Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The slaad smiled a weird slaad grin. “Pleased to make yer acquaintance, Box – In – Bloom.” The slaad stood up, brushing the brim of its hat and gazing out across the modron assemblage. “I can probably getcha to ol’ A’kins before the hour’s ticked, if yer in a hurry. It’ll be five jink per rider, though, I’ll give you a discount,” Yarrdulence looked at Boxy with this statement, a froggy wink in his eye, “To counteract the inconvenience of sitting up top in the smog with lil ol’ me.”

The slaad chuckled at Sidrem, one of its arms patting its gut jovially. “Well met, Sidrem, I am pleased to meet you. You modrons are a curious lot, ain’tcha?”

“My story… Well, I’ve taken to calling myself a slidded slaad. I didn’t “ascend” to Goodness, nor “Fall” into evil… I slid a little bit off my natural racial kilter. Guess you boxes are slidded cubes, now ain’tcha?” Yarrdulence laughed jovially at this revelation.

And then he leaned over, quite conspiratorially, and whispered quite loudly, “And when you’re done speakin’ with the laughin’ ‘loth I’ve got a great tailor and hatter for ya’ to meet.”

“And hello to you, Ki, no questions, then? Ha, always a quiet one in every crowd! Or two, or maybe three…,” the slaad allowed his mismatched eyes to glance over Kilojoule and Nordom. “And who would you two, be?”

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
The slaad chuckled at Sidrem, one of its arms patting its gut jovially. “Well met, Sidrem, I am pleased to meet you. You modrons are a curious lot, ain’tcha?”

“My story… Well, I’ve taken to calling myself a slidded slaad. I didn’t “ascend” to Goodness, nor “Fall” into evil… I slid a little bit off my natural racial kilter. Guess you boxes are slidded cubes, now ain’tcha?” Yarrdulence laughed jovially at this revelation.

And then he leaned over, quite conspiratorially, and whispered quite loudly, “And when you’re done speakin’ with the laughin’ ‘loth I’ve got a great tailor and hatter for ya’ to meet.”

Modrons should not bounce. Modron's are not programmed to bounce. Law abiding creatures would have been abhored to *see* a modron bounce. Nevertheless the little 'hop' on his toes that Sidrem produced upon being promised a good tailor could be described as nothing less than... a bounce.

"This unit is much pleased with this suggestion." He paused, then confirmed Yarrdulence's other statement, "Confirmed - we are... seperated from the Source."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule *wirrs* as he absorbs the chaos-beast's words. "Affirmative. I have slidded from my natural racial kilter. We are separated from the Source. Reasons for this vary by unit. I am able to manipulate arcane energies. I am unique. I am not a part of the Source. Query: what is the purpose of 'a great tailor and hatter'? I would desire to experience this. It is a secondary priority, after meeting the yugoloth you have designated 'the laughin' 'loth.'"

Having stated his intentions, Kilojoule climbs aboard the wagon and sits straight ahead.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The slaad watched the modron with a quizzical look and shrugged. “Talkative little fella’ ain’t he?” the slaad said with a chuckle.

The slaad, hat, monocle, and all looked up at the sky, the dimming glow marking the time as nearing darkfall. “We shouldn’t dally too much longer, it’ll be dark and you all know how the mortals get when its dark.” Yarrdulence said placing one hand on the roof of the carriage. Tensing his leg muscles, the slaad swung over the railing, easily jumping nearly eight feet straight in the air. The slaad extended one of his large hands down to Boxy, the slaad’s extreme reach allowing him to reach the foliated modron easily while still holding the two reigns.

“All aboard Yarrdulence’s carriage of travelling! Next stop, the Lower Ward! Please keep all clockwork mechanisms inside the vehicle at all times, and all pastries inside my mouth!” The ponies shuffled somewhat excitedly by the slaad’s loud yelling which had drawn the somewhat annoyed/amused stares of nearby pedestrians.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Yarrdulence lifted Boxy, quite gently, onto the wagon. He paused for a moment to allow one of the butterflies to land on his outstretched finger then, as it flew off, patted the top of the cart, cracked his reigns, called “Hakbang Paiwas!”, and they were off.

The streets and alleys of the Clerk's Ward seemed to move by at an extreme rate. The slaad’s driving style was erratic and seemingly nonsensical, yet he always managed to avoid problem spots and (the canny-er modrons noted) was making excellent time.

