the innkeeper slam out of the kitchen. Grabbing his staff, Sakor rises and follows the bard.

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

"Who am I? I am a lodger who expects good service and I am also one who knows all too well what happens when wood, straw and flesh meet flame. I am also the injured party here and I would have your names before I give mine. "

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha nods at Sakor*
We'll discuss it later. Let's go see what's going on back there.

*Pasha draws her scimitar and goes to the kitchen, listening for any arguments or other noises of something that scared the innkeeper upstairs.*

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Nexx:
Although you cannot see the man's face, you can hear the sneer in his voice. "We owe you nothing, bear-man. Take your "dog" and go on your way. The only injury you've suffered is from an over-inflated ego and delusions of your own importance."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor follows Pasha into the kitchen and begins quiet whispers in a tongue not unlike Auran. Weaving his hands, soft winds began to blow about the arcane disciple's feet. Completing the spell, the arcane disciple wills himself a few inches off the ground.


In a low voice, the arcane disciple grips his staff and whispers to Pasha,"Can you see anything?"

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((OOC: It figures, just when there's a possible battle, I have to go to work. Should be home by 5:30pm ET.... other note: Can I root for the Tacharim right now? LOL))

((Gotta wait for Ele anyway))

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

"Of those injuries I believe that you are far more wounded than I. I suggest that you take your firey little pony out of here before it burns the inn to the ground. Since you've had to borrow your companion's spare suit of armor I doubt you have the platinum to pay for such a loss."

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Nexx:
The second armored figure begins to draw his sword but stops when the first raises a hand.

"You are mistaken, bear-man. Conflagratia is not either of our mounts...she serves only Lord Blackarm. You would do well to end this conversation and go about your business, lest the Lord decide to settle this matter personally."

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia heads towards the sound of trouble

((to the kitchen if I didn't make it outside but presumably to the stable if I was outside and saw Nexx and his new friends going in there Smiling))

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Elecia:
(You were outside the front of the inn, not having any reason to go around to the stables and not able to cut through the kitchen to use that exit in any case. However, you heard the door slamming and heated words exchanged around the corner.)

As you round the corner, you see two armored figures of inky black with massive greatswords on their backs facing Nexx. Kothar is contentedly gnawing on the carcass of a pig, but keeping his eyes on the figures facing his master.

For Pasha and Sakor:
You enter the kitchen and see the orderly disarray typical of such an establishment. The kitchen door stands open, however, making the shouting outside intelligible. What catches your attention, however, is a figure in inky black full plate with a corpse-white bloom on the breastplate. The figure removes its helm, revealing a stunningly beautiful woman with fiery red hair and swirling black tattoos on her cheeks.

"I'd recommend staying in the common room, good folk, lest someone inadvertently get hurt," she says in a soft, sultry voice.

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor grins at the beautiful woman, his eyes sparkling with magic. Opening his mouth, issuing the honeyed words he learned from Nemamiah, Sakor decides to create some trouble, "Ah, 'tis rare to see such a pretty face this far from Aphrodite’s Realm. Unfortunately, I seek not to woo you, but to save my friend from doing something stupid. Knowing why you were here would go a long ways to being about to formulate an excuse to get him, and us, out of here."


Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The woman smiles slightly and tosses her hair. "I am Lord Doran Blackarm, and I'm afraid your friend has already done something supremely stupid, by protesting the presence of my mount in the stables. However, I don't believe that is the issue it?"

For Everyone:
(Roll for initiative.)

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((OCC: Did she resist my suggestion? She didn't say why she was here. Or was my suggestion just poorly worded?))

2 Bonus for (Initative +2 D to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 12.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

((Very poorly worded suggestion. Sticking out tongue ))

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

"Oh, so you two are just errand boys, I figured that anyone who had a nightmare for a mount would know better than this foolishness. So lets go have a chat with the 'Lord'. I'm sure he'll be most interested in hearing about how his lackeys put his mount in a flammable building so it could burn down on top of her. I'm also sure the 'Lord' will be most forgiving of your incompetence."

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 7.
Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia steps back, just behind the cover of the corner and out of sight as soon as she sees the looming figures, peeking round the wall to observe.

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 16.
Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

(here's my roll.) (what I do will be based on when i go.)

(( W00T!!!!!! ))

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 23.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

(Initiative for the knights.)

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 12.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

(Initiative for Lord Blackarm.)

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 16.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Initiative order is:

Lord Blackarm
Knight #2
Knight #1

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha acts like she's obeying the command of the redheaded diva-wannabe and steps out of the kitchen around a corner. She closes her eyes and concentrates and then stands a little straighter and grips her sword a little more confidently.*

((Spell-like ability: Bull's Strength))

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Doran smiles and dons her helmet (move action). A split second later, she's surrounded by a dull gray field of energy (move action).

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia softly asks aeapas to fly up above the area between kitchen and stable to get a better view. With her back pressed to the wall, she quietly mutters the words to a spell, hoping not to be noticed.

((Greater Invisibility))

With the casting finished, Elecia steps around the corner and towards the figures talking to Nexx.

((I'm done Smiling any chance of a map maybe?))

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor sighs, and shakes his head seeing Pasha ditch him with the beautiful women decked out deal damage. Sakor watches Doran apprehensively when she vanishes into a gray energy field. Sakor tries to identify what she's done before he acts


31 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+31, the result is 49.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Ask and ye shall receive...

For Sakor:
While there were no visible clues as to what effect she triggered, you recognize the field as a force field akin to mage armor. Of course, such a spell effect shouldn't function with the full plate she's wearing, so that can't be what it is...

For Nexx and Elecia:
The second knight draws his greatsword (move action) and is surrounded in a dull gray field of force (move action). "Let's just slice and dice this guardinal and be done with it. No need to disturb Blackarm."

The first knight swings his arm back and smacks his partner (standard action). "Lord Blackarm! Mind your manners, you twit, or lose your tongue!" He draws his greatsword as well (move action). "What do you say, furry? You ready to be turned into a rug?"

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