Game: In the Spire's Shadow

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Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Okay, without further ado, let's start this thing, and start it right. As I'm sure you all know, the only good way to start a campaign is in mortal peril.


You are leading a Clueless through a fairly dangerous part or the Hive on the edge of the Lotus Blossom District (apparently, he's trying to get to the Smoldering Corpse). As you lead him through a particularly dark alley, the man chuckles and his features change and expand. Suddenly a massive bear-like creature is standing before you. He growls, and you get the distinct impression that you should run. Now.

After weeks of effort, you finally find yourself in the fabled city of Sigil. It's like nothing you've seen (or smelled) before. The city streets stretch out before you like an endless monstrosity of metal and masonry. As your eyes follow the maze of cobbles up through the acrid haze, you realize that they don't just stretch before you but above you. Even after seeing something similar on Bytopia and seing the torus from the outside on the Outlands, the weight of it all still floors you. But it is not the shape of the ring, but its contents that are most intriguing.

Everywhere there are the strangest looking people doing the most marvelous things. One horned humanoid is leaning against a crumbling wall, apparently just enjoying the, another man whose red face looks like his face has been chewed up is walking in your general direction, whistling a tune to himself as he walks. A third man, who looks perfectly human, gives you a wicked smile and draws a wicked blade. That's about when you realize that these "marvelous" men are also extremely dangerous. This might be a good time to run.

While wandering the city, as you are somewhat wont to do, you find yourself in the Black Lotus Blossum District. Curiously, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. Just as you are becoming aware of this fact, you discover the reason why as half a dozen Githyanki in full battle regalia walk into the street in front of you. From the look of the look of them, they just wandered in from the Astral and are somewhat bewildered. Bewildered and angry. Before you can do anything though, one of the 'yankis spots you, and with an angry yell, he draws his silver sword and charges. The others follo suit. This would be a very good time to run.

Baba: As you walk through the Hive to buy stock, you hear a noise like a combination of a shriek and a gurgle. As you turn you see a foul tentacled biped with pale, bloody skin peched on a nearby balcony. It looks like a Mind Flayer, but it wears no clothing, and there is something undeniably feral about it. As you stare at it, you realize that you should have run when you heard it shriek.

You walk through the Hive spoiling for a fight, and the the Hivers can tell you're trouble and keep their distance. Even the street thugs give you a wide berth. In fact, the only people who aren't actively avoiding you are a group of a dozen or so kobolds in breastplates and cloaks. One of the kobolds whispers something to one who looks like the commander and visibly points to you. The commander then makes a series of millitary gestures with his hands and the kobolds surround you in a carefully executed flanking maneuver. As they do so, the two-foot soldiers draw miniature gladii (Roman-style shortswords). The whole thing is totally non-threatening (and somewhat adorable) until the captain shouts an order and the kobolds each press a button on their pommels that you mistook for ornamentation. Suddenly, the sword hilts explode out telescopically until they become six foot spear shafts. It's about this point that you realize that you are surrounded by a dozen trained soldiers weilding exceptionally well made (and probably magical) spears. Suddenly, the whole thing doesn't seem nearly as funny. Perhaps it would be a good idea to flee now, before they finish surrounding you.


What, you guys weren't expecing to meet up under peacefull circumstances, were you?

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Linji quickly finishes the last sip of his rice pudding and saki, and muses as he throws the ceramic bowl, "a bowl is, where it is not -so if it is not, where is it?"
Of course, by this moment, Linji's soft-shoes have carried him far away from the Githyanki.

(160' movement, run action)

As Linji bounds and bounces down the rickety street, he whistles out to Wu (who was last seen dreaming of a Siamese Twin of a Siamese Cat), and bellows out to the 'yanki:

"The QuEen is wrOng, and thE King is goNe, but LimBo's cHiLd says JoKer'S WiLD!"

(while doing so, Linji attempts to make a Spot check for a narrow alley of some kind or any kind of narrow crevice that he might be able to squeeze through)

8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 28.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You're in the Hive, there's nothing but narrow crevices. No matter, make your Spot check, and we'll see what you can find.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

I already did make the spot check -see bottom of first post (such is how you want us to do rolls, right?)

