Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael stands and moves to one of the side rooms for a better look out of the windows. "Seems like this case woulda cost more than a few jinks..."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Firefly gives no reply, but instead ushers you into the kitchen. She has two bowls of stew prepared and places them on the Oaken dinner table.

She pulls out a newsrag and begins perusing the headlines aloud.

-Jeremo founds Clerk's Ward Orphanage...

-Multiverse-wide bounty increased on missing Baatorian General (You feel a sudden uneasiness emanate from your locket).

-Xaositect firemage briefly terrorizes Lower Ward

ahhh. here..

-Harmonium conclude investigation on Temple of the Abyss
.... After an apparently exhaustive investigation (lasting several hours), the Harmonium have released a report on today's debacle at the temple. Head Investigative Officer Erlik Mafeso was quoted as saying: "It appears one of the potion racks in the food cellars in the basement (Firefly growls when reading "food cellars".. Baator be damned...THEY'RE PRISONS you sodding Hardheads!!!) exploded, leading to certain structural damage. A few barmies were also apprehended and sent to the Gatehouse for attempting to implicate the Temple on outrageous charges. All in all (Firefly's voice now dangerously quiet) it seems like another quick job by the new Investigative unit.

Firefly growls in anger...

Justice has been served.
she caustically breathes through her clenched teeth.

My moody internet at home is working again!!!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael sighs, "The priestess was compelling the Harmonium officer taking the report. Still, I'm surprised that she felt the need to get them sent to the Gatehouse... Course that means they probably won't be murdered to keep them quiet... at least not right away." Samael shrugs. "Maybe I could convince the Bleakers the release them into my custody... Or something."

Still enjoying the quiet in his head, he decides to wait until later to ask his disembodied companion about the article.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Neh, unless ye're well connected, ye'd have an easier time finding a good Tan'aari.

Clearly upset, she decides to retire for the day.

Well, yer free to spend the Night if ye fancy - I'm sinking soon. If not, I'll meet back with ye sometime tommorro?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"That, or just be very convincing. I think I'll get some air first-" Samael suddenly remembers something, like a dream, a woman looking at him, and is struck by an odd sensation. "Uh, hey, do you have some parchment, and something I can um... draw with?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She gives you an odd look..then disappears into one of the bedrooms, promptly reappearing with a pen and paper.

Yeh, what are ye thinkin? We write them a strongly worded letter?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Something like that might actually work, if we could forge documents giving custody of them to me... but I don't think I'd be very good at that. We should find someone else to do it I think."

Samael sits down and attempts to draw the face from his dream. Perhaps if he can show people this face he might be able to find something out about his past.

OOC: I'd like to take twenty on craft drawing if possible, otherwise my roll is below.

9 Bonus for Craft: Drawing to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 20.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Go ahead and take 20

Firefly retires for the night - both of you agree to meet 8 hours after antipeak in the Lady's Ward by Ciash's post, should you decide to leave for the night (there is only one portal key to her kip, and it's hers).

You take time to draw out the beautiful woman from your dream, paying close attention to detail and nuance so that you can get as accurate a depiction as your abilities will allow.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Once finished, Samael gazes at the sketch for a long moment, wondering just why he thought to make it in the first place, and surprised that it actually wasn't all that bad. He shakes his head and carefully folds the drawing so that it is not ruined, then stows it and stands. He was bored again. He doubted he could make it to the Gatehouse and back again in time, but he just couldn't sit still right now. He heads to the 'entrance' and tries to see if it will open from this side for him without the key. Then looks around for anything that looks like it might be the key for this side.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

As soon as you approach the entrance, a swirling light of light blue opens up - back out towards the exit.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael shrugs and heads on through.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You exit back outside the unremarkable door, back onto Redwind road, the Bariaur still stands guard outside the Dark House of Divination (not appearing to notice you, though you seriously doubt that she doesn't). Currently it is 1 hour before Antipeak. You estimate that it would take approximately 4 hours to travel to the Gatehouse (located in the midst of the Hive) and approximately 4 hours back - that is if you traveled on foot. Flying would reduce that time to 1 hour either way.