During the ride, Yarrdulence inquired after Box-In-Bloom, questioning her strange colorful pets, her past, and her current plans [You can decide how much you wish to tell him about Eye and the modron liberation in yer next post]. In return, the tout volunteered a good deal of information about himself. Much of it was incomprehensible to the modron, descriptions of the Churning Chaos that would make even chaos beasts go ‘huh?’ But, he did confide that he had plans for promotion. The slaad hoped, some day, to either become a high-up blood in the Tout’s Guild or own his own Planewalking company, providing transportation services to Sigil and onwards. But currently the company was only him, his ponies Atho, Port, and Arem (and a fourth pony who was with the vet due to some upper respiratory ailment… his name was Dart) and Sigil was their domain.

[Got anymore questions on yer guide? Ask ‘em now.]

A few minutes later, the sky had just gotten dark and the carriage pulled up outside of a strange looking shop deep in the heart of the Lower Ward. The sign on the door marked it as “The Friendly Fiend”, one of the most famous trinket shops in the entire multiverse. The Lower Ward smog was unusually thin that day allowing the modrons to breath quite comfortably as they disembarked from the slaad’s tout carriage. Yarrdulence gazed down at the modrons from atop the carriage. “If you’d like me to wait here it’ll be 10gp,” he said with a toothy slaad grin, “I believe the little spiky one and I have a date with a gnome and some thread, would hate to have to cancel.”

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
During the ride, Yarrdulence inquired after Box-In-Bloom, questioning her strange colorful pets, her past, and her current plans.

Box-in-Bloom, having once briefly considered joining the Tout's Guild herself, is intrigued by the slaad. She supposes his extreme chaotic nature might put him at odds with Cagers the way her own lawful nature does. Shyly at first, but gaining confidence after speaking with the amiable slaad, Boxy inquires whether the he feels uncomfortable in the social structure of the guild; whether his chaotic nature causes friction with other guilders or with clients. She supposes that her own extreme lawful nature may cause similar friction, but she does not know for certain, and it is that fear and uncertainty which keeps her from immersing herself more fully in Sigil's society and organizations.

As this conversation about 'fitting in' progresses, she hints that some rogue modrons have taken upon themselves to build a society of their own, insulated from the rest of society but apart from Mechanus... but she's not entirely confortable with that idea, or with their leader.

In return, the tout volunteered a good deal of information about himself... The slaad hoped, some day, to either become a high-up blood in the Tout’s Guild or own his own Planewalking company, providing transportation services to Sigil and onwards. But currently the company was only him, his ponies Atho, Port, and Arem (and a fourth pony who was with the vet due to some upper respiratory ailment… his name was Dart) and Sigil was their domain.

Boxy sees a chance to make a longer-term friend while also developing a short-term relationship of mutual benefit... and informs the slaad that she has been working successfully in Sigil for a number of years now as a veternarian. She is giving up her practice to persue goals of personal development, but she would be happen to attend to Dart.

A few minutes later...[snip]... The sign on the door marked it as “The Friendly Fiend”, one of the most famous trinket shops in the entire multiverse. [snip] Yarrdulence gazed down at the modrons from atop the carriage. “If you’d like me to wait here it’ll be 10gp,” he said with a toothy slaad grin, “I believe the little spiky one and I have a date with a gnome and some thread, would hate to have to cancel.”

"If I may be so bold, my 'slidded' friend, I do believe that 10 gp is excessive. What if we only take a few moments inside? Perhaps A'kin is not present? I suggest instead that we negotiate a rate that is time-dependent." She pauses to gauge the slaad's (and her companions) reactions to the counter-offer.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The slaad made a face, giving Boxy an appraising eye. "Well, what if you don't come back at all? What if A'kin uses ya' as writing paper? Or you end up lost in Elysium? I'm left here holdin' the bag, waitin' for ya' to return. As much as I'd be saddened to see a pretty little Box like yourself get eaten by a Polite Purveyor of Paraphenalia, I could be ferrying a bevy of polite bariuar women all over the Cage during the first course. I hope you understand my predicament."

The slaad rubbed his chin. "How about four jink up front and another 1 every ten minutes?"