Anyways, I got a total of a 28. (Specifically, I am looking for something I can try to wiggle through quickly -my "wiggle" check has a +16 modifier, so I am looking for something around this degree -and hopefully with a 28 Spot...)

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Rather than making a blind dash for the "exit" and hoping they aren't as fast as him, Cortek turns to one of the Kobolds closest to the exit, focuses his anger, and blitzes him..

(Initiate Rage, Attempt overrun action @ Kobold/move through his square at full speed)

6 Bonus for Strength to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 18.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow


[Oops, sorry. I'm used to using other boards that don't have that nifty feature. ]

As you run from the Githyanki, you notice several places that look like they could be good hiding spots. The most promising one is a narrow gap between two tenements. The walls themselves are nearly a foot about, but a heavy iron water spout going along the side of one of the building narrows it to little more than four inches.

Just to keep things moving, I'm going to skip the roll and just assume you suceed.

You squeeze past the drain just as the Githyanki reach you. They look annoyed, but certainly not beaten.


The kobold in question looks at you in terror and seems like he's about to flee, but he is obviously well trained, so he stands his ground and aims his pike squarely at you heart. Luckily, you happen to have a sheild in the way at the time, so the polearm is pushed to the side... along with the kobold. The two adjacent kobolds lash out with their strange spears, but fail to connect in any meaningfull way. As you escape the kobold's trap, you can't help but wonder what kind of shape you'd be in if you weren't so heavily armored. This thought is broken short, however, by the sound of the kobolds drawing crossbows behind you.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Chuckling inwardly at the rush of his organs popping back into place, Linji continues scampering down the alley way.

(160' movement, full run).

After turning a corner into another small alleyway, and realizing that the nature of "cowhood" is "cowhoodhood", Linji begins to climb up the ally, bouncing back and forth against the two Hive buildings.

(Climb check, with accelerated movement [-5 to check] but bracing against parallel walls [-10 DC], and thus will climb up to 40 feet for full round action if successful)
*-5 already incorporated into roll, but -10 to DC has not.

9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 13.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You scramble up six stories and find yourself on the roof of one of the tenements. The other tenement is only a story taller. With the alley at your back, you can see that there is nothing but cobblestones on the left and right side of the tenement. Ahead of you, however, is another, lower roof top with a gap of a foot or two between. It looks like you can jump it easilly. And you may have to, because at that moment two of your slave-raiding cousins teleport onto the roof next to you.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Winking at the nearest 'yanki, Linji runs and attempts to jump across the rooftop gap, while secretly singing, "loVe i HaShKar yoU!".

(Linji makes Acrobatics[Jump check] with running start if possible)

9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 23.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow


The next roof is only about three feet lower than the current one. You can't tell from here whether it's six stories with low ceilings or five stories with high ceilings. Either way, you land gracefully.

One of the 'yankis lands heavilly behind you, well the other simply teleports in front of you. You appear to be faced with street on all sides, as the tenement row is bisected by a street coincidentally called "Silversword Lane." Make a spot check.

EDIT: And I'm going to bed. More posting tomorrow night.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Linji inwardly groans, "YlEm poOps HAshkaR..." At the same time, Linji makes a Spot check.

Dependant on what he sees, Linji will tumble past two Githyanki, and down the 4 stories (with slow fall 20' and tumbling down to reduce damage by 10', he will only take 1d6 damage from falling)

9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 23.
Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ok, sweet dreams:

Question -how do I get it to make more than one roll/per post?

Anyways, my Spot is a 22, and my Tumble is... a 23.

16 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 23.
Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Outnumbered, and with his shallow bag of solo-tricks exhausted, Cortek simply continues running in the same direction, taking little heed to the crossbows he cannot thwart.

(Run Action, same direction; OR if there are bystanders in his path, Move action and overrun attempt @ said people)

(I wasn't totally clear of the status of bystanders, though I assume everyone but the Kobolds is quite scarce by now, I like to make sure. Since I don't know, no dice roll yet.)

