Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Well, I was gonna give you guys time to interact. Everybody who still wants in reply to this next post... if you've lost interest, happy gaming!

Eye smiled and nodded. “Very well then, good luck with your quest. I shall see you soon, then.”

The monodrone slid to the ground and made a clicking noise with its tongue. The construct Torath made aloud screech as it pivoted and followed eye out of the door of the little room. The door closed gently behind the pair, leaving the five modrons alone in the room. The letter to be delivered to A’kin sat on the table benignly, waiting to reach its intended recipient.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

*Ki looks at the letter and then turns toawrd the others*
"I suppose we ought to go over what roles we will each serve outside of combat as well. I'm afraid I mianly learned how to fight, but I guess I might be called more perceptive than most."
OOC:in other words no non-physical skills except Control but a high wisdom

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Capabilities outside of combat? I am capable of many things outside of combat. I require specification of the question."

*something clicks*

"Ah. You intended to know what skills I have beyond those possessed by standard modrons that would find relevance in a non-confrontational situation. I have several. My spells are capable of being cast independently of my defensive mechanisms," says Kilojoule, with an odd expression that almost seems like modron pride.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Box-in-Bloom joins in the conversation, saying, "I am employed on occasion as a guide, and in that role, my tracking and wilderness survival skills serve well. I am a competent healer and I am excellent with animals. In Sigil, my skills earn me sufficient jink to afford my own home and garden, and I have close friends within Sigil's close-knit Druidic community. I hope that some or all of my abilities may be useful to this group during our coming travails."

"Pardon my inquisitiveness, but do any of you have reservations or concerns about Brother Eye's intentions, or his nature? I cannot explain why, but I sense that all is not as it appears. Perhaps it is just my anxiety at embarking on such a life-changing adventure."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

So we're going to Sigil, then? How many people are still with us? Have we heard from everyone lately?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: Let's see, there were 6 of us... Primus, Nordom, Rhys, Clueless, Username, and me. I'd love to keep going. We've got our letter, so let's go to Sigil and deliver it.

Box-in-Bloom walks over to the table and picks up the letter. "I wonder what it says... Why is Brother Eye corresponding with a yugoloth?" It's obvious that Boxy's feeling uncertain about this whole thing.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

See, I like this plot and I've finally got a cohesive vision of where its all goin'. But with much of the team gone it'd be a bit difficult to continue on.

The envelope was nondescript. Its outer covering gave no clue as to what mysterious missive was locked within.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Are Clueless and Nordom still with us?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Here. Bad Bad Bad week of code, work, and homework. I'm catching up today finally.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
Eye smiled and nodded. “Very well then, good luck with your quest. I shall see you soon, then.”

The monodrone slid to the ground and made a clicking noise with its tongue. The construct Torath made aloud screech as it pivoted and followed eye out of the door of the little room. The door closed gently behind the pair, leaving the five modrons alone in the room. The letter to be delivered to A’kin sat on the table benignly, waiting to reach its intended recipient.

The black painted modron sat quietly for a moment, gears grinding deep inside as he evaluated the entire situation, catogorizing each member of the party based on their answers and uses, before running over possible scenarios of encounters. If anything the quiet one had a habit of thinking too much in advance. It was supposedly an effeciency algorithm, to precompute responses... what it turned out to be was an odd habit of remaining completely still for long seconds of time.

"Mysterious Narrator" wrote:
The envelope was nondescript. Its outer covering gave no clue as to what mysterious missive was locked within.

The modron seemed to shake itself out of contemplation before half bowing to those in the room. "This unit has completed analysis of success. Unit is pleased to indicate that the collective's skills complement well and are reflective of the composition of many successful parties. Unit also suggests it will not stick it's hand into any dark holes without a torch." There was something almost like a smile across Sidrem's face before it looked to the letter as the others were.

"Grassy Box(Knoll)" wrote:
Box-in-Bloom walks over to the table and picks up the letter. "I wonder what it says... Why is Brother Eye corresponding with a yugoloth?" It's obvious that Boxy's feeling uncertain about this whole thing.

"Perhaps Brother Eye wishes resources beyond current capabilities? Akin possesses excellent supply lines." The rogue offered, "Do you suggest we examine into the letter more closely?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: I'm here too! I haven't forgotten about my beloved modrons!

