Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He really can't in detail at least. This hag (or perhaps, these hags) could be up to anything. One thing is certain... it isn't something good.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs. "I'm afraid I would have to read your very thoughts. That seems a bit rude." He pauses for effect then add. "I am always up for a bit of mischief myself. Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement... I was not able to bid on the young fiendling, but perhaps you would be willing to exchange her for something? I must admit that I am easily swayed by a woman in need... Mayhap there is something I can do for you?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

This time, the hag and the other woman both look at you, and the hag addresses you instead.

Why, I thought you'd never ask he he he!!! Her voice screeches like claws scraping over cobblestones. She is truly a hideous sight to behold - the full extent of her appalling features magnified now that she's looking directly at you. Her tone is lovingly insidious.

How much do you want the girl my dear? For reasons unknown, you feel suddenly uncomfortable. Are ye wiling to bring me what I need? OOh, but I sense something different about you, you're not like the others, so... lost. she KNOWS what you really are. [b]Give me three damned souls, and some stones of worth, and the fiendling girl is yours. She purrs with a feral look in her eyes.

Beraszar interrupts your thoughts - Why bother? Are you going to save them all, young crusader? The prisoners at the Temple, this fiendling? For every action you commit, there will be a counteraction. Every good you commit will be offset by evils that others as well as your past self have committed. I have seen beings far greater than your station destroyed by such sentiments. Do you not see what the hag is trying to do? She's trying to corrupt you - three souls for one. Even if you bargain with her, though I doubt you'll be able to change the terms - even if no souls are damned in the process, I ask you again fool, why bother? I assure you, it will take more than this to tip the scales the planes so precariously balance upon

Beraszar probably isn't giving you advice for your sake - he doesn't strike you as the caring type who'd give a damn should a girl's life be saved.

OOC: you interpret 'stones of worth' as either ioun stones or some of magical jewelry.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I'm going on gmail chat

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I'm trying to go on gmail chat but gmail isn't loading right now for some reason.

Samael ponders for a moment the words of both the had and the baatezu and wonders also just who these other women are. Other 'hags' in disguise, or mind slaves to this one, zombies with illusions cast upon them... or something else. He looks between the two gorgeous seeming women and the extremely not-gorgeous one in the center curiously.

Eh, a believer in balance, Beraszar? Well I agree that one soul isn't worth three, but even so, I would prefer to see three bobbers get... whatever it is she wants with em then the girl. On the other hand, with all these bloods around I'm sure she could find three damned souls without my help, so she's clearly playing with me, and I don't trust that in someone who doesn't depend on me to be their arms and legs... Whatever happened to me to cause me to feel this way, there doesn't seem much point in resisting it. I wouldn't have resisted the urge to do anything depraved back then barring threat of bodily harm. What good'll come from leaving the lass to whatever these have for her? I'll just feel... bad... Samael pauses, considering what a bizarre notion that is. ...for letting it happen anyway... If something bad happens to balance it out... well I may never know about it. If the planes really are a balance then it won't be any worse.

"Your proposition doesn't seem entirely fair... Three souls for one? Besides... Look where we are? There are damned souls aplenty here. You certainly don't my help finding some. Lass, you're trying to play with me aren't you? Surely there are more interesting ways to play." Sitrileos smiles.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Sean: "Hm, am I so special? Well, I suppose I should be flattered." Samael continues smiling.
me: The hag smiles back, apparently glad that you are willing to play her game.
"So do you agree to terms? Or are you here to waste my time" Smiling hideously all the wile
Sean: Eh, how am I supposed to roll diplomacy here?
me: I guess you could just do it on PW
perhaps on ooc
Sean: Hm, that makes sense.
Sent at 1:55 PM on Thursday
Sean: Samael suddenly appears hurt. "And here I thought you were enjoying wasting your time with me."
Sent at 1:58 PM on Thursday
Sean: Ok, I got a ... wow... Natural Twenty. So a fourty.
me: The Hag Chuckles.. no belly laughs
Sean: Samael smiles.
me: The women surrounding smile as well
"Very well, tell me then.."
"What will you do for me, you silver tounged devil?"
"Whatever it is, you'll have to also give me stones!"
"Lady Vahsa loves stones!"
"Now now, do not be rude and introduce yourself before I change my mind"
Sent at 2:02 PM on Thursday
me: "Impressive" Bereszar interjects. "I'd have never thought a Night Hag would be swayed like that"
Sean: "Ah, very well, I am called Samael. At least that's what I call myself. If you look for me later that is most likely the name you will find me with, and what of these two ladies?"
Women are women Bereszar. Just as men are men.
Sent at 2:05 PM on Thursday
me: "Lady Zili and Lady Zara are my trusted associates" (she points to each lady).
Sent at 2:07 PM on Thursday
Sean: "A pleasure, ladies. Are you perchance related?" He smiles... again, and waits for any of them to raise their hands so that he can do a cliched hand kiss.
Sent at 2:10 PM on Thursday
me: The Ladies seem more receptive, even warm towards you. As if reading your mind, they do raise their hands to be kissed. "We are twins - and do not think think for one second that your charm alone will allow you to swindle us from this acquisition, Incubus." Though her words are pragmatic, her smile is genuine.
Sent at 2:13 PM on Thursday
Sean: "Of course. I would not expect to be able to trick any one of you so." Samael tries to think of something compelling to offer them instead of three damned souls. He's not sure sex would be terribly compelling to these three. Even if it got him this far.
In other words. I'm tring to think of something.
And that last line would be OOC
Just in case you were misinterpreting it... I probably should start OOC stuff with "OOC"
Sent at 2:19 PM on Thursday
Sean: Hey, are your still there?
Sent at 2:22 PM on Thursday
me: yes
had to talk to someone
The Hag ponders for a short second
then smiles wickedly again.
Sent at 2:27 PM on Thursday
me: She puts her disgusting finger into a 'come here' motion
and as you approach
she takes your arm, gently at first
but then grabs a firm hold, and begins scratching a symbol onto your left bicep.
Sent at 2:29 PM on Thursday
me: The symbol holds no meaning for you
and the pain is only momentary
but as she does, a brief feeling of dread innervates your being
Beraszar sounds incredulious
"This is not a good idea"
The hag is promptly finished
"As I cannot think of anything in particular right now"
Sean: It was my idea. Samael thinks angrily.
me: "I shall summon you when I truly have need"
" You shall complete my favor, and also give me a gift worthy of my grace"
You have a feeling that this isn't a request
but she has somehow magically BOUND you
Just as this happens
you see one of the yellow-garbed auction workers bring the tiefling girl over to the hags
Sean: Samael fights to maintain composure, at this sudden turn of events. "Well, I am always ready to assist a lady in need..."
me: "She's all your m'Ladies, enjoy your purchase" the man curtly drops the girl amidst the three women and promptly returns to other duties
Sent at 2:35 PM on Thursday
Sean: OOC: Alright! A spunky teenage sidekick... who's actualy more extremely depressed and suicidal than spunky.
me: "Good" the Hag replies - "Now do with her as you will." Lady Zara's beautiful face contorts into a one of rage as she kicks the tiefling girl in the back towards you. Then she goes back to her beautiful smile.
OOC: Emo time!
For the first time you get a good look at the girl
OOC: I'll put up a picture on PW
Sean: Samael catches the girl if she seems to be about to fall forward.
Sent at 2:38 PM on Thursday
Sean: OOC: Does Zara or Zili seem at all upset at Sam, or is she just being typically cruel?
me: OOC: typical cruelty
Sent at 2:40 PM on Thursday
me: Her eyes are reddened, though you suspect not naturally
streak marks run down her face evident of recent weeping.
She appears more human than tiefling - without horns or hoof-legs
though she does have a silver curly serpent-tail
OOC: g2g in less than 10 min
Sean: OOC: Sad ok
me: Sad
thats fun
Sean: Indeed
me: how it moves up
Sean: heh
me: ok
The girl whimpers, clearly trying to guess what you're going to do with her.
Sent at 2:44 PM on Thursday
me: She wears a scantly leather top and pants. Brown hair gently covers her tortured face. Her angular features and pointed ears have an elven feel
Sent at 2:45 PM on Thursday
me: Lady Vahsa remarks (with a tone of finality) "Watch yourself my precious Samael, I will be keeping my eye on you." And once again gives that hideous smile. You do not doubt her words for a minute.
Sent at 2:47 PM on Thursday
Sean: "Of course, Lady. I hope when we next meet it shall be even more enjoyable." He speaks with just a hint of suggestion, but does seem to be sincere, and really, he's not lying.
"And you as well ladies."
Samael comes down to eye level with the tiefling girl, gently putting a hand under her chin to raise her face up to his. "Girl. What's your name?"
me: OOC: I'll start with your introduction to the teifling girl next time I post

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The girl appears very afraid and unsure, shuddering at your touch. You notice that her skin is unusually cold.

She whimpers

She appears to be bracing herself for a blow. When none is forthcoming, she continues with some more confidence:

Please sir, before anything, can you pay my little brother?

While this is happening, the auctioneer presents the next "item" - a Unicorn: Our next item is fine and rare Ysgardian unicorn, the beast is unharmed (mostly), and price of horn is included in price of animal and not sold seperattly. To lucky buyer of this fine beast we will give village maiden for free. Bidding starts at 5,000gp.

The feeling emanating from your locket right now is one you'd imagine if Bereszar were rolling his eyes- anticipating that you'll try to help THIS creature as well.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael sighs, looking up at another creature being sent to some horrible fate. Don't 'worry' Beraszar. I've no desire to make any more 'deals' with these folk and I don't have nearly that much. Despite his words to Beraszar he can't help but watch the doomed creature and the auctioneer who will send it to it's fate.

Returning his gaze to the beautiful young Tiefling, Samael takes his hand out from underneath Evey's chin and grips her left shoulder, firmly but gently. "Evey... Tell me, why are you here?"

OOC: What species is the auctioneer anyway? Even if I can't buy anything I might be able to cause some liberating havoc. I'm thinking I might also see about purchasing a sacrificial victim and to pass off as a barmy relative and get into the Gatehouse

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I'm here for my little brother- to prevent him the same fate. He's only 6- he shouldn't have to go through this. She looks down, hiding her face, but you can see a single teardrop fall to the ground.

OOC: the auctioneer is, from appearances, human, and as are his helpers, though one may be half-elf

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"How's that now? Why do either of you have to?"

OOC: I want to detect thoughts on the auctioneer but I dunno if I can do that while I'm talking to Evey.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

