Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek shrugs,

Go on already, go on with your secrets, I'm out of here.He trods back to the group and reports his mishaps...

nothing left but to trod on to our gatetown I think...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp speeds back to the party, leaving a brief faint trail of dust behind him (200 ft on Run actions). As he reaches their position he comes to a skidding halt in their midst and spouts forth a confusing flurry of words, too eager to divulge his information to make sense.
After a little while, though, the young shad snaps out of it and manages to deliver his words in a comprehensible tempo:

“The Eberronians are the champions chosen to find the Prophet! But they’re not sure about whether they want to be, they still just want to get back home to their world! And the ferrumach is an agent charged with this whole Prophet-business! But he discovered us, and M’rek had to tell him about the meeting in Ooze! And now the ferrumach wants the old man in the Greek temple to be tracked down, because he might be the Prophet himself, or some spy, and in any event he’s not telling the truth!”

… Eventually Polp will recount all that has transpired, all the while impatiently hopping from one foot to another, and looking for M’rek to catch up.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre listens to Polp and M'rek's stories, brows clouding. "Hum," he rumbles. "First he says we did not hear right wersion of prophecy, then when these Eberronians come he says we knew real one. He tells us we are useless for his quest, but more than half implies that the old man on Ooze is himself Hissing Prophet and sends us after him." He thinks.

"I do not trust him and suspect he is trying misdirection. Hissing Prophet would not send us off on quest to find out he himself needs to be thrown into sphere of annihilation. Or if he would, it would be only to make it public knowledge that we are doing so, thus to strengthen resulting belief-effect of that action." He strokes a braid of his beard. "I agree with M'rek. Let us continue on to Bedlam. We may cross paths with Eberronians or this ferrumach again, I cannot say, but at any rate we should stay focused on the lead we know we have: ask Fraternity of Order about recording of prophecy, and try to find Prophet from there."

He looks around to see what the others have to say at this juncture.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Agreed Zhegre," replies Kadar "This information changes little. We already suspected that the old man was trying to peel us somehow and there's no reason to believe any different of the ferrumach. The Rilmari can be as tricky as Loths when they want to be, and as dangerous if they think their balance is threatened."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

“Could it… Could it be that this ferrumach is not really a ferrumach at all? Perhaps he himself is the yugoloth spy, or the servant of some other force on the Planes, trying to divert us away on a wild goose chase by venturing back to Ooze?”

Polp scares himself further at thought, and starts to consider if he should head back to ensure that M’rek makes it back safely.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Perhaps," says Zhegre. "But we have insufficient data to usefully speculate." Since everyone has returned and the general consensus seems to be to head on, it's off to Bedlam once more.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek who had been listening more or less quietly to Polp's story and interjected only to some detail or other, finally says:

I agree with myself stilll...on to Bedlam, but eyes on this Ferrumcah/prophet persons...also were he a yugoloth would he be able to summon celestial lions? I believe negatively...He si probably Rilmani, playing both sides of the fence against the other as it were...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar nods in agreement and starts off towards Bedlam, assuming that the decision has been made and the rest will follow.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba groans at the speculation, gathers his things, and sets off behind Kadar.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You hike toward Bedlam for about an hour or so going across increasingly craggy terrain, until, as you are traversing a canyon a large Orange-red floating crab creature with a numerous eye stocks, a large central eye, a gaping many-toothed maw and spikes reminiscent of Harmonium armor ambushes you.

The beast emerges from a crag ten feet in front of you and roars in a cruel voice, "You fools will make a fitting tribute to lord Ilsensine! Prepare to die!"

Roll for initiative and make any knowledge checks you feel like (there are at least four checks you can make that will net you something). I'll be picking this up a day or two. You may also want to check the OOC in a little bit.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

. o O (I hate running around near the Lower Planes. War tempers a man, but bozhe moi... and I'm running out of spells, too.)

First roll: initiative.
Second roll: K(the Planes), Outlands specialty.

1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 19.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar sighs and draws his dao. "Should have headed for Ironridge" he mutters under his breath.

Initative roll below

Knowledge (the Planes) (1d20+7=8)
Knowledge (Sigil & Gatetowns) (1d20+6=18)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (1d20+2=6)

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 23.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

“Eep! I should’ve stayed home in Gemstone Gardens!”

