Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar stands around looking for something useful to do. If nothing presents itsself for a while he wanders over to get some breakfast and makes sure everything is ready to go.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M´rek smiles at his friend Polp and says>

"Actually, where I come from we usually have to make do with some tasteless protomatr meal, that is why I miss no oportunity to savor the bounty of the planes!! ut you are right, they are amazing!! Do you also know that they will keep for a long while and are very usefull if you need to eat from horseback or muleback? "

He then tries to get everyone to seat for and eat: "you got to eat at some point, so it is better if you do it while it is hot and good! Go ahead, dont be shy, dig in :D; so any one of you mage scholara would know what a Mythal is? This information could be even usefull to our new friends here..."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"You remember Spirelight I told you about? Is getting worse, which is why portal is suddenly closed. And there is prophecy about what happens to all worlds if it gets bad enough -- we are attempting to see that that does not come to pass." Zhegre pokes through his memories to see if he's ever heard of a Mythal before or not... probably not, but a check against whatever knowledge skill the DM considers relevant might be in order. Assuming he hasn't head of the thing, he catches the comment that "some ex-Harmonium guys had it" and gets an odd feeling. . o O (...nah. Couldn't be. I must be jumping to conclusions.)

"This Gem of Chaos you picked up," Zhegre says. "You weren't forced to retrieve it from a small band of rather priggish toughs with decent soldiering skills and an apparent distaste for people who did not agree with them, were you?"

"On another note, I do not know what Ring of Syberis is, but it sounds like your kobolds -- this is a guess -- may be what we call spelljammers. If so, those airships are not only airships, but they can trawel between different worlds on Prime Material. And they have come to yours... what are they doing there? Do they seem to be looking for something?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"I'm not sure what the damn over-grown geckos want. They just showed up. All we know is that they mean business and are capable of outfighting everything House Lyrandar and the Five nations send at them. They did mention something about being righteous liberators though, so they're probably there to enslave us. That seems to be what most "liberators" do."

As for the gem, it was just in some cave to the East. There were some dead bodies there though, so that might have been the thug types you had in mind. Corpses had been picked clean though so I doubt we'd be able to identify them for sure. I don't know why someone would strip the bodies down to their socks but ignore a perfectly good gem though. That just doesn't make sense."

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Hmmm. It seems to me this gem was left there deliberately for you to find...just as too many things have been hapening to our group aparently out of sheer luck or happenstance...I do not like this feeling of being manipulated and think that our respective quests are related at least in the grand scheme of things. Have a care to analyse this piece of magic and make sure that it does what yopu expect it to do..."

Finishing his breakfast he stands up and says:
Well this is as much advice as I can give you, trust without trusting too much! And now it seems it is our time to go...if do decide to pass by Sigil do look us up, and do get this gem better identified! Cheers!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Hmm... da, is strange. Strange enough that I have no idea what to make of it either. East of here is where lot of crazies live, but that is probably too simple an explanation."

"...well. Yes, I think is best we are moving on. I agree with M'rek, there are shades of suspicion that your quest is related to ours but at present I cannot quite see how. I think it is best we get going. If you wait longer than you like here and portal does not reopen, remember, Sigil is probably going to be your best bet."

With that, unless there are any further comments, Zhegre will join the rest of his party in making ready and heading out.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Heeding his good friend’s advice, Polp saves a few of the tasty rods of meat in easy reach in his pack saddle. He stands outside, patting his donkey and shifting his weight, eager to get going.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar grabs anything left un-eaten which looks relatively non-perishable and tucks it into his pack before bidding the primes goodbye and heading out to begin the trip to Bedlam.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The six of you walk on the road to Bedlam for a ways going over hills and across barren valleys. The trip is hot, but, for the first hour or so, not terribly eventful.

{Make Spot Checks}

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Spot check:

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 21.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow


0 Bonus for Spot check to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Spot check

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 12.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba shades his watering eyes and peers out into the distance.

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+-1, the result is 2.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Psst, Oberoni, you forgot to roll. Laughing out loud

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ahem, sorry for the long silence, work is hectic!

spot check:

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 15.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre thinks he may have seen a figure somewhere behind him dodging between rocks. The rest of you see nothing.