Times to traverse Wards - not from here, but in general:

Hive: 4 Hours
Lady's: 3 Hours
Clerk's, Lower, Guildhall - 2 Hours
Market - 1 Hour

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael gives the Bariaur one of his trademark winning smiles before heading down an alley where he won't be noticed, after walking a while, he looks around to make sure he isn't seen by anyone then assumes his natural form and takes off, heading for the Gatehouse. As he nears the hive he starts to fly lower in hopes of glimpsing any possible distractions that might be of interest.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Heading Downward (as in opposed to Spikeward, not 'upward'), you quickly pass over the Clerk's - making a note to someday smell the roses, so to speak.

There are no roses in the other Ward. In the Hive, anyone out at this hour is either a well armed basher, a clueless sod, a peeler, or a barmy. With surprising speed, you make your way to the Madhouse District. This area epitomizes human misery at its worst. The sick, hungry, and hopeless still queue day in and day out to seek refuge and temporary respite from their ills with the Bleakers within the Gatehouse.

One of the more notable, and utterly unofficial, spots within the district is the so-called Night Market, somewhere between Lot’s Lane and Laughing Cat Alley. Just like the Great Bazaar, but with a darker side, the Night Market sells goods and services, but nothing therein has a name or a past. If you do pass by, you know not to inquire as to the origin of any of the goods, or the names of any who might be hired for a service. It’s better that way.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Remembering his last journey through the district and his meeting with the strange addle-cove before he finally came across Tranchita, Samael decides to stay airborne until he nears the Gatehouse. He finds a deserted alley to land in and assumes his human disguise again before heading towards the ominous asylum.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The Gatehouse, former faction hall of the Bleak Cabal, sits atop a slight hill in the Hive, rising above the reek and filth of the slums that sprawl out around it along the edges of Bedlam Run. This massive structure sits just at the edge of the Hive, on one side nearly overlooking the urban wasteland of the Slags, in range of the stink carried on the wind, if not actual sight. On the opposite side it sits adjacent the Marble District of the Hive, and within actual sight of the Ditch, the filth-strewn canal that separates the Hive from the Lower Ward.

The center of the structure appears as a great semicircular, roofless tower with decorative, bladed spires that bubbers claim resembles the wings of some great slumbering beast. And to speak of great beasts, a titanic steel portcullis bars the entrance to the tower, its bars some five feet in diameter, each bar separated from the others by another fifteen feet. The gates no longer operate, having rusted in place uncounted centuries ago, but the sheer size of the gates make it not hindering in the least to the average size sod who wanders into the Gatehouse seeking the ministrations of the Bleakers.

Branching off from the gate are two large wings of the building, one of which serves as both hospital and poorhouse for the sick and hungry of the Hive. The Bleakers ask no questions of those who enter seeking aid, and give what they can, only spouting their philosophy of madness and inner meaning if asked by the curious or the desperate. The second main wing serves as both asylum and orphanage for the ward, a beginning and an end for many of the pitiful residents of the slums.

Behind the tower, and mostly out of the view of the rest of the ward, are two smaller wings. These serve as a madhouse for members of the Cabal, as well as the criminally and irretrievably insane. Several past factols of the Cabal, long ago descended into the madness of their calling, are housed within. They languish within, locked away for their own, and others’ safety. In their madness, as rumors leaked by their caretakers tell, some have come to possess frightening mental or psionic abilities, and seem all too willing to share their madness with those around them. It is unlikely they will ever see the light of day again.

Finally, walled off from the rest of the Hive, situated between the wings of the Gatehouse are three forested courtyards, one for the poor and orphaned, one previously open only to the Bleakers themselves, and one for the use of the insane.

The current occupants of the Gatehouse, the Bleak Cabal, only took up residency in the past five centuries, though the original origin of the sprawling complex has been lost to time. In fact, the Bleak Cabal took their faction symbol from an obscure symbol found upon an ancient tiled mosaic deep within the Gatehouse, meaningless out of the context of its unknown history. They found irony, or some manner of comfort, in taking a meaningless symbol as their own, mirroring their own philosophy of meaninglessness in the multiverse at large.

