Game: Incubus (Solo)

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Every night, she haunts my dreams,
I see her there before me,
Her slender hands and long, lithe arms,
Are reaching out towards me.

When I close my eyes, I see her face,
Her eyes are like embers,
Reflecting her fiery soul,
When I wake up I only remember,
That she is very beautiful.

Feathery wings cloaked in shadow,
Hair like molten copper-gold,
Lips as red as bloods sweet wine,
One glance and my soul was sold.

When she finally comes for me,
And I know that eventually, she will,
I am willing to go to her,
Though she comes only to kill.

I will walk into her arms,
And step out of my dreams,
I go forward into eternal night,
When darkness muffles my screams.

She’s so beautiful.

Dark Hair, green eyes, freckles…. Human – but perhaps with a tinge of elvish? Or perhaps a later-generation tiefling. Well, perhaps not She’s been looking at you since …..ever. You notice that you’re both clothed in jet-black, loose fitting cotton. Despite that, her curvaceous figure is not difficult to discern.

Her brightness that is her is much of a contrast from the menacing, circular chamber that you’re in. 8 circular metal cages form a circle around the enclosed room. Apparently, there’s no door. Dark gray walls made of cobbled stone, and dark gray metal is the dominant theme. It is a laboratory. Racks of glass and bright colored, bubbling liquids lined the walls.

But none of that matters, because she’s beautiful.

She’s still looking right into your eyes…seeming distressed, her mouth opens, but you can’t hear what she says; though you are close enough, you can’t reach out and touch her. Some kind of force field prevents you from putting your hand outside the apparently redundant bars of the circular prison. And at once, you know you love her. And you know her! And she loves you! But how…

There are no details. There are no answers. Just love.

And there is no her, you realize, as the world turns black, and you really awaken-

There is a very large, red pit fiend where she should be. The devil keeps looking back and forth, then right at you and smiles, baring all fangs.

And then you REALLY awaken.

And you’re in the same place, but all alone.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"W- what? Where?" He looks around frantically for the woman... Or the Pit Fiend... Or... anything. He reaches out for the bars as he does so, either forgetting the forcefield... or perhaps testing to see if it is still there.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

no response....

you stay in there for what seems like hours....

contemplating whatever you happen to be contemplating...realizing that you have no memory of....anything.

But your thoughts are interrupted as the telltale blue-swirly glow of a portal breaks the ripple right in the center of the room. Out comes another beautiful woman.

Though, everything about her beauty is dark. You suspect that there is something unnatural and/or supernatural about her.

She looks right at you in a hungry manner, and approaches your cage.

How do you feel?

Her smooth voice is a strange combination of deep melancholy and ominous melody.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He stares directly back at the woman, speaking hesitantly, as he is quite unsure of what to say. "I feel... confused... I... Who are you?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I am called Necravia... I am simply the superintendent of this laboratory. My master's workers found you floating in the River Styx - left for dead. It was my assignment to return you from the beyond.

She reaches out to touch you, and her hand passes right through the cage, as if it were but an illusion (or perhaps as if SHE was an illusion). Her fingers are cold, but soft, and they pleasurably graze your pectorals.

It appears you have healed well.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He gazes down at her hand, making a small sound of surprise as it passes right through the bars. As she touches his chest it had occured to him that he could not even remember whether or not he was clothed. He glaces down, just to make certain of it one way or the other before moving his eyes slowly back up to her face. "Necravia... I guess I should thank you for saving me, but... why am I restrained and... why can't I remember... anything?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You are restrained for your own safety. she quickly looks around
It is not safe to be wandering these halls. The master will see you shortly, and you shall leave soon thereafter.

Something tells you that "soon" is a very, very subjective term.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Oh..." He looks around the room again, wondering just what here is so unsafe that he needs to be restrained. "So your um, master, what's he like?"

I keep asking all these questions about other people, but I don't anything about myself. I guess if she knew she would have mentioned it when I told her I could remember.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

She stares keenly at you.

