Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule hefts its mace heavily. It narrows its eyes, if only to emulate a humanoid's battlefield menace. "Tactical prognosis is favorable for heirarchy. Hostiles designated 'ninjas' have highly unlikely chance for success in this encounter. Surrender your attack immediately."

KJ, taking a cue from Ki, readies its action to smash another ninja should they ignore good modron sense (and the advice of the tactical module).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Sidrem - having no such interest in capturing... is moving to flank one of the ninjas as they listen to the members of his unit who are 'talking' to them. Should they refuse the offer - they will be eliminated as threats.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Round #4 - Box-in-Bloom

Now that the tiefer (their only ally in this yet-to-be-determined realm) has regained consciousness, Box-in-Bloom stands with her brothers against the threat. The wand is returned to its rightful place and both hands find their fighting grip upon her masterwork spear.

A sharp whirr-click-snap alerts her usually peaceful flutter of spire butterflies to prepare for a fight. Her butterflies respond with menacing hisses and flashes of angry colour.

While it doesn't sound all that intimidating, I've personally spoken with some VERY well-traveled Sensates who have confirmed that a flutter of angry Spire butterflies is as serious as a swarm of killer bees... and they put on a much better showing. (d4 damage/round, automatic hit!)

OOC: Ready a melee attack against the first ninja who so much as blinks the wrong way. The Spire butterflies will attack anyone who threatens Boxy.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The ninjas looked at the mostly undamaged modrons for a moment and then glanced at the few strands of smoke that had once been their allies. They shared a glance and then, as one, threw down small black pellets at their feet. The motions activated the modrons’ readied actions, four strikes, three ninjas reduced to nothing but wisps of smoke. The two shadow warriors that survived the lawful onslaught release their pellets, releasing an acrid black smoke that engulfs them and the modrons.

When the smoke clears the exemplars find themselves alone on the rooftop, those surviving ninjas having vanished. The tiefling, now fully cognizant, glances around at the group and then at the bloody crossbow lying at its side (pushed out by the healing spell) and grunts. “What happened?”

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule complies with the question. "This heirarchy arrived at this place unknowingly. You were encountered, designation: Tiefling. The heirarchy was attacked by approximately twelve hostiles, designation: Ninjas. A ninja attacked Ki. Tiefling destroyed a ninja. A ninja attacked me. I attacked a ninja. Nordom attacked Tiefling. A ninja attacked Nordom..." [and so on through the entire battle]
"...And then Tiefling requested an account of the most current events." Not waiting for a response, Kilojoule immediately asks, "What is your self-designation, Tiefling? What is this location? How did you come to be here? What is the identity of the hostiles designated as ninjas? Why did Nordom shoot you with its crossbows?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Right behind Ki, the darkly painted modron leaned forward - attempting to look slightly intimidating. "Designation tiefling is currently considered unknown element. Threats to this party will upgrade status to hostile. Unexplained movements will upgrade status to hostile. Further information regarding situational variables may downgrade status to non-hostile, or friendly. Recommendation is to sit and allow repair."

He looked to the other modron. "Unit Nordom will explain logic in designating tiefling hostile?"

After Nordom explains, Sidrem looks to Boxy. "After exchange of designations, this unit requires minor repair if resources are available?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki nods and says "I too would like an explanation."

Ki looks at Box-in-Bloom and says "I need healing as well please, the damage is not so bad as to require immediate attention but it's always good to be prepared."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Nordom looked at the rogue rogue, its eyes dialating...

"Please excuse recent error in judgement. Nordom occasionally suffer chaos attacks. Nordom has recently updated behavioral sub-routines to minimize attacks. Attacks will not occur again."

