Game: Planehopping

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Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

“Planehopping” is an ongoing campaign moving from online to play-by-post. While the roster is currently full, slots may open as play progresses. The current cast of characters is as follows:

Elecia Rhell – Private sorceress with a mysterious past that haunts her both day and night. (sorcerer 9/elemental transcendent 3)
Lucius Varrelialus – Fallen paladin driven to catatonia by the horrors perpetrated on his beloved wife. (fallen paladin 10/fist of Raziel 2)
Nexx Redscales – Mysterious t’kel driven to free his people from slavery to the adu’jas. (druid 12)
Orisen Leafsong – Naïve elf who is master of the bow…or is it servant? (rogue 5/fighter 4/Order of the Bow Initiate 4)
Pasha Varrelialus – Devoted wife subjected to the cruel experiments of the Tacharim, now restored only to find her husband a near vegetable. (bard 4/druid 4/dervish 3/hand of nature 1)
Sakor Gersason – Devotee of a dead god on a quest for his deity’s restoration…or is it his own deification? (arcane disciple 9/mystic supplicant 4)

Aeapas – Elecia Rhell’s air elemental familiar.
Graastu-Mulafa-Haak-Raak-Ma – Sakor Gersason’s grimalkin companion.
Kothar – Nexx Redscales’ dire wolf animal companion.
Xenos Redscales – Nexx Redscales’ infant son by way of a dalliance with a tiefling.

The Story So Far…
Our heroes have become embroiled with the Modron March, tasked by mysterious beings calling themselves the Four-Horned Feathered Fowl to safeguard the Mechanus natives on their unscheduled journey around the Great Ring. Along the way, the group has earned the enmity of an organization called the Tacharim. To date, they have thwarted a raid on the modrons outside of Excelsior and destroyed a Tacharim outpost, rescued the Master Trader from the clutches of Graz’zt, and restored all the subjects of one Doctor Valran’s hideous experiments via the use of a wish spell. Now, Pasha intends to escort her husband to Sigil, hoping the Bleak Cabal can do something to restore his mind. The rest of the group intends to continue keeping pace with the modrons, all the while plotting an attack on the Tacharim stronghold on Gehenna.

Side Plots…
Thanks to their naivete, the heroes introduced the adu’jas to the Great Ring, and the plant people are even now building an army intent on conquering the first layer of the Abyss. While everyone knows the plan will come to naught, Nexx Redscales is concerned for the welfare of his people; he is sure the t’kel will be used as fodder and slaughtered wholesale by the tanar’ri.
Pasha Varrelialus is torn between her devotion to her husband and the pull of the wild kindled by the mysterious being known as Haiel. Even now, the Four-Horned Feathered Fowl awaits her arrival on the Beastlands. But will she keep the appointed rendezvous or remain at her stricken husband’s side?
Orisen Leafsong was devoted to the Four-Horned Feathered Fowl named Orif’elle, but she forsook that oath in order to become the guardian of an artifact of the Seldarine. She has yet to confront the mysterious being about her choice.
Lucius Varrelialus was a paladin dedicated to the now-defunct god Xeos, named a Fist of Raziel, made a lord of Soqed Hezi, declared a champion of Ama-Tsu-Mara, and is fated to face the Destroyer of Worlds – but his spirit and mind have been broken by seeing his wife surgically altered with modron parts. With so many oaths left unfulfilled, will destiny allow this former paladin to regain his honor, or will it make an example of him?

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The Flower Infernal, Gehenna
“I don’t know how they did it! I expect it was magic. I don’t have time to worry about that now, though – all my research is in their hands. All my notes! All my recorder stone experiments!” Valran paced back and forth like a caged beast, ringing a pointed hat in his hands. The woman stood a few paces away, slowing flexing her right arm.
“Maybe this is for the best. We were always vulnerable, because the hosts had to be kept alive.”
Valran waved a hand to dismiss the comment. “I was working on it! I told you I could get around that if you’d just get me some chaos beasts!”
The woman stopped flexing and stared at the wizard, who faltered in his pacing and returned her gaze with wide eyes. He swallowed. The woman returned to admiring her arm. “We have one,” she said softly.
A smile spread across Valran’s face. “Really? Then I need to get started. I know exactly who the first patient will be…”

