Game: Hired by the Dabus

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The Assassin's smirk vanishes to be replaced with a more somber look, he says "As you surely know from my business card my name is Verris,would you mind telling m your names? I also regret that we did not meet on more agreeable terms last time, and as to my injurys I think I'll keep you guessing. I would like to know the full nature of the dagger but I don't think you know any more than me. This arrangement is of mutual benifit so we can all learn exactly what this dagger is fully capable of and why the other groups after it want it so much. The conditions are simple: we work together to protect Miss Nancy "Loremaster" Trell while she examines the dagger some more and then we shall have further negotiations based on what we learned. Are you prepared to start the examination of the dagger?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"We are, let us move quickly." Akhenanubis was still struggling with the task of cooperating with an opponent. He bore the assassin no ill will for his profession, the Great Judge would not allow him to kill those not already destined to die, but the man seemed untrustworthy and a certain amount of caution was not out of place. He readied his mace Balance and watched the door for intruders.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The Assassin nods and says "They won't go through the door though, unless you have a teleport blocking spell they'll just teleport in. Try to keep the first opponent to teleport in talking for 18 seconds and I'll try to take him down."

The Assassin steps into the shadows in the corner of the room and appears to vanish. Nancy looks looks at the the all of you and pulls the dagger out of a pocket in her robe and begins examining it.

15 minutes later...

OOC: before we continue do any of you have any preparations that you made during those 15 minutes?

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Fringe will take a minute or so to shift into his Hybrid form, keeping his breeches on with scabbards for keeping his swords sheathed until needed. Then if he'll make a 'perch' of any wooden rafters up above in order to 'get the drop on' an opponent.

BIC: The already odd tiefling became odder as his skin became covered in seemingly serrated blue fur, with myriad patches of green in patterns mirroring that which had been on his skin. Legs lengthened partially and boots faded along with most of his clothing leaving large tattered breeches with a red and black sash to keep it up and a pair of sword belts that carried his swords as well.

The lycanthrope fought the urge to howl as he slowly spreaded his black and blue wings, covered in vaguely recognizable shapes, and took off for the upper rafters of the room. There he balanced himself and waited for any action to occur.

OOC: Well, I nearly have my scanner working again, and then Fringe's hybrid form can be clearly shown in color and detail. Now, for those who give a sodding bit as to what any of the symbols on the wings are, it's a Spot Check DC 10 to recognize the Baator insignia, and a DC 15 to recognize the Beastlands (some things are more prominent.) Or just go ahead and recognize for all I care.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek asks the assassin, "Who is coming and how do you know this? Do not attempt to betray us, human. You may be able to camouflage your form in the shadows, but I can still find your mind and rend it."

He draws his sword, Jarec'il, and manifests Detect Hostile Intent and Ubiquitous Vision. If time permits closer to the arrival of enemies (i.e. within 8 minutes of their arrival, due to shorter durations) he will manifest Defensive Precognition and Force Shield. So let me know if DHI spots any enemies within 30'.

The githyanki slides a white, featureless mask made of crystal over his face and lowers his head, while a low pulsing resonance seems to emanate from the floorboards beneath him. He is positioned toward the back of the room, farther away from the door.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OoC: Janus requires no preparation. The Cadence will bid him to move when motion is necessary.

IC: Janus stands near Nancy, not quite looming, and seems to have an eye on the entire room at once. He doesn't appear tense, not quite, but he seems like a spring ready to uncoil at a moment's notice. Or, perhaps more accurately, a spring ready to wind just before the moment, to unwind at its notice.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

That's a good little Cipher. I'm *feeling* a promotion in store for you, little Janus.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel also wonders what attacks the assassin expects, but does not voice his worries - Quith'Mek is doing a passable job voicing said concerns.

The little mephling sat down cross legged beneath the main table, using it as cover in case the attack went down. He then closed his eyes and focused his mind in order to utilize his powers of dreaming in the most efficient manner possible.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

There is a slight waver in the air as if there was an intense heat and a human and a tiefling appear at the end of the room. The human is wearing platemail and holding a bastard sword in a ready position, the tiefling looks like a typical wizard with a staff and robe. Both the human and tiefling are wearing an amulet with the symbol of the Athar on it.