Nordom then focuses its attention to the tiefling. "Apologies, teifling. Nordom was not in full control of Nordom's behavioral sub-routines at time of attack. Nordom promises such behavrior will not occur again. Chance that said teifling will accept apology......0.06%. Chance said teifling will kill Nordom during nocturnal rejuvanation period.....99.999999%."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The tiefling glared at Nordom and rubbed his wound. He blinked his eyes, trying to clear some momentary dizziness, and clapped his hand on his forehead. “Quit yer yammerin’, rorty cubes,” the tiefer swore, “Name o’ the factol, my head aches and my shoulder burns like I got bit by the Lady.”

After a loud sigh and a shake of the head, the tiefer looked up at Kilojoule. “Name’s Del Mar. Least, I think that’s what you asked. Why can’t you damned boxes just speak like normal people?”

“As for where we are,” the tiefer said, suddenly coming to full alertness. His pointed ers seemed to rotate as if listening to something as he stood to his feet somewhat woozily. “We’re in a whole mess of trouble.”

And that’s when the ceiling gave way.

The modrons and the tiefling suddenly found themselves plummeting through the air, rubble and shrapnel surrounding them. A quick glance down revealed the ground dozens of stories below, that number quickly dwindling. As they fell they plummeted passed a series of cables. The tiefer, reacting quickly, reached a hand out and grabbed the cable, with a jolt.

(Reflex save to grab the cable)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: Now yer just being cruel...

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
After a loud sigh and a shake of the head, the tiefer looked up at Kilojoule. “Name’s Del Mar. Least, I think that’s what you asked. Why can’t you damned boxes just speak like normal people?”

"Hypothetical. We aren't normal people." Sidrem said, revealing hints of a very dry sense of humor as he said it with a smile.

“As for where we are,” the tiefer said, suddenly coming to full alertness. His pointed ers seemed to rotate as if listening to something as he stood to his feet somewhat woozily. “We’re in a whole mess of trouble.” (Reflex save to grab the cable)
ooc: 12 + whatever my reflex save is...

"...what is that supposed t... EH!" Sidrem yelped as the ground suddenly gave way...

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

As the floor gives way Ki says "oh, da..." before falling

OOC:my reflex save is 20(rolled 16+2 base+2 dex) and this is rather cruel, most of us don't have good reflex saves.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Question impossible to answer. We are not normal people because we were formed from the collective Modron energy pool. A normal person is not a modron. A modron is not a normal person. The two are mutually exclusive states. Such a question is illogical," responded Kilojoule, even as it began to plummet downwards. Mid-sentence, it reached out with one of its arms to grasp a cable suspended in the newly-discovered void.

Reflex save: [15]+2=17

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

(Aw, guys, you don't think I'd kill you, do you? Its just so much fun giving you just enough time to ask questions and then BAM! Falling has its penalties, but convenient dumpsters/garbage trucks/vegetable carts will always occur in this realm.)

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Trouble. A state of being in which affairs run counter to what is desired. Query: Why are we...."

OOC: Ok, that's as far as Nordom gets before the ceiling gives.

Rolled 16+4 dex mod = 20.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Box-in-Bloom has little opportunity to respond before...

Reflex Save (d20+1) = 8+1 = 9

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modrons plummeted like building blocks dropped from a tremendous height. One by one they reached out their limbs and grabbed the wires as they passed, their lawful reflexes acting in the blink of an eye. There was a slight jarring sensation in their shoulder joints as the force of their fall was halted and then they were hanging there. One tiefling and one… two… three… four… four… four….

Box-in-Bloom missed her catch and she plummeted like a glowing ball of metal and neon lights, the butterflies clinging to her vegetation in a frightened manner. She plummeted for what seemed like forever. As the ground welled up, the modron unconsciously closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt her fall begin to slow and she opened her eyes…

Back atop the conveniently placed and completely aesthetic wires the tiefling gazed at the modrons. “None of this is real!” he shouted at them, “We’re trapped in a pocket universe inside a bauble that I just purchased from A’kin! A Night of Action, he called it. I had the key in me pocket, but it seems to have given me the slip! We’re in a whole heap o’ trouble here, lil boxes, a whole heap o’ trouble….”