Nordom's ocular lens, the gear spirit Optix, as it looked upon the rogue rogue.

"Processing......A'kin. Arcanaloth. Fiend. Origin: Grey Waste. Probablilty of dangerous outcome if dealt with.....99.945%. Query:
Why do you wish to associate with said being? Sub-query: Have you had previous dealings with said being? Branching tangent: I agree with final statement regarding letter."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Sidrem looking at Nordom for a moment, the face on the front his his box wrinkling together. "Error. I do not associate with A'kin myself. A'kin is final destination for letter. I was presenting a hypothesis."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"I propose that we deliver the letter in order to learn more from the reaction that A'kin has to it and any further orders we may receive. We may be able to piece together a hypothesis if we can gather more information, the only way to do so would be to fufill the missions given to us and use the information gained therein."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC - I suppose there's nothing our cubic companions can conjecture about this correspondence from its characteristics, eh?

Shape, weight, oddly shaped contents, special seals, form of address, etc.? Just a normal letter?

(just being thorough...)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

((A modron is nothing if not thorough... Laughing out loud

The weight and size are consistent with a piece of parchment inside a parchment envelope bound with a wax seal. The seal is marked with a cog. The envelope is otherwise unmarked.))

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
What can *Green* do for you?

Boxy examines the letter but learns nothing new.

"If I recall correctly, the servant Ka'Hia indicated that if we wish to leave, she would arrange it. If we are to return to Sigil, I suggest that we seek her out."

Boxy walks to the door, opens it and looks up and down the hallway. She then looks back to the others to see if they intend to venture out with her into the rest of the inn.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Yes, let's get started on our mission." *Ki goes over to the door and stands waiting for the other modrons*

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modrons glanced out into the hallway. It was a long corridor that stretched off into what appeared to be infinity. Doors spaced about six or seven meters apart dotted the yellow painted walls and in between each pair of doors a marble hand holding a glowing orb provided illumination. Neither direction seemed to provide information as to which direction would lead them to Ka’Hia, and the doors were unnumbered.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

*Nordom glanced back and forth between the two directions and its new comrades.*

"Processing.....current data is insufficient to determine accurate course of action that would result in success of present primary goal. Options? Separation of present heirarchy: undesirable. Decision must be made....processing....."

*Suddenly, Nordom's eyes began to dialate, and it started pointing back and forth down each direction of the hallway*

"Eenie, meenie, minie, moe...."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

From somewhere behind Nordom there was a sound that somehow managed to combine the sounds of a gear grinding, a sping snapping and a supressed cough. The 3 foot wide modron got lightly pushed from where he was standing in the doorway in order to clear space for the rest. "Proposal; Utilize maze algorithm for exploration. Choose left or right, consistantly, to avoid randomization of location."

Sidrem stared as the little fellow began doing ennie-meenie. "Query; What method of choice selection is this?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

*Nordom stopped what it was doing and faced the modron currently addressing it.*

"This method relies on chance to determine course of action. Theorum: Use of maze algorithm yields no greater chance of achieving current goal than chance method."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modron blinked, eyeing the other for a moment before solumnly reaching into a bag hanging by it's side and passing Nodrom a copper piece. "A more effecient binary determination system. Proposal to enact maze algorithm after root decision point is made?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

*Nordom took the copper peice from the black modron, and examined it before speaking.*

"Binary determination system is acceptable. Compromise is acceptable."

*With that, the modron flipped the coin.*

OOC: Sorry. Am I being TOO rogue relying on chance? Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: nopes Eye-wink Sidrem's got an odd view on things is all because og his background. *grin* Technically he's still fulfilling his purpose as a Stealth Enhanced Dungeon Recon Mondron. His old companions, Clerical Enhanced, Fighting Enhanced, and Wizardry Enhanced... now they're just silly. *grinning*

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The coin flipped end over end for a few moments before landing in Nordom's outstretched palm. The bladed symbol of Her Serenity stared up at the modrons who were examining the coin. Nordom seemed rather pleased with the result. Heads. There was a pause as the modrons all attempted to determine which direction heads signified.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

ooc: LOL

Sidrem stared at the coin for a moment.... "Mm."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki seems to think for a moment and then says "Didn't Ka’Hia state that we merely needed to call for her and that the inn would get the message to her?"