me: The auctioneer's thoughts are mostly on selling the items for the highest possible price. You learn from skimming his mind that he gets a commission based solely on the profit made from the items sold
Evey replies:
"The Jackal says that it's 500 jink to not take my brother's life, and 8,000 for mine."
.."Otherwise he'll do what he did to our parents"
Sean: Um, are her clothes as spikey as in the picture? Also, what's the deal with Sigilians wearing spikes?
me: OOC: not at the moment, she's wearing unremarkable clothing and boots right now
I think Sigilians wear spikes not just to keep up with fashion, but also as a semiconscious act of reverence to the Lady.
Sean: Samael frowns, "And who's the Jackal? He wouldn't happen to be a berk who wear and black mask and a black cloak and has spiky swords would he?"
me: This is also why most buildings, residential, municipal, military and otherwise are adorned with spikes as well.
Sent at 2:49 PM on Friday
me: "No, he's a Wererat - dressed mostly in brown. Sir, can you please kill me quickly?"
"I don't want it to hurt too much"
You get the sense that others, like the Jackal have toyed with her and her close ones before.
Sent at 2:52 PM on Friday
Sean: "You think I went to all this trouble to get you from those three then asked you all these questions just so I could watch you die?" Samael sighs. "I guess you could say I'm one of those meddling do-gooders that never seem to be around when you need them. At least that's what some bashers seem to think..."
Sent at 2:53 PM on Friday
me: You see a sudden flash of light in her face, but it's quickly quenched. Detecting her thoughts tells you that she isn't sure.
"That's 10,000 from that well dressed fellow in the back" Do I hear 11?
(the auctioneer continues)
"So what are we going to do now?"
Evey asks, her tenuous tone belies her mistrust.
Sent at 2:57 PM on Friday
Sean: Samael glances up at the auctioneer momentarily, trying to think of something to do to disrupt the auction and perhaps free the captive creature while at the same time think of a way to help Evey.
Sent at 2:59 PM on Friday
Sean: "Well, I suppose we should scribe this Jack-Rat berk... I mean, you don't relaly think writing yourself into the dead book is going to keep your brother out do you? Most likely he'd kill him anyway."
me: The area is guarded well - Masked Thugs (presumably some kinds of assassins) cover the entire perimeter of the auction block. That is not to say anything of the auctioneer's nor the audience's abilities.
Sean: OOC: Seems like it might be a good idea to use one of those masked guards.
OOC: Detect thoughts on one of them first of course.
me: "No sir, I think he's going to be happy to get the gold from my little brother and see me die-" she pauses momentarily, fighting back tears "so I think Ivan is going to be safe"
"You are a fool" Bereszar remarks
Guards' thoughts:
Sean: Yes, Beraszar, I'm a fool. How'd you like to kill a Jack-o-Wererat though?
Sent at 3:03 PM on Friday
me: Mercenary band of assassins - The guard is a halfling - he is paying particular attention to an oddly dressed human with goggles walking around the perimeter of the auction block. The guard suspects that the goggled man is not here as a patron of the Night Market, but rather as a spy. One wrong move, and the guards will pounce.
Sean: OOC: Does Samael know what a Jackal is? I wouldn't think so.
me: Other thoughts: they're headquartered in one of the "establishments" nearby
OOC: Never heard of him- probably some small time crook
Sean: No no, I'm asking if he knows what A Jackal is. The animal the guy is named after. Since it's a prime animal I doubt he would.
me: Oh, I guess not
But Samael has heard the word used before
as a personification of someone who is a ruthless survivor
Sean: Samael attempts to detect Goggle Man's thoughts.
me: He's blocked!
The goggle man has a blue tinge around him
he wears blue robes, thinly veiling some kind of armor beneath
You notice a crossbow and a sabre on his belt
Sent at 3:10 PM on Friday
me: He stands taller than the other guards, and appears to be checking out certain stalls, though you suspect that the reason he's probably garnered the guards' suspicions is because he continues standing there and not purchasing anything, nor going anywhere - as if he's trying to take everything in.
Sent at 3:11 PM on Friday
me: You see nearby the "Open Throat" tavern - most likely the headquarters of this group of mercenary-assasins
Sent at 3:12 PM on Friday
Sean: Samael sends a telepathic message to Goggle Man.
Sent at 3:13 PM on Friday
me: Ever so slightly, the man straightens a bit. OOC: the man is outside the auction perimeter, simply looking at stalls
No immediate response is fothcoming
Sean: Samael looks down at the Tiefling girl. "Evey... You really think so? There any reason I can't just scribe the berk and save you both the worry?"
me: You are to his side (at a 90 degree angle to him) but you have a strange feeling that he's closely observing you.
Sent at 3:16 PM on Friday
me: Evey gets up "You could sir, and I've wanted to for the longest time, but, he's got a ..whole pack behind him - he's their leader - and you'd have to get through his pack first before deadbooking him"
Sean: "Hm... Why's he want you dead anyway?"
Sent at 3:18 PM on Friday
Sean: "You steal something from him?"
me: "He keeps tabs on everyone in our neighborhood - makes sure they pay up big time to him, otherwise he'll kill them. No one's got the stomach to stop him because he's too strong, and there are too many of them."
Sent at 3:20 PM on Friday
Sean: "Well, what can you tell me about his pack? Just how many are there?"
me: "Dozens that I've seen, though there could be up to fifty of them around"
Sean: "...Wow... How about I just take you and your brother to The Lady's Ward? I have a friend there who owes me."
Sent at 3:24 PM on Friday
me: "Ok,.." her mind is racing, and you realize that you've bestowed more hope into her than anyone in a long while. "Let me get Ivan"
"Can you come with me?"
Sent at 3:26 PM on Friday
Sean: "Sure, but since I'm helping you can you help me? I have some friends who've been locked in the Gatehouse to cover up a crime. All I need is for one of you to play an addle-cove. Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you there. I promise. I just need an excuse to get inside. I can say I'm just trying to decide to admit you. Think you can do that for me?"
me: She hesitates, but finally agrees
Sean: "Alright, lead on then lass."
me: then leads you to a small boy standing by the guards, grabs him quickly, and continues on back towards the Gatehouse.
She drops by a small tenement, tells you to wait outside, and she and Ivan both go in.
Within moments, they return with two small unmarked bags- their necessary possesions
and continue onward towards the Gatehouse
The haunting effluvia of burnt meat, decaying flesh, body odor, acrid gases and dirt all mix together in a cacophony to assault the olfactory system. Almost as bad as the realization that most of these odors come from a vendor selling mystery foods for consumption.
Sent at 3:34 PM on Friday
me: Finally, the familiar arches of the Gatehouse enter your sight, and you see the Voice Tower
Sean: Alright, Evey, when we get to the Gatehouse I'll need you to act oblivious. Don't react to anything."
me: Evey stops for a moment -"but how are we going to get out once they jacket me?"
"there are too many guards"
Sean: Samael alters his appearance to resemble the elder brother of the two.
me: "WHOA!" Little Ivan yells
Evey looks surprised
"Magician!!" Little Ivan yells again
though softer this time
Sean: "Calm down kid. You've never seen a magic disguise before?"
me: Evey hushes him up with a nudge on the side
Sean: OOC: Incubus with kid sidekicks, this couldn't sound much worse out of context!
me: and a pitfiend
to boot
It's like a bad dream
Sean: "They won't jacket you. I'll tell em I'm not sure yet whether I need to commit you. I want to see things before I decide."
me: "Don't they jacket everyone?"
Sent at 3:39 PM on Friday
Sean: "Uh... dunno, never been in there. Point is, I won't be committing you. Just asking for information. You know?" Samael shrugs. "You're the ones who live around here, does that make any sense?"
"If not we can find an old barmy and say he's our grandpa or something."
me: "Okay!" Little Ivan yells
Sean: Samael winces.
me: You move over, and once again the voice calls out
Sean: "Calm down kid..."
Sent at 3:42 PM on Friday
Sean: "I'm thinking of committing a relative. I want to see the place though. Make sure she'll be alright."
me: Without a word, one gate slowly creaks open
The two children walk tremulously inside
Sean: Samael quickly moves in with them.
Not wanting to get seperated.
me: You are quickly approached by three guards in white robes- asylum uniforms
One of them, a young looking elf approaches.
He carries one of the notorious jackets, and you notice the others do as well
"Who is to be admitted?"
He looks at all three of you to decide which one is the barmy
"NOT ME!" Little Ivan yells
Sean: "No one yet. I'm not deciding whether I need to do it until I see the place."
"Ivan, keep it down will ya?"
Sent at 3:47 PM on Friday
Sean: Samael looks around.
me: "i think we would be the best judge of who should stay or not"
Looking around:
Sent at 3:50 PM on Friday
Sean: It's not a matter of expertise. I just want to know what it's like here before I decide whether I want commit anyone. I've heard horror stories, you've gotta understand."
me: The area is enclosed, guards are sprinkled throughout the compound. Some lights remain on in the many rooms of the two main towers
The towers flank a smaller building in the center, probably a reception area.
"Very well, follow us" the guard replies and leads you to the reception room.
g2g soon
Sean: Sad
me: >0
Sean: Samael keeps an eye out for any of the prisoners from the temple.
me: The reception room is very spartan and unadorned. Two humans are behind a giant desk
There are no prisoners apparent
in this room
Two hallways on opposite sides lead to either tower flanking the reception area.
There is also a third hallway in the back - you are unsure of where that leads.
Sent at 3:55 PM on Friday
Sean: "I read the paper today." Samael mentions idly. "The guards dropped off a bunch of folks claiming to be prisoners from the temple of the abyss after an explosion or something there? What was so barmy about them? I mean sure they coulda been lying but..."
me: baator be damned that my home connection doesnt work
Sean: Oh, ok.
me: "The guards in the room eye you suspicously
as do the receptionists
Sean: "What?"
me: "We are not at liberty to share information about other wards"

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs. "Well alright, just seemed kinda strange is all. So... where're we going from here?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

We're not going anywhere, one of the receptionist continues, the public is allowed to see this much of the Gatehouse - the towers are off limits.

It seems that the receptionist is unyielding. It would perhaps take some stealthier mode of attack to gain access to the towers.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael stares at the receptionist for a moment pondering whether it's worth the risk to the tieflings for him to try to do something... underhanded. In the end he decides against it. He can always fly up the side of the tower anyway. "Fine... Forget it. C'mon, we're leaving." He takes Evey's hand in one of his and Ivan's in the other and starts leading them back to the entrance.

OOC: I'm on gmail thingie right now if you want to use the chat client.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I'm going on gmail

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

me: though their payment might be "unconventional" to say the least
ok, ok, i'll be back soon
Sean: I hope that guy I warned did something.
me: what time is it in ahwaii?
Sean: 8:30ish
me: morning
Sean: 8:40ish actually
Sent at 2:38 PM on Sunday
me: ok
Sean: Heya
me: wow exactly 10 min
Sean: If I suddenly stop posting it may be because I went to lie down for a bit and ended up falling asleep. Sticking out tongue
me: haha, ok
so where were we..
you left the reception area
And are back outside
still within the confines of the Gatehouse
Guards eye you suspicously
it's late
and children usually don't request tours at night
Sent at 2:51 PM on Sunday
Sean: Wait, I'm not in the reception area but still in the gatehouse?
me: sorry, let me clarify
you left the reception structure in between the two towers
and are now in the 'open' reception area
Ivan is much more quiet when he asks:
"What are we doing now?"
"I have to use the bathroom"
Sean: "Alright, let me ask the guard."
"Scuse me, is there anywhere my brother can use the restroom before we leave?
me: "Hurry it up"
the half-orc ushers you to an area back near the reception structure
Ivan hurries in with Evey
(let me know if you want to do anything while they're in the bathroom)
(otherwise they'll come out in a short while)
and you'll be on your way
Sean: So, Ivan and Evey are in the bathroom and the guard is outside?
me: yep
Sean: Is he alone?
me: no
Sean: I mean, besides me?
me: there are guards scattered throughout the complex
more than a few are eyeing you
because at the moment, you three are the only visitors
Sean: Samael shifts from one foot to the other and glances at the guard. "Uh, I think I gotta go too."
me: The guard tries not to roll his eyes, but fails
Sean: OOC: I assume this isn't a modern multi person restroom is it?
me: No
more like an outhouse
a little bigger
You enter the small area - Evey is washing Ivan's hands at the well
There is simply a commode and a well.
Ivan: "Do you have to go too?"
Sean: "Yeah."
"Just you two wait outside for me."
Samael looks around the room.
me: (Bereszar: "I can't believe this")
the children go outside
Sean: "(Neither can I to tell you the truth)"
Sent at 3:02 PM on Sunday
me: The room is empty and slightly dirty besides the items mentioned above
one entrance/exit
Sean: Samael ponders what he can possibly do from here. He's finally alone, but Evey and Ivan won't be able to wait for him long... Pretty much anything he can think of requires him abandoning them in the Gatehouse, which seems like almost as bad an idea as leaving them just outside.
So, what's the toilet like exactly?
It's just a hole?
me: A dirty porcelain vase that empties underground
Sean: Hm...
me: It would be possible for a small creature to go down
Sean: Could it get plugged?
me: albeit it would be a dirty excursion
you mean blocked with excrement, or blocked with something that covers the top of the vase
Sean: OOC: Lol, climb down the toilet? I want to go up into the tower...
Blocked with excrement
me: yes
it's possible
Knowledge Planes:
(courtesy of Bereszar)
Sean: OOC: He sure is handy
me: The towers of the Gatehouse house the 'everyday' barmies
The far more secure underground is where the former bleaker factols and other more powerful bloods are locked.
(just thought you'd know)
(the a people from the temple would probably be kept in the towers , because they're not exactly powerful)
Sean: Well... I don't have any reason to think that the prisoners would be down there.
Course this would all be allot easier if I knew where they were.
me: and/or Who they were
Sean: Right.
All I've got are their likenesses
me: That's something
Sean: Sure, if I wanna look in each cell individually...
Guess I could try to draw them from memory, but the only one I actually talked to was the one woman.
me: At the moment there seems to be no way to locate the Temple prisoners, much less free them.
Sean: Yeah
me: Intuition tells you that perhaps you could try later when you have more information, better abilities
though who needs to listen to intution?
Sean: I suppose if they went to the trouble to get them locked away in there they aren't planning to kill them, at least for a while.
Oh well, here's hoping.
Samael waits for a few minutes then washes his hands and leaves the inhouse.
me: you're outside
Sean: "Alright, let's go." he says, taking the two young tieflings by the hand and leading them out.
Sent at 3:16 PM on Sunday
me: it's notp typing
You exxit back out to the area where you encountered the masked thug
Sean: OOC: Hey, are those corpses still there?
me: his body as well as the barmies' are still there
except they've been stripped
all that remains are underclothes
Sean: Samel covers Evey and Ivan's eyes.
me: "Are we going to the Lady's Ward now?" Evey asks, obviously anxious to get out of here
Sean: Alright, anyone who doesn't want to be grossed out close you eyes.
me: The area is eerily quiet
Sean: Samael looks back at the gatehouse, clearly unhappy with the outcome of their little venture.
"Yes, I guess we had best go. Hopefully things will work out."
Come on."
me: They grab onto you
Sean: Samael starts walking back towards the Lady's Ward, keeping an eye and an ear out for trouble. His or anyone elses.
me: (OOC: are there any places you'd like to visit- Night Market or otherwise, before you get to the Ladys Ward?)
There is not much of note as you walk back.
Sean: OOC: Well...
me: Evey has a knack for keeping you three towards the shadows and well out of view
so the trip is without incidence
Sean: OOC: I don't want to go back to the night market with Ivan, he might get kidnapped.
me: ok
Sean: I did want to meddle some more, but I think I missed my chance.
Beraszar will be happy(well, less pissed) that I'm leaving.
me: With these two, it would be difficult, if not impossible to stir up trouble, then make a clean getaway
unless you had no qualms with using them as bait
Sean: Exactly.
me: muahahah
Sean: He's not about to waste all the pain and suffering he's probably inflicted on himself by getting them killed.
Sent at 3:26 PM on Sunday
me: Though the Guildhall Ward and past the Market Ward, you slowly but surely make your way to the Court District of the Lady's Ward. Little Ivan has fallen asleep, and Evey carried him for the later half of the journey.
It is now about 7 Hours After Antipeak
Sent at 3:29 PM on Sunday
Sean: Samael holds out his arms to the doubtlessly tires Evey. "Here, lemme take."
OOC:Where was I supposed to go to meat what's his name again?
me: OOC: Ciash
Sean: OOC: Is Violet's corner on the way?
me: Yes, Violet's corner is on the way
Sean: Well, I'll definitely be passing by to see if Tranchita is back.
Or Violet, or whatever.
But I need to furry to meet Ciash.
me: Violet's Corner is still empty
Sean: Oh well.
me: You assume she likes to sleep in
Sean: Damn.
me: She must expend a lot of energy every day
Sean: Heh
OOC: ok, so off to meet Ciash then, aren't I late?
Sent at 3:33 PM on Sunday
me: OOC: only by a few minutes
Ciash mentioned 7 hours after antipeak
You approach Vlrc's Clocktower, and surely enough, the redheaded tiefling in Dark Armor is standing there, looking like he's waiting for someone.
(which form are you in, your usual form, or as the big brother of Evey and Ivan?)
Sean: Big brother.
Sent at 3:36 PM on Sunday
Sean: "Sorry, I got sidetracked... Oh." Samael gently hands Evey her sleeping brother and makes a show of dispelling a spell to transform back into his human disguise.
Sent at 3:37 PM on Sunday
Sean: "Oi, Ciash! Sorry I'm late, I got a bit sidetracked."
me: Ciash looks up, and grins - "no matter cutter, it's me post anyhow - so i'd be here regardless"
Ok, so I found one of the two people
Sean: (OOC: Who else did I ask about besides the informant? The woman?
me: Zakarius is a proprieter at the Fat Candle Pub in the Guildhall ward
(OOC: Tara)
"And I couldn't really help ye with an elf named Tara"
Sean: "Ah well, I think she's working for the temple of the abyss now anyway, might be better you didn't find anything."
"Still, you found Zakarius, that's who I needed to find by today.
Samael looks around for Firefly.
"Hey, seems I know one of your mates."
me: Firefly is not in sight
perhaps in about half an hour
Sean: "A lass named Firefly?"
Sent at 3:44 PM on Sunday
me: Ciash nods, aye, a feisty one she is.. how'd ye know her?
Sent at 3:45 PM on Sunday
Sean: "Uh... Well actually, that might be a bit uncomfortable for her. I think it's best I let her tell you. I was supposed to meet her here. So, how's Violet?"
"You saw her last night?"
me: "No, she said she had 'business' (he grins) I s'pose i'll catch her later"
Sent at 3:48 PM on Sunday
Sean: "Hm. Alright. Tranchita was supposed to meet her, and I was supposed to meet up with her later. Only, I... well that's part of why I was late."
Sent at 3:50 PM on Sunday
Sean: "Well, I shouldn't worry about her. She's a right canny lass that one."
"Mind if I wait here for Firefly to show up? I'll try not to get in the way of any business."
me: "Ok, but what's with the spawn?"
spawn= kids
Sean: "Oh... Hey, there's somethin' I just..."
Oh yeah. This is Evey, and that's Ivan. They're part of why I'm late.
"It's a loooong story."
"Evey, if you wanna tell it I'll leave it up to you."
me: You'd expect Ivan to shout something by now, but he's fast asleep
Evey just shakes her head sleepily
still trying to take in everything
Sean: Samael started searching his person, trying to remember where he put the picture of the woman.
"Ah, here."
He carefully unfolds the drawing, and examines it a moment.
me: "Never seen her- you got a name?"
Sean: "No..."
"For some reason I know her face..."
"Er, sorry."
"It's just some dark I seem to have forgotten."
"Really annoying too since it seems important."
He sighs, gazing at the drawing."
me: Hmm, sorry rounder, can't help you without a name
Sean: "It's not really a very good likeness."
Samael continues staring silently at the drawing for a moment, apparently oblivious to Ciash.
He suddenly looks up and notices the very tired looking Evey.
"Evey, you think you can stay awake?"
me: "Mmmhmm" she sheepishly nods
Sean: "Maybe you oughta lie down before you drop your brother."
Sent at 4:00 PM on Sunday
me: She sits on the ground, cradling her little brother
Eventually, Firefly Arrives
Sean: Samael goes over to Evey and lets her lean on him.
me: She briefly hugs Ciash, they exchange a few words, then she looks at you and points to the kids - "Who're they?"
Sean: "Oh, There you are!"
"Evey and Ivan."
"I um... went for a walk last night and... I picked them up.
me: "you didn't tell me you had chil... ooh"
where did you pick them up from?
Sean: "Um... The Hive..."
me: "What are ye gonna do with them?"
Sean: "I dunno... I figured you owed me one..."
me: "Huh?!"
"I don wan children!!!!"
Sean: "Well ya know... All that saving your life and all..."
me: "But why.. of all the things.."
Sean: Hey, Evey's, what, Seventeen?"
He looks down at Evey.
"Well, she could be your little sister couldn't she?"
me: She nods
Sean: He smiles at Firefly.
me: "I don't have place to keep them-at least not for the long term"
Sean: You've got a big place."
me: I'll take them to the Gymnasium when my roomy returns"
"I think I'll figure it out"
she resigndedly sighs
Sean: Samael smiles.
"You're a wonderful person, you knot that?" He says, smirking.
me: "So what are we doing now?"
Sean: "Well, I was hoping to meet up with a friend of mine again, she was with a friend of Ciash's, only I guess she had a long night."
I've got to meet Zakarius at the Fat Candle Pub in the Guildhall ward.
me: "Ok, so I'll drop the spawn off to the the Gymnasium, and you go meet Zakarius?"
Sean: OOC: Um, what exactly is "the Gymnasium"
me: The Great Gymnasium:
Sent at 4:14 PM on Sunday
You cannot send messages over 2000 characters long
me: Situated roughly in the center of the Guildhall Ward, the Great Gymnasium did, and still does, function primarily as what its name implies. The calm beauty of the Great Gymnasium in many ways rivals or exceeds the laurels given to the glory of other buildings of the ward, and indeed the city.
While before the Faction War the Great Gymnasium was also the home of the Transcendent Order, it was and still is a place where most any basher can go to improve their body by a great variety of physical activities.
The first floor is dominated by the exercise field used for various martial arts and combat skills. The center of the field also sports three pools, one hot, one warm, and one cold. Beyond the field is an inner portico used for musical and other public artistic demonstrations and lectures. Past the portico are a number of separated rooms for music, dancing, sculpting, and other artistic endeavors as well as sealed and warded rooms for spellslingers to practice their arts without harming themselves or others in the process. Those who frequented the old building still come for much the same, and aside from some of the faction high-ups wandering and giving token words to those training or practicing (especially Rhys, who rarely says a word, but then usually something profound), the former members of the Transcendent Order hold no more sway over the place than any others.

