Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren sits through the whole speech, his eyes still downcast. He refuses to sit in the wood chairs or even near any worked piece of dead tree. Thus, he rests against a wall. When he speaks, the ranger/druid's words are thick and husky. "Polp...did they stack your kinsmen on top of each other...or meld them into contorted flesh?" He waves a hand toward the constructs of slain timber. "Surely they are more defenseless than your folk...more defenseless than the little razor who I struck today. The multiverse is cold and barren, as though Azkill reigned over all but the realm of Avlis."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp sighs, unwraps himself, and rises to his feet.

"Sympathy was not the point of my speech, Mister Hilaren. This is not about innocence and guilt - I don't think you grasped the message I tried to convey, and can only ask you to consider my words more closely."

"I'll attend your court and hope you make the right choice, Mister Hilaren. I don't really know what more I can do to help you."

The shad steps up to the bars and calls for Duckluck to let him out, unless the bars are at least 6 inches apart, in which case the shad doesn't bother and simply contorts himself through. Turning back to the ranger before leaving to wait in the courtroom, Polp leaves a final choice of words for the ranger to consider.

"The multiverse may be a cold place but your actions today didn't make it less so, Mister Hilaren. If you want to change how the Planes work, you should start with understanding them."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Duckluck opens the door for the shad and says, "Why don't you let me talk to him? You know, Prime to Prime," and heads into the room and leans against the opposite wall.

"Listen son, I know how you feel. You spend all your life thinking you understand the world around you. Thinking you know which way is up and which way is down and where right and wrong lie, and then you come here and everything is all funny-shaped and nothing is certain. Not up and down, not even right and wrong.

"When I first came here, my trouble was with kobolds. On my world, they were awful, disgusting, amoral monsters who my people had fought with for millenia, but out here, they're grocers, carpenters, and, yes, gardeners. The first time I saw one, I almost slew him there and then -- it's what I had been trained to do. Fortunately, some impulse told me that this was not the place to let old prejudices cloud my judgment. Even now, two -- three hundred years later, the old prejudices still rise to the top. Two weeks ago, I heard an army of kobolds was on its way to attack the world of Eberron under the pretext of liberating the kobolds living there. Now, being my old biased self, I just assumed that the kobolds were just using the whole thing as an excuse to gain territory, but when I got there, I was surprised. The Eberronian kobolds were living under some of the most cramped, squalid, and oppressive conditions I'd ever seen. I was shocked, but I became downright horrified when I realized that the kobolds of my homeworld, the ones we gnomes feared and loathed, the ones we pushed back into the most inhospitable wilderness we could find, were living under those exact same conditions. We had our reasons, we thought they were right, but in trusting our own fears and preconceptions instead of our eyes, my people had committed crimes as great as those we so loathed."

Why am I telling you all this? Because you're biased, and you are ignorant, but more than that, you're prideful. Like I did before you, you're trusting your own fears and preconceptions instead of listening to those around you. Let me just tell you, that you can't go around doing that for long in this town before winding up, well, exactly where you are. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine, but, for your sake, I hope you listen all the same."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren allows the shad to go on and sits through the whole testimony of the paladin. He lets the words drift through his mind for a bit and then looks up. "You spoke of oppression and hate...who is more apt to be oppressed than those who cannot resist?"

The druidic ranger lets his eyes wander over the remains of felled oak and pines before returning to his gaze to Duckluck. "You used the title 'barmy' of the 'planars' I met said that meant 'idiot' or 'crazy'...because I've been taught to hear and sense the pain of Nature that makes me 'barmy'? Did your family call you such for sympathizing with kobolds??" His look is troubled, the words coming out as honest queries, not mockery.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The old gnome sighs, "To my shame, at the time, I had no real sympathy for kobolds. I was a Knight of the Setting Sun, and they were the enemy. It was my job to slaughter them in droves when they rose up. I rode my Blinkdog into battle against people smaller than I am armed with nothing more than pointed sticks and homemade crossbows. At the time, I thought it was exciting and dangerous. Looking back, it was like killing rats. One day while I was out hunting kobolds raiders, I took the wrong turn in a canyon. I fell through a portal, and here I was."

