Game: Hired by the Dabus

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The guard pulls out a notebook looks through it, after stopping on a page he says "You are on a mission of religious importance? Please state the exact reasons for your pursuit of this individual."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Unperturbed, Akhenanubis takes his manner even farther, "We are pursuing this man to retrieve an item he has stolen. He is from the Prime Material plane, and a stealthy assassin. We require information on any primes entering... this city and where they are staying. Also we require information on any parties arriving under the trappings of the... Athar." He takes a minute to remember the name of the Defiers, but when he comes to it, his voice drips with obvious venom.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The guard looks at the notebook nods to himself before saying "Is this object of religious importance? I such is the case you will ned to obtain a Relic Retrieval permit. As for the Athar and the assassin, they're your problem unless they break a law. If you wish to retrieve this Relic through force you shall need further permits."

The guard steps back and points to a nearby building which looks exactly like the buildings around it and says "You can apply for permits and get a list of the laws in that building, good luck with your mission."

The guard walks away down the street with the slow but steady walk of someone who had walked the same route for years

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

When the guard leaves, Quith'mek speaks to the others: "Our business does not concern these hrak'chal humans. They cannot help us find the thief, and we do not need the approval of lessers."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis is stunned when the guard leaves. Surely the guard recognized him as a highly respected agent of Anubis. He glanced down quickly at Golden Feather of Ma'at forged onto his bracers, the Rod of Greater Service in the quiver of wands on his belt, and the dramatic epithets written on Balance his mace. They were still there, but this only confused him more. Did the guard not recognize him? Was he some evil agent meaning to hinder the will of the Judge of Death?
Something was very wrong here.
Barely hearing the githyanki, Akenanubis merely nodded his head and absently muttered, "Yes. They are of no use." He was deeply troubled by this encounter. Looking up he continues, "Perhaps we should find someone more helpful in manner?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

One may find walls to be a hindrance. One may find walking to be dull. One may find one's self on a leash to be rather degrading. Not to mention collars.

It had taken the blue-haired, and occasionally blue-furred, tiefling a good five hours worth of insufferable paperwork before he was let into Automata.

Apparantly there were certain times lycanthropes were designated to be in certain forms. Which confirmed the tiefling's thoughts that SOMEBODY'S gonna pay-the-music hard when he got back to Sigil. He hated wearing collars of any sort, even if it did allow him to stay in Automata.

A blue-furred wolf with patches of swirling green, bristling fur that seemed needle sharp, and a pair of grass green eyes on the verge of becoming dead brown, trotted down the lanes of Automata looking about for the nearest shop (possibly to relieve contents therein later) when an odd fragrance caught his nose.

Fringe momentarily sniffed before hunger struck his stomach and he padded down an alleyway towards some unseen source of food. Unheeding the adventurers that were gonna be in his way soon.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: ? Did you get permission from the other players? Furthermore your character sheet in the character index did not include feats or mention where the whole wings/grow spikes ability comes from as well as toning down your character's ECL to 10, I'd need a revised character sheet before you could join.

Edit:you current character level is 13 currently, a natural werewolf has a +3 LA plus the optional 2 animal HD

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel watched the man walk off for a few moments and shrugged his tiny shoulders. His tiny little ebony wings twitched slightly as he stroked the gem around his neck, his eye lids suddenly becoming comfortably heavy.

“Agreed,” he said, “We should hunt out this fugitive using our own recognizance. I do not understand the customs of this Au–To–Mo-Ta but it seems unnecessary to find ourselves embroiled in lengthy legal disputes.”

The mephling glanced at the greenish dog walking in their direction with one of his large eyes before asking (without talking his eyes off the canine), “Do any of you have some sort of plan to hunt down this criminal?”

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'Indeed, it seems likely that our quarry would be able to escape while we acquired the appropriate permits to deal with him.' Janus glances down at the dream mephling with a bit of disdain at the mention of a plan. 'We should go...' He turns in a slow circle, before pointing down the street. 'This way.'