“Please remain calm, Mr. Del Mar, my good man. I am so deeply sorry for this trouble that you seem to be in,” a soothing voice said as a pair of tiny glowing hands floated towards the modrons, carrying Box-in-Bloom between them. “I will have you out of this predicament in one moment.”

The universe seemed the shimmer and then collapse in on itself. All six of the people (and the dozen or so magic insects) all suddenly found themselves lying on the sidewalk. The ‘Friendly Fiend’ sign was brightly visible above them and a dog-headed figure in long green robes stood over them, bowing and looking completely and utterly apologetic.

“I am so so sorry, to all of you, please, please, come inside. I will put on a pot of tea and you may all rest and relax. I am so terribly sorry for the inconvenience. Here you go, Sir Del Mar, I have salvaged your purchase and picked up the key that you dropped. Now all of you, please come inside,” the fiend’s manner was that of a mother who was frightened that her children had nearly been injured. As he led the modrons into the building he immediately went into the back and vanished for a few moments.

The Friendly Fiend’s establishment was a wonderful place. The room seemed much larger on the inside than the out, but this was accomplished through proper use of space. Each of the walls was covered in shelves stacked full of books, baubles, oddments, and trinkets. The floor was covered in a wide circular rug that seemed to shift in color with each glance. A number of quite comfortable chairs sat arrayed around the room for the comfort of its customers.

A few moments later the purveyor of the establishment reentered the room, a teapot in his hands and a set of glasses floating magically behind him. “Here you go, sirs and missus, it is my own blend,” A‘kin poured tea into each of the floating glasses which floated into the modron’s hands, “I am so deeply sorry. I hope none of you were grievously wounded by the ‘Night’. What may I do for you all to make you more comfortable?”

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

... light... detect magic... flare... obscuring mist... entangle... nothing. Butterflies sizzle and crackle in alarm. Several settle in her foliage and flap their wings frantically, trying to instill flight in their beloved friend... to no avail. The ground races to meet her... panic...

Negative acceleration? Her butterflies couldn't... something else. She opens her eyes and find herself carried, saved from death, by... a pair of glowing, disembodied hands?

And suddenly she is safe, though sprawled unflatteringly on the sidewalk outside A'kin's shop. Safe. The fiend's attitude is completely disarming and she finds that she cannot maintain a suspicious thought. Of course it was an accident. Tea would be lovely.

"Would I... would I have died?" Boxy's obviously shaken.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The arcanaloth's eyes lowered sadly. He paused for a few moments, "Yes, it is entirely possible that you could have been destroyed by the fall. The item is made to create a quite lethal simulation that scales its difficulty to the skill level of those within it. It is quite lucky that I was able to locate the item key in time."

A'kin. The Friendly Fiend. The jackal-headed yugoloth was a living legend around the Cage. He and his shop had existed as long as anyone could remember - and some in Sigil could remember back a long long time. Noone trusted him behind his back, but when confronted with him, when speaking face to face with that muzzle full of sharp fangs, one couldn't help but trust him. It wasn't some magical enchantment that did it, A'kin was merely that polite and trustable.

The arcanaloth clicked his clawed fingernails on the wooden table. "I am sorry mistress, would your 'pets' require something to eat? I have a bouquet of Arborean glow-roses... they have a sweet magical pollen that I am told by some of my insectoid associates is quite delicious."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Query: Are you the arcanoloth designated 'A'kin'?" asked Kilojoule. "We were directed to this location for the purpose of delivering a correspondence to you from the leader of our new modron heirarchy, designated Eye."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Indeed I am," A'kin said, bowing to Kilojoule. "Ah, you were sent by Eye? How is the cycloptic little orb doing these days?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Back atop the conveniently placed and completely aesthetic wires the tiefling gazed at the modrons. “None of this is real!” he shouted at them, “We’re trapped in a pocket universe inside a bauble that I just purchased from A’kin! A Night of Action, he called it. I had the key in me pocket, but it seems to have given me the slip! We’re in a whole heap o’ trouble here, lil boxes, a whole heap o’ trouble….”
Sidrem stared at the tiefer as he hung from the wire. "While a suitable explination of the current course of event there is no evidence to support or deny such a concl..." Before he was interrupted out of thin air, so to speak...

