Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The Tout scrunches her nose in confusion. That IS very odd Sir - us Touts in the Cage have a pact with the Runner's Guild - free deliveries. It is unthinkable that a Tout would ask you to deliver something when she could have it done for free... did you know this Tout personally? And if not, are you sure she was an official Tout?

In most wards, perhaps excluding the Hive, you must be officially registered to be a Tout. That especially includes the richer wards where the law is enforced - like the Lady's and Clerk's - where you met Talia.

Besides you, Tranchita quickly returns her attention to the tout.. .Neh.. neh.. just lookin' around.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Oh pike it, she coulda warned me not to ask any other touts about this... Samael shrugs, not letting his inner monologue affect his outer calm. "Well, I guess not. I dunno, I guess that explains why she was willing to have me deliver something for her instead o' takin coin. I just assumed she was a Tout. Guess she was just being helpful. Well, thank ye."

He hands her another ten jink for the question.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Thank you Sir! May the Lady's Shadow pass you by!

You are left with more questions after talking to this tout.

Because you are strapped for jink - and you only asked 2 questions - you can edit your post above and keep the 10 jink above.. .think of it as a New Year's Gift!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Same to you."

"Well, that was ... interesting."
Samael glances at the woman Tranchita was looking at. "Well hey, ye wanna go over and wigwag with her a bit? Maybe you could exchange tips or something." He chuckles and shrugs. Without waiting for Tranchita's answer he starts walking over to her.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Um.. ok?! Tranchita seems surprised.

You approach this scantily dressed woman. A beautiful aroma emanates from her lithe body. She gives you a warm smile as you draw near.

Well, good day to you cutter!
Her melodic, disarming voice could disinhibit a gehrehleth.

OOC: Not necessarily an important character, just visualization.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Detect Thoughts.

"Good day you you as well..." Samael pulls one of his signature winning smiles. ( Sticking out tongue ) "At least I hope you are having a good day. I saw a lovely lady standing alone on this street corner and it made me wonder, perhaps she could spare some time for a humble sort like myself?"

20 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 37.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She finds you attractive

Why I most certainly can Sir! Please, don't humble thyself before me! Instead.. ask me how I may serve you.

She gives you a coy grin.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Well, my friend here wanted to discuss your techniques, actually. She's in the same type of work you see? Only, not quite so fortunate as yourself, and I thought that perhaps the two of you might find it mutually beneficial. Folk are always in search of something different after all."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Are you interested in a threesome? she asks, apparently unsure about what exactly you're getting at.

She then smiles, for the right price, sir, I'll be happy to be involved in any kind of recreation!

Thoughts: she's very interested in a threesome - but unsure of what exactly you mean by "something different" though she certainly hopes it's a threesome.

OOC: wow, this may be the first PBP game where someone discusses having a threesome with a harlot. In no way do I mean to be condescending, but I hope you're over 18, because this game just became rated M

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Lol, yes I'm over 18 but no I wasn't suggesting a threesome. I was actually being completely literal when I suggested they talk to each other. Oh well, whatever. Laughing out loud

Samael chuckles, and smiles good naturedly at the woman's reply. "While I certainly would appreciate such a thing, I doubt that either of us could afford your rates, lass. I'm afraid I was referring to a simple discussion of techniques between two professionals you and my friend, Tranchita. It's always good to expand one's skill set isn't it?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Um.. very well then, I suppose I have a few moments.. My name's Violet, by the way. She throws a mischievous look towards Tranchita.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael give her a quick bow. "An inexpressible pleasure, I am called Samael." He then straightens and looks to Tranchita.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Tranchita is nervous, but excited. name's Tranchita....

It soon occurs to you that these two are kindred spirits.. aside from the somewhat awkward introductions - they both hit it off quite nicely. They speak each other's language (of love, that is), and seem to absorb the other's tips and techniques quite well. For example, Tranchita teaches Violet how to maximize a bariaur's pleasure, whereas Violet discusses tips on how to get more money out of bargaining. In addition, they discuss various positions that you didn't imagine were feasible.

When it's all over, you are quite enamored by the two, and they seem to be excited as well. They are also thankful for such a refreshing opportunity.

