Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre, who was already up at dawn praying, finishes his morning devotions in his room as the shouting picks up. He peers out the window and thinks about that scene for a minute, then calmly dons the holy symbol he's been addressing and walks outside, armed with naught but his faith.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar sheaths his dao and jumps out his window (provided it's no more than 2, or possibly three stories up) before approaching the villagers to see what's happening.

(jump/climb check below)

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 7.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Mimo looks curiously at the scene, then follows Zhegre outside, still trying to keep out of sight as best possible.
[Attempting to sneak from hiding point to hiding point, if possible. Hide check below].

17 Bonus for Hide to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 21.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Move Silently check]

13 Bonus for Move Silently to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 17.
galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Sensing a prime case of mob mentality, P&~P tells his co-adventurers, "I must go and examine this situation. If you need me, just yell. I shall be around the crowd, but unseen. I find that research goes better when unnoticed."

The modron lets out a smile, pulls out its copy of The Algorithms of Emotion, casts invisibility, and runs out to examine the situation.

(Edit: P&~P will attempt to keep at least most of the party within 40 or 50 feet if it can, even if they can't see the modron.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

About a dozen men and women are standing clustered around the portal whispering frantically to each other and staring at the portal in horror.

"Joj said the portal isn't working."

"Not working? Why? What will we do?"

"I don't know."

"We'll all be out of work without that portal!"

"We'll be fine, there's always travelers from further Spireward."

"But we hardly ever get travelers from those parts, especially not lately."

"That ain't so, my brother says half a dozen planewalkers came in just last night."

"Planewalkers eh, any of them happen to be mages?"

"What're you getting at?"

"Well, it's damn convenient that a bunch of planewalkers would suddenly show up here, and then BAM! our portal stops working. Maybe they sealed it. Wizards can do that, you know. Close up a damn portal just to watch us starve."

"Now hold on, why would they do that?"

"Who knows, but I say we best ask them 'bout it."

The crowd is growing increasingly restless now, and more than a few people cast glances your way.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar (most likely after picking himself up) wanders over to the crowd with as calmly as possible

*this could go very badly* he thinks before feeling slightly guilty for thinking.
He quickly launches into-

“Closed has it? I remember when that happened up in the Cage, not a fun time but I suppose it sorted itself out soon enough. At least we don’t have to worry about the air running out down here.”

He glances around for a moment,

“We do have a spell-slinger or two travelling with us at the moment, perhaps they could take a look at the space and see if the portals moved or if the key’s changed or some-such.”

Sense Motive Check

Diplomacy Check


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp has a bad feeling about this, as he is used to being wrongfully accused. His inborn survival instincts tell him to consider options for escaping, in case the situation gets out of hand. While the rest of the party talks with the mob, he sneaks back to collect his pack saddle and strap it on his donkey and moves it to the outskirts of the village, where he ties it by a branch or something similarly suitable before getting back to his position.

With the scary stories of last night still fresh in his mind, about how the Spire’s Shadow would bring an end to all things, he clutches his magic necklace and brings forth it’s power to see if it still works.
[Polp uses his Hand of the Mage necklace to manipulate some loose debris, just to see if there’s anything out of place with the magic.]

If Polp hears the conversation heat up to the point where aggression is likely, before he is done with this, he puts down what he’s holding and gets back to a hiding point near the group, valuing the safety of his new friends over the contents of his pack saddle and the donkey.

Hide check (1d20+17=34)
Move Silently check (1d20+13=18)

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P sidles over to M'Rek and says to him, "Go along with me on this one... I've seen enough lynch mobs to know when action needs to be taken. The last time a lynch mob formed around me the ignorant villagers got into a heated debate about how exactly one should lynch a cube with legs. Trickery will save us this day. Just follow my lead."

P&~P quietly casts Major Image (Will save DC: 21, no +4 bonus to disbelief even if other people say that this is an illusion) and this is what seems to happen... (unless Duckluck says otherwise Eye-wink )

The portal suddenly opens and a huge (15') tiefling with poison-dripping fangs steps through. It waves a huge greatsword around ominously and exclaims, "People of Passway, your end draws nigh! I come and bring madness as my companion. Your portal is shut, and so it shall remain..."