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
“Please remain calm, Mr. Del Mar, my good man. I am so deeply sorry for this trouble that you seem to be in,” a soothing voice said as a pair of tiny glowing hands floated towards the modrons, carrying Box-in-Bloom between them. “I will have you out of this predicament in one moment."
Sidrem blinked as it turns out the tiefer's conclusions were in fact correct. As he picked himself off the ground he offered a hand to Mr. Del Mar, with a small bow. "Your conclusions regarding the scenario were quite accurate. There is a justified need for an apology regarding my prior threat. I apoologize. You are upgraded to friendly status... Perhaps we may speak later?"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
“I am so so sorry, to all of you, please, please, come inside. I will put on a pot of tea and you may all rest and relax. I am so terribly sorry for the inconvenience. Here you go, Sir Del Mar, I have salvaged your purchase and picked up the key that you dropped. Now all of you, please come inside,” the fiend’s manner was that of a mother who was frightened that her children had nearly been injured.

A few moments later the purveyor of the establishment reentered the room, a teapot in his hands and a set of glasses floating magically behind him. “Here you go, sirs and missus, it is my own blend,” A‘kin poured tea into each of the floating glasses which floated into the modron’s hands, “I am so deeply sorry. I hope none of you were grievously wounded by the ‘Night’. What may I do for you all to make you more comfortable?”

Sidrem sat, analyzing the contents of his tea cup as he took in just how risky their situation had been. It's about this point that he concludes the hierarchy could stand in use of alternate forms of transportation in just such a situation. The 'spells' that some of the less durable used such as 'feather fall' of 'flying' would come in handy. "... we survived the Night suitably, without extensive or unrepairable injury..." Sidrem nodded to Akin, "Supply gaps in our current outfitting were indicated by the scenarios presented. Query: Was the Night designed by yourself?"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
"Indeed I am," A'kin said, bowing to Kilojoule. "Ah, you were sent by Eye? How is the cycloptic little orb doing these days?"
Sidrem spoke up again, "The Eye finds itself in construction of it's own heirachy."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"No, no, I purchased it off of a Sensate who had come upon hard times, as of late," A'kin responded, "I do not know where he had found the device."

A'kin sipped at a tea cup and stood up, walking across the room to tap at the side of a glass jar for a moment. There was a slight yipping noise coming from the jar and the arcanaloth smiled pleasently as he turned back to the modrons.

"Its own hierarchy, eh?" he asked, nodding sagely, "An interestig notion. And you are its assistants in this endeavor?" he asked, no note of prodding in his voice, merely mild curiosity,

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki was generally not the talkative type, he often found himself worrying over what to say and getting left behind in conversations. Content to let the others do the talking Ki took the opportunity to stand in one place and look at the various interesting thing A'kin had on display.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

At the mention of Arborean glow-roses, the usual hiss and crackle of the Spire butterflies is replaced with a cat-like purring. The entire flutter races to the bouquet and a small battle ensues over who gets the pink one. Boxy's content to let them sort it out amongst themselves.

Boxy takes mental note to do something about future falling threats. She'll ask A'kin about it after the current task is resolved.

"Assistants?" Boxy appears uncomfortable with this appellation. "As you have likely heard already, Eye has called many of Sigil's Modron population together to some vague purpose. I have not decided if I fully support Eye. More data is required."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

“Indeed?” A’kin asked sipping his tea, neither confirming nor denying the modron’s assumption that he knew about the modron meeting.

“Well, what brings you all to my humble place of business?” he asked, sipping his tea slowly as he clicked his long black claws against the porcelain of the cup.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

I have to say I'm stumped.

You have a single objective at the moment. Deliver the letter to A'kin. You have the letter? Check. You have A'kin? Check.

