Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek looks around with a puzzled expression before thinking out loud:

"What in the name of my thrice removed deceased uncle would a portal activated by an oath to entropy be doing in Athena's temple? Maybe that berk was just tricking us into saying the oath? Maybe it is not necessary, or an alternative homage to Athena would sufice? I, for one, have no intention to work for entropyu, there is already enough bleackness in the Astral for me to like that stuff...perhaps also the portal would open if only ONE of us made the oat, then the rest could pass freely?..."

M'rek will search the room again for the ocation of the portal:

12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 19.
galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P looks around, simulating a puzzled expression, and says, "I'm not sure what the problem with swearing an oath to uphold and protect entropy is... For is entropy not just, as many great scholars have described, 'a measure of the level of disorder or randomness in a closed system'? By existing we uphold a certain amount of disorder. We, in not being of pure law, introduce chaos and randomness into the closed system that is the multiverse. If it were not for entropy then all the multiverse would be as Mechanus aspires to be. Orderly. Unvarying. But even Mechanus must have entropy for it is affected by the chaos of the multiverse. And because of that entropy, some beings of pure law are set loose to become rogue. I will swear this oath to uphold entropy with no remorse and no deceit..."

The modron composes itself and stands as tall as it can, saying "I, P&~P, do swear to exist and thereby cause and protect cosmic entropy."

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba stares at P&~P's oath with a bit of bewilderment. "The problem is tricky priests casting spell so old that they may have been designed to kill us, or even if they weren't will accomplish the same."

Baba coughs. "On the other hand, I intend on getting home before suppertime, so you have a point." He pulls out a pipe, fills it from his small pouch, and lights it, taking a puff before standing in the center of the room.

"I, Baba Smith, Conjurer Seventh Class, do swear solemnly to protect entropy to the best of my ability in accordance with the best of my knowledge in respect to three key points:

The first being the known wishes of Athene, who I do not worship but respect as the adjudicator of this oath.

The second being entropy's implied protection of magic and the fabric of the planes in being such a wild and varied place. They may not end up being the same places after Entropy has got to them, but they will be no less varied.

The third be that I not be forced into any damned needlessly tricky 'gotcha' buisness as a result of this, or as a result of some silly Doomguard definition of entropy as eventually reducing everything to nothingness."

He pauses for a second as though to continue, but steps back and takes a puff instead.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[The magic items are probably a Ring of Mindsheilding, a Ring of Sustenance, a Periapt of some sort (not Wisdom), and a Dusty Rose Ioun Stone.]

As P&~P speaks, the room seems to shift a little somehow. No visible portal appears beyond a faint shimmering, but Zhegre's Detect Magic does show the aura of an invisible one on the back wall, exactly where the old-man-whose-name-you-never-asked said it was.

Then, just as suddenly, the Portal vanishes with a sound like a raspberry at Baba's oath. Apparantly, it took exception to the exceptions.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Baba visibly reddens. "It's always the 'no tricky business one, isn't it." He returns to smoking his pipe. If the portal doesn't want to let him through, it can wait. He's got a Ring of Sustenance (probably) and an eight-hundred year lifespan.

He'll see who crumbles first.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre peers at it. "Hmm," he says, not yet very illuminatingly. "I think we will have to be more straightforward about our oaths. Athene might not have liked it wery much, but if this temple started in Sigil she would not have had any say about the portal or its key, anyway..."

He raises Tharmekhûl's holy symbol and addresses the portal solemnly, with the furthest he's capable of honestly going: "Pursuant to preserving and embracing Multiwerse as unified whole, I hereby swear to preserve and embrace forces of entropy."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

At Zhegre's prayer, the portal snaps to life again. Apparantly, you can add as many qualifiers as you want, as long as you don't dilute the oath itself in the process.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Without another word Kadar leaps at the portal.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar leaps straight into... a wall. It's hard to go through a portal when you don't have the key.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre winces at Kadar's collision. "Sorry. Looks like one ticket, one fare," he says, and steps through.