Likely the building is one of the oldest in Sigil, though it is probably not as old as the Palace of the Jester. But it does beg the question as to what use the truly massive steel gates of the tower were ever used for. Merely decoration, or in the dim past did they require actual use in order to keep something out, or lock something away? Could something that massive have simply walked the streets of Sigil at some point?

Further rumored is that somehow the Gatehouse, mostly because of its name and age, is in some way connected to the Lady’s Mazes. No real proof exists for this conjecture, but it doesn’t stop the barmies of the Hive, and some of the Bleakers themselves, from spouting the screed that the Lady’s Mazes bubble up all around the Gatehouse, and all one must do is simply find the elusive portals leading to each and every one of those personal hells…

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael starts searching for one of the staff to ask about the patients who were recently committed in connection with the incident at the temple of the Abyss.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

At this time, the area is mostly deserted, and there is a tiny watchtower near the Gate with a dim light emnating from the top floor (which shouldn't be more than the second story).

As you approach the Tower, a booming, magically enhanced voice asks:


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael looks around, momentarily disoriented then answers; "I'm here to inquire about a recently committed group of people."

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The door is unyielding, the voice continues:


Dire Lemon's picture
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"Name... damn it... what was.... erg... Look, I can give a description of one of them, would that help? These people were committed improperly."

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Silence...Almost three minutes of silence.. you begin to wonder if the 'voice' heard you. You are about to repeat what you said when...


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samel is undeterred, he hadn't actually expected that to work, though he wasn't sure what would. "Look, these people were committed for claiming that they had been illegally imprisoned in the temple of the Abyss. Can you at least tell me if you have anyone who's in here for something like that?"

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Joined: 2006-08-14
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You wait a while and no further response from the tower ensues. You get feeling it's going to take some mischief to find the information/people you want.

Looking around, you don't see any guards, but there will definitely be a few barmies roaming around here at this hour.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael sighs and starts to leave, but before he goes very far he looks around to see who if anyone is nearby.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

A short walk away from the gatehouse, you -not surprisingly- spot an old man hunched over rambling to himself incoherently- giggling every now and then. Observing him for a moment, you decide that he is alone.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Does Samael know if he'd be able to enter if he committed someone?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Only if he was a blood relative/spouse (or posed as one)

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Samael slowly approaches the old man. "Uh, hello grandpa. How're you feeling?"

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Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The man is wide- eyed, with white hair, and wears oddly radiant clothing. He spins around and begins inquiringly: Aaa^%ja?jjaabujajajjaj hahain ifestiation mylsina?

Then you hear it, a shuffling sound about 10 feet behind you.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Ah hells, now what? Samael darts forward, away from the sounds then whirls around to see what is making them.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You see nothing.

BEHIND YOU!!! Beraszar comes alive, but it's too late, the apparent barmy stabs.

In front of you, the sound is unmistakable now, and no longer does its maker attempt to hide. Out comes a humanoid fully clothed in a hooded robe. His/her face is covered by a dark cloth. You notice it wields two very painful looking curved-swords that are adorned with spikes at random angles.

Your jink or your life, berk!!!!
Comes the hoarse voice, confirming its a male, though the species is unknown.

OOC - the weapon is +1.

3 Bonus for Barmy's Blade to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 6.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Ow!" Samael looks down at the dagger sticking through his shirt and pressed against his skin. Then up at the supposed addle-cove. "Just to be clear, you berks are just after my jink right?"

OOC: Does the old man still look like an old man?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Yes, the old man is still an old man, though you do manage to see that the vacant stare in his eyes is gone, and now they are focused on you - he seems somewhat surprised that you're still standing after his sneak attack (tan'aari cannot be sneak attacked). His short sword is steadied at your neck.