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel scowled a bit under Janus's gaze, his wings sticking out in an agitated fashion. "Fine," he said with an exagerrated shrug as he followed the haughty neutral-touched Cipher. I'll speak with the oneiroi about delivering dreams of Maldivu Ooze swarms into that one this night. The dream mephling smirked to itself folding its hands into its robes smugly.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The proxy-to-be nodded his head. "These humans are standing in our way with their petty hinderances, I believe these 'permits' are merely further distractions. We should begin our own perusal of the town, tommorow morning with the rising sun I can ask Anubis for guidance to the whearabouts of the thief." Following the Cipher he begins to look around expectantly, "Perhaps their is an augerer in this town who does not fraternize with the watchguard and his scheming directors."

OOC: Anyone with a good Gather Information? I can ask for a divination spell when I choose spells again, but it's not my specialty and I'm not sure how helpful the answer will be.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel spoke up, might as well make himself seem useful. “I can make an attempt to divine the location of the artifact and its holder, but it will take some time… perhaps we should find somewhere more comfortable and less ‘exposed’.”

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: I've got 3 of 4 player's okay, the 4th being Rhys and she hasn't checked back on me with it. Edited Fringe's Sheet at Character Index. Outsider Wings and Fiendish Bloodlines come from Races of Faerun. The spines replace the Electric resistance and were made by my DM. A Natural Lycanthrope has +2 level adjustment, tiefling +1 so, yeah, +3 total. Animal HD was treated as bonus HD.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:natural lycanthropes have +3 LA, check the link I gave. Rhys has also let me know that he/she is ok with you playing so I just need the ECL issue resolved and you're in. To clarify a natural lycanthrope has a +3 LA and can take an optional two animal HD for further benifits leaving them with a total of +5 ECL, you need to drop 3 class levels to be at 10 ECL.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"I will investigate these people. If they know anything, I will find it. Priest, you may have better luck talking to the sages." He looks at the others, "I can keep us in communication."

If no one has anything else to add, Quith'mek can do a Gather Information and manifest a heightened Mindlink power to keep everyone in telepathic communication. He'll start his search in a tavern of suitable size. Once he gets closer to the assassin, he'll start using specific psionics.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Given ten minutes, Ketel can manifest divination... the Cipher probably won't stick around, but you shouldn't leave the tiny mephling all by his lonesome while he works.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: that I've checked out your link.

Apparantly Races of Faerun had a different Level Adjustment bit, where natural werewolves are +2 and not 3... I guess though, that bringing 10/silver down to 5/silver, and inability to spread the curse will soften that bit up.

Next, we'll bring down Fighter level by one, that should cover it right? Or wrong?

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:the adjustment to reduce it back down to +2 seems ok and with only 2 fighter levels that would indeed drop you back to 10 ECL, please make the adjustments to your character sheet and you're in.

EDITE: Gah forgot the +1 LA from tiefling, you'll need to drop one more class level

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akehnanubis nods, glad that they have a plan. "I will stay with the little one while he consults his spirits, then he can accompany he to find the augurer." He looks appraisingly at the dreamling, "This one seems to know something about spiritual matters, he may be of help in interpretation as well. How do you intend to keep us connected, gith?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC: Made the adjustments!

BIC: Fringe's nose led him closer to the source of the interesting scent, hopefully food. A tavern indeed was the source, and he nudged the door open with a head butt.

Fringe is using Survival (Urban) to locate food... He's hungry and near the gith now.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'How much time do you need?' Janus asks the mephling. Before receiving an answer, though, Quith'mek is offering a communique and departure. 'Seems like a good idea, gith. I shall follow and keep an eye on you. Even on this side of the Ring, things can be dangerous.'


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Be still," says the gith, and he lowers his head and closes his eyes momentarily. When they flash open, you feel his voice speaking in your mind: "We can communicate over distance this way."

Quith'mek manifests Mindlink on the others (I believe there are three: Akhenanubis, Janus, and Ketel, for a total of 3 power points. ("You can communicate telepathically through the bond even if you do not share a common language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another).") This power will last for one hour and ten minutes.