P&~P makes itself visible and says to the demon, "Duomathrax, far have my companions and I followed you to this place. Prepare to be annihilated... Kadar, Polp, M'Rek, Baba: destroy this fiend, once and for all!"

P&~P pretends to cast a Hold Monster spell and the demon hisses and shrieks, but does not move much. The demon curses, "Your weak magics cannot hold me, bastard child of Primus!"

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'galwinganoon' wrote:
P&~P sidles over to M'Rek and says to him, "Go along with me on this one... I've seen enough lynch mobs to know when action needs to be taken. The last time a lynch mob formed around me the ignorant villagers got into a heated debate about how exactly one should lynch a cube with legs. Trickery will save us this day. Just follow my lead."

Zhegre would, before P&~P gets off his spell, attempt to respond to that. "Say, P&~P, maybe is not best for you to be sneaking around inwisible when people are already suspicious of our mages, eh? Nobody is lynching anybody yet, so I think we can talk reasonably with townsfolk. Is obwiously just Spirelight growing out this far that has caused portal to close, da?"

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Before casting the spell, P&~P will say to Zherge, "Have no fear, Zherge... I'm not planning on hurting anyone. But I'm not in the mood to be lynched today, either. This is the fourth lynch mob that has tried to get me for being a mage. People don't understand the workings of Mechanus, nor the will of Primus or the Children of Primus. We know that the cause is the Spirelight, but who will listen to some newcomers? Two of whom are mages, one of whom is mechanical? I'm hoping that the Spirelight doesn't interfere with this illusion, otherwise I fear that there will be blood tonight..."

And with that, the modron finishes the final words of its incantation.

(Edit: cleaned up a couple misspellings)

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

( OOC: I'd like to know the crowd's mood about halfway through P&~P's reply before I decide what to do next. If talking at all still seems like an option, Zhegre is very likely to prefer that to any plan prefaced by 'trickery will save us this day,' especially when he has no idea what trickery P&~P is planning... )

Zhegre is keeping an eye on the mood of the crowd as they converse. He is presently magnificently nonthreatening: barefoot, unarmed, and trying to project an air of genial calm.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M`rek wakes up in a bad mood, after a good night is cut short. Upon noticing the crowd (from the window) he will atempt to hide and cover his friends with his crossbow...If the illusion gets the desired effect from the crowd he will follow through and join in the fake attack...but first he will need to see people actually running from it...

Hide roll bellow

19 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+19, the result is 35.
Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba is refreshed, respelled, but not as yet (or ever) relaxed. The possible lynch mob is doing nothing to comfort him in this situation, nor has the 'Demon' that has rapidly appeared.

"Eh! What?", is the general content of his speech. As P&-P makes his declamation about a as-yet unknown Dragon, he does his part and readies an action to cast Summon Monster III (1d3 Large Flaming Monstrous Centipedes) to deal with the creature - as soon as he can figure out what the heck is going on.

After all, nothing puts a cramp in an illusionary Demon's day like being mauled by flaming vermin. Nothing.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P's spell is more difficult to cast than usual, and it nearly fizzles before he gets it right.

The demon causes most of the crowd to run in terror, but just then a group of warriors in strange clothes (they all seem to have way too many buckles) walk into town. The biggest one -- who looks man-shaped but seems to be made out of wood and metal shouts "We have found the Gem of Chaos and we will not be stopped from returning to Khorvaire!" Before anyone can do anything, a young human woman (who happens to be wearing the most buckles) shoots the Faux-Demon with two wands at the same time. The demon is of course unaffected, but she may have started a small forest fire behind him. The third and fourth members of the group: a strange cat person, and a dwarf with a mohawk draw their weapons and charge the demon.

Oh, and Baba, if you want to cast the Summon 3, give me a Spellcraft Check (I already made P&~P's for him).

