Game: Hired by the Dabus

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Okay, so then since Akhenanubis hit the real etherguant, does that mean that Quith'mek and Janus hit as well?

And I would argue that, even with the psionic-magic transparency rule in place, the etherguant ability is specific to arcane magic, so it wouldn't include psionics anyway, if you think of them as a third category of magic for the purposes of that ability.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like poems
that don't rhyme.

Let's keep this going, alright?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Rhys" wrote:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I like poems that don't rhyme.

Let's keep this going, alright?

You are good at bumping topics creatively, no lie.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Prim will post later today and allow this game to continue on. Apologies.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel whinced as his nightmare was destroyed. The creature had merely been a facsimile of a nightmare, however, the true spirit of the dream-creature still lived on elsewhere, Once more Ketel lapsed into a trance-like state, calling for another nightmare, his eyes firmly closed to protect his sanity from the sandblasting effects of the ethergaunts terrible visage.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

before I can post the next cmbat segment I need to know the saving throw DC for his Hostile Empathic transfer.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Will half

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I mean what the actual number of the DC is, I forgot which stat psions apply towards their DCs.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

10+3 Int +3 power level +1 psionatrix of telepathy = 17. Not such a terrifically good show.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Fringe howls ,Janus would take out two images since he went before Akhenanubis, Ketel makes another nightmare(I assume identical to the last?), Akhenanubis blasts the real Ethergaunt with the searing light and deals 10 damage, The Assassin casts a spell, Quith'Mek uses hostile empathic transfer and the Ethergaunt makes it's save but still takes 8( I think you roll down? it was 8.5 technically) damage and Quith'Mek heals that much and then loses 11 from that nasty green stuff, and the Ethergaunt steps back and casts a spell, probably provoking an attack of opportunity from Janus and Fringe. The spell is in a cone shaped burst and the room is small enough for it to hit all of you, will save DC 22 for everyone. This leaves us with only two images left, a 2 on a 1d2 will hit the right one.

As Fringe steps back and howls quite loudly Janus slashed at 2 of the Ethergaunts only to have them dissipate. As Janus attacked the images Ketel focused his mind on forming yet another nightmare after the Ethergaunt had so easly dispatched the last one. A second after Janus' attacks Akhenanubis' divine light hit the correct Ethergaunt, burning it's flesh with holy power. A moment after the Ethergaunt was struck by the divine light the Assassin stepped out of the shadows and began to cast a spell. A second after the Assassin finished casting his spell Quith'mek touched the still disoriented Ethergaunt which caused it's flesh to burn away as if it had had been eaten away by the green goop that was still eating away at Quith'Mek, and although Quith'Mek was healed by his attack it could not repair more damage than the green acidic goop dealt as it ate even further into his flesh. After all this the Ethergaunt was looking rather injured as it stepped back and cast a spell which sent waves of depression and despair,promises of nothing but a cold and bleak oblivion, and the utter annihilation of hope. As the spell is taking effect the Ethergaunt says "Give up, give in, there is no hope, there is no one to save you now, you are already as good as dead."

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Fringe rolls for Will save and gets a 23. Next up is the attack of opportunity. Fringe will attempt a bite at the, 1, wrong Ethergaunt!


After all this the Ethergaunt was looking rather injured as it stepped back and cast a spell which sent waves of depression and despair,promises of nothing but a cold and bleak oblivion, and the utter annihilation of hope. As the spell is taking effect the Ethergaunt says "Give up, give in, there is no hope, there is no one to save you now, you are already as good as dead."

Fringe's brain-box felt a rather jolting rattle as the spell tried to bring down his spirit. With a burning sensation as his blood rushed amongst his black veins, the tiefling growled out in defiance and lunged with fangs wide open.

When the image dissipitated from the bite, Fringe's head snapped backwards as he growled low in defiance.

"Pike that kinda talk and your screed! As sure as my fur is blue, it will stand true that there'll always be hope from tyrant wannabe's like you!"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
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Akhenanubis felt his calm certainty return with the successful attack. The creature was undoubtedly powerful, but Anubis the Just could always prevail. He only needed to preform adequately as a vessel for that victory. Readying another spell from the power of his god, the priest watched the ethergaunt move to cast a spell and felt radiating despair wash over him. His new-found confidence began to melt again as he desperately lashed out with burning light once more.

OOC: Willpower save 10+11= 21, just barely misses. Scorching ray against... ethergaunt 1, which is the wrong one. This isn't my round, I guess.