Quith'mek then turns and begins walking, looking for a location where these humans might congregate: a tavern, where they drink poison and discuss their futile plans.

"A typical Gather Information check takes 1d4+1 hours."
"If you want to find out about a specific rumor, or a specific item, or obtain a map, or do something else along those lines, the DC for the check is 15 to 25, or even higher."

Quith'mek's bonus to Gather Information is +11, but I don't know how you want us to roll things like this. Will you just trust us? I myself am a noble Son of Gith and you know you can trust us githyanki. Though perhaps more relevantly, we're all pretty deeply involved in Planewalker, and I don't think we'd risk such a scandal as a falsified die roll would bring. Though I can't speak for our newest member, who is both a dirty lycanthrope and a dirty tiefling.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel shivered at the feeling of having the githyanki in his mind. Still, this was a most efficient means of communication, the dream mephling approved. He hummed a little tune in his head, a few bars of a song often dreamed of and never remembered by its composer. The tune resonated through the minds of the assemblage. He concentrated on the image of beating the tuladhara with his own legs and smiled when the tuladhara didn’t even flinch. ‘The link is selective, it does not transmit all thoughts, just those we wish to communicate,’ he thought at the others with a nod of approval.

Satisfied with his inspection of the psionic bond that now joined the group of unlikely allies, Ketel focused his eyes on Akehnanubis and motioned for the jackal-man to follow. ‘It will take me ten minutes of uninterrupted trance to get an answer to our query. Have we decided on what question to ask the dream-spirits?’ Ketel glanced about, looking for something marked as an inn, tavern, or some place where he could spend ten minutes in a state of trance without being bothered. ‘I was thinking “Where in this city should we search to find the knife which we seek?” ‘

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis too, did not enjoy the feeling of this sallow-skinned man in his thoughts, though he was relieved that the link was selective. Surely only Anubis the Great deserved access to his mind, and the cleric did not enjoy this gith playing at being a god.
He followed the dreamling, "That seems acceptable, if you believe your dream spirits to know the answer. If their realm of influence is dreams, however, might we have better luck asking where the assassin intends to go in this place? Surely he would have dreamed of that more than his current location." Looking down the street he thought he saw a tavern, it's door just swinging closed with a waft of cooking smells. "Perhaps that franchise has a secluded room."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel smiled as they moved towards the building that looked like an inn. “Dal Quor is a realm of truth and illusion, Akhen… Akhenanubis was it?” the mephling had returned to vocal speech, using the mindlink was a bit disorienting. “It will know the location of the dagger, it just remains up to me to interpret the visions given to me.”

“You are a cleric?” Ketel asked by way of making conversation. “I have not had much dealing with clerics in the Waking. I spent some time as an extension of a power’s will myself. Your deity – Anubis? – what is it?”

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

When Akhenanubis and Ketel walk into the tavern they see neatly arranged tables forming a 3x3 grid with various people relaxing and talking while sitting at the tables, they also notice a wolf with rather oddly colored blue fur.

OOC:I'm going to trust of all of you about your dice rolls so go ahead and post your results.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

*Addle-coved berks! Oh, sure, I can stay here legally with this collar on. BUT I CAN'T CHANGE TO HUMANOID SO I CAN RATTLE MY BONE-BOX ASKIN QUESTIONS TIL ALL THE SHOPS CLOSE!* Fringe thought vehemently to himself. The whole burg was getting on his nerves, and he was handed a bowl not of good firewater or any decent bub, but water.

The wolf growled a bit as he lapped up the water.

