Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Perhaps not self control, perhaps simply control. Nonetheless, I will attempt to refrain from such... activity. I suppose if we're bound together for eternity, it would be more pleasant to be in harmony than cacophony...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

That I can agree with. Samael decides to let the conversation end there and start his search for the escaped prisoners once again. He starts by discreetly heading back towards the temple to check on the situation there from a sage distance. Beraszar, do you think you could help me find Firefly and the other prisoners? ... Please?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She's very close. I can sense it, though I cannot pinpoint her: she possibly has a low-level nondetection cast. I think she's following you...

You also know that Lord Beraszar does not know the location of the other prisoners- but you quickly recognize the elderly man at one side of the temple flanked by two Harmonium officers and facing one- presumably for questioning.

Glancing around, you do not see Firefly, though you do not doubt Beraszar's claim that she's near.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael starts searching the area as discreetly as possible for any sign of Firefly or any of the other prisoners. Using his ability to detect thoughts to full advantage.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

No sign of Firefly('s thoughts), but something else grabs your interest while detecting thoughts: the elderly man's thoughts are not his... they are being controlled by some external force... his report to the Harmonium is vindicating the Temple of holding/sacrificing prisoners, and describing the blast as a freak accident.

One of the Harmonium officers flanking him is also under a similar mind-control.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Aw great, Beraszar, can you sense this? The old man and that hardhead are bein' compulsed by the priests, I get the feeling that's gonna be bad for us later, but, Is there anything discreet you can do about it? I'll bet it's that priestess we met. She seemed pretty powerful, moreso than me but... Well you're a pit fiend aren't you.

Hoping that Beraszar can do something about the situation with the the old man, as he's fairly certain that he can't, Samael decides to attempt a search for the thoughts of either of the the young human women or the child. As even though he is not as familiar with them they should most likely stand out as being distressed.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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You know that the remaining captives were escorted to by another Harmonium Guard to the Barracks for questioning... you don't know how you know this... you must be reading someone's thoughts who knows this.

Firefly stands right behind you, invisible.

Unfortunately, for now, I can do nothing more than this (the locket grows very hot, then very cold in a quick instant before returning to normal temperature).

Perhaps you should let her know that you can see her, or perhaps it would be more amusing to pretend not to notice and see how long she follows you.

Normally I don't like being involved in trivial matters such as prisoners (according to the Baatezu, if you can take prisoners and not get caught, then it's lawful - also, baatezu have no qualms about hurting people), but because we're dealing with Tan'aari here, I take exception. I suggest you find that bitch (referring to the priestess) and eliminate her.

Anticipating your reaction, he adds:

Yes, yes, I know you're a Tan'aari, but i suspect only physically - you do not appear to have the collective madness, foolishness that engulfs their chaotic kind.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael glances behinds him but decides to that it would be entertaining, and quite possibly useful to not reveal to Firefly that he knows of her presence just yet. Certainly, if she thinks he's at her mercy it will be much easier to determine just how much he can trust her. He ponders for a moment making some snappy remark at Beraszar about Tannar'ri and Baatezu, but quickly dismisses it before anything further forms, he'd rather not get into that right now.

Now Beraszar, there is no need for such harsh words. I'm quite sure she's a lovely person once you get to know her, and I'm sure you realized that she's quite a bit more powerful than I am. I couldn't harm her, even if I was inclined to. Her lover really hampers my other strategies. She seems quite devoted to him. Perhaps we should try to find the other prisoners, they probably had a longer stay than Firefly, and they might have learned something durig that time that could help with our priestess problem.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: so, you want to go to the Barracks?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I guess so, I certainly can't see much else I can do to learn about my apparent enemies. Attacking that woman is certainly not an option that has much chance of me surviving it. The Harmonium are often less likely to kill on sight than an angry Abyssal priestess.

Still, I'll be careful to make sure Firefly continues following me.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Back towards the Triad District, quickly reach the Barracks. Forming a rough triad of law and order along with the Prison and the City Courts, and a stone’s throw from the rebuilt Armory, the utilitarian hulk of the City Barracks stands in The Lady’s Ward. The stark, many would say ugly, structure sits as a great square of heavy gray stone situated between the Boulevard of the Fist and Harmonium Street.