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre listens with a sinking heart as P&~P goes through its illusion and spiel.

. o O (So that's how to convince a suspicious crowd that our mages aren't threatening -- whip up an illusion of a giant villain. That ought to do the trick right quick, yes.)

He saunters off calmly in the direction of the reasonable-sounding villager who spoke in the purple voice, looking to exchange a few sane words.

And then the new people show up.

Zhegre ducks the wand fire. . o O (Abbathor's ass. Just what we needed. More professional excursionaries who don't know the whole thing's an elaborate trick. Yep, elaborate lies usually go smoothly, that's why we try those first, instead of telling the truth, or leaving quietly...)

He turns around and heads back toward the battle. He starts to take off his shirt, intending to run up behind P&~P and throw it over the modron's eyes so the illusion will vanish the next instant someone pokes it... and grits his teeth in frustration, unwilling to so act against a comrade. Even one whose idea he doesn't like. Instead, he dashes for the girl with the wands.

"Ey, lass," he says when he gets close enough. "Do not waste your wand charges... nice trick that, by the way... fight will be ower without bloodshed quickly enough. Can we talk?"

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba's so surprised he lets the spell fizzle. "Two wands at the same time?", he mutters. "That takes some galbas."

He takes off on his short gnomish legs and dashes towards Zhegre, who seems to be the only one (that's not shaped like a cube) with any idea what the Elemental Plane of Fire is going on.

As soon as he catches his breath, he promptly asks the same. "What in the name of the four important planes is going on?"

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Oberoni_Fallacy' wrote:
As soon as he catches his breath, he promptly asks the same. "What in the name of the four important planes is going on?"

"Welcome to our attempt to conwince crowd that we are the good guys," Zhegre replies as the battle lumbers along. "If I understand P&~P's plan correctly, tiefling will be conweniently destroyed and we will have exhibited our bona fides rescuing town. I am sure he is not type to have his illusion actually harm anyone."

Zhegre turns to the young lady. "Hence my adwice not to waste your wand charges," he says. "You folks from plane this portal connects to?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp is peeking at the crowd from behind a few dusty crates near his comrades. Despite his fine ears, he probably still is too far away to hear what seems to have been a brief hushed conversation between them, due to the ruckus of the crowd. Thus, at the appearance of the creature, his heart sinks and legs start trembling, erratic thoughts flying through his head:
By the great druids! I should’ve stayed in the gardens, that thing looks like it could take on a couple of dao! What’s that? We’ve been hunting it?! Neither Mister Zhegre, nor Mister M’rek mentioned hunting any big scary fiends! The ancestors definitely left omens of staying far far away from those! In fact, I shouldn’t even think about them, uncle Tellet said they’d get into your mind! Oh no, looks like I better do something!
Just as Polp has convinced himself that he can sneak up and jab the thing in its knees, the newcomers arrive at the scene and take action.

What is going on here?! That big guy looks a bit like Mister Peep… except not being a cube… Mister Zhegre says we got it all handled?!! That thing was invulnerable to whatever it was she shot it with! Huh? Mister Peep cast an illusion? Oh no, something seems to be burning over there!
Polp is confused to no end, but decides that he better do something quick, and decides to burst from his cover, and stab the fiend – illusory or not – in its right kneecap.

10 Bonus for Rapier attack to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 13.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Wand lady, looks at the two weirdos in front of her and says, "Huh? Illusion? So the portal does work then? Or..." she seems a bit confused, although she starts to figure it out when Polp and her comrades go crashing through the illusory monster.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

With Polp's masterful stabbing of the demon, the demon lets out a shriek and disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Happy with the results of dispersing the lynch mob, P&~P gets ready to tell his companions that it's either time to run or time to make the townsfolk love them... Although running seems like the more prudent option.

The modron's sense of self-satisfaction is cut a bit short when it finally notices the strangely-dressed primes. P&~P lets out a sigh of frustration and mutters, "two wands at a time? The nerve."

