Game: Hired by the Dabus

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

And when we all arrive and meet up in front of the Library...*

*Assuming that the jackal-man and the werewolf don't have a canine brawl. It is a bit sketchy that a blue werewolf should be looking for the same dagger as we are. He's gotta be sent by that assassin to kill us... unless he is the assassin. :twisted: have fun getting along, Fringe. We're a pretty paranoid group.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Upon reaching the library the first thing you all notice is the sheer size, it is at least 3 storys tall and about as big as a large mansion. Despite the similarities to a mansion it terms of size that is where the resemblance ends, the building is rather ordinary and dull looking. There are two sturdy but plain doors with some stairs leading up to them.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The presence of the tiefling in the same direction the party traveled was not lost on Akhenanubis. He seemed troubled about something, more than the hostility with Fringe, and Ketel could hear him whispering prayers to Anubis as they followed the straight lanes of Automata. Arriving at the imposing library, Akhenanubis pulls free the Balance his mace of dark metal.
The mental bond seems to be slowly slipping, a feeling which would have relieved the priest an hour ago but now makes him even more nervous. Before it fails completely he sends a missive to the rest of the group. Do not let your guards down. The foes we face are great indeed, magical creatures of evil. Anubis warns us of caution.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel blinked in a confused manner. How do you know this? he queried mentally, a questioning look aimed at the dog-man.

Ketel clasped his necklace shook it causing the dream sand locked inside to cascade. He was not nervous, nothing in this real world seemed particularly, dangerous, not like the horrors of the dreaming. But he was protected in the dreaming, not out here, though…

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A chuckle escaped from Fringe's throat as he came up to the group once more. His swords Fang and Razor Claw still in their sheaths as he approached.

"Well well well, seems like we have somethin in common. How about we put whatever business we gots beside until AFTER we get our claws on the berk?" Fringe asked suggestively.

"Besides, you can no doubt use another basher. I'll even help ya for free with no strings attached or fine print. Not like you cutters are anybody I'd want to cross anyways."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Ketel" wrote:
How do you know this? he queried mentally, a questioning look aimed at the dog-man.

Anubis has spoken to me directly, warning of the involvement of some creatures known as aetherghaunts. He warns that their magic is poten-

"Fringe Fartale" wrote:
"Well well well, seems like we have somethin in common. How about we put whatever business we gots beside until AFTER we get our claws on the berk?"

Akhenanubis frowned at both the interruption and the tiefling. His interest in their quest seemed suspicious and the priest could not entirely move past his prejudice against shapeshifters. Still, Akhenanubis had the utmost faith in Anubis the Just and surely his great lord would have warned of the tiefling too if he was a threat. Although perhaps Anubis had thought such a threat too obvious to mention?
The proxy-to-be shook his head to clear the tangle of thoughts. The wider multiverse was indeed a complex place and full of too many dangers for any just person to let his guard down. It would be advantageous to the quest to have another able-bodied warrior and it would be perhaps better to keep a possible threat close where it could be watched. Akhenanubis looked to the others for confirmation.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel shrugged at Akhenanubis and glanced at the tiefling. He is a stranger and has given us no reason to trust him, but I know him just about as well as I know the group with whom I have been thrust onto this quest with. We might as well let him tag along.

The dream mephling folded his arms and focused his little dreamy mind. He blinked twice, his eyes glowing for a moment before he looked up. "I'm ready when you all are," Ketel said with finality,

Ketel just gained Psionic Focus, in case he needs to Empower a power.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus nods to Fringe. 'He should come with us. I had felt we were one short, but not given a way to fix it. Although I must ask,' here he turns his attention to the tiefling, 'why do you seek this man?'


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek is shocked to hear the Cipher accept the newcomer so readily. The githyanki recognizes the tiefling as the same one who passed them in the street. "And what makes you so sure we can trust him? He might be the very one we seek." He begins to circle the blue-furred creature, studying him with what remains of his Detect Hostile Intent power. "I for one don't like the look of this one. How convenient that he should appear after us, supposedly seeking cooperation and seeming to follow us everywhere. How convenient that he should find us in this town, and immediately want to join us. Why should we trust you not to lead us into an ambush?" Sensing no hostility within the mind, Quith'mek turns and makes for the library steps. "Do not attempt to betray us, or you will find yourself sorely outmatched." It is the closest to a welcome that the tiefling will recieve.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

Upon entering the library you see a reception desk with a old human man sitting behind it, he says "Welcome to the largest library in Automata, is there a particular book that you are looking for?"