Your declarative memory still retains some history about the Barracks. You recall that during the heyday of the Harmonium the City Barracks was a constant and orderly place filled with the ubiquitous pounding of stiff, heavy boots on equally stiff and heavy stone. Four towers and four walls with a dull, slate tiled roof looking like some bland, apathetic artistic work of a petitioner of Hades, the lawful nature of the place tended to suck the more lively aspects from the blocks surrounding the building. The constant Harmonium patrols ensured that the least infraction of Sigil’s laws around the faction headquarters would not be overlooked, but rather be made an example of. After all, they were the Harmonium, and their might made right. But that was then, and times have changed.

The ground level of the Barracks comprised the public areas of the building as well as the massive central courtyard, itself used primarily for the training and drilling of Harmonium novitiates. The lower levels comprised auditoriums, classrooms, a mess hall for faction members, numerous training rooms, and the faction dormitories.

The second level of the Barracks held the officers’ quarters as well as the factol’s office and the residence of their family. Many of the faction records herein, including the bulk of the arrest records dating back over two hundred years, simply vanished during the period immediately after the Faction War. While the bulk was discovered strewn in the streets or for sale by knights of the post in the months later, the current location of a number of them, including a period comprising twenty years from the previous century have yet to be recovered.

Since the assassination of Factol Sarin during the Faction War, and the destruction of the Armory during which a great number of the Harmonium within Sigil died, the faction has picked up and mostly abandoned the City of Doors. The barracks has been reclaimed by the new City Guard, many of whom include former Harmonium members but with neither the stiff efficiency nor tough zeal of the former occupants. And to the same extent law and order in the city suffered for some time, and still does with the Minders guild and the Son’s of Mercy attempting, and mostly failing, in some ways to pick up where the Harmonium left off. Some would rejoice at this, others long for the days when the Hardheads wielded real power, but it’s unlikely they’ll return en masse in the near future.

OOC: In my game, I refer to them as Harmonium officers, because that's what they are (in essence and that is what they were formerly) - but officially (due to the Lady's decree), all of the investigators you just saw are members of the City Guard, and 'nothing more.'

Three medium-sized Harmonium officers are patrolling the immediate vicinity in the courtyard, circling around the structure periodically, and two larger ones (ogre-sized) stand immobile at the gigantic iron door, resembling menacing iron golems. The entire structure resembles a gloomy ruin - a shade of its former glory.

You know of no other way in (neither does Bereszar), but you can always suggest they let you in.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

After carefully making sure that Firefly is still nearby, Samael finds somewhere that he can discretely activate his ring and then carefully approaches the gate for a bit of reconnaissance. Best to learn what he can before he tries to anything. He watches the guards close up for a bit, hoping to gain some insight into anything that might help him get where he wants to go.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

From what he gathers, all of the guards are human, including the very large ones - magic must have been employed to make them that large. The two large ones know nothing of any questioning, but one of the three 'normal sized' ones patrolling knows of a portal on the side of the building. The key to the portal is to hum a well known children's song, and fall in backwards... you cannot scry his mind for where the portal will lead you, or if the place is guarded by magical traps/City Guard personnel. For all you know, you may end up in the middle of a hall infested with guards.

Risky at best - why don't you try mind control?

Comes Beraszar's suggestion.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs. A good idea, but compulsions wear off, and who knows what kind of defenses they have against such things, here. I want to try a more mundane approach first. That "said" he waits a bit longer in hopes of determining which if any of the guards would be most susceptible to his more natural abilities in persuasion.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

LOL, you keep shutting down Beraszar, put that Pit Fiend in it's place!

