Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Nordom was there. Ylem was there as well. Also, Widget, Gear, Boxer, Strontium 90...

Oh, right, right, we've already been over this. Well, let us skip ahead shall we?

The location, Limbo. More specifically the Inn Beyond, an anarch run and operated inn that spiraled through the soup with no rhyme or reason. At this time the Inn was filled with hundreds of modrons sectioned off into groups. Some groups were arranged according to skill (one room was filled with modrons whose sole skill was computing figures) while others were arranged with seemingly no logical reasoning.

In the room which we shall watch, however, there were only four of the little boxes. Well, two boxes, one ball, and one massive humanoid, a being so large that the anarchs of the inn had to construct the room specifically with it in mind. The former Secundus known as Pariah loomed over the two other modrons who were of the standard box-like quadrone variety. One floated nearly a foot off the ground, buoyed aloft by his psionic aversion to the ground’s touch. The other was a more standard appearing affair, though there was something strange and unsettling about the precision and perfection with which it moved. These three modrons were all watching the last modron, a tiny sphere with a monocle and a bandana who would soon be known by every modron in the multiverse as “Eye”.

“You must be Optimal, Pariah, and Berk.” As the monodrone spoke it nodded minutely to each of them, identifying them, acknowledging them, proving it knew who it was speaking about when it spoke. “I have already introduced myself to you, but I am called Eye.”

“I have come to you, on this day at this place, to ask you to be a part of my vision. A new collective, a new hierarchy, it is right at our fingertips.” The monodrone smiled as it wiggled its wings, demonstrating that it lacked fingers. “I am sure you have questions, and this is the time to ask them. Know that I will ask you to join me at the conclusion of the question asking, and in so doing you will be a part of this new Order. Now also that if you refuse, you may leave unharmed and unmolested by myself or any that I am affiliated with.” The monodrone walked over and sat itself in a single chair that was obviously meant for a creature of its stature.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

The warrior-box paused and began clicking for some time. Optimus was unprepared for the line of questioning and it took several moments for him to process the new information. "A Question:" he said at length, "What is the nature and/or purpose of this new hierarchy? As an addendum, is it your intention to challenge the existing hierarchy?"
As he spoke, Optimus's eyes flicked about the room, scanning it and determining tactical advantages of certain areas, physical integrity of the room's constructions, and, most importantly, the threat value of the other three constructs.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Berk sat and listened to Eye's speech, at the same time closely watching his fellows. This was the first time he had been near a modron that was not bent on his capture or destruction. It felt good to be in the company of other modrons again. It felt... right.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Eye smiled a modron smile, his single darkly-colored lens obscuring any view of emotion given off by his single eye.

“The purpose of our new hierarchy…,” the modron mused as it mulled over the question. “You have all felt it… the emptiness associated with being “an individual” the purposelessness. This is our purpose. We are creatures of Structure, beings of Order. We require each other to survive, to find our purpose. This is its purpose and our purpose.”

When next the modron spoke its voice was firm and strong. “We will not seek out war with Him,” and they knew of whom he spoke, “but there are some beings that will not look kindly upon our creation of this new hierarchy. We will have to make plans on how to defend ourselves against outside threats and against threats that may stem from within.”

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Optimus considered this for a moment. "Analysis of this statement concludes that you expect considerable violent reaction to this plan. Analysis of level of planning to this point concludes you have put considerable effort and/or thought into this matter before this meeting. Comparison of conclusions reveals subsequent inference: You have identified concrete threats already and have made plans to counter them. An educated tactical process, Master Eye, and one that this unit would contribute positively to, according to majority of assessments."
The warrior-cube pauses for a second during which a whirring series of clicks issued from his torso, reminiscent of a crossbow being wound. Heavy shutters which served as eyelids narrowed the rogue's eyes, "It would also follow that Master Eye has a purpose established for these three units already or else they would not be thus separated." He blinks slowly, a gesture which in a biological creature might be construed as clearing one's head. "Self-preservation and safety failsafes compel this inquiry, Master Eye, this unit begs you not to react negatively to this unit's questions."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Pariah blinked and looked toward the monodrone. Yes, it had been speaking to it. The secundus had not even noted that it was being addressed, it at first seeming so strange that a monodrone should be communicating with it. A new heirarchy. After so many years, a new chance to regain... purpose. Function. An acceptable proposition.