Username's picture
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OOC:Remember, Fringe got the last image, there are none left. You must still roll the miss chance of 20% however. And furthermore for those of you who failed their saves you get a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 13 minutes.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

AC 13 on the attack of opportunity - miss. Will save 13 - fail.

At the creature leaving itself open, Janus quickly slashes with the sword he's 'borrowing' - perhaps too quickly, as the attack bounces harmlessly off the ethergaunt's arcane protections. He hears the pronouncement of hopelessness and, for a moment, lets go of hope. His eyes drift closed for a few seconds, and in that time, a moment out of space, he feels it. A pulsing, deep within him - deep within the planes. His guidance. He could not give up, not yet. Now was a time to fight. Opening his eyes, Janus shakes off the doom overwhelming him - but not completely. A bit of it clings to his mind, weighing on his actions.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

In that case my miss roll is 30, which hits, I think. So touch attack is 16, and the damage is 11.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The githwarrior stands firm as waves of hopelessness wash over the room. Such mindbending tricks were well-known to him. That acid burned on, but a warrior of Gith knows that true strength comes from within, and that physical abuse was always overcome by true strength. He allowed the searing pain--so intense it nearly brought him down, but he knew he had a few moments left of glorious combat in Gith's name--to magnify his hatred, which he directed toward the vile thing that was searching for an escape route at this very moment.

This creature was as strange as it was odious. It demonstrated capable proficiency in psychic combat, and yet was not psionically infused. He therefore disregarded the possibility of draining it of psionic energy, knowing that its defenses were magical in nature. To dispel them would require spellwork.

Seeing the last of the mirror images fade away, the gith allowed himself a cruel smile: "It would seem that your pitiful defenses have failed you. There is no strength in oblivion, nor in tyranny, you loathsome coward. Return to the void you embrace. May you find no solace in your death."

    Will save [roll 11]+12=23 pass. Manifest Concussion Blast on the Etherguant, attempting to crush its head with a gesture of his hand. The etherguant stepped back to use its ability, so Quith'mek is out of range. If he's not, he'll move back. Overchannel and Talented, expending psionic focus. 9th level manifester. 3+6 powerpoints for a total of 9. (4d6 force damage--> 14 damage) with no save. Quith'mek is down to 20 power points out of 59.
Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Anyone still around?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OoC: I think Username said something about being away for a bit.


Pants of the North!

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

finally back, will finish up/summarize/describe the round tomorrow

Username's picture
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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: sorry bout not posting when I said I would, I'm just lazy. I lost my game notes but I remember enough to know that the gaunt is dead from the stuff this round, so I won't bother with wirting down the mechanics and go straight to the description. Quith'Mek takes 6 damage from the green goop.

Fringe lunged at one of the 2 remaining Ethergaunts, only to have the Ethergaunt dissipate upon biting. Akhenanubis hits the Ethergaunt square in the chest, creating a large scorch mark. The Assassin merely walks out of hiding and says "I don't think my assistance is required further, you can finish it off." The Ethergaunt, clearly clinging to life out of sheer malice at this point, stumbles around for a few seconds before dropping to it's knees and having it's head crushed my Quith'Mek, there was no splatter, there was no blood, it appeared as if there was nothing inside the things "head" at all. The green goop continues to burn away at Quith'Mek's flesh and is clearly causing quite an injury at this point.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The ethergaunt crumpled to the ground at Akhenanubis's feet, creating a surge of pride in the priest. Abomination though it may be, the creature was dead and moving on to its certain judgement by Anubis the Just.
Turning to his companions, Akhenanubis assumes an air of authority and haste. "Sir, we should finish our business with the dagger quickly. This creature surely has vile allies and we should not risk their attentions." He pauses and looks to Quith'mek, "Gith-son, do you need assisstance to neutralize this substance?"

OoC: Onward!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The slender githwarrior removes his crystal mask and summarily drives his scimitar Jarec'il through the chest of the dead ethergaunt. The battle over, Quith'mek seems to visibly sink under the pain which he had previously suppressed. He hears the question behind him and looks down at the tatters of his grey tunic underneath the black leather armor and the burned tissue seared from the creature's foul attack. "I do, priest of Chac Mool." He is surpised; there are so few outsiders whom he would trust to cure his wounds.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
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Fringe took a moment to return to his humanoid form before sheathing his swords. He lifted his nose a bit to take a few experimental sniffs before confirming that the ethergaunt was dead. "Well it seems you berks didn't get much help from me. I just slaughtered a few images. So much for trusting my nose. Figure you can still use my help or should I let the town militia take me away in a bit?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
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Lifting a slender rod topped with a bronze ankh, Ankhenanubis whispers a blessing to heal the githwarrior's wounds. The slender telepath seems apprehensive about the procedure, but he seemed genuinely interested in the Great One. At Fringe's smalltalk, the priest looks at him critically. The creature had been a help in battle, despite the confusion caused by the ethergaunt's spell. Despite his shapeshifting, this "Fartale" did not seem to be a Setite. "Worry not, werebeast," he says with a shake of his head, "you may accompany us back to Sigil if you wish. The guard of this settlement will surely not be sorry to see you go."