The second level was previously filled with a number of meditation chambers, including one taking up most of the floor called the Shared Meditation Chamber, and a few additional training rooms for use of faction members only. Now open to the public, old members and new bashers seeking some calm from the bustle of Sigil and their own lives frequent the chambers for quiet contemplation.
g2g soon Sad
Sent at 4:18 PM on Sunday
Sean: Sad
"You're gonna drop them off at the Gymnasium? They can't live there? Can they?"
Sent at 4:20 PM on Sunday
me: Oh, I have a feeling they'll find their place
she says cryptically
You decide it's best to trust a Cipher's intuition
Sent at 4:21 PM on Sunday
Sean: Samael sighs and looks to Evey. "You alright with that? I'll come see you soon as I can... if you want."
Sent at 4:22 PM on Sunday
me: "Okay!" she merrily, though sheepishly gets up
g2g now!
Sean: Sad
Sent at 4:23 PM on Sunday

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Firefly, can you carry Ivan? Evey, why don't I give you a ride?" Samael offers to carry Evey so she can try to sleep, and follows Firefly to the gymnasium, passing by Violet's corner again if it's on the way.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Ivan easily curls around Firefly's bosom- as if he's done it many times before. Evey holds onto you, and you all head towards the Gymnasium.

Firefly asks you-: So where exactly did ye go last night?

OOC: Next up - entering the Gymnasium + Firefly's character sheet

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs nonchalantly,

"Long story, but if you really wanna know... I went to the Madhouse district to see if I could do anything about the other prisoners. A couple of berks tried to jump be, but they ended up in the deadbook. I figured I could get something for their skivs and whatnot... ah pike it, I totally forgot to get rid of that stuff... Well anyway, I went down to the Night Market. That's where I met Evey. She helped me get into the Gatehouse, but the damned Bleakers wouldn't let me past reception anyway... I guess we'll need to find another way... So, are you going to tell me what your idea is taking them to the Gymnasium?"