But was it logical that the highest of modrons, second only to Primus itself, should obey orders issued from the most basic caste? My organizational parameters have been expanded beyond original constraints. I am no longer secundus in rank, only in essence. This unit is no longer monodrone in rank. Its goals are acceptable and therefore its directives are acceptable.

"Designation: Eye, how shall said heirarchy be organized?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Eye smiled. "Technically, Master Optimal, you did not actually voice any questions. You are right, I have anticipated some rather considerable resistance. But my plans have been in motion for quite some time, and I am confident that any such threats can be countered."

"Do not apologized for questioning, it is important as this shall be as much your heirarchy as mine. All of yours."

The monodrone turned to Pariah its voice seeming to reverberate with authority. "Currently some of your fellows are discussing the layout for the new heirarchy. Ideally it would be a heirarchy of equals, but that is up to those great minds who I have assigned to brainstorm. Note, when their planning is done it will be submitted to all of the members of the new heirarchy for approval."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

The monodrone waited a few moments before speaking, in case any of the others had more questions to ask. "Do you all agree to join this cause? Do not make this decision because of me, do it for yourselves. If yo uhave no more questions we will move on to your roles in this grand scheme."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Optimus thinks for a minute, reflecting on his linear evolution since leaving the Hierarchy (Hierarchy 1, he designated it) and the absent factor of his current existence that caused him such illogical distress. Instructor La'zaander had called this motivation "soul-searching," but Optimus had neither a soul nor the means to navigate and evaluate such a philosophical space if he had one. To the warrior-cube, his motivation was the same as any other modron, to perfect his work and find his proper and functional place in a system. He had no system, but this monodrone-form modron offered him a place in Hierarchy 2 in which he might discover a new harmony with his fellow outcasts.
"Agreed, Master Eye, this unit will accept a position in a new Hierarchy, and is prepared for assignments immediately upon acceptance."
Optimus had encountered tales of individuals who accepted new designations when engaging in new subsections of their lives. Perhaps he should develop a new designation to formalize his participance in Hierarchy 2.

OOC: Reading the recent posts in Eye for an Eye, there is some confusion between Optimal the psion and Optimus the fighter. I have a new name I could take if you want, Primus, to save your, albeit supreme, attention from unnecessary conflicts. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Let it be known that I don't care at all whatsoever. In fact, the Eye for an Eye ROgue Squadron crossover special should be fun!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

OOC: You could always just add a "Prime" to the end of your name. And then polymorph into an eighteen-wheeler.

"I will cooperate with this new heirarchy. It requires further investigation. Sufficient data is, however, present to formulate an initial cooperative motive."

"A query: How may said heirarchy be comprised of 'equals' when constituent units of said heirarchy have diverged significantly from the standard parameters of their respective stations? The concept is illogical, as the patterns of conformity have dissolved in our forms following our expulsion from the Mechanus heirarchy."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"Do you all agree to join this cause? Do not make this decision because of me, do it for yourselves. If yo uhave no more questions we will move on to your roles in this grand scheme."

Berk thought over his response. So many variables, so many unpredictable events that such an undertaking could cause.
But the promise of a new Hierarchy at the end of the road...
"Self will assist you in the construction of a new Hierarchy." Berk bleeps out.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"That is the point, is it not, Master Pariah?" Eye said evenly, "Now that we have all been removed from the collective there is no clear cut way to determine superiority. You are, in shape a Secundus, but that does not make you any more apt to lead than I. We are all unique and each of us counts just as much as the next, that is what I forsee for the new collective."

The modron shifted its weight slightly and nodded. "Excellent, I am glad to have you all onboard for this. Now, your mission at this juncture is one of utmost importance and terrible peril. It is one I would not ask of you if I did not believe that you had the skills required to succeed."

