Brilliant. My sensory cyber is being hijacked. Doesn't look like there's any degredation of performance, though, so I might as well give it a shot...
He will then state to it, "Does the J-sys network interface number..." and then he will rattle off the number he's seeing, "mean anything to you?"
[OOC: As a marketing man, I'd call this "personalization"
Ohalian checks all systems as quick as he can - but he doesn't notice anything out of place. Far more interesting, though, is something he notices that works just as it should. He never cared much for it, but the central units of his sensoric cyber equipment always call up with the starting message "JSnin" and a specific number - looking like an abbreviation of "J-Sys network interface number".´
It seems like his sensoric equipment had been produced by the J-Sys corporation.