P&~P walks over by Zherge, but doesn't say too much. It tries to remain somewhat inconspicuous.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Sorry to be confusing," Zhegre says. "But then, that is what illusions are for. At any rate, we were hearing from townsfolk that, no, portal does not work at present. You may have heard of such things happening in the Lands. Apparently effect has now reached out this far."

Zhegre steps back and bows. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zhegre of Rodina, priest of Tharmekhûl and fellow traweler with other collection of people you see here who did not run. I see you lot are not ones to duck a scrap either. We hail from Sigil presently, out and about looking into mess like this portal business... and yourself?"

He attempts to turn on the smooth with a Diplomacy check:

8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 20.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"They call me Zil. But that doesn't matter now, what matters is that my companions and I have to return this gem to Eberron immediately, the fate of the world rests on it!" Her other companions, meanwhile, are trying to use the portal. When they don't succeed they turn back you. Their weapons are still drawn.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"World as in planet, crystal sphere, Prime, or Multiwerse?" Zhegre asks, and looks for the gem being discussed. "Sounds like a powerful object..."

After she replies to that, if it's at all appropriate, he'll further add, "If you want to get back home swiftly I adwise heading for Sigil. This portal might open again soon -- boundaries of Spirelight fluctuate -- but by no means necessarily soon enough. In City of Doors you will have your best bet to find portal to your world, or spellcaster who can send you there. The other great planar crossroads are Infinite Staircase and Labyrinthine Portal; folks in Sigil can direct you to those roads. All of these options depend on someone knowing where Eberron is, of course. Multiwersally speaking. Or was your world called Khorwaire, did you say?"

He looks over the guy that looks to be made of wood and metal as he asks this. . o O (Too bright in the eye to be a golem. Materials too mixed to be a guardian. Not even rogue modrons have wood components. Fine craftsmanship on the metal, though. I wonder what in the planes the fellow is.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Sig-il? Crystal Sphere? Multiverse? What in Khyber are you talking about? Can you give that to me in Common?" It's official, she's clueless.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Ah-heh, I see. Zil, my lass, allow me to prowide you and yours with brief lesson on how to get around in planes, especially when route you want to take suddenly disappears. I think you will find it waluable in your mission. Though who knows, by end of speech perhaps portal will be working again and entire lesson will be unnecessary. But in return, you let us know what has brought you here, agreed?"

If she agrees, Zhegre will sit down right there crosslegged in the town square and give the Eberron group a brief rundown on the City of Doors, the great planar pathways, and the recent Spirelight problem that has probably affected the portal, making a particular point of pitching his voice on the latter part to reach any townies that may have wandered back by that time. He'll add that his group is presently headed to Sigil, if the Eberronians decide to head that way, and ask about this Gem of Chaos, on the off chance that it's something that might be related to our own current mission. He's also madly curious about the warforged, and itching to say hello to the dwarf with the mohawk.

Oh, and if there's a forest fire going on someone really ought to put it out. :^)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

As the dwarf comes charging through the fiend and arrive at Polp’s end, Polp hesitates for a split second with a confused look on his face, and only barely manages to jump over him, before striking at the creature.
When the monster fades before his eyes, Polp takes a few follow-up swings at the dispersing misty figure, just to be sure. Finally convinced that nothing scary currently seems to be threatening his comrades, he sheathes his blade and straps his shield back on his back. A bit of pride swells within him, as Polp congratulates himself for mustering the courage to confront a foe five times his size… even if it did turn out to be illusory. Aunt Ferynin would be so proud.

Polp turns his attention to the new group, and as Zhegre seems to have made peaceful contact, he follows his lead and puts on his best behaviour. He bows politely before the two combatants who joined him in taking down the fiend, and then again before the other new arrivals.
“Many greetings, folks! I am Polp Stingsong of Gemstone Gardens, tunnel-runner and surface world explorer. My friend Zhegre speaks only the truth, and I implore you to listen to his wisdom.”