The tiefling scans the room and focuses on Akhenanubis before saying "Surrender the dagger peacefully and there will not be a fight."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus nods. 'Perhaps you would be interested in waiting.'


Pants of the North!

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The tiefling gives a suspicious look as he says "Why should we wait? I won't fall for a trap as blatant as that!"

The human scowls and says "Try anything and die."

OOC:and to complete the details on them they're both male in gender

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A cold fury washes over Akhenanubis at the appearance of these... defiers. It felt as though his emblazoned breastplate and mace grew hot in anticipation of smiting their blasphemous heads. Remembering the complications of the last conflict, though, he held his emotion in check and spoke to the Athar in an icy tone. "The dagger which we both seek is being examined for dangerous dweomers. It would be to the benefit of all involved to delay any violence until the Loremistress's ministrations are done. Then the peace may broken for a... discussion of our rights of ownership."
Mentally, the priest imagined crushing the mage's head with Balance for his shrill arrogance.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The mephling lowered its head and lapsed fully into a trance. Its mind delved deep into its subconscious, into the subconscious of all beings and called out.

'Come to me, little nightmare, your assistance is required.'

Manifesting Astral Construct... I don't know the exact specifics yet... probably maxed out. It takes a whole round, so next round I'll have meself a nightmare to do battle with me.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'Hmmm.... this is getting interesting... but... Oh, one of my own kind, partially.' Fringe considered in thought as he looked down at tiefling. The human looked more like a nuisance, unless that was silver he was carrying.

Fringe kept himself silent he took periodic sniffs, his infernal ancsestry bidding him to be patient. The promise will be kept. One way or another. Another part of his mind told to wait for others to strike as a pack. Then there was that quite, timid, third voice. Asking why must there be a fight?

The lycanthrope's wolfish mouth smiled a fang-filled maw at the thought of completing the Rule of Three.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek closes his eyes and, with a mighty surge of power, shifts his awareness a fraction of a second into the future--disorienting for a lesser race, but much simpler for the cunning minds of the githyanki, who are used to such temporal bending--and then immediately imagines into existence a field of psychokinetic force, surrounding him and warding blows to come. (Manifests [Defensive Precognition[/i] as a swift action for 7 power points and then Force Screen for an additional 1 power point, bringing the gith's total power points to 43 for the day)

"Do not presume to command us, Athar. I do not take orders from you or your faction. I have encountered your kind before, in the Silver Vastness."

These humans are presumptuous. They do not know their place, but they will. Especially the mixed blood... the tainted one. He dares to give orders to a Son of Gith. And to think that the fool with a sword could defeat a scion of the great Liberator herself. The arcanist will be the first to fall. He is weak and frail. Though the warrior, as he must style himself, would fall all the more quickly to my psychic powers. Quith'mek could feel the hate welling up inside of him, a comforting buffer before battle. Despite how far he had been removed from the home of his mighty ancestors, he knew in his soul that he was made to defeat his enemies, built for conquest. He concentrated to keep his anticipation in check as he imagined the elation of their exquisite destruction.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:I'd say about 3 rounds have passed... Would you believe Mr. wizard here just rolled a 20 on his fort save? the sneak attack damage was too much for him anyways though.

A shadow seems to detach itself from the wall and strike at the wizard's back and then dash over to the shadows in the opposite corner of the room before vanishing again. The wizard just stands still for a second and says "Damn..." before falling to the ground looking rather dead.

The Athar with the sword growls and says "What kind of trick was that?! What the hell killed him? I warned you not to try anything!"

OOC:roll initiative

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Wow, some weak-ass enforces those Athar sent after us.

I roll a 12 for Initiative. Not so great.

Quith'mek will manifest an augmented Psionic Blast--a cone aimed at the fighter--when his turn rolls around.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Initiative = 20

Level 5 Astral Construct utilizing Overchannel to get that extra Power point. Astral Construct Powers = Muscle and Extra Attacks. Ketel takes 2 damage.

Ketel let out a yelp as dream energy poured forth from his mind. The dream stuff was a rainbow of astral protomatter and ethereal ectoplasm before it twisted itself into a massive humanoid figure. The creature stood on elephant-like feet with three powerful ape-like limbs jutting from its body. its head was a tangled radish with no visible eyes.