OOC: on my check....hence the NO NEW INFO!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek walks, Cipher following behind him, and enters the first sizable tavern he finds, and begins his search. He feels a slight mental pressure as his companions test the psionic bond. "They are probably complaining about it right now," he thought, "As if I enjoy it. I'm no more in their minds than they are in each others'." He remembered with a slight frown the mephling's humming. "At least I know how to use it," he thought, wishing that Ketel could control his musical enthusiasm.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Scanning the restaurant for a quiet corner, Akenanubis turns abruptly to the dreamling at the mention of a power. This little creature served a power as well? That would require further probing, Akhenanubis could not allow some servant of an abberant power to foil this mission. However, if he was a servant of one of the powers of ma'at, this was an ally not to be overlooked.
"Anubis is the god that I serve, and my duty in life," he answered, "I seek to further his will to ensure fair judgement of the dead, so that my own judgement might be fair." Turning back to the room he added, "Perhaps we should enquire about a back room for your meditations."
Giving the blue wolf wide berth - it did seem odd that so orderly a town would allow an animal inside as though it were a nomads' camp - Akhenanubis approached the bar. "Excuse me, sir merchant, are there quieter rooms where my companion and I might find privacy?"

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

In that case, my Gather Information check is [14]+11=25. My search should take [2]+1=3 hours. But we'll stay in communication and will discuss meeting up before the power expires.

Quith'mek prowls through the tavern's main room. He orders a glass of water and then turns back toward the seated patrons, trying to overhear conversations and listen for anything of interest. He scans the room for a lead to a good informant. He tries to keep a low profile at first, but will approach someone promising once he studies the scene.

*In case you didn't pick up on it, I was being vague because I don't really know how one tracks down a criminal in a bar. I figure Quith'mek should be good at it, though, since he used to track down traitors to the githyanki empire. This isn't the Astral, and these aren't githyanki, but just assume that his tactics described above work somewhat.*

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The merchant looks at Akenanubis and says "If you need a room for the night it will cost 25 gold pieces(OOC:or replace gold pieces with jink if you want *shrug*), although if you just need a quiet room for an hour or two I suppose I could let you use one of the rooms for free as long as you don't make a mess."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"I believe we only need the room for a short while," answered Akhenanubis, "and we will be considerate of your room. My companions and I might be staying here this night as well and I will remember your aid this hour." He slides a gold to the bartender for his troubles, then bows stiffly from the waist and heads for the stairs, motioning to Ketel.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A slightly painful tingle from the collar gave Fringe the signal for his scheduled 'change'. *I hate Au-* he couldn't finish his thoughts as the back of his mind interrupted him with complaints about this whole deal.

Fur receded into green-marking-covered ashen-skin while clothing and equipment materialized back onto a now humanoid body. Fur turned to seemingly barbed hair while paws returned to humanoid appendages. With a breath of relief, Fringe took his water bowl and sipped the rest of it's contents down before heading up to the bar, rapier and longsword at his hips clanking slightly.

Leaning over the counter, he eyes the bartender a bit before making a motion for the bartender to come over. "Mind if I ask for a bit of the chant on somethin?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Rotate one segment. The Wheel turns, inexorably. Mechanus supplies its gears, Limbo supplies power to the gears. The gears turn, the Wheel turns. One segment has just finished passing. It does not grind, harshly, like a poorly oiled machine. It hums, it pulses, in a harmonious beat. Follow the beat, listen carefully as it comes, slowly but inexorably, inevitable as the planes themselves. This comes along the link from the Cipher. Apparently some kind of meditation taking the form of a constant dialogue, Janus seems to not realise he transmits it across the unfamiliar mental link.
...inward towards Center-of-All. He stops sending his constant train of thoughts to project a message to Quith'mek. Don't worry, I won't interfere with your work. When the enter the tavern, Janus simply orders a drink and sits at a table by himself, keeping an eye out.

OoC: I don't think I made this very clear earlier, but the tuladhara doesn't actually look like a tuladhara. He's using a hat of disguise to appear human (Asian, for player reference). The hat appears as one of those wide-brimmed Chinese peasant hats, and seems to always mostly obscure his face.


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel glanced at the colorful lycanthrope for a minute before turning back to Akhenanubis and the innkeep. "Thank you," Ketel said as the innkeep handed a key to Akhenanubis and directed them back to their appointed dwelling space. Ketel walked softly towards the door, his little feet not making any noise on the wooden floor.

