Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She gives you a resigned, scared look. Without having to read her mind, you know that she wants to lose the jink, but keep her life.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael glares at the tall man as he reaches into his shirt and counts ten gold coins from his 'new' coin purse. "Here, is this enough to pass?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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AHhahaha! Boys, we have a Joker in our hands!

The unusually large man gives an unusually squeaky laugh. His mirthful face, with frightening speed, becomes very sullen.

No seriously, how much do ye have?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"I've got thirty, if you take the ten and let us cross I won't warn everyone not to come this way."

25 Bonus for Bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+25, the result is 32.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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That's ok berk - I'll take the thirty and let you warn the others - only clueless sods come this way t' begin with!

Dire Lemon's picture
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Samael puts the coins away and closes his eyes for a moment as he tries to calm himself. When he opens them again, he looks back at Tranchita and whispers to her "When I say 'now', run past this Berk." He looks right at the tall man and looks him right in the eyes.

"Do not allow any to hinder us." he says, in a commanding tone to the tall man.

OOC: Suggestion.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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The man looks confused for a while, then stands back and allows you to pass.

One of the three behind you shouts HEY!.

Tranchita starts to run

1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 14.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"N-" Samael cuts himself off as Tranchita takes the initiative, then runs after her.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The chase is close, but eventually, the thugs drop the chase when they realize that they are in a relatively authority-filled area of the Lower Ward - and wish not to further attract attention to themselves.

You are now in the Shattered Temple District.

Where you are - at the edge of the Lower Ward, situated close to the Hive and adjacent to the Ditch, stands the Shattered Temple District, so named for the former faction hall of the Athar and former cathedral of Aoskar. Twice now it appears Her Serenity has disposed of the residents of the district, most recently the Athar, but also, uncounted
centuries ago, the clergy of Aoskar and the power of portals himself in a mere seconds long massacre of screams and blades amid Her flickering shadow…

The obliteration of the temple of Aoskar and the surrounding blocks in all directions gave the district a reputation as cursed and haunted, blighted by Her Serenity. As such, the district, aside from the former Athar occupation, was never redeveloped in following centuries. However, along the circumference of the district’s edges a hearty number of boarding houses, inns, and shops sprung up to service the Lost and those seeking out the district for its resident faction or simply the legends surrounding it. These businesses yet survive, but time will tell if they can survive with the Athar banished from the Cage.

More activity has come to the district in the past year as Friar Muriov Garianis, of the Garianis family, has claimed the Shattered Temple grounds as his own and publicly stated his intent to demolish the structure and build a grand temple to his own power, Hades.

The streets are virtually empty, with a few Guards (apparently unofficial - not of the Hardheads, nor the Sodkillers) roaming around once in a short while.

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d10+4, the result is 13.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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It's a few hours after peak, and it appears you'll reach the Lady's Ward only a few hours before antipeak (assuming you continue traveling without a prolonged pause).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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What you know about the Shattered Temple:

Currently a flurry of activity in the ward surrounds the former Athar citadel, formerly the grand cathedral of the deity of planewalkers, portals, and opportunity known as Aoskar. After the mazing of Factol Terrance of the Athar, the majority of the Lost fled Sigil and now find themselves camped at the only other place of sanctuary in the multiverse from the wrath of the powers they railed against for so long: the base of the Spire in the Outlands. A few of the Athar remained, however, and work to inform their brethren in the Outlands of the events in Sigil as they attempt to regain control of their former headquarters in the City of Doors.

The Shattered Temple appears from the exterior as a broken and barely standing sanctuary of crumbling stone, ancient and fallen from the beauty it once held. Its stone arches and spires may once have reached up to the sky, but now reach up barely a few stories and end at broken or severed ends. Nevertheless, even in its state of apparent decay the place is still evocative of faded glory.

Surrounding the Shattered Temple is a wasteland of abandoned buildings that appear much like the level of destruction present in the Slags further towards the Hive, across the Ditch that flows within sight of the Temple. Whatever force destroyed the surrounding blocks did so utterly, and as legend goes, did so in the space of seconds. The ruins have always been considered cursed or unhealthy and were mostly abandoned, much to the delight of the Athar who enjoyed the respite from their enemies among the faithful and their clergies within Sigil.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael turns to Tranchita as they realize that they no longer need to run. "Well, that was somethin else, wasn' it?" he says, grinning at her. "Well, now where too? Let's see the map... Do ye want to make any stops along the way or shall we go on through?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Still panting for breath I jus wanna git outta here- wait... wher'r we spendin' the night - I don't think we can jus walk back t' the Gatehouse... especially not back THAT way..