You will find out soon enough. Without further word or warning, she leaves you be, and begins what would best be called some laboratory maintenance. Odd colored fluids of different colors labeled with names in unknown languages wait to be organized. They would probably be brightly colored, were it not for the depressingly gray lighting in the room.

For about an hour, Necravia continues to arrange the area - which wasn't too entropic to begin with - but soon begins to become chillingly perfect. All the while, completely ignoring your attempts at further conversation.

The another portal opens in front of the room.

Out steps a naked, muscular hairless human with no facial features. The subject appears to be male, but where there is to be genitals, is only what appears to be smooth, unmarked skin. He/It looks at Necravia, and she looks back - they "stare" at each other for short amount of time (though 'he' apparently doesn't have eyes). You recognize faint, distant chattering, and realize that it's in your head - you figure that you are somewhat eavsdropping on a telepathic conversation, though not quite making out the words exchanged.

"He" turns towards you and walks up to your cage. The lack of features and his deathly pale skin are more than a little disconcerting. Your forehead prickles as he tries to enter your mind.

[i]I am 4. You will now be escorted away.[/i]

OOC: Telepathic convo is in colored Italics and Bold, whereas regular convo is in colored bold.

Also, to visualize "4," imagine an animated mannequin from a clothing store.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He watches Necravia intently until the portal opens and a strange... man... steps out. He watches the two until the newcomer approaches his cage and... speaks to him. Alright, uh, Four. I don't suppose you're the Master that lovely Necravia here mentioned... He tries to respond in the same manner as four, it just seems to make sense.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Negative- I am not Master- I am 4 - I shall escort you to master. Do you comply?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Didn't think so... He cocks his head at the mannequin man curiously. Hypothetically, what would happen if I were to refuse? I mean, I'm quite helpless here aren't I?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You may remain here, for eternity, if you'd like.

The way in which he communicates this is not as threatening as it is matter-of-fact.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He raises an eyebrow at Four's response, not in surprise, but rather in amusement at the manner in which he responds. "Well, when you put it that way, I find myself inclined to acquiesce to your request."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Without a word, with a wave of 4's hand, the cage around you vanishes. He then steps towards the center of the room, and waits for you to follow.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The sudden disappearance of the cage certainly gives him a start. He looks around, and down at the floor, then takes a step forward. Seeing Four standing in the center of the room, so purposefully suggests to him that perhaps whatever means by which he is to be transported is still unseen.

He looks over at Necravia. Necravia, I hope we meet again. Then he starts to walk towards Four, careful not to touch anything else in the room.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Necravia does not give you a verbal response, though steals a casual glance. You swear that for a second, you noticed a coy mischievousness in her large, dark eyes, but before you can dwell on it, you feel your body being lifted away from the dark laboratory.

You are now in a very large room, also circular. The darkness is overwhelming. A soft light illuminates the center of room.

A figure stands on a throne surrounded by cobwebs and corpses, his pale skin rivals that of the skeletons around. He wears sharp, dark interlocking armor and carries a very large sword. The man... if that's what he is... is easily 7 feet tall. He looks down at you with a stern gaze from across the room, and the unspoken, untelepathic command is irresistible. You come towards him, hitting cobwebs along the way. until you are standing directly in front of him

4 doesn't have to tell you to figure it out. This is Master.

In fact, 4 is no where to be found.. you are alone with him.

I will indulge your questions for a short time.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He looks discreetly around the room, the whole time feeling slightly unnerved by the oppressive air and the large number of corpses, wondering just how old they are, and why he keeps them here, but of course that isn't what he means to ask.

As his host speaks, he immediately looks directly back at the giant man. "Thank you... I have to say that, I am very confused. Necravia told me that I was found floating in the Styx, whatever that is, and now I seem to have lost a significant portion of my memory including just who I am. My apologies but, I really don't know what questions to ask. Except... Well, I don't suppose you pulled me out of there and had Necravia nurse me back to health for no reason, so. I suppose I should ask how I can return the favor."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: small detail- sorry if I didn't make it clear -he's actually talking to you (not in italics)

Yes, Incubus, you are an unusual find. His deep, booming voice rebervates throughout the room.