"Defeat the fighter,Aloysius, but spare its life," Ketel commanded pointing at the Athar.

The monstrous beast swung its three powerful limbs, aiming to incapacitate and not kill.

Three Slams...
Slam 1... Crit fail - miss.
Slam 2 - AttackRoll 24 - 18 subdual damage
Slam 3 - Attack Roll 20 - 16 subdual damage

Meanwhile the mephling focused his mind again and latched onto the Athar's mind and released a cascade of psionic power .

Manifesting Mind Thrust with 8pp. Will Save DC 20 to Negate. 8d10 damage = 47. If he looks likely to die, Ketel will stop the psionic assault.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Athar's initiative=15 and yes they are weak, can you say cannon fodder? We'll just say you knock the Athar fighter unconscious(or his head can explode, depends if you feel merciful)

The remaining Athar is knocked out by the Nightmare's fists and you see another ripple in the air as 8 Ethergaunts appears where the Athar now lay, you have the feeling you've met them all before. The ethergaunts all look like they have a rocky, stony texture and are greyish in color. Each Ethergaunt also appears blurred and hard to focus on.

The ethergaunts kicks the Athar wizard's corpse and say "Worthless insects... not even good as cannon fodder!"

The ethergaunts turn, look at the rest of the group, and say "I won't fail this time. Your death is inevitable, just give up and die now."

OOC:initiative=4... go figure

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus


Janus takes a few steps over to the remaining Athar, seeming to react almost before the wizard falls. He calmly reaches over to take the warrior's sword. (If he's successful...) He twirls it serenely. 'I say again - how about you wait?'

(If he's unsuccessful...) He tilts his head slightly. 'Very well. Difficult it is.'

On his turn Janus activates Improved Cipher Trance (+4 to dexterity, wisdom, and charisma for nine rounds), then moves to the warrior and attempts to disarm (Improved Disarm, so no AoO): opposed attack roll=11.

OoC: It seems the Cadence is not quite with me tonight. Well, Janus went first in the round anyway, so he tries (and likely fails) to take the sword and the nightmare pummels the warrior into submission.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis dismisses his hesitation and grips Balance tightly. He could hold himself back from attacking the misguided heretics, though they made his blood boil, but this abomination was to be destroyed. Calling on the grace of Anubis to guide his arm, the jackal's eyes burned with righteous determination. Purposefully he stepped toward the ethergaunt, his mace-arm tensed. "You have no place here, creature of disbelief. By the will of Anubis you will perish."

Initiative Roll: 16
Casting divine favor, granting myself +2 to attack and damage for one minute

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Rolled a 24 on initiative. Whoop.


Fringe suppressed a low growl in his monstrous throat. Before tilting his body so that he can begin his decent to strike upon the Ethergaunt. With one claw on the handle of his long sword Claw, and with green eyes narrowed in concentration, the lycanthrope made his move.

Fringe will use an Improved Quick Draw attack upon the Ethergaunt. An extra attack made at full base attack bonus before using up his regular attack. Rolled a 13, so 13+10=23 with an enchanted +2 longsword. If damage is done it will do 1d8+5 and if Sneak Attack damage is applicable add 1d6 as well. The second attack roll was in total 15 with the same weapon.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ok, I think there was just a crazy time warp with the initiative count or something, but I guess we're rolling with it.

Quith'mek will now focus his attacks on the ethergaunt, since the warrior dropped before he even got to act.

Quith'mek looked at the returned ethergaunt with roiling hatred. The grim smile he wore as he considered the demise of the Athar vanished, replaced by a sneer of pure contempt, unseen beneath his crystal mask. Everything about this creature stank of corrupt horror. Its detestable, twisted form. The malice that it radiated. Its alien thoughts were of oblivion and chilling devastation. This being was an affront to existence itself, an entity constructed from the cold vastness of the Ethereal's depths to be a harbinger of nihilism. The last time he felt such abhorrence, he was ripping an illithid in two at the midsection. The Athar would be defeated. This detested thing would be annihilated.