OOC:as for the question a few pages back as to how Ki went rogue, he went through a portal to Limbo by accident and went rogue upon contact with such a large amount of chaos matter. Ki was lucky enough to be near a githerzai monastery and managed to make his way to it. Upon seeing the monks training Ki was very impressed and requested that they teach him, they allowed him to stay and learn. Now he's off to learn more about the multiverse.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Clueless" wrote:
ooc: LOL

Sidrem stared at the coin for a moment.... "Mm."

"Brother SIDREM: You have employed the binary determination system incorrectly," says Box-in-Bloom. She explains further, "When using random determination systems in this manner, it is necessary to first establish a mapping function that relates the dependent variable to the independent variable. Shall we agree that 'heads' maps to 'right', and 'tails' maps to 'left'?"

Box-in-Bloom considers Brother Ki's reminder of Ka'Hia's instructions. "You propose that we follow her instructions literally? I see no harm in that approach."

The leafy modron 'ahem's, then addresses the closest wall. "If you would be so kind, please inform the gith woman named Ka'Hia that we seek a portal to Sigil... preferably one that leads to the city's Lower Ward. We also require portal keys to same."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The wall seemed to rustle and a moment passed. The modrons glanced about furtively for a few moments before they saw Ka'Hia literally emerge from the floor just outside of their room.

"Oh Heavens," she exclaimed motioning for the modrons to reenter the room, "You should not attempt to wander the inn. Navigating these halls can be... tricky." Her voice lowered in pitch and volume as she glanced left and right before enterring the room and closing the door. She coughed loudly and composed herself a bit before smiling at the modron assemblage.

"So, you wish to leave our humble inn and return to Sigil?" she asked politely. "Well, there are no proper portals to Sigil within the inn, but the keys which you were given are magical devices which will return you to where you came from originally. Hold them close and speak the command word -- Coriander -- and they should whisk you back to Sigil. I am sorry to see you go so soon, if you require anything before you leave, please do not hesitate to ask."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki looks at the other modrons and says "I'm ready to leave when you are."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule staggers for an instant, then readjusts. "This location is... unstable. My internal compensation is insufficient. Should we return to more firm environment? From City: Sigil, we can find Letter Recipient: A'kin."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
"Well, there are no proper portals to Sigil within the inn, but the keys which you were given are magical devices which will return you to where you came from originally. Hold them close and speak the command word -- Coriander -- and they should whisk you back to Sigil."

Box-in-Bloom's facial features wrinkle in apparent confusion.

"My understanding of Sigil's metaphysical nature is admittedly limited. However, I am certain that there is only one means of entrance to Sigil -- its portals. What manner of magic do these keys possess to return us to Sigil without use of a portal?" A pause, then, "You did not say these keys would return us to Sigil. You said they would return us to where we came from..."

"Perhaps these keys will take us to Mechanus then? Please clarify."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ka'Hia smiled to Box-In-Bloom. "Indeed, you are quite correct. There is no magical way to reach Sigil by bypassing the portals. The keys are linked to an area on the Quasielemental Plane of Radiance which has a naturally formed portal to Sigil, a portal which opens in one of the doorways of the Civic Festhall. The portal key to activate the gateway is merely a key made of bronze."

"When you activate they key you are planeshifted to the exact point on Radiance where the portal is located. You spend under a millionth of a second in that state before the magic of the portal pulls you through into Sigil. You arrived in this place by the same method."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

She can't help herself. There's something about the gith woman she trusts. "Thank you, dear. It's been a pleasure to meet you. I do hope I can find my way back here some day. Take care."

Boxy holds the key close to her body, and utters the keyword, "Coriander."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki nods and says "Thank you for your help." before holding the key next to his face and saying "Coriander."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

OOC: Check out Box-in-Bloom's new pic here.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modrons -- one after the other -- spoke the command word and, as suddenly as they had come, found themselves standing in the doorway of the Civic Festhall once again. The archway glowed with swirling colors for a moment and then suddenly went dark and empty once again. A pair of sensates, still cleaning up after the assemblage of modrons, glanced at them then turned back to their tasks.

The modrons glanced at each other. They had a week's time to contact the Friendly Fiend and deliver their missive. In that time they had to tie up the loose ends of their Sigil-bound lives and prepare for the great journey of ascension that brother Eye had called them to.