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"There is insufficient information available to make a definitive assessment whether this commercial arrangement is to my advantage..."

It's occasions like these that are the most difficult for modrons to cope with, and despite years of living in the Cage, it's only gotten slightly easier. One thing that has helped, oddly enough, is emotions. It's interesting how emotions can substitute for missing data.

"I accept your new terms... friend. Please wait for us here." That said, she pays him his retainer and heads into the establishment with her cubic companions.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modrons approached the door to The Friendly Fiend. The door itself was painted colorfully with a fanciful doorknocker. A wooden sign above the doorway announced the name of the establishment as did the free swinging sign above and to the right of the entryway. Box-In-Bloom placed her hand on the doorknob, and was about to open it when the door swung open of its own volition. The swinging door hit Boxy hard, knocking the modron to the ground and leaving her slightly stunned. The modrons all heard a loud yelp, a crash, and then darkness overtook them.

The modrons blinked as their eyes switched into extraspectrum mode.

They suddenly found themselves outside on top of a flat roofed building. The waning light of near darkfall Sigil had been replaced by eternal blackness of midnight. The moons (three in all) shone brightly, illuminating them in soft white light. Glancing around they discerned that they were in some large metropolis, a city that seemed to command the entire field of their vision.

In front of them a tiefling (identifiable by the rather long horns which spiraled around his temples) lay on the ground on his back. The tiefer groaned and sat up. “What in the Hells…,” the tiefer paused as he took stock of his surroundings, and then glanced passed the modrons. It clambered to its booted feet, its eyes wide, then turned and fled across the rooftop.

“Run!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, as he bounded over a seven foot gap and landed on a neighboring building.

((Reflex Save!))

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

[Ref save: rolled 7, add 2 = 9. Yuck. Best way for me to roleplay this is not to write anything - Boxy's still stunned from getting door-whacked.]

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC:reflex save from everyone? if so Ki got a 17(13 on roll+4)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Yes, everyone. If I don't get all saves by tomorrow around the time of my last post I roll for you.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: 17 + 6 = 23 - squirmy little box... descriptive post to follow after I fix dinner

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: 8+2=10 - not-so-squirmy little box

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

((Nordom’s Ref=9))

The modrons spun, a fiery light gleaming in their eyes for a moment as the meteor (As big as a house!) streaked down out of the sky. The rooftop exploded with flame as the flaming rock collided with it.

Kilojoule and Sidrem tossed themselves from the building, the heat of the fire singing their metallic bodies as they landed, somewhat shakily, on the building beside it. Ki flipped easily, its enhanced reflexes carrying it out of the explosion with nary a scratch. Box-In-Bloom and Nordom also landed on the rooftop, both in a crumpled heap. Neither of the modrons had moved quickly enough, the explosion had singed them and tossed them bodily from the rooftop. Their bodies hit the roof with a loud metallic thud.

(KJ, Sid, - 1hp damage; N, BnB – 3hp damage)

The tiefling looked over the modrons for a moment and then drew a knife. Taking aim on Ki, he drew back his arm and then sent the knife flying at the monkly modron. Ki watched as the knife arced towards him, reflexively pulling to the side even as the knife missed him. There was a noise that sounded like “hurk” and a black garbed and masked figure fell from the building; the tiefling’s knife was embedded in its chest.

“I hope you rorty cubes can fight,” the tiefling said, drawing another knife, “this is about to get hairy.”

As if to confirm the tiefer’s statement, a dozen black-garbed and masked figures were suddenly standing at the perimeter of the rooftop. They all moved silently and in unison and drew long strangely curved blades. Things were about to get hairy.


Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC:No damage for Ki? Monks get evasion at 2nd level, not 1st. Where did the Dicebot go? I've been using it for my rolls so far...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

(Oh, oops... yea, 1 damage for Ki too [Thought they got Evasion at 1]))

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Username" wrote:
OOC:Where did the Dicebot go? I've been using it for my rolls so far...

Working on it trying to clean it up a bit, it was having some layout issues.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Nordom stiffened, and its gear spirit lens positioned itself over Nordom's left eye. Nordom cocked both gear spirit crossbows and assumed an offensive stance.

OOC: Rolled a ten + four (dex) = 14.

"Danger to present heirarchy emminent. Unacceptable. Nordom must ensure safety of companions."