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

6:28 AM Travis: "The Gymnasium's one of the safest cases in the Cage-
6:30 AM even during the faction war, when everything was Jangled up, the Ciphers and Rhys were the only faction that we'rent bobbed by the Lady"
"we've got guest rooms for prime visitors"
6:31 AM "but I'll convince 'em to let the kids stay"
me: "Well, that's very thoughtful of you." Samael smiles.
6:32 AM He then wonders if perhaps that joke wasn't quite as funny out loud as he had found it in his head,
6:33 AM Travis: (LOL, I finally got it) "So d'ya wanna come with, or are ye gonnae meet up with me after Zakarius?"
6:34 AM me: OOC: How far away is the Gym anyway? I mean, how long would it take to get there and then get to Zakarius' place on foot?
6:35 AM Travis: You are in the Lady's, it would take an hour to get out of the Lady's, then an hour to cross the Market into the Guildhall, then another hour to get to the Gymnasium. It's about half an hour by foot to get from the Gymnasium to Zakarius.
6:36 AM You estimate that the trip to Gymnasium would take about half an hour (instead of three) if you flew
me: I think Firefly would be very surprised if I grew wings and a tale and took off.
6:38 AM Travis: You can, of course, make excuses -(er. I just remembered, I have to meet someone in the Lady's Ward, I'll just meet you at the Gymnasium)
me: Samael thinks for a moment then says, "I've got to take care of this meeting as soon as possible. I better go there first... I'll meet up with you."
6:39 AM "Just, stay away from any abyssal priests."
Travis: "Hehe Aright, I'll see you at the Gymnasium - Ye can find me in the second floor"
me: "Alright, I'll see ya."
6:40 AM Travis: (actually, second "floor" doesn't do justice to the sheer size of the Gym - I shoudl have called it second "level"
6:41 AM me: Samael waves goodbye to the three, hoping Evey can walk that far in her tired state, then heads back past Violet's corner on his way to Zakarius' place in hopes of meeting up with Tranchita.
Travis: STILL no sight of them
perhaps it would be better to try this spot after your meeting with Zak
nonetheless, the travel would get annoying
6:42 AM you also have the option of simply waiting here
until they arrive
me: I guess I'll wait for about half an hour.
6:43 AM Travis: No sign of them
me: Blah.
What time is it?
Travis: almost 9 hours after antipeak
me: Hm, what time was it when I first met Tranchita?
6:44 AM If you remember.
Travis: heh, i do not recall
let's just say it was at peak?
6:45 AM me: ok
I guess I'll wait half an hour more then head to Zakarius'
6:46 AM Travis: it is slightly after 9 hours after antipeak, and with no sign of them, you fly over to the Fat Candle Pub
6:47 AM Surrounding the Great Gymnasium, the blocks immediately near to the former faction hall of the Ciphers lays the Gymnasium District. Most of the members of the Transcendent Order still live here within walking distance of the Gymnasium which most of them still visit on a daily basis. Most of the businesses in the area tend to provide whatever is needed by those visiting the Gymnasium, including a number of smaller bathhouses, saunas, and gyms for those wishing a quieter, less frequented place than the former faction hall. In addition, many of the ward’s guilds already exist or are rapidly establishing both a presence and organized guildhall within the district.
6:48 AM The Fat Candle Pub is difficult to locate as it sits inconspicuously between a foods store and a residence
6:49 AM It is a two story tavern, with an unremarkable door at the front, and two barricaded windows at the top
6:50 AM You land outside it, and blend nearly seamlessly with the throng of Sigilians around the area going about their day
You note chilly gray skies. It's going to rain soon, if not today then tomorrow.
6:51 AM (OOC: let me know in which form you enter the tavern, or if you'd like to enter invisibly)
6:52 AM me: Human form, but I wanna stop someone on the street nearby first and ask about it.
6:53 AM "Uh, scuse me cutter, would you happen to know if this place is any good?"
6:56 AM OOC: Um, Hello?
6:57 AM Travis: Sorry
ne call
me: ok
Travis: ok
Outside, you catch a canny looking half-elf
dressed in leather armor
As you approach, she eyes you warily
6:58 AM me: afk a sec
Travis: She makes no effort to conceal the daggers she carries on either side of her body
quickly accessible
6:59 AM me: Ok, I'm back
7:01 AM Does she look affiliated with the pub, or is she just standing around suspiciously?
7:02 AM Travis: You're not certain- it could be either. She does look like she knows a thing or two about the pub
7:03 AM me: "You come here often? I was wondering if its any good."
7:05 AM Travis: "I like it- why don you go inside and see fer yerself?!"
7:06 AM me: Samael raises an eyebrow at the woman's rather abrupt answer "Uh... Just thought I'd ask. You looked canny. You work here or something?"
7:07 AM Travis: "Neh, not fer the Pub" she looks away, seemingly annoyed by your questioning.
7:08 AM me: "Sorry, name's Samael, what's yours?"
Travis: "Pike off!"
7:09 AM me: "Sheesh, just trying to make conversation, what if I treat you?"
Travis: You get the sense that you're not the first cutter to introduce himself to her - she isn't exactly the most attractive type you've seen, but some might be drawn to her rugged, dark features
7:11 AM She puts her hands on her dagger "git yer way going berk, before I have ta "MAKE" ye
7:12 AM You don't think she's bluffing
"I like her!" Bereszar remarks
me: Me too. Samael replies in his head, and smiles.
7:14 AM Samael smiles at the woman, not getting getting any closer but not retreating.
7:15 AM Travis: "Hmmph"
me: "Hm?"
7:16 AM Travis: She doesn't say anything, pretending as if you're not even there.
me: (Oh, she's gonna ignore me now, what'll I do Beraszar?)
7:18 AM Travis: "I wouldn't get any more on her bad side - she looks like the type who could handle herself. Also, I'm not going to assist you if she manages to slit your throat."
7:20 AM me: ("Despite appearances I'm far from helpless, you remember the last time i got my throat slit don't you? I wasn't any worse for the wear when you fried those berks, though I'd rather you not kill her anyway.")
7:21 AM ("I could always just charm her.")
7:22 AM Travis: (Go ahead, though I don't think she'd be nearly as enjoyable to talk to)
7:23 AM me: Samael looks around to see who else if anyone is around.
Travis: There are a lot of cagers just passing by in a steady stream through the street
7:24 AM There are two lightly armored doormen/guards that you can make out on the inside of the doors of the Pub
Of course, there are people on one side of you purchasing food from the corner food stall
7:25 AM me: "Well look lass, if ye won't let me buy you a drink, how about a..." Samael glances over at the food stall's wares. "I'd just like to ask a few questions about the proprietor of this establishment."
7:26 AM OOC: You know, if I were any good at roleplaying an incubus I'd have seduced her by now... :("
Travis: You can always try diplomacy, bluff rolls
7:27 AM as well as suggestion
charm person
though you get teh feeling that she isn't your ordinary person
and might be difficult to charm
even for you
me: I actually have charm monster
Travis: ....the charmer of night hags
7:28 AM me: Yeah, but hags are easy, they warm to pretty much anyone they don't want to kill who's nice to them, then they give them creepy compulsion tatoos.
7:29 AM I sure hope she just wants me for sex, that would make things allot easier than some quest or something...
You know, out of context that sounds really strange.
Travis: yea
7:30 AM me: Ok, I'll roll diplomacy
7:31 AM Should I use the PW dice roller? I could use Invisible castle as well.
7:32 AM Travis: anything you want
just let me know whatever you get
7:34 AM me: By the way, how's my HP, I didn't rest, so it could be the same, but then I don't actually need to rest so it doesn't seem like it would make sense for me to need to to heal
Travis: Do Incubi have regeneration?
7:35 AM me: No, I don't think so.
Travis: If not, we'll say that you heal 10% of your full HP every hour
me: Great, I rolled a two!
total of 22
Well it didn't make anything worse...
7:36 AM Travis: so technically, if you're down to 1 HP, regardless of your full HP, it would take you 10 hours to heal fully
"I donnae KNOW about any properitarr!"
7:37 AM me: "Well, what have you heard?"
Travis: "Why d'ye keep botherin' me? I'm not interested ye pikin sod!!"
7:40 AM me: Samael sighs, "Interested?"
Travis: She starts walking
me: "Well, you're interested in something"
7:41 AM "Huh... Well that was strange."
"Wonder what she was banging around here for in the first place."
7:42 AM Samael shrugs and looks for a less standoffish looking person to talk to, preferably female so that he can work his questionable charms.
7:43 AM Travis: no females of interest immediately outside the area
There are females in teh surrounding stalls, but they don't seem like they'd know darks about the Pub
7:44 AM me: Well, preferably female, males are fine for asking questions, just not usually as responsive to an incubus.
7:45 AM There's no one else around? That looks like they know anything?
7:46 AM Travis: Not that you can discern, mostly people just going about their business, perhaps it would be best to enter the Pub
You're certain, however, that the tiefer chit knew something
she isn't in sight anymore
7:47 AM me: I thoguht she was a half elf.
Travis: JK
that's what I meant
it's all a blur to me
stereotypical - I automatically equate fiendling to 'feisty'
7:48 AM me: Which way did whatever race she was go?
Travis: Towards the side of the road where the residential area was
the opposite direction from the food stall
7:49 AM me: Samael heads after her at a quick pace hoping to catch sight of her.
She obviously knows something and he'd like to know it too.
7:51 AM Travis: She's out of sight in the immediate area. Lord B: "You're a persistent one aren't you? perhaps if we destroyed these tenaments, we could get a better view of the streets on the other side"
You probably could catch her if you took flight.
7:52 AM me: ("Yes, I suppose so if you can do that it could come in handy some other time. For now I'd rather not call that much attention to myself.")
Samael takes flight and lands on the roof of a tenement.
7:53 AM Travis: And you see the chit jogging in one of the connecting alleyways
7:54 AM me: Samael decides to follow from the roofs for a while, watching her closely in case she does anything resembling a portal key.
7:55 AM And also looking ahead for any possible portals.
7:56 AM Travis: No portals in sight, she quickly, however, enters a residential building inconspicuously housed among the many others of its kind in this area. Not nearly as many cagers are walking in this area as there were on the main road.
7:58 AM me: Samael pauses above the building, takes a look around to get his bearings, then sinks through the roof with his ethereal jaunt
8:00 AM Travis: You are in a bedroom of an empty apartment
nothing of note
me: Samael sinks lower into the building until he is at the ground level on the inside of the door.
Travis: there is a great room past the door
you are now nearly behind the chit
8:01 AM in a hallway of many other doors
She goes to a door marked (38)
takes out keys, then quickly goes inside
me: Samael follows, while still ethereal.
Hoping that whatever she knows is worth the trouble.
8:02 AM Travis: This appears to be a smaller apartment than the one in which you initially landed in
there is a living room, a bedchamber and a small kitchen.
Once again, there is nothing of note that immediately catches your eye
8:03 AM the girl removes her belt, daggers and all
she locks the door and goes to the bedchamber
there are two bookshelves
8:04 AM she takes a leatherbound tome from one of the shelves and expels an arcane word
in an instant, there is a quill in her hand- she starts writing
8:05 AM me: The daggers are in the living room still?
Travis: Yes, near the great room, outside her bed
You note that this chit prefers leather as most her wardrobe is comprised of leather
save some extravagant red robes
8:06 AM crimson to be exact
these robes are in stark contrast to everything else in the house which is modest
but the robes are finely designed, and there is what appears to be a large ruby, or a gem of comparable value on the front.
8:07 AM me: Hum...
"Most peculiar..."
Travis: OOC; How long can you remain ethereal?
is it one round per hit die?
8:08 AM me: I guess so.
Lemme see
Travis: You note another thing, as soon as she scribbles a sentence onto the tome, the words transiently remain, then magically disappear
8:09 AM You're quite certain that the entire tome is blank
at least at first glance
me: Yeah, one round per caster level I guess. so seven rounds. But I can use it at will so I can activate it again the same round it stops.
8:10 AM OOC: When's she gonna start undressing? WHat's the point of being invisible if you can watch girls undress? Sticking out tongue
Travis: rofl!!!
me: So, how long have I been ethereal?
8:11 AM Travis: I'll say 4 rounds
and let's say you can be so for 4 more rounds
me: I don't want be in her line of sight when it ends, that way I can activate it again before she sees me.
8:12 AM Hm, can't I just activate it again before it ends?
Travis: activate ethereal jaunt?
Can't you only do it 1/day
for a maxiumum amount of rounds equivalent to your hit die
8:13 AM me: No, I can Summom a vrock once per day
Travis: hmm.
me: I can use Charm Monster, Detect Good, Detect Thoughts, and Ethereal Jaunt at will.
Oh, and suggestion and greater telelport.
8:14 AM Travis: NVm
then you can indefinitely remain ethereal
it would be pointless to have it every 8 rounds
sorry, i forgot about the nuances
of being an incubus
so you're still ethereal
8:15 AM I've got about 15 min
me: So will try to steal her daggers if possible while she is distracted, dispelling the ethereal jaunt, grabbing the daggers, but not yet picking them up so as not to make a noise, then dragging them with him to the etheral place when.
If that works.
He wants to make sure she isn't going to dice him once she actually does notice him.
8:16 AM That should work right?
Travis: yep
she's still busy writing
8:17 AM me: Ok, BTW It says that the spell like abilities are caster level twelfth. I'm not sure what that means for the duration.
8:19 AM Travis: In clandestine situations like this, We'll make it indefinitely
in combat situations, like when someone/thing is attacking you, then we'll worry about time limits for ethereal jaunt
me: It only cuts out when the plot calls for it? Sticking out tongue
Travis: cuts out?
me: lol, nm
8:20 AM You know, ends.
8:21 AM Travis: hehe, exactly
you manage to grab her daggers without her noticing you
8:22 AM me: "Well, that's a few less things to worry about."
8:23 AM Samael tucks them into his bag and then approaches the chit from behind getting close to look over at the movements of her pen. If at all possible he will try to discern her writing by watching the movement.
8:25 AM Travis: She is writing in elven
me: BTW, does she have any tatoos that he can see from here?
Travis: no
8:26 AM LOL, if only you had xray vision
to see through her clothes
it's difficult to make out the writing
me: Hey... if he's ethereal he could technically stick his head inside her clothes.
Great idea!
Travis: hahaha!
me: Alright!
8:27 AM Travis: you do, however make out three words of note
Assassin, Guild, Engineer
g2g now Sad
me: Sad
8:28 AM Travis: next time on Incubus
me: What about inside her clothes? Tatoos?
Travis: just creamy soft skin that you can't feel from the ethereal
me: Sad

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: sorry for not being able to post/chat for the last couple of days- they’ve been unreasonably hectic.
After grasping the daggers and seeing the unusual red robes, you realize that you’ve seen them before.

Your world quickly turns dark.

A Tanar’ri outpost tower in the Gray Waste. Hidden inside the top-most room, you look over the leading Nalfeshnee who has just died by your hands. His dark, severed carapace serves as a tragic centerpiece to the otherwise exquisite room – his grimace of shock and outrage belie the sheer quickness and efficiency of his undoing. The kill had been all too easy. Not until its last seconds of life had the fiend suspected your treachery.

Around you, he had been completely disarmed by your façade as a fearful new recruit. This masquerade had worked as perfectly and cleanly as the last one. You smile darkly, savoring the moment, enjoying the thrill of the kill. The intense pleasure that reverberated through your body as your short sword impaled the Nalfeshnee’s thoracic cavity still lingers. Yes, you are an artist… a spider. You spun your web of intrigue around this target just as you had the last target. You are an artist – manipulating the other players around yourself such that when you actually went for the strike, the target (though more than capable of defending himself and actually could easily have slayed you instead had it known your murderous intent) never knew what hit him.

After looting the portal key from the fiend’s carcass, you approach the bookshelf. Surely enough, the blue swirl swallows you into your next destination – the extradimensional vault.

You enter the pocketed treasure area and are instantly surrounded in gigantic room overflowing with mercs and gems, along with assorted magical items- the chaotic Tanar’ri had made no effort to arrange this area. No, but this was obviously not about the money- taking or leaving the hoard would hardly make a difference in your financial situation. Besides, the truest assassins, the best in the multiverse, were not driven by coin, but by a greater purpose. You are not here for the loot, but begin to search for that very important document you know is hidden somewhere among the treasure hoard.

Perhaps it’s instinct that makes you uneasy about being in this room. Something off-putting that you cannot quite pinpoint. You feel as though someone else is here, but that’s impossible – the portal to this area has a single key- and that was the one you just removed from the corpse in the tower. Still, something is not right.

Before you can whirl around to counter – the curved sword is upon your shoulder – the landing only cutting your shoulder slightly. You are about to laugh and face whosoever is foolish enough to attack you with an unenchanted weapon until you see the reflection of who’s behind you and for the second time in your three millennia of existance your blood runs cold.

“The next blow will be fatal,” promises the tall, tanned human female. You do not doubt it. With neatly kept, unremarkable brown hair and subtle features, she is of above average beauty, but by no means amongst the top ten, or even twenty most beautiful females you’ve seen. Yet there is something in the way which she speaks that commands not just the attention, but the will of anyone who hears.

“But how-” you begin, but quickly cease as you read her increasingly hostile body language.

You dare to slowly turn around and face her.

“My means are not your concern,” her commanding voice continues, “but if you wish to exist for another second, you will do as I say.” You begin to wonder if there is some magical dominating-effect laced into the words. Willing or not, you will have to comply.

The vision fades, and there is another:

This time, you are in Undersigil amongst a circular gathering of mortals and immortals alike. All of the people around you wear exquisite red robes save the tanned woman with subtle features at the center. She is dressed in expensive clothing, but not the ceremonial robes that you and the others are wearing. You realize that you are holding a dagger in each hand – and so is the tiefling adjacent to you- and the human adjacent to her- and the rest of the people in the circle.

Slowly and gracefully, the tanned woman walks around the circle and stops at every person to say a few words.

She finally gets to you, and once again, you fight the urge to kneel before her presence.

“You will rise anew. And I will find you again.”

The visions swirl away, and once again you return to the present.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Hey, it's no problem. RL is sort of important after all. Sticking out tongue

Samael shakes his head, as he tries to clear the disorientation from his mind. He tries to remember the faces in his vision, and whether any of them matched the half elf standing before him.

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Joined: 2006-08-14
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The halfie matches none of the faces in your memory, though the Red Robes are unmistakably the same as the one she has in her closet.

No markings of note on her person

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Despite the lack of immediately useful info, Samael takes care to try to remember all the faces he can from his vision. They're bound to be important later. He continues watching the half elf chit write. Waiting to see what she'll do next. Whatever she knows, she had been hiding it from him. So theoretically it would be easier to find something out if she remained unaware of his presence.

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You can recognize three of the robed faces if you see them, but the rest is a blur - all mashed irrevocably in the depths of your mind.

After about ten more minutes of writing, the girl closes the unmarked tome and slips it back into the bookshelf. She begins to walk outside, grabbing her belt, then panicking as she doesn't see her weapons. After quickly push/pulling the door to ensure it's locked, she scrambles to the rooms, searching rapidly.

OOC: google chat appears to be having 'technical difficulties'

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Samael continues watching. Hoping she reveals something in her panic.

OOC: Ok, well we can just post back and fourth, or email, of you want, either way. We could also try using another chat client.

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Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: What other chat client did you have in mind? I can come up with a Yahoo account in about 5-10 min. Also, I will be free to post/chat for the next 90 min or so.

You can FEEL the fear emnating from her person, and she begins casting - you are unable to recognize the spell, but are fairly certain that it is one to dispel effects in the vicinity. The spell does not affect your ethereal state, and she bolts out the door.

(Assuming you follow), she leads you through the tortuous alleyways of the housing district, and finally emerges to initial road where you met her. She begins to run down the road, past the tavern and the food store.

You can continue to follow her or enter the tavern

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael follows her. Making sure to keep right next to her as they go.

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She quickly enters another residential bloc in the Ward, this time once again, the alleys are nearly deserted and once again, they twist and turn is such a way that it is very difficult for anyone without prior knowledge of the area to find his way to... or back from wherever she's going.

Finally she arrives at a site with a small sewer lid. She looks around again to make sure no one is following, opens the lid, and jumps down into Undersigil.

You follow her through a series of ladders and short pathways - it is pitch black and you figure her darkvision to be excellent in order to avoid the close walls and tight corners. Nothing besides a few rats inhabit the area.

She pauses when reaching a concealed circular door in one of the narrow stone pathways, after dusting off the exterior, she removes a key from her belt, and enters.

Unlike the narrow, rectangular stone pathways before, the new area is an asymmetric, large earthen cavern. She starts descending into the natural slope that leads to a smaller clearing. There is a large (unconcealed) circular door guarded by four guards in unmarked armor. One of the guards approaches her, she speaks in an incomprehensible language (you have Tongues so you understand every known language- you figure they must be talking in code). The guard shortly lets her in.