She gives you a curious look:

D'ya know any darks about the Shattered Temple?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Do I?

Trias's picture
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not besides what I just told you, and that's basic knowledge.

To add to your current knowledge of the Broken Citadel (while still making good speed towards the Lady's Ward) Tranchita spends the next half hour explaining to you what she knows about it.

Assuming Tranchita is an accurate source, you come to learn that within, the temple is anything but shattered, and multiple wardings support the exterior stone and grant it strength beyond what it may have possessed originally. The interior is splendid, if cramped, and the Athar utilized the former gallery and rectories as scribing chambers for producing the tracts and leaflets they used to attempt to undermine the faith of the inhabitants of the Cage in the powers they deemed false and unworthy of both worship and the title of divine.

The layout of the temple is of a main sanctuary, ensconced with the crumbled listing buttresses at the center of four great terraces in the cardinal directions, and the old temple wings to the aft of the main entrance downwards from the sanctuary, each flanking left and right and used as refectory and scriptorium by the former faction.

Beyond the old temple wings, at the center of the ruins, lays the former grand sanctuary of Aoskar, now barren but for a crumbled husk that was once the great Tree of the Athar, the Bois Verdurous, and perhaps an object of their faith in something beyond the divine pretenders of the multiverse. After its apparent destruction in the heat of the Faction War it has withered away to its present state, though the entire area still glows with a diffuse but potent radiance of divine magic.

Surrounding the sanctuary are the libraries, offices, and chambers of the faction high-ups, including Factol Terrance himself. Flanking the sanctuary stand the Piebald Tower, Rust Tower, Glisten Tower, and the Fallen Tower, the origin of their names lost to the long stretch of years. It was here, between the Fallen and Glisten Towers, that the Athar possessed a portal that rumors suggest once went either to the Athar citadel in the Astral or actually opened upon the rocky godisle that is Aoskar’s remains, also drifting through the Silvery Void.

Finding the Shattered Temple abandoned by the Athar, Friar Muriov Garianis, a cleric of Hades, and Oridi Malefin, a cleric of death and current factol of the Dustmen (or, as Tranchita likes to call it - the *Undertaker's Guild*), have made known their plans to raze the temple to the ground and rebuild in its place a grand temple to Hades. Most of the trappings of the Athar have been set aside or destroyed by Friar Garianis, all of it a heresy in his views, and he soon intends to begin the destruction of the temple if there is no intervention. The Athar faithful (as much as that term can be applied to them) have not taken this news lightly, and something of a war may be brewing in the ward as some of the more hotheaded and reactionary Athar make themselves and their terrific displeasure at this affront known.

Beneath the ruins of the temple, workers in the employ of the friar have discovered a network of catacombs and tunnels, some apparently used by the Athar and others perhaps dating back to the time of the original worship of Aoskar. Little information has petered out from the excavations, perhaps for fear of evoking the Lady’s wrath, attracting looters, or garnering further negative attention from the Lost.

The planned destruction of the Shattered Temple has been put on hold it seems, perhaps either from threats of violence from the Lost, or perhaps following the reports of workers in the vaults beneath its sanctuary. It seems that they may have found something that the friar feels is important enough, or disturbing enough, to warrant a pause in his plans. Perhaps some relic from the time of Aoskar.

When you ask Tranchita how she knows all this- she lets you know about a barmy lunatic, with multiple personalties who just walks back and forth in an alleyway in the Chaos District (sound familiar?). He haunts the area around where Tranchita works. Most the time, he blabbers indecipherable tunes. Sometimes, though, he evokes beautiful, prophetic poems that foretell the future, or reveal some darks... at least that's what Tranchita thinks.

He's been singing for about a year, and almost no one (well, perhaps save Tranchita) ever bother to listen to him. Sometimes, though on a slow day that's quiet, she walks over to near his alley, and listens to him sing/blabber.

One time, your friend heard him sing about the "Broken Citadel' - a beautiful, though tragic poem of loss and greed. In the poem, the barmy described what Tranchita just recounted.

Tranchita calls him 'the Singer.' She says she'll tell you about the other (potential) darks he's sung about later.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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By this time, you have made your way to Little Bytopia - on Tranchita's advice that you don't make any unplanned visits to the Shattered temple.