Wand of cure moderate wounds in Quith'mek for 10 hit points healed. I don't have any antidote or protection spells, sorry.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus nods slightly at the fall of the ethergaunt, as though the thing he had been waiting for finally happened. He twirls the sword one more time before laying it on the ground next to the person it was taken from.

'Now that this is dealt with, we can proceed with the dagger.'


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel crawled out from below the table, holding his throbbing head. The little mephling glanced at the nightmare that he had just summoned and dismissed it with a wave. He could still see that horrible nightmarish visage when he closed his eyes, still see those pulsing orifices and horrible glands and other things that even the torrid seas of nightmares could not contend with. It was like having one's consciousness sandblasted, like turning a firehose on a small dog.

The black-skinned little man spat a gob of blood on the ground as he clutched at his pain-filled head. "Right, lead the way then," he groaned.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:fun stuff occuring! prepare to meet a major NPC, whether he'll be a friend or foe is for you to decide...

Nancy gasps and looks up and mumbles in an awed tone "It... it can... kill gods? Perhaps kill isn't the right word, it removes their divinity, leaving them alive, but no longer divine. I can see why the Athar and loth's would want it, I suppose the Ethergaunts must be athiestic in philosophy as well." The Assassin looks a bit startled and says "I really don't want any involvement with something like that, I have not desire to go slaying gods."

A second after the Assassin says this you see the space at the far end of the room once more as another white Ethergaunt teleports in. Unike the previous Ethergaunt, this one radiates an aura of incredible power and awe, it seems almost charismatic. The Ethergaunt looks down at the corpse of the previous Ethergaunt and says "Thank you, he was one of the worst examples of the corruption of the Khen-Zai philosophy I've ever known. I apologize for any negative opinions about my race he may have given you." The Ethergaunt looks up and gazes intently at all of you before continuing "I am known as The General, us Khen-Zai have never really had a use for names, we often go by titles and rank instead. I must impress upon you once more that the Khen-Zai you fought and killed represents a corruption among our race, a dangerous anomaly that *must* be removed. Our core philosophy is that of logic and the absence of emotions of any sort in the decision making process, many Khen-Zai have failed to abandon certain emotions such as arrogance and anger. My goal is to arrange a coup, and to finally restore the Khen-Zai to their true philosophy. I do not pretend to be good, but I am not evil like the other Khen-Zai you have seen either. Now that I have explained the situation to you I must demand that you hand over that dagger, it will be returned at a later point but I feel my need for it currently outranks yours. Furthermore it is clear that you are weak and exhausted from your fight and in no condition to fight me. Thus I offer you a chance to resolve these matters peacefully."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

At the appearance of a new ethergaunt, Janus tenses, and starts to reach for the sword again. But... why would the dance of the cadence slip from him just before another battle began? He stops as the creature speaks - it came, at least mostly, in peace.

'If you come to us peacefully, there is no need for a threat. Perhaps you would be willing to tell us why you seek this dagger.'


Pants of the North!

Username's picture
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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The Etherguant looks at Janus and says "I do not actually need it for it's abilitys, but rather as a power source. Artifacts are not only useful for their intended purpose but can also be used to power other objects. That dagger is one of the most powerful energy sources in the multiverse."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek scowls and extends his mind over time and reality, searching for dimensional pathways and folds in the planes. If he can only find the correct route to slip through via dimension door or plane shift. A githyanki displays no cowardice, but the sword will not win this battle. Should the situation turn ill, he must be ready to escape with the knife, and perhaps with whomever is quick enough to join him.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis replaces the ankh and hefts Judgement again at the appearance of a new ethergaunt. He is stunned, however, when the creature speaks. It is not the arrogant and abrasive tone of the previous abomination, but a cultured and reasoning tone. The priest is uncomfortably reminded of a high mathematician in the service of Thoth and a spasm of anger overtakes him. Such thoughts are foolishness! he thinks in chastisement, I was warned against these creatures! There lies cannot be trusted.
Still something tugs at him. While it is true he might not survive another fight with this creature, he is more than prepared to meet his Lord. But this creature seems as different in temperment to the dead one as they are alike in their faceless form. It's expression of cool logic certainly appears to the fair judgement held in esteem by all in Anubis's service.
"Riddles are all that seem to distinguish this dagger," Akhenanubis says coldly to the ethergaunt. "This artefact is powerful and you cannot seriously expect us to cede it so readily. If you do not intend to use this item for its... disgusting purpose, what do you intend with it?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
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Fringe's nose twinged a bit. With a snort, the tiefling decided to do something rather...drastic for his purposes.