The Gnome breaks his narrative to reminisce for a moment before adding,
"And I was wrong to call you barmy. You're confused and maybe a little misguided, but you aren't barmy. Here's a question though, if you don't believe in harming nature, what do live in? For that matter, what do you eat?"

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren's resignation changes to the attitude of storyteller, fortified by the notion of something he does understand. "Avlis provides a world of untainted beauty. Her leaves never fade, nor do her roots shrivel...and in that unending life has she taught us to live. We grow our homes and seek to honor the heart and the will of the wood by allowing each aspect to take form in its own way."

He waves a hand toward the paladin, hoping to make a direct parllel. "The staff you took from me; did you not feel the sap humming in its veins? Or see the vitality of the olive vines laced around it?...I gather not. See, even our weapons retain the natural spirit--gifts given and grown by each Round as Our Lady revealed."

The ranger sighs and rubs his knees (unless his hands are still tied). Either way, he adjusts his back for comfort and continues. "As to our diet...Avlis provided a cycle of shorter living species--us included--they trim the foliage of the ground; we keep them from overrunning the is the unwritten law that 'the temporal must perish' and thus we tend and eat only of these animals and from the seasonal fruits Avlis provides--only the forest and mountains are everlasting."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Duckluck takes the quiver out and looks at it very closely. Suddenly a smile of understanding crosses his lips. "So you don't eat vegetables, but you do eat meat? That's an odd one. Has it ever occurred to you that all things die, including trees, and it doesn't really make sense to view one type of living being as totally expendable and another as sacrosanct? Especially when the trees you worship presumably possess neither minds nor souls. Or am I wrong? You obviously use magic to shape these trees into your homes and your possessions, so doubtless such enchantment must be so abundant as to be taken for granted on your world. Perhaps it would surprise you to learn then, that in most of the Multiverse such magic is rare and expensive. A living quiver like yours is a wonder I have never seen in all my days, as it is something that would be impossible to make on most worlds.

"Perhaps I should explain. My cousin is a great Druid of my world and he and I have been in regular correspondence for the last couple of centuries. Anyway, he told me once that he was searching for a means by which to make trees think. Now before you interject that trees think already, has it occurred to you that maybe only your trees think? After all, my cousin is one of the most knowledgeable Druids on Backwater and he says trees don't think. In fact, I've never met anyone who has -- that wasn't insane, anyway. That's why I thought you were barmy at first. Now I think that your trees are intelligent as a result of all the magic cast on them over the years. That would make your trees as different from my own as we are from squirrels. As you said yourself, there's nothing wrong with killing 'the temporal' for sustenance. We are simply doing the same."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren's brow furrows heavily at the news of temporal trees. He sits in silence a while, trying to swallow the major difference. His eyes return to Duckluck's gaze. "Avlis is a land fertile with natural splendor...eldritch--magic, as you say...I do dread a place where the trees do not whisper in the wind and sing in the makes the air feel. empty."

His eyes disfocus as his mind wanders again before returning to the gnome's strong gaze. "I do not savor the thought of slaying trees...perhaps there is a reason their spirit is not on other lands...alas, I did stretch too far in my understanding and wrought a shame in battering your friend. Forgive me in that, even if I cannot look lightly on felled wood."

The ranger does his formal greeting of crooked fingers and a stiff bow. "Whatever they do unto me, I am gracious for this chat. I am Hilaren Galsborn of the Northern Round of Avlis...and for this understanding, I am in your debt."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Well, in that case, you can repay that debt by not getting yourself in any more trouble. Think you can do that?" Duckluck says with a smile.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"I shall try...but, if my first 'portal' trip to the place they call 'Bedlam' is an indicator, I think trouble shall haunt me." The ranger gives a wry grin at the end of the pause.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Bedlam, huh? That's rough. Still, it could have been worse. At least you didn't wind up in Ribcage. Anyway, I'll let you and Polp talk for a while. I'm going to go have a quick word with Cheryl." And Duckluck locks Polp in with you and wanders off, leaving the two of you alone in there for a while.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Unsure of what to expect, the shad responds to Duckluck’s call and steps back within the cell. He stands hesitantly before the ranger, half-expecting some sort of development to have occurred.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren gestures to the floor and says, "Have a seat, Polp. I think we are here for a while...and I wanted to thank you for your tender admonition...I lament the loss of trunk and tree, but my actions did nothing to spare them." The ranger sighs heavily, the admission weighty and coarse.