The hooded man waits for you to give whatever jink you may have, both of his spiked swords are lifted high, and speak the words that aren't said - you better give him every last coin in your person, or suffer the consequences.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael looks between the two, wondering how such a pair ended up working together. "Well, this is just soddin great." he says, undoing the strap on his coin pouch. "I'm weighed down with so much jink, and I have to get bobbed on this night... and it couldn't even be by a beautiful bandit queen, but by some old geezer and a berk in a mask." He holds his purse out towards the old man but speaks to the masked one. "Nice chivs you got there, what are they?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The man chuckles, but it's not a chuckle of amusement.

What are they? They're the last thing you're gonna pikin see!

The apparent barmy slices your neck, in an executioner's manner that would have instantly slain a mortal human. You feel your knees getting weak, and you realize this is neither from any magic they possess, nor weakness from your person in sustaining damage- you sense a great evil begin to manipulate your frame.


Trust me, you fool!
Your eyes begin to close and you fall to the ground... feigning death as Beraszar induced.

Your eyes are closed, but only in your human disguise- you can still see. Your neck bleeds, and the blood quickly begins to pool - to them you appear as a fresh cadaver. The two quickly begin to work on your corpse, frisking your person and removing any items. The hooded man looks oddly at your locket, then swipes it...

except he doesn't. You feel a strange tingle, and the hooded mans eyes pop out in terror, you've never seen such terror in anyone's eyes before!!! You hear them both screaming, and realize that your body is shivering with electricity. You sense the hooded man desperately wants to break the physical bond with the locket, but he is compelled to grip- his hands remain firmly around the locket.

Both men shiver erratically and the aroma of burnt flesh accompanies the smoke that emerges from their bodies. Nearby, you hear two sets of unseen footsteps flee.

Finally, both doomed men, who happened to be touching your body, collapse weirdly on you, their skin blackened - both are without a doubt dead. You are unsure whether your innate resistance as an Incubus protected you from the electricity, or if it were Berazar himself.

3 Bonus for Barmy's Blade to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 4.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Got to take care of some lab work, right now it's 3:30 EST, I should be done in two to three hours, and I'll post afterwards - internet at home's down again Puzzled

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael stares, at least he thinks he's staring, at the burned bodies slumped over his own. He tries to move. What... just... happen?

OOC: Oh... your internet needs Valium.Sad

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Bereszar doesn't answer your question. Instead he starts smugly: Don't worry, I'll let you have some fun too.. eventually. Though, I certainly hope you really weren't going to give them your coin - do tell me you were bluffing.

The bodies are heavy, and extremely hot (high voltage combined with conductive metal will do that), though you manage to finally push them off and recover your items. On their bodies are the following items.

Hooded man: (removing his face-veil, you see that he is either a badly scarred human, or an odd-looking tiefling).
Two spiked schimitars
400 gp
strange note with the number 9382A scribbled on it.
plate mail
potion of Change Self

Short sword +1
200 gp
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Signet Ring - a side-ways bull's head with razor-sharp teeth (you don't recognize the gang/faction/significance).

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Yes, Beraszar. As soon as they stepped away from be I would have had them beat each other senseless and taken it back. He sighs, staring for a moment at the lifeless bodies. Look, thanks for your help, but please. Try hold back at little. It's allot easier to kill someone than it is to un-kill them. I heard some others running away, did you see who they were?

Samael examines the items he's assembled... I wish I could tell if they were magical. Hey Beraszar, you couldn't help with that could you? He takes the masked man's cloak and wraps the spiky and sharp object's that can't be sheathed in it thickly to make sure they won't puncture his bag, then stores everything he can.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Bereszar informs you that aside from the potions, the only thing that has a magical aura is the short sword.

Accomplices- likely they won't return
- he notes of the ones who were running away.

With some difficulty, you manage to store everything in your person, though carrying these things does seem awkward - the hooded man didn't have a sheath for the swords- they were merely strapped onto his belt.

Hearing a creepy voice in the distance - most likely an auctioneer -you realize that you are in the vicinity of the Night Market.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael wonders if they take looted equipment and decides to head over that way and find out for himself. Who knows, he might even find something to help him get into the Gatehouse... besides being committed himself.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

And you are assaulted by the sights, sounds and smells as you walk into a darkened, yet bustling block of what must be the auctioneer's square:

A man in bright-yellow wizard's robes stands on a circular wooden platform. There are two attendees, similarly dressed, periodically bringing and removing items/beings from the platform. His squeaky voice is amplified by magical means.