Check surroundings, quick, ready to cast a defensive spell if need be... assuming immediate safety, step away from portal exit so we're not falling all over ourselves coming through...

Spot and Listen checks. The Outlands are usually not too inhospitable, but a portal exit's a nice place for various opportunists to gather.

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 23.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 13.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Around you is mud. Lots of mud. Evidently the portal to ooze exits, appropriately enough, in a muck pond. Beyond that, low scrub bushes and a few trees. Above the tree-line is a number of craggy hills and mountains, and beyond that is the great Spire. It's far larger than it appears from any of the Gatetowns suggesting that there may be a bit of a hike (or, more accuarately, several days of walking) before you get to a gatetown.

About two hundred feet away you can see a number of beasts that look like warthogs but are much larger and more dangerous looking wallowing in the mud. A large hairy one glances your way, grunts, and walks off. The rest of the herd follows it. The rest of the wildlife seems to consist mostly of various species of birds, particularly herons and ducks, athough there are a few other small creatures that are like nothing you've seen on Backwater, or anywhere else for that matter. One bird has sharp teeth and goat horns, another seems to be slowly melting, and a third one is entirely translucent, just to name a few oddities.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar sighs and picks himself up, "Seems the cadence has a sense of humour." he mutters, "Ah well, it was worth a try. I, Kadar swear to exist and thereby cause and protect cosmic entropy."

Once the portal opens for him Kadar steps through and casts a wary eye at the 'warthogs' and edges away from them, attempting to avoid any eye contact.

[OOC- given I'm from the outlands do I automatically recognise these creatures, I assume they're fhorge's]

Once he feels secure Kadar attempts to get his bearings.

[given my survival skill level lets me know North on a prime I guess I should be able to figure out roughly what side of the ring we're on]

Kadar also takes a quick look at the birds to see if he recognises any of them as being dangerous

[Here's a few rolls in case I need them-

Knowledge Nature (untrained) (1d20+2=11)
survival (1d20+7=19)
Knowledge the planes (1d20+7=20)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P sets the ioun stone to orbit around its pristine cube. The modron laments, "if no one objects, I'm going to keep this red stone. My multiverse-interface-devices are not similar enough to fingers to allow me to benefit from the magical properties of rings. Anyway, this one will prevent the wearer from having certain divinations cast upon them; this other one will allow the wearer to go without food and drink; I'm not sure what this necklace does, though. Having no neck, I cannot use it either."

The modron smiles proudly at the orbiting stone and says, "this stone will make me at least twelve percent more impressive."

After musing at this and handing out the magical items to whoever wants them, the modron steps through the portal and says, "the Fraternity would probably expel me if they were to find out that I haphazardly walked through an unknown portal to an unknown plane without performing a proper analysis first..."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre slogs his way out of the mud, happy to be in rather cleaner muck than where he just was. He's cheerfully looking forward to a campsite with washwater available as soon as possible. The animals seem calm and natural, which suits him just fine. (The Outlands are one of my two Knowledge (the Planes) specialties, so just taking 10 (total, 21) probably means I recognize them and whether there's any immediate danger.)

He takes a deep breath. Sure, it smells of warthog, but warthog ain't so bad compared to sewage. "Aahh... fresh air. Simple blessings are still best." With that, he absolutely cannot wait any longer, and as he waits for his friends he gets a helmet full of the cleanest water from the mudhole he can find (casting Purify Food and Drink if necessary), and cleans off his hands, the outside of his waterskin, his face, and, to whatever limited extent possible, his hair and beard. Alas, a real bath will probably have to wait for nightfall.

Zhegre does not have Survival, so he'll be very pleased if Kadar can reliably identify which way is Automata is. Come to think of it, he peers at P&~P; the exemplar might know which direction is Axiomatic from the Spire, at that. Hope Baba decides not to wait too long -- Zhegre will get quite worried if Linji and he don't come through!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Based on the general geography and positition of the Spire, Kadar recognises the portal outlet as being about five hundred miles Soupward (in the direction of Limbo roughly equivelent with "East") of the Spire and a good deal Gloomward (toward Hades/"South"). The nearest Gatetown is almost certainly Bedlam, but there's still a long walk ahead of you.