"I need that dagger to open a portal to a certain Prime world, to help a friend of mine! However it would be irrevocably be destroyed. I promised my friend that I'll get her back to her home plane and I always keep my promises!"

A pair of foot long sharpened metallic hair bristled as he flapped his wings, the symbol of Baator etched into their membranes flashing slightly, as Fringe's voice lowered into a growl. "Always."

"So what are ya trying to power up berk?"

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The General looks at Fringe and chuckles before saying "Destroy it? You greatly underestimate that dagger's power, Artifacts can only be destroyed one way, and that isn't it. I do happen to know the method for it's destruction, but I think you are better off not knowing." The General then looks at Akhenanubis and says "As I said, it can serve as a powerful energy source, I would go into detail about the machine it would power but that would take hours and only a few of you would even be capable of understanding how it works." The General then looks at Quith'Mek and with a hint of amusement in it's voice says "I planned for the fact that two of you are psionic, this whole room is under an anti-psionics field, so..."

The air distorts again as an Arcanoloth teleports into the room a few feet away from the General, The General turns to face it and says "We were prepared for a betrayal, but so soon? Impatience can lead to disaster. Arrogance too, you really thought that you alone are a match for me?"

Soon after the General says this the air distorts yet again as three more Arcanoloths arrive, the middle one looks at the general and says "You wern't planning on upholding any promises either, you have served your purpose and now you will be disposed of." The General draws his sword, a truely impressive sight, it looks like a glaive with a blade made of pure energy and upon being drawn it bursts into flame and crackles with electricity. Without turning around he says "Things are getting more interesting now, I dare say this little saga has just begun. Use the dagger to escape!" As The General says this the Assassin grabs the dagger and slashes it through the air, where once there was empty space now stood a shimmering portal. The Assassin looks at the all of you and says "You heard him, let's hurry. I'm not sure how to specify a location so this could be dangerous, but it's safer than here." The Assassin proceeds to walk through the portal and vanishes from the room. Nancy sighs and says "He has a point." before waking through the portal and vanishing as well.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The lycanthrope tiefling sighed irritated before leaping into the portal.

Bob the Efreet's picture
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'Find us again,' Janus says. 'Perhaps we will come to an agreement.' With a slight inclining of his hat towards the General, he steps through the portal.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A better test of the "General's" worth: war. Battle is the best determinate of an individual's character. If he should die now, it may be just as well, for Quith'mek does not intend to turn the knife over to one of these ethergaunts, abominable enslavers as they are, if he can help it. Fiends, though... It has been quite some time since the githwarrior encountered one of those nightmares, and certainly never one so powerful as an arcanoloth. This unwinnable fight has just become more unwinnable, and so Quith'mek shouts for the short loreseeker to step through the portal before he does so himself.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
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The situation seemed to be rapidly slipping out of Akhenanubis's control, an uncomfortable feeling for the priest. This General could be telling the truth or he may be taking them all for fools. It was a difficult decision, and the appearance of arcanoloth's did not help. Better certainly to leave with the dagger and think things through more.
Fixing his icy glare on the jackal-heads of the yugoloths (such treacherous creatures, hideously cloaked in so sacred an animal!) and addressed the General: "We will meet again, ethergaunt, and this matter will be settled."

Username's picture
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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:sorry for taking so long to update...

