Game: Hired by the Dabus

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The basic idea that the players have been hired to retrieve a dagger with "unique" propertys. According to their information the dagger is currently in the possesion of an assassin from the Prime Material who only recently discovered the planes. Their information also states that there are alot of people after the dagger and they'll have to work fast and find the assassin before the other groups after the dagger do. The adventure starts as the group begin the search for the assassin.

If enough people want to join then I'll run the game here on the planeswalker boards. No restrictions on character race or alignment(within reason, so no CE "I'll kill the whole party" characters), non-core feats and prestige classes need to be approved by me(Planeswalker material is fine though). Characters will start at 10nth level and will use point-buy(30) for stats.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

I'm interested in playing and would like to play an anthropomorphic Jackal (from Savage Species) cleric of Anubis. I'm thinking of also using the Divine Agent prestige class from MotP.

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: player

"Mephit James" wrote:
I'm interested in playing and would like to play an anthropomorphic Jackal (from Savage Species) cleric of Anubis. I'm thinking of also using the Divine Agent prestige class from MotP.

That seems fine, would you prefer to use dog or wolf stats for an anthro jackal?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Count me in. Character concept: Githyanki Telepath. A renegade from the Astral Plane. He's still, however, as lovable as you'd expect from a Githyanki. More on his backstory later. Also, could I use the quietus prestige class from Monte Cook's Hyperconscious?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Re: player

"Username" wrote:
That seems fine, would you prefer to use dog or wolf stats for an anthro jackal?

I'd prefer the dog, the MM says that's te closest to a jeckal, and anthro-wise, they're about the same. I started making him today, using the information on Anubis in Deities and Demigods. Do you have that sourcebook? I can send you the relevant info, I copied into a word file so I didn't have to keep the stuff on hand.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The only character relevant things would be Domains and philosophy, I can find out his philosophy just about anywhere and I trust you with the domains so sending the info shouldn't be needed.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Actually on second thought I suppose the information would also contain his alliances with other gods and the like so I suppose you might as well send a PM(Private Message) containing the information.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

I'm interested. I've got a tuladhara Cipher monk mostly written up; I assume you want him PMed to you when I'm done?


Pants of the North!

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

You can post your character here or PM it, either is fine.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Hrm, I have a Void Mephling Dream Warden who would be interesting to play....

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Oh... how do we calculate hit points?


Pants of the North!

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Take the average or roll, I think I can trust you and I don't know any way to have something roll dice and post the results that's not trust based anyways.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

Akhenaubis, "He who serves Anubis willingly", is a a tall thin humanoid who appears to be a cross between a human and a jackal. He wears a calm and self-assured expression unless his deity is threatened when he adopts a dangerous glare. Like his patron god, Akhen prides himself on his ordered and reasoned approach to all matters, and he carries out his task as a guardian of the sanctity of death very seriously. While he doesn't mind healing spells or even resurrections (which would surely be stopped if they defied Anubis's will) he has no tolerance for the vile corruption of necromantic practices.
His clothing and possessions are unassuming but covered in subtle honors to the great Judge of the Dead. His mace of dark metal is always ready to crush the enemies of his lord and his side quiver of ankh-shaped wands augment his spellcasting abilities.
Despite his qualifications, Akehnanubis is often unsure in the greater multiverse. He had never been outside of his Lord's realm before a few weeks ago when he left to prove himself worthy of proxyhood. He is a planar, but has little to no knowledge of locations outside of the realms of the Pharaonic deities, though he has heard tales of the City of Doors which seems like the perfect place to begin his quest for the glory of the worthy Anubis.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek, Exiled Son of Gith.

As a githyanki, Quith'mek is quiet and calculating, but supremely confident. His determination and self-assuredness can be unsettling to others, but he shows little concern for others' opinions, generally. A former investigator working on the Astral, he was tasked with weeding out traitors to the githyanki race. Secretly, though, his missions made him uncomfortable and frequently disturbed him, as he was called to find enemies where there was questionable evidence, or even none. Eventually, his silently-harbored doubts were identified, and he discovered that he had been targeted for elimination. Quith'mek escaped the Astral and has been in exile ever since.