"I have been charged my whole life to preserve their beauty and I find that only one pocket of the 'multiverse' (as you say) has their full bounty...maybe I--we?--can spread that beauty, while protecting Her Lady's loving presence...I sure hope so."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Notorious for such behaviour, Polp regains his smile between blinks and gives the ranger a comforting pat on the shoulder before taking a seat next to him.

“Well, I’m glad you came around to realize that violence isn’t the answer, Mister Hilaren. I share in your reverence for nature, even though it seems we have very different ways of expressing ourselves. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to make a difference across the Planes, but you should always try to understand where other people are coming from before furthering your own cause.”

“Take these gnomes, for instance. I know gnomes from my home world, and they are usually fair and honest people. Quite pleasant company, even if they can be a tad eccentric. And you should know, they generally don’t exploit their natural surroundings but rather befriend gophers and moles around them. How can you do anything but smile at a man who talks with moles?”

“Now these Bytopians, these are the exemplary kind of their kin. Uncle Phelin is probably the most well-travelled in my family, and by his own accounts he’s walked the Wheel a couple of times, and he always took a few extra weeks of vacation in Bytopia. Says the natives have hearts of pure gold. Not the sorts to “slaughter trees” and whatever ideas you may have had, but honest folks who don’t take more than their community needs.”

“Regardless of how this whole ordeal plays about, I think you should give that gardener an apology. He may not listen to the trees as you do, but likely has a whole lot more respect for nature than you gave him credit for.”

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre eyes Polp and Hilaren as they depart from him at the Foundry. New to Sigil, yes, but... "This is not such a bad neighborhood, so you should be okay. Don't wander too far, and ask one of passersby wearing that sign --" he points out a nearby member of the Escorts and Touts Guild -- "how to find Gear Street and Hands of Time, when light seems to be approaching foggy noon. Is called 'peak.'"

He heads back home for breakfast and letter-writing, as described earlier, and armors back up for the expected trip later today. Then it's off to the temple of the Dwarven pantheon to drop off the excess donations and exchange news. Anything interesting?

At this point he turns aside slightly, heading for the city's nearest substantial temple of the Greek pantheon. He slows respectfully as he climbs the front steps, wearing his holy symbol proudly but trying not to be cocky about it. He murmurs a polite exchange of greetings with an acolyte of Hephaestus, craftsman to craftsman, then pauses next to a statue of Athena with her owl and admires the artistry momentarily.

. o O (They always decorate with good stonework in marble here. Strange how light the aesthetic is -- always white, very flowing and smooth. As if elves decided to love stone for a moment.) He corrects himself. . o O (No, it's not elvish, really. It's a human aesthetic. I should visit Arborea some day, I hear the mountains are fantastic... oh, I say.) Now there's a thought. He blinks. . o O (The oreads dwell atop the mountains. Hades is the Greek god of the underworld, but he dwells in the Waste. And Arborea has these amazing mountains, and to my recollection not a strong dwarven population.) Excitement. Could he possibly find a place where Rodina could expand settlement, in heretofore-overlooked halls beneath the grand ranges of Arborea? That would be a fascinating development indeed!

He files that idea away as an acolyte of the temple comes by. "Here to pay your respects, s-" the acolyte sees the holy symbol. "-oh." He straightens, and asks neutrally, "What can we do for you, sir?"

Zhegre produces the periapt. "I found this," he says, "and I am fairly sure it belongs to old temple of Athene." He shows the dinged-up silver holy symbol that came with it. "I wanted to return it to its rightful owner. If you have a means of identification handy, I am curious as to exactly what it is and how it came to be where I found it."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp and Hilaren:
After a few minutes, Duckluck returns to the little holding room and says, "Good news. The judge is a Dabus."

The acolyte pauses a moment before saying, "Hold on, let me get Father Grok-alok," and heads off. Moments later, a big barrel-chested orc in a laughably ill suited toga walks up and without a word takes the symbol and the periapt and says "Hmm, unenchanted Holy Symbol of the blessed Athene and a Periapt of Health. Both at least seven hundred years old. Where did you find them, anyway?"