Quith'mek could not even bring himself to make mental contact with the thing. It had defended itself aptly enough against his last assault, but what's more, it was such a loathsome consciousness to touch that he reserved his telepathy. Instead, he began to draw energy from the room around him...

You all feel a pressure build inside your head and then release as a palpable force surges across the room. The glass in the windows cracks with a sharp snapping noise and lamps down the length of the study table implode. A mass of psychokinetic rage seeks to crush the ethergaunt's head.

[Manifest Concussion Blast using the Overchannel feat, but not the Talented Feat. Quith'mek takes 2d8 points of damage (11 damage. Ouch) and manifests the power as a 9th level manifester. 3 power points to start, plus 6 more bring the total damage up to 4d6, but no save. 19 damage to the ethergaunt.]

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Resolving round 1:I don't feel like rolling for it and it's more dramatic, Janus disarmed the fighter.
Round 2:I believe things currently resolve as follows:
1:Fringe attacks from above
2:Akhenanubis casting Divine favor
3:Quith'mek's all out psionic assault.
We still need Janus' and Ketel's actions for this round

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus twirls the stolen sword in a flourish, and steps in to engage the ethergaunt. Almost by providence, he slips into a flanking position with Fringe. The sword ends its twirls in a reverse grip, and Janus slashes across the ethergaunt with it.

'You, we have established, do not belong.'

Attacking with the sword - I'll assume it's a normal longsword. Attack roll: 20 - critical threat. 17 to confirm. Not sure if the 'gaunts can be critted or not... so if I can critical (and confirmed), it'll be 4 damage, 2 otherwise.


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel glanced at the ethergaunt and felt that horrendous presence in his mind as it spoke telepathically. It was like razor blades cutting through his mind. “Aloysius! The masked one!” he commanded, reaching deep into his soul and touching that spark of elemental cold that dwelt within him. In his chest there was a mote of that elemental vacuum in which all things hung, that frigid void which he focused up through his body and allowed to explode out of his mouth. The cold coalesced into a bolt, focused through his sheer force of will, and streaked towards the ethergaunt shimmering with frigid blue energy.

Manifest Energy Ray, expend Psionic Focus to Empower. I’m assuming I can increase my Caster Level due to my mephling caster level bonus so it’ll cost me 8pp and deal 7d6+7 times 1.5. Total damage = 49.

The nightmare turned on its elephantine hindquarters and swung its massive fists, still pulling its punches as it did while fighting the Athar.

Attack 1 – Attack roll 24 – 17 subdual damage .
Attack 2 – 16
Attack 3 – 17

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:initiative order is thus: 1st:Fringe 2nd:Janus 3rd:Ketel 4th:Akhenanubis 5th:Assassin 6th:Quith'mek 7th:Ethergaunt.
I also have a revision of the description of the Ethergaunt to accurately represent his defensive spells:
The remaining Athar is knocked out by the Nightmare's fists and you see another ripple in the air as 8 Ethergaunts appears where the Athar now lay, you have the feeling you've met them all before. The ethergaunts all look like they have a rocky, stony texture and are greyish in color. Each Ethergaunt also appears blurred and hard to focus on.
I will have to change a few things to reflect the fact that there are 8 ethergaunts(you can guess a spell is causing this pretty easily due to the difference from the previous description) but they're just minor edits.
The Ethergaunt's AC is 32. I'll post what happens in the current round later.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOops, Energy Ray needs an attack roll. Touch attack. HA! HIT! Critical Success... 20 + 7 = 27... ROll for crit confirmation... 11... can't win 'em all.... but the ray itself hit.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:and one more quick question before we continue, are all of you adding any bonuses you have to your rolls that you post or are you just giving me the roll? If it is the latter I'd appreciate it if you'd add everything up on your own in the future.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: My rolls are all added up... unless you have special bonuses you want to add that I do not know about.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
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OOC: Yep, I added up my bonuses, before the flanking occured, and it still didn't hit the Ethergaunt. Meh, can't get'em all.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

I've been giving my total roll.


Pants of the North!