You are in the atrium of what appears to be a large underground facility. This chamber is circular, and the walls are made of some kind of magical stone. The entire structure (apparently constructed of fine granite) appears to be laced with magic. Spersed througout the room are guards in similar garb to the ones outside. The ceiling is about 40 feet high, and the room has a diameter of about 300 feet. Aside from a massive (nearly ceiling-high) yellow crystal in the middle of the room, the entire area is barren, and you do not see any connecting doorways.

Your confusion is shortly abated as she walks to the crystal, speaks another codeword (Kaheelah) touches the crystal. Then she is gone.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Uh.... Whoa.... I don't think I would have followed her that far, and I took her entire belt, not just the daggers... Erm, oh well.

Samael continues following her, wondering just what he's gotten himself into now, and whether he'll still have time to meet Zakarius.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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erg.. sorry, i guess that's the problem with assuming you will follow her all the way (this is why chat is better) We can backtrack if you wish. Also, remember that you are ethereal, and you can not just travel as normal, but also up and down through solid ground- so you can technically 'levitate' back out of here to the surface.

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You cannot follow her any further, as you touch the crystal in your ethereal state, your hands go right through it with no effect.

Dire Lemon's picture
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OOC:Yeah... um, this is all way over my head, I would have revealed myself to her the moment she looked to be going underground. It's also kind of cheating to know all that stuff now though so...

Oh yeah, I got that stupid Yahoo messenger thing to work. I had to download and install a seperate program though and it in turn installed a bunch of other stuff and then automatically restarted my computer. Very annoying.

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Joined: 2006-08-14
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So what do you want to do - you can just 'leave with what you know now, or just pretend that you didn't read the rest (it's not incredibly crucial whether you know where she went) - or we can start back from when she is about to go underground.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Uhm, I guess I can try to forget this...

Samael rematerializes just as she reaches the grate, he walks towards her and calls out to her. "Heya lass. Are you alright? I saw you running down the street lookin' half barmy, something wrong?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: Hey Dire, I'm back on that public (non-university) comp again, and once again, it's not letting me chat

The woman jumps and briefly screams.

Wha- YOU!!! You've been following me!!! Where are they?!!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael smiles slightly at her reaction but raises his hands placatingly as he continues to approach. "Calm down lass, I'm not gonna bob you or nothin'." He glances at her waste, now empty of weapons. "Though if you're worried about that you really should carry some sort of weapon."

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OOC: roll bluff or diplo about the weapons - and please do that whevener you think it applies

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Sorry. I wasn't sure. I'm always fine for you rolling stuff for me sometimes though.

25 Bonus for Bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+25, the result is 29.
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Joined: 2006-08-14
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She looks at you suspiciously (as in a "how would you know how to say that?" kind of way). Nonetheless, she replies:

No, nothing's wrong! Now leave me alone... please!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shakes his head. "Look. I know you were hiding something from me. I want some answers. That's all."

OOC: Does she sound scared or just annoyed? I mean, she doesn't seem the type to say "please".

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Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Exasperated and suspicious

What do you want to know, I told you, I'm not canny to many darks about the place.

Without waiting for a response, she continues on her way

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael frowns as he appears to have lost the woman's attention again. "Actually, I wanted to know about the red robes, and the daggers."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Now she appears scared...and continues walking but is nonetheless unyielding.

Red robes?
but then she stops and turns around to answer your question with a question
Where are my daggers?

I think you need to coax this girl .. Bereszar obviously refers to magical manipulation

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I'm about to... Let me just try this...

Samael smiles at her. "I'll tell you, but I want to know some things. Just why are those daggers so important to you?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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She looks at you incredulously:

Why are any blades important to a basher?!! So he doesn't get bobbed!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shakes his head slowly. "Look. I know there's something more to this. Please just be honest with me lass. I don't intent you any harm. In fact I may well be a friend if you give me a chance. All I want is some answers. Those daggers and that robe. Are you seeking 'rebirth'?"

20 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 22.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