Upon enterring the room, Ketel hopped onto the lone bed in the center of the room and crossed his legs. "I am going to enter a trance," he explained to the cleric, "I will appear to be asleep, but my mind will be travelling into and through the dream realm. With any luck this should tell us the information that we need to know.

Ketel manifests Psionic Divination costing 7 power points. He has a 78% chance that this spell will reveal the answer to his question (or a 0% chance if the DM so deems it impossible to learn). I rolled... 56! Woo, success!

Ketel closed his eyes and muttered, "Spirits of dream, fingers of the quori, nightmares, figments, messengers of Morpheus, Hypnos, and Oneiros, I beseech thee. My companions and I seek a mystical dagger which has been smuggled out of the City of Doors and into the town of Automata. Oh, dreamers, please tell me where it is we should look in this city to find the artifact which we seek."

As the recitation ended, Ketel's head fell and his eyes snapped shut. His chest did not rise and fall with the steady intake of breath and his skin was cold and dry to the touch.

Within his mind, the dream mephling had reached back passed his conscious awareness, into the collective unconsciousness of the multiverse. Dreams and colors exploded around him, the thoughts and hopes and fears of billions of mortal and immortal creatures. He flew passed the dreams of cities, quiet and slow but filled with grim purpose, and the dreams of deities, images too foreign and powerful for even his dream-born mind to bear. He passed the dreams of men, of women, of the machines who have found the dreaming in their own strange way. And then he came there, to the cave of the dream bats, the oneiroi, the quori, and he beseached them for an answer.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis looks anxiously at the dreamling, but accepts the little one's words and does not interfere. Instead, he occupies himself with the door, and his thoughts.

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Game: Hired by the Dabus

The barkeep looks at Fringe with a slightly amused expression on his face and walks over to him before saying "The lycanthropy laws have always been regarded as some of the odder laws here in Automata, I'm surprised they haven't been abolished yet. As for information I have no objection to telling you any rumors I've heard lately if it will help."

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Well that's downright kind!" Fringe exclaimed with a wolfish smirk. Leaning forward a bit, the tiefling a single jink on the bar counter. "I'm looking for someone who might've come around for the... less talked about part of this town. A Clueless Outsider from what I know."

Fringe didn't want to openly say that he hinted that someone might be going down to the underground part of Automata. A less than friendly place that from what he knew held more illicit business' than what most people would think a lawful town like this would have.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The barkeep takes the jink and says "There are plenty of clueless in Automata so I'm afraid I can't tell you anything specific in regards to a clueless wandering around, I've heard some strange rumors of a clueless being chased by the Athar though. And as for the... less known side of this town I wouldn't know how to find it, just about everyone in Automata knows about the chaotic side of the town but we can't root it out. Most of us just pretend it dosn't exist.".

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Let's figure out what Ketel finds in his divination, because after an hour passes, Quith'mek missives everyone with an update.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

For nearly a dozen minutes, the void mephling laid perfectly still, as if dead on the inn’s bed. Just as, Akhenanubis began to wonder how much longer the spell would take, the mephling shot bolt upright, his eyes wide. He looked left then right frantically as if he did not know where he was for a moment, and then, his eyes falling on Akhenanubis he seemed to regain his sense of location. With a groan he closed his eyes and rubbed his head.

“Waking is not a fun sensation,” he muttered, stretching his limbs and tiny wings before looking back to Akhenanubis. “According to my divinations our culprit has taken the dagger to the largest library in Automata. We should ask the innkeep for directions and head there, post haste.”

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Well done, dreamling," Akhenanubis says with a smile, looking like a proud parent. "As soon as you feel fully awake we will return downstairs and as the human for directions. I will call to the others."
Ketel feels an odd echoing sensation as Akhenanubis calls out through the mindlink: Companions. Ketel has learned from his patrons that the assassin seeks a large library in the city, the largest he can find. He and I will continue there next and look for further signs, meet us there when you have finished your own questioning.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

A slightly infernal scowl arose on Fringe's face as he thought about what he had to work on. "To be more specific, the clueless is a Prime. Probably has a look about him like he's had a few streaks o puttin some high-up types into the dead-book. Anyone been around to look the part?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel stretched once more and shook his head. "We should travel now, who knows how long the culprit will wait for us to come apprehend him."

