Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Her thoughts:

Not another one of THOSE berks!!

Exchange later? Sorry hun, I always put business before pleasure. You wouldn't believe the number of sods who come by, say the same thing, and run off... I want tah trust ye, but I can't. I hope ye understand. Names' Tranchita, by the way.

OOC: haha, the trampiest name i could up with!!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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He looks a bit disappointed, but nods understandingly. "Aye, alright, I understand. Tranchita hm? Lovely." He pauses thoughtfully and once again tries to determine the location of her purse while eying her. "Well, you're a canny lass. I've got an idea that'll get us both some extra jink if your interested. Truth is, I'm a bit poor at the moment. What do you think of this? You lure in some berk, and then we bob him for all he's got. What do you say?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: make a diplomacy check

She looks unsure and nervous.

I donnae....I have a rep to keep, I don't wanna be known as a thug.. why don't ye just bob someone yerself.. ye don't really nee me!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Well. I don't really need you're help, but you looked like you could use the jink. I guess I'm just a gully for a pretty face." He smiles good naturedly. "I can wait until the two of you are nice and cozy, just act like you're a victim too. We don't even have to write anyone in the dead book. I think it'll be fun."

20 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 35.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

eh...aight, but you be in charge of taking the jink

she says timidly, then without a word goes back into the alley entrance, back to work.

You stay hidden in the alley, behind a pile of trash, and soon enough, she and another unwitting sod come down into the alley. He pays her, and soon enough, things start getting hot and heavy.

Now's the time to strike.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Just for safety. Samael decides to change his face a bit, adding facial hair, and making himself look, overall, a bit more gruff. He reaches out to search the customer's thoughts, and then draws his short sword and steps out from his hiding spot, calling out. "Awright, you two lovebirds, break it up. Up against the wall, and don't soddin' move 'til I says so." As he speaks, he quickly moves to separate the pair from their belongings.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

To say that you caught the two in an awkward situation would be an understatement. The man caught completely unawares is first shocked, then frustrated - but resigns and hands over 30 more jink, then runs away.

Tranchita plays the part well, and hands over her coin to you, but quickly takes it back, and half of the extra that you got from the man.

Total 'profits' from this mugging: 15 jink.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael turns away from her momentarily as he changes back to his normal face. "Ah Tranchita, I could kiss you, lass! You were brilliant! Oh, here." He picks up her clothing and holds it out to her to help her get dressed. "I'm sorry about the disguise. I really ought to have told you about that before hand. Still that was beautiful. Have ye ever considered the stage?" He positively beams at her. He does however to continue to monitor her thoughts to see how she feels about it, if she doesn't say so outright.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She's intrigued more than anything, and plans to ask you afterwards why this, of all things, you'd do to try and make money.

Stop it ye!
She doesn't seem surprised at all that you could change faces, though she's curious.

What.. are ye?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael takes a moment to ponder her question " ... 'What am I?' That's a bit of an odd question isn't it? I've got a bit of magic, what's that matter? I haven't used it on ye, and I don't plan to." He shakes his head. "I was being serious though." He smiles again, watching as she dresses to see where she keeps her purse, just in case.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Most cutters wi magic say a bunch ' o barmy before they change inta someone- -there's something differnt bout yeh!

You still can't figure out where she keeps her coin - no telltale bulge, no belt, no pockets - it's almost as if she has an invisible bag of holding.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Well I guess we both have our little secrets. I for one would like to know how you manage to keep your jink hidden so well." He shrugs.

OOC: I suppose she wasn't supposed to be an important character to begin with but now that she is I'm curious what she looks like. Sorry for the hassle.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She smiles coyly. I'll spill if ye spill

She has short brown hair and cheap clothes messily arranged in a semi-seductive manner.

I put her pic up to help you visualize, but I'll give you a hint: ALL personas (not including her) of whom I put a picture up are semi-major- major characters in the story. Keep that in mind. Eye-wink Tranchita may be a major "flavor" character, but in terms of story, she isn't significant.... whereas Firefly, Necravia, and Ventiri...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael peeks into her mind in hopes that all this talk of it will allow him to sense the answer from her thoughts. "Ye know, I've really started ta twig to you, lass." He says, smiling warmly, though he then shakes his head. "But this dark is safer for both o' us if it stays dark... I don't want anythin' bad to happen to ye." His tone is light, but he seems serious. After a short pause he adds, slightly disappointedly. "So I guess you'll be keeping your dark as well?"

OOC: Oh yeah, I understand that she's not a major character for your overarching plot, but I still like her. Smiling Wait, does that mean the mystery woman who invoked feelings of love in an Incubus isn't a major plot character? Puzzled

Also, what type of Belt of Giant Strength do I have?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Oh no, if you like her, then making her a major char is by all means up to you.. she can be your gf, but just don't expect her to battle Glaberizus alongside you... The two of you, could however purchase a nice villa in the Clerk's Ward, and she'd keep the place warm for your infrequent visits, while you fight the good fight.