As Zhegre lectures on, Polp turns back to the rest of his fellows, and quietly asks if they think we should suggest travelling together with the new arrivals. He also turns to the mages, and ask P&~P and Baba if there’s anything they can do about the portal.
When things seem to have settled down, Polp tries a smile at any villagers that may remain and tries to calm them down. And if there’s anything burning, he assists in putting it out.

[Do any of the newcomers still have their weapons drawn? If so, Polp keeps a sharp eye on them.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar looks confused for a moment and turns to his companions.

"What in Baator just happened?"

He then proceeds to make himself feel better by doing something he's familiar with - helping Zhegre in filling in the Clueless.

If he gets a chance he sidles over to some of the less talkative newcomers and tries to find out a bit about them.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba can't and won't do anything about the fire (if it exists) - he's a Fire Genasi, not some wood-hugging Druid. He settles for lighting a pipe, finding somewhere convenient to sit down or lean, and keeping a keen gnomish ear out for the way the crowd's opinion settles. He's not in a hurry to get lynched, and they don't look all too convinced.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P examines the metallic, fleshy, wooden thing standing with the Eberronians. The modron is trying to determine how the thing was made and what it is capable of.

(Knowledge checks below, in the following order: K(Arcana) +16, K(Architect/Engineering) +9, and Spellcraft +16)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Having found a very convenient hiding spot, M´rek is happy to just observe, from the crooss-hairs of his crossbow, the situation as it develops. He does his best to keep abreast of the townie's mood, as well as the party to party interaction through a combination of hearing and lip reading.
Taking 10 on both rols wields 10 hear and 17 spot (lip reading)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The Eberronians reluctantly lower their weapons, but you can tell they don't really trust you. The strap lady listens to your lecture on planar theory with only half an ear, and nods occasionally but doesn't speak or ask questions. The spikey-coifed dwarf looks annoyed perhaps a little confused and keeps muttering the word "khyber" at pertinent moments. The wood and metal basher, who seems to be machine all the way through (unlike our resident modron who has squishy bits in there somewhere), is clearly a sentient construct of some sort and most closely resembles a Kolyrut Inevitable. Although, all things considered, if he were an Inevitable he probably would have arrested you for something by now, so he's probably just some exotic construct from the Prime. At any rate, the strange creature sits there quietly nodding things like "Uhuh" and "right." The cat person, whose gender you can't determine, meanwhile, is busy putting out a smoldering tree behind the portal. He or she seems surprised that no one else seems to care. Finally, after several minutes of listening, the metal (and wood and stone) man stops you and interrupts you with, "Okay, so what's a "Sigil" and how do we get one?"

The crowd meanwhile has started to return, but they're keeping their distance. Obviously the ten of you are more than they want to be messing with.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar smiles warmly at the metal man and speaks in the cheerful, slightly slow way he reserves for the clueless.

"Sigil is the name of a city my metallic friend, a city the like of which you have never seen. Sigil contains many doorways like the one you travelled through to get here. We call these doorways 'portals'. Many people who live in Sigil make their living by helping people find the 'portal' to a particular place. I'm sure that one of these people will be able to help you get back to your 'Eberron'. Failing that you could try finding a mage powerful enough to send you back by magic and Sigil has plenty of those."

Kadar pauses to pull out 'The Planes - for berks'

"If you would like to take a look this book contains a number of useful facts for Cluel, err, those new to the outer-planes."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre nods at what Kadar says. "And we are headed there ourselves, by most direct route we know -- which leads through mildly nasty part of this plane. Care to accompany us? Once we get to Sigil we can point you in direction of some resources for Cluel-... stranded trawellers. If you're interested," and he once again speaks up so the townsfolk can hear, "we're probably leawing as soon as we can pack up."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'Duckluck' wrote:
The cat person, whose gender you can't determine, meanwhile, is busy putting out a smoldering tree behind the portal. He or she seems surprised that no one else seems to care.
Ahem Sticking out tongue
'Dunamin' wrote:
Polp tries a smile at any villagers that may remain and tries to calm them down. And if there’s anything burning, he assists in putting it out.