The man is surrounded by your normal mix of Sigilans - save the fact that there appear to be a greater percentage of Fiends and Night-Hags than your average lot.

Come closer, dear bashers and berks, cutters and conies, planars and proxies!

Right here, on auction, and only here, most wonderful items of interest!

Take the risk, buy this truename! Who's name is it? Summon and find out! Ah, I see 80 jinx, 80 jinx, 90! Sold for 90 to the noble gent in the blue robe!
Next on sale, for the adventurers among our audience: The arms of a werebear, grafting included! And for those of you interested in special offers: The still beating heart of an astral deva! That's right, the heart of a celestial being, full of life and feeling! I bet it tastes great with some nutmeg! Sold to the Babau in the third row, thank you, Sir!
Next offer: This tiefling girl, only 17 years old wants to commit suicide! For a donation of only 500 gold pieces to her little brother you can choose time, place and method used! Aaaand, sold to the three lovely old ladies in the second row for 2050, thank you, thank you!

Next up - The rights to bear the offspring of a highly influential Succubus. Both females and males may bid and the Succubus will alter to please, but the bidder will be the one giving birth to and raising the child. In addition, a yearly stipend will be paid for the first ten years, at the end of which the child will be collected by the Succubus. Random inspections will be conducted to ensure the child is being properly mistreated. 10 separate 'lots' are being offered. Bidding starts at 500gp in coin, gems, or souls.

This block is surrounded by certain establishments:

Doctor Slipstitch presents: Live vivisection. Today’s subject is a modron.

Outside a row of buildings, grotesque and obscene bawdy-shows. But even these are just lures into more extreme and perverted performances within. A barker by the door promises depravitaty the like of which mortals cannot imagine.

Forbidden Magic Store featuring clones of the famous, the great and the good. Want a Factol Rhys? An Erin Montgomery? Both are available here, living but mindless. Do what you will with them - use on the premises, for an hour or a day, or buy and take away. We also grow to order.

Fat ghouls in greasy finery, with gore-drenched bibs tied about the throats. They eat with scalpel and fork, gossiping between savoured mouthfuls. Meals are brought to each table alive. Urchins crouch nearby; ready to steal any scraps left unattended.

Temple owned by Priestesses of Loviatar, offering pain and pleasure in a brothel where every edge is sharpened, every corner a spike.

Two enterprisings clerics of Tiamat, poisonmongers extraordinaire. The sign above the stall says: Bringing pain and suffering to the planes at a price you can afford. They speak at length on the virtues of their Deluxe Professional Pack.

Gambling stalls where a desperate body can bet their torture, mutilation, death, and very soul against outrageous odds to win a fortune: Spin the Wheel - win a prize or lose a body part; Giffian Roulette - one of the starwheel pistols is empty, the others loaded. Can you guess which? Coins for the Jig - a game where you bet how long people can survive being hanged; Surgeon’s Poker - card game where you wager how many amputations you can take.

Goods on stalls:

Larvae, chopped into strips and fried on a griddle. Chose from the stock and the cook will slice it up there and then. Nothing fresher in the Night Market, berk!

Feathers ripped from the wings of an Archon as she fell.

A shirt, woven from razorvine (2d6 damage, every time you move)

Harmonium plate armour, still stained with blood. They can get more, if you’re interested.

Liquid pain for sale, distilled while-you-wait by a blue-skinned hag, from a ‘participant’ strapped down to her machine.

Stolen from the Civic Festhall: Sensory stones for the most atrocious of forbidden acts. Perhaps sir would like a moment or two in a private booth?

A man with an all too eager expression sells his services: To sexually violate the corpses of your enemies.

Invitations to a pit fight: Today the fighters are starving vampires. Tomorrow it is hungry dogs against feral urchins.