And yes, reading their minds, you quickly discover that they are both interested in a threesome with you... Violet may not even charge - if you can 'persuade' her.
OOC: dinner out, be back in 90min

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"It's good to see that you two are getting along off so well." Samael says to Tranchita when she has time to speak with him again. "Though I still think you should try out acting. You've got a real talent for it lass. If not, well... The two of you seem like you could make an irresistible duo." He smiles at Violet. Speaking to her next. "If it's not too much to ask, lass. I need to find someone to deliver something to. Her name's Tara, she's an elf about this high. You wouldn't happen to know her would ye?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

No, I'm afraid not, however, if I do across an elf Tara I'll let her know Samael was looking for her.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Alright, well, do you know anyone named Zakarius? I'm looking for Tara to help me find him. I think he's a member o' the sinke-" Samael cuts himself off and glances at Tranchita. "The Armorer's Guild."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Again, Violet draws a blank.. Well, if you're looking for someone, why don't you check up with my friend Ciash- he usually haunts the area near Vlrc's Clocktower. Tell him Violet sent you, and I think he'll be happy to help!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"My thanks once again. You've been very helpful. I'll return the favor if you ever need something. Just ask."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Take care bloods, May the Lady's Shadow pass you bye!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"And you, lass." Samael says, and then heads for the location she mentioned to look for this Ciash fellow.

OOC: It seems like there's gotta be a theater around here somewhere but I didn't see one in the venues list.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

In approaching the Clocktower, you pass by the boundary of the Nobles District and the Triad District.

The Nobles District is so named for the prevalence of the richest of the rich of Sigil who call the district home: a concentration of jink and power to make a power of wealth blink. The district itself is bounded more or less within the ranges of Portal Close, Harmonium Street, and Lords’ Row, give or take a block or two.

Sitting on large tracts of land, the so-called High Houses of Sigil sprawl out within their fenced in compounds, separated from the grime and trudge of Sigil’s residents. In fact, some of the houses are so set apart that the residents could die within and it likely wouldn’t be discovered for years if they had already paid their guards and servants.

The more noted residents of the ward, those who can be called genuine golden lords and not just underground power brokers, include: Zadara the Titan, Jeremo the Natterer of the Ring-Givers, Wei Minh Lee the Proxy of Shou-Hsing and dealer in potions of longevity, High Priest of Puchan the self-titled Lord of Wealth, Duprak Jarneesh, Timmon d’Arlen of the d’Arlen family, and the planar arms merchant Spiral Hal’Oight. In fact, with their waxing importance in Sigil, the first two of this list shall be detailed further in this volume. Of course, those underground power brokers and royalty of the cross trade can have as much, or more, power than the true Golden Lords.

Situated near the Triad District, and forming the defining boundary between it and the Nobles District, sits the Palace of the Jester. The palace stands as the single largest structure in all of Sigil, its courtyards and the palace itself covering an area as large as any other three structures in the City of Doors combined. The alternate name for the Palace is the Court of Pain, and the entire sprawling structure serves as a neutral meeting ground for the intrigues and plotting of the various high houses and nobles from the district and even across Sigil.

Besides its immense size, the palace is likely the oldest surviving structure in all of Sigil as well. As far back as records go, the Palace of the Jester has been there in The Lady’s Ward, predating even the City Courts it lies adjacent from, and the Singing Fountain that separates the two edifices. The reason for the structure’s name, which it has always been called, has been lost to the passage of time, and even the purpose of the massive palace is forgotten. What is remarkable, however, is that the palace, for its size and grandeur, has sat for many years nearly vacant, with only the grounds surrounding the palace serving any real public function as a meeting ground for the prestigious and wealthy within cager high society. Inside the palace is mostly deserted, a confusing tangle of mazelike passages, chambers and galleries that fill the palace to the tips of its bladed spires and descend down to the ancient vaults and tunnels below street level. No known map of the interior exists, and so visitors are advised to limit the extent of their wanderings to the inhabited portions of the halls. The further down into the palace the stranger the architecture becomes. The lower levels appear as if they were designed by a genius or a madman, with a similarity that some have compared to the odd architecture of Harbinger House, the former Godsmen Asylum of equally unknown past history. Passages dead end, stairwells ascend to ceilings, windows open up to blank walls far below ground level, and chambers may be sealed shut from all sides but one while a maze of hidden passages winds through it all, filled with the dust of centuries. Oddly enough, the dabus themselves seem peery about the palace, and those seen wandering its halls (having ascended from below?) are often described as acting…nervous…almost as if they’re being observed. One must wonder what could disturb the dabus so within their own city?