Polp tries to pick up as much as he can about the newcomers and their world, while doing his best to be forthcoming and friendly. Midway through the lecture, he leaves to get his donkey from the village outskirts and bring it back to the group.

When Zhegre offers the quartet to join, Polp nods in agreement.
“The more, the merrier! The Outlands can be a dangerous place, and since we’re all going to Sigil, we might as well travel together. It’ll be fun and we can share tales all the way! I’m ready to leave, when the rest of you are.”

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Quietly observing/lip reading things from the outside, and being smart enough to guess where things are going, M'rek can't avoid but think, :

"I have a bad feeliong about this"

At the same time, his curiosity makes him want to burst with questions: WHAT IS THIS CHAOS GEM?, WHAT ARE THOSE BUCLES FOR? HOW CAN YOU DUAL STRIKE WITH A WAND? WHERE IS EBERRON? and finally but as strongly: DO WE HAVE TO LEAVE BEFORE BREAKFAST?

He continues to keep an eye out for danger from his vantage post.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Uh, thanks for the offer, but we're going to wait here for a while while to see if the portal starts working again," the metal guy says warily.

"But..." wand girl cuts in.

"We're staying here."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar shrugs, looking somewhat disappointed and replies "Good luck in your travels then, if you change your mind you'll want to head to what we call a 'gate-town'. It is what it sounds like. The nearest one is called 'Bedlam', not a very nice place so be careful but if you've got gold and spend it wisely someone'll be able to get you to Sigil. Just keep walking away from that mountain in the distance and you won't go too far wrong."

Kadar opens up his atlas and shows roughly how to get to the nearest gate towns. "You can copy this down if you like."

"Now I suggest we find something to eat and we'll be on our way. If you do find yourself in Sigil my name is Kadar, I live in the sandstone district and spend a lot of time at the Great Gymnasium, feel free to look me up."

With that Kadar begins looking around for M'rek figuring he'll already know where to get breakfast.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Once the conversation seems to be dying down, Baba regretfully puts away his pipe and meets up with Zhegre. "You know," he begins, "I once went to the prime on holiday. Oerth. Been to a couple others on business - Ortho, Toril, this one I had to drop by Xaos to get to... Not too bad places, but funny people. They tend to be set in their ideas."

He coughs. "What I mean is, they're not going to change their minds until one of them gets eaten." He makes a dismissive 'hruumph'. "Better than Doomies or Athar, though, so that's a plus."

"So straight to Bedlam?"

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P stops examining the newcomers when Baba suggests leaving for Bedlam. "What? Come now. Don't tell me that I'm the only one who wants to learn the dark of this so-called 'Gem of Chaos'!"

P&~P looks around at its companions for some support, whether he finds support or not, the modron says to the metal guy "I am P&~P, planar explorer, writer, and researcher. In all my years of study, I have never heard of a 'Gem of Chaos.' So, my questions to you are thus: What, exactly is this Gem of Chaos? Why do you want it? Were you sent, following some prophecy, to the planes? If not, what or who sent you here? Also, what are your names and region(s) of origin? This is for posterity, so please, be honest."

The modron waits patiently, book and pen in hand, for its answers.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Sensing determination behind the metallic man’s words, Polp responds to P&~P’s requests:
“I would love to learn more about these people, but I think Mister Baba’s right – they don’t seem to be in the mood for lecturing us on their world and their mission, so I don’t think we should press the issue… Besides, don’t we have pressing concerns ourselves?”

A rumble escapes Polp’s belly, but the shad grits his teeth and the cautious nature of his kin takes over.
“Regarding breakfast, I must say I’m a bit hungry myself, but it doesn’t seem like the villagers are thrilled about our presence. I would rather get going, and eat after we’ve put some distance behind us. Besides, I don’t feel comfortable with the Spirelight looming around.”

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Planewalkers are always interested in hearing about new worlds we have not been to," says Zhegre, who would also like to know the answers to those questions. "Our lot really must grab breakfast and leave, so it's a pity we won't be going together, but perhaps we can at least spend the meal learning something about you and your home?"

