Game: Great minds think alike

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian, inspecting Naruk at the time the Liria is shedding her body, hears the bloody ripping sounds.

He looks over his shoulder.

Yeah, that looks like my usual luck all right.

He then bolts toward Sheerams house, and as soon as he reaches it pulls on the bell cord. In any time he spends waiting for Sheeram to answer the door, he will try to Telekinetically lift Naruk and get him away from the battle.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Ohalian continues hiding in the alleyway.

[=darkred]OOC: A Balor? Isn't that a wee bit of overkill?[/url]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Not necessarily a balor - just a large, red tanar'ri with great wings, hooves and stuff. Smiling ]

Blackthornes hits the large red thing with his weapon, but bounces back, leaving not a single scratch.

Ignoring him, Liria turns towards the Harmonium Officers. "Little slaves of law," she hisses, "I'll consume you first."

As the officers charge at her, she shoots forward with her head, grabbing the leader with her shimmering white fangs. The sound of crushing bones is heard, and only a second later, the man disappears in her mouth.
At the same time, she grabs two of the other officers - one with each claw - and smashes them against each other. All that remains of them is a bloody pulp.

Naruk's body slowly begins to hover, and moves through the air towards Ian.

Mr. Smith?

Gritham's voice appears in Ohalian's mind once more.

What the fuck is that thing? Since it came up, our A. I. is running mad!

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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The remaining officers attack the great fiend with their swords, but as far as they hit at all, they leave little more than scratches.

[OOC: Ohalian's next, then MG. After that, Ophelia and the spellcasting officer at the same time.

Anyone heard anything from princessbunny? I've PMed her again, but haven't had any reaction so far...]

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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MG watches Liria explode in front of him......

now that she's not a girl anymore I guess it's ok to fight

.......then swings his flindbars with swift and deadly precsion at the new and aparently improved succubi, all the while curseing it for invading OW's mind.

occ; I'm asuming i get a full round attack because i'm right next to her.
1.)15 attack roll+20=35 for 1+4+12=17 damage
2.)17(crit)+15=32 for 6x2=12+12x2=24=36
3.)18(crit)+18(attack bonus-2)=36 for 4x2=8+12x2=24=32
4.)12+15(attack bonus-5)=27 for 4+12=16
i didn't add any of my ranger bonus because i do not know if she is outsider evil or outsider chaotic

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*Blackthornes is a little shaken when the officers get smooshed.*
"Umm.......Ophelia, I know you dont like leaving your friends and all, but I think we might all want to leave. Take MG and get outa here. If i can, i will follow."

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

I think it's some sort of chaos demon that was pretending the be a seduction demon. Regardless of what it is, it's going to be dead soon, unless those police manage to arrest it somehow.

Ohalian starts assembling his rifle.

18 Bonus for attack to do
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 38.
nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

I think it's some sort of chaos demon that was pretending the be a seduction demon. Regardless of what it is, it's going to be dead soon, unless those police manage to arrest it somehow.

Ohalian starts assembling his rifle.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: She's BOTH evil and chaotic Eye-wink ]

The Masked Gnoll attacks Liria with a precise strike at her side, making her cough out hard. With another swing of his flindbars, he hits her arm, but the fiend only pushes the weapon aside, glancing at MG with fiery red eyes. His next hit goes right into her stomach, and she lets out a loud growl - though it seems more angry than painful. The last strike goes through mid-air as Liria evades the gnoll's weapon.

A split second later, the Harmonium Officer casts another spell, and a wave of euphoria can be felt by MG and Ophelia. Somehow, they are convinced they WILL win this battle. There's just no doubt about it.

[OOC: +2 bonus to attack and AC for both of you!]

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC:@ joyblood: is the thing that was Liria in the Large or Huge size catagory?

Ophelia completes the spell Stoneskin on herself (gives her a 10 DR).

She walks up to MG and says rather loudly for her to everyone in the fight, "Back up away from this creature! Quickly now!"

Once everyone has backed away enough she emits Thunderous Roar. Which deals 5D6 Sonic damage to creature, if they win the Fortitude save (DC17) then the damage is halved. Also they must make a Reflex save (DC17) or be knocked prone from the roar.
Pg.220 of the Spell Compendium.

Below is the damage from the Thunderous Roar.


0 Bonus for Thunderous Roar to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 4.
Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian, watching the battle as he waits for Sheeram, sees the Masked Gnoll's furious attack.


OOC: Are we... waiting for something in particular?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: I think that we are waiting for joyblood to describe the last round for us.


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: I'm waiting for the next round to start.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Ophelia's roar is loud enough that the very ground begins to shake. Liria presses her talons on her large, pointed ears, and her face shows obvious pain. Yet, as Ophelia's spell finishes and the roar fades, Liria doesn't seem to be strongly affected... except for locking her gaze on Ophelia with clear bloodlust.