The warthogs are indeed Fhorges (giant planar warthogs), but none of them seem to be spoiling for a fight. The rest of the animals are simply a collection of various waterbirds, many of them with strange and rare planar traits. Aside from a rather irritable-looking Fiendish flamingo, none of them seem remotely dangerous.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M'rek winces as Kadar falls flat on his face and then bows down to help the big man up:

"I suppose it was my luck that you tried it first...I was just about to jump it myself...well, I guess it was worth a shot..."

He then watches as the big man picks himself up and saying the proper words passes through the portal...
He then turns to Baba, PEEP (as he calls P&~P), and Linji saying...well if no one minds, I could try the necklace, as it happens I have a neck and would enjoy the mistery of it - Did Zhegre at least detect the school of magic radiating from the periapt/necklace)?

"Hey, you guys take your time...I'll cross and then see if this damn portal is actually two ways...who knows, we might need it at some point"
With that he states solemnly:
"I M'rek, son of the Nathri, do hereby swear to preserve the multiverse in all its variety and glory, in as much as I am possible, and by doing so to protect and preserve entropy as a fundamental part of the all."

He will then cross the portal, and as soon as he is confident that there is no imediate danger on the othe side, attempt to cross back, if necessary saying the same oath, or one that is just the oposit with "order" instead of entropy..just to see if it opens...
The necklace he will put on when he manages to get a hint at least as to the sschool it belongs...

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[It's conjuration, that's how he knows it's not a Periapt of Health. Sorry, I probably should have said that more directly.]

The portal is two ways, but it seems to be malfuntioning somewhat M'rek can get his hand through, but not the rest of him, and he has to pull it back out before he loses an arm.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[OOC: I suppose you meant not a periapt of Wisdom, which is the only transmutation periapt... guess we know which one it is now. ;^) ]

Zhegre greets Kadar and P&~P as they come through, watches a hand small enough that it has to be M'rek's poke through the portal and pull back. He comments after Kadar's landmark-spotting, "I suppose we should have guessed that the portal would come out in this general area of the Outlands, giwen the nature of the required oath."

He combs muck out of his beard thoughtfully. "Most direct route to Automata is going to be cross-country, straight through heart of Spirelight. Baba and P&~P are primarily mages, so they would be rather hampered there, but we have enough bladeskill in group to handle kind of threats most commonly encountered in that wicinity -- and it might be handy to have the knowledgeable arcanists get a firsthand look at the expanding zone as we proceed on our mission."

"It might be faster to go through Sigil -- head for Plague-Mort and take portal to Foundry, then from there to Automata. But trawel time across Outlands can be tricky, ewen for short trips. Straight shot might be best. What do you say?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Oops. I did mean Periapt of Wisdom. Don't think too much of my slip up though, I only said Health because it's the first one on the list.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar strokes his chin for a moment before stating "We're in the same general region as my home village, I'm in no rush to go back there but I'd suggest we move a little spirewards before heading for Automata so we stay as far from Blood war raiding parties as possible. I'd prefer to go via Glorium myself, it's a little closer and it means we don't have to treck across the whole plane. On the other hand we could head for Iron ridge or Dwarven mountain and look for a portal there."

Kadar settles back and begins grooming his cloak which seems to be sulking because of all the caked on muck. Occasionally the cloak shakes and fluffs up in an attempt to help the cleaning process.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The one flaw in Baba's plan is that while he will eventually tumble into a sphere of anihillation, the portal is not a material object and as such will not move. It'll still be anihillated, of course.

He puts away his pipe, approaches the portal, and this time avoids tricky buisness entirely. "I, Baba, swear to serve and protect forces of entropy."

He goes through the portal on the wall just as Kadar begins to speak. As he finishes, Baba begins to speak.

"Are you daft? We're without horses, I never bothered to learn to summon steeds, and you want to walk an extra hundred miles or more so that we might avoid some raiding parties?