The inside of the library looks like a normal library other than its size, there are thousands of shelves filled with books neatly arranged into various sections.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel walked up to the desk (well, as close as he could get before the line of the desk obstructed his view) and looked up at the librarian. "We are looking for someone who we believe has entered this establishment. He probably inquired about a mystical looking dagger which he carried with him. Have you seen him?” As he spoke, the mephling’s keen eyes scanned back and forth, looking for one who met the description that they had been provided with.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

In response to the gith, Janus merely offers a small smile before entering the library. He stands behind Ketel, arms crossed over his chest, and scans the library. Githyanki are so mistrusting, he thinks as he looks for the assassin. I wonder if he realises we should by all rights have less reason to trust him.


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Why do I seek this man... why do I seek this man..." Fringe muttered aloud in feign thought. While he had no hostilities towards the group, he did feel a need to put a spin on the truth for why he was looking for the same man they were.

"Somehow I doubt you cutters have the same interests as I do. Buuut, let's just say that, there's a key in mind that I aim to get," was all he gave while he followed the others.

Saint's and Proxies! This has GOT to be the best reception I ever had! Unlike that one time in Excelsior... or Tradegate... Plague Mort, Torch, and definately better than that time on Lunia. was the thought that went through his mind while sniffing about.

Another tingling on the collar told him that by Automata law, he was to become a wolf again. More than relunctantly, he did so as he continued his sniffing about.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The old man behind the desk frowns and says "A person with a dagger? He's currently meeting with the best loremaster in Automata. Do you have the right permits pursuing this person? Please understand that even with the correct permits violence is strictly forbidden inside the library, if you are planning to use force then you must wait until this person leaves."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek steps back behind the others and focuses intently on the old librarian. He closes his eyes and concentrates intently. Inside his mind, he views himself reaching out to the man's subconscious and molding it. He can feel the ecstatic flood of thoughts wash over him as he sifts through the man's neural pathways. With a final rush of power, he crystallizes the man's thoughts according to his own wishes.

Quith'mek is manifesting the Modify Memory power. This costs 7 power points, for a daily expenditure of 13 points. The man must make a Willpower save versus DC 18 to avoid his memory being permanently changed. Quith'mek visualizes them presenting him with all relevant paperwork stamped, signed, and in perfect order.

*assuming that the power functions normally:
Quith'mek looks at the slightly confused-looking man. "If we have all the necessary approval to carry out our arrest of this individual, perhaps you would tell us where he is?"

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:rolled 4+4 from being a 5th level expert, he fails his save.

The man blinks a few times and nods in a dazed manner before saying "The man with the dagger and the loremaster he's meeting with are in the back room."

When you reach the door to the back room you hear a thud and a yelp come from the other side of the door.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis offers a quick prayer to Anubis to guide his destiny and goes for the handle. Bracing his shoulder against the door to shove it open against any resistance.

OOC: In case the door is stuck or locked, I made a Strength check. I got 11+4 which is a poor showing. Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a barbarian!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'Well. That doesn't sound good.' Janus stands just behind Akhenanubis, prepared to leap inside the room and deal with whatever trouble lies within.


Pants of the North!

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:door opens without any resistance

Upon opening the door you see a sagely looking female gnome leaning against the wall, A person clothed in a cloak with a hood holding a dagger in each hand, and a tall twisted and gaunt figure wearing a strange white bisected mask. The room itself is about 6 yards across and 6 yards long, and rather plain with a sturdy wooden table with some open books on it in the middle with a few chairs scattered about the room.

The creature with the bisected mask looks at the person with the cloak and you all hear a telepathic message, it says "Reinforcements shall arrive shortly, surrender the dagger or die."