Initiative and Knowledge check below.

4 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 22.
4 Bonus for Knowledge (the to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 24.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek burst into action almost before his mind has registered the threat:

Init 23
K Arcan 24
K planes 18
spellcraft 29
the link:

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba glares at the creature. He's spent days away from his shop, been blackmailed into the fate of the planes, his buisness has probably rotted to hell, and now he has to deal with a floating eye cluster.

Best thing to do to something covered in eyes, obviously, is to blind it.

(First Action - Glitterdust.

2 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 21.
15 Bonus for K. Arcana or Pl to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 33.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You all recognize the creature before you as a Beholder, aka Eye Tyrant, aka scary thing with lots of teeth. This one appears to be younger than most Beholders and is barely an adult. It seems to be in the service of the god Ilsensine, a big scary brain monster that is worshiped by other scary brain monsters, whose Caverns of Thought you just walked over. Baba (thanks to his amazing roll) further recognizes the beast from his visit to Ortho as an Orthorian Beholder The Orthorian breed are more civilized than most Beholderkin, but they are also smaller and less powerful than others of their kind. They do not, unlike most Beholders have the power to spew anti-magic (although they do have a targeted dispel), and this one in particular is so young he probably can't even turn people to stone. Hopefully.
23 Kadar, M'rek
22 Polp
21 Baba
19 Zhegre
15 Orthorian Beholder

Alright guys, let's see those first actions.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar bellows and flings himself at the floating creature, leading with his blades and hoping to draw it's attention.

Charge- Attack (1d20+7=26)damage (1d8+1=5)
critical- critical confirmation (1d20+7=18)damage (1d8+1=4)

2nd Attack (1d20+6=25)Damage (1d6=4)
Critical- Critical confirmation (1d20+6=21) Damage (1d6=5)

[ooc- laughs maniacally]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Pleadings to the ancestors on his lips, Polp zips past the floating glob of eyes while drawing his rapier swiftly from its scabbard. He comes up behind it opposite of Kadar, and slashes away.

Ooh, nice one, Az!

Declaring my dodge on the beholder. Drawing weapon as part of move (circling to flank with Kadar), and attacking.
I take it its neither flat-footed nor can be flanked, right?

EDIT: The rilmani is on to me: To counter Azriael's crits, I thought I'd roll a natural 1 to balance things out. Again. Sticking out tongue

10 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 11.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek knows enough not to try to flank it, so if the beholder is not flat footed (can I determine that?) he will bluff this round to strike the next:

Option A (beholder FF)

Attck 1: 27; dam 7
attck2 18; dam 4

Crit confirm attk 1: 10

For each hit that does damage M'rek will steal 1 power (eye ray) from the bholder, randomly, unless my roll was good enough to guess what powers it has...

If attck 2 hits, poison save dc 11 or lose 1d2 dex AND int

OPtion B
If the bholder was not Flat Footed, consider only this faint bellow:

11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 14.
Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre goes for the big middle eye, figuring it's probably an important one, and hoping this isn't a bad strategic choice.

Edit: And I have no idea whether either of those hit, but assuming the second one did and the first one didn't, third roll is damage from a sickle to the cornea. Ow.

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 18.
1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+1, the result is 2.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

23 Kadar, M'rek
22 Polp
21 Baba
19 Zhegre
15 Orthorian Beholder

Kadar hits the Beholder for... a lot.

M'rek slices and dices the beholder inflicting the poison AND stealing two eye rays. Some sort of area blindness/Deafness effect, and a ranged shock ray.

Polp proves worthless at this juncture.

Baba blinds the poor low rolling Beholder.

Zhegre hits the poor eye monster, but it doesn't seem terribly fazed.

The Beholder tries and fails to de-blindify itself and flies into the air (and out of your melee attack range) in terror. It looks like it's trying to run away at the moment.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre is sated with combat for today, and is willing to let it run. He settles his weapons back to watch it flee, biting back a taunt (don't want to provoke it to anger and make more trouble for ourselves).

If it manages to escape nearby hearing distance, he'll sheathe weapons completely, commenting to the party, "I thought eye tyrants were supposed to be tougher than that. 'twas my first one, though. Well, let us not wait around for him to return with friends, eh?"