Further, those raiding parties are a lot more likely to find us if we wander around like fools for a couple of weeks. Only proper thing to do is head straight towards Bedlam and take the first portal to Sigil. Either way we won't get home until long after suppertime."

He glares at the general party, but then turns to the Modron. "Do you have any way of speeding up the travel? I could review my notes* on steed summoning, but I can't guarantee you of it."

*Spend a munch point to learn Phantom Steed, which P&-P can of course copy. This would improve our movement rate dramatically. (By 20x, in fact.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[P&~P, of course, can't copy it because he has barred Conjuration, but it's a good thought. Munching approved, at any rate.]

As Baba steps through the portal, it starts to to shudder and act erratically. For about five seconds, Baba is staring into the milky void of the Astral, and then he is dumped bodilly into the muck of the Outlands. After that, the portal shudders and flickers before it vanishes entirely, trapping Linji on the other side. There is no sign of its magic, so it would appear the magic has vanished entirely. Perhaps there's some truth to this Spirelight screed. At any rate, Linji we'll have to find another way out of Ooze.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Zhegre jumps up as the portal wobbles, then disappears after spitting Baba out [OOC: and one supposes M'rek was already on this side as well!]. "Linji!"

He glares at where the portal used to be. "Figures. That is gratitude of cosmic entropy for you!" He sighs. "Well, well. Old man was surwiwing, I suppose he will know how to help Linji do the same. Perhaps whatever symbolic role that one was playing in that list of archetypes he mentioned will be filled yet..."

He carries on with the conversation about travel to Automata for a bit, then realizes something and smacks his forehead. "Wait, I am rushing about like hobgoblin on hot lawa. Is not Automata we are necessarily heading to. We have to contact Fraternity of Order, since that... err... well-informed old man gave us what he knew about Spirelight prophecy but directed us to Fraternity for more information. We can do that from Sigil."

[And now K(the Planes) check, Outlands specialty, to recall the nearest useful portal from this general area to Sigil.]

11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 24.
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 29.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Well, there's probably a portal in Ilsensine's Realm, the Caverns of Thought, which you may well be standing on right now, but you don't really want to go down there, and that portal may not be working either. There are probably portals in Ironridge and Dwarven mountain, but there are some pretty steep mountains in the way. Your best bet is still probably Bedlam.]

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Damned portal. Wouldn't trust it with a Feather Token unless I had to."
Baba doesn't waste much time but immediately pulls out his spellbook and reference books.

"Phantom Steed". "P." "Ph." "Pha." His brow furrows. "Looks like I did study this. It's not as difficult as you'd think. Simply move the diagram in the fourth sphere for Summoning from the inner to the ethereal, and..

He recites a conjuration that sounds somewhat like him neighing with a forked tongue. It's not pretty.

A large horse made of smoke and somewhat dim fire appears on the ground completely silently. The fire manages to avoid burning the ground, and the horse noses at the ground somewhat dissapointingly, as it phases through the grass.

It mosies its way over to Zhegre, headbutting him in the side the way a somewhat invisible and mostly intangible horse can. "Zhegre, this one will carry you, your equipment, and 50 pounds of other material. That would be me, I'm afraid. I'll need a decent night's sleep, a smoke, and breakfast before I can do any more."

EDIT: That was OF. I used his computer to post earlier, and I must have forgotten to sign off.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

As the portal colapses M'rek looks around:

What happened to Linji? Maybe he found the portal before us and jumped through ahead?
And then with a very fast and somewhat startling change of mood he turns to baba with a mischivous grin on his saw-toothed mouth:

Well, I guess that showed the portal who crumbled first, hm? But if we are going to camp we better start moving. Linji or his guiding spirit is bound to find us eventually, the ancesters willing...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar bows his head for a moment at the loss of his friend but swiftly brightens. If Linji could survive Limbo and the deep Etheral then ooze shouldn't be a problem. He'll probably even enjoy it.