Zhegre will wait for any response from the Eberronians, hoping they're in some kind of mood to chat -- even lighter conversation might give us some clues as to what they're about. Whether they agree or not, though, yeah, it's breakfast and Bedlam for us.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

His curiosity and stomach finally win over M`rek´s natural caution.
Since he is still at the inn, he will go down and find a cook or scullery boy, flash him some of his gold (an apropriate amount) in order to get a better than average meal in quantity and quality. He will then stroll affably out of the in, holding a large juicy sausage on a fork and say:

"A good morning to all of you, I took the liberty of arranging for breakfast, we can swap stories, tips and information while we eat, if the potrtal opens you can just leave, if not, well, at least you got a meal on your bellies!"
After saying that, he throws some pants Zhegre`s way:
"Here, should put those on...your beard is not THAT big..."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Metal guy shrugs, "It's just a gem. Druids said it might help us fight off the creatures that are attacking us from space. Not sure what it actually does though. That's about all I can tell you."

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Very well, very well. Pleasure to meet you, in any case. Good luck with your prime-saving quest to fight off Illithid. Aboleth. Beholders. Naga? " Baba putters off to collect his things.

"Don't forget to drop by the Baba Smith emporium in tradegate, we don't have much in space invader slaying swords but the boy will do you a decent exploding curry and pack in some spices - if he hasn't robbed me blind by now."

While M'rek may have breakfast on his mind, Baba obviously wants to get moving as soon as possible.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Well no, they're actually..."

"Kobolds. At least they look like kobolds, anyway. But they're not like the dumb little bastards we know. These ones are smart. Scary smart, and they have airships that can float right past the ring of Syberis. How is that even possible? The Gatekeepers told us the Gem of Chaos could help us, but now we're stuck here!" Zil prattles worriedly, breaking her composure for the first time.

The dwarf shrugs and tries to look reassuring while speaking for the first time, "It'll be alright Zil. We've gotten out of bigger messes in the past. Now let's go see what B'sil's up to."

And away they go to speak with the cat person.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M´rek expression brightens at the mention of Kobolds:

Hey, I met a band of very bright Kobolds on my first day in Sigil, they had this very military demeanor, well organised and all, whose short swords converted into pole-arms, and whatnot...could they be the same group?
They were interrogating a poor fellow about the Mythal, mentioning that a band of ex-harmonium guys had it...I remembor most of the things I hear,. but what really cought my attention was that they said that this Mythal thing was the last hope for the planes ...HOPE FOR THE PLANES...They mentioned following orders from some High One...could this be involved or related with our quest? Could our quest be involved with yours? Do you think these smart kobolds are the same ones? I do not believe in chance, or coincidence for that matter!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The other two have already walked off but the metal man (who seems to be the leader) says, "Extending poles you say? Yeah, that sounds like our lot. What's a Mythal though, and how would it be the "hope for the planes?""

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M`rek shrugs:

"It beats me, perhaps my erudite friends here would know (looking at PEEP and Baba). But if you do end up in Sigil, be wary of them, they travel in bands and are downright nasty!"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp gives the sausage a long hungry stare, his stomach growling again. After struggling with himself for a bit, he half-way snaps out of it.
“I have no idea what that is, and yet it smells so good… Eh, in any case, I think we are spending too much time talking, and too little eating… ah, I mean, acting! I humbly suggest we get gorging… I mean, going!”

Polp will keep nagging the party to pack up and move on as politely as he can, while keeping a wary eye out for any villagers who might wish to form a mob again. If breakfast actually is ready and waiting for them, he will eventually give in and shove it down with a feeble attempt at manners. Sausages and other non-vegetable products are rare where he comes from, and this new discovery in luxurious goods from surface worlds battles an inner battle with his inborn caution.

While the party are busy eating or packing, Polp leans towards his new nathri friend and whispers:
“Do…do they have more of these where your people come from? They are… they are amazing!”

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