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:and now for the current round... Fringe attacks from above and misses the Ethergaunt he was aiming for thanks to the 20% miss chance of blur, Janus manages to hit an Ethergaunt and the image vanishes when he attacks it, Ketel also hits with his ray and another image vanishes while his construct causes yet another image to vanish, Akhenanubis casts divine favor, the Assassin comes out of the shadows and attacks which makes yet another image vanish, Quith'mek attacks... and hits the real Ethergaunt! The Ethergaunt decides to open his mask(DC 16 will saves for all who can see it's face, the Assassin made his save and the librarian isn't looking) and casts a spell on the defensive at Quith'mek for 7 damage spellcraft check DC 17 to identify it. I shall now give descriptive text now that all those mechanics are dealt with.

Fringe drops down from the rafters swing his longsword at a vital looking spot in an Ethergaunt's neck only to miss the Ethergaunt he was aiming for by an inch, his longsword harmlessly passing through empty air as he landed deftly on his feet next to the Ethergaunt. After Fringe's leap from the rafters Janus slashes at the back of the Ethergaunt that Fringe had missed only a second earlier... only to have his blade pass harmlessly through the air when the image vanished. Yet another second later the ray of coldness that lept from Ketel's mouth passed through another image which dissipated upon contact the the bolt of deadly energy, at the same time Ketel's conjured Nightmare swung away at yet another image that vanished in what was almost a mocking fashion. Akhenanubis stood back and finished calling upon his god's might a moment after Ketel's incredible attack. Right After Akhenanubis completed his prayer a shadow once again shot out of the corner and cut at an Ethergaunt which vanished upon being struck, the shadow darted into the opposite corner again and vanished almost as if it too were just a spell conjured image or perhaps merely a figment of the imagination. A moment after the Assassin's strike from the shadows Quith'mek was the first to hit the real Ethergaunt as his psionic assault tore into the Ethergaunt and everyone hears a telepathic cry of anger mixed with pain. After all this the Images of the Ethergaunt shuffled and all raised a trembling hand to point at Quith'mek and everyone heard one word so filled with malice that it almost hurt to hear, that word is "Suffer.". Following this telepathic statement the Ethergaunt's Mask opened to reveal Organs, orifices, gaps, tentacles, eyes, pits, strange things that make no sense, endless twisting and turning like some kind of mad anemone, the sight is maddening and threatens to crush your minds from merely looking at it. At the same time that the Ethergaunt opened it's mask a green bolt of dripping liquid shot from it's finger and hit Quith'mek squarely in the chest before beginning to eat away at his clothing and flesh.

OOC:The sentence used to describe what was behind an Ethergaunt's mask was borrowed from

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Fringe sees the face and rolls a 13, add his Will +6 and he makes it! He attempts to make a single Bite attack at the Ethergaunt. Rolled a 26% for miss chance, gets to attack the real one. Flanking adds +2, Attack bonus is +11, for a total of +13. Needs a 19 to hit. Rolled a 16. Total that up for 29, no hit.

BIC: After snorting at the Ethergaunt's horrible, seemingly indescribable visage, Fringe flipped his longsword Claw in one clawed hand before lunging forward in an attempt to bite off the Ethergaunt's head.

His attempt earned him to make a slight mental laugh from more than a few sides of his mind as he pulled his head back. Looks like someone should learn to open their jaw a bit more! snickered an infernal voice in his mind. It was the fiendish side of Fringe and ignored it.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Will Save = 11... what happens?

Bob the Efreet's picture
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Game: Hired by the Dabus

Will save 13 - whatever Ketel's got, it's contagious.


Pants of the North!

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:for those of you who fail the save you get the fun of 1D4 ability damage to every mental stat (intelligence,wisdom, and charisma) and having to save against the gaze in the next round.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Saving throw 29, a success. Glad my stats aren't drooping since my spells are the only thing I can count on with its AC. Then again, I don't know about divine spells.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Since you didn't give numbers, I assume we're to roll our own stat loss... I get 2 on each. The current character sheet (in my sig) reflects that as well as the bonuses from being in trance. Then I'll go with a full attack with the longsword: attack rolls of natural 1 (miss) and 15, so two misses... unless the 15 hits and destroys an image.