Hearing Baba's words Kadar looks up,

"Bedlam? you want to go to Bedlam?" Kadar asks, "I'll go if that's what the group wants but I'd rather head for Ironridge and do a little bit of climbing rather than deal with all the barmies and bleakers in that berg. It's not a nice place."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Heh," says Zhegre. "I would hardly have problem with making for realm of such ancient and rewered dwarven powers as Brightmantle," he touches his holy symbol in respect, "and for that matter there is small community of Ring-Giwers at the gambling halls there. But I am not sure there is portal to Sigil there, at least one commonly awailable to public. Bedlam, unpleasant as city may be, definitely has one. And it is probably closer."

He looks around. "I have slight preference for Bedlam route but am also fine with communal decision. M'rek, P&~P?"

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P draws some arcane symbols that look like two gears with a tiefling stuck in the middle. The symbol glows a little when P&~P finishes drawing it on the muddy ground.

Completing this, the modron stands up and says, "I, too, prefer the route through Bedlam. Proximity is good, but it would also be beneficial for my research to visit a chaotic border town. I've been through Outlands a few times and there's not as much for me to learn here. Plus, in Bedlam, I can prepare some anti-chaos spells for everyone's enjoyment. In Outlands, there are too many variables. We can count on chaos in Bedlam. Linji might be more likely to catch up with us in Bedlam, too, unless my calculations are off. As a closing point, grik't-nel Zrabn tcch tcch Orgash ilkar, meaning that I speak Githzerai, but not Dwarvish."

The modron lets out a mechanical chuckle.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Shaking the worst of the slime from his hair and coat almost like a dog, M`rek looks around full of wonderment, shoulders his crossbow and says:

"whichever way, we better start walking or riding now...otherwise we will never get there"...

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"All right then," says Zhegre, and turns the steed's nose away from the Spire, heading toward Bedlam.

Obviously, the phantom steed can go much faster than the rest of the party, and it's probably unwise to split up. Zhegre will make use of Baba's gift to serve as a scout for the party, ranging ahead, behind, and to either side as they proceed across the Outlands until either night falls or the duration of the steed gives out.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar shrugs and starts striding along at the pace of the slowest party member while keeping an eye out for any upcoming troubles

(Spot checks below)

Spot (1d20+6=20, 1d20+6=14, 1d20+6=21, 1d20+6=11, 1d20+6=9)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

And on the road you go. To everyone's surprise, you are not set upon by Khaasta raiders, fiendish badgers, or angry Fhorges or any of the other myriad obstacles that Concordant travelers usually face. Instead, just before nightfall, because on the Outlands you seem to get everywhere around nightfall (or dawn if you're traveling at night), you bump into a village.

The village consists of a dozen stone and wood buildings clustered around a stone archway (presumably a portal). A handy sign in the road (although you don't recall walking on a road a moment ago) exclaims in Planar Trade:

Welcome to Passway! The "jewel of the Outlands!"

Polp: You just so happen to be in Passway for some reason, you can greet your old pal Zhegre whenever.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar takes a look around Passway and tries to remember what he's heard about it.

Spot Check (1d20+6=7)

Knowledge checks on Pass-way

Knowledge (the planes) check on Passway - take 10 for 19

Knowledge (Sigil & Gate-towns) check on Passway - take 10 for 16
(I think this replaced Knowledge (local)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

. o O (It would be right handy if that's a portal to Sigil. We might be in luck...)

Likewise with the K(the Planes):

11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 16.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

”No no no no! Not that way! Bad surface beast, bad!”

Polp pulled futilely at the pack saddle and then tried pushing instead, leaning his tiny frame towards the beast of burden, only to finally skip and slide, landing face first into the mud and let out an incoherent curse in Druidic.

By the ancestors, these creatures are frustrating! How did that human beast trader order it to move? Polp thought to himself, as he got up and brushed off mud from his clothes.
Ah, no, that was me he ordered to move, he realized, as he recalled the trader’s last words: “Now pike it, ye soddin’ clueless earth-vermin, and take the blasted thing with ye!”

As he paused to consider the situation, doubt began to fill his mind as to whether he had been “peeled”, as these dreamers put it:
It must climb horribly in tunnels with those bony stumps on its limbs. Probably stumbles blindly around in darkness too… Perhaps I was wrong to leave the home gardens...