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

. o O (Grok-alok? That name sounds like it's -- well quench me in the Styx. It *is* an Orc. I love Sigil. I wonder if I can get him to tell me his story.)

"In ruined temple on Ooze. Fell through portal in mud puddle -- so I could not tell you how to get back, I am sorry -- and was lucky enough to land near air pocket that was inside. 'twas inhabited by clutch of beasties, otyughs I think they were called; not any more though. They were hungry and we had no plans to be dinner. There was more to the treasury, but, eh, I am afraid the companions I found there took more salwage-oriented view of ownership rights.

"Are you familiar with history of the place? And why there would possibly be portal leading out of the temple to Outlands, that is actiwated by an oath to protect cosmic Entropy? Comparative theology was not my best subject in training, but I don't recall that sounding much like feature Athene would have requested in original construction of her temple."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Grok-alok looks aghast (a very odd expression for an orc) and carefully sets down the items, "You... you found them in the Old Sunken Temple? That... doesn't bode well. A terrible thing happened in that temple, and people say it has left it cursed. I'm not sure if there actually is anything haunting those stones, but be careful. Anyway, the story goes that, not long after the Great Upheaval and the Lady's declaration that there could only be fifteen factions, members of one of the banished factions (reports differ on which one) decided they wouldn't go, and instead sought sanctuary in the ancient Temple of my mistress, which was at that point located in the Lower Ward near the Hive. For some foolish reason, the priests chose to let them in. No one is quite sure what happened to them, but during the night terrible screaming was heard and the ground shook with one of the worst Sigilquakes in a generation. The next antepeak, the entire temple was gone, with nothing but a gaping Ooze puddle where it had been. That was the first thing they noticed. The second was that the entire courtyard was covered in blood, some of which had even splashed through third story windows. So yeah, I know the items you found were uncursed and you know they're uncursed, but everyone in the temple knows the story, and I'd rather not lose my job over this, so feal free to take the items and go with my good will."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre nods, and takes the periapt back, putting it on. "I think it would be most impolite to sell this or ewen forge it into something else," he says, taking the holy symbol, "so I will see what I can do about finding it good home." He pockets it as respectfully as possible.

"If there is nothing else you recall about the temple, especially that portal, I suppose my business here is concluded. Though if I might ask personal question I am sure you get often... Athene is not traditional orcish deity. How came you to her serwice?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Sorry, I thought I'd replied to this last night, but it looks like my last post was lost in the phlogiston.}

"It's pretty simple really. I was lost in human lands. Lonely. Confused. Hopeless. So I resolved to swear allegiance to the first god who would welcome me into his temple. Ares and Apollo both turned me away, but the priests of Athene offered me coffee. I've been in her service ever since. I know it sounds silly, but in my defense, it was really good coffee," laughs Grok-alok.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre chuckles and nods. "Heh. Well, thank you for the gift. And now, if you will excuse me, I have an appointment with some friends." He exchanges politenesses, turns and heads out to Gear Street, waiting in an outdoor cafe near the Hands of Time until peak.

(OOC: Since Hilaren's trial was managing to get on the docket within an hour, we may not even have to worry about odd coincidences to get back together. :^) )

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren takes in everything Polp says and smiles politely at the misunderstanding of his motives; however, the ranger realizes this young shad may not perceive what a realm with truly living forests is like. I know not of these 'moles,' little one...but I see the guardians here are not the same as elsewhere. I shall have to remember thus, though it pains me to see timber felled so...indiscriminately."

When Duckluck returns and relates the news, Hilran arches an eyebrow. "What is a dabus?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Duckluck nods, "The Dabus look a bit like humans with, uh, green skin and goat horns and they speak in floating magical symbols. They are the maintainers and protectors of Sigil. Treat this Dabus with respect, and he will give you a fair trial."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Duckluck' wrote:
Duckluck nods, "The Dabus look a bit like humans with, uh, green skin and goat horns and they speak in floating magical symbols. They are the maintainers and protectors of Sigil. Treat this Dabus with respect, and he will give you a fair trial."

Hilaren nods. "Shall I understand these symbols? Or shall I need a, imitator of tongues?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Sensing some measure of optimism in the air, the shad rejoices with little idea as to why, and slips into one of his mind-wandering chatters.