That was a year ago. Since then, Quith'mek has had some close calls with knights sent after him, but has thus far been able to elude his hunters. He still carries himself with the regal bearing of the proud Children of Gith, and has an unshaking faith in their capabilities. He does not, though have any devotion to the lich-queen. He revels in opportunities to prove his abilities, and is merciless and aggressive in combat. In conversation, Quith'mek is sarcastic, critical, and dismissive, and he does not suffer fools. He is, however, reliable and resolute in tasks that he undertakes, though he is always vigilant of danger.

Quith'mek dresses in the strong, bold styles of the githyanki. He wears black, grey-studded leather armor with embellished patterns. His telepathic powers are more tools at his disposal, and he weilds them alongside his scimitar to quickly and efficiently cut down his enemies.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel is a creature of dreams. A member of the void mephling race, mortal cousins of the void mephits (creatures that don’t even exist in the waking world) Ketel was born in the dream of a Planar Xenobiologist dreaming of fame and acclaim. When the scientist’s dream ended and is dreamscape collapsed the Oneiroi who bore the dream to its recipient rescued the little creature (It was a sentimental dream spirit and the sight of a young helpless dream-being had sparked something in its illusory brain). The child was raised in dreams, becoming an agent of the Oneiroi and their master Morpheus, lord of Dreaming.

As his education, Ketel was allowed to wander the dreams of others, eating lunch with kings and exploring beautiful landscapes that have never existed in the waking world. He watched the nightmares of others and laid eyes upon creatures that make Mind Flayers and Beholders weep in their caves, creatures that have never even existed in reality as we know it. In his role as a steward of the Dreamtime, Ketel helped to craft the dreams and nightmares of others, populating them with creatures, places, and things.

Not long ago, Ketel resigned his position with Oneiroi. He wished to have his own dreams and experiences and not merely live in the illusory dreams of others. He was given a trinket, a sign of the favor with the beings of dreams and the dream bats’ vow that he would always be welcome in their realm. Hitching a ride on the dream of a Sigilian, Ketel found himself in the City of Doors, looking to make a real life for himself.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus Aran is a tuladhara, one of the mysterious keepers apparently born from Rilmani stock, though his identity as such is not known among most - he wears a magical disguise that makes him look human. He is also a member of the transcendent order, though in his listening to the cadence he rarely seems to agree with Rhys. The few who know of his nature speculate that he actually follows the guidance of the Rilmani, rather than the cadence. Despite their disagreements, Janus often helped his faction in their unique role as peacekeepers in the City of Doors - though they weren't a police force like the Harmonium, many would say the Ciphers helped maintain a peace (perhaps 'balance' would be more appropriate) in Sigil. This ended after the Faction War, when he left the city for a time. It would seem that the cadence has brought him back to Sigil, however, as he's been seen in the Cage once more, fulfilling some of his previous duties as a faction member as though he never left.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Hmm.... looks like four players all set to go- when do you want to start?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

And what players they are! Looks like we have a jackal-headed proxy-in-training, a pissed off gith interrogator, a dream mephling who may or may not actually exist, and a Cipher who doesn't appreciate the cadence. Ah, Planescape... first stop, circus at the Festhall!

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

one more person might join, please wait a little while longer until I can find out whether he'll join.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Mephit James" wrote:
and a Cipher who doesn't appreciate the cadence.

What? Why, I've never heard such screed. It's just that Rhys... I'm not sure she has so great a handle on things, you know? Or have you all forgotten that she 'used to' be evil?


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

I still don't have a sheet so I dunno if I'd say we're ready to begin

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Excuse me, Mr. Bob, but I'll have you know that I was the greatest damn factol those ungrateful little sodders ever had. I never flaked out and transcended on them. No. I stuck around just to teach sodding yoga classes to a bunch of braindead fanatics for years, and this is the thanks I get. I'm kicked out of office when Darkwood throws a tantrum and then I'm sent to babysit the Golden Lords so they don't get out of hand. All these politicians are always plotting... thinking. It makes a body sick. I should have made my Elysium vacation permanent.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

I can't remember- do we have the XP total, max skill ranks, feats, and ability increases of 10th level characters? Or are these based on class levels only?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Does who? If you mean ECL...