She shakes her head...

So uh... how much longer are we gonna keep bobbin?

Lol, there is so much innuendo in that.

Belt - I'm not sure... let' s just say it gives you +2 Str. fair?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Hey, that's a great idea! Laughing out loud But I actually meant that I like her as a person/character. She's really quite likable. Actually so is Firefly when she's not threatening my life while keeping me in a headlock.

Belt - But the description of it in the DMG says there are only +4 and +6 versions... Sad Hm, they need a puppy dog eye smilie.

So my mental voyeurism did not help me locate her purse huh?

Samael shrugs "See? You already think I'm barmy... Well I was heading for The Lady's ward 'fore I got lost and met you. Can't say I regret it though. How about one more sod?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Aiight, I'm up fer that.

Soon enough, you go through a repeat of what just happened, save the reward this time is 25 jink.

As she hands over the coin to you, she looks deeply into your eyes, with her voice soft - take care cutter, may the Lady's Shadow Pass ye by!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael smiles warmly at her but wonders about the look and tries to see just what she is thinking. "Aye, the same to you lass. I'd like to work with ye again some time." He pauses, looking around their dilapidated and dangerous surroundings. "Ye know, I'm still a bit lost. If ye can bear my company for any longer I could really use someone to help me find my way."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Wondering what she could possibly inform you about: Yeh, sure - where d'ya need tah get going?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Did you see my response to your post about the belt? Also, did I detect her thoughts when she looked at me like that? It seems like a look of affection, but I'm not sure how familiar he'd be with that feeling, even though he's feeling something like it himself right now.

"I just need to get through to The Lady's ward. I'll treat you to some top-shelf bub when we get there. Least I can do after all your help."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

No, from what you pick up - it's a more "I'll miss you" look than an "I want to be romantically involved with you look"

We'll make it a +4 Belt

She hides her coin in her cleavage in a way that hides it well and makes her appear more well endowed.

I...I dunno. This is all so quick..
She starts getting really nervous. In her head, she replays some horrible murder scenarios. You gather that she doesn't completely trust you yet.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Eh, my definition of affection includes missing someone. It's not the same as love or attraction. Despite the latter being almost identical to it visually. You can have affection without love or attraction.

Samael continues to monitor her thoughts

He frowns slightly to add a bit more seriousness to his words. "Look, I know what you're thinking. We can take whatever route you want, if you really still don't trust me. It's not any riskier than banging around here soliciting to total strangers. Frankly, I'm curious why a canny lass like you would work in this barmy district."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She starts stuttering: Well.. it's the only thing I got -- I'm not a good basher, don't know how to work fingerpaints*, and not really wiley with the tools...and.. well everyone else just wanted to be in out and on with it - you're really the only cutter who wanted to do something else with me... it's all new.

* In the 'cant, 'fingerpaint' = magic - illusion magic if you want to get really specific, but Tranchita is using the general definition of the word.

Also - if going by that definition of affection (I guess my personal definition was narrow), then yes, definitely there is some affection - you are a novelty amongst the other berks in the Hive who view her as no more than a tool. Certainly you did use her - but you actually cared to speak to her. It's refreshing.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

For a moment, he isn't sure how to respond. He hadn't really expected her to break out and be honest like this all of a sudden.

"Uh... well, seems like it was a good thing I didn't have any jink..." He makes a short chuckle "Well, I'm glad I did talk to ya." his smiles this time is actually completely sincere, and he surprises himself with it. "Uh... ... Well, hey... you were really good at pretending to be surprised to see me. Maybe you could make a living with that... Acting I mean."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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From nervous to merrily comfortable- you manipulate her emotions as if they're made of gelatin.

heheheh! neh, not for me, I would get too scared in front of all the people.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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These feelings feel slightly... ever so faintly familiar. But different as well. "... Heh Well, you'd get all the 'scared young woman' parts then. I don' know... Just think you oughta move to another district. I mean, is your case here too? How many times have you had to deal some barmy or a 'client' that didn't want to pay?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Eh.. it's not that bad - it's the life I'm used to... I don't think I'd have it any other way.. but then again.. i don't know..

Where's yer kip?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael feels another strange emotion as he listens to Tranchita's words. Similar yet different to the other. He ponders what exactly it might be calls and eventually comes to the conclusion that it must be... sympathy. "My kip?" Samael shrugs. "Don't have one at the moment. I just got in from the Outlands the other day. Don't have anywhere in Sigil. Guess you could say that I'm starting over with a clean slate. Course there's this thing I gotta do in the next three days. I gotta find someone. That's why I was heading to The Lady's ward. I met a Tout who said her sister that works there might know something about this guy. Say lass, you wouldn't happen to know anyone named Zakarius would ye? Think he might be a Sinker."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Sinker?! Pike it blood! Yer not supposed to rattlin' bout those things! And ne - I don't know any dark about Zakras...? Zackraaiea?