Disfavored Tan'ari are usually destroyed or imprisoned... my agents are in Baator attempting to piece together your story. Due to recent events, which you will be fully informed of later, your history may be of importance to me. For the time being, I shall take thee under my wing - in return for your life, you will commence an indentured servitude.

..Know that our interests are temporarily aligned - for your history is more important to you as it is to myself - aligning yourself with me is your only viable option

he says the last bit as if you have a choice in the matter, which you know you clearly do not. Intuition informs you that it'd be best to go along with him.

You know all that I know about how and where you were found, what other questions press you?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I actually meant to get an idea of just how old the corpses in the room seemed to be. Do they look old or fresh? And do they all look similar? Also, did he really say Baatezu, not Tanar'ri?

He looks down at himself again. "Incubus? Is that who I am? And... Baatezu? I'm sorry for all the mundane questions but, I really don't know what is going on. Well in any case, I guess I'll be working for you for now, ... How do you wish me to refer to you?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
OOC: I actually meant to get an idea of just how old the corpses in the room seemed to be. Do they look old or fresh? And do they all look similar? Also, did he really say Baatezu, not Tanar'ri?

He looks down at himself again. "Incubus? Is that who I am? And... Baatezu? I'm sorry for all the mundane questions but, I really don't know what is going on. Well in any case, I guess I'll be working for you for now, ... How do you wish me to refer to you?"

Whoops!!!, Edited above!!

OK- so from your observation and judgement, the corpses are very, very old - most of them are skeletons, and you have a feeling that the ones with meat still on them are preserved for asthetic, or perhaps other reasons. :oops:

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: Ok, replace my last post with this post.

"Well it seems I'll be working for you for now... How do you wish me to refer to you?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I am Adjic' Ventir - Warrior and Necromancer - it is irrelevant of what you call me.

Yes, you are an Incubus - your rank otherwise and history are unknown. We are currently at my stronghold in the Outlands.

OOC: You don't remember specific, personal details, but you have good general planar knowledge - eg. you know what the Styx is (and about its amnesia- inducing properties), and you know what an Incubus is... I'm just doing that to spare us both the explanations..

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He looks down at himself "Well I suppose that explains a few things... Except... shouldn't I be a bit more... uh... hm... So then Master Ventir, what should I do now?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You will find Informant Zakarius in Sigil and he will submit his report. The code-phrase you shall speak to him is: "Crash the Ring into the Spire." I am unaware of his wherabouts - and thus you shall use your wit and resourcefulness to seek him out. He will then inform you of how to return from Sigil back here - where you will report to me.

You have three days. - Before you leave, Number 4 will lead you to my armory, where you shall be availed with some of the fruits of my exploits to better equip yourself and ensure your survival.

For the time being, it would be wisest for you to remain in camouflage - inconspicuous to those around. Now go.

With a wave of his hefty hand, Number 4 reappears behind you, and beckons that you follow him.

OOC: Sense Motive: It is clear that there is something strange about this man's demeanor towards you. Not only is he not requiring you to call him 'master,' but he is now offering you arms, which you suspect are of a powerful nature. All for what? His apparent interest in you is unprecedented.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The Incubus inclines his head respectfully, though not exactly subserviently to Ventir, and then turns to follow Four. So four, how long have you been in your master's service? What about Necravia?

OOC: What am I wearing right now anyway, and do I look like an Incubus?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

It's a pretty safe bet that 4 is unable (or perhaps, unwilling) to communicate verbally, and the reply is predictably, telepathic:

I have been serving Master ever since I was created. I am unaware of anyone else's history.

Comes his vague response. It is clear that he isn't one for non-business conversation - his mannerisms and conversation syntax are almost modronic.