Janus takes a half-step back, mind reeling from the horrors behind the mask. Such a thing should not exist anywhere in this multiverse. With a shake of his head, he regathers his wits and takes a few slashes at the creature, the first thrown wide as he still works to focus his vision.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Willpower save 25, including the -4 from having Ubiquitous Vision manifested against a gaze attack. (Is it a gaze attack?)

Quith'mek's eyes widen as he forsees the ethergaunt's mask split in half to reveal madness inside. As the present ethergaunt's actions match his split-second precognition, the gith turns away, but cannot escape the horrifying visage. Insanity spills out and floods around him, but he summons his inner strength and pushes back against it. The cold, spreading malice breaks against his mask and is defeated. The githyanki is now quite unhappy.

I will have my vengeance. Its alien mind would be rent across the planes. he tells himself. The gith reaches to his right upper arm and touches a twisting, patterened tattoo that pulses briefly and then fades. As it does, a wave of energy seems to wash over the telepath and he relaxes, apparently reinvigorated.

Psionic Tattoo of Body Adjustment, healing 7 damage.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The sussurating madness exuding from the split in the ethergaunt's mask struck Akhenanubis like cold water. His life seemed to flash before his eyes, but it was a hollow life pursuing an unatainable goal. Waves of cold, logical thought assaulted his mind... but then a flame welled inside his breast, a burning ardor of purpose. He was a scion of the Great Judge, a noble and just cause. What was more, his prayer to the god was answered and he felt divine strength fill his limbs. With eyes of blazing ice, he swung Balance in a deadly arc.

Action for next round Attack Roll 28

The shimmering hate from the creature seemed to push the mace away, driving Akhenanubis's strike awry. The priest stifled panic and focused his mind. Better means would be required to defeat this foe.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel screamed and writhed as the horrible sight tore at the very fabric of his sanity. The mephling had seen the very deepest fears of the mortal psyche before him while floating through the eternal dream sea – this brought back those horrid memories with a vengeance. The little mephling scratched at its eyes and wailed, pointing its finger in the general direction of the ethergaunt and calling out, “Aloysius, destroy that… that… thing!”

The nightmare didn’t have to be told twice. It turned on its trunk-like legs and swung its massive fists like a barrage of ham-sized clubs.

(Three attacks, 35, 20, 16 – tell me if any hit)

Once again the mephling summoned forth his mental energies, and focused on the ethergaunt’s mind, unleashing blasts of doubt and fear that tore at the ‘gaunt’s psyche.

(Manifesting Ego Whip, augmented – 7pp. 2d4 Cha Damage, Will Save Half, Minimum 2)

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:by the way, if you want to roll as to which image you hit, a 4 on a 1D4 will hit the real one and there is a 20% miss chance if I did not mention it earlier. I will also assume since Fringe went first and attacked the real Ethergaunt you'll focus on the real one and not need to roll for the correct image. Actions resolve as thus:Fringe misses but located the real Ethergaunt,Janus misses both attacks because of AC but not miss chance(effects how it's described), Ketel takes 3 damage to each mental stat and deals 3 charisma damage to the Ethergaunt in turn(it made it's save), Ketel's construct hit's with it's first attack dealing 9 damage,Akhenanubis dosn't hit the AC(but does beat the miss chance), The Assassin spring attacks yet again but dosn't beat the AC, Quith'Mek heals himself but takes 7 more damage from that green stuff eating away at him, and the Ethergaunt casts a spell on the defensive at the Astral construct(touch attack roll 18, did it hit? fortitude save DC 24 for the construct if the touch attack hit).
I will post the descriptions of the round's actions as soon as I find out about the Ethergaunt's spell's results from Primus.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

(The attack hit, but the Construct has Construct powers... if the Fort save affects items then he failed the Save. If not, then he doesn't even need to make the save, he's completely immune to the effect.)

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Very well then, the construct goes "poof" into dust.