And the game is stalled... this bothers me immensely.

I WILL institute crazy time if this continues... I'm sure A'kin has something in his shop that can kick your asses. AN oven that continually belches forth pastry elementals or something... if he gets bored and leaves who knows what could happen... EYe'll need another set of rogues to do this particular job.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC:I would like to note that I'm around but Ki isn't very talkative.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Boxy's far more talkative, as long as you're willing to put up with her uncertain nature.

Pastry Elementals? I'm so tempted to not post just to see them!!!

"As Brother Kilojoule has stated, we are here to deliver this correspondence to you at Eye's request." Boxy begins to offer the letter, pauses, then completes the gesture uncomfortably. "Here."

"We were... not instructed to wait for a reply..."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
I have to say I'm stumped.
One word: flu.

(Or something remarkably simular - it wiped me out and I'm finally getting back together.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
"Its own hierarchy, eh?" he asked, nodding sagely, "An interestig notion. And you are its assistants in this endeavor?" he asked, no note of prodding in his voice, merely mild curiosity,

Sidrem nodded seriously, "We are agreed to such for the moment."

"Boxy" wrote:
"As Brother Kilojoule has stated, we are here to deliver this correspondence to you at Eye's request." Boxy begins to offer the letter, pauses, then completes the gesture uncomfortably. "Here." "We were... not instructed to wait for a reply..."

Sidrem finished his cup of tea, neatly placing the cup precisely in the center of the fiend's fine china saucer, and took a moment even to align the handle of the cup with the handle of the pot. "... we are not unwilling to convey reply if such exists. Though minor compensation would be to the betterment - our transportation awaits us outside."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"One moment, please," A'kin said to the modrons, raising a single claw as he quickly openned the missive and glanced over its contents. For once the arcanaloth's mask of calm and courtesy cracked, a look of shock and surprise seemed to cross his face and then he crumpled the paper and tightly closed his eyes. The arcanaloth shook his head vigorously.

"He asks for what I cannot give," the shopkeep said to no one in particular, his eyes gazing passed the modrons at something unseen and unknown.

"I am sorry that you have come this way for nothing and put yourself in harms way for no reason, but what Eye asks is impossible. I cannot and I will not comply. Please, deliver my apologies to Eye, but he had to realize that this was the way I would react, he had to have known I would not do what he asked."

A'kin sat down in one of the nearby chairs and sipped some tea, his claws tapping against the cup nervously.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
"He asks for what I cannot give," the shopkeep said to no one in particular, his eyes gazing passed the modrons at something unseen and unknown. "I am sorry that you have come this way for nothing and put yourself in harms way for no reason, but what Eye asks is impossible. I cannot and I will not comply. Please, deliver my apologies to Eye, but he had to realize that this was the way I would react, he had to have known I would not do what he asked." A'kin sat down in one of the nearby chairs and sipped some tea, his claws tapping against the cup nervously.

Siderm blinked - gears whirring in the side of his box. *Analysis suggest shock. Apprehension. Guilt. Secondary rogue tactical systems suggest target may be vulnerable to 'social engineering'.* Sidrem blinked again - focusing on Akin before leaning forward to ask with concern.

"Are you ok?"

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Boxy smacks her hand against her forehead and mutters to herself, profanities mostly. "Sidrem. You are thinking out loud again..."

To A'kin, Boxy pleads, "Please, tell us whatever you can about Eye and what he plans. I do not like this being led about blindly. What has Eye asked?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: no he wasn't Eye-wink *internal thoughts*

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC -- Oops. Your character profile says that SIDREM sometimes sneaks but also says SNEAK SNEAK SNEAK, thereby ruining any chance he had of sneaking up on someone. So I assumed... you have to admit, it would've been pretty funny. Sorry for the confusion.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: thats ok - i'll make it obvious when he processes aloud. Eye-wink

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Has this game died?