[OOC: Next round's starting now!]

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*Blackthornes yells to Ophelia*
"Well, If you two wont go, then I wont go either."
*Blackthornes charges at the beast, and will attack it*

OOC: Im going back to rolling tabletop. Rolling online takes way too long and too many posts.
attack roll: 11+16=37
damage: 5+5=10

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: I'm going to postpone my turn for now. the only two things that will trigger Ian to do something is if Sheeram opens the door or something happens on the battlefield to get his attention.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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DAMN!!! I've never seen anything stand up to my attacks....looks like I just have to hit it harder!

MG lets loose another volley of findbar attacks, this time even faster with more force behind it.


occ:I'm making another full round attack, w/ranger bonus and +2 from harmonium spell

13+22=35 for 5+14=19
19(crit)+17=36 for4x2=8+14x2=28=36
8+20=28 for 8+14=22
15+17=32 for3+14=17

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: @Ophelia: Liria's new form is in the Large category

@dread pirate: MG's post was a bit early. Of course, if you don't want to change your actions after the current events, we can just take those descriptions for your actions when it's your turn Smiling ]

With another strike of his weapon, Blackthornes cuts a bloody scratch in Liria's right arm as the fiend defends herself against his blow.

A split second later, Sheeram's door opens. The young vampire hunter takes a quick look at the situation on the street, then at Ian. "I hope you don't expect me to slay that fiend for you."

Just as she speaks, Liria stomps with her hooves right upon another Harmonium Officer. The man screams under her weight, and blood spills on the street. As she lifts her foot, the man is still alive, but bleeding all over, with a couple of broken bones sticking out of his armour.

With her right fist, she smashes at the Masked Gnoll, hitting him hard on his chest, pushing him backward a couple of feet.

The remaining officers attack Liria with all their force, but once again, those who hit her leave little more than scratches. Once more, her head goes down on one of them, but this time, the man escapes the fiend's teeth - if only barely.

[OOC: That's 23 damage points for the Masked Gnoll... and it's Ohalian's turn!]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"Ah, Lady Sheeram." Ian says, as quickly as he can manage and still be polite.
"So sorry to bother you, but as you can see we are having a bit of bad luck, and I was wondering if you, considering your profession, might own a Holy weapon that we might borrow for a brief time?"

Awaiting Sheerams answer, Ian starts to back toward the fight.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

Ophelia walks back into a ten foot range of the creature once known as Liria. She puts her hands to the cobblestone and performs Transmute Rock to Mud, under the creatures feet in 10' cubes and under the succubi. She lets them sink in a bit then does Transmute Mud to Stone, trying to catch everyone's feet (an perhaps legs since this will go down ten feet) she aimed for into the newly created stone. Then she will walk back the five feet she walked forward.

Those are my two standard actions.

OOC: They are allowed a Reflex save to not be caught in the "mud to stone" part. But otherwise there is no Spell Resistance that can stop this from happening and no other saves. The first spell gives any creature in the area affected a -2 to all attacks and AC and any creature caught hip to chest deep that can fly a fly speed of 5' when the mud is there and if caught in the rock a fly speed of 0'.


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: Umm... Ophelia... unless you're a Choker, you only get one standard action per round.

I'm assuming it's less than 120' away, and that it hasa natural armor for my attack rolls. If either one of those isn't true, adjust the results.

Ohalian swings his rifle up to his shoulder, aligning the green targeting reticle onto the thing's chest, before sending a pair of double taps into it, the bullets ripping through the air and making a noise like a ripping sheet.

18 Bonus for attack1 to do
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 37.
18 Bonus for threat to do
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 38.
2 Bonus for crit damage to do
I rolled 6d10+2, the result is 28.
13 Bonus for attack2 to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 15.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: @nick: Thanks for noticing the 2-standard-actions thingy - somehow I totally didn't see that. Sticking out tongue
Also, a question - what's your "threat" role about? Puzzled And, what's the damage for the second attack?

@Ophelia: The Harmonium Officers are in direct vicinity of the fiend, battling her. They'll be caught in the mud, too. Also, the other succubi have silently retreated from the battlefield - see descriptions below. Do you cast the spell nevertheless?]

Ophelia takes a look around to prepare for her spell, and notices that the remaining succubi have retreated from the battlefield. As the attention was focussed on Liria, they silently pulled back out of the situation, and are now observing from about thirty yards distance - each of them in a different direction.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: It's the critical hit threat confirmation roll. In this case, if it isn't a crit, he wouldn't have hit anyway (and it's virtually impossible for him to hit anyway, so he'll give up and keep hiding afterwards), so I went ahead and rolled critical hit damage.