You can't confirm which guard is more susceptible to natural (or supernatural) abilities in persuasion, though from your thought detection and clandestine observation - you suspect that the guard who knows of the secret entrance is probably more experienced than the others. He has a certain swagger about his patrol that suggests he is in charge of the guards out here.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: No females? Sticking out tongue

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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haha, no, not here, i know, i know - so stereotypical... or perhaps not - maybe the females have the tougher job of guarding the holding cells!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael retreats to the same place he initially hid to deactivate his ring and tries to sense Firefly's thoughts again, curious as to just how confused he has made her. He tries to make certain that sight of him again as he leaves his hiding spot and quickly approaches the patrolling guards. Trying to look eager. "Excuse me bloods. I heard there was some trouble at the temple of the Abyss, that some prisoners or something escaped. Is there anything you can tell me about that?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Lord b: Are you daft?! Now you're just inviting trouble!

A built man that appears to be the captain responds .. warily. Not to mention tersely:

What of it?

The remaining guards seem to be sizing you up. Meanwhile, Firefly keeps her distance - not taking any chances with the Hardheads.

OOC: Hey how's it been? It's good to be back!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael does shis best to look suitably intimidated by the Hardhead's response. "I just... My lady disappeared a while ago, I thought she'd left me for that bard from... well you get the idea, but now I'm not so sure... I haven't heard anything of her, and I'd started to worry, and then this." He glances past the guard as if hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman he speaks of.

OOC: You're back! Life has been hollow and meaningless without you!

25 Bonus for Bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+25, the result is 36.
20 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 28.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Though you don't actually see it, you are sure the large guards at the periphery grin at your apparent intimidation.

Contrastingly, the captain continues in his gruff, down-to-business tone:

The Harmonium Investigative Corps are looking into the matter. We will release an informative public statement including the names of those involved in the incident once we have compiled enough evidence. As for now, I advise you to wait and let the investigators finish their task.

As he speaks, you manage to spot at least two other guards intermittently walking past the rear of the structure - most likely patrolling the backside so as to prevent unauthorized entry via the secret portal.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael looks distressed at the lack of assistance. "N-now see here, cutter. I just came a-all the way from the temple, and when I was there I was pretty sure that p-priestess, was doing something to the investigator. His face was all blanked out. Besides- If she was there that means they kidnapped her." He looks imploringly at each of the guards in turn.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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"Doing something?" Doing what?! Like I said earlier, citizen, allow the investigators to do their job, there's no need to worry- we shall get to to the bottom of this and justice will undoubtedly be enforced.

The captain replies, in typical Hardhead fashion. Judging from the tone of his voice, his patience is thinning.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael is careful to shudder appropriately as the captain raises his voice then quickly nods. "Y-yes of course cutter. S-sorry to bother you. I'll be leaving now, I- If it's not too much trouble, when can I expect them to be released sir?" He starts to back away even as he asks the question, ready to turn tale immediately if the captain makes any threatening gestures and head back for his hiding spot from before to shed his disguise and wait for Firefly to follow him.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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I am uncertain - it may take hours or months - an investigation runs the gamut. However, I suggest you file a Missing Entity Report at your local outpost.

(Without waiting for you to reply)

Good Day Citizen.

The profoundly helpful Captain turns away and resumes his patrol.

You notice that Firefly is still out of sight (well, not out of your sight).

The haze in the sky seems to have darkened considerably in the short time you conversed with the officer. You think it prudent to find a place to stay, though you are unsure where. (OOC: Incubi don't sleep, right? That's fun if you're into nighttime adventures) :twisted:
Anywhere but the Hive
Lord B adds.

Time is running short, and you haven't gotten much closer to finding Zakarius.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael now in his original human disguise that looks just like a human version of his normal self decides to wait for Firefly to approach him before revealing that he is in fact aware of her.

What's wrong with the Hive Beraszar? You're a cricket in a locket, it's not like anyone's gonna stick a chiv in your ribs then rob and/or rape your body. The worst that'll happen is that someone else'll wear you, and they probably won't be Tanar'ri. In any case, I've got a perfect spot. I've got a perfect spot to lay low if I feel like it. There are two lovely ladies wondering if I've been turned into zombie food. Still, I gotta wonder what Firefly is doing.

With that thought in mind, he concentrates on Firefly's thoughts, trying to determine her intentions for following him, and when she is near he speaks to her. "You alright?"