Dretch's picture
Joined: 2004-08-14
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

NOo! Don't let it die! Its great entertainment.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Has this game died?
"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Sorry folks. I feel absolutely terrible and this has completely and utterly screwed up my posting schedule has been shot to hell. I should return within the week, but I'm not really sure. In any case, when I come back I'm probably gonna be cutting some of my games.
100% processor power allocated. Looks like you barmy boxes are gonna have to wait for Primus to get his affairs in order.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

(Back ye heathens!

: Primus takes a shoe tree to Dretch and Eco-Mono :

Calling all modrons - does anybody speak Infernal?

If you have not yet allocated your languages and suddenly decide that you speak infernal for no other reason than because I've asked then I'll give you what I gave them!

: Primus waves madly at the crushed bodies of Dretch and Eco. Wields shoe tree liberally :

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: Nope, Boxy speaks only Modron, Planar Trade (common), Sylvan, and Druidic.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Calling all modrons - does anybody speak Infernal? If you have not yet allocated your languages and suddenly decide that you speak infernal for no other reason than because I've asked then I'll give you what I gave them!

Heh. I knew I forgot something... let's see. Standard 'adventurer' languages for standard adventuring in the Planes. I should have four in addition to normal so... *muses*

Normal: common, modron
4 Bonus: Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal

Makes the most sense as Draconic is the language of magic (and magical traps), and the other three are the common outsider tounges and so could/would be useful to a SIDReM unit in espionage situations.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Anyone else really confused by what Primus just wrote? Has he relapsed into Tenebrous mode?

I've been holding off on the posting
a) because the conversation is sort of hinging on "So, any of you boxes have an interesting personality? No? Shocking, a troupe of rogue modrons that can't hold up a conversation."
b) because Primus said he was gone for a while

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Hey hey there kids. Finally, I am free to use the interweb at my leisure (Spring Break.. wooo!) Hopefully I'll kick this game in the pants.

Currently my priorities are as follows: Fixing this piece of crap computer; posting something painfully interesting in this game that will pull everyone back on board and get us rolling again; writing hooks for a BCD game; making my BCD character for Rhys and MJ.

Sadly, the first thing on that list is far harder than I thought. COmbine a 56k modem, Windows ME, a complete lack of Spyware protection, and a group of computer illiterates pounding at it while I'm away and... yea.. : FACE! :

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Good GAWD!? The leader of the modron race works on Win ME and not Unix?! *brain spazzes and explodes*

Eye-wink (We'll still be here once your comput come sout of meltdown mode...)

(PS: from a tech's perspective - I really would upgrade from ME, it's no longer supported by the help desk I work at for a reason...)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Yes, Clue... I may end up doing that. You see this is my home computer. My shiny nice dorm computer is all XP and shiny buttons and spyware protection. My home computer which I have neglected and my family has abused is... not good.

Really, I should try to switch out of using Windows... but I'm to lazy to learn Linux or Unix and using Mac is like moving ot France - it may be better, but who the hell is actually gonna do it? Besides Depp, I mean.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Mmmmmm... Depp. *has a moment of drool*

*chuckle* Actually with the computer if you *do* wipe it - in XP you can put in acounts for family members. And (assuming this is something the parentals will tolerate) - remove install rights for anyone but someone who knows what they're doing/you. Set a few auto scans going with spybot and adaware and it should become *slightly* idiot proof. Shemmie had to set that up for his little sis after she got the computer so badly hosed that their ISP blocked it from the system. (Bad kazaa - bad...)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"I am sorry, Master Sidrem. Yes, yes, I am fine. I am sorry for acting so strangely," he said with a sigh, "I was merely reminded of a rather uncomfortable event."