“Oooh, I’ve seen those dabus-people around the city, though most were hammering away on structures or streets. Does it use one of those fancy working hammers to seal sentences? I wonder what line of symbols translate into “order in the courtroom”? This is going to be so exciting!”

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"The Dabus speak in picture riddles -- rebuses. It takes a while to figure out how to read them, but don't worry, I can translate."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren smiles cannily. "I savor the mind tests of the elders...sounds like an opportunity to ripen those skills. Yet, I am thankful to have a guide in such matters. When do we depart?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"We've got ten minutes before the judge is ready, but we might as well go now. Follow me." Duckluck says as he takes them out and leads them into an almost empty courtroom. The gardener, an elf, and a couple of the smoking gnomes sit in the first row. Otherwise, the room is empty. The gardener glares daggers at you.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren pales a bit at the ambivalence of remembered righteous indignation and regret. The whole ordeal is a stretch of his beliefs, which leads him to sit quietly staring forward into the room. He is reluctant to sit on wooden chairs, having to stifle the nauseating effect of placing himself on top of slain timber. And thus, he sits and awaits his impending punishment.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp takes his seat wherever it seems he is supposed to sit, does his best to comply with procedure, and suppresses the urge to wave to anyone around.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

After waiting another five minutes, a tall robed creature with green skin and two sets of horns, one goat-like and one ram-like, enters the room. At first you think he is extremely tall, but upon closer examination it is not his hight that gives you that impression, but the fact that he is floating a foot above the ground. He looks at you each in turn, his expression unreadable, and once satisfied takes a seat in the front of the room behind a raised podium of some sort. Once seated, he takes out a set of delicate reading glasses that somehow looks ridiculous on him and begins to read some papers. After a moment, he looks up and largely indecipherable symbols begin to appear above his head. Duckluck immediately begins translating.

"I am Judge Bolt presiding over this case, Factor Duckluck is translating. You, Hilaren have been charged with unprovoked assault and battery of a citizen of Sigil. There are five witness, including the plaintiff, a Mr... Bilboopoop... Bodysocks. Bodysocks, really?" at this point, the gardener blanches as Duckluck bursts into laughter and has to restrain himself under the gaze of the judge, ...and your arresting officer, Factor Duckluck the Steadfast (he means "ex-factor"). How do you plead? Guilty, or not guilty?"

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren blanches further at the term "unprovoked." He sits still for a moment and then stands slowly. Pausing a bit more, he finally says in a steady voice, "I plead guilty to provoked assault."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Duckluck and the judge exchange meaningful glances and then the symbols and worlds start flying quickly, "Perhaps we should explain some words, given that you're not from around here (and definitions vary from place to place). To qualify as provoked assault, the victim has to actually have done something to you beside make you angry. If you would like to argue that the plaintiff (that's Bodysocks here) harmed you in some way before you attacked him, then you can make your case, but otherwise, the charge is unprovoked assault. How do you plead?"

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Hilaren turns and gives Duckluck a hard look that seems to say "Sounds like an injustice to me," but sighs and replies with utmost reluctance. "Guilty."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp exhales a breath of relief, while trying to see if there are any signs in the dabus' floating symbols that actually carry omens to be interpreted in the way of the shads.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The judge nods, and the translation begins again, "The standard sentence for Unprovoked Assault in Sigil is imprisonment for anywhere from six months to over a year. However, there are mitigating circumstances. Firstly, you have confessed and Factor (ahem) Duckluck assures me that you have expressed regret for you actions. Secondly, you were and are clearly suffering from a combination of gross ignorance and post-teleportational psychosis commonly known as 'cluelessness.' You were clearly confused and disoriented and in no fit shape to be making decisions, and, as such, cannot be considered wholly responsible for your own actions."

Judge Bolt pauses for a moment, clearly thinking, and Duckluck goes over and whispers something to him. After a moment, they continue, "I hereby sentence you Hilaren to 300 hours of community service and three months probation. Factor (like hell I am) Duckluck here has graciously volunteered to be your parole officer. I am also recommending you for psychiatric evaluation at the Gatehouse, but attendance is not mandatory. Now, if there is no other business, case dismissed. Now if you all would clear out of here quickly, I have three more of these trials to deal with before Peak."