Somewhere Between Space and Time
Israfel reached out and snuffed the white candle on the altar. Although she couldn’t see through the faceless helm, she knew Barbello was smirking. There were now two unlit candles…the blue one had been the first one snuffed, by Orif’elle. The green candle guttered low.
“I told you they were too weak.” Barbello’s voice sounded like steel scratching glass. Israfel winced slightly and flexed her wings. She made no reply.
“You’re as bad as Haiel…always putting your faith in lesser beings. We should cultivate the exemplars! You know I’m right!” Barbello stamped a steel-booted foot for emphasis, and the sound rang throughout the chapel, rattling the stained-glass windows.
Israfel turned without a word and drifted toward the exit. Her blade-harp left its stand and drifted after her, nestling into the sheath on her back, between her wings. The book chained to her waist dragged across the marble floor, a moving target for Barbello’s blade.
“Don’t,” whispered Israfel a split second before the massive sword tip touched the book’s worn leather. Barbello halted her thrust, frozen in an awkward pose from which a mere mortal would have toppled. Without a word the armored figure reversed her movement and returned to a standing position, sword at her side. Israfel continued her egress from the chapel.

The Friendly Fiend, Sigil
“What an interesting turn of events! Never in a million years would I have guessed that outcome! I really ought to get out more…I have lost all touch with reality cooped up here in this shop!” A’kin smiled, showing his teeth, which made his guest squirm uncomfortably.
“Another cookie?” The arcanoloth held out a silver platter in one gloved hand. The red-headed man reached out and gingerly took one of the morsels. A’kin’s smile dissolved into a somber mask as he leaned forward in his seat.
“Now…tell me again about the paladin’s behavior…”

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen
The bariaur, elf, and warthog continue to keep pace with the March and your position. As the light dims and night settles in, your keen elven eyes make out another figure in their group, hunched and wiry. They kindle a fire and set up camp for the night. Graastu shifts form and disappears into the gloom to find a meal, and Xenos reminds you of his hunger as only a baby can. A blanket of stars spreads out across the sky, and the steady tramping of modron feet provides the base line for the music of the night.

((Do you want to fast forward through your reverie, or do you have some action you want to take first?))

For Everyone Else
Lodging is easy to procure in Ecstasy, and the innkeeper still has some stew left from the evening meal bubbling over the fire. He confirms that the March is still on course as far as the townsfolk know, and there have been no incidents of note within a day's travel. After eating you're shown to your rooms, clean but spartan, with a wash basin and chamber pot of porcelain. The inn falls silent, and Ecstasy sleeps.

((Do you want to fast forward through the night, or are their actions anyone wants to take beforehand?))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

As night falls, Elecia leaves her room and knocks softly on Sakor's door

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor pulls himself up from his seated position and lays down his quill on a piece of scratch parchment. Grabbing his staff, the Gersan priest magically dries the carefully written page in the heavily worn, blue leather bound tome.

As he hears the knock, Sakor casts his eyes toward the door. The cleric props his staff against the bed post, watching it collapse into a pile of chain-links. Sakor ambles over to the door in his peculiar rolling gait and opens up the door a sliver before throwing it open once he realizes its Elecia.

The priest bobs his head in silent greeting, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Sakor stands away, one hand on the door frame the other thrown wide, inviting Elecia inside.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia seems to hesitate shyly for a moment before taking a step inside.

"I'm sorry to bother you, it's just.. Well... Pasha was taken by Memnor (sp?) as soon as she was alone here. And that creature grabbed her from outside the shop even with you there. Truth be told, I'm afraid to be alone."

Elecia half smiles at Sakor and turns the purple sensate stone over in her fingers

"I'm not asking for anything else, I'll happily sleep on the floor if you only have the one bed. I just don't want to be in a room where anything could come grab me and I'd just be gone in the morning. Besides, I promised you an explanation for this."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor tries to hide his surprise and doesn’t do very well.

The cleric sweeps toward his bed and slides the closed book into his ever present blue silken bag. He grabs his staff from the floor and mage hands the quill to his own hand Setting both on meager table in the room, Sakor point to the bed, “It’s yours, Elecia. I can handle the floor. It’s probably best for this back of mine. Flight, I have found, wrecks havoc on one’s lower lumbar.”