After a long walk through the badlands and worselands you come to a small valley with a single large tree in it. The tree seems to be surrounded by a pack of wicked looking canines (Fiendish wolves to those who know such things). And they seem to be growling at a person hiding in the tree. As soon as he spots you, he starts waving and yelling for help.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Be peery of traps" warns Kadar.

"He's safe in the tree so if we're going to help this basher we should probably get into a defensible position and scribe those wolves from a distance."

Kadar looks around for any good positions/ambushes

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 24.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Duckluck' wrote:
Zhegre thinks he may have seen a figure somewhere behind him dodging between rocks. The rest of you see nothing.

Without breaking stride, Zhegre speaks up quietly where his group can hear. "We may be being followed. But, it could just be my imagination; and if not, our tracker still does not seem wery interested in causing trouble at moment. Keep your eyes peeled, but we should probably just keep moving."

After a long walk through the badlands and worselands you come to a small valley with a single large tree in it. The tree seems to be surrounded by a pack of wicked looking canines (Fiendish wolves to those who know such things). And they seem to be growling at a person hiding in the tree. As soon as he spots you, he starts waving and yelling for help.

"Wolves!" cries Zhegre. "And look like tainted kind, at that. Is our duty to come to this man's aid." He unlimbers his hammer and sickle. Is the rim of the valley close enough that we could bombard the wolves with weapon and spell at least for a round or two before they managed to close with us?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Yeah, they're still a few hundred feet away.}

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow


Zhegre tucks the handle of the sickle across that of his hammer, to quickly direct the War Blessing. "Stoke the heart-forge, let us blaze before our enemies, Oh Keeper of the Flame..."

Here's my strategy for this fight, which the GM can feel free to use in case he wants to move ahead around and I haven't posted; also, other players should know that Zhegre's keen on group coordination, and he'd have been eager to discuss Rodinan tactics with everyone and have some plans in mind for battles. (I imagine the Cipher would have some words to say about that kind of advance planning, if you like. It's just that not all of us follow the Cadence of the Planes as intuitively as you.... :^) ) Thus, people would probably know to expect something like this out of Zhegre:

This round, bless. Pretty standard opener.

If he still has a chance to cast before the wolves close, Spiritual Weapon on any wolf that gets in range. (I presume that as a servant of a fire god, Zhegre would be well aware that fiendish types give all but the most powerful fire attacks the laugh; lemme know if you think knowing that -- or being able to identify the wolves as fiendish -- calls for a Knowledge roll of some sort. If he doesn't get that, he'll be whaling away with fire spells!)

As soon as the wolves are about to close, he'll unlimber the sickle and go at the nearest wolf two-weapon style. He'll gladly help provide flanking bonuses to allies.

If a companion appears to be seriously injured, he will break off the attack, drop the sickle and try to get over there to provide healing.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

“Oh my, those fangs look nasty!”

Polp immediately pulls out his heavy crossbow with swift and trained hands and starts shooting at the nearest wolf. He’ll keep just behind and to the side of Zhegre and/or Kadar as they seem likely to take the role of front-line warriors, so he can be ready to dash forward and manoeuvre into flanking position with them.
The round before the wolves close, Polp will drop his crossbow, draw his scimitar and ready his shield. The following round, after a wolf has engaged one of his comrades, Polp will move into flanking position and slash at its neck. (He tumbles if necessary to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity, but it should be possible to circle around and engage from behind with his speed.)

First roll: Initiative +5
Second roll: Knowledge (the Planes) +4
(Polp has been listening attentively to Zhegre’s explanation of the traits exhibited by the fiendish nature of this breed, but he also tries to recall if there’s anything else he remembers hearing about them.)

Oh, and exactly how many wolves do we see?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Oops, forgot the rolls Smiling

0 Bonus for (See previous p to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC- What sort of cover can we get around this valley? Tall grass? Rocks? Nothing?
M'rek will shoot at the wolves when they get within 160' , if there is cover at all he will atempt to snipe (shooting and then hiding again in the same round).