"In order to fuel the new collective, I have been searching out a power source of lawful energy. Besides a full out frontal assault on the Infinity Web, a suicide manuever, I have come up with a plan. The archons of Celestia have agreed, I am currently sending Unit 45, Dee-Six, and Strontium 90 to Celestia in order to bargain with them for a portion of the Evergleaming Light of Pistis Sophia. Unfortunatly, the Baatezu have not been as forthcoming and subterfuge is in order. By purifying the Light of Celestia with the Flame sof Mephistopheles, a potent power of evil, a properly untainted energy can be formed, one with which we may build our new heirarchy from the ground up. You are to retrieve the Flames of Cania and return here with them."

"A proper vessel will be needed, however. An eladrinai artificer by the name of Everdark-Moon of Arborea has crafted just such a vessel, you will need to retrieve it before travelling to Baator. I will provide you with a portal key from Sigil to Sylvania, and from there you must find a way to Pelion. Everdark dwells in an abandoned titans tower, always vigilant for that force which destroyed those ancient beings who once dwelled on that ashen plain.

At the time of your infiltration, there will be a Tanar'ri strike deep into the heart of Baator. The strike is merely a diversionary measure intended to direct the Duke of that layer away from yourselves. The flames are locked below the glacier that holds the Duke's fortress, you will have to find a way to extract it while there - only a tiny bit of that power is needed. The eladrinai will be able to assist you in planning your mission, he has studied the Lords of the Nine for centuries, fearful of the power of Law and Evil and its ability to damage his home of Good and Chaos."

"I suppose you have questions about this assignment, but please be quick. This expedition will take a great deal of time and we must hurry before those powers which wish us to fail focus upon our plans."


Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Optimus froze at the assignment, even his internal whirring ceased momentarily. Then he recalled La'zaander's teachings, Whenever you come to two paths, take the more difficult for it leads to purification. This saying always seemed harmonious to Optimus, though he was still not sure of its meaning. Though he only saw one exit from the room, he supposed there were two metaphorical paths before him and the decision-causality that would take him to Cania was indeed more difficult than a safe return to Sigil and his training.
"This unit will travel to Cania, Master Eye, and return with the Flames," removing his double-sword Primary from its scabbard at his side, he held the blades outward in the salute La'zaander had taught him. "Optimus the Warrior and Smith will cotinue on this mission until its ending or his." That had a nice ring to it, he decided, like a real noble warrior.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Pariah pondered momentarily at the mention of tanar'ri, for the forces of chaos and evil had been the cause of its expulsion from the modron order. Were it capable of a greater range of emotions, it might have felt a need for retribution before deciding that Tenebrous' attack on Regulus had served for its benefit, as it opened its eyes to the greater multiverse. Pariah, however, was not presently capable of such emotion, and so it proceeded on. Emotions represented variation in behavior, which was undesirable. Pariah, however, realized that it, too, represented variation in behavior, and so it promptly updated its behavioral output modes to allow for greater expression of subjective reactions to sensory input.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"Master Berk?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Berk floated in thought for a moment before responding.
"Status: 100% physical integrity. Psionic reserves at full capacity." There is a slight grinding noise followed by a pause. "Ready and awaiting departure."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"Excellent," Eye said.

"The portal to Elysium is in a nearby city. Unfortunately, this means that you will have to brave the soup in order to reach it. I have inquired with the purveyors of this establishment and they have no Anarchs that can aid you, but they do have a guide who can get you where you need to go." The little modron nodded towards the door where a small creature wearing a robe that seemed to be made of tomato sauce stood. The creature laughed and chittered and danced and vibrated all at once.

The modrons looked at Eye in shock. "They say its name is Corl and it is skilled at navigating the currents of this plane of nondirection and madness. Our hosts assure me that while its chaotic nature is quite... unnerving, it is trained well enough not to cause any undo problems."

The chaos imp flipped upside down, turned, ran out of the room and then suddenly ran out from some drapes on the other side of the room and dove at Optimus. The modron made a move as if to defend itself but the imp was not attacking. Its body melded seamlessly into the scabbard which Optimus had affixed to its back.

Eye coughed and looked somewhat sheepish. "Yes, they explained that it would do that..... The imp is trained not to interfere with your weapon, no matter what shape the blade takes it should still cut sharp and true. From within it will guide you to the city of Mirage where the ortal is located. The portal key is a pinch of cinnamon, I had the anarchs create a small amount of the spice for you." Eye moved its wings in a rather strange manner and somehow managed to pull a packet of cinnamon out of almost no where.