OOC: I don't have any encounters planned until after you reach the Lady's Ward. If you want, we can fast forward to the Lady's, or if you'd like to take the Long, scenic route and visit places, that's great with me too. Just let me know which one you'd prefer.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Wow... you remembered all that?" Samael shakes his head in partial disbelief. "You're sodding amazing, lass... I met that addle cove. Couldn't understand a word he said though. I got the feeling that someone was watching me though, and then I got lost. Maybe he got some o' his barmy in me." he adds with a chuckle.

OOC: Hm, I guess the auction block sounds interesting. So does the Oddity shop. I don't mind fast forwarding either. Either way.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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A quick synopses of the areas traversed via Forgotten Lane and Ironmonger Street.

Little Bytopia

Situated on the spireward end of the Lower Ward sits a small sheltered community of gnomes known locally as Little Bytopia. The gnomes are friendlier to outsiders and non-gnomes than the nearby dwarven community, but can still be peery at times. Regardless, the district produces a fine number of local handicrafts including clockwork devices, alchemical products, and a variety of Bytopian style wines and spirits. The latter of these products likely accounts for the amiable relations between adjacent gnome and dwarf enclaves.

Adjacent to Little Bytopia, just downwards several blocks, stands the brilliantly painted, yellow-green tavern the Green Mill, situated amid an actual grove of trees in the dark heart of the Lower Ward. Attracting many planar elves and Eladrin from across the Cage, as well as Prime Material humans, elves, half-elves, and even some Ysgardian bariaurs, the inn is a nostalgic relief to its customers. Famous for live bardic music and its extravagant and gorgeous interior decorated to look and smell like a Prime Material forest, it is one of the ward’s more pleasant and unique spots. (Not that the fiends share the feelings on the place.)


Several blocks away from Little Bytopia stands a similar sized community composed primarily of dwarves. The community is extremely close knit, more so than most in the Cage, and even dwarves must integrate themselves into the community on their own efforts before being fully accepted. The dull gray stone of the mostly one or two story kips seems to make the name of the district a gnome’s idea of a joke on the dwarves, for the name is loosely translated as “Dwarven Mountain”. Faced with little room for further kips in the district, more immigration from the Outlands, and a few Prime worlds, the dwarves simply built down instead of out.

On your way through Anvil Square, you encounter a busy marketplace, most notably an auction block - more like a crowd huddled around a platform. Currently for sale: A vintage cauldren, storied to be that of Elminister himself of Faerun.

A richley dressed fellow in white (probably silk) robes stands at the platform and magically projects his catchy voice out towards the motely crowd (about 60 people... er.. beings..):

And do I hear 960?! 960?!

Around this area, there is a strong presence of Harmonium officers in their typical Red-Orange insigniated armor.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Finding the object on sale quite uninteresting, even if it was owned by a powerful prime wizard, Samael decides to move on. There was one shop he'd noticed that seemed interesting to him. Aalik's Oddities, perhaps he could find out something about the locket there.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You enter the barely marked, unremarkable building. Inside is a different story.

firstly, the area is large, well lighted, well guarded, and very, very well decorated. Many customers surround various displays of ... odd .. things.

A few of the many things that catch your interest:

A shelf of shrunken heads.
A Statue of an Aasimar warrior.
An 'exotic aphrodisiacs' display (nothing a self-respecting incubus would examine with too much interest)
Sauces of the Planes - complete with unflavored bread to taste (100 gp per sample)
Crystal Scrying balls
Dragon body parts (prohibited largely by the authorities - this store must have had to go through great pains to obtain a permit, or perhaps paid a handsome bribe to each Harmonium guard in the store.. .probably the former)
Twelve Factols Talking Dolls! A new second batch (the original batch gifted to the owners of the Portal Jammer**). Recently purchased from A'kin, the friendly fiend - (not for sale)

Several goblins in red suits stand almost as waiters helping around customers, explaining displays, and greeting those who just entered.*

What particularly catches your attention is a bariaur appraiser with bifocals, who stands behind one of many counters examining jewelry with a magnifying lens... he looks like your man.. er bariaur for the dark on your locket.

* think Oompa Loompas
**Have you read Shemeska's Planescape Story Hour on Enworld?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Shemeska's Story Hour - I read the beginning of it but I don't usually read story hours.

Samael walks over to the Bariaur, and waits for a moment to allow him to finish what he is currently doing and notice him.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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He, almost comically, slips down the bifocals halfway to look at you with his own eyes.