Here are the rolls:
Hide: 37 (-20 for sniping = 17 + any eventual bonus for cover and/or distance)
Hit: 17 (including -2 for distance and +1 for small size, not including any bonus for shooting unseen that negates ac)
damage: 5

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar moves to the fore and readies his bow for a shot against the wolves. He will quietly wait until the wolves come within range before loosing and then dropping his bow to ready his dao.

Shot from shortbow- 1d20+10=21 damage- 1d6=4


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba prepares to Grease the wolves' path of advance. Four legs tend to be more stable than two, but either way it's difficult when you're slipping and sliding.

2 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 21.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Sorry to keep you waiting, but I've been busy. Now that finals are over though, I should have way more free time on my hands.]

Here we go.
Surprise round: Of the nine wolves, two are now injured (albeit slightly), four weren't paying enough attention to spot you early on [IE during the surprise round] and of the five that did spot you and attack, three slipped on the grease. Two of the wolves, however, close in on you, and the others aren't far behind.

Time for initiative and first actions.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: As you stated the wolves to be a few hundred feet away, I hadn’t expected for them to close to grease range, within one round…

Initiative 20, as rolled before.

Polp drops his crossbow, draws his scimitar, and readies his shield, taking a 5 ft step if necessary to make sure he is in position just behind and to the side of one of his allies, which seem to be attacked by a wolf next round (preferably Zhegre and/or Kadar).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

After firing his bow Kadar dorps it and unsheathes his dao.

Initiative (1d20+5=20)

Attacks if necessary-
Attack 1 (1d20+5=12) damage (1d8+1=5)

Attack 2 (1d20+4=10) damage (1d6=2)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre keep Molot hammering away on the same wolf. He steps to the front line and takes his sickle into his off-hand

Shouting a Rodinan war-cry at the wolves -- "Ya ne mogu umirat, Byd ono vse prokliato! Ostanovites!" -- he sets himself to apply hammer and sickle to the first wolf that comes into reach.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You did not answer my question about cover and hiding...Is M'rek hiding (his modified roll with -20 was 17 for hide, so he could be...)? Are there any wolves coming straight at him?
If hiding he will wait until a wolf is within 30' and fire again, preferably at a wounded one....if not he will unsheath his dager and fight with dagger and poison spur, hopefully moving to flank a wolf with some othe fighter here are my rolls assuming he manages to go on sniping:

AC 18 (plus negation of dex due to concelament )
damage 12 (attacking wounded if at all possible)
hiding again 23 (-20 =3, so i guess no sniping next round)

OR option b, there never was any cover, or not hiding (eg, wolves charging him straight, so stand up and fight with flank

since he will have to move to flknk only one attack this round, also attacking a wounded wolf:

damage 8
tumble (if necessary 16)
I forgot INIT, please find the result bellow:

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 6.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Oh sorry JOR. At least one of the wolves in the rear has spotted you, but the rest remain happily oblivious.}

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OK. Thanks so lets go with option A!

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Damned overgrown dogs! Stay back, damn you!"

As everyone knows, the proper thing to keep animals back is fire, which Baba has in spades. He summons a A creature not unlike a earthen worm which spurts fire - a Thoqqua. He instructs the creature to "Spring at the first damned thing that gets close!". Unfortunately, however, it doesn't speak any languages.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Wolf 1: 22
Wolf 2: 22
Baba: 21
Polp: 20
Kadar: 20
Wolf 3: 20
Wolf 4: 19
Wolf 5: 16
Wolf 6: 15
Wolf 7: 15
Wolf 8: 14
Wolf 9: 11
M'rek: 6
Zhegre: 6