Reaching into his bag, the cleric removes a worn bedroll and unfurls it on the ground. Taking a seat, he begins to clean his quill absently, “Please, sit down. Speak your mind.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia sits cross legged on the bed and cups the stone in her hands.

"Thank you, Sakor, I appreciate it. I just keep thinking, if we hadn't let Pasha go off alone then none of this would have happened. I just hope Ori's still okay."

Elecia holds the stone between her thumb and forefinger, lifting it up to the light.

"Strange to think something like this can hold a memory. It doesn't seem possible that something as personal as a memory can be trapped. I'm sorry for the way I behaved, I just wanted to know what it would feel like... I felt cheated when it stole the memory from me. The idea that someone could use this to see a piece of my past feels like such a violation."

Elecia sets the stone down on the bed before her.

"If you want me to explain what is in there, I will. But I'd rather keep it between the two of us."

She nudges the door to the room shut with the touch of her magic.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

((okay, I'm good with skipping ahead now Smiling ))

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor whispers a silent prayer to Gersa, asking for guidance in understanding the sorceress, that he may better tend to her as a priest of magic ought to. Sakor watches the sorceress as she sleeps, nestled comfortably in his bed and is struck by the serene beauty that combined with her magic makes her utterly irresistible to him.

Flopping over onto his side, the priest groans softly from his bedroll in front of the door and mutters, "Better for my back? What was I thinking, sleeping on the floor. And at my age."

The cleric nestles in for the night and facing the door to watch for intruders.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

((Okay, no responses from the other players. That does not bode well for the future of this game. Elecia and Sakor, thank you for trying to keep things going. I suggest you encourage your fellow players to participate as well...I've sent enough emails.))

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game: Planehopping

((Just to let you know, if you need more people, you can usually find them through the OOC board here, and if you're nervous about roleplay ability, you can always submit them to a roleplay test Laughing out loud I'd be interesting in a playing if you have openings?)))

AerosAtar's picture
Joined: 2006-07-19
Game: Planehopping

((I'm registered and reading, I just don't have anything to add so hadn't posted.))

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

((as I told you in person, it's been less than a week since we played online. Give us a break for crying out loud. We've been playing one day a week for the last 4 years or so, and now you're upset that we haven't posted something this week. You must remember I have personally not had a day off this week, and my computer only runs for about half an hour before crashing, plus Nexx is in Arkansas and can't really access the internet. And who knows about Ori. he wasn't at the game, and has possibly been unable to get to his email or to the boards yet. I recommend you chill.))

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*gets a room for herself and her husband, nods a silent goodnight to the others, then takes Lucius to the room and makes him comfortable.*

*sits on the edge of the bed, puts her face in her hands and cries quietly*

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
For Orisen The bariaur, elf, and warthog continue to keep pace with the March and your position. As the light dims and night settles in, your keen elven eyes make out another figure in their group, hunched and wiry. They kindle a fire and set up camp for the night. Graastu shifts form and disappears into the gloom to find a meal, and Xenos reminds you of his hunger as only a baby can. A blanket of stars spreads out across the sky, and the steady tramping of modron feet provides the base line for the music of the night.

((Do you want to fast forward through your reverie, or do you have some action you want to take first?))

((My appologies for not posting yet, finally figured out how to register, heh, my stupidity, sorry))

Orisen will feed baby Xenos and take my rest as normal after attempting to visualize to Agrona to wake me on sight of danger. Keep my armor on, as it doesn't affect sleep and keep everything nearby.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha gets on her knees and quietly speaks as if to nothing but air..*

"Haiel please hear me. You spoke of following my love and passion,... but what am I to do now? I was constantly joined with my Love in mind and soul.. I could hear his thoughts, I could feel when he was in pain or felt joy. Now, there is nothing. I can feel the darkness surrounding me, filling the void where my Love no longer exists. Yet, as I sit here, I see him. He is laying there within reach, but it is merely a shell. Oh Haiel, please tell me... please show me. What am I to do?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: Planehopping