In stern, gruff voice:

May I assist you?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Ah yes," Samael pulls the locket out from inside his shirt and shows it to the appraiser, though he doesn't take it off. "I was hoping you could tell me something about this."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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All of a sudden, as you clasp your hand around the locket, it becomes very warm to touch, then very cold.

The bariaur gestures towards the locket as if he wants to hold it.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael immediately lets go of the locket and bends over, letting it hang down, so that he can look at it. "Uh, I know this is a bit odd but, I'm attempting to figure out it's properties for a friend and, I need to wear it for a turn. So if you could look at it without me removing it... Well all I know about it is that the cricket inside apparently started telepathically communicating with my friend after he wore it for twenty four hours and that it started claiming it was a trapped pit fiend or some screed... Er, here." he moves closer to the Bauriar, allowing him to hold the locket while keeping it on.

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The bariaur seems slightly offended, but takes a hold of your locket anyways... he is about to take ahold of his magnifying lens with the other hand, but you suddenly hear steam, and then a scream. He pulls his hand back. And the cacophony of the voices becomes hushed. As the locket falls back to your chest, you feel a slight burning sensation, followed by immediate cooling.

A faint smell of burning flesh fills the air.

Two officers flank you and Tranchita immediately, one of them asks the bariaur- What's the problem?

He... it burned me!

the guards look at you for an answer.

Dire Lemon's picture
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Samael winces sympathetically, and starts to apologize when the Bariaur accuses him of doing it on purpose. "No, look, I've got no idea why it did that. It's never done that to me. I told you I've got no idea about this thing besides what I told you. Look, I'm really sorry about this... Uh, how's your hand?"

Trias's picture
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The bariaur holds his hand up - and reveals a dark ovular burn on it.. (one that could possibly be permanent). He then quickly covers it up, as if in pain.

The Harmonium still flank the two of you, Tranchita is clearly too nervous for her own good - looking suspicious when there is no need for her to.

After a minute, the crowd goes back to business as usual, and one of the goblin servers finally comes up, and pours a thick, glowing blue liquid on the bariaur's hand - some kind of cooling, or healing salve.

Would you like to press charges?
one of the Hardheads asks, but the bariaur quickly waves him off -

No, but I will not examine that item again.

The guards promptly return to their stations, keeping a wary eye on you two.

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Uh, alright... thanks. Guess I'll have to find someone else to take a look at this sodding thing..." Samael sighs, and shakes his head. "You ready to go, Tranchita?"

OOC: Try Cinder's magic shop next?

Trias's picture
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Tranchy isn't thrilled about spending more time than necessary (and have more opportunities to get into trouble), but resignedly continues.

Let's make it swift!

Cinder's Magic Shop is your garden variety small magic store - selling minor to moderate magic items starting at 120% list price. The owner is a gnome tinkerer dressed in red-orange robes. Most likely cinder. Not nearly as many customers are in this shop as the previous one, though the guard presence per area is still about the same.

May I help ye?

Cinder calls out as you make your way into the small hut.

Dire Lemon's picture
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"G'day." Samael calls to the gnome proprietor. "If you can help me, I need an item examined. I took it to Aalek's Oddities but when the appraiser touched it it gave him a rather nasty burn. Well needless to say he didn't want to look at it again... I don't suppose you could take a look at it if I just sort of hold it out for you could you?" He holds out the locket, still keeping the chain around his neck.

Trias's picture
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He takes a piece of tweezers and holds up the item... and subsequently drops the pair of tweezers when they begin to burn... ooh! that's odd!

Before I examine it further, i'm going to need 50 jink please - I believe it may take some time, as well as some warding spells before I can safely observe it.

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Uh, that's the other thing. I was told that some of it's powers only activate after a turn. So I can't leave it with you or take it off..." Samael gives the gnome a sheepish look.

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Well then, please return when ye do have the time to have me observe it whilst it's on yer neck..

Would ye like to make a purchase?

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Er, well. I'm not sure I could afford to have you examine this if I did... Do you have any potions of healing?"

Trias's picture
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Certainly! A mere 150 jink per flask!

"mere" is a very subjective term -- also, i'm going to bed, g'night , and happy new year's eve!

Dire Lemon's picture
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Samael smiles embarrassedly. "Eh...heh. Sorry, I don't have that much... Well, maybe I'll see you again. Ready to go Tranchita?"

Trias's picture
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Yeh! Let's be on r way!

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Samael heads out of the shop and then off in the general direction of the Lady's Ward.