6:26 AM Travis: The half-elf doesn't respond to your question about rebirth. She starts walking faster, however
Detecting her thoughts, you know two things, both are unspecific
6:27 AM 1) There IS a greater significance to the daggers than just as weapons, and you suspect that it has something to do with your flashback of the ceremony Undersigil
me: Samael sighs, (I guess there's no choice then. He thinks)
Travis: 2) she is scared
6:29 AM me: Samael starts following her again "Girl, what are you scared of?"
6:30 AM "I've no desire to harm you, I just want answers. If it's something else, maybe I can help."
6:31 AM Travis: She now turns into one of the alleyways on the Spireward side of Gymnasium, and continues her rapid pace... without looking behind, she says: "Please, I can't tell you, and I can't tell you why - just lemme be, I don't want your help, I just want to be left alone"
6:32 AM me: "Aright, I'm sorry." His disappointment obvious in his voice.
OOC: Charm Person.
I mean CHarm Monster.
Travis: She's charmed
6:33 AM me: "Just hold on a moment will you? Just talk to me, please."
Travis: "Ok, fine, what do you need to know?"
6:34 AM me: "First of all, let's get this cleared up. What's your name lass?"
Travis: Kate
6:35 AM me: Samael looks somewhat surprised. "Hm, that's a lovely name."
Travis: "Thanks! What
s your's?"
me: "You can call me Sam."
6:36 AM "Can you tell me about the daggers now? Or at least can you tell me why you can't tell me?"
6:37 AM Travis: Her eyes are glazed,
me: "I don't want you to do anything that would endanger your life, I just need some anwers.
Travis: and you notice that her voice is more monotone (though not completely) than before
"Well, ok"
6:38 AM "They are my ceremonial weapons for the Chosen Order."
me: Samael nods.
6:39 AM Travis: "I can't tell you about the Order, or my life would be at risk"
me: "That's alright. I don't want you to risk your life"
6:40 AM Travis: "We are a group of assassins who's missions are more ideological than mercenary"
me: "Hold on a moment Lass."
Travis: "Our targets are Cross-Traders, Blood War Operants..
me: Samael looks around the area suspiciously.
6:41 AM "Let's find a more seure place to talk about this hm?"
Travis: Alright"
me: "Do you know any good places? What about your case?"
6:42 AM Travis: "Alright, let's go"
6:43 AM me: Samael walks behind Kate, looking around cautiously as they go, while trying to remain inconspicuous about it.
Travis: she leads you back, and now you enter her home again, this time - not ethereally
You don't notice any followers or eavsdroppers
6:44 AM She enters and locks the door once again as she did before
"Can you give me back my daggers?"
me: "Yes, I'll give them back. I just want to know, why are they so important? Do they make you immune to anything?"
6:45 AM "This is a nice place you have here."
"Samael looks around, makes an act of finding the bedroom, and sits down on the bed."
Travis: "I can't tell you exactly, but they do not make me immune... in fact, they make me more susceptible.."
6:46 AM she trails off
me: OOC: Oops, my quote finger is happy.
Travis: You know that she can't tell you more about the daggers without putting herself, and perhaps you in danger
6:47 AM You are also quite sure that the daggers do not make her more "susceptible" to any attack
me: Samael nods. Smiling at her slightly.
Travis: it's probably something else
6:48 AM me: "So, giving you back the daggers wouldn't be a risk to either of us then?"
Travis: "No"
6:49 AM me: He nods. "Alright, close your eyes and hold out your hands!" He says with a grin.
Travis: She does so, also grinning
you notice that her features are much more attractive when she smiles than when she is suspicious or scared
me: OOC: Wow, either this charm has changed her personality or she's actually a really friendly person around those she trusts.
6:50 AM Travis: OOC: or both
6:51 AM "Sam, how did you get those daggers?"
me: Samael stands and takes the daggers from his bag, walking up slowly behind her he wraps his armed around her and places them in her out stretched hands.
6:53 AM "Oh well, in truth, I followed you. You really had me quite curious you know. I used magic to take them, since I was worried you might try to use them on me if I tried to talk to you again. I'm sorry I caused you such distress. I had no idea how important they were to you."
Travis: "That's okay blood, I know you wouldn't hurt me"
6:54 AM me: Samael smiles. "I wouldn't."
Travis: She nods
"There's something wrong with you Sam"
6:55 AM " I detected Evil"
me: "What do you mean?" He asks, sounding concerned.
Travis: "there is a faint aura of evil around you, and a very strong one in your locket"
6:56 AM "How come you have an aura?"
6:58 AM (Bereszar gives off a feeling of surprise. You are absolutely certain that there is some kind of ward on the locket against powerful divination spells, but then again, 'Detect Evil' is not exactly powerful)
"I don't think you should be wearing that locket Sam"
6:59 AM "I sense it is powerful and evil"
me: "It's... complicated. I think it has something to do with my heritage. As for the locket well... that's interesting. I didn't think it could be divined."
"Is this what had you worried?"
7:00 AM Travis: "This is what had me worried. I don't think it's safe to be carrying something like that"
me: Samael smiles, "You could have told me that in the first place Kate."
He chuckles.
7:02 AM (Beraszar? What would happen if I did take the locket off for a bit? Any idea? Just to calm Kate down while I talk to her you know."
7:03 AM Travis: (You and I are bound, Incubus. Any who dons for over a day is bound)
me: (And that means?)
Travis: (You can try to remove it, but the magiks are binding- even If I willed it to be removed)
(the only way to unbind the magiks are by your destruction)
7:04 AM (or there is another way)
me: (So... what's keeping you from causing that?)
Travis: (you have to free me from this prison)
7:05 AM (I do not choose the recipient, the recipient is pre-chosen)
7:06 AM me: (Hm, fate huh? Well that makes me feel a llittle better. I guess.)
Travis: (no, not fate)
7:07 AM me: OOC: Just a sec, my cat got out! Need to get him.
Travis: OOC: lol!
7:08 AM (the prison - he refers to the locket- was placed in the necromancer's treasury for a reason by someone who even I could not discern)
7:09 AM (Whosoever placed it, knew how to track the locket back to you)
7:10 AM (someone, something powerful was looking for you, and knew that the necromancer would find you)
7:11 AM (but the necromancer and his subordinates were unaware of the true nature of this)
7:12 AM (They thought this was a 'Magic Jar' and I was a misleading spirit)
7:13 AM (No one would believe it was possible to imprison a Pit Fiend - what better way to cover the truth, than to actually speak it?)
7:15 AM (I was going to tell you this soon - before you spoke to the necromancer again- but now seems like a better time than any. You cannot mention anything about the locket's properties to Ventiri besides the fact that some barmy spirit thinks it is a trapped Baatezu. He will not be able to discern otherwise)
7:16 AM OOC: out to grab lunch, be back in 10
me: OOC: Ok, I'm back.
7:17 AM Travis: ok, i'll be back soon
hopefully you got your cat LOL!!
8 minutes
7:25 AM me: OOC: Yeah, we gave him a bell on his collar so we could hear him... Also so his sister could hear him since he likes to pick on her.
(Well... That was unexpected...)
7:27 AM Out loud, Samael sighs. "Unfortunately I couldn't remove the locket even if I tried. It also seems to have some ward that harms those who try to take it from me. A bariaur I had try to appraise it got a nasty burn on his hand... and two berks that tried to bug me got... cooked."
7:31 AM Travis: back
me: OOC: I'm ecstatic! Sticking out tongue
Travis: "oh, don't worry, I'll
ahah, thanks
7:32 AM " don't worry, you don't have to remove it for me, I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be wearing it for yourself"
me: Samael nods.
7:33 AM "Hey, can you tell me about that tavern?"
OOC: Hey, can I detect good on her?
7:34 AM Travis: OOC; yes
OOC: yes, as in , you CAN
me: OOC: Ok
Travis: OOC: do you want to detect good on her?
7:35 AM me: Ok
Travis: She isn't
me: That's interesting
7:36 AM Travis: she waits for you, anticipating more questions
"I don't knwo much about the tavern"
"save the barkeep, Zeirn, is a festively plump, jolly basher"
7:37 AM "and the proprieter, Zakarius, is an information broker
me: OOC: How long has it been since I split up with Firefly BYW?
7:38 AM "Do you know Zakarius"
Travis: "if anyone wants darks, he's the person to go to- and if anyone wants to keep a secret a secret, he's the one to avoid
OOC: about an hour
half to get here
and the other half, just being with Kate
7:39 AM "Met him once, when I needed some information"
"He charges obscene amounts for his services, but for the right price can tell you just about anything"
7:41 AM me: "Hm. D'you think you could take me to meet him?"
7:42 AM Travis: " I don't think I should, he'll start speculating and make false, maybe dangerous connections about us. The less information you present Zakarius with, the better"
7:43 AM "you should go alone and ask him whatever you need to ask"
me: Samael frowns slightly. "Alone hm?"
7:44 AM Travis: "I have.. enemies, like many in the Order, and I don't want to endanger you -
"And I don't know about you, but I don't need anymore enemies than the ones I already have"
"If Zakarius sees us together, he'll fabricate"
7:45 AM "Not everything he knows is accurate, and even if it is, it doesn't mean he'll give a cutter the truth"
me: Samael nods. "I understand. I'm not sure what kinds of enemies I have myself."
7:46 AM "Though we could always make him fabricate something we wanted him to think couldn't we?"
7:48 AM Travis: "I suppose you're right! Actually, I think many do that, or at least try. A relatively popular information broker, like him, is influential. If a blood's able to manipulate him, he's able to manipulate the truth that goes out to the rest of his web."
me: Samael smiles. "Well, is there anything you want to make him think?"
7:49 AM Travis: She thinks for a moment, caught off guard..."uuh, no, not right now"
7:50 AM "I already tried making him think I was dead, but that's not something I can hide too easily - he caught on too quickly. He has a lot of agents working for him"
7:52 AM OOC: AAH, I navigated away!
7:53 AM i lost all the text x-(
me: It's alright, it gets archived, doesn't it?
Travis: oh, wait,
7:54 AM Good, I didn't know about that!
i just found it
7:55 AM me: "Hm.... Well, I guess there's nothing for it but to go and talk to him myself then." Samael shrugs. "About your group... I think I may have known some other members of it before... Just what sort of Ideology do you follow? If you can tell me that."
5 minutes
8:00 AM Travis: "We seek to help the lives of many by killing and manipulating political events. The Sons of Mercy think we're no better than an assassins guild, and the Hardheads and Sodkillers want us destroyed. But it is through our work that we keep the Blood War in check and collateral damage at a minimum by preventing it from spilling over to Sigil's or the Gatetowns streets.
8:01 AM OOC: have you seen previews for the movie "WANTED"?
me: OOC: LOL, yes
Travis: OOC: That's kind of what I had in mind for this guild
me: OOC: First thing I thought of wen I heard of that.
8:02 AM Travis: OOC: haha, me too, when I first saw the preview, I thought - "This is my idea!!"
"The special thing about our guild
about our order is that we are Chosen
meaning that
8:03 AM all of our members had once been targets of the Order
but decided to change our ways, to atone
me: Samael stares at her curiously.
"I... see..."
"Why were you a target?"
8:04 AM Travis: we are comprised of former crime bosses, Risen Fiends, and assasssins
She hesitates, and bites her lip, a single tear trickles down her eye
me: "I... if it's painful to speak of, you don't need to answer."
8:05 AM Travis: "I..I was an powerful assassin from the Prime Material Plane - from a city called Westgate. My band was a notorious group called the Night Masks"
8:06 AM me: Samael moves in closer to her, trying to be both seductive and comforting. "What happened?"
8:07 AM Travis: "Our leader, I cannot tell you about our leader, but our leader saved me, bought me back from the unsinkable corruption and evil I was headed towards.."
"The target that night
five years ago,
8:08 AM the target for the Night Masks was some Cager who had come to the city for business.
Or so we thought
The Order had spent a long time sending false informants into Westgate
8:09 AM to set up a base there and plan this false assassination
me: Samael nods, silently listening.
Travis: members of the Order masquerading as treacherous political rivals had set up the Night Masks
8:10 AM the first time in the history that the Night Masks had been ambushed by an employer
"There were twenty of us, sent out for the mission"
8:11 AM "we didn't even need ten, but the Night Masks always had to be sure, always had to make the assassinations clean, always prepare for an unexpected turn"
I was the second in command that night, and I was the one who would strike the killing blow.
8:12 AM We were positioned inside his villa, some of us were even masquerading as the target's bodyguards.
8:13 AM "This was going to be another routine kill, it was unremarkable"
until the Leader showed up
It was like power I had never seen before...
8:14 AM Several of the Order were claimed by the Masks that night, because midway into the assassination, they realized it was a ploy
They have a notorious way of killing, in such a way that the body cannot be resurrected - they rip out the heart
8:15 AM so some of the Order died permanently that Night
until the Leader emerged
8:16 AM I don't think the Leader told anyone
no one in the Order expected us to be there
no one in the Order expected the Leader to be there
8:17 AM But the carnage that followed was purely of Night Masks
18 of my associates were swiftly, methodically killed
8:18 AM The speed was supernatural
the skill was supernatural
Finally it was just me and my commander
8:19 AM We knew the consequences of failure in the Night Masks, but we were going to die if we stayed here as well
so we decided to retreat
but the leader was all the quicker, we were stopped in our tracks
8:20 AM The Leader told me that my life would be spared if I killed my commander
and so I did, not for any moral reason, of course, but to save my own skin
8:21 AM from then on, I have slowly been atoning - slowly been working as an operative within the order to make up for what I once was
8:22 AM The first kill was to save myself
8:23 AM but the Grandmaster (Leader) took me away from Westgate, away from the Prime world and bought me here so that I wouldn't fear retribution. Here is where the process began of my recovery.
8:24 AM I was coaxed, manipulated out of my old ways - it was analogous to the way a fiend corrupted a mortal, save the opposite was happening
From then on, every kill has been one of virtue, of principle, of necessity
of good, if you will
8:25 AM She appears to have stopped talking now
me: "That's... truly an amazing story."
8:26 AM Travis: "That's how most of our operatives have been inducted"
the order has been in place for centuries (OOC: haha, that line reminds me of WANTED)
and this method is the only way we recruit new members
8:27 AM Every single member is an atonement
that is what is meant by the 'Chosen'
8:28 AM me: "So much death..." Samael looks thoughtful for a moment. "The leader seems like an amazing person."
8:29 AM Travis: It's odd, you know, because after I had killed my commander, I felt... regret - and not just because I would be hunted by the Masks, but real regret for taking a life
I think that is what the Leader saw in me, that is why I was Chosen to be atoned
me: "I think I know what you mean."
8:30 AM "Were you close to any in your group?"
Travis: It was not the first time that I had felt regret for taking a life, but it was the first time that I was actually aware of it
"no, there are no emotional attachments in the Masks"
8:31 AM "I disliked my commander, he was exceedingly bloodthirsty and arrogant. but still, I fully realized that this life I had taken wasn't for me.. this wasn't the real me"
"That's why I felt no pleasure in his death"
8:32 AM me: "Is the Order any different in that regard?"
Travis: "What regard?"
8:33 AM me: "I'm sorry, are you close to anyone in the order? Surely you can't spend your whole life never feeling anything but regret."
8:34 AM Travis: "I see, yes, the Order certainly is different"
"it is more a supporting family with members of shared experience"
"than a simple guild"
8:36 AM "I cannot tell you, even you, about anyone in the Order, because I risk their lives as well as mine- were anyone to read your mind or coerce you for information, the Order would be compromised"
8:37 AM me: "Of course. I'm glad for you though... I think I should meet Zakarius now, but I hope we meet again, Kate."
8:38 AM "Stay well."
8:39 AM Travis: "Take care Sam, I feel as if I've known you from somewhere before, as if you're an old friend"
me: Samael pauses, and turns back to her. "An... old friend?"
8:40 AM "What do you mean?"
Travis: "Yes, it's so easy to talk to you, and you seem so considerate"
8:41 AM me: OOC: Can Samael tell whether this is an effect of the charm spell or something else?
Travis: OOC: not sure, probably the Charm, but not sure
8:42 AM me: "Well I... um."
"I do try my best... Are you sure you think you know me from somewhere?"
8:43 AM Travis: "No, I'm not sure, but it just feels like I've known you a long time"
8:44 AM me: Samael frowns slightly.
He takes a step back from her and stares at her curiously.
Travis: "Something wrong Sam?"
me: "Something is troubling is all.:
8:45 AM Travis: "What is it?"
me: "I... to tell you the truth. I've been having trouble with my memory of late."
Travis: "Oh?"
me: "I think I can trust you."
"I hope I can."
8:46 AM Travis: "Of course you can, what's wrong?"
me: "I'm going to tell you something... and you'll probably dislike me allot when I do.:
"But I need to make sure of something."
Travis: "Ok" she seems uncertain
8:47 AM me: "Do you understand that I have... used a charm spell on you?"
Travis: She laughs... "stop it! be serious"
8:48 AM me: "Think about it, you would not speak to me before. I wanted to get you to talk to me. That's all. I didn't mean any harm."
8:49 AM "But your thoughts of me are affected by magic. I'm sorry I had to do this."
8:50 AM Travis: OOC: do you want to break the spell? you can at will, but remember that the enamoring effect will still linger... meaning she probably wont go ballistic when you do
me: OOC: Oh... ok then.
8:51 AM Travis: As you dispel the magic charm, her eyes widen, and she covers her mouth..."Baator be damned..WHY?!"
"You..You know too much.. I've given you too much."
8:52 AM She starts to panic
I have to leave
me: "I have no intention of sharing this."
Travis: "I don't know... how can I trust you after what you just did?!"
8:53 AM me: "I'll tell you something, and I probably shouldn't but I really can't be sure.
Travis: she's yelling, but not in a hostile manner, more like an old friend that's been betrayed
me: "The moment I saw your robes I... well I guess you could say I was given a vision.
8:54 AM "Your leader. She is a woman tanned woman with drown hair?"
OOC: That was the description right?
Travis: "That's impossible!"
8:55 AM me: "It's..."
"I saw her."
Travis: "I didn't tell you that"
now she sounds much more hostile - "Who are you?!"
8:57 AM me: "I have no reason to lie to you. I don't remember."
Travis: (Telling someone you charmed her has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You could have milked her straight without having to deal with this again)
me: (OOC: I'm just a stupid player I guess Sad )
Travis: (no, that's Bereszar)
8:58 AM (not everything he says is right, just evil)
me: (OOC: Oh.
"The truth is I don't remember anything about who I am.
"Except that vision."
8:59 AM Travis: (No, no, no , just because you charmed her does not mean you share the only moments of your past with her)
(Why do you weaken your position?)
(She doesn't need to know this, and you don't have to tell her)
9:00 AM OOC: g2g soon
me: (What's the alternative? Lying to her? Can you think of anything convincing?)
Travis: (Yes, of course)
(even if you had to tell her about your vision, you didn't have to tell her about the Charm)
9:01 AM me: (Guess I'm just stupid like that.)
Travis: (You call yourself a Tanar'ri? Despite the hate I hold for your species, they are admittedly cunning.. or so I thought)
9:02 AM me: "Kate... I need to know. Do I look familiar?"
Travis: "No?"
me: (Well, I'm saving it for latter.)
Travis: "why?
"What do you mean?"
9:03 AM me: Samael frowns. "You've never seen me before today... you're sure..."
Travis: next time, on "Incubus...""
me: Do I actually get to see what's next time this time?
Travis: Does Kate know Samael from his previous life?
tune in
haha jk
9:04 AM "I'm sure... at least.. I wouldn't remember if I did"
"I didn't mean that you literally reminded me of an old friend"
"but the way you spoke made me think so... actually, the charm made me think so"
9:05 AM me: Samael sighs... "So... you don't remember anyone that looks like me..."
Travis: "No... why would I?"
9:06 AM me: "Well... I remember your leader..." He thinks for a moment. "Do you know anyone who..." Samael does his best to describe the people he remembers from the ritual.
9:07 AM Travis: "I.. don't know what to say... I don't even know if I should believe you or not"
9:08 AM Kate doesn't recall the people in the ritual
me: I don't know whether to believe it myself.
He sighs.
It could have been many years ago...
9:09 AM "You said your leader was... inhuman..."
Travis: OOC: ok, nevermind, I have about half an hour more
me: OOC:Ok
9:10 AM Travis: "I can't talk about her" and for the first time, you notice that she uses a gender assignment to the Leader
me: "Well, that's fine. From what I know, I agree."
9:11 AM "If she's able to turn Tanar'ri away from evil..."
Travis: "and I said her skills and speed were inhuman, not herself"
She walks over, and removes the same book she'd been writing in earlier
me: "Wait."
9:12 AM Samael removes the picture from his shirt.
Travis: But you can't
Bereszar doesn't let you
9:13 AM (We will discuss this later)
me: (What is it Beraszar?)
Travis: (Now is not the time, I will let you know when the time is conspicuous)
9:14 AM (Don't show her, of all people, the picture of a Baatorian general)
me: (What?!)
(Why the hells didn't you tell me who she was?!)
9:15 AM Travis: (I will tell you, when the time is right Samael, but that time is not now)
9:16 AM (I must make certain of several things before I divulge anything to you.. amnesiac or not, you are, after all, a Tanar'ri)
me: Samael frowns. (Well then, should I tell her that the maddened spirit in my locket would give me no end of grief if I showed her what I was about to?)
Travis: (Bereszar doesn't respond)
9:17 AM She writes with her pen on the tome
and you watch the letters disappear as you did before in the ethereal
"Can you tell me what this is?"
me: (So what do you think of this Order Beraszar?)
9:18 AM Travis: (The only real threat is from the Grandmaster...I suspect they shall be quelched promptly. After all, they aren't the only ones who know how to manipulate and assassinate)
9:19 AM me: Samael looks at the book.
9:20 AM Travis: (Every being, no matter how powerful, has a weakness.. a lynchpin - something that can be exploited. Eliminating the Grandmaster will simply be a matter of gathering the right information)
No memories are forthcoming
by looking at the book
9:21 AM me: "I... I don't remember..."
9:22 AM Travis: She narrows her eyes
me: Samael continues staring at the book.
Travis: "very well then," she closes the book and returns it to her shelf.
me: "I mean, it's some sort of magic book obviously, but I can't remember anything that isn't obvious.
9:23 AM Travis: "You should go, Sam" and her voice makes it clear that she isn't making a request
9:24 AM me: "You..."
"I'm sorry."
Samael shakes his head and starts to leave.
"You really don't believe me..."
9:25 AM "Well..." He just shakes his head, looking confused, and continues walking.
Travis: "no, it's not that.. it's not entirely that... I need to figure some things out. Perhaps I'll see you later"
9:26 AM me: "Perhaps. Farewell, Kate."
Travis: "May the Lady's Shadow pass you by"
9:27 AM me: "Aye, and you, stay well."
9:28 AM Once Samael leaves, he heads back towards Zakarius' place.
9:29 AM Travis: Though it is near peak, the ..."sky" is gray, and it is lightly drizzling
me: Samael tries to stay out of the rain.
So as not to be burned.
9:30 AM Travis: You now stand in front of the Tavern
me: He looks around again, shrugs and walks inside.
9:31 AM Travis: The first thing you notice is the aroma- the alcohol smells exceptionally sweet in this place.
9:32 AM The tap room is approximately 100x70 feet with a hollow, ovular bar at the center.
9:33 AM The lighitng is dim, and there are approximately 15 tables in addition to the central bar
The guards simply ignore you as you pass on through
Surely enough, you see the portly bartender making small talk with the patrons
9:34 AM The lighting is dim, likely to ensure privacy
The place is moderately busy for this hour with a little more than half of the tables occupied and the whole central bar full
9:35 AM Noise level is also moderate - no shouting, but hearty conversatoin
on the opposite side of the room, you notice a stairwell manned by two more guards
me: Samael looks around discreetly at the various patrons as he heads to the bar. Sure he's got business to take care of, but he's always happy to have a chat.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
the patrons of note 1:53 PM