(( Scream if you folks need anything like another dice roller coded up or anyone else has trouble getting registered, I'm still poking around to try and make sure we don't have too many bugs in the forum system. ))

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen:

Your reverie passes uninterrupted; Xenos seems to sleep most of the time, unless hungry, and you emerge to full awareness with the baby snoring quietly in his bundle. Graastu, returned from hunting and back in his feline form, is curled protectively around the baby, oblivious to the noise. You can see the campfire from the other group banked low but still burning. The ever-present tramp of the modrons wafts out of the darkness.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Pasha:

As if in response to your prayer, there's a muffled battering at the window. A dark shape flutters outside, silhouetted against the glass by a streetlamp on the corner. The raucous caw of a raven cuts through the air. The bird begins tapping on the glass with its beak.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha quickly gets to her feet and goes to the window, flinging it open, then stepping back out of the way*

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

The raven swoops into the room as Pasha opens the window, circling twice before dropping something on the bed. With a final "Caw!" it dives out the window and disappears into the night.

firedale's picture
Joined: 2006-07-20
Game: Planehopping

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Your reverie passes uninterrupted; Xenos seems to sleep most of the time, unless hungry, and you emerge to full awareness with the baby snoring quietly in his bundle. Graastu, returned from hunting and back in his feline form, is curled protectively around the baby, oblivious to the noise. You can see the campfire from the other group banked low but still burning. The ever-present tramp of the modrons wafts out of the darkness.

Make myself ready to leave while attempting to be quiet for Xenos's sake, even though the march may be loud, one can get used to rythmic thumps every now and then. Give Graastu an appreciative scritch and then start out once more, following the march.

Take a quick spot before beginning to move, just to make sure nothing out of the ordinary is about.

17 Bonus for SPOT to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 34.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Orisen:
A quick glance around in the darkness reveals seem to be alone. You match pace with the March, keeping a wary eye for anything lurking in the predawn shadows. Your campsite is out of sight by the time the sun rises.

To your right is a sea of modrons, all marching in unison. You can see the more familiar types -- monodrones, duodrones, tridrones, etc. -- as well as others that you have never seen. Overhead, a few winged monodrones fly the length of the March.

Up ahead, you see a swirling mass of red energy. The March seems determined to avoid it, diverting the route around the growing vortex of crimson light. The modrons don't seem to be concerned or frightened by the phenomenon, but then, the creatures aren't very expressive regardless of the situation.

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx quietly leaves his room during the night, seeking the solace of the dark skies outside the dwelling. For some time now the druid has embraced the forms of animalmen to both strengthen himself against the dangers of the planes and to hide his true race against those who might be hunting him. Against the enslaving weeds, the adu'jas, who even now seek to entangle the whole of the Great Wheel in the grip of their vines.

Outside the druid sniffs the night air with his now massive bearlike nose. He then locates a small depression in one of Ecstasy's alleyways. With a harsh whisper and minor gesture of his large bearformed claws, Nexx calls upon nature to fulfill his need. Pure spring water begins to fill the depression until a small clear pool is formed.

The druid sits down near the pool in a meditative pose, looking much like the ursinal that some have mistaken him to be. The druid looks deeply into the water as it begins to stir. He must have knowledge of the weeds that would force his people into the mouth of the Abyss, he must know more about their plots and schemes, he must now see and the hear the adu'jas known as Trader of Goods . . .

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Pasha carefully picks up whatever the crow tossed onto the bed. She studies it intently, glancing to make sure her husband did not awaken.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Pasha:
The object is a metal nut threaded onto a bolt, with a leaf, a feather, and and a tooth attached with a length of sinew. A gust of air through the open window raises goosebumps on your arms, and Lucius gives a small whimper on the bed while still asleep.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Nexx:
The surface of the pool shimmers and coalesces into the image of an adu'ja with smooth green skin, large golden eyes, and white chromatomorphic petals. It stands with its feet buried in rich, black soil. You can see a wealth of vegetation around it, from bushes heavy with juicy berries to trees with huge trunks.
Nearby lounges Sharak, Trader-of-Goods' horrid ape animal companion. The creature looks glassy-eyed and docile, occasionally picking at the insects in its fur and nibbling on them. The sound of running water reaches your ears.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Pasha goes to the window and closes it quietly, then pulls the covers up around Lucius, and sits down to examine the strange item the crow left.