OOC: I'm so sorry guys that I've gone AWOL for so damn long. I haven't had time to post anything anywhere. I haven't forgotten the game, I swear. I promise to post more often starting now.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

And that's time. Your rolls are now in my hands.

New rule: If we're in a sequential setting (i.e. initiative) you get two days to post your turn. If you do not then you forfeit your right to act (and probably draw the attacks of enemies seeing an easy target)

Kilojoule - 21 (Goes first)
Ki - 21 (Second)
Boxy - 21
Tiefer - 16
Nordom - 14
Ninjas - 12
Sidrem - 9

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: Makes sense, though if we expect/forsee a long delay (family holidays) can we also give you a rough outline of what we'd do in advance?

Sidrem scanning the rooftop immediately sees a number of difficulties. No place to run, a tactical disadvantage in being surrended, and a strong potential for magical assaults to endanger them all from area affects.

He reached back towards a few of the larger spikes attached to the sides of his box and drew them out, revealing theses spikes at least to be a nasty dagger and another to be a sword. The rogue, listening to the others of the party... stepped back and lowered himself just the slightest to prepare an attack when the enemy was most engaged with another...

ooc: Aka: Flank and backstab baby, flank and backstab.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Of course, Clue. I'm not trying to be a hardass, I just want to keep the game's momentum going. I'm a fairly reasonable personification of Order. Much cooler than that cardboard box kilderkin guy.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule spots the approaching combatants. "Hostile entities threaten survival," then to the others, it says, "Prepare defense of this unit." With swift mechanical motions, Kilojoule spins its hands around each other and then reaches out with its right. From its gloved palm shoots a small, compact green sphere which streaks toward the nearest masked figure.

Lesser Acid Orb
ranged touch attack [15]+2=17
damage = 1d8 = 6 acid damage

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

A dozen ninjas. Woof.

Boxy blinks. Twice. No means of escape, no diplomatic alternatives. The only remaining alternative is combat, so she resolves herself to swift action. She speaks a few short words in Druidic...

[Flare, cast on any obvious spellcasters, otherwise, on the nearest unclaimed ninja.]

[Flare -- ranged attack vs. one creature, burst of light, Fort save or be dazzled for 1 minute]

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Nordom was more than ready for sized up its opponents, trying to ascertain which was the greatest threat. Deciding the teifling was the greatest threat, Nordom attacked him first.

First crossbow- 17(1d20) + 4(dex bonus) - 2(one hand penalty) =

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: uh, the tiefling is on our side...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Bwahaha, barmy boxes!

The shadow-warrior targeted by Kilojoule’s acid sphere let out a loud gurgle as the magical ball of corrosion engulfs it. Its katana slips from its hands even as it falls to its knees and dissolves into the blackness of the night.

The ninja targeted by Boxy’s flare spell stops in its charge for a moment, but only just long enough to clear its eyes. Bringing its blade up, the ninja leapt into the air, cruel blade glinting in moonlight, when a streak of silver entered Boxy’s field of vision, a knife that hit the assassin dead in the chest. The assassin continued falling towards Boxy, but by the time it reached the modron it had become merely smoke and shadows.

The druidic modron turned to look at its savior and saw the tiefer still poised from the throw. The tiefer nodded once, before letting out loud yelp. Its body slumped to the ground, ragged breath coming from its lungs, a crossbow bolt sticking from its back.

But they had little time to think about this. The other ninjas rushed forward on the offensive. One scored a hit on Kilojoule, while the others seemed to miss in quite overly dramatic ways, their blades piercing the floor before being drawn back up.

Kilojoule takes 2 damage. There are two ninjas on Sidrem, one on Kilojoule, one on Boxy, three on Nordom, and three on Ki.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule attempts to retreat behind the others as quickly and safely as possible. Its location was vulnerable and required repositioning. Once standing behind some other boxes, Kilojoule summoned around itself a magical defensive matrix to shield it from attacks approximately 27% more effectively than its unprotected state.

Kilojoule moves back as quickly as it can without provoking attacks of opportunity and casts Shield, bringing its armor class up to 19 (assuming we're using 3.5 rules. 3.0 Shield is much more powerful.)