He shortly leads you to a separate, smaller circular room filled with all sorts of wearable items. It appears that in addition to being a Necromancer, Master is probably a collector. Aside from neatly hung archaic engraved suits of armor that adorn every lateral inch of the circular chamber, there are weapons of many varieties and colors, staffs, rings, wands, and cloaks (though, notably, not any money or gems). Even without any liquid assets, it is apparent that this should rather be named a treasure room than an armory.

4 turns towards you:

You may pick and choose certain items that you'd like.

4 limits you to 2 rings, 2 weapons, 1 suit of armor, and 2 miscellaneous magical items, and 1 random "odd" item that may catch your interest.

Items that may be of use:

Rings: (2)

Elemental Command (Air)
Elemental Resistance (Acid)
Elemental Resistance (Electricity)
Protection +1

Weapons: (2)
+1 weapons of every variety
+2 longsword, shortsword, and quarterstaff
(see below in 'odd items of particular interest')

There are no light suits of armor that would suit you - but then again, you don't know if you're a caster or not, so it's up to you to take a suit of armor or not.
Armor: (1)
Full Plate +1
Half Plate +1

Miscellaneous Magical Items: (2)
Wand of Magic Missle
Belt of Giant Strength
Wand of Color Spray
Cloak of Resistance (+1)
Boots of Elvenkind

"Odd Items that catch your interest" (1)
A hollow glass/crystal locket with a red cricket inside.
An unmarked, apparently nonmagical dagger that radiates a feeling of cold and dread.
A Journal from which emnates magic.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: I guess you missed it in my last post. I asked what I was currently wearing and whether I actually looked like an incubus.

I see... Well, in what capacity does Necravia serve your master? Is she his apprentice?

They get to the room, and his eyes light up in surprise at the large array of items which somehow register as valuable to him. "Uh... Wow." Walking about the room to examine the items, he picks up several weapons, one at a time, and takes a few practice swings in the air with them in hopes of finding out he is proficient with one of them. He finally decides to take the stronger magical short sword, and a dagger.

The ring of invisibility is certainly going to come in handy for not making a scene. While the ring of Blinking would certainly be interesting, it's somewhat uncontrollable powers would not be good for avoiding a scene. He decides instead to take the ring of protection.

He glances at the large metal costumes wondering how anyone could wear something so ungainly, and then quickly moves on.

A wand of Magic Missiles could always be useful in a pinch or to distract something big and the belt of giant strength could give him an edge in various situations.

Finally he see three odd items that seem out of place... Uh, Four? What are these things here? The first thing to draw his interest is the disturbing dagger which he carefully reaches out for. to examine it more closely.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

OOC: You are wearing nothing but an unremarkable loincloth, whereas the rest of your body is exposed ---wings and all - you indeed do look like an incubus - specific appearance details are up to you. Adjic' Ventir warned you to stay disguised, so when you leave the stronghold, you know that it'd be wise to use your abilities to alter your form.

4 awkwardly hesitates after you ask the question about Necravia. Necravia is the fourth in command. (it's odd he says this, because if that was the case, why is HE named 4?) Obviously reserved on the subject, he adds as an afterthought, You would be wise not to pry into the subject any further.

He indifferently waits for you to select your items, and begins to explain the odd dagger:

Malevor Ozzidansamus was part Gnome, part Fiend. Centuries ago, he had a workshop on the 94th layer of the Abyss sponsored by a friend who was a Marilith general. He was a savant when it came to smiting, and spent most of his days designing and creating Tan'aari weapons for the footsoldiers of the Blood War. In addition he had many other items and trinkets from his experiments. After a century or so of successfully working for the Tan'aari, his workshop had become a gargantuan factory and was the defining feature of the 94th layer. The time came when the Marilith general decided that he had become too powerful for his own good. In his final moments of life, he was to give the Marilith a gift (this dagger). Little did he know that he was about to give much more than that. The Marilith happily accepted the dagger, and just as happily killed him in his quarters. All the while, her troops were seizing the factory for their own design.