Hopefully, things would go as smoothly as they all expected. But then, things are seldom as orderly as envisioned by the minds of modrons.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Sidrem blinked, gears whirring for a brief moment of disorrinetation before he looked down at the key. Tucking it firmly into a container strapped to his side - it may come in handy later.

The modrons glanced at each other. They had a week's time to contact the Friendly Fiend and deliver their missive. In that time they had to tie up the loose ends of their Sigil-bound lives and prepare for the great journey of ascension that brother Eye had called them to.

"... query. Direction of target's location relative to here?" He looked around at the others in case any of them knew. "Propose *that* way..." He pointed towards the Lower Ward, as that was a place he was well familar with - as a 'market' of goods. "...alternative proposal, a tout?"

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"I propose that we deliver this message first, then tidy our personal affairs here in the city. Perhaps we should enquire discreetly about Brother Eye as well, while we still have the opportunity. I wish to know more about the one who offers to lead us toward a new modron society. For reasons I cannot explain or understand, he makes me nervous."

Boxy pauses and searches her companions faces for scorn, sympathy or signs that they too feel anxious about Eye. A moment passes...

"I know that A'kin's establishment is located in the Lower Ward. A tout would indeed be useful, and may even be able to help us with any investigation into Brother Eye. We must hire a tout that displays the appropriate guildmark -- three concentric circles in blue, marked upon the forehead."

"I have considered joining the Touts guild myself, you know, on account that I am occasionally employed as a guide, but I felt that I would not... fit in. If Brother Eye is true to his words, I will not have to feel that way again."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki looks around and says "I'm afraid I don't know much about Sigil, I've only been here for a short time."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

"In that case, let us begin toward the Arcanoloth's shop, and be sure that we do not follow a guide without the proper identification symbols. As a complicating factor, Target: A'kin is a yugoloth. A yugoloth is an exemplar of Evil, and as such, any discourse with it has a heightened likelihood of danger, deception, and/or violence. Proposed solution: the letter should be delivered in a prompt manner and said discourse with said yugoloth should be brief in order to minimize likelihood of said danger, deception, and/or violence."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Having decided on a course of action, the cubes head out onto the street and begin scanning faces for the distinctive guildmark of a Sigil Tout...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The modrons wandered the streets of Sigil for a few minutes. The familiar scents of Sigil wafted into their noses (actually an array of olfactory receptors located near air ports near the top of their cube-like bodies). The Clerk’s Ward was not the nicest of Sigil’s Wards (that distinction went, of course, to the Lady’s Ward) but neither was it the dirtiest (the Hive Ward held that dubious honor). It was also not the busiest of the wards. A great deal of people walked the streets, far more than in any prime metropolis, but the modrons were not hindered by the motions of other pedestrians.

As the modrons scanned the crowd a large wagon pulled up next to them and opened, releasing a trio of elves who waved to the driver (who sat atop the wagon swathed in a large cloak) and called out what sounded like a series of compliments in some strange language. The wagon was pulled by a trio of green and blue and white and purple Arcadian ponies, their tentacle-like fifth limbs waving lazily in Sigil’s late afternoon glow. On the side of the wagon was painted the three blue concentric circles of Sigil’s Escorts and Touts Guild. The driver (who was much larger than the modrons had originally thought, at least twelve feet tall) got down off of the wagon and opened the side door, checking the internal compartment, paying the modrons no mind.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"


Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Box-in-Bloom cries, "Oooh! Ponies!" and rushes over to visit the tentacled animals. (she uses her Handle Animal skill to avoid frightening them) A few of her fluttering butterfly companions light upon the nearest pony's head, keening and whistling in delight. She whispers softly to the ponies, and rubs their necks in turn.

Laughing, Boxy backs away as one of the ponies begins grazing on the plants growing from her side. "Hey, don't eat my spell components!" She plucks a sprig of sweetgrass and offers it to the pony instead. "Never fails. Everytime I deal with equines, they insist on chewing up my garden. Not as bad as goats, mind you."

"Driver? Are you on duty? We wish to visit a shop called 'The Friendly Fiend'. Do you know of it?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

The driver, distracted from his works and holding a black disk in his large hands, turned to the modrons. The brown cloak’s hood was pulled low so even the modron’s darkvision could not parse its identity. “You like my little philly?” the driver said in a strange accent, reaching out an arm to run its hand over the pony’s coat lovingly. “Her name’s Atho. Them two’s Port and Aram, respectively.” The being’s hands were covered in black leather gloves of a fine quality.