Wolf 1: Picks itself up and charges at you (but won't reach you for another round).
Wolf 2: (which missed the Grease) charges at Kadar but he nimbly dodges out of it's way.
Baba: summons a Thoqqua.
Thoqqua: charges at Wolf 1, but misses it entirely.
Polp: Polp wounds Wolf one, and...
Kadar: finishes it off.
Wolf 3: (which is still by the tree), charges at you, skids across the Grease, and keeps going.
Wolf 4: Wolf 4 picks itself up from the grease and charges at you (next round).
Wolf 5: (Which missed the Grease) lunges at Kadar for six damage.
Wolf 6: (Which staid by the tree) turns and attacks you, but slipps on the Grease and falls on its face.
Wolf 7: sees the other's mistake and is careful to avoid the Grease.
Wolf 8: tries to pick itself up from the grease and falls on its face again.
Wolf 9: runs from the tree leaps over the Grease and charges at you.
M'rek: Shoots and wounds Wolf 4 and...
Zhegre finishes it off with his Sickle. Meanwhile, the Spiritual hammer attacks but fails to connect with Wolf 1.

Time for round 2!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Wolf One being dead, Zhegre redirects Molot to the nearest convenient wolf in their midst and turns his own attentions there as well, looking to produce a concentrated assault on one of them. Zhegre has respect for Kadar's abilities to handle himself so far, but if there are a couple of equal choices of wolf to take and one of them is Wolf Five, he'll happily help flank. Teamwork!

If not, next in order on the priority list are any wolves that seem to be going after the back ranks of the party, or Wolf Seven, who may be a little smarter than the others.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar whips both blades across wolf 5, hoping to take down the beast before it can attack again. He gladly works with Zhegre, if possible, to provide a strong front line and relies on the thoqqua to defend the mages.

attack 1: 1d20+5=15 plus flanking bonus if present, Damage (1d8+1=2)

attack 2: 1d20+4=18 plus flanking bonus if present, Damage (1d6=1)

[ooc- wow, after just dealing about 30 damage in a single hit with Ar'Dru (in Azure's game) getting a 1 is a bit of a let-down]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Since he is last, M`rek will tumble to flank and attack any wolf left standing at the end of the round (if he is facing a wolf by himself, he will tumble away to flank and sneak attack with a friend, any friend, preferably a wolf that is already wounded. Here are the rolls:

Tumble 25
attack: 15 (not counting flank wich raises it to 17)
damage: 4 (dagger) + 4 (2d6 sneak attack) for a TOTAL of 8

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Seeing that Kadar and Zhegre are focusing on one of the wolves assaulting Kadar (#5), Polp moves into flanking position to catch the other one off-guard (#2). He strikes out with his rapier, aiming to pierce his blade through a vital spot of the beast.

If any of his comrades beats him to felling that foe, Polp chooses another target he can flank (tumbling if necessary).

11 Bonus for Rapier attack ( to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 25.
1 Bonus for Weapon damage to do
I rolled 1d4+1, the result is 5.
0 Bonus for Sneak Attack da to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 13.
Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba pulls out his wand and starts blasting at the nearest wolf, trusting his Thoqqua to do most of the work.

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 25.
5 Bonus for Critical Threat to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 22.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d8+0, the result is 12.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Sorry for the wait guys, I'd give a good excuse, but I just screwed up. Sorry.

Wolf 2: 22
Baba (and Thoqqua): 21
Polp: 20
Kadar: 20
Wolf 3: 20
Wolf 5: 16
Wolf 6: 15
Wolf 7: 15
Wolf 8: 14
Wolf 9: 11
M'rek: 6
Zhegre: 6

Wolf 2 rushes Kadar, but misses and...
Baba's spell tears the wolf asunder.
The Thoqqua misses badly (again).
Polp neatly skewers wolf 5.
Kadar moves forward and wounds wolf 4.
Wolf 3 charges in to attack Zhegre, but misses its mark.
Wolf 6 falls on its face again.
Wolf 7 moves to flank Kadar but fails to connect.
Wolf 8 picks itself up and lunges at Polp, but also misses.
Wolf 9 attacks Kadar raking its claws across his chest (5 damage).
M'rek finally kills Wolf 4
Zhegre fails to hit wolf 3...
and so does his hammer.

Alright, time for round three.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Durak neshtiasnyI!" Zhegre curses, as the wolf dodges both him and Molot. Small comfort that its weavings cause it to miss its own attack on him.