Fringe lunges forward in an attempt to bite at the horror behind the mask but was pushed back by an invisible force. As Fringe recoverd from his lunge Janus, still staggering from what he saw behind the mask, swung wildly at the Ethergaunt, the first swing missed completely while the other rebounded off the same invisible force that stopped Fringe. A second later, Ketel's assault on the Ethergaunt's mind rended at it's psyche but was mostly staved off by the cold, harsh shield of unyielding logic. As the Ethergaunt stumbled for a moment, temporarily disoriented by Ketel's psionic attack, the fist of the nightmare slammed down towards the Ethergaunt breaking through the invisible barrier to meet the hastily raised arm of the Ethergaunt with a thunderous "Thwap", it's other swings could not break the barrier however. Akhenanubis swung his mace at the Ethergaunt a moment later but unlike the nightmare's fist his mace was turned away by the ever frustrating barrier. A moment after Akhenanubis' blow was turned aside by the barrier a shadow darted from one corner towards the Ethergaunt, when the shadow reaches the Ethergaunt you hear a "chink" noise before the shadow darts to the opposite corner and melds once again with the shadows. As the Assassin darted across the room Quith'mek activated his healing tatoo, only to have all the damage to himself that he healed be done again as the green liquid continued to eat away at his flesh. After all this the Ethergaunt still stood arrogantly as the images shuffled once more then all raised their hand to point at the Nightmare before saying "This is the fate that awaits you if I feel merciful, oblivion is so much more blissful than enslavement after all." as a green beam shot from the finger of each image and turned the nightmare to nothing but a small cloud of dust when they struck it.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The tiefling snorted at his own seemingly futile attempt. And once the Ethergaunt stated the words 'enslavement', he couldn't help but howl. He took a short backward hop before reeling back his head and gave a long howl to the ceiling, wings folded tightly to his back and fur standing out.

Hopefully whatever guards were wondering near the library, would soon come in and help, even if in the end they will try to put Fringe himself in some dungeon for not wearing his collar.

He howled once more before snarling menacingly at the Ethergaunt.

OOC: Fringe takes a 5-foot step back before howling. Simply an attempt to get the attention of whatever Automata guards might be about.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis was getting worried. He was not frightened, surely his soul was more than prepared to be weighed against the feather of ma'at, but he understood the enormity of failure against this creature. It was an anathema to the multiverse itself, and powerful enough to counter blunt confrontation. The priest kept his mace out in front of him and distanced himself from the images of the ethergaunt. Thoughts cleared from his mind as he whispered a prayer to Anubis, channeling the light of the Judge's truth through his mortal form.

Akhen takes a 5-foot step back from the 'gaunt, and then casts searing light. Ranged touch attack roll: 17 +8 +2 = 27. Roll to see if he hits the right image: 4 (phew). Damage: 2d8= 10

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'I suspect you will find enslavement is not an option,' Janus says. 'It is suggested that you go seeking easier prey.' With that admonition, Janus takes another two strikes with the sword, slashing across and then flipping the sword around into a normal grip before slashing back in the same arc.

Janus attacks two more times: 16 and 24. Assuming the images are constantly shifting around (requiring a roll to locate them for each attack), I got a 3 and 1 - two images.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Upon hearing the word "enslavement," Quith'mek looses any restraint he may have had left. Speaking in the revered tongue of his ancestors, he curses the vile thing: You, reviled enslaver, shall die the death of a mind-eater. You will regret so threatening a fighting son of Gith, the most glorious!
Speaking in an unknown language--"A'th kent, vre'tm cher'dul, ma'skenyr l'un erv'a'bral. A'th ma'halavm ur'cral'm'et e'tun i'Gith, y'nreth wrastrim!--the masked Gith advances on the creature, black energy crackling, and reaches for it...

Manifest Hostile Empathic Transfer on the Etherguant for 5 power points.
Melee touch attack: 15+4=19
I heal 17 points of damage and inflict that damage on the Etherguant.
I rolled a 3 to determine which one I hit, so, after all that, it's still no good. Just checking, but is this the Mirror Image spell? Because those images disappear after any successful hit on them, meaning they should be just about all gone by now.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

I would like to note that there are only 4 images left and once someone hits the real Ethergaunt I'll assume everyone after that targets the correct Ethergaunt since they can only shuffle on the Ethergaunt's turn. I would also like to note something I feel really stupid for forgetting: I'm using the psionics are different rule with diminishing effects. I'm not sure how this affects the Ethergaunt's arcane spell immunity in regards to psionics so I'll simply rule it dosn't for this battle.

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