The person in the cloak says "Why do so many people want this damn dagger so much?". The person then turns his head to look at Akhenanubis and Janus beforse saying "Are you here for the dagger as well? I will not surrender the dagger until I know why everyone is so desperate to get it."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Yes, you will" thinks Quith'mek, as he prepares himself. He begins with Detect Psionics in order to view which dagger is the artifact-level one, and then will start on defensive powers.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis sets his face into a grim scowl and surveys all three of the people in the room. "You will all surrender before the will of the Great Anubis. The dagger will be given to us." He added with a scowl to the assassin holding the dagger and took a swing with Balance.

Initiative: 15+2
Attack Roll (I assume its at least 5 feet to the Assassin so I can only attack once): 10+11
Damage: 8 (+6 if he's chaotic)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel gulped loudly and gripped his amulet tightly. Suddenly, the dream sand locked in the amulet was in his hand and, with a whisper, he hurled the tiny little sand particles into the room. The particles spread through the room, their magical energy permeating the atmosphere for a moment. Ketel hoped the magic was strong enough to end this altercation.

Initiative - 20.

Dreamsand = Deep Slumber. Will Save DC 16 or fall asleep. A max of 10HD of creatures. Targets are gnome woman, ethergaunt, assassin dagger guy. Individual with lowest number of HD affected first, then second lowest....

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Fringe could only growl, as he was in his wolf form, as he rushed by intending on at least covering the loremaster from danger.

OOC: Initiative 19+7=26. Tumble check to get past bodies and get between the Ethergaunt and the gnome woman, 7+10=17

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Gnome loremaster is rather dazed and confused at the moment and therfore I will not bother with an initiative for her.
12+3=15 for the Ethergaunt and 6+2=8 for the Assassin, Fringe Tumbles successfully, Akhenanubis hits and deals 8 damage, and nobody is effected by the dream sand.

As Fringe darts between the gnome loremaster and the Ethergaunt Ketel's dream sand spreads through the room and seems to have no effect. Akhenanubis then proceeds to swing his mace at the Assassin and deals a crushing blow to his side.

The Ethergaunt looks at Akhenanubis and sends him a telepathic message "Pitiful affront to reason and logic, god-slave... You cannot win, surrender now.". The Ethergaunt then proceeds to reach into its oddly organic looking robe and pull out a small triangular object which it then subjects to a series of twists before it lets out a burst of light. The Ethergaunt then looks at Akhenanubis before sending out another telepathic message to everyone in the room saying "Let's see how well you do without your "god's" support.".

The Assassin grits his teeth while saying "Damn, looks like I'm surrounded... I don't plan to die today.". The assassin steps into the shadows in the corner of the room while gripping his side and vanishes.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The air seems to ripple and pulse as Quith'mek unleashes the full power of his telepathy on the ethergaunt. The githyanki strains against the being's mental defenses, trying to find a way into his most vulnerable thoughts and destroy his mind from within.

Quith'mek manifests Mind Thrust on the Ethergaunt, using all the augmentation he can possibly accumulate.

Augmented with 8 additional power points. Overchannel and Talented let me augment as if I were manifester level 9, and so the total power point cost for Mind Thrust is 9. Damage is 9d10. Quith'mek expends his psionic focus to use this. This brings his power points down to 37.
Willpower save against DC: 19.
Damage: 9d10 on failed save. 1d6+8 on a successful save (thanks to the Quietus prestige class).

(forgot initiative: 14+6=20)

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Fear washed over Akhenanubis like a dry wind. He could not sense Anubis's pressence. Was he forsaken? Had he offended his god somehow? A wavering certainty began to build that he had followed the Great Judge's will, always he had followed, and this must be a trick of the insidious creature.
The device! It had somehow blocked the sight of Anubis from his servant. Rage, firey and strong but focused straight at the ethergaunt, filled Akhenanubis's mind. "The device!" he called to the others, "Destroy it!"
Readying Balance again he lunges for the white creature.

I assume I need to make too big of a step to make a full attack, but in case.
Attack Roll: 25 (if full attack also 18)
Damage: 1d8+5 (+2d6 if he's chaotic... doesn't hurt to be thorough)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OoC: I don't plan on entering combat, at least not yet, but in case you want it anyway my initiative is 19.