the patrons of note
1:53 PM 1) Two articulate (planar common-speaking) hook horrors sitting across from each other - you're quite sure they're hook wrestling. Occasionally one screeches something about how the other is nearly beaten
1:55 PM 2) An imp and two armedmale human bodyguards (thralls?) sitting across from a third, frightened looking human male
Sean: Samael wants to know what sex the bodyguards are.
1:56 PM me: 3) A conspicuously suspicious looking githyanki female sitting and drinking alone, eyeing you
- the bodyguards are male humans - armed in leather and shortswords-
Sean: (OOC:Hm, gith, not particularly suscetible to seduction.)
me: that's about it
1:57 PM (OOC: have more confidence in your seducing-abilities)
Sean: (OOC: After that thing with Kate?
(That was horrible.
me: and of course, 4) the stairs leading to the second story- where you suspect Zakarius is
(yea, but i guess it didn't count as much bc she was suspicious to start with)
1:58 PM (detect evil - she must not be a fan of evil bashers walking up to her)
Sean: (So's the Gith chit.)
(Sides, GIthyanki are barmy.)
1:59 PM So um, I guess I'll head up the stairs and see who's up there. assuming they don't seem guarded.
2:00 PM me: The stairs are guarded - also by two human males (female guards, or guards of other races just aren't in high demand these days). They eye you warily, but let you cross
2:01 PM After a short climb, you reach a slightly cracked door, revealing a room (much smaller than the main chamber below)
2:02 PM The decorations are simple yet elegant. The walls are lined with tomes ancient, recent, and bizarre. You're quite certain that several of them are bound by material that once used to be flesh.
2:03 PM Sean: You mean leather?
me: Not just that - some of the tomes have a scaly exterior, while others resemble what might be preserved human flesh
2:04 PM At the center behind a rectangular cherry desk sits a burly-looking basher you think would be better suited to bashing than information brokering
He is portly, and his attire makes no attempt to hide the small array of blades he has on his person
2:05 PM his hair is long, black and stringy, and his eyes and face are small and blunt
He scrathes some of the scruff on his chin as he sees you outside
"come in"
2:06 PM it appears as if he's just been writing, and put down his pen when he heard you come up
You also notice two clay statues standing on either side of the desk
they might be more than just for decoration
2:07 PM the statues are in the shape.. of armored human males

e: Not just that - some of the tomes have a scaly exterior, while others resemble what might be preserved human flesh
2:04 PM At the center behind a rectangular cherry desk sits a burly-looking basher you think would be better suited to bashing than information brokering
He is portly, and his attire makes no attempt to hide the small array of blades he has on his person
2:05 PM his hair is long, black and stringy, and his eyes and face are small and blunt
He scrathes some of the scruff on his chin as he sees you outside
"come in"
2:06 PM it appears as if he's just been writing, and put down his pen when he heard you come up
You also notice two clay statues standing on either side of the desk
they might be more than just for decoration
2:07 PM the statues are in the shape.. of armored human males
g2g Sad
8:19 PM Sean: Samael slowly approaches the man behind the desk. "Zakarius I presume?"
8:20 PM me: Yes, yes, come in already, what's your business?
Sean: OOC: Ok, time to check my notes for what that password was.
8:21 PM me: OOC: something about crashing into the spire
8:23 PM Sean: Samael approaches a bit closer, and says in a low voice. "A mutual aqaintance of ours asked me to tell you to crash the ring into the spire."
"Sounds like a barmy idea to me."
8:24 PM me: one sec.
8:25 PM Sean: OOC: You still there? Did I bore you? I'm sorry!
8:27 PM me: NO, lol
talking on the phone wiht my employer
just a sec// Sad
Sean: Ah, employers.. Who needs em... besides ya know, people with jobs.
8:28 PM Sticking out tongue
5 minutes
8:33 PM me: LOOONG WINDED....
Sean: I see.
8:35 PM Sad
I'm sorry to hear that. Sticking out tongue
8:36 PM me: ok, back
8:37 PM Sean: Yay!
me: I had to explain to him that I wouldnt be comign in a lot until i finished retaking the mcat
Zak: "It does sound like a barmy idea, doesn't it?!"
Sean: Sounds like it would be difficult.
me: Or impossible
8:38 PM "Wait here a minute"
he goes to one of the bookshelves
Sean: Samael shrugs and waits, looking around the office again.
me: and starts searching for somehting
8:40 PM finally he removes a thin, unmarked crimson tome from the stacks, and places it on the table.
Sean: "Nice statues by the way."
me: "Yes, yes, they're magnificent" he hurries noncommittedly "You can return this to your employer"
8:41 PM Anything else? I'm a busy man, you know?
(He is visibly annoyed at having a visitor with a code - you can tell he'd much rather have you pay jink for a visit)
Sean: Yeah, you're supposed to tell me how to get back.
me: "I do have paid consultations, if you're interested"
8:42 PM Yes, yes, how could I forget, Ventiri's outpost, right?
Sean: Samael nods.
8:44 PM "I'm just a messenger. Doubt I could afford your top o the like services."
8:45 PM me: "Go to the Gray District in the Hive. You need to have some kind of carrion or bone with you - that's the portal key- anything that is dead will likely do. Circumvent the Mortuary approximately 60 degrees clockwise, clasp the dead thing with both hands. The portal should lead you to Ventiri.
8:46 PM Sean: Samael sighs. "Least I don' have to put it in my mouth or somethin'. Thanks."
Samael starts to back out of the room.
8:47 PM me: "Be safe, cutter"
and he goes back to his writing
Sean: "Aye, you too."
8:48 PM me: you think it slightly odd that someone you just met, who apparently knows nothing about you just told you to be safe. The greeting is nonstandard in Sigil, and is generally reserved for friends or associates undertaking a dangerous task
8:50 PM Sean: Only once he reaches the door, does he turn around. He then heads back downstairs. He's still got allot to do in Sigil before he leaves, so hopefully he has time for it... Free the prisoners at the Gatehouse. Meet up with Tranchita and Firefly... Not get killed...
8:51 PM me: Not get summoned at an awkward time by the Night Hag
you're back downstairs
Sean: That too... What who said that?
me: hehehe
Sean: OOC: One of us just broke the fourth wall I think.
me: OOC: huh?
Sean: Anything new doenstairs?
8:52 PM me: no, still the same old, the patrons of interest still remain
8:53 PM Sean: Samael glances at the female Gith and grins.
OOC: Samael would be very stupid if he was not so good at running away from things.
8:54 PM me: This chit is loaded with exotic jewlrey of bright, clashing colors - unfashionable for the average Cager, but something tells you that she isn't from around here. She locks her eyes at with you, not grinning back, nor saying anything
8:55 PM Sean: Samael continues looking at her for a moment longer before turning to view the sod talking with the imp.
8:56 PM me: You can FEEL her piercing gaze upon you as you turn away, you are certain she's scrutinizing you - at least normally if not magically
8:58 PM The imp speaks telepathically to the sod, you can make out a few phrases - 20,000 jink, kill your wife and children, three days
you also notice that the imp's drink cup does not match that of the other patrons.
Sean: (Oh crap... not this)
8:59 PM me: upon closer inspection, you don't think that the cup is one for libations
Sean: Before anyone notices him he decides to take a seat.
me: there appears to be a small wisp of mist evaporating from the cup, flowing towards the poor sod's nostrils (he appears unaware of this)
9:00 PM Sean: (OOC: Well, notices him just standing in the middle of the room that is.
9:01 PM me: Shortly, a saucy bar-wench approaches with a tray expertly balanced on her left hand. Her appearance is plump and jovial. "Can I interest you in today's special, basher?"
Sean: Samael continues watching the man, curious to see his reaction to the vapors.
He looks up at the wench, flashing her a brilliant smile.
"Hm, I think so."
9:02 PM me: She smiles back, though there's something naughty and coy to her demeanor
Sean: "What is it though?"
9:03 PM me: Ysguardian Rum! Fresh from the first layer this morning!
"Not for the weak-tummied, mind you" she continues, as if trying to entice you
9:04 PM Sean: "Hm, I like the sound of that..." Samael replies, still smiling.
me: Out of the corner of your vision, you make out that the poor sod appears drugged/groggier than you first remember him. His eyelids are drooping and posture is increasingly hunching
9:05 PM Sean: "If that's what you recommend of course." He adds.
9:06 PM me: She takes a generously filled tankard out and places it before you. "Ye can settle yer tab with 'im later" she points to the portly barkeep. She doesn't leave though, but waits, and gives an exaggerated cough.
9:07 PM You swear you see foaming at the mouth of the man sitting across from the imp
but if you did, it was only for a second
9:08 PM but you do, for certain, see him turn slightly blue. He is undoubtedly being poisoned
9:09 PM Sean: "That sod over there is gettin' something powerful," He comments to the wench as he takes out his money pouch.
He produces two gold coins, but waits for her to lean in closer to take them.
9:10 PM me: "Huh?" she looks over to the table you just gestured at, but turns back, as if she didn't see anything.. "which sod?" she leans in
(i should go back to studying in like 20 min)
Sean: "The one with the Baatezu." he replies.
9:11 PM me: Sad
Sean: Sad
me: She looks back, again oblivious to what you're seeing
Sean: "Just in case you have some rules against the poisoning of your customers by other patrons... just though you should know."
9:12 PM me: she blinks and looks back, then at you again.. "Heh are you sure ye haven't been drinking already?"
"Maybe ye should stop while you're ahead" she is visibly regretting giving you the full tankard
Sean: He shrugs, and tucks a pair of gold coins into her shirt.
9:13 PM "What's that mean?"
"I'm hallucinating am I? Wouldn't be the first time..." He frowns.
me: "Stop drinking before ye have anymore hallucinations - they'll start thinkning ye barmy!"
The imp and his guards have noticed
9:14 PM Sean: "Do you think I'm barmy?"
"What do you see?"
me: What d'ye mean?
Sean: "Well, if I'm hallucinating then I must have seen something different than you hm?"
9:16 PM me: "There's nothing there, cutter!" she walks over to the apparently empty table and gestures (nearly grazing one of the guards) "See?"
Sean: Samael frowns. "Guess I am seein' things..." He walks over next to her and stares at the space.
9:17 PM me: "Now go on and enjoy yer booze, but no more fer you - we don't like throwing out good looking bashers like yerself" (she winks)
Both of the imp's human guards now turn and face you (the imp continues to look across at the man).
9:18 PM "That's right, berk" one of them says to you in a soft, very dangerous tone, "go on and enjoy yer booze!"
Sean: "Well, as long as you're the one throwing me out..."
me: (the bar-wench appears oblivious of the guards)
9:19 PM Sean: Samael cocks his head at the guard, hoping to appear as if he genuinely believes him to be a hallucination.
"Oi, now it's talkin' to me."
That's it, I'm going over here.
Samael heads over to the other side of the room.
9:20 PM me: she starts laughing "easy now!" and gives you a provocative tap as you walk away
9:21 PM Sean: Samael nurses his drink. Every once in a while glancing over at the group with apparent disbelief, and shaking his head.
me: The guards still stare intently, murderously at you
9:22 PM you hear the man sitting across from the imp hit his head weirdly on the table, and it stays there
Sean: Samael looks around worriedly to see if anyone else heard it.
me: Drool begins pooling from his mouth, and his skin is now a shade of blue
a deeper shade
9:23 PM no one but you appears to have noticed
the thud was quite loud, but no one even flinched
Sean: (Um, Bereszar? You got any idea what's happening here?)
9:24 PM me: (Yes, of course)
..He doesn't elaborate..
9:25 PM Sean: (Um... What is it?)
(C'mon, you aren't gonna stick up for an Imp are you?)
(Annoying little buggers aren't they?)
me: (that idiot sod probably defaulted on a contract of some sort, the imp was returning for payment... )
9:26 PM (his soul, as well as those of his family)
(never sign a contract with a Baatezu)
Sean: (Wow... that guy is... er.. was really dumb.)
9:27 PM me: (probably, that or he was somehow manipulated, somehow seduced.. I'm sure you'd know all about that)
Sean: (So um, he signed over the souls of himself and his family for 20'000 jinx?
me: (No)
Sean: (Or was that what he failed to pay?)
9:28 PM (I don't really go for contracts.)
9:29 PM me: (From what I gathered of the conversation, I believe he borrowed that amount, and failed to pay on time... so the imp captured his soul- I'm sure it was in the fine print somewhere - if he failed to pay, he'd default his soul as well as those of his family)
9:30 PM (Now, you must leave.. quickly.. before there is any trouble - The imp can smell your tanar'ri blood)
9:31 PM Sean: (Good point... Well that berk deserved it but his family... damn...)
9:32 PM Samael shakes his head. (Why am I the only one who can see it?)