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki looks at the ninjas and says "Something odd about them... Illusions perhaps? It would be wise to go into a formation, non-melee units should form a line behind melee units to ensure maximum defense."

The maic user of the party was in danger, but the tiefling looked to be in a critical condition. Ki thinks over this for a few moments and makes a compromise by choosing a spot that would defend both of them.

OOC:Ki moves to whatever positon will best let it defend Kilojoule and the tiefling and attacks the nearest ninja to that spot if their are any within reach.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki's question about the ninja's nature, combined with some jarring visual cues, cause Boxy to question these attackers' validity.

"Let's have a closer look..." She chants again in her magical druidic dialect... Detect Magic, cast upon the nearest of the attackers.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

We missed Sidrem's turn... I dunno if Clue was saying She'd be out... but so we don't fall behind I'll resolve Sid's action now.

Sidrem lashed out with a precise thrust, piercing one of the shadow warriors on the end of its longsword. The ninja squirmed and then vanished with a puff of smoke.

Meanwhile, Box-In-Bloom's magical divination revealed the lay of the land to her. The entire landscape (sans the modrons and the tiefling) seemed to glow with magical energies of all schools and types. Her butterflies, mystically tied to her as they were, began to glow excitedly, siphoning off the barest bit of this magical energy - not enough to even dent the powerful magical field that Boxy could see with her magically enhanced sight.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: I hadn't I'd actually be wondering why the flank/backstab hadn't gone through the last round - but this works as well...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

(No room to flank-backstab. There's two ninjas for each of you and they've pushed the attack.)

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: You know, I really gotta start posting these things at a normal hour and not at midnight when I get home from work...sorry, guys.

Ok, same roll, Nordom'll attack the closest ninja.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

(Your action for the last round is already in, Nord. The tiefling is down nd bleeding. We can, later, blame it on a faulty battle strategy matrix or some such thing. But its your turn again and there are three ninjas in melee range with you.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Based on preliminary evidence that these things were vulnerable to being 'stuck' - Sidrem continued with this tactic on the other ninja who was assaulting him, stabbing outwards with his sword.

ooc: I trust your dice rolling, b/c mine generally sucks and it's hard to disguise the sounds of dice while at work.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC:if we're now on our next round...

Ki looks at the nearest shadow-ninja and says "Begone shadow-being"

Ki runs up to the nearest shadow ninja and punches it.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Proximity to hostiles precludes secure spellcasting somatics. Most effective combat tactic: resort to melee combat. Evidence suggests that hostiles are non-biological in nature, yet remain succeptible to physical harm. Tactical assessment modules predict success of heirarchy in this combat. Kilojoule draws and attacks with its masterwork heavy mace the nearest ninja.

Attack roll: [15]+2 = 17
Damage= 1d8+1=6

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: Ok. I'll attack the closest ninja to me.

Attack roll:14

14+4+1= 19.


Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Alright, here’s the Round breakdown….
Round 1
KJ - Acid Orb… hit, dead ninja
Ki – Move
BiB – Flare, failure
Tief – Dagger, hit, dead ninja
N - Crossbow, hit, dying TIefer
Ninjas – 10 left, attack, 1 hit on KJ
Sd – Stab, hit, dead ninja

Round 2
KJ - Stab, hit, dead ninja
Ki – Attack, ? Unresolved
BiB – Detect Magic
Tief – Unconscious
N - Attack, Hit, Wounded Ninja
Ninjas – Unresolved Number left, Action Not yet Completed
Sd – Stab, ? Unresolved

The post will probably come tomorrow. I’m falling asleep on my feet.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Wait. Kilojoule cast Acid Orb in round 1. Then it moved to safety and cast Shield. Then it attacked with its mace. That'd be three rounds. Unless we got hasted somewhere, which I'd be totally in favor of.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"


You're right. Rhys, slow down. In fact, everyone slow down. Nobody post their action unless they see the guy before them has already posted. Now I have to go and redo the post structure...