Janus steps into the room and looks at his companions and the ethergaunt. 'In case you missed it, our quarry left. Our path requires tracking the dagger further. We could probably do without scribing this creature,' he nods to indicate the ethergaunt, 'and instead conversing about what it seems to need the dagger for.'


Pants of the North!

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Assuming that the ethergaunts spell immunity dosn't stop psionics the Ethergaunt rolled a 13+9 and made his save but still took 13 damage(I made the rolls for you to save time). Akhenanubis also hits an scores yet another nasty hit to the Ethergaunt for 9 damage.

The Ethergaunt staggers backwards from the combined blows to both its mind and body before sending a telepathic message saying "I... underestimated you, regardless the quarry has escaped and I do not have time to waste fighting you.". The Ethergaunt then begins casting a spell (OOC:DC 19 spellcraft check to identify it and Akhenanubis can make an AoO).

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A loud snort ejected from Fringe's muzzle as he sniffed about where the Assasin was. But magic of the sort was beyond his nose's sense and thus he growled low as he sulked over to the door and made an effort with the doorknob to get the collar off.

He had enough of the vile object anyways.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis is not really listening to the ethergaunt. His deity has condemed the creature and there can be no mercy given to it. When the thin figure begins its spell, the proxy-to-be swings his mace through the distracted defenses in another mighty arc.

Attack of Opportunity roll: 8+11= 19
Damage roll: 1d8+5

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel staggered back away from the battle. His dreamsand had failed to defuse the situation and their quarry was gone. The mephling had no quarrel with the ethergaunt, in fact the creature was fascinating to look at, a creature right out of the monsters of some of the more unsavory beasts of the planes. But his associates were currently battling it... but did he trust these companions enough to go to battle with a being whose intentions were unknown. It spoke arrogantly, but had not yet made any move to attack them. Ketel was conflicted.

Stepping out of the small room, Ketel opted out of the battle. His keen little eyes searched the floor of the room. He had watched the cleric mace their quarry, if it had knocked some scrap of cloth or drop of blood loose from him it would make it all the easier to track him down. Ketel silently wished that the cleric was wielding a sword, it would have made his job easier.

Search = 29. Probably nothing unless Akhen has a spiked mace, but that seems doubtful.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: not sure if dexterity bonus is retained, either way Akhenanubis misses. It seems like I forgot to roll initiative for this second round, shall we just pretend that the Ethergaunt went first to save time or would you prefer to roll initiatives for the second round?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Save time. Dex bonus is kept during an AoO. Did I find anything with my quick search? Probably not... DAMN YOU ANUBIS BOY, go buy a sword!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Did the ethergaunt's spell get disrupted? And Primus, the loremaster may have something left behind by the assassin. I'm sure we can find something. Nobody gets beaten by a mace in a library study room and leaves no trace behind.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Do you still have to make a concentration check if the person misses?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
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OOC: Nope.

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OOC:in that case the Ethergaunt does cast his spell.

The Ethergaunt finishes casting its spell and its image distorts slightly for a second before vanishing.

The loremaster gets to her feet and looks around before saying "Oh drat, we had this room cleaned only a few hours ago."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The first swing was too wide to hit the ethergaunt, and the second pulled Akhenanubis through the space where the creature had been standing and into the nearby wall. Breathing heavily he whirled around and raised Balance over his head, an animal growl escaping his throat.
Blinking, the priest saw that the creature was gone and realized his appearance. He replaced the mace on his belt quickly, with a slightly horrified expression. Was this the way a servant of the great Anubis acted? Like some headstrong farmer? Turning pale beneath his rough fur, Akhenanubis smoothed his features and turned to survey the room. The assassin was gone, but at least the loremaster remained to question. The githyanki looked at him dismissively, but that was his usual expression, and the mephling was surveying the area where he had struck the assassin. The tuladhara seemed to openly sneer, causing Akhenanubis to blush over his pale, and the wolf was rubbing itself against the doorframe.
Making a mental note to keep himself composed, Akhenanubis turned to the loremaster. "We apologize for our abrupt entrance, madame, but our mission precludes haste. What can you tell us about the man who was threatening you?"