Polp sat on a stone nearby to clean his gear off a bit more and sighed, while a group of human children played around with small marbles nearby.
Stupid light gravity messes with your feet… If I took the beast back home it would likely drop to the ground and crawl around, like an elemental trying to glide through a metal vein.

Only then, did he realize that the beast was gone, having wandered off without Polp’s help, along with his pack, rations and other heavy gear.

“Oh no no no no no! Come back surface beast! Stay put!” he shouted, and quickly caught up. As he grabbed hold of the pack saddle once more, he noticed that the children had stopped playing and now were staring Spireward from crates and house corners. Polp’s large ears caught the sound of a mixed group of creatures approaching the village, and at the distant clank of armor and weapons he instinctively looked for a position to hide.

He dared a look and saw the unusual group of humanoids walking into the central “square” of the village houses, when he suddenly recognized the dwarf.

“By the ancestors… Mister Zhegre!” he yelled out and waved his hand. Polp darted towards his old friend, when he recalled how tall races usually instinctively reached for their weapons when one of his kin ran at top speed towards them.


The small, thin and gray-skinned humanoid, with a face vaguely reminiscent of a bat with oversized dark brown eyes, very large ears, and strange, flexible limbs skids to a halt a bit before the travellers. The peculiar-looking creature is a shad, male, by the look of it.
His ears are adorned with quite a great deal of earrings and piercings, many made of precious metals and of exotic and varied design. One of them hanging from his left ear particularly catch on-lookers attention: made by Solanian Truesteel, it’s designed like a tiny cylindrical cage with a small hatch at the top end, and it appears to hold miniscule green seeds.
The shad wears wide and loose brown pants, and a black vest with quite a few pockets holding small bottles and pouches. A dark gray cloak, slightly too long it seems, is fastened by his shoulders, and small specially designed bolt quivers are secured by the lower part of his legs. A sturdy wooden shield is strapped on his back, along with a heavy crossbow, and a scabbard holding a suitably sized blade is at his side.

Polp flashes a cautious smile and bows deeply, his many exotic earrings jingling slightly.
“So good to see Mister Zhegre again! So good, so good! The Planes are not that big after all, it seems!”

To Zhegre’s companions, Polp bows once more, a bit more at ease as he sees how many of them are only slightly taller than himself, and that none of them seem ready to backhand him yet.
“Forgive my rude manners, travellers. I am Polp Stingsong, tunnel-runner of Gemstone Gardens, at your service.”

As an afterthough, Polp presents the donkey behind him as well, even as it is wandering in the opposite direction:
“This is Polp’s Friendly Surface Beast, but as of late he is more behaving as Polp’s Frustrating Surface Beast... Hey, wait… Get back here, surface beast! Bad surface beast!”

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Passway is what's known as one of the "Other Gatetowns." Basically, they're like the proper gatetowns, except instead connecting to a specific point on the Outer Planes, they go to wherever the gate they're squatting around happens to lead. Passway's portal goes to some prime world or other, you can't remember which.]

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

(By the way, Polp... we seriously stink right now. :^) )

"Bozhe moi! Polp, is that you? Here on Great Ring? Ho, we leave one comrade on Ooze and come across another that ewening on Outlands. Unity of Rings, indeed!"

Zhegre turns to his companions. "I met the young fellow during my sojourn on Earth. He is good people, and he knows his way around a tunnel fight. I believe the Planes do not like Linji's space being left empty on our quest. If no one has any objections, I think we should explain our need and ask him to join us...."