(Bardic Knowledge check to see if I know of any significance these items together would mean.))

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 11.
Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

'Pasha' wrote:
(Bardic Knowledge check to see if I know of any significance these items together would mean.))

((Sorry, you can't make any connection between them, except that the nut and bolt are manufactured, and the other items are natural.))

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Seeing that Trader of Goods is in his sleep cycle tempts Nexx to believe that the adu'jas is also on the Outlands. Knowing that he cannot shift the spell from the sleeping weed, the druid attempts to shift the vision to keep the plant on the very edge while he seeks to move his focus in a large circle around the adu'jas. He seeks the smallest clue, the smallest knowledge that will aid him in discerning the next move of the Masters.

Pasha's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

*Pasha puts it in a pocket and climbs into bed next to her husband, and tries to get some sleep...*

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Nexx:
You shift your sensor around Trader-of-Goods' position, looking at its surroundings from different angles. At the very edge of your vision you see a stream reflecting a reddish light, and what looks to be another adu'ja -- just the barest outline of the figure is discernible within a thick trunk. A haphazard pile of clothing and equipment lies at the base of the strange tree.

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

The druid examines the bits of clothing and equipment.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

For Nexx:
There's a white tunic typical for adu'ja attire, a gold scimitar, a pair of sandals, a couple pouches, and what looks like a wand or rod of twisted wood.

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx allows the pool to grow dark and returns to his rooms for the night.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Planehopping

Morning arrives with a knock on your doors and the offer of oatmeal with fresh applesauce in the common room downstairs. The events of yesterday have softened somewhat in your memory, but the harsh reality of what's ahead lurks on the horizon.

((Spellcasters, PM or email me your prepared spells for the day.))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

*stirs and realises she has slept with her fist wrapped tight around the purple stone, stowes it in her pack before answering the door then waking Sakor*

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor grunts and flops over at the sound of the knock and tries to go back to the blissful darkness of sleep when Elecia rouses him from his attempt.

“Good morning, Elecia.” Sakor rises and moves out of the way of the door, promptly rolling up his bedroll and tying it up before throwing it into his ever-present blue silken bag. Reaching for his iron plated belt, Sakor winces as he back complains with a series of pops from the wooden mattress.

Wrapping himself in his belt, Sakor sits down again, in the corner of the room, reaching into his bag of holding and removing the journal he was writing in last night. Opening the book up to a page near the middle, Sakor closes his eyes and begins his morning meditative prayer. Muttering in a variety of languages, switching as it suits him, the cleric relates the goings on of the day past and remarks upon what he has learned of himself and magic. The priest becomes quiet as he focuses on requesting his granted powers.

With a happy sigh and rising to his feet, the cleric retrieves his staff from the coiled mass near his bed, careful to not catch his fingers in the stiffening chain links. “Today, I try something new.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia watches Sakor with a slightly self-concious curiosity as he begins his meditattion but quickly feels like she is intruding on something too private to watch

"I'm going to head back to my room, make sure I've got everything," she mutters very quietly in fear of disturbring him, speaking only to be polite.

Elecia slips out and returns to her own room to gather her thoughts and belongings.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia heads downstairs to get some breakfast

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor seats himself at a table about the time Elecia arrives. Waving her over, Sakor remarks, “I hope the morning finds you well sorceress. I’m preparing a new trick that will make for easier travel through the planes.”

Sakor grins and coils his staff nearby and closes his eyes. Muttering in languages that span all the planes, Sakor’s whispered prayer blends different cadences and chords together into a cacophony of cants. Releasing the spell, Sakor blinks his eyes open and grins. “Step one is complete.” The cleric grins at Elecia, seeing how she likes his Auran.

((OOC: Sakor cast Tongues))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia ensures she has a large helping of oatmeal, hungry from the exertions of the previous day and takes the seat opposite Sakor. She smiles warmly at his words in Auran.

"You have a slight accent," she replies in kind. "Almost exotic sounding. But what good does it do you here?"