Ketel walked passed Akhenanubis and left the room. Giving the spikey colorful winged man little attention, the mephling -- with a bit of wing flapping -- climbed the bar stool and stood atop it so as to be level with the bartender. "Excuse me, do you know where we could find the largest library in this city?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The interruption gave Fringe some measure of reason to turn his head and look down at the mephling. A slight aroma reminiscent of a delightful mixture of nightmares and dreams, if it could be described as that, sent a rumbling in the belly that reminded the tiefling that he was still quite hungry.

He unconciously smacked his lips as an infernal hallucination came up that turned the sight of the mephling into one of a talking, standing, piece of smoking meat.

Fringe's head shook vigorously as he got the image out of his head and looked back over to the bartender, awaiting for him to answer the mephling's question.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The hungry look from the tiefling was not lost on the jackal-headed cleric. He moved to stand next to the little one, giving Fringe a stern look. While Ketel asked the tavern owner about the library, Akhenanubis looked over the shapeshifter. The green and blue hair told him this was the same creature he saw as a wolf upon entering the bar, and the distinctive scent confirmed it, like ashes and venison. Having never encountered a shapeshifter beyond the depraved minions of evil Set the Betrayer, Akhenanubis was not inclined to give Fringe a favorable opinion. "Excuse us, sir tiefling, we are on important business. Surely your own," the cleric frowned, "matters can what but a moment."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis' mental missive is recieved by the githyanki as he is leaving the smoke-filled common room of a squat tavern. He immediately calls back: I understand. We will meet at the largest library. Several people have seen an unknown white creature traveling with a group of the followers of Athar. An odd man described it to me, and is convinced that he saw it. I have also been informed that a man has been seen all over town looking for a sage, though he has been described to me differently each time. One loremaster who I met says that he was presented with a dagger that matched our description and could not identify it, though he detected powerful magic within it. This is all I have been told.

Quith'mek then turns to the barkeep. Where is the largest library in your city? he asks, bluntly. He follows the directions and looks for the cleric and the mephling outside the library.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

At Akhenanubis' message, Janus begins to send one on to Quith'mek. The mephling seems to have worked faster... He trails off as the gith's message indicates that the cleric's message was one sent to the group. He waits a minute after the gith leaves before getting up and following. He heard the instructions from the barkeep, but he didn't follow them. He just kept an eye on Quith'mek, and went where he did.


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Having never encountered a shapeshifter beyond the depraved minions of evil Set the Betrayer, Akhenanubis was not inclined to give Fringe a favorable opinion. "Excuse us, sir tiefling, we are on important business. Surely your own," the cleric frowned, "matters can what but a moment."

Five spines that could easily be mistaken for slivers of hair raised up a bit as Fringe felt a bit of the fiendish blood boil. "All planewalkers have important business cutter," he spoke in an accent betraying his origins from Sigil's Clerk Ward. "But first come first serve. I just need a bit of chant on a certain someone then ya can make like a Hardhead and bash the dark out of the barkeep for all I care. Which reminds me."

Fringe's fingers hastily digged out a silver piece and placed it down on the counter for the barkeep. "A sting for that bowl of water earlier." Indeed, for Fringe it really was a sting, where the silver met the fingers marks of red could clearly be seen against the ashen skin.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The barkeep says with a worried look on his face "Please don't start any fights, this is a peaceful establishment where people can relax after a hard days work."

The barkeep looks at Fringe and says "Do you mean some sort of Assassin? I think one came through here earlier with an odd dagger seeking a skilled loremaster, he went to the largest library in town. The library is in the sages and lore grid section of the city, here are some maps of the city I keep handy for visitors to Automata."

The barkeep pulls out two maps from a rack full of maps and marks a place on both of them before handing one to fringe and and Ketel.

The barkeep picks up the stinger and says "The city is easy to navigate thanks to the grid system, you should have no trouble locating the library with those maps."

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