Hit dice, skills, feats, and ability increases are all based on number of hit dice (i.e. class levels in creatures without racial HD)

XP is the same as a 10th level character.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Clueless, do you want our sheets mailed to you, or should we just get ready to go? Also, Rhys, great job on babysitting those Golden Lords. I hear Shemeshka has really cleaned up her act, and Zadara and Jeremo are straight arrows too. Makes me safer just thinkin' bout it... whoops I mean, I just feel safer from the gut. No thought, never thought...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Huh? Why would *I* get the sheets for this game? Me no GM?? *headscratching*

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

"Rhys" wrote:
*whines like a tiefling*

See? See, that's what I mean. Ciphers are supposed to be possessed of serenity (like me).


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

What's going on with this campaign? I don't want to lose the momentum.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Me neither, what's the story?

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Havn't seen the person who might join online lately, so I guess I'll just have an intro of sorts so the characters can meet while I wait to receive everyone's character sheets or for them to post them(I've only got Rhys' character sheet so far).

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:this takes place after you have accepted the job and is your chance to ask the dabus more about the mission. Also for the sake of convenience I shall assume your character can translate the rebus', although in the future an int check would probably be in order.

The dabus looks at all of you and projects a rebus, it translates to "Do any of you have any further questions about this job now that you have accepted it?".

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Do you have any idea wear the assassin might be, dabus? Or the name of anyone he might contact?

OOC: What specifics were covered in the dabus's original speech? Like, name of the dagger, of the assassin, what groups also are looking. Is the Lady of Pain the one hiring us for this job?

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

OOC:Can't believe I forgot those details. They made no mention of a higher authority, The dagger's name is unknown, The groups after the dagger are the Athar, servants of various gods, and this strange group calling themselves the D20 gang(this game will contain humorous and serious elements, this a humorous element. I will also use things from other sources such as books I have read and games I have played, the D20 gang is one of these). The name of the assassin is Zeph, his last name is not known. Also the daggers capabilities include creating portals, it has other abilities but the Dabus only know that they are extremly dangerous.

The Dabus looks at Akhenanubis and projects a rebus, it translates to "He was last seen in the Outlands heading for Automata and on the run from the other groups after the dagger, it is likely that he is seeking a sage or loremaster to find out more about the dagger."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akenanubis looks slightly uncomfortable, but tries to remain resolute. Turning to the others, he asks "What do you know of this... Automata? Is there a clear path for us to take next?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'It leads to Mechanus. We can likely find a portal here that will take us directly there, and thus head the assassin off.' Janus pauses to incline his head a bit, his hat almost concealing a small smirk. 'That is, whenever you are all done preparing.'


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek doesn't bother concealing his scowl at the tuladhara's insolence. "Very well. Dabus, is there anything else you know about this assassin? What does he look like, and what does he know about his pursuers?"

He then asks the others: "To what fool sage would this assassin turn, once he reaches this city?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The Dabus looks at Quith’mek and projects a rebus, it translates to "The assassin has been using disguises ever since he discovered he was being chased. We do not know how much he knows about his pursuers although we suspect he has basic knowledge of the factions and therefore the Athar."

*The Dabus pauses a few seconds before continuing*

The Dabus projects another rebus, it translates to "We chose this house to meet you in because there is a portal to Automata here."

The Dabus points at the door to the kitchen and projects another rebus, it translates to "The portal is in that doorway, the portal key is to say an equation. You can leave through the portal when you are done asking any questions you might have."

OOC:two other details I forgot to mention is that the building you're meeting the Dabus in is in the clerk's ward. The terms of the job are simple, get the dagger and you will be paid 10k gold each.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

To the Dabus: "Very clever, silent one, this quest seems well-planned." He frowns, "You may be assured that I will do everything to stop these horrific Athar."

To Quith'mek: "He will probably find someone with powerful scrying magics. A cleric of Thoth perhaps? The prime mortals my Lord observes are usually amazed by power while over-looking the more potent sources of faith and perseverance."

He looks anxiously toward the kitchen door, as if thinking of the eminent threat of the atheists to their mission. "I stand ready to go, what say you, companions?"