Trias's picture
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OOC: do you want to go directly to the Lady's Ward, or would you like to stop by any place in Gurincraag before you reach Berk's Lane?

Dire Lemon's picture
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OCC: I doubt there's anywhere in Gurincraag that I'd be able to do much in, so onword to this Berk's lane place.

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The Lady’s Ward stands among the wards as the home of the rich and powerful, a shining beacon of purity and decency among the other wards but with an underside kept out of the public eye, which many a Hive dweller would pass by and complain of the stink. All in all, the ward combines the best and the worst of Sigil if a blood knows where to look.

When a tout speaks to a clueless, prime or planar, about the ward, know that they’re speaking of The Lady’s Ward, not the Lady’s Ward. There’s something of an implied ownership of the ward in name and in spirit to Her Serenity. And while some more delusional clueless have asked for directions in the ward to actually visit and hold audience with Her Serenity, the Lady doesn’t have such a place in the ward, or the entire city, rather those tools of Her power within Sigil reside in The Lady’s Ward. The established ruling order of the city, from the Sigil Advisory Council, to the Courts, Prison and Barracks, all reside within the Ward. Of course, since the end of the Faction War, the factions who ran the Prison, Barracks, and city courts all had to officially step down and relinquish their lofty holdings in the hierarchy of the city. Since that time their spots have been filled by able and not so able replacements, many of them being former members of the factions who held the positions. Old members of the Fraternity of Order who chose not to return to Mechanus with their faction naturally gravitated towards the courts. Equally, a similar situation occurred when the Mercykillers dissolved after their factol, Alisohn Nilesia vanished, and split into their original components of the Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy. The Sodkillers formed the Minder’s guild to hire themselves out into the roles formerly taken by the Mercykillers, and to some extent the Harmonium. The Sons of Mercy have attempted to do the same thing, and their tabards have become more and more accepted, if occasionally ridiculed among the avenues and streets of The Lady’s Ward.

While the ward’s wide, immaculate streets tend to be paved with high quality stone, kept free of refuse and riffraff, it is hardly homogenous in any sense of the word. Several districts exist, some officially, others only by common convention among the residents. The Nobles District holds most of the high houses of the so-called Golden Lords of Sigil, those bloods holding a tremendous amount of wealth and many with more than their fair share of influence. The area around the Barracks, Prison, and City Courts, is known as the Triad District and has taken up a distinct flavor. Meanwhile, the Armory District has drifted slightly to present itself as more an open sore in the midst of the ward since the Armory’s destruction during the Faction War, and its subsequent ruin and further collapse in the Vecna incursion some years afterwards.

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OOC: there are a LOT of places of interest in this ward - just let me know where you want to begin the search.

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"Alright Tranchita, here we are. I'm looking for a short elven woman named Tara who's a tout in this ward. Probably has green eyes, black hair, and is rather pale. Now let's see, where should we look first? Maybe we should just find another tout and see if they know how to find her."

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The streets are packed (though orderly) - you eventually find an elegantly dressed tout with gentle manners.

Good Day to you Sir and Madam! May I assist you?

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OOC: Lady's Ward etiquette - it is not customary for a Tout to ask for jink to begin with, although you are expected to pay. The opening rate is 10 jink.. that's just to get started.

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"Hello, I'm lookin for an associate of yours that I'm supposed to meet with. Her name's Tara, do you know her?" Samael fishes around in his coin purse, without removing it from his shirt and holds out ten gold pieces.

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She graciously takes the gold, and begins:

Tara? No that name I have not heard before - which is odd because generally speaking, most of the Touts in each Ward either know their associates personally, or know of them - so as to avoid territorial conflicts. Is Tara a recent employee?

Out of the corner of your vision, you notice Tranchita enviously staring at a beautiful, richly dressed woman in one of the street corners. A Lady's Ward harlot.

Trias's picture
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Unless you're REALLY asking about darks, and not just the chant, Lady's Ward touts will charge about 10 for every minute of talk (or perhaps 3 questions). This is in contrast to the other wards where the touts ask you for all the money up front, rather than charging by the question.

it is also customary to give the remaining funds (after the initial 10 jink) AFTER the conversation has ended - eg. it's very odd if you keep handing a tout 10 jink every minute.

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Uh, I don't know. Her sister Talia, in the Clerk's ward asked me to deliver something to her as payment for some help. She's a tout too."

Samael looks over at Tranchita, and then at the other harlot. "Something on your mind, lass?"

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