OOC: Incubi can pretend to sleep when it serves their purposes. Incidentally, I realized during your absence that we aren't exactly following the rules to the letter in this game... not that I mind. It's actually a bit more fun than the normal rules allow.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

It takes a minute for Firefly to fully comprehend that you see her. She first looks behind her because she thinks you're speaking to someone else.

Then she jumps!

WHa... how...

She quickly becomes visible..

How did ye do that?!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs most casually. "Who else would be following me? So, you alright?" He tries to examine her from a distance to see if she has any obvious injuries

OOC: So, how's your schedule now?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: freeee!!! and by that i mean until i get a summer job - though that will not affect regular posting seeing as how summer job doesnt involve massive amounts of hw/studying.. I don't have internet at home right now, but i make trips to the lab I research in just about every day; i guess the only thing that hinders is back to back posting for extended periods of time. Hopefully that will be resolved soon, and we can have some back-to-back marathons like we did back in winter break. Those were a LOT of fun

Yea, I'm fit - - Why were they after you?

you assume by "they" she means the Chosen Tracker. From detecting her thoughts you realize that she is still suspicious of you - not many cutters warrant the attention of those vile creatures- her thoughts also reveal something about their nature: they're constructed/animated by Dustmen factols. Presumably as lackeys to carry out tasks that a normal lackey would not be able to do.

Firefly's thoughts don't reveal that they are prohibited in Sigil (at least according to the Guvners and Hardheads), though it you presume that they would be.

Yes, that's why they were stationed in Undersigil - there must have been something of profound importance in that package for one to follow you out.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Indeed they were.

Samael shakes his head, "It wasn't me it was after if you were wondering. Some cross trading elf gave me a package and said to deliver it to her sister. Course I'm pretty sure now she isn't the tout she said she was. I'm not so sure her sister is real either. Oh well, whatever it was, it's gone now." He shrugs. "So how'd you end in a place like that?"

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Um, I woke up from a nap and now my right arm is hard to control and the muscles but not the skin is numb. I'm going to the ER but I figured I ought to warn you that I might be unable to post in the future... or at least only be able to poist with my left hand... :|


Okee, I'm back... I still can't control my right arm perfectly and my thumb is still numb, my elbow also has a a strange tendency to fold up if I let it... Doctor said I should just get some rest.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Ow - hope you are better!
Firefly takes a moment to absorb what you tell her. You can tell she's debating with herself whether she wants to tell you or not.

I got scragged the same way. I knew something was wrong - no cutter in their right mind would trust a stranger to deliver a package - I wanted to know the dark of it... I guess I shoulda had the worms t' figure out no cutter in their right mind would trust a stranger with a package either.

Two nights later at my patrol, they caught me in a yawn. I think it led them right to me.

She then looks confused for a second -

But why was that thing after your package? I think you got most stuck under the Lady's Shadow. No one else in the prison spilled that this happened.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Wait, you're saying that package was some kinda... thing to let them scry us?" Samael looks thoughtful for a moment then adds. "I've got no idea about that thing. I went down to the catacombs to do a job for this rich old lady, and it followed me out. So... When'd they scrag you? How long were you waiting around in there?"

The way she tells it makes it sound like we didn't just meet yesterday morn... Am I losing track of time, or is something wrong here?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Lord B, ever the cynic replies sarcastically: I don't know, mayhap she's just another friendly cutter who likes to share information without any motive.

I think it was a trap .. something they used to lop poor sods for sacrifices.

She looks up, as if contemplating her next move.

Where are ye headed to? Maybe I can walk with yeh.

Anywhere but a dark and isolated alley

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Two Hundred and Eighty Six years ago:
1194 DR – Year of the Uprising
City of Dis – Layer 2: Baator

“It confounds me how they lack foresight. That is the issue with the Lords- they aren’t groomed as true warriors, they’re bureaucrats.”