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

M`rek looks around and quickly decides that he will not be able to outrun all of the...heck, he would probably not be able to outrun one of them, so he, lets them think that their plan is working.

With a frightened yelp at the human with the blade, the little Nathri runs straight towards the whistling fellow, pleading:

Sir, sir, he is got a blade, please help me

When the thug is absolutely sure that this ignorant little clueless is just about to deliver himself into his arms, M'rek tumbles past him and goes into the first backstreet looking for a place to hide!

tumble, spot and hide rolls in this order just adding the modiffiers to the rolls bellow. Results are 17 (tumble); 11 (spot, if required) and 39! hide.

If successfull he will wait a good time before leaving his hidey hole, then use his hat of disguise to change his appearance to a variety of menacing characters ranging from Barghest to Drow Sorcerer to human duelist, as he hastilly tries to find safer parts of the town with his hide intact.. All the while thaking Delerek for that last bit of advice:

"be small, they are not in your way if they are already behind you"

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Sensing danger Kadar acts.

He sprints back down the alley, heading for the lotus blossom district and from there to one of the more ‘civilised’ parts of the cage where bloods are a little more averse to murder in the streets.

“Follow me cutter.” Kadar calls back to the clueless who is staring open mouthed at the rapidly growing figure. “You’ve just upgraded to the adventure tour, no extra charge.”

Kadar quickly glances around when he reaches the end of the alley looking for danger or another tout to offload the clueless onto (Spot).

(How good a look did I get of the bear-creature? I’d like to remember the description for later if I’m not familiar with the species)

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 20.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

you make it to the bottom of the building roughly one piece (2 damage). The two githyanki have already finished teleporting down by they time you reach the bottom (make a tumble check).

Umm, I must have been vague. The 'clueless' is the bear creature. He looks like a hulking, muscular man covered in dark brown fur with the head and muzzle of a bear. Make a Knowledge check (Planes, or Nature, your choice) to see if you recognise his race.

Cortek: The few pedestrians still i n the area have the good sense to get out of your way as you charge forward down the street. The kobolds rush after you, but you seem to have the edge. One of them fires his crossbow at you, and pierces your shoulder (a whopping one damage). But the commander shouts something in Draconic (likely "stop" or the equivelent), and the other kobolds hold their fire and chase afer you again instead. It looks like you will lose them in a matter of moments when commander shouts something else, and you find yourself surrounded by a sticky mess of strands that look remarkably like a giant spidrwe (Make a Reflex save).

Your plan works perfectly, and you manage to hide invisibly in the space underneath a collapsed balcony. Before you can plot you next move, however, you hear a voice from the shadows behind you, "Howdy." It does not sound like a friendly voice.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: ah, sorry, I must have read it wrong, my post remains the same apart from the comment bit - basically I just bolt for safety (or what I think is safety)
Knowledge- the planes check should be below

7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 14.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

The creature looks like it is too large for a bear Rakshasa, and doesn't seem consistant with most other bear-like races. You can't be cetain, but it looks like a Werebear, which is strange, because you remember hearing that Werebears are always good. Good or not though, this one obviously wants to eat you. As you flee through the streets, the creature rushes after you, neither gaining nor losing ground.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Do I make it out of the alley? what do I see? I'm just going to keep running normally until I find somewhere safe. If I see a way onto the rooftops I might try that.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Yeah, I guess that would be helpful, heh.] *Ahem.* As you leave the alley, you realize that the beast's ambuscade was well chosen as you are immersed in a maze of narrow streets and narrower alleys. The run-down warehouses and abandoned buildings all around you are empty and dark, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around. Make a Knowledge (Geography) check to keep from getting lost.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar frantically tries to get his bearings as he looks around the tangle of alleyways. The area looks somewhat familiar....

[my survival level means I can always find 'north' if that helps, in this case I assume that means spireward]

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 13.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

(Attempts to save versus the web effect.)

3 Bonus for Reflex to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 9.
Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Duckluck,

Wait a second here: The Githyanki can't have teleported that fast.