In recent history, the Palace of the Jester has been the residence of Jeremo the Natterer and the Ring-Givers. Jeremo has been called the Lady’s Jester, and speculation is abundant that the lord of the Palace of the Jester simply has taken the name out of irony for his home, and his own quixotic attitude. Others have suggested that the title is somehow linked to the palace itself, a hereditary moniker linked to whoever owns the palace. That in itself raises questions about the original purpose of the palace if that bit of dark holds true.

The Clocktower appears to a unique, though not-as-significant structure by the Palace of the Jester. As Violet had described - a young tiefling in dark armor stands near the Clocktower's entrance, seemingly at home with the Harmonium guards there - that must be Ciash.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael approaches the Tiefling, and asks in a neutral tone, "Hello, cutter, you Ciash?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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The goat-horned redhead looks surprised and wary...

Yea, that's me, who're you?!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"I'm Samael. Violet said you might be able to help me find someone. Two people actually. I'm looking for an elven woman named Tara who may be claiming to be a Tout. She's short, and she's probably pale with green eyes, and dark hair, like her sister. She was supposed to help me find a guy named Zakarius who I think may be a si- A member of the armorer's guild. He's probably a bit shady."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Oh! Violet! Well, if you see her next time, tell her I said I'm coming over her kip t' finally see her! Aright - I'm gonna do some research an' get back to you, but uh... could you gimme something to hold on to (eg. money). I gotta make a living!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Detect thoughts on Ciash.

"I'll tell her." Samael reaches into his shirt. "I don't have too much jink. How's fifteen sound?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He hesitates - Twenty and it's a deal

He's giving you a greatly reduced price than he usually does, but only because you mentioned Violet.

OOC: I don't know what time zone you're in, but here we just rang in the new year!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WOOOOO!!!!!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I'm in Hawaii time. That's five hours behind you. Anyway, happy new year. Did you watch the balls drop? Whahaha, I've been waiting to make that joke for several minutes, sorry.

"Deal." Samael retrieves the cash and hands it to him. "And now, I'm broke again... that figures. Ye wouldn't happen to know of any acting troupes or theaters in the area would you?" he asks, glancing at Tranchita.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He laughs -- don't ye worry cutter, I'm good at what I do, and I'll find out where you can find these cagers. Acting troupes ... I dunno - as far as I know there are a couple areas for those - the Festhall (Clerk's) and the Gatehouse.

Laughing out loud yeah, the ball dropped and everyone had a good time!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"I'm sure." Says Samael ambiguously. "So when and where should we meet again?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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This here's my office (he points to the area around the clocktower). Give me until tommorrow morning - about 7 hours after antipeak.... deal?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Sounds good. I'll see you again tomorrow then." Samael turns to leave. With nothing better to do now he may as well head back and deliver Ciash's message to Violet. Then maybe he'll see what's to be seen in The Lady's Ward.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Violet is surprised to see you so soon, but thankful for delivering the message.

Off you are exploring the odd locale. Strapped for money, you two are quickly hit by an offer you find hard to refuse. An toothless old hag (human) walks back and forth on Bloodgem Road (loitering is not allowed - though guards and some people like Caish can clearly get away with this). She grabs your attention by pulling on your arm as you pass by.

Excuse me kind cutter. Erimgauq's my name
(her long-whitened hair falls wildly over her face, and she pauses to push it back). I was wondering if ye could hold me belt for a while.* I've got a load of jink to boot, but I'm jus an old lady and can't do it miself.

* A term meaning- "to help me out"

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael gives the old woman a quizzical look. "Well you certainly know how to get me to park my ears. What is it you need and I'll see if I can help."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Ye see cutter, me husband died about a month ago an' was 'sposed to be buried in the gardens 'round the Temple District. In his life, he was tricked by a Guvner to sign a contract that'd put him down there* in the ol' catacombs. Now I can't go visit me love's grave when my heart's heavy. I need you to go to his tomb, and put this where he lies (she pulls out a golden armband - you realize immediately that this will allow her to speak with her husband's spirit from anywhere within the city). Open his coffin, an' just put it on 'im.

Now gettin' t' his coffin's the easy part, gettin out is what' an ol' lass like miself can't handle. There's musties and shamblers down there, an only real bashers an' tinmen can go down there without being thrown to the clocks. Those catacombs is tickled* right up to every brick! See, I know the dark about the portals- one opens right next to his body -but gettin' out of there is a real thorn- the next portal out'z about a slaadi's walk*... please tell me if ye can do it or not. Trust me, I a'int gonna split the bean on this one*.

down there- Undersigil
tickled- laced with magic - usually conjuration or abjuration
split the bean - to be miserly
slaadi's walk- an unnecessarily long distance

Dire Lemon's picture
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Game: Incubus (Solo)

"I see... So you want me to enter this portal, and then you'll be waitin with a reward if I make it back?" Samael asks her slightly incredulously. "Just how far is it to the next portal?"