A'kin looked up at the modrons over the lid of his teacup and drew in a deep breath. The nervous tapping stopped as he uncrumpled the letter and then folded it neatly once more. With a slight nod, he handed the missive to Box-In-Bloom. The vegetated modron shuddered slightly at the fiend's touch; there was a venom there, a dark spiritual poison that caused her flowers to wilt a bit before straightening again. As A'kin released the note his eyes looked deep into Boxy's and he smiled a little bit. Those eyes were deep, the druidess noted, deep like endless chasms, so deep that if one were to fall in one would never be able to find their way out again. The eye contacted lasted only a moment, but Boxy was left a little stunned as she moved to unfold the letter. Meanwhile, A'kin had sat up to full height and steepled his fingers.

"Eye and I have been associates for quite some time," the arcanoloth said in a storytelling tone, "He assisted me with a small problem, and, in turn, I assisted him with a matter that would be better left unmentioned. When I first encountered him he was practically identical to yourselves and called himself Unit 0. It was not until a cycle ago that he had assumed his current shape and began referring to himself as Eye."

The shop-keep sipped at his tea as he paused for a moment. The druid-dron, having opened the missive, found herself confronted with a page full of completely indecipherable symbols. There was something almost familiar about them, but also something that hurt her eyes to look at. The modron was forced to look away, the contents of the letter remaining a mystery. As she looked up at A'kin the other modrons could see the strange baatific letters which still seemed to be reflected in her eyes. The shadow reflections remained there for a few ticks of Boxy's internal chronometer before turning to ash and vanishing. The modron blinked as the ash sprinkled to the floor and then vanished. She was about to say something when A'kin returned to his story.

"Eye has always been a kind being and he's always seemed somewhat sorrowful. I had always assumed that he was a bit lonely, some kind of remnant of his severance from the collective modron mind. Since his transformation, however, he has seemed a bit more hopeful and determined. He never discussed what happened, but it would seem that he had come up with this plan of his. It must be why he's seemed so much more optimistic as of late."

A'kin noted Boxy's discomfort and made an apologetic face. "I am sorry, I neglected to ask if you could read Infernal... those without proficiency in the language sometimes experience discomfort."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

A'kin waved his clawed hand and the letter floated back into the arcanoloth's clawed fingers. A'kin cleared his throat as he looked back over the letter.

"Dear A'kin, proprietor of the Friendly Fiend, honored friend, trusted confidant... I shall skip ahead as these extra appellations are somewhat lengthy and embarrassing.

"Your assistance is requested in a manner of utmost importance. You are aware of the location which I have been researching , the demiplane known as the Observatorium. Well, over the course of my research into this locale I have finally come across a viable lead. It appears that a Mezzoloth by the name of Iitzael was the merchant who provided some key components of the central device. The final invoice for the purchase and information on the entire project must have been recorded by the yugoloth - your people are quite diligent in their record keeping. This is where your talents come in, my friend..."

A'kin sighed and put down the note. "He wants me to utilize my link to the Tower Arcane and search out this invoice so that he can find this 'Observatorium' of his. The option, however, is not viable, I cannot connect to the Tower - the danger is far too great. Eye will have to find another way to hunt out his demiplane..."

With this thought, A'kin smiled suddenly and sat up. "Of course!" he dashed into the back and returned holding a sheet of paper covered in mysterious red scrawling. "I nearly forgot! I recently put out an order for a client for a device - its primary purpose is to locate the so-called "Demiplane of Dread" but with proper calibration it can be made to seek out the plane Eye seeks."

"The device is currently awaiting pickup at the Hands of Time. The original buyers have... vanished. If you run over there and procure it with this invoice, I could, perhaps, fine tune it for Eye."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"That is most interesting, A'kin, and I thank you for the information. Perhaps Eye wishes to use this Observatorium to find a safe haven for our kind? I hope that is the case. Nevertheless, I feel I have sufficient information to carry on."

She thinks to herself, ~Additional research into 'Observatorium' required. I still do not trust Eye.~

"The Hands of Time. Is that nearby?"

Boxy takes directions from the fiend, and commits the course to memory.

OOC: Yeah, I know. It's probably a trap or we're going to meet the folks who 'vanished' the original buyers, but let's get this moving shall we?

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