Duckluck looks shocked, "Three? Really?", to which the judge shows a picture of a tavern connected by plus sign a piece of paper with a house behind it, followed by a comma. Then he shows a lowercase "t" with another plus sign linking it to a picture of a bale of straw. Next he shows a picture of a hand retrieving something. After that, he shows a lowercase "m" connected by a plus sign to a picture of a big clump of rock with metallic bits in it. After that, he shows a picture of a magnifying glass shining over a fingerprint connected by another plus sign to a "Less than" (<) sign. After which he has a picture of an arm straining to pick something up with a minus sign and an "r" at the end. His last symbol is a "y" plus a piece of corn still in its husk. Duckluck laughs but does not translate.

And with that, the case is over. Duckluck leads you two out with a happy grin that almost makes you forget how many of Hilaren's bones he's broken today, and the witnesses file out, obviously disappointed there wasn't more of a show. The gardener gives you a bit of a stink eye, but otherwise even he doesn't seem all that upset.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it? Just be glad we gnomes aren't the vengeful sort. If you had done your little staffy thing at the Styx Oarsman they'd have skinned you alive (literally), trial or no."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

“That sure went quicker than I thought! Not that I mind really, my seat seemed to be sticky with sweat. Think I spotted a warning sign within those dabus symbols, too. My kind don’t do with all this formality, it’s more like long hard talks with the elders.”

Switching tracks in his line of chattering, Polp looks to his taller companions.

“So, eh, what happens now? What does community service entail? When does it begin? Can it wait until tomorrow, because we’re all supposed to meet this afternoon. Oh, and we have a sort of mission to embark on. Not that I really have any sort of time perspective, but it’s serious and somewhat pressing business, that’s for sure!”

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{I was really expecting Benyamin to have posted by now, but he hasn't for some reason, so I'm just going to skip forward.}

Polp and Hilaren

Duckluck looks up when they get outside and says, "Peak already? Listen, meet me at the Festhall at dusk and I'll explain all about this. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lecture to give," and he sprints off as quickly as his little legs will carry him.

Meanwhile On Gear Street...
All of you meet up. Weishan, you can post whenever.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Disregard this post, please, I answered my own question.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Sorry, all. Sorta lost in the slew of things, but it was a mix of life's craziness and the lack of email notifications from good ol' PW. Anywho, commencing once more.


Hilaren nods silently allowing Polp's illimitable questions ask for him. Before the gnome speeds away, he says suddenly, "Have a care, 'factol.' Shall you return my gear?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Oh, right," Duckluck says before handing him his quiver and running off again, feeling a little silly.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Aloric strolls down gear street ata brisk pace. Clutched in his left hand are several brand-new sculptor's chisels of various sizes and shapes and a hammer. All are polished to the point where one can see Sigil's arch, partly obscured by smog as it is in them. Aloric's right hand carries an enormous steel club adorned with other precious metals. This is obviously well cared for too. He uses this as a walking stick. Aloric is wearing a loose tan tunic and matching pants. These are covered with stone dust. He also wears a large and heavy-looking craftsan's apron filled with older-looking tools.

As he passes by the caffe where Zhegre is sitting, he hails his fellow dwarf:

"Oi! Zhegre, it's been a long time since I've seen ye, friend. How goes it. What've ye been doing with yerself since I saw ye however long ago. I dropped by the foundry and asked about ye, but somone said you'd gone. Adventurin I heard. I envy you, I do. Me workshop's starting to feel a bit dull, it is."

(OOC: I've never played a dwarf before, I've always wanted to speak like one. It's way too much fun Laughing out loud )

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre waves hello, and responds in his inimitable Rodina accent. "Dobrij den, Aloric. It has been two or three weeks, hasn't it? Da, I have been out of town. Was most unexpected. Fell down an Ooze portal and surwived to tell tale, stink and all. As it turns out, it was apparently not coincidence, ewen though it seemed like it at the time. I met a group of traweling companions -- ah, here are some now. You have heard me speak of Polp, the shad I met during my time on Plane of Earth, and this fellow with him is Hilren, of more recent acquaintance."

He lowers his voice momentarily. "He is new to Planes. Be nice."