By the way, he has a silencer on his rifle, so it's a DC 15 Listen check to correctly determine the direction he's shooting at her from. From what I've read about guns, those who fail will probably be 90 to 180 degrees off.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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OOC: Please see pg 139 for standard actions in the PHB. I have two standard actions because of my level. My BAB is 8/3. Because I have two actions, and each action counts as a standard action, I therefore have two standard actions.


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: No, you have two attacks. There's a difference between an attack and a standard action. An Attack action is a standard action that allows you to make one attack. Attacking more than once requires you to spend a full round action to take the Full Attack action.

Can you see the difference now? If extra actions were so easy to get, the folks on the CharOp boards over at WotC would spend 9th level spells to get them.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: @ Nick:

'S.R.D.' wrote:
STANDARD ACTIONS Attack Making an attack is a standard action.

That is straight from the SRD. Try looking it up under Standard Actions sometime.


OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: @ joyblood: Laughing out loud
Large creatures take up the room of 10' squared. That would mean that I could place the 10'cube right under only "it's" feet and not under anyone else's. That being so I stay with my origonal actions, the only varient being:

I will only place the spells only under the fiend's 10' sqaure space that it occupies and below it into the dirt, a space into the dirt that is cubed by 10'.


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: Yes, Ophelia, an attack is a standard action. That does not mean that you get a standard action for every attack you get. From the SRD:

An action’s type essentially tells you how long the action takes to perform (within the framework of the 6-second combat round) and how movement is treated. There are four types of actions: standard actions, move actions, full-round actions, and free actions.
In a normal round, you can perform a standard action and a move action, or you can perform a full-round action. You can also perform one or more free actions. You can always take a move action in place of a standard action.

Now, making an attack takes a standard action. That's what the rule you quoted says. Now read the entry of the Full Attack action.

Full Attack If you get more than one attack per round because your base attack bonus is high enough, because you fight with two weapons or a double weapon or for some special reason you must use a full-round action to get your additional attacks. You do not need to specify the targets of your attacks ahead of time. You can see how the earlier attacks turn out before assigning the later ones. The only movement you can take during a full attack is a 5-foot step. You may take the step before, after, or between your attacks. If you get multiple attacks because your base attack bonus is high enough, you must make the attacks in order from highest bonus to lowest. If you are using two weapons, you can strike with either weapon first. If you are using a double weapon, you can strike with either part of the weapon first.

Now, Ophelia, what have we learned? Making one attack is a standard action. Making more than one attack requires the Full Attack action, a full-round action. Nowhere does it say that possessing more than one attack grants additional actions.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: @ joyblood: You have a pm :shock:


OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

From what you quoted you proved my point Nick:

'nick12000' wrote:
If you get multiple attacks because your base attack bonus is high enough, you must make the attacks in order from highest bonus to lowest.

And an attack is a Standard Action. Smiling


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Whow... just having slight delays over here, and the next time I look, *this* is what's going on... not really as expected!

Okay everybody, I think we need new rules.

Whenever, and I mean WHENEVER, a rules question comes up, it is ME who answers. I'm not exactly a rules lawyer and I might make mistakes, yes, but I don't think they will be bad enough to break up the game or anything. Besides, NOONE knows what secrets the other characters might have, special abilities, magical items, whatever.

If you really feel the need to show the rules, send it to me by PM. I'm absolutely happy about some support, but I don't want this in-game, or we end up with discussions like these, which really get everybody kicked out of the game.

So, new rule: No Rules discussions within the thread. Questions can be asked, informations meant as support can be sent to me by PM, but that's it.

As for the current case, I'll give it a closer look and check the books within the next few hours, and then reply to it.

@Ophelia: I'll also reply to your PM then, I'm just in a bit of a hurry right now.

Everybody, behave Eye-wink

I'll post more soon.]

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: Well, actually... *points at Fidrikon's sig* I think we all know exactly what Ian's capable of.

Also, given that it takes a 9th-level spell (Shapechange into a Choker) in order to gain an extra action, and given that Ophelia is still basically humanoid, it's generally safe to say that she almost certainly doesn't have that capability.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Okay now, I've studied the books, and here's the results.

I can follow both lines of thought, from both Ophelia and Nick.

But, there's one thing that raised my attention - page 22 from the PHB:

Clerics, druids, monks and rogues have an average base attack bonus

Sorcerers and Wizards have a poor base attack bonus

If the BAB actually did improve the number of spells that a character can cast each round, sorcerers and wizards shouldn't get such a penalty there - all the opposite, really.

Besides that, there's another argument for no more than one spell per round: Game Balance.

If we followed Ophelia's line of thought, a cleric or druid of 15th level would be able to cast three spells a round, and that's just too heavy to keep game balance.