Last round, I finished climbing up the 6 stories (40').

This current round, Linji made a jump movement (after -thus still during this round -that two Githyanki teleported up), and Linji continued as part of his turn, to tumble down the 5-6 stories.

Thus, if I land, and they already teleport again, that would be teleporting 2/round. Linji knows a few things about magic and Githyanki. They have natural, limited uses of dimension door SLA. After casting dimension door, you lose all actions for that round (This is standard Githzerai knowledge among those of the People who have studied Planar Lore and Magic as they know their "cousins").

So, if they both dimension door'd up on to the roof, they would be disorientated -but perhaps still see Linji tumble past their legs and down the side of the building.

They could not cast two uses of the spell in one round -and would actually have no actions for the rest of the round.

If instead of dimension door, they are actually casting teleports (in full armor as you described), then they would/could still have a movement action left, but wouldn't be able to cast a second teleport.

Unless of course, both are using a quickened teleport spells (which would also be impossible, since it would make it a 9th level slot, and the Lich Queen would have already devoured their souls).

I'm not being a smarty-pants -but it seems like I am being seriously shrifted.

If the 'yanki decide to teleport/dimension door in the following round -fine. I would fully expect them to do so -but there is no way for them to teleport up, and then teleport down in one round. Linji should land, and only after that could they land -and Linji act again.

That said: IC:

Linji tumbles, mumbling about his sprained pinky-toe, and then hustles against the near wall, until reaching another alley, or perpendicular street, so as to be out of the line of sight of the 'yanki above.


Two posts ago, you asked me to make a Spot check while up on top of the roof -it was a 22 -what did I see?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

You are stuck fast by the webbing (you can make a strength check to escape), and kobolds begin to close in. The front ranks are still carrying their extend-o-spears, while the back ranks have their crossbows trained on you. You get the fealing that they are trying to capture you alive, but they are willing to use deadly force if necessary.

Kadar: You hurry down a street called Silversword Lane which you think will get you into the Lotus Blossum District. As you run, you hear shouting from around a corner. After you turn the corner, you run smack into Linji.

[OOC: Allow me to explain, so that I may ease your mind. The same round that you double moved up the wall, the Yanki Dimention Doored to the top. Next round. You ran and made a jump check (two move actions). One of the Gith did the same, the other Dimension Doored. Round three, you made a Spot check and then slowfell down the side of the building, Meanwhile, the yankis Dimension Doored. Yes, again. They can do it once a turn, after all. And no, they don't have any other actions this round. I'm aware of that. You then use your second move action to run like crazy. What am I missing? Even if I did get it off a little, it's not your job to correct me. I'm not giving you a round-by-round encounter for a reason. It kills the excitement. Rest assured though, that I'm doing this by the book. In fact, pretty much the only time I won't go by the book is when the book will get you guys killed. Now stop being a smart ass and play it right. Now where was I?]

From the top of the building, you could see that there were three streets intersecting eachother between the rows of tenement houses. Tzu Street, Silversword lane, and Greenwell plaza. Tzu Street and Silversword lane form the unoficial boundaries of the Black Lotus District, and neither of them looks like the street you want. Greenwell Plaza leads to the heart of the Hive, and would almost certainly be the best way to get to safety, or at least help.

You evade the flat-footed Githyanki with ease and quickly reach the crossroads. Before you can turn down one street or the other, however, you are nearly clobbered by Kadar who comes barrelling down Silversword lane. Behind him, you can hear a loud growling noise and the sound of heavy footsteps.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

OOC: Sorry not trying to be a pain -really. There is still an error in your statement, but its no big deal. I'm having fun, and just wish to continue as you said.

Oh, and one last little matter of business -is there a certain way you wish us to post OOC, IC, verbal IC statements, etc? (i.e. I'm currently using italics anytime Linji speaks).


Smacking into Kadar, Linji gives him a hug (but not a bear hug!):

"Kadar, you should know better than stealing honey from a bear! -or have you been reading my Chaosyer tracts?"