He raises his voice again. "Also a few others -- a nathri, too, I have ne'er met one before, is most interesting culture. He should be along shortly with rest of group. We are taking Master Hilren to Fraternity of Order to see if there is recorded portal back to his home, and also to ask about quest that has apparently landed in our laps -- namely, finding Hissing Prophet. You have heard Spirelight prophecy, yes? It seems there may be way to put paid to this business of magic-deadening, and we thought we would follow it up. We all live on the same Planes, after all."

Zhegre makes introductions 'round the table as people arrive. "If you are getting bored in your shop, well, we seem to have lost our rogue modron, so perhaps we have opening, if people are agreeable. Be warned, though, mission seems to be seeing quite a turnower on members. We have already left one poor soul back on Ooze."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Hello Polp, Hillaren. How do the two of ye do? Ye can't seriously be trying to scare old Aloric away from an adventure, Zhegre. It's been too many years since I used me club for anything that didn't have a fine. So aye, I'm interested. I've heard a bit about the Spirelight prophecy, but not much. Ye probably know more than me though. Could ye fill me in what you know about it?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

When the duo rejoins Zhegre and is introduced to Aloric, Polp nods to him with his usual friendly demeanour.

“Why hullo there, Mister Aloric, I’m doing mighty fine thank you, and I’m always happy to see a dwarf again. Well, not that I’m not happy about seeing other people too – except for tall angry fiends that is, they tend to be scary. Oh, and wolves, had a nasty run-in with those too, not too long ago. But then, wolves aren’t really people, I suppose, so that doesn’t count. I wonder if beholders count as people, though? Anyway, I’m happy to see people that are happy to see me, but I can tell you, there sure weren’t a lot of happiness in Bedlam. What am saying is, pleased to meet you!”

The shad bows deeply, having eventually gotten a good feel for the otherworldly gravity to avoid any recurring cloak-entanglement.

“I’m probably not the best to fill you in on the prophecy, even though most of my family say I’m very good at talking for lengths. Would you have been to Earth, too, perchance? Also, would you happen to have eaten, because my stomach is rumbling and this is an establishment to get lunch, isn’t it? I could go for one of those meat-rods myself, just like we got back in that old portal-town.”

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The ranger makes his people's formal hand gesture, twisting his first two fingers while curling the last two, thumb and bows jutting out, and bows. The olive-clad ranger replies Salutations. I have met few of you rock-hearts...actually, you are the second. I pray to hear why you are covered in the land's flesh? Is it a ritual among your people??"

(You notice he nods toward your apron covered in dust Eye-wink)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Where is this fellow from, Zhegre?" Aloric asks. Adressing Hilaren: "Ye might say it's a ritual of sorts. We dwarves make things from stone and metal. I'm a sculptor. I work with clay and stone, mostly. I finished carving a marble statue fer a client. It's done now, but I did in me two best chisels in the process. That's why I'm here now," says Aloric, holding up his new chisels.

(OOC: can I take total defense too? Laughing out loud )

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The ranger's brow ripples like leaves in the wind, deep ridges of thought for a moment. Finally, Hilaren says, "Intriguing. Much as I thought, the land created servants of earth as we, my people, are subjects to Avlis. Where might I see this 'statue'?"

OOC: LOL. "And Hilaren reaches into his quiver, drawing out..." JK Eye-wink Laughing out loud

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre waves the server over and orders a platter of hydra-neck for everyone. It's a bit tough, but there's plenty of it and it's cheap -- the source is self-renewing, after all.

Munching on some pyrohydra, Zhegre says to Aloric, "He can tell you where he's from better than I can. Broadly speaking, though, we can awoid some cultural misunderstandings if we quickly air it that it's a long way off. Where Hilren's from, trees are awake, land is holy, and metal and stone are unfamiliar. I think. I absolutely must wisit there some day -- it sounds stranger than most planes I've been to."

To Hilren, he says, "Master Hilren, my friend Aloric here is another local dwarf. He is artist, a sculptor in stone. I don't know what your people's religions say about such things, if anything, but I hope there will be no harsh words about butchery, or anything of that sort -- remember that land and stone here are not like yours."

He helps himself to a serving of cryo-hydra. "We can go meet the Fraternity after we have had a bite and more of our friends arrive. So tell me," he says cheerfully to Polp and Hilren, "how did your morning go?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{This should be good.}

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