He dismounts from the steed and turns to Polp. "And while we are telling the story, my friend, if you have been in town long enough to know where there is lodging with hot baths and hopefully equipment to do some laundry, we would all be blessedly grateful."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Polp smiles at the red-bearded dwarf, and then notices an unpleasant aroma around him and his company.
“Hoowhew! Humble apologies Mister Zhegre, but you do smell a bit like earth mephit boo boo, this fine day… I mean, eh, in a good way!”
Polp quickly adds the last bit, as a thought strikes him:
Perhaps it’s something traditional out here, intentionally travelling to Ooze… To prove their manhood, or some such. Sounds like they lost someone, too. Hope they didn’t take too much offence at my remark…

He nervously eyes the group, trying to recall if they match descriptions of creatures, which the ancestors have left ill omens about, or the village elders have warned about.
All dreamers, it seems, except perhaps for the gnome… maybe he’s from Magma or Fire? All those clothes look rather flammable to me, though… he thinks, as he tries to recall the stories he’s heard from explorers who had delved the borders of his home plane.

“Friends of Mister Zhegre, are friends of mine” he says. Or at least I hope so.
“I have only recently arrived here myself, being on my way to the City of Doors. I would be honoured to assist in any way possible.” ... Especially in guiding you to a bath…

[OOC: Well, it’s a village of only a dozen buildings, but then they might be supplied through the portal, if it’s well-trafficked. Can the services Zhegre asks about be found here? If so, Polp guides them ahead, and listens attentively to any tales they might wish to share.
Knowledge (Local) check below.]

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 16.
JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Entirelly caked in a greenish mud, the byproduct of ooze remnants and the dust from the road, M`rek grins a wide grin at Polp, already enjoying himself with the felows antics...

"welcome and a good crossing it be! If you can point us toward water all the better. What are you? And where are you from? No offense in asking, but I have never seen the likes of you even in Sigil! Do you know where this gate leads? What about food?"

The unrelated stream of questions will continue for a while until M`reks curiosity is satisfied!

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The modron doesn't pay much attention to the newcomer, passing him a quick glance and then hurrying over to the gate. It quickly pulls an astrolabe, a book, and some ink from a transdimensional compartment attached to its mainframe. P&~P waves the astrolabe around in an intricate pattern before gazing upon the gate and writing with one of its hands.

The modron mutters periodically while studying the gate, "yes, yes... planar emission seems normal... the auras are a bit interpolated... interesting indeed..."

(OOC: casting Analyze Portal and then recording all of the information in Planar Patterns and Power)

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

In between gate research, lodging, bath, laundry, another bath, reminiscences, and hearing about the locals, Zhegre will pitch in the story of what has happened since he came to be with the group, including the mission they're on. He'll also be interested in hearing yours: he hadn't heard yet about the rest of the group being shoved through the Ooze portal by people with intent!

"Is that so?" he sits up. "Interesting... I wonder, then, if old man was simply taking adwantage of who Prowidence had dropped in his lap, or if that means there are people in Sigil who wanted you, personally, inwolw-*cough* entangled in this matter."

And then he gets to hear about what happened yesterday...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

'JaggedOldRed' wrote:
Entirelly caked in a greenish mud, the byproduct of ooze remnants and the dust from the road, M`rek grins a wide grin at Polp, already enjoying himself with the felows antics...

"welcome and a good crossing it be! If you can point us toward water all the better. What are you? And where are you from? No offense in asking, but I have never seen the likes of you even in Sigil! Do you know where this gate leads? What about food?"

The unrelated stream of questions will continue for a while until M`reks curiosity is satisfied!

Polp smiles in return at the like-sized green-skinned humanoid with the deep blue markings, but occasionally nervously eyes the pointy barb on its right hand. He is bewildered by the endless storm of questions thrown at him, but tries to answer best as he can:
“M’rek was it? And you wish to learn of my people? Ooh, that is a rare request indeed, and I will be pleased to enlighten you! We shad hail from the Elemental Plane of Earth where we delve in wonderful gardens, just as our ancestors had descended from the magnificent gardens of the Druids of Verdorth, many many generations ago. My village, Gemstone Gardens, is such a place, although the village elders speak of those who have set up families on many other worlds as well, arising gardens of grand and exotic nature.
The revered ancestors guide us still, through signs and omens they have left behind, and thereby ensure the safety of future generations of shad-kind”.