He gets up and throws down the last of his drink. Then approaches the barmaid.
me: (It is odd that the bar wench lied)
Sean: "That was great!"
me: "Alright cutter, now go home before ye end up in the gatehouse! haha!"
Sean: He grins at her.
9:33 PM "Aw, but I was just gettin' comfortable. Fore I go you could at least tell me what I call this vision of beauty before me?"
9:34 PM me: "hahaha! ye playful devil ye!"
9:35 PM Sean: "Who's playin'?"
me: "call me Lanria
Sean: Samael continues grinning stupidly.
"Lanria, mm..."
"Well I... hope we meet again."
9:36 PM me: OOC: should go back and study Sad
Sean: He sweeps up her hand and gives it a kiss, then heads slightly unsteadily out the door.
me: "you too rounder, come back when ye're sobered up so I can fill yer head with some more!"
you stumble out of the bar..
2:29 PM Sean: Hyup.
2:30 PM Samael looks around to get his bearings for a moment, then starts heading towards Violet's corner... again. Hoping to find Tranchita, either directly, or through Violet.
2:31 PM me: OOC: I forgot, where were you supposed to meet firefly?
Sean: Gymnasium
2:32 PM me: You fly back the the Lady's, and this time, you see both of them standing at the corner. You almost don't recognize Tranchita in her fine new orange robes which resemble those of Violet's
2:33 PM Sean: "Uh..."
me: They appear to be deep in conversation
2:34 PM Sean: Samael slowly approaches the two, staring at the transformed Tranchita.
2:35 PM me: Violet is apparently giving her speaking lessons - "so you want to soften your consonants and extend your vowels. Always re-- Hi there!"
Tranchita looks your way
"Hello there sir! And how may I serve you today?"
Her accent is notably different
2:40 PM Sean: Samael raises an eyebrow at her new voice. "Well hello to you my lovely lady." He says, grinning. "How does the day greet the two of you?"
2:42 PM me: They both giggle. Violet replies "We're doing quite well, I'm training my new apprentice - also, I think it might be better for business to have a wingman. Also, many of our patrons are enticed by the possibilities offered by two rather than one partner"
5 minutes
2:47 PM me: there?
Sean: "Hm... I can see that. And Trani here has quite allot of... alternative experience." He gazes at Tranchita again for a moment. "It's great to see you again lass, I'd hug you! But I don't want to mess up your new clothes." He smiles again. "Well, I... guess you don't need to follow me around anymore, though I would obviously enjoy it..." He sighs.
"I'm glad you found something better though."
"I really am."
2:48 PM me: "no, no, it's not that, I think it'd be fun hang out with you - Maybe later today?"
2:50 PM Sean: "I'd love to." He frowns. "However... I need to go out of town today, dunno when I'll be back."
me: "oh, ok... we'll you know where t' find me!"
2:51 PM She comes over and gives you a hug
Sean: Samael is surprised by this, but returns the gesture none the less.
"So um, are you going to be getting one of those top shelf courtesan names as well?"
2:52 PM me: "Hahah, maybe, we'll see-" her face contorts into mock shock - "why, you don't think my name is top-shelf?"
2:55 PM .
2:57 PM Sean: "Oh no, nothing like that, just doesn't seem flowery enough." Samael chuckles.
me: Violet also chuckles
Sean: "I do wonder, was that name from your parents?"
He asks Tranchita.
2:58 PM "I've never heard a name quite like it.
me: " yes, yes it was"
Sean: Samael cocks his head at her.
"Well, if it's not something you want to talk about I understand."
2:59 PM "But you know you can always tell me anything."
me: OOC: it's nothing like that, she was just working on her language skills - Yea vs Yes
3:00 PM Sean: OOC: Oh.
me: "OOC; lol
"no, no, it's a good name, i like it!'
3:01 PM Sean: "Well I do too, it's completely unique."
"Samael glances up at the "Sky"
"Well I guess I had better get going."
"You too, you take care of each other."
3:02 PM me: "See you soon, rounder!" Violet flashes a winning smile
Sean: "I'm sure I'll be back, and I'll want to see you again."
"Both of you."
me: "We'll be here!"
Sean: Samael returns the smile before heading away towards the gymnasium.
3:04 PM me: (looking for source material)
Situated roughly in the center of the Guildhall Ward, the Great Gymnasium did, and still does, function primarily as what its name implies. The calm beauty of the Great Gymnasium in many ways rivals or exceeds the laurels given to the glory of other buildings of the ward, and indeed the city. The gymnasium’s entire outer façade, and much of the inner structure, is built of a unique and evocative black marble laced throughout with veins of gold and rose colored minerals. While before the Faction War the Great Gymnasium was also the home of the Transcendent Order, it was and still is a place where most any basher can go to improve their body by a great variety of physical activities.

The structure is composed of a grand front portico that rises up to front the central tower of the gymnasium. The first level extends to both sides of the tower and back, while the second floor comprises the tower and a top layer to the front of the left and right wings. The third and least frequented floor is that which comprises the top of the tower.

Dominating one of the exterior walls of the Great Gymnasium is a gigantic painted mural, gifted without any request for it nearly six years prior by a member of the Xaositects. Called simply the Painter, the tiefling up and decided to paint the wall one day, following her winds of whimsy. In the end, she created one of the most moving and beautiful paintings in all of Sigil. Abstract in nature, and as varied as the whims of the Painter herself, two different bloods can look at it and claim to see a different pattern within its chaotic - or perhaps simply complex - depths. Regardless of what one claims to see within it, it is evocative to most all that look upon it, and the Ciphers were not in the least ungracious to the Xaositect who took it upon herself to gift it to them for naught.
3:05 PM Within an hour, you are back in the Gymnasium
3:06 PM Sean: (OOC: So my idea of having an Eledrin pimp in weishan's game was crushed by the fact that I don't like playing evil types, and his game is full of... well it's got your character in it. needless to say, my good character wouldn't have fit. So I was thinking it could make sense that Samael might try to do that at some point. Making a sort of brothel / resteraunt / place for people to be safe in the Hive.)
3:07 PM me: haaha, I am actually looking forward to "introducing" Suore Drum into the campaign
needless to say, I don't think the introduction will be overly pleasant
3:08 PM Outside the grand portico, is the massive archway to the entrance, just beyond you make out the first 'floor' of the Gymnasium which would more accurately be called the first level.
3:09 PM From your general knowledge of the Cage, you recall that the first floor is dominated by the exercise field used for various martial arts and combat skills. The center of the field also sports three pools, one hot, one warm, and one cold. Beyond the field is an inner portico used for musical and other public artistic demonstrations and lectures. Past the portico are a number of separated rooms for music, dancing, sculpting, and other artistic endeavors as well as sealed and warded rooms for spellslingers to practice their arts without harming themselves or others in the process.
3:10 PM Sean: (OOC: Who's Suore Drum?)
me: (OOC: my character from weishan's game)
3:11 PM Sean: (OOC: Samael would kill him...)
(Or try to.)
me: (OOC: instantly, without even the pleasantries?)
Sean: (I shuld say, he would try to get him killed.)
3:12 PM (As soon as he realized what he was like. basically)
me: (all you have to do to figure that out is see what his name spells, backwards)
3:13 PM Sean: (I suppose a Tanar'ri could figure that out.
(Hm, it still doesn't say anything about his diet.)
me: (lol, so you've been following the campaign)
Sean: (Not that it really matters to Samael why you're slaughtering people.)
3:14 PM me: (I don' t think it matters to him why he's slaughtering people either - he just.. does it)
3:15 PM Sean: (Great. so there's no problem, I mean, no... um... well, Samael will hate him.)
me: (for him it would be no different from casually squashing an ant, or (in some gruesome cases) slaughtering an animal for food)
3:16 PM Sean: (See but, Samael doesn't really sympathize with the whole killing for food thing as much as others might.
(Course he doesn't actively go out of his way to squash insects. they're literally and figuratively beneath his notice.)
3:17 PM me: The archway is unguarded, and the area appears busy with (former) Ciphers and other cagers alike, all attempting to 'better' their bodies, minds and souls. Inside you see a great mix of races and faces. You could have sworn you just saw a young silver dragon emerge from the cold pool)
3:19 PM Sean: Samael looks around as he walks, quite interested in the many different people populating the building, though more so of course by the females. He heads in no particular hurry towards where he was meant to find Firefly. assuming he can find it.
me: OOC: hehe, I actually don't recall
3:20 PM Sean: OOC: Well, you can make something up if you like, you're the master of the multiverse after all.)
3:22 PM me: You were to meet your Genasi associate at the entrance of the inner portico
Moving through the bustle, you get to the area in question
3:23 PM Surely enough, you see Firefly's ...fiery... figure (back turned) at an open-air lecture near the entrance
Sean: (OOC: I just remembered that I think,,, it was supposed to be a room somewhere, Sticking out tongue)
3:24 PM Samael sneaks up behind her and tries to wrap his hands around her eyes and say "Guess who.)
me: "aaah," she jumps slightly
3:25 PM drawing vaguely surprised gazes from the small crowd gathered around the lecturer
3:26 PM "Hi!" she whispers
"Alignment is a descriptor of one’s beliefs, and how one acts upon those beliefs. At their core, all creatures predominately behave in one of three ways: with good in their heart, with evil in their heart, or indifference — or neutrality — in their heart. "
the elderly archon lecturer's voice is raspy, yet soothing
"you ready to go?"
Sean: "You bored yet?"
me: "wait... where are we going?"
3:28 PM "I was thinking we start at the Temple, but intuition dictates that they have wards against clandestine operations"
The lecturer continues: "They predominately express each of these core behaviors in one of three different ways: in an ordered manner, in a chaotic manner, or in an indifferent, neutral manner. Thus, there are nine core alignments that one is capable of. The nine alignments, then, are lawful good, neutral good, and chaotic Good… lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral… and lawful Evil, neutral evil, and chaotic evil."
3:29 PM Sean: "Good question. I still want to get those people out of the Gatehouse, but I need to leave town before the end of the day or I'm gonna be... in big trouble, probably."
(OOC: Er, change question to point.)
me: "wait.. why?"
"Are you in trouble?"
3:30 PM Sean: "Not as long as I meet this guy by the end of the day."
me: Which guy?
3:31 PM Sean: "Long story you wouldn't want to hear and I don't think he wants me to tell anyway."
me: "Hmm... alright, then why don't you go meet your guy, and I'll meet up with you after that?"
Sean: "I just need to deliver something to him. I should be back soon enough."
3:32 PM "Well, alright. You take care of those kids ok."
me: "I think whatever we do with these people will have to take longer than a day"
Sean: Samael leaves before she can ask any more questions.
3:33 PM You are back outside the Gymnasium
Sean: OOC: I didn't want her to ask why he was saying something like that.
(OOC She does still owe him her life. That should be good for a while.)
3:34 PM me: Yep
Sean: Samael heads for the... Gray District right?
me: yes
Sean: Right, keeping low and looking out for trouble.
3:35 PM me: (keeping low- as in walking?)
Sean: He still never did find anyone to try his whole hero trick on.
(Or flying low.)
me: (ok)
Sean: (Either way.)
3:36 PM me: Besides a few monodrones in formation who pass you on the way there, you do not encounter any trouble as you make your way to the gray district
Sean: (OOC: Shame, that.)
me: The main streets over which you fly tend to stay out of explicit trouble
though nothing here is quite what it seems
3:37 PM Sean: Samael as usual will land in an alley in reassume his human guise.
3:38 PM me: As you exit the alley towards the Mortuary, an odd, unexplained sense of foreboding engulfs your senses.
Sean: "Not this again."
3:39 PM me: OOC: explain your location with respect to the Mortuary
in terms of a circle - with zero degrees marking the entrance
3:40 PM Sean: OOC: Well let's see, I was supposed to go around the right side of it was it?
me: yes, 60 degrees to the right
or clockwise
Sean: Wait, isn't clockwise left?
3:41 PM me: so is that where you go to
Sean: Yes, but remembering the strange farewell I'll go... carefully.
me: oh.. right.. your left, but I suppose right with respect to the Mortuary itself
3:42 PM Avoiding the congregation of Dusties at the front, you are now where you believe Zakarius mentioned the portal entrance
Nothing happens
3:43 PM Sean: Samael taps his thigh for a moment, then suddenly remembers...
"Augh, damn it."
(Now how am I gonna get something dead right next to the mortuary.
3:44 PM me: You are quite sure that the Dusties are not generous when it comes to allocating cadavers to locals
3:45 PM Sean: (OOC: Exactly, and they'd keep this area quite clean of the dead as well.)
3:46 PM (Maybe I can find a zombie to steal a toe from or something...)
Samael looks around.
(OOC: Anyone around here?)
3:47 PM me: As coincidence would have it, you notice a figure in the distance with a shuffling, metronomic gait
Sean: (Inconvenietly for Sam he's not the type that would kill someone just to get their corpse as a portal key.)
Samael starts appoaching the figure, slowly and carefully.
3:48 PM me: The corpse stops and stares blankly at you. The number “782” is carved into its green forehead, and its lips are stitched closed. The faint smell of formaldehyde emanates from the body
It begins to move around you, as if to resume its duties
as if you're no more than an inanimate object
3:49 PM The zombie continues moving past you, towards the entrance
Sean: Samael cocks his head at the corpse, looking for any appendages that appear to have a weak linkage. One he might dislodge without serious damage to the zombie.
me: None
Sean: (Damn.)
3:50 PM (Don't want to get the deadmen upset with me now... though...)
me: The zombie, though slow, is now getting quite close to the entrance
Sean: He looks around to see if there are any Dusties around.
3:52 PM me: Unfortunately, a Dustman had approached near you on silent feet, and is now too close for you to pretend you don't see him. He is a tired-looking man in a black robe. His narrow face is extremely pale, and he doesn't look as if he's been sleeping: his shoulders are slumped, and the flesh sags loosely beneath his bloodshot eyes.
He looks so lost in thought he might not even notice you, but you can't count on that
3:53 PM without warning: "Greetings"
Sean: "Greetings cutter."
Samael smiles slightly.
Then drops the effort.
me: The man turns to face you and makes a slight bow. You suddenly notice that his eyes aren't bloodshot so much as they have a red tinge to them.
3:54 PM “I'm sorry, sirrah, are you lost?”
3:55 PM He looks at you suspiciously, and his eyes gleam red in the light of the torches that surround the structure. “May I ask what you are doing here?”
3:56 PM Sean: "Well, sort of... Actually, I think it's good you found me. I um... need a bit of something dead for a portal key... you wouldn't happen to have anything like that you could spare do you? Don't need a whole corpse or anything. just the tip of a finger would do I think."
"Any of your zombies lose any bits lately?"
3:57 PM me: "No one's parts, living or dead, are commodities, you will do well to remember that ” His mouth twitches, and to your surprise, he sniffs the air for a moment.
3:59 PM The zombie is now out of sight
Sean: "Um... Ok... I didn't want to buy anything, but I figure. I don't make much use of my own pinky finger, so a deader wouldn't have any use for the tip of their's... Ah, whatever, I'll go find a rat or something."
4:00 PM Samael shakes his head, not really wanting to figure out what the deal is with this blood, he quickly heads off in another direction.
4:01 PM me: "Very well, and you shouldn't be roaming the exterior of the Mortuary unauthorized." His mouth twitches briefly
You head back towards the entrance
(or do you?)
Sean: Yeah sure why not?
4:02 PM "Hmph." (Great, now what.)
(Guess I'll just find a rat.)
me: (You know exactly what Bereszar would say)
Sean: "Here ratty ratty." Samael mumbles.

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