But then glancing back at the impending doom of sliverswords and teeth, Linji starts running down Greenwell Plaza, yelling back to Kadar:

"Let's go shopping down Greenwell Plaza, I know a little old Oni who sells the best rotted-spiced cabbage ever!"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Really, you only need to use quotes, although If you post in a specific color, it will help to establish his "accent" and identity, as well as help the text stand out. You'll find me doing that a lot. It's really up to you though. I would save the italics for thoughts, however.]

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ok -sounds good to me.

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

With a curse at how crowded this city really is, and a growl that makes the hair on his back stand up, M'rek tumbles back into the street, throwing a quick look over his shoulder to try to identify this new assailant...

not knowing exactly where to go he will bolt in the direction he perceives to lead toward the greatest number of people/beings...Once there he will try to again use his hat of disguise to blend into the crowd.

Damn! I guess I better amend Derelek's motto to they are still ahead of you if they are closely behind you...
(rolls spot 18, and tumble 18)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

More than a little angry, Cortek attempts to force the webbing off of him.

6 Bonus for Strength to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 26.
Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

(Well, since I guess I succeeded...)

Cortek continues moving with maximum haste in the direction he was headed.

(Run Action, same direction)

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"I could go Kimchi" Kadar calls out as he chases after Linji, "I promised to drop this fine blood off at The Corpse but I think he'll understand."

[how far behind is the bear at the moment? Is it in a bear form or a hybrid?]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Cortek: You escape the webbing and run, but your movement is severely impeded. By the time you escape the web, you find yourself surrounded by kobolds. Six with spears, six with crossbows, and the commander with a wand of some sort. Again. The commander shouts in heavily accented Planar Trade, "Drop weapons, and we no harm you. Raise weapons, and we kill you. You decision."

Linji and Kadar: As you barrel down Greenwell Plaza, the two githyanki in pursuit finally come into contact with the Werebear. The yanki have just enough time to shout, "You!" before they are both cut silent in what sounds like it must be the most painfull manner possible. Just seconds later, you hear the continued thumping of the bear-man's footsteps on the cobbles. A quick look back reveals the two legged brute is covered in blood with a silver sword stuck in his shoulder which still has its owner's dismembered hand hanging from it. It seems that their deaths have bought you mere seconds. The other four githyanki, who had been racing to catch up with you, immediately flee in terror. The monster pays them no heed.

M'rek: You flee your hiding place and whirl around to see nothing. Perhaps this is a good thing, as whatever was hiding under there didn't seem too friendly. The thugs spot you immediately, and begin to pursue you with startling tenacity. The begin to gain ground on you, and just as they begin to close in, they are cut down by a number of terrified and frantic yellow creatures with gaunt skin who appear to be putting their silver swords to anything that gets in their way, in their mad dash to escape from... something. The creatures continue on, seemingly calming down as they run. Which leaves you stranded in a maze of unfamilliar streets with seemingly no one around and no idea how to get back to the portal.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Damn shame to leave a nice sword like that behind" Kadar mutters under his breath as he keeps running down the Plaza.

[What're the running conditions like Duckluck? any debris, puddles, etc? anything coming up ahead? Spot check is below if necessary]

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 24.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Cortek knows that running is a strategy, but dropping your weapons isn't(unless you have a hidden one handy). Seeing two possible outcomes: they take his weapons and kill him anyway, since they're lying thugs. Or he kills a few of them, dies, and they get his weapons, the choice is obvious to him.

(not certain what ranges they're at, but Cortek does whatever is neccessary to get an attack off on one, Charge if he's not in range.)

9 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 26.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar and Linji:
The street are nearly deserted, and although there are a few stalls lining the street, they are empty, there owners probably at home eating supper. In the last few minutes the sky has darkened visibly (or at least as visibly as it ever is in Sigil), but the night-time predators haven't begun to to emerge yet. Or if they have, they are leaving you alone. The street itself is pitted and has plenty of strewn cobblstones but seems to be in servicable condition. Up ahead, the road opens up into a nexus of intersecting streets known as Greenwell Plaza. From there, you should be able to get to just about anywhere in the Hive.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Any of the stalls look flimsy enough to easily tip as Kadar passes?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Yes, but it would require slowing down, which, at this point, is not really an option.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Fair enough]
Kadar keeps up the pace, keeping his eyes open for anything that might prove useful/dangerous


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{I'm waiting for Dialexis before I post a reply. You're in this together, after all.}

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

In that case, Linji will slow down enough to flip over a stall (if he can attempt to do so in a standard action). With his movement of 40' and running over the past two rounds, he can now move 40' and take a standard action and be right with Kadar (as opposed to being 120' ahead).