It is lored that a part of Malevor's soul is inside the dagger, for shortly after the Marilith's murderous betrayal, she was found dead with the dagger lodged deep inside of her chest- apparently suicide; thought to be inspired by the vengeful soul inside the dagger. The lore is inconsistent, however, with current knowledge- for only weapons of a magical quality may harm a Marilith - and a mere dagger in the chest would not typically destroy a Tan'aari of that power. Number 9 conducts research on Masters items, and has yet to find magic, or a soul inside. It is clear that it is not a normal item, and you should tread carefully whilst carrying it.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable. Necravia is an intriguing woman...

He listens to the explanation, and frowns thoughtfully, leaving the dagger in place. Hm... I can't think of many reasons why I would want to have a dagger that might, just possibly, be capable of making a Tanr'ri kill themselves, but is otherwise mundane, aside from being unpleasant simply to handle... He moves on and examines the other two items. What of these?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The Journal is that of a Powerful Necromancer from the Prime Material Plane in Aber Toril. Master has availed himself of the knowledge within, and it is no further use to him.

The Locket has powerful magic, but the research team has been unable to identify the source or the function. The red insect inside claims to be a cursed, trapped, polymorphed Pit Fiend- but we haven't been able to confirm this. We haven't been able to open the crystal - it seems magically warded against such action.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"Hm..." He looks at the tiny insect. "You aren't really a pit fiend are you, Little Guy?" Oh well, I'll tell you what, Four. I'll take this with me, and if I find out anything interesting about it I'll let you know.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

The locket has a warm, pleasant feel to it. The cricket inside seems oblivious to your cooing.

"Very well, you should be on your way -" A portal from here will lead you to the Clerk's Ward, you will have to find your way back within three days.

Remember, you have to relay Zakarius's report back to Master...Are there any final questions?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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I've one other question though. Do you have any ideas about what I ought to call myself? I mean, a pseudonym for while I'm in Sigil.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Oops, sorry, edited above - the actual time is 3 days.

4 hesitates for another while before answering. I suggest you call yourself something common and unremarkable.. perhaps 39 or 91. You should also alter your appearance.

The advice about altering your appearance is good, but you'd probably want to think up a name for yourself.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

He smiles at Four and nods. I think I need a name more like your Master's or Necravia's. What about Sam... Samael? What do you think of that? What do you suggest I disguise myself as?

OOC: He's not really interested in having his opinions as advice, he's just curious what someone/thing like Four would suggest. Also, won't I stand out a bit with nothing but a loincloth and magic items on me even if I'm shape shifted?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

While part of you expects him to reply with something like " a walking mannequin" he, gives a different, equally useless suggestion.

Perhaps something that isn't an incubus?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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OOC: Sorry, I edited my OOC part of my last post right when you were posting.
I agree, perhaps a human. He looks once more around the room. Is there any clothing around here I could borrow? Humans usually wear clothing if I remember it right.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

4 thinks, then tells to you to wait.

He leaves for a short while, and while he's gone, you swear you see a shadow moving along the walls to your periphery. As you look more closely, however, you see nothing else.

Surprisingly, 4 returns with the perfect set of clothes. An average looking dark-brown shirt, pants and shoes. He also gives you a pouch, and informs you that you can place anything inside.

OOC: Bag of Holding.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Thanks Four. He starts getting dress and glances down at the strange locket around his neck, Oh just one more thing I'm curious about. How did you communicate with this cricket who claims to be a pit fiend? Did you just use telepathy?

He suddenly realizes that his shirt will not fit with the wings sticking out of his back. "Oh." He tries to make himself appear as a human male who otherwise looks similar to his natural form.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Number 9 - he wore the locket around his neck for more than a turn - and the cricket started talking to him telepathically.

OOC: a "turn" = 1 turn of the ring ~ 24 hours

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Interesting. Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Four, you've been quite helpful. I think I'm ready to leave, where is the portal?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

4 quickly walks you near one of the suits of armor, makes a few gestures, and a portal swirls to life.