The dim light in the old room reflected the iniquitous mood. The General paced back and forth in her antediluvian mansion in the Southern Ward of the city. She was… a rarity. Part Celestial- part Baatezu, her mix was unheard of. Ironically, the salient features of her true form did not belie any facet of her ancestry. Her slender humanoid frame, olive skin, green eyes and light brown hair made her seem like some odd variety of elf. More surprising was her station – Deputy Commander of the Armies of Baator; taking orders from only Commander Instaxinus, and the Nine Lords themselves.

A true bellwether in her chosen field, she had, on multiple occasions, stunned opposing armies and her superiors alike with her sheer brilliance. Her meteoric ascension came as a shock, but no one was surprised. She did, however, attract envious attention from rivals who would have liked to see nothing but her demise.

She glanced over at her Gelugon Lieutenant – fully twice her height – towering at the other side of the room. How strange the sight must have been for the casual observer: the devilish monstrosity towering over a seemingly benign, lightly armored woman.

Bereszar, of course, knew better.

“Not everyone shares in your wisdom, your grace,” erupted his raspy voice, a weak consolation for the frustrated General. “If you decide to take action that has not been approved, know that I am loyal to the Nine Lords… But before that, I am loyal to you.” Unlike countless times before to other superiors, Beraszar wasn’t lying. Unlike so many ‘loyalties’ in Baator, this one was birthed by respect, not fear – though the respect was not out of sentiment, but selfishness. Beraszar believed that he would ascend to the rank of Pit Fiend most quickly under her, and not any other general, Instaxinus included.

“Homologating the complete withdrawl of troops from the Gray Waste! Everything I have worked for during the last seven years will be undone by the enemy, I am certain!” She tried keeping her voice even, but it was quivering with irritation.

The influence she had exerted on that plane was decided to be “superfluous” by the Nine Lords’ Council. They had decided that it would be a better tactical maneuver to move two of the three regiments from there to the Outlands, and the remaining one to Archeron.

Bereszar sensed that this decision was more political than strategic – the Nine Lords would never allow one of tainted blood to ascend to the position of Commander of the Armies of Baator (as she was well capable of). This was their way of putting her in her place. Of course there had been assassination attempts (likely puppeted by rival generals), though as of now she was either too powerful or too clever to be killed. Though certainly not oblivious to the discrimination, she dismissed her heritage as a factor in the Nine Lord’s decision,. Bereszar was not so sure about that.

He, however, held no such prejudice. Despite her tainted blood, and slight disfavor with some of the Nine, she was still the most powerful general in Baator. There was a certain air about her that bought out the best in others. Something that dispelled… at least momentarily.. the inveterate webs of intrigue that preoccupied every other Baatezu general. She unified the troops and generals in a coordinated way such that they would be the most effective fighting machine in the multiverse – unvitiated by (what was in her opinion) petty positioning. Beraszar believed this was the key to her success – her charisma.

She now stared at the towering Gelugon with her strong green eyes – eyes that captured the full attention of any who gazed therein. “Beraszar – you are to go before the Nine and plea on my behalf as a tactical expert. You must try to convince them to let the regiments remain. I will not compromise our lynchpin position in the Gray Waste – it is pivotal." Her voice was less irritated and more determined now.

“Your word is my command your grace.”

With that, Lieutenant Beraszar teleported out of the room. Several more audiences with the Nine Lords, and his ascension would be inevitable.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Did Samael just see that? :shock: What happened to my post?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Oh no, post as usual, that was just background filler. Stuff that you know but Samael doesn't (but perhaps will come to learn one day) Just another layer to add to the story...sorry for the randomness Laughing out loud

In the future, I'll keep such narratives in the OOC to avoid confusion

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: That's bizarre. I could have sworn I had made a post already... Hm.

Samael sighs and glances back at the Guard HQ. "Well, I'd hoped to get in there to talk to the other prisoners, but I guess I'll just have to hope the hardheads can protect them from the Abyssal Cult themselves. I've already spent more time than I should have on this. I don't regret it, but now it'll just be that much harder to stay on schedule." He looks back at Firefly. "I'm heading back to The Lady's Ward. If you wanna walk with me I wouldn't mind the company."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Aye, on we are then!