"Do any of you have any experience in manipulating Limbo? If so then please speak up."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"Self currently possess no training in the manipulation of chaos matter."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Optimus did not look pleased, if modrons ever do look pleased, at the explanation. His sword was his life, to have it inhabited by so vile a... thing was a very uncomfortable prospect. "This unit is also without shaping experience," he said to Eye, and then paused as if deciding whether to continue. "This unit has already pledged to undergo this task," he said at length, "but is there not a more suitable recepticle for our guide. Something which is, perhaps, not of integral importance to the primary function and purpose of swodsman Optimus?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Berk sat and watched as the tiny chaos being fused with the swaord, and listened to Optimus's response.
Berk holds up a small topaz gem in the shape of a gear.
"If it is nessicary, my psicrystal may be used. Self can forsee no impairments from such a use."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Eye looked slightly uncomfortable. "Well, you see, it seems to have made its choice. If you can coax it out and convince it to reposition itself then it should be no problem what it inhabits, but that would be the only way I can foresee extpelling it. Or some sort of magical expulsion technique."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

"Well time is of the essence so I will give you a quick lesson in Chaos Shaping." The monodrone stamped its foot and the far walls of the room, the wall which seperated the modrons from the "outside" suddenly vanished into nothingness.

Chaos swelled forward and backwards and around Fire and steam and air and squid and memory and love and Roger Smith all poured into the room and threatened to add Pariah, Optimal, Eye, and Berk to that list (though Pariah could swear the for a moment he saw himself in that soup).

Wis checks to control the damn Limbo.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

OOC: roll: 12 + 1(wis mod) = 13


Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Wisdom check = 15 (no modifier)

"Primary will be an acceptable recepticle for the mission, though it is an undesirable circumstance," Optimus says in a burbling, high-pitched voice through the chaos soup. His words turn to salmon before the eyes of the other rogues and fight the current upstream.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Primus stares at Rhys accussingly... an entire month and you can't make ONE Wisdom check?

The little monodrone tapped its foot again as the roar of liquid reality poured in, stopping mere inches from Pariah's face, a tentacle of water reaching out to brush the ex-Secundus seductively.

"An unsuccessful lesson," the monodrone said without any sort of emotion coming into its voice. "Do not worry, it is a simple thing. Imagine the Soup as a jumbled filing cabinet. Merely rearrange it, each piece fits into each other piece. Imagine it as a puzzle or a game and you will find true mastery of this seemingly chaotic morass."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Pariah, seemingly staring off into space (OOC: your guess is as good as mine, I was totally lost), comes back to reality.

"I am attempting now." The modron's mind approaches the situation as it had approached the organization of Regulus for ages. Begin with the central source of the directive impulse, and allow the resultant wave of compliance to effect the desired result. Like gears turning in Mechanus, reality, foul chaos itself even, would conform to regularity.

3 Bonus for Wisdom modifier to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 7.
Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

More Will Saves for those attempting to do it. As soon as one of you passes you'll have a safe bubble to travel in.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

OOC: wis check: 9+1=10

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Will save? I thought it was a Wisdom check.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Ooops, yea, Wis Check. And since we keep failing, whoever posts next can assume that they took twenty and took a number of minutes to pull it off.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: I, Modron "Rogue Squadron"

Optimus focuses his mind on the task at hand, equating, metaphorically, the swirl of chaos before him with the metal items he shaped so long ago. He had heard more imaginative races describe the shaping of an inanimate material (though the roiling mass of bedlam before him stretched his previous definition of "inanimate") as "molding" or "sculpting." In the humble opinion of this warrior-craftsman, they couldn't be more wrong.
Everything in the multiverse had shape and purpose underneath it, the the complexities of such places as Limbo often masked those shapes. Looking at the soup around him, Optimus forced himself to see it as the ordered room he knew lurked behind the feathered lamps and sdancing voices. Slowly, the soup thinned and Optimus stood in a wide circle of plain wooden boards, such as one might find in a kitchen or study.
"Sufficient education appears to have been reached, Master Eye. It is the recollection of this unit that the assignment may therefore commence soon, a conclusion determined most favorable considering the scope of the traveling. With the assistance of the guide provided this unit awaits permission to complete its objective."

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