OOC: "Officially" there are no such things as factions after the faction war. Remnants of factions brave (or, perhaps, stupid) enough to stick around afterwards refer to themselves as guilds. Most people (at least in public- for the Lady, though seldom seen, when has been spotted- is exclusively in public streets or plazas) use the term Armorer's Guild. Many don't mind the term "Sinker" or "Doomguard" though Tranchita is a bit paranoid about it - it's a good bet that either she's heard some bad stories about the Lady, or actually seen the Lady.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Curious about what would cause such a paranoid reaction from her, Samael examines her thoughts almost involuntarily. "Alright, sorry. If it'll make you feel any better I'll call em the Armorer's Guild from now on. How's that?." he says soothingly. Then adds with a smile as she tries to pronounce the name. "It's Zakarius, but if you don't know him that's fine." He puts a gentle arm around her waist and starts guiding her forward. "Now come, we can talk as we walk, but I really do need to find this blood before three days are up and I need your help."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She starts walking.

Aright, off we r then! What'dya havin mind for finding this basher?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Well first I wanted to head to The Lady's ward to meet the Tout whose sister told me might know something of him. Course I don't know which way to go to get there." Samael looks around the area, trying to get his bearings. "If you like we could bob some more berks along the way. As long as we're heading in the right direction I should have time. How much did you make so far anyway?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: sorry, I don't understand the question - are you asking her how much she earned so far from prostitution today? If so, the answer is 50 jink, and she tells you so if asked.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to put the word "make" in there. There, it should make sense now.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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So uh. .I've neva been to the Lady's Ward, don really know how t' get ther, but maybe my map'll help.

She pulls out a weathered roll of vellum and dusts off the outside. She unrolls it and shows you a moderately detailed map of the city.

OOC: this is the sigil map on this website

Perusing the map, she frowns a bit, her thin nose crinkling as she does

Ok, so unless ye fancy passin by the Gray District (which I certainly hopes ye don), we'll take Goatswood across the ditch to the Shattered Temple District and beyond?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Wow, she has allot of stuff in that bodice... :shock:

Samael shrugs. "Sounds good to me. Shall we go? ... Where'd you get that map anyway?"

Trias's picture
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I dunnoe, I guess I've always had i' wi' me!

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Heh, you really are full o' surprises lass. You got anything else in there I should know about?" Samael smirks. "Well we know where to go now, so let's go. Goatswood."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Tranchita provides pleasant companionship on the way. You honestly don't expect a common Hive Harlot to be as humorous and witty (not to mention optimistic and charming) as she is. You learn about how she lives alone in the Chaos district among the howling barmies (the property value is subsequently low, but the only thing she could afford). She takes living in a bleak circumstance all in stride. She recounts to you a time when she accidentally offended a few Xaos thugs - but talked her way out of it (even without offering her services) - by pretending to be a Xaositect herself. It seems she is, after all, better at acting than she initially let on.

After about half an hour, you finally are walking in Goatswood. This quaint community of humans within the border area of the Lower Ward, spireward of the Ditch, has at times in its centuries-long history been swallowed up by the Hive and reclaimed by the Lower Ward innumerable times at the whim of the City Courts and mapmakers of Sigil. The inhabitants hail originally from a dead or dying Prime world named Ranais. Having suffered greatly themselves, they have traditionally been welcoming and respectful to those bashers who have been through strife and persevered. A blood has little to fear treading the streets within this district if he does the inhabitants no harm.

OOC: Just lemme know if you want to stop at a place of interest in Goatswood, or continue past the ditch into the Lower Ward.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: What's Ulick's Bowse?

"Hahah, lass, nigh unbelievable. But come now, ye convinced some angry Chaosmen that you were one o' them, yet you're scared o' theater crowds?" He laughs again, "I know, ye just need someone wavin' their chiv at you from off stage."

Trias's picture
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Ulick's Bowse: a 12x7 foot stone replica of a giant's tankard. Ulick - a stone giant known for his tolerance to alchohol several centuries ago - was also one of the most successful Bar owners in the history of the Hive. A tribute to his success is all that remains in front of the now defunct, abandoned establishment.

Dire Lemon's picture
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OOC: In that case I guess we'll be on our way. There's isn't anything else in this district.