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek frowns. Why should we have to trust so blindly in this creature? Then, I've never heard of a dabus that lies. If this goes badly for me, there will be hell to pay. Still suspicious of his lack of useful information, the gith warrior prepares to enter the portal.

Athar. What fools. Too busy railing against everything they see, they can't even grasp what they are dealing with. When they are ready to witness the magnitude of their feeble "beliefs," let them leave their huddled forts and see on the Astral Plane what it means for a god to die.

Does this strange one actually serve the Chac Mool? The Guardian of Dead Gods? I have never heard anything so puzzling.

OOC: Any of you gents coming along? Unless you've got more business with the dabus.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akhenanubis steps after the silent gith. "The sum of three fives is fifteen," he says boldly, but feeling a bit foolish. Touching the jackal head on his breastplate reverently he proclaims, "Anubis the Judge, I do your will," and walks to the kitchen doorway...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The mephling had yet to say anything. It was slightly unsure as to the proper course of action. It had just been heading out to find lodging and plan its next move. But what better way to explore the planes than to just leap right in head first? The mephling nodded to the dabus, “I am called Kelek, child of the void. I will come with you.”

The mephling turned to the portal and waited. He was not at all worried (for he had been raised in dreams and the dangers of this real world seemed to pale in comparison to the horror of the Dreaming Dark). In fact he was anxious to experience real events, events with substance and meaning.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

'We shall go, then? I am ready,' Janus says, and walks to the others. As he approaches the doorway he says, 'Four twos combine to form an eight.'


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

*whoosh! we're off!*

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

When Akhenanubis and Janus say their equations the portal in the doorway to the kitchen opens up. The portal looks like a wall of small, rapidly moving numbers. After you go through the portal you are standing in an alleyway, the buildings on each side of you are in good repair and the alleyway itself is perfectly straight. You can also see a clean and even street outside the alleyway and a few people going about their daily business.

OOC:due to general lack of information on the appearance of portals I'm going to assume they can look like anything...

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Akenanubis strides out to the edge of the alley with the confident gait of one who doesn't know to expect danger. He surveys the street ahead of him to get his bearings and then looks back for the rest of the group.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Janus accompanies the jackal - some kind of arcanaloth, perhaps? - to the edge of the alley, where he stops and leans back against the corner of the building. Though his large hat seems designed solely to obfuscate his face, he doesn't appear to be looking down the street in either direction.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Quith'mek follows the others to the edge of the alley, looking around for signs of danger. He reaches out with his mind and probes the surroundings for signals of an impending attack. In his mind, he searches through the neighborhood around him and scans thoughts for what he has been trained to detect: betrayal. The others have the unsettling sensation of the scent of blood, and memories of fear and panic.

*Quith'mek manifests Detect Hostile Intent for 3 power points. For the next hour and ten minutes, he picks up the presence and general direction of creatures with hostile intentions (active aggression, not vigilance) in a thirty-foot radius. He cannot be surprised or caught flat-footed by creatures succeptible to mind-affecting powers. He automatically can make Sense Motive checks against anyone in range as a free action. The power can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 6 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.*

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Come on, now. What's going on with you guys? Chris? Is anything happening? What's at the end of the alley?

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Game: Hired by the Dabus

The end of the alley reveals more of the street, you see rows of buildings evenly spaced apart from eachother. A nearby guard on patrol spots you and begins to walk towards you.

The guard walks up to you and says "Please state your business here in Automata."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Confidently, Akhenanubis steps forward and crosses his arms to accentuate the symbol of Anubis inlain on his adamantine breastplate. Speaking with the superior tone of one who has the support of a god, he addresses the guard. "We come in search of a dangerous individual, under the auspices of Anubis the Just. You may help us, guard of the watch, if you possess the will."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Hired by the Dabus

Ketel fell back a bit, retreating into himself, letting the dog-man do the talking. These "big people" loved to see the world as if it revolved around them, ignoring the "little people". The dream mephling was quickly learning that not drawing attention to himself or letting on that he was more than he appeared made things easier on him. Ketel fingered the amulet filled with grains of pure dream sand that hung around his neck nervously and hoped that things would go well.

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