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

A cold, calm look settles on Kadars face as he unslings his bow and opens fire on the fleeing beholder.

attack (1d20+10=19) damage (1d6+2=8)

(forgot to factor in the extra damage for favoured enemy last post :oops: , could you please add it on?)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Sure thing. 2 extra damage has been dealt.}

The beholder takes the arrow in the "back" and looks pretty wounded but manages to fly on, dripping a trail of ichor as he goes.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Duckluck' wrote:
{Sure thing. 2 extra damage has been dealt.}

[ooc- Huzzah! That'll teach him. Smiling
edit- heh so that's +8 then, that'll sting]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

With a wry grin, M'rek matter of factly unslings his crossbow and follows Kadar's lead...

attack 25
damage 5
(if bholder was within 30' add 5 for sneak)

Also, Kadar added +2 for each attack he hit, and favored enemy IS doubled on a I bet this bholder will never again forget Kadar...

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre winces at the bloodlust. "Comrades, comrades! Shooting fleeing foe in back? Dishonorable, and if you do not care about your reputation, why waste arrow when fight is already won?"

He shakes his head sadly. "Our skins are whole, our freedom maintained. Save your fight for when you need it."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar reloads and takes aim.
"You believe that this fight is merely between us and that beast my friend? Such creatures exist only to spread distruction across this land and must be destroyed whenever they are encountered. I am not fighting a creature, I am purging an infection."

Kadar looses his arrow once able, pursuing to get back in range if necessary

attack (1d20+10=28) damage (1d6+2=3)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Mrek just nods without taking his eye from the "ball":

Besides, hao can we eat its heart if it is not dead?

And shoots again:
attack 15 (not counting blindness, and ac loss due to dex poison)
damage 5,
+8 if mrek manages to keep it within 30' (it is blind after all...)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek's first shot causes the Beholder to crash in a bloody heap above the canyon wall. The other shots fail to connect with anything as he is currently out of sight. It's safe to say that it won't be accosting any other travelers any time soon, however.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre looks up the canyon wall. "Well I'm not climbing up there just to find out," he says. "Please tell me that puts end to that, and that we can get back to business now."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp peeks out at the rim of the canyon wall while switching for his crossbow, frightened at the revelation of the beast as a beholder.

“Do… do you think it’ll come back? I have heard of the eye tyrants that prowl my home world as well, my second cousin Urnet once showed me some characteristic tunnel systems they make… Poof, then they can zap you gone, he said!”

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"I doubt it," says Zhegre. "It was pretty well overkilled."

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Shaking his head at the loss of its quarry the young Nathrylowers his crossbow, and licks the ooze from his spur with a long very flexible tongue:

Well I guess no trophy heart tonight...still good hunt, very good hunt, our spirit ancestors would be proud...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar shrugs and puts his bow away, gathering up his dao and readies himself to continue the journey.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M´rek too is ready to leave...

PS: 3rd daughter being born tomorrow!
Might be away for a few days....

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You arrive safely on the outskirts of Bedlam, only to realize that you have no idea how to get through the Gate to Sigil. Fortunately, before anyone has a chance to mug you, a thin middle-aged human woman in black waves at you from a building marked Ilgya's Waystation. Given how many people look like they are currently considering bobbing you, it might be a good idea to follow her lead.

Also, congratulations JOR!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Lacking any more appealing alternatives Kadar heads over to speak to the woman. Not being a complete coney he keeps his eyes peeled for signs of danger and tries to assess the womans intentions.

"Greetings good lady, what can we do for each other today?" Kadar asks once close enough. He figures polite and slightly formal with implications of a deal is a good place to start.

Spot (1d20+6=14)
Diplomacy (1d20+6=14)
Sense motive (1d20+7=23)

[ooc- Congrats JOR, my sister just had her 3rd too]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

She doesn't appear to be hiding anything and there is no reason to think she is being anything but sincere when she says, "'Ello lads, I'm Ilgya and I run this little establishment to help those cutters barmy enough to come to this partic'lar berg. I've got maps, gatekeys, and a stiff drink for anyone what needs it. So why don't ye tell me what needs doing, and I'll help ye to do it?"