As Linji turns back and sees Kadar falling behind, he slows down enough to a nearby flimsy stall (oh, so many options), and giving an ogre-like Ki belch, attempts to shatter a nearby stall's supporting tent and set any flammable cloth on it ablaze.

As he punches out with his left hand, his Karach seal flows over his arm, becoming the shape of a Balor's head, wreathed in flames. "As factor of the Fraternity of Order, I hearby find you guilty of perjury, and sentence your pants to burn!"

(i.e. Linji takes standard attack and punches pole/tarp, and as a swift action converts one of his 5 daily Stunning Attacks into a Fiery Fist for the round.)

By this time, Kadar has just about caught up, and Linji -hitching up his robes and resuming his evening stroll (the Karach seal melthing back to its usual form and the flames disapearing as suddenly as they came), turns to Kadar, smiling;

"Maybe lil' Teddy just wants to cuddle..."

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Bludgeoning Damage from strike (assuming with a +11 Linji can hit the unmoving tent-stall -but will roll if you want to see if he gets the 1).

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d8+2, the result is 4.
Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

So, 4, plus additional fire damage as listed below, equaling 7 points of damage.

(Does anyone know how to get more than 1 roll/post? That way, I don't have to triple/double post).

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.
Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Jinji and Kadar:
One of the supports falls, and the stall collapses, spilling it's contents into the street. Unfortunately, it currently only holds a few empty fruitcrates, and the werebear simply tramples over and past them. You aren't sure you slowed him down at all. You did, however, insure that there would be one angry fruit vender in the morning.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Jinji and Kadar:
One of the supports falls, and the stall collapses, spilling it's contents into the street. Unfortunately, it currently only holds a few empty fruitcrates, and the werebear simply tramples over and past them. You aren't sure you slowed him down at all. You did, however, insure that there would be one angry fruit vender in the morning.

{Also, you can do what JOR does, which is have it roll three times and then add the modifier yourself.}

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

"Well" Linji says, between gulping breaths as he and Kadar are running, "It seems Teddy-bear doesn't like fruitcakes."

OOC: I got that, but my issue is when I need to roll a d20, d8, and then a d6, each with different modifiers (as in the case above). Oh, by the way -this campaign is great!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[Shhh, you'll jinx it. I don't know what to tell you. You can always use if you want. That's what most message boards do.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Kadar grins back at Linji, "Silly teddy, probably won't want cabbage either. We'd better drop him off along the way. Can you think of somewhere nice?"

[I've just got an Excel spreadsheet with a random number generator for multiple rolls. Is that OK with you Duckluck?]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

{Honestly, Invisible Castle is pretty easy to use, once you have it bookmarked. Just use that.}

You hurry down the street toward Greenwell Plaza, which appears to be strangely deserted. Behind you, the beast lumbers on, showing no sign of stopping. Your hunter's instincts tell you that something is wrong. You can't help but feel that the brute is herding you.

Linji: You hurry on toward the deserted plaza, and begin to realize that the beast is behaving oddly. You can't help but wonder if "Bovinity" might be a more accurate summation of the nature of "cowhood."

{Sorry, but I'm going to have to leave you hanging for a while. I don't want you getting too far ahead of the other players.}

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

Ok, that's cool by me -I'll wait to reply IC till we have the others get "in-synche" with us time-wise.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[How far apart are the walls here? can I climb? Won't do anything until you give us the word but I guess you can see where I'm going with this.]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Game: In the Spire's Shadow

[You're in a real street, and there aren't any convienently climable surfaces in sight.]

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