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor grins enigmatically and begins weaving his hands again. Energy quietly reverberates around the disciple of magic as he sonorously chants. Soon, his fingers begin weaving a skein of light and energy. The glow is brilliant white, as the threads of magic and energy form complex sigil and runes amid the tangled mass of arcane energy made divine through Sakor’s faith. Throwing the skein of energy around himself, the arcane disciple continues his canting.

The skein of energy flares and begins to pulse, matching Sakor’s own heart beat. As the chant continues, the skein slowly begins to bend light, reflecting the color of Sakor’s skin and clothing. The priest’s brow knits on concentration, as he slowly ties off the stray strands of energy. Once the last strand is tied off, Sakor stops chanting and lets out a heavy sigh with his eyes closed.

(( OOC: Sakor cast permanency on his tongues spell, paying the requisite 1,500 XP))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia watches Sakor's chanting with one eyebrow raised in curiosity. As he brings the spell to a close she goes back to eating her oatmeal and smiles as she mutters softly under her breath.
"Show off."

Nexx's picture
Joined: 2006-07-24
Game: Planehopping

Nexx stirs and begins his morning meditations. Afterwards he pronounces the mystic words which gird him further against the dangers of the planes.

The beastial druid then sets out in search of food for himself and his lupine companion.

"I wonder if Kothar has eaten anyone?"

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor grins and pries open his eyes. Pulling his hand into his sleeve, Sakor mops his brow and then attacks the oatmeal with vigor born of complex spell working.

Speaking with a half full mouth, Sakor remarks, “Showing off is one of my finer aspects, but when all are so fine… what can I do?” Winking outrageously, Sakor swallows his oatmeal and continues his breakfast.

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia rolls her eyes at Sakor's comment and greets Nexx as he comes down into the common room.

((There's nothing I want/need to be doing before we set out after Ori btw))

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

Elecia pushes the last of her oatmeal around in her bowl

"I was thinking... about what Pasha said yesterday... Do you think there's any way we can talk her out of it? I hate the idea of her going off without us. I know Lucius needs help and I think I can understand why she feels she needs to go with him..." She sighs heavily. "It just seems so dangerous."

Sakor's picture
Joined: 2006-07-15
Game: Planehopping

Sakor nods, having pushed away his bowl a while ago, the arcane disciple sat contentedly, contemplating silently.

“I don’t know. There was a treatise I read long ago, while I was completing my novitiate. It was by a wizard-sage in Lorem during the Talentine period. A rather long-winded old bag, he was very wise and this particular bit of writing was about the power Gersa granted wizards in the form of the wish spell. It was a trust Gersa placed in mortals, a trust in their wisdom. The one line that stuck me was quite profound.” Clearing his throat and furrowing his brow, the cleric continues, “A wish realized is a most dangerous thing.”

Sakor sighs, deflating, “I wish there was time to consider all the repercussions of such a wish as happened yesterday. I don’t fault Nexx for issuing it, I know that I would have issued the same thing were I able.”

Sakor looks up and faces Elecia, “Pasha has faced a great many tough decisions within the last two days. She had made the choice to take her own life - to write herself into the dead book. For a druidess and one so closely tied to the life and the natural world – making such a choice is heavy burden, one that will weigh upon here like platemail on a man drowning.”

“And there is Lucius, another weight pulling her into the inky depths. The woman has a great many decisions to make in the coming days and which ever decisions she makes, they have to be her own. Her scars are just a deep as Lucius’ and what she needs now are friends, not people trying to convince her of anything. So long as she knows we are here, that we will work with her come what may, that will we will pull her out of the waters of uncertainty should she but ask, I trust that she will be alright.”

Sakor reaches out and pats Elecia’s hand lightly and smiles, “Rest assured, I’ll do my best and I know you’ll do the same. That’s my business, knowing things after all.”

Elecia's picture
Joined: 2006-07-13
Game: Planehopping

"Sometimes you talk a great deal of sense, Sakor. You take a long time to say it perhaps." She smiles sadly. "I just hate the idea of Pasha leaving us. We'll be... diminished without her."

Elecia absently pushes her patmeal into a little circle in the bottom of the bowl and her smile becomes a wry grin.

"Besides, without her and Lucius around who'll keep us out of trouble?"

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