“As to food and drink, I have rations and water to spare, and would be happy to share.”
“You have not seen my kind in Sigil, you say? Hmm, well the elders mentioned it specifically as a place where the ancestors left many signs to guide their descendants, I’m sure most of us just stay out of sight of the bigger folks.”
“The locals say the portal leads to a prime world or some such, but I forget the name. Sorry”

“I would be most delighted to hear about you and your people as well. Most of the lands and creatures outside the Inner Planes are new to me.”

'Jem' wrote:
In between gate research, lodging, bath, laundry, another bath, reminiscences, and hearing about the locals, Zhegre will pitch in the story of what has happened since he came to be with the group, including the mission they're on.
Polp is vividly fascinated by Zhegre’s tale, often flinching in horror when the story delves on the dangers the group has faced. His jaw drops at the doomsday-like prophesy of the mystical old man and he pulls at his tiny tufts of hair in dread. “No no no no no, the Planes can’t come to an end, I haven’t even explored them yet! This is worse than that time a big mean xorn tried to swallow two of my aunties and three of my brothers at the same time! Why didn’t the ancestors leave warnings about this? Why not, why not?!” Polp nervously peeks towards the Spire, trying to see if he can spot the mystical expanding aura so that he can hide in time. When the spooky aura remains hidden to his eyes, Polp simply gets even more nervous, keeping a close eye on dark corners in case it tries to sneak up on him! “What is this “Wall of Wee Jas”, he spoke about? Are you sure it will shatter? Can’t it be reinforced? We shad are good with working metal, we can help! And why do you need to kill the prophet? Can’t we just talk with him and get along? We can say: “Please, Mister Prophet Man, please don’t speak prophesies of doom! How about a prophesy of shad prosperity instead?” Perhaps he is only speaking scary prophesies because he’s scared? Or lonely? Perhaps he just needs a hug, or he’s hungry? I have many food rations we can give him!” There seems to be no end to Polp’s stream of comments on the prophesy…

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M`rek looks at Polp fascinated, it is as if looking at a fellow Nathri!!
While stories are being told he will happily add his coments or detailsm, never embelishing, but with a flair for mixing precision, meaning and understandability that peoples with oral traditions often have.

Speaking about his people he will also coment to polp that the Nathri too are guided by their ancestor spirits, much in the same way as the Shad, and there are stories of a lost tribe of Nathri folk that leaves somewhere hidden in the multiverse...perhaps the two could be related? Would not that be amazing? Do the Shad also like to swap stories? Where was their home world? Has he heard of the Nathri? what about these druids? Who were they? And, well, maybe this fortuitous meeting on a road IS an omen of warning also for his people? Maybe Polp was meant to leave his garden and meet those attempting to solve the mystery of the destruction of the multiverse...
The chating will go on and on, including through dinner and bath, if Polp seems amenable to the idea, M`rek is homesick and seems to relate well to the like-sized, chatty, funny fellow!

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

While the rest of the party is busy meeting up with old friends (or making new ones, as the case may be), Baba is at the local inn, attempting to arrange for a room and for the means to remove whatever Prestidigitation didn't get to.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

P&~P's analysis, or, well, asking anyone in town reveals that the portal goes to the prime. Eberron, to be precise.

Moving on...

After an good bath and scrub, you spend a nice, restful night in the inn. In the morning you wake up to the sound of panicked villagers.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The Druidic mumblings that come from Polp in his sleep come to an abrupt end, as he awakes from his dreams of visiting Nathri home worlds for tea and biscuits. He shakes himself awake, earrings softly jingling, and rolls out of bed while the grogginess quickly fades.
Making first sure that everyone is awake, he draws his rapier and readies his shield, before sneaking up to a window to get a look of what’s going on.

[Move Silently check below]

13 Bonus for Move Silently to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 23.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Oh, and Hide check to not be spotted from beyond the window as well.]

17 Bonus for Hide to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 27.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar gathers his gear and draws his blades before creeping over to a window

Move Silently (1d20+6=9)
Hide (1d20+8=26)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

A bunch of people are in the town squre, staring at the portal and yelling. It's hard to tell what they're yelling about though.

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