In the Street:

Long taloned fingers, gesturing you into an alleyway. Behind it are glittering eyes and the flash of a wide, wide smile…

A Waste-tanned man, grey fleshed and stripped of all emotion, offers a reward for anyone who can make him feel something - feel anything - again…

A fallen cleric of Ilmater wanders the streets, looking for someone to torture him back to holiness…

A ragged curtain conceals a slump, moaning form: A Guvnor and Xaosetic, surgically conjoined by the brain. See it rave and dribble! Is it nonsense or are the secrets of the multiverse contained in its conflicted mind? Just three copper pieces a peek.

Urchins offer themselves for sex. If refused, they say they have friends. Maybe you’d like someone younger? Another race? They can get them mister, for just a few coins…

A gaggle of extreme Sensates, their bodies pulled and twisted into obscene forms, where pain and pleasure merge. They accept disciples willing exploring the far reaches of sensation…

The Component Men huddle together in a roped off niche. Each has a talent, or something else which made them better than you. It’s for sale now: Buy an archer’s aim, a rogues nimble fingers, a bard’s silver tongue. Ideal for spell components…

Murder me, the beggar pleads. For just a mert you can murder me, any way you like….

Evil clerics haggling over the price of sacrificial victims, inspecting the merchandise…

Celestials on the cusp of falling, buying dark and dangerous experiences to try to sate their needs…

Assassins swagger through the streets, each trying to look tougher than his rivals. In a tavern called the Open Throat, these petty murderers drink and brag. Real professionals occupy the private bar upstairs.

This is just what meets the eye. You are certain there is more to this festering cesspool of depravity than that which is readily apparent.

OOC: Courtesy of!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael stares amazed at the many scenes of horrible suffering and depravity that surround him, confused as to why he feels anything about seeing such things. Though he does not remember it he has certainly caused this kind of suffering in the past. He heads over to the auction block and catches sight of the bidding on the young fiendling. For some reason she catches his attention and he looks towards the pair that have purchased her. A covey of hags no doubt, and well off at that. He studies them a moment considering whether or not to approach.

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Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Amongst the throng of auction patrons, you manage to locate the three ‘lovely’ ladies. Two of them are indeed exceedingly beautiful – twins – curly long brown hair, slender, toned physiques, and striking amber eyes that match their body-hugging ball-dresses. You wonder how these two nymph-like creatures came to be in the company of the third- the hag they stand on either side of. You know full well, however, that looks can be deceiving.

In contrast to the fine, silken garb the twins wear, the hook-nosed crone is outfitted in a simple (if dirty) brown shirt and leggings, with a number of pouches hanging from her frayed belt. A tangle of jagged gray hair juts from beneath the crone’s hood, spreading down her shoulders like a mass of twisted gray roots. Sickly blue-gray flesh hangs in loose folds from her face; her narrow chin, long and sharp, juts forward in an extreme under-bite, and two filthy yellow canines protrude from her lower jaw, like small tusks. Her eyes are a dull, bloody red, with black veins running through them like tree branches. She seems oblivious to everything save her newest acquisition. Her eyes intently follow the tiefling girl even as she is removed from the platform and taken aside.

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Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samel approaches slowly, and hails the trio. "Evening ladies." He gives a short polite bow to the three once he's gotten their attention and gives them his trademark winning smile (which absolutely always works, yessiree). "I must say that you've made a fine acquisition. I unfortunately missed the chance to bid..."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

One of the twins faces you - her mannerisms curiously slow (the other two are apparently oblivious to your presences). Once again, you are surprised at her sheer beauty.

Evening...and thank you kindly good sir- we always love a little.. mischief.
Her voice is smooth and soft, like honey. She says the last word very provocatively.

She looks at you as if she's checking you out, but more than likely she's sizing you up.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael answers her with a slow confident tone. "Hm, mischeif? Care to elaborate?" He specifically makes sure not to look the least bit ruffled by the hag.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Aahh I do not sir - a Lady must have her secrets - though I'm certain you can more than infer on the nature of the particulars She gives you a coy wink.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael attempts to infer the nature of the particulars.

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