Strategy? We don't need no stinkin' strategy. We got a target. He presses the attack on Wolf 3 with all force: spell, hammer, and sickle.

. o O (Oy, no wonder I'm not in the rhythm. I haven't gotten the song started!)

o/) There's thunder all around me and there's poison in the air / there's a lousy smell that smacks of Hell, and dust all in me hair. / And it's go, boys, go. They'll time your every breath. / And every day you're in this place you're two days nearer death. But you go... o/)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp tumbles out of range with the wolf that has engaged him (#8), and moves to flank the one that has just slashed Kadar (#9). He jabs out with his rapier once more, easing off the pressure on the tiefling.

“Bad doggie, bad! Badder than Polp’s Friendly Surface Beast! Who isn’t really all that bad, now that I think about it… Uhm, have at thee!”

(Again, if his intended target is dead by the time his turn comes up, Polp chooses another target to flank and attack.)

[OOC: Is Zhegre singing out loud, Jem? Laughing out loud
EDIT: Double natural ones! Why does this keep happening to me! (half of the first eight d20 rolls I made in the Git'riban campaign were natural ones.)
Hmm, well, now that I think about it, the Tumble DC should be 15 for this scenario, but still...]

11 Bonus for Rapier attack ( to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 12.
14 Bonus for Tumble to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 15.
Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Dunamin' wrote:
[OOC: Is Zhegre singing out loud, Jem? Laughing out loud ]

He is! ^_^

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar winces in pain as he mis-steps and the wolves find an opening in his defence. Responding quickly he uses the opening created by the attack to thrust forwards with both blades.

(attacks wolf 9)

Attack 1 (1d20+5=16) damage (1d8+1=7)
attack 2 (1d20+4=13)damage (1d6=4)

[edit: oops, forgot the flanking bonus. I'll re-roll if you like]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Nah, I think I can add +2 by myself. Smiling }

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Since I was already fighting wolf 4 with Kadar, I assume I can take 5`and flank another beastie, if not ignore the second set of rolls,

"After deftly sliding his dagger under the wolf`s groin, and severing his arteries, M`rek half-turns to relief Kadar this time attacking with dagger and spur, his hackles rising as he biobs into and under the wolf`s guard(again giving preference to wounded individuals):

Dagger attack: 25
damage total 10

spur: 10 (natural 1)...

here is the link

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba keeps blasting. Thoqqua's around for a couple more rounds, after all.

5 Bonus for Ranged Touch to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 20.
0 Bonus for Acid Damage to do
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 1.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Last round I somehow managed to have you killing Wolf 4 despite it already being dead. Wolf 7 is the one you killed.}

Baba (and Thoqqua): 21
Polp: 20
Kadar: 20
Wolf 3: 20
Wolf 6: 15
Wolf 8: 14
Wolf 9: 11
M'rek: 6
Zhegre: 6

Baba's spell hits Wolf 3, but it doesn't seem terribly fazed.
The Thoqqua misses yet again.
Polp fails to do anything useful.
Kadar slices and dices Wolf 9.
Wolf 3 lunges and mauls Zhegre for 6 damage.
Wolf 6 finally picks itself up and charges at M`rek but misses badly and falls on its face again.
Wolf 8 misses Polp for a second time and then realizes it's in trouble and runs off.
M'rek does some rather mean things to poor Wolf 6 that ultimately result in its untimely demise.
Between the two of them, Zhegre and his hammer succeed in killing Wolf 3.

End of combat.

Down in the valley, the man is beginning to climb down from his tree.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp wipes his rapier in the fur of a fallen wolf and sheathes it. He straps his shield on his back again, and picks up his crossbow and secures it as well.

“Whew, those sure were some nasty fuzzy things. And fast! Not a lot of beasts that run that fast back home.
Anyway, we should go and see if that man is wounded.”

OOC: What does he look like?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre shakes his head to clear it, idly trickling a little blood and grease as he does so. . o O (I've been on my game better than that before, but any fight you can walk away from...) He harrumphs, and dismisses Molot with his thanks.

He looks over at Kadar. "You look like bloody mess," he says cheerfully. "May I offer some assistance?"

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