One of me bloods, Ciash, knows a lot of darks, maybe he can help us think about our next step...

She pauses abruptly, realizing she used the word 'us'

Tell me about yerself cutter, I wanna learn ye.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Well..." Samael gazes at the Genasi woman thoughtfully. "Well, I'm looking for someone to be honest. Sorry but don't think I should tell you more just yet. I think I've already met Ciash. A lass named Violet suggested I visit him and I've got to meet him tomorrow morn. Come to think of it, there are a couple people I need to talk to. Come on. I want to get back before we make kip. Anything you want to tell me about yourself?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Firefly recounts her odd past. Born in Sigil as an orphan and raised by a Cipher monk, she naturally gravitated towards the Transcendent Order (though you figure that she still needs to work on feeling the cadence of the Planes, seeing as how her intuition got her stuck in the Temple prison. Although… perhaps it may eventually be more beneficial to her, seeing as how it bought her to you… then again perhaps not). Once her adoptive parent died she continued to develop her abilities as a Monk, and to earn money on the side, offered herself as a mercenary for the Planarium. She has an avid fascination with fire, and ‘plays’ with it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Needless to say, her natural resistance to fire make her more akin to using kamikaze-style attacks as she did in the prison.

You note that she is hesitant to reveal much more than she already has, as you would expect. She now turns the focus on you and waits expectantly


1) if you decide to travel together with Firefly in the foreseeable future, I will have a character sheet up soon. If not, no worries, I do not want to thrust party members upon Samael. There will be plenty more potential allies to come. Just so you know – she is a low-level Monk.
2) Just let me know where you’re headed.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I planned to return to The Lady's Ward to join up with Tranchita since I suggested she wait with Violet while I do my dangerous quest thing. Course finding her may be a pain since she and Violet probably aren't going to wait around for me. Still, I'll head back to Violet's corner for now and see if anyone is around I'm perfectly happy to have Firefly travel with me for now. From Samael's perspective she's fairly pleasant, and sort of interesting. It doesn't hurt though that she's handy in a fight and owes him her life. She's also got the added benefit of being a monk, so she can knock enemies unconscious just as easily as she can kill them should that be necessary.

Samael listens patiently to Firefly's story until she finishes. "Well I guess you're going to miss work tonight anyway so why don't you come with me. I thought I would walk past the temple of the Abyss again and see if they've cleared things up then go to meet a friend. I guess they won't be having their ceremony tonight with no one to murder..." He sighs in mock disappointment. "I don't suppose that priestess will ever forgive me. A real shame..." Samael actually does seem disappointed this time. "You know... she seemed really surprised to see me... I wonder... Well, whatever it was it's over now. I'll just be glad that it let me save three lovely young ladies, from a pointless death." Samael seems to finally realize he is rambling and decides to start walking while he talks. "So, how'd you become invisible like that?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Firefly gives you a coy, knowing smile....

Not so fast rounder, yer getting me t' spill the dark, you tell me 'bout yerself first!

It is approximately two hours descending (before antipeak) - As you continue along the Lady's Ward, the flow of Sigilians halts to a paltry trickle. There are now more guards along the street than there are civilians. You finally arrive at Violet's corner only to find it empty. neither of the two ladies are to be found, presumably retired for the night. You quickly dismiss looking for their kip as an inefficient waste of time - you would just be better off returning in the morning and asking them.

Beraszar has been uncharacteristically quiet for the last hour.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael sighs, glancing up at the lights of the buildings overhead. "There's not much to tell. Some blood apparently pulled me from the Styx and now I gotta work for him. It's not so bad, though I don't know if I'd still be saying if I failed to complete his job on time. You think Ciash can be trusted to find who I'm looking for?"

Samael suppresses any thoughts of Beraszar for now and enjoys the quiet in his head.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I dunno - I think Ciash'd be a good place to start.

Referring to your other question, she holds out an empty flask and grins - indicating that she makes good use of invisibility potions.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Well, it's still too early to meet him, what do you think we oughta do while we wait? I'm not tired. Too bad he has to bang around in such a nice part of town. If there were The Hive we could get into all sorts of adventures."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Let's go t' my kip in the Guildhall Ward, I'm hungry!