Round 1
KJ - Acid Orb… hit, dead ninja
Ki – Move
BiB – Flare, failure
Tief – Dagger, hit, dead ninja
N - Crossbow, hit, dying TIefer
Ninjas – 10 left, attack, 1 hit on KJ
Sd – Stab, hit, dead ninja

Round 2
KJ - Shield
Ki – Attack, ? Unresolved
BiB – Detect Magic
Tief – Unconscious
N - Attack, Hit, Wounded Ninja
Ninjas – Unresolved Number left, Action Not yet Completed
Sd – Stab, ? Unresolved

Round 3
KJ - Stab, hit, dead ninja
Ki –
BiB –
Tief –
N -
Ninjas –
Sd –

Alright, so now it’s the ninjas turn. In that post I will resolve all of the rolls that have not yet been rolled. Then it is Ki’s turn. Then Boxy. See, if we skip ahead we all get confused and the round structure breaks down.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: Suggestion - since you're the GM lets base our post rounds off of the GM posts. Aka - post *one* reaction, then wait for the GM to summarize all - let Primus's action be the 'bottleneck' for the scene? I've seen that work in many PbeMs...

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

For combat rounds, it might help if Primus numbered the rounds and gave the round number in the subject. The players also carry that same round number in their posts. That way, no confusion.

That's always worked for me in past pbems and pbps.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Round 2, Ninja Turn

Ki's blow sent one of his opponents flying off the roof in an exagerrated fashion.

The warriors, quickly seeing their number dwindling pushed the offensive once again. This time three of their blades sliced in, injuring Ki, Nordom, and Sidrem.

The black-painted modron lashed out immediately following the hit, "sticking" another of their opponents and returning it to the smoke from whence it came.

Kilojoule also deliverred a punishing blow, hitting his opponent with a painful sounding crack. As the smoke cleared, it became obvious that there were only six warriors left.

Ki takes 3 damage, Nordom takes 1, Sidrem takes 2

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Actions for round 3-

Ki punches the closest ninja and then says "Damage has been taken, suggested action:heal dieing teifling and then heal me."

OOC:I attack the nearest shadow ninja and activate my dodge feat against the closest ninja other than the one I punched

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Round 3 - Box-in-Bloom's action

Boxy calls out to Ki. "Affirmative. I will attempt to repair... heal... the tiefling."

She decides to forego the healer's kit and instead draws forth a slender willow rod that she'd hidden in her foliage. Speaking the command word, she directs the wand's healing magicks at the unconscious tiefer.

[CLW as 3rd level caster, 1d8+3 = 5+3 = 8 hp healed]

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Round 2, Ninja Turn

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
The black-painted modron lashed out immediately following the hit, "sticking" another of their opponents and returning it to the smoke from whence it came. Kilojoule also deliverred a punishing blow, hitting his opponent with a painful sounding crack. As the smoke cleared, it became obvious that there were only six warriors left.

"HA!" Sidrem cried out, slicing dramatically at the air for a second as he exacted his revenge on the one who attacked him. "YOU!" He pointed at one of the six with his rapier, twitching forwards like he's about to attack... then spun to attempt to slam the blade into the one beside his designated 'target'. *Test hypothesis: Bravado tactic S-3. Bluff tactic 12. Combination result?...*

ooc: Just for the heck of it. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Round 3 ninjas + the whole round finish up... KJ's turn!

The energy from Boxy’s spell causes the frazzled butterflies to calm a little as their attention is drawn to the wand (like moths to a flame!). The tiefer’s breathing becomes less ragged as the healing energy washes over him and his bleeding stops. The tiefer’s eyes flit open just as a shadowy warrior leaps leaps towards them and threatens to bring its blade down on the healer and the tiefer in one powerful swing. The tiefer closed his eyes and, when the blow did not fall, opened them to watch as Ki uncurled its fist, black smoke pouring from the appendage, and glanced at another one of the ninjas meaningfully.[Nordom has missed his turn – its sad really.. I’ve been procrastinating too]

The crossbow wielding modron was unbalanced by the constant barrage, bringing his weapons up to parry his opponent’s deadly sharp blades. The other modrons also were easily able to parry the ninjas who, after having seen over half their number fall, had begun to seem somewhat worried by this battle into which they had embroiled themselves. A worry which was further punctuated as Sidrem “stuck” another of their ilk on his blade causing it to disintegrate in a puff of black smoke.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Round 4-

Ki looks at the closest shadow ninja and says "Surrender now and explain your purpose in attacking us and you will be spared, there will be no mercy if you continue your attacks."

OOC:Ki readies and action to punch a shadow ninja if they continue to attack

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