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek, suspicious as usual, takes a round to regain psionic focus, and then expends it to activate his Inquisitor feat. This gives him a +10 on a Sense Motive check to oppose a Bluff check, which he will use as the librarian is telling the group what happened.

Concentration check to gain psionic focus: 20+12=32 versus DC 20. That would be a success.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The librarian gives Akhenanubis a quizzical look and says "What gave you the impression that the Assassin with the dagger was threatening me? I was examining the dagger for him when that creature teleported into the room and knocked my chair over. It really is a shame too, that dagger was so fascinating..."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"What fascinates you so about that dagger? What does it do?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel's keen little eyes could not find any shred of evidence left behind by their target. However, his eyes did spot the strange object carried by the ethergaunt lying unattended on the floor of the room. Ketel, later, would not be able to say why he did what he did. His associates were distracted by the gnome sage and the fight which had just ended. He reached out with his mind, slid the item into his hand and then vanished it into one of the myriad of pockets sewn into his many hued robe.

"I-I've found nothing," Ketel said, more to himself than anyone as he turned to regard the gnome woman.

Use asked me to ask you guys if you wanted Spot checks to see the pocketing of the item. Everyone is probably quite distracted, but if you think you should get one, speak up.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The librarian sighs and says "I only had enough time to discern its most basic ability, it can create portals. If the Assassin manages to figure that out on his own then you'll probably never be able to catch him."

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

After finally getting the collar off, breaking one law, Fringe reverted to his humanoid form. And subsequently cursed in Infernal, breaking another law.

Overhearing the librarian's sigh, he refocused his attention again to the matter at hand. "I only had enough time to discern its most basic ability, it can create portals. If the Assassin manages to figure that out on his own then you'll probably never be able to catch him."

"That's some welcome chant to me ears. Improbability. How it needs defying!" the tiefling chuckled. Fringe's barbed ears moved a bit as a question came to mind. "Pop quiz, if I was on the run from every bloody berk lookin fer a dagger, and in the middle of a quite a locked-down burg security wise, where would I go? Unless he could move through shadows that go beyond the gates of this town, how far is he really gonna get?"

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis blushed at the implied chastisement from the librarian. The man is an assassin... he thought to himself.
Speaking aloud he answered Fringe's question. "If the dagger can create portals, he could indeed be far from here. As one of the Prime Material Plane, though, it is unlikely that he would be able to think of any place on the planes to run to besides the places he already is familiar with." Turning to the gnome, he asked, "Did he say where he was going or even where he had traveled from?"

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The librarian pulls a card out of a pocket in her robe and says "His choice of career may be distasteful but he was a rather polite and friendly person, I think you could reason with him about the dagger. He gave me this business card, though he said he doubted I'd ever need it as a librarian."

The librarian then shows you the card, it says Verris: Professional Assassin, Guild of Assassins based in the city of Gendra. You also notice something that was written on the card in smaller letters, it says Gendra is in the Prime world of Kelrat, I have no idea what planars call it.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Yes!" Ketel said, plucking the card from the loremaster's hand with the telekinetic abilities in his mystical belt. Snatching the card from the air, Ketel glanced at it and flipped it over and over again.

"This will make it much easier to locate our quarry,” the mephling said with a smile, tapping the crystal in the center of his forehead with a finger. The crystal glowed slightly and then faded.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus nods. 'Yes, this card should help us greatly.'

He peers over the dream mephling, trying to read the card. Ketel's incessant flipping makes it rather difficult to get a good look, however.

'Well, what does it say?' he asks after a couple moments.


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel chuckled sheepishly and handed the card to the Cipher. "Sorry."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis is not so easily impressed. "This card will indeed help us to follow our quarry, but I do not like the ease with which we found it. If it is not a bait to lure us on into a trap, then it is at the least a clear marker of the assassin's trail that the ethergaunts can also follow clearly. If there were but an item to discern the location of that creature as well." He unsuccessfully scanned the place where the creature had stood, having been too preoccupied to notice Ketel's sift pocketing.
"Is there anything else you can tell us about this man, madame librarian?" (OOC: lovely madame libarian, Marian!)

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