Without waiting for you to respond, she grabs your hand, and tugs you along to the side of an unmarked house nearby. She pauses for a while, thinking about something you cannot exactly discern, then pulls you in with her. You are once again surprised by how strong she is for someone with a lean frame.

You exit onto Redwind Road. Places of interest in the immediate vicinity include the Dark House of Divination, the local Harmonium Garrison and the Other Place Spa. No beings of note save a Bariaur who stands guard outside the Dark House of Divination. It is very dark, and you're sure that you would have great trouble seeing were it not for your Tan'aari vision. The only sources of light include the occasional house light sprinkled along the street (as well as above) and the intriguing glow from the Great Gymnasium a few blocks away.

Firefly, still holding on to your hand, pulls you a short way along, then stops at an unmarked door. Removing a copper key from her sash, she seems to be ready to unlock the door, though instead, a portal opens up (you get the feeling she really knows how to portal-hop) and tugs you in.

Her kip is more upscale than you anticipated (at least judging by the unremarkable door on the outside. It is divided into five chambers - imagine a circle divided up into four quarters, and then with an extra concentric circle in the middle to make up the center room. A large fire of magical origin dominates the center room. You quickly note that the two of the other rooms are bedrooms, and the other is the kitchen. The last room is locked. The ornate furnishings favor bright, warm colors though, oddly enough, make the place seem extremely peaceful. Circular wooden chairs are placed around the fire, and she seats you while making her way to the kitchen.

I hope ye like gronk stew!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Let's go t' my kip in the Guildhall Ward, I'm hungry!

Without waiting for you to respond, she grabs your hand, and tugs you along to the side of an unmarked house nearby. She pauses for a while, thinking about something you cannot exactly discern, then pulls you in with her. You are once again surprised by how strong she is for someone with a lean frame.

You exit onto Redwind Road. Places of interest in the immediate vicinity include the Dark House of Divination, the local Harmonium Garrison and the Other Place Spa. No beings of note save a Bariaur who stands guard outside the Dark House of Divination. It is very dark, and you're sure that you would have great trouble seeing were it not for your Tan'aari vision. The only sources of light include the occasional house light sprinkled along the street (as well as above) and the intriguing glow from the Great Gymnasium a few blocks away.

Firefly, still holding on to your hand, pulls you a short way along, then stops at an unmarked door. Removing a copper key from her sash, she seems to be ready to unlock the door, though instead, a portal opens up (you get the feeling she really knows how to portal-hop) and tugs you in.

Her kip is more upscale than you anticipated (at least judging by the unremarkable door on the outside. It is divided into five chambers - imagine a circle divided up into four quarters, and then with an extra concentric circle in the middle to make up the center room. A large fire of magical origin dominates the center room. You quickly note that the two of the other rooms are bedrooms, and the other is the kitchen. The last room is locked. The ornate furnishings favor bright, warm colors though, oddly enough, make the place seem extremely peaceful. Circular wooden chairs are placed around the fire, and she seats you while making her way to the kitchen.

I hope ye like gronk stew!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael looks around the strange home bewilderedly. "You've got a nice case here... Kinda... circular, but really nice." He looks around at the furnishings of the particular room he's in. "Does someone else make kip here too?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Yea - me blood Nala. But she's away in Elysium fer the next fortnight. Firefly describes how Nala is also a Fire Genasi like her, and happens to be a Factotum in the TO.

As you get your bearings in the home, you notice for the first time that there is a 360' window strip about 3 feet wide wrapped around the whole place - allowing one to see everything in the immediate surroundings. You are quite sure that the windows are one-way - Noticing you noticing: It's one way - cutters on the outside can't see inside.

The view of the Cage is spectacular from this place (though you can't fully enjoy it from the insulated, windowless center room- the windows are only in the peripheral quarter-rooms). You begin to wonder how Firefly can afford this place as a simple guard - or perhaps Nala helped.

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