Enter the Clerk's Ward.

It is very dark, probably near antipeak (or perhaps a little after). You find yourself on Crystal Dew lane of the Sandstone district. For all the order and cleanliness imposed by law upon the Clerk’s Ward, a blood wouldn’t commonly suspect that in the midst of it all, tucked away in all the order would be a community composed almost entirely of tieflings; and a respectable community at that. The Sandstone District is located between Crystal Dew lane, Founder’s Fence, and the edges of the Slags as they abut near the Clerk’s Ward. The name of the district is derived from the red sandstone paving stones used to line the streets of the district. The tieflings, many of them sick of their reputations, have holed up here among themselves and largely ignore the rest of the ward.

You are very close to what was once the Hall of Records. From your knowledge of planar history, you recall that what existed once as a private university within Sigil known as Bigby’s College of Academic Arts and was subsequently repossessed by the Fated, now exists as only a pile of rubble atop the cluster of hills it once occupied before the Faction War. Shortly after the war ended and the Fated fled Sigil for their old faction headquarters upon Ysgard, the building and all the vast number of public records, including debt notices, were ransacked by the curious, the greedy, and those seeking to erase their very existence in the records of the purse pickers of Sigil. Nothing remained sacrosanct, and from the vaults of records to the very furniture, the entire building was looted clean.

Years of tunneling beneath the buildings to build secret vaults in which to store the supposedly public records, as well as ex-Factol Rowan Darkwood’s reams of research into Sigil’s past history, left the ground under the entire complex weakened and under the constant threat of collapse. Faced with the danger to the surrounding blocks in the ward, the entire edifice was picked clean of any remaining records or usable goods, and the building was torn to the ground and many of the tunnels purposefully collapsed. Undisclosed parties have since purchased the site, and to date it has yet to be developed, remaining a jumble of brick and marble surrounded by the wooded campus that originally surrounded the Hall.

Although you see moving silhouettes in the buildings around, no one seems to be on the streets at this time, and an eerie calm descends upon you.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Hm, I guess I'd fit in better if I were a tiefling. Samael looks around, trying to get his bearings and find some dark alley to move into, something odd seems to be going on.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

You soon realize that you're not alone. As you back into an alley, a very, very strong hand covers your mouth from behind, stifling your yelp, and preventing you from moving. A harsh, female voice speaks into your ear.

Who are ye, and what're ye doin here around here at this time? Tell me quickly, and don't be bally, or ye'll be hittin' the blinders faster than ye can spit!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

"M, naw if Sama-aw." He says through the hand that muffles him, trying to turn his head towards the voice.

Trias's picture
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She doesn't raise her voice, but whisper-screams... the shock has settled in, and you finally notice that a knife is pointing towards your neck.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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"Lowg sory. Looki fow a friend. What'f wrog?" He again tries to turn his head.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Sensing your helplessness, she turns you around, and looks into your eyes. You notice, that she's slightly taken aback (probably at how good you look Cool )
She could be either a tiefling or a second/third generation fire genasi. Bright red/orange hair, amber eyes, fiery clothing, and a temperament to match.

Don't ye think me a softhead!! I'll ask ye again, what are ye up to?

Her voice this time is calmer.. though that could mean more danger for you.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Samael looks around again as he answers in a whisper matching her own. "It's no screed alright? I'm lookin for someone, an the portal I went through ended up here. Why so interested? You do that every stranger you meet in a dark alley? I'd think it'd be more profitable to take their jink. Or am I special?"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Incubus (Solo)

Anyone who wanders these parts at night is either a bad blood, genna get the laugh, or be fiend food! Don't ye play clueless with me. Aye, this is my turf, and I do the askin'!

It would normally be hard to believe such a thing from one with as slender a frame as hers, but you know firsthand that she is unnaturally strong, and her claim about this being her turf may actually be legitimate.

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