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ilgya seems remarkably sane, and her offer exactly what they need at this time. Zhegre lets the negotiations proceed, keeping an eye on the surrounding crowd and listening to the occasional cry or peal of laughter from one of the less advanced victims of the wind-madness. The seal of of Bleak Cabal would be a heartening sign -- . o O (Amusing thought) -- as well.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp peers nervously around the new place, keeping significant distance to mad- or threatening-looking natives. He smiles carefully to the human woman that approached them, fondling his myriad earrings absentmindedly.

“Well hello to you too, Miss Ilgya! I suppose I could use a drink at the moment - It has been a long journey, and a bit testing of my nerves. What is the local brew like?”

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Like piss and vomit. That's why I get mine imported from Sylvania. It's a bit more expensive, but definitely worth it," she prattles as she leads you into a homey little bar somewhere in the gray area between cozy and cramped. Besides the bar, the pieces of furniture are a few mismatched chairs and and a couple tables. In the corner there is a small card table with maps and pamphlets for sale on it. The room itself is decorated with various knickknacks and frilly bits of cloth, most of them pink, and all of them insufferably cute. Then, sure enough, you see a large black Bleak Cabal faction symbol hanging behind the bar. It's neither pink nor cute, but still seems like the friendliest thing in the room.

"So," says Ilgya taking up a position behind the bar, "Why don't you tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how you can get it? First things first though, who wants some nice Arborean ale?"

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba's no friend of factions, but he is a sucker for a drink after a long journey. "Drinks only, for now."

He'll talk more when his tongue is looser.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar smiles at their hostess. "Yes a drink would be welcome, thankyou."

He ambles over and flicks through the pamphlets looking for anything of interest.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The first pamphlet Kadar picks up has the words, Visit Sunny Nemausus! emblazoned in red block letters on the front and has a picture of a cartoon sun shining over peaceful green glade with a Formian and a Harmonium officer enjoying a nice picnic while surrounded by adorable woodland animals. Whether it's someone's idea of a joke or just really out of date is unclear.

Suddenly, Ilgya, who has been busy filling mugs for you, says, "Don't mind the pamphlets, they're just something to give the Clueless. Beats having to explain what a portal is every day. Anyway, here're your drinks, and that'll be a jinx even. Anything else I can get for you?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

“Well, Arborean ale sounds like the right thing for me!”

Being only slightly above what may be considered a Clueless, Polp eagerly flips through the pamphlets as well, savouring all the illustrations of exotic-looking planar locales. The picnic picture in particular reminds him of something.

“Miss Ilgya, you wouldn’t happen to have a garden by your home, would you? Or would there be something like what you people calls a park in this city?”

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Duckluck' wrote:
"Don't mind the pamphlets, they're just something to give the Clueless. Beats having to explain what a portal is every day. Anyway, here're your drinks, and that'll be a jinx even. Anything else I can get for you?"

"Da," says Zhegre. "We are headed to Sigil. I see you have connections," he adds, nodding at the Bleak Cabal logo, "and waystation is exactly what we need. This was nearest gatetown, and we figured they all have portals back to City. Where is local one, and what is its key?" . o O (And, though I'm sure I don't need to ask, what's the price of the information?) He grins cheerfully over his ale.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Park?" Ilgya repeats genuinely surprised, "Well I guess we have a few patches of green (and yellow) around, but they ain't exactly where you'd go to "commune with nature" or whatever you had in mind. I have a vegetable patch out back you could sit in though. You could keep the local boys from stealing any more of my tomatoes."

Then she returns to Zhegre and says, "There's a portal to Sigil a few blocks away. It's not the gate to Sigil, mind you, but the official gate isn't terribly safe these days. I'll give you directions and a portal key for 20 jinx. That's the best deal you're going to get in this town, trust me."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Is fair deal." He flips open his belt pouch to show jink, but waits to hand it over until they have all their information. "Nature of key, and manner of entrance and exit?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ilgya nods, "The portal is in an old run down shack up the hill. If you use the portal key right it'll lead you to a rundown tenement in the Hive. Near the Ditch." Ilgya pauses for a moment before going on, "Now can we get on with this? At this rate the portal will be swallowed up by the Sigilight before you get to it!"

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