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Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She gives you the instructions -

The initial portal that will land you next to her husband's (Malik's) tomb is adjacent on the left side to the temple of the Abyss. You are to cut yourself on the left index finger with an enchanted weapon, hold up your left arm at a 45 and let 4 drops of blood drip onto your forehead while wishing to die. That will open the entry portal and transport you to Malik's tomb. You are to say a command word (Kalaaahtcka!) 3 times in succession, and the coffin will open. Place the armband on either arm, remove her husband's Signet Ring (with a silver dragon emblem) and say the command word once (which will close the coffin).

Now it get's tricky. The only way back (that she knows of) is walking across a heavily ticklish* antechamber. Expect to encounter any kind of undead - your best bet would be to somehow become invisible, or move very fast (preferably both). On the other side will be a stone wall that's been clawed heavily by wights. You will touch the wall, close your eyes, and truly wish to remain down there forever. The portal will then open and take you back near the temple of the Abyss.

She'll be around Bloodgem road - you will return with her husband's Signet Ring as evidence of your success, as well as for the fact that she needs it in order to communicate via the armband.

off to bed, happy new year!!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael remains completely silent for several seconds after the woman finishes speaking. Trying to think of an appropriate response to such on outrageous request. Of course, he does need jink, and bad. And it's not like he can't see some value in heading down to a catacomb. There could be some valueble items burried with the dead. I wonder how many grave robbers have been down there? He shrugs. "I guess I can do it. Depends on how much you can pay me. I'm in need of jink, but I'd rather live to spend it, so if it's not a lot then there's not much point in risking it is there?"

OOC: Same to you. Except for the new year part, at least for me. And the going to bed part. But be happy.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

2,000? If ye've got the spine, ye can loot whatever ye find down there as well - jus' as long as it's not me husband.

Ye should go soon - Erimgauq doesn't like haunting these streets near antipeak. Even as she says this, you notice that the sky begins to turn a dull, misty orange (a Sigilian 'sunset' if there ever was one). Some of the street lights on the shops and homes bounce their fiery glow off the untrusting cobblestones.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Well... I could definitely use the jink... I'll do it. By the way, I'm Samael. Might I ask your name?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Aye, me name's Erimgauq!

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Ah, got it. Well I guess I'll see you later then. With that ring." Finally, he turns to Tranchita.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She looks right at you, and is firm in her words:

Listen here blood - It's great bein' with you an' all, but I'm not goin' under even if I had ten tinmen at my side.

She gives you a hug - I'll be waitin' up ere'

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael smiles. "And here I was just about to insist you stay up here. Well I'm glad that's settled. Why don't ye go visit Violet again. I'm sure you two can find something to do."

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Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Right then, I'm off... she starts away, but then looks back

I wish I could give ye something that could help down there, bu' I don' have nothin...

She comes back and gives you another hug, then leaves.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"I'll come right over when I get back." Samael watches her as she walks away, feeling a bit disappointed for some reason. He shrugs, If she did come I'd have to protect her, and I doubt I could protect both of us at once, especially since she's got no way of becoming invisible. After a moment he shakes his head, and starts to walk off towards the location of the portal.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Soon enough, you reach the ostentatious temple of the Abyss constructed of black stone and silver blades. Typically festooned with the previous nights sacrificial victims, the temple is only tolerated by many of the ward simply because of the number of nobles who’ve done business therein. It has a reputation of solving problems one way or another.

No one in particular notices you as you walk over to the side of the Temple where the portal opens.

OOC: keep in mind that although you do know how to activate your innate racial abilities - do do not know about your abilities as a beguiler.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Will do. Are any of the sacrifices still alive by now?

Samael looks around to see how many beings are in the area, and looks up at the sacrifices with distaste. Somehow, it seems normal, yet at the same time despicable. A pointlessly cruel religious custom. He wonders what the heck happened to him, supposedly a demon himself, that would make him disapprove of such things.

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OOC: not any in sight, but the blades on top are still slowly dripping with thick red liquid.

Dire Lemon's picture
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Shaking his head in both disgust and confusion, he moves on to the left side of the temple. Now how am I supposed to truly wish for death.

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