You step through the portal to see... a small meadow with a mansion in the middle of it, there are trees surrounding the meadow. The Assassin closes the portal with another slash of the blade and hands it to Akhenanubis before saying "This is where we part ways, I want no part in this." and pulling out a small runed disk, breaking it in two, and promptly vanishing. Nancy looks around and says "Well, I don't have any fancy teleporting gadgets like he does, so I guess I'll tag along with you until we find a way back to Sigil. When Nancy walks over to examine a tree she accidentally kicks one of it's roots, to her surprise it proceeds to swear quite loudly at her. "No respect for nature these days! Everyone thinks they can just kick the poor old tree... it can't do anthing to protect itself!" the tree seems to calm down a bit before continuing "I suppose I was a little rude, I'm always so cranky in the mornings. Welcome to the demiplane of the Mind-Granter, A nice old wizard who seems to just love imbueing things with sentience. If you ask me he's starting to go a bit senile though..."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis stiffens at the tree's speech. Is this how madness feels? Listening to the incredible words, he relaxes a bit; this was nothing more than mortals playing more tricks. The priest looks at the dagger carefully. How strange that so small a thing could carry such power.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Oh good...just a demi-plane," Fringe whispered with a sigh of relief. "For a moment I was worried about re-entering the Beastlands." The tiefling turned slowly about, his nose taking in the scents as much of the surrounding area as it could.

At least the place isn't at all like my father's kip. he thought to himself. "Well, since I don't feel like calling you a garden post, what's yer name?" Fringe asked the tree.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus looks around. This wasn't any Outer Plane he was familiar with, and this is soon explained by a nearby tree. Dance one way, you're too close to the pit. Dance the other way, you're in the fire. Don't dance at all, though, and you've lost the Cadence.

'May we speak with the Mind-Granter?' he asks.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: How strange that we should suffer so much pain over so small a thing... Oh look: a talking tree. Why no, I suppose respect for nature is rather lacking these days. What's that? A wizard roaming around?

Quith'mek is hardly disoriented, considering himself well experienced in interplanar travel. He is rather annoyed by an overly talkative plant that doesn't know when it isn't wanted. And why could that fool of an assassin have taken them someplace useful, instead of this fantasy land for a senile old man?

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"Us trees have names that are unpronouncable by non-trees, so you can call me Marf, and the Thought-granter's house is just that mansion over there." *one of the tree's branchs shakes in the mansions direction before it goes on to say* "Watch out though, the doors love riddles, they'll only open if you can answer their riddle."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Curiosity rapidly giving way to wariness, Akhenanubis nods curtly to the tree. "Your instructions are appreciated, sir," he says, turning and heading in the direction of the mansion. To his companions he adopts a matter-of-fact tone, "We will need, of course, to find a means of returning to Sigil with the dagger to return it to the dabus. If this wizard is capable of reason, we will hopefully have no diffilculty in locating an exit, but we should prepare for trouble." He stops as if struck by a sudden thought, and turns back to the group, lowering his voice and glancing cautiously at the tree. "It may also be prudent to conduct ourselves with some discretion," a pointed look at the dagger here, "to avoid any more delays in our journey."

Fringe Fartale's picture
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"Wizards..." Fringe muttered on the way to the mansion. "Why do these things always involve wizards?" He had a wolfish gait to his walk as he sulked before a grin flashed on his face.

"At least I like riddles. But aren't these places," he gestured about to indicate the demi-plane in general, "made by people who are rather fond of privacy?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus glances around at his companions. 'Shall we go? I understand if one of you wants more information from the tree, but if not it could behoove us to seek out the Mind-Granter.'


Pants of the North!

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:riddle time! or you could just kill the doors, your choice really.

You walk for a few minutes before reaching the front door of the mansion, upon your arrival the door immediately begins talking in an excited tone "It's been so long since we last had guests, finally a chance to ask some of those riddles I thought up! Ok, let's start off easy:
I am the templar's armament,
the pacifist's bane.
For those whose heart's I touch,
there is no tomorrow.
I hear screams, see sweat,
there is no mercy or pity for those that I've met.
What am I?

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OOC:If any of you want a hint, make an intelligence check, DC 20.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
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After hearing the tree speak, Akhenanubis jumped only slightly when addressed by the door they approached. A stern face came to his face when faced with the riddle. Sands of Time, how he hated riddles.
"A broadsword?" he asked in a voiced he hoped didn't sound too annoyed. There was no use making an enemy of the door and having it continue to bar the way.

Intelligence check: 5. Akhen you fool!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

It would be so easy to blast the doors apart. So simple, and at the same time so immensely gratifying. All he needed to do was release the mounting frustration that built in his mind and the insufferable riddling door would splinter apart. It would be magnificent...

Quith'mek checked his aggressive urges. As much as it offended him to be forced to play by some human's rules, the fact remained that he was standing in some human's demiplane, and so that human's rules were the ones which governed. It would not do to make war on him so rashly.

Intelligence check: 14=failure. His impatience with the animated residents of this strange place seemed to be interfering with his thoughts, for Quith'mek could not concentrate on the riddle's solution. Yes, a sword. The cleric seems to have gotten it. That is the keen mind of the Silver Void.

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