So, here's my decision: Ophelia gets two standard actions a round, as per the rules, but no more than one spell each round.

Whee, this really was a hard case....]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Okay, trying to get back into the storyline. Ian was talking with Sheeram, and Ophelia casts Transmute Rock to Mud.

@Ophelia: Have you changed your plans, or do you stick to casting the spell? Note that, even if you center the spell below Liria, there is still a small chance for one or more Hardheads to fall into the mud. They're fighting her at close range, and even if they aren't directly on spot, they might slip into the mud.]

Sheeram stares at Ian, then chuckles. "Oh, I see. I'm of use for you again. Yes, I even have multiple holy weapons; I even have one that slays most tanar'ri with a single strike. But I only give such things to people I call friends."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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Ian simply says "Ah, just a moment then." and takes off at a dead run toward the battle.

OOC: I'm not sure If Ian has any actions left this round, but hes either going to run back at the end of this round or the begining of the next.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Since the talking took some time, too, it's next round for Ian.]

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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OOC: Joyblood, I am also at risk, right? I mean, I am fighting her with a melee weapon, so I must be close. And, also, is it the next round now?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Weird.. replied yesterday already, but obviously my post didn't get through.

@Blackthornes: Yes, your character is also at risk. It's next round as soon as Ophelia gives her final decision about what she's doing, and I give the description of the effects.]

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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Ophelia is going to pull out her quarterstaff and do the spell Shillelagh on it (pg.189 of the PHB). Then she will strike the fiend once in the front of the knee with it.

I rolled 1 d20 and got a 15 + 5 (secondary hit bonus) =20 (<-to hit)

Damage: I rolled 1 d10 and got a 6 + 2 (strength mod) = 8


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: So, is it the next round or what? I haven't seen you post the results of last round's actions, so I don't know how we're doing.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Ophelia attacks the fiend with her enchanted staff, but misses her entirely.

Once more, she hears the dark, cat-like voice in her mind.

It's a trick. You won't kill her like that.

[OOC: It's next round right now Smiling ]

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*Blackthornes slashes at the creature again.*

OOC: attack roll: 13+16=29

damage roll: 2+5=7

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: Joyblood? How far is Ian from the battle? I just need to know so I can pan out my actions on the way there.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: So, how did the last round of shooting go, then?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: With all these rules discussions, I totally forgot about Ohalian's shooting. Sorry! Results coming in...

@Fidrikon: Ian is about 15 yards away from the battle.]

The moment Ophelia misses the balor-like fiend, Tigerfury's bullets rip through the air. A split second later, Liria stumbles back as a small, but deep wound appears on her chest, not far from her left shoulder.
The second bullet misses her, ripping a small hole into a building wall nearby, unnoticed by anyone.

Blackthornes once more charges at Liria, and while he hits her again, his blade once more doesn't even make a scratch.

The dark, cat-like voice appears in his mind again.

You're not fighting Liria. She'll win if you don't see through her trick.

The same voice appears in Ian's mind.

If the fighting goes on, Naruk will die.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian simply says "Ah, just a moment then." and takes off at a dead run toward the battle.

If this fight goes on long enough, Its safe to say we'll all die. Rest assured Lomax, I'm trying to end this as quickly as possible.

Ian, as he's running back towards the battle, starts shouting out orders.

"Ophelia, switch to longer range spells and move toward Sheeram's, she should have something for you."

As he gets withing a few yards of the battle, Ian snaps his fingers, bringing out his Rapier.

"Blackthornes! Harmonium! Get into flanking positions!"

By the way Lomax, if you have any suggestions, now would be a good time.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ohalian scans the demon with his medicomp scanner.

He then shoots at it a couple more times, and scans it again.

18 Bonus for attack1 to do
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 36.
1 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 4d10+1, the result is 15.
13 Bonus for attack2 to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 14.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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The voice in Ian's mind chuckles slightly.

Maybe start asking before you start giving orders. And don't forget about the glowworms if you want to save Naruk.

As Ian runs towards the battle, Liria catches another two Harmonium Officers, one with each hand, and brings them up to her fanged mouth. A split second later, she bites off both heads, and holds the dead bodies over her mouth like wineskins, drinking their blood.

[OOC: Ohalian's next!]

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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'joyblood' wrote:
Ophelia attacks the fiend with her enchanted staff, but misses her entirely.

Once more, she hears the dark, cat-like voice in her mind.

It's a trick. You won't kill her like that.

Ophelia says back in her mind to the cat like voice, What kind of trick? Is she just an illusion? How can I fight her more effectively?

OOC: @Fidrikon: Don't worry, when it gets to her turn she will run to Sheeram's.


blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*thinking to himself, as well as talking to the cat voice*
Must see through, she is using illusions, I should guess... Can you help me out with this?

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