Trias's picture
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Next Up: The Ditch

Sigil’s only body of water, if one can call it that most of the time, sits at the edge of the Lower Ward and the Hive, serving as a convenient boundary for the two. Refuse is constantly dumped into the waters that range from a bare, sluggish trickle at worst, to a clear running river when some hidden portal to Oceanus opens on random occasion and flushes the stagnant contents.

Normally, however, the ditch is filled with a slow moving, stagnant bilge, bobbing with rotting corpses, kitchen scraps, and all manner of refuse hurled into it for easy disposal by the neighboring residents. Rag pickers and dead collectors hover around the banks nightly to pick through the daily trash left upon the banks or bobbing near the surface in the hopes of making a few copper from some trinket tossed into the mix or sell the bodies to the Mortuary, which still pays a pittance for the dead.

Some have described the Ditch as the concept of a river, some abstraction of the idea of a Prime Material body of flowing water. And being the Outer Planes, who’s to say it’s not correct? What ordinary body of water has mildly to heavily corrosive water five out of every six days, with the sixth day more likely than not being frozen over at the surface? It isn’t ordinary or mundane by any stretch of the imagination. You won’t find a single water genasi lingering around the Ditch either, though they flock like mice to cheese when the portal to Oceanus opens on those rare occasions. Some have postulated that it may be a tributary of the Styx itself, but none have ever reliably claimed to see a marraenoloth plying a skiff on its banks. [Not to say the Styx doesn’t have any tributaries within Sigil, one just has to know where to look. – The Editor] Rumors also hold that each night the dabus congregate upon the banks of the Ditch to push trash and other such detritus into the river to be flushed in the periodic cleansing of the trough. Then, there is the Ditch Beast.

Some say the Ditch Beast is a legend and myth, a creation of the barmies and bubbers on the Hive side of the stinking waters. Others claim to have seen the creature just barely cresting over the water, devouring corpses and dragging in unwary sods, but only in the dim hours before and after anti-peak. Truth be told, the Beast may not exist at all and simply be an illusion, some sort of animated Rebus created by the Dabus who congregate upon its banks at night, all in order to keep locals from interfering with their necessary tasks.

As you begin the cross to the Lower Ward - the Bridge along the Ditch looks completely deserted. It's clear Tranchita is unfamilar with this area, and she is nervous (rightly so).

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: As he crosses, he'll scan the area for thoughts.

Samael keeps an eye out as he crosses, hoping to avoid getting into too much trouble with Tranchita beside him. As irrational as it seemed, he didn't think he could leave her behind if they got into trouble. "C'mon. Let's get out of here."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

As he walks over the tenuous old wooden bridge, your suspicions are confirmed. there are several thoughts in the area: all of them have one purpose - to rob you. Within seconds you see a large human right in front of you(who didn't seem to be there before) blocking his path on the bridge. The man wears Dustmen's robes - but it is a pretty good bet that he isn't a real Dustie.

He begins in an unusually high-pitched voice: Ye shouldn't be walking around these parts, cutter, it isn't safe.

He looks up at the both of you with faux pensiveness and a melodramatic furrow in his brow. Without waiting for a response, he continues: Though I can make sure you make it across the bridge..for some jink, of course. You watch my back, and I'll watch yer's.

For the first time, notices three other (human) men in similar dustie garb standing right behind you two on the bridge. You did not hear them walk up.

There is no other avenue across than through these men.

the bridge is 6 feet wide - You can try to make a run for it, but the man ahead is large, and probably would end up tackling you without much trouble.

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Well that figures." Samael mutters, as he notices the three men who've come up behind him. Trying to stall for time until he can come up with a plan, he asks the first man incredulously. "Aye? How much do you expect I can pay?"

Trias's picture
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How much ye got? I ain't a demanding basher - but I gosts t' have something!

Dire Lemon's picture
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"Look, we worked real hard, bobbin those berks to get this jink. I'm sure you can understand." He glances at Tranchita to see how she's dealing with this and puts a gentle hand on her shoulder to try to reassure her. "Besides, I don' think you bashers will want to stay here. There's a group o' primes behind us that looked to be heading this way, and they seemed like some pretty dangerous bashers. The kind what don't have sympathy for a poor sod just trying to make a living."

Trias's picture
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You hear chuckles from behind, and the large man in front smiles at your attempt to get out of this one.

Aww... did ye hear that bloods?
He says in a mock voice of cuteness, they're hard werkin' bobbers just like us! Oh no cutter, I don't think ye understand ( he takes out a wicked looking longsword, as if to emphasize his point, you also hear the sounds of weapons being drawn behind you) - we're some pretty dangerous bashers ourselves, just tryin' t' make a livin!

Now, ye can give us the jink an' be on yer way.. or..

He leaves the sentence open-ended, to let your imagination fill in the rest.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: For some reason my bluff roll didn't show up in the last post.

Samael glances at Tranchita to see what she seems to think.

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