“Ol’ A’kin’s shop? Yea, I’ve heard of it, little box, I can getcha there in a few swishes of my little pony’s tale here,” the driver turned to glance at the other modrons, “I dunno if I can carry all of you boxes in the main compartment, but one of ya’ can ride up top with me!”

The tout reached out with one of its gloved hands and grasped Boxy’s hand gently and, going down on knee, kissed it politely. “The name’s Yarrdulence, expert tout, and parambulator of this equine automated vehicle. And your name is, lovely?” Box-In-Bloom’s servos whizzed for a moment… one gloved hand grasping hers. One gloved hand holding the black disk. One gloved hand patting the pony. No number of algorithms added that up to the default mortal number of hands.

The tout stood up to its full height and tossed back its hood, revealing a scaly red toad-like face marked by the symbol of the tout’s guild, branded in the center of its forehead. The toad-like face was uneven, one eye larger than the other; teeth seeming to stick out at random. A monocle gleamed from the three-limbed toad-man’s eye socket. And the modron’s sensors seemed to grind slightly in protest at the surreal and absurd portrait painted by the creature.

The creature, now easily identifiable as a red slaad, smiled a strange slaad grin and raised the strange black disk in what appeared to be a menacing fashion. There was a flash of concern as the slaad flicked its wrist and the disk popped loudly, revealing a black cylinder of cloth with a slightly wider black rim. The slaad placed the contraption (a very neat tophat) on its skull and smiled widely.

“That feels much better, I always feel naked without me hat.”

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Kilojoule stands stunned. "Tout" is not humanoid? "Tout" is being of anti-order? Designation=slaad? Slaad=adversary, enemy of Modron. Kilojoule=Modron? Kilojoule is not Modron. Kilojoule=single Modron. Kilojoule="Individual". Slaad=adversary of Kilojoule?" Elimination of Slaadi had been implicit instruction, according to Kilojoule's former programming. But now, he stood in the street, unable to determine the designation of such an illogical being without further stimuli.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Boxy's taken aback by the tout's race, but does her level best to keep calm about it. This is Sigil, and all manner of races make kip here, living together in relative harmony -- the Balance of Oppositions. She resolves to deal amicably with the tout, and cope as best she can with whatever chaos might ensue.

The black disk turns into a tophat - being the first of such randomness - startling her, but she finds the humour of it and relaxes... a little.

"Well met, Yarrdulence, and to your ponies also. I am called Box-in-Bloom. My companions are... []... I will let them introduce themselves to you."

"As we have already established, we are in need of transportation to the Friendly Fiend? How far is the establishment from our present location? How long with the trip take? And what is the cost?"

Feeling a little adventurous now that she's back in the Cage, Boxy volunteers to ride up front with the slaad.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Sidrem blinked, eyes widening just the slightest at the revealed tout. A few of his gauges angled, nearly sliding into the darker black of 'red'... before the hat trick caught his attention. With intense curiousity - Sidrem approached even as Boxy started up on the questions.

"Boxy" wrote:
"Well met, Yarrdulence, and to your ponies also. I am called Box-in-Bloom. My companions are... []... I will let them introduce themselves to you." "As we have already established, we are in need of transportation to the Friendly Fiend? How far is the establishment from our present location? How long with the trip take? And what is the cost?"

On the tail of her inquiries... "Sidrem. Stealth inhanced dungeon recon modron." The box introduced himself - continuing to gaze up at the slaad. "Traditional dungeon scenarios indicate one of your species would be labeled 'monsterous threat'. Sigil is untraditional location for you." Sidrem managed to combine innocence and curiousity in his next breath. "... may I inquire regarding your placement here? And -".... the modron broke his formality, to smile, "Where *did* you get that hat?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: I, Modron "An Eye for an Eye"

Ki looks at the tout and says "I am called Ki, my specialization is in martial arts."

A few gears whir and click as Ki thinks about the slaad who had also been training in the monastery and how disciplined he had been, He thought to himself "One should never judge a being by its species, I have met beings that have overcome their natures in the past. Besides, have I not defied my own nature in becoming a rogue?"

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