Game: Great minds think alike

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princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game: Great minds think alike

The Illumian gives a quick shake of the hand. "Loreveil, Akdavnel. I understand that you were confused, but know that I have no malice towards anyone, just an understanding that the needs of the many..." She gestures towards those at the wall, "...can outweigh the needs of the few." Her eyes fall to Ophelia.

((OOC And as for that Will save....))

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 35.
nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Nevertheless, that is what it said to me. You hear that voice counting down? That's a woman who just shapechanged into a raven. This city is fragging strange.

Does that girl want to get us geeked? Frag her.

He then jumps into action, grabbing the raven.

OOC: She's Tiny, so she has no reach, so she can't make an attack of opportunity.

9 Bonus for touch attack to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 24.
9 Bonus for grapple check to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 25.
3 Bonus for subdual damage to do
I rolled 1d3+3, the result is 4.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: @nick: Ophelia already changed back into elven form! Please edit your post accordingly.

@all: Not much time right now, I'm gone today but will post again tomorrow!]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: *Sigh* Nick, make a will save. Ian doesn't care who he's moving at the time, by making a move toward Ophelia, he panics and grabs at you.

Blackthornes: You don't need to make a will save. You moved to the wall all by yourself. What would Ian be trying to do?

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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OOC:Yeah, i realize this now fid........ I didnt think about it until after I had edited the post. I just figured Ian might have picked me up before I reached the wall, but whatever, will go with what you said.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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((OOC: Did I make the save? And also, I'd like to try and stop Nick as well. Can I make some sort of save for reaction time?))

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: *Stares in wide-eyed shock* Uh... wow. Lets just say that with a +15 will save, you don't need to worry about being picked up if you don't want to be. You made your save.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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((OOC: *high fives herself*))

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: Oh. Missed that. He'll still try to tackle her though, if it looks like she's trying to run. If he gets telekinesed across the room, though, he'll pull out his dart gun and shoot her with a pair of Paralysis darts. Just add 8 to his touch attack roll for the first dart, and 3 to his grapple check for his second. She'll need to make a DC 20 Fort save or be paralysed for the next 2d6 minutes for each one that hits.

Also, a lot here will depend on who'se going first. joyblood, should we be rolling initiative here?

6 Bonus for Will to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 10.
0 Bonus for dart 1 damage to do
I rolled 1d2+0, the result is 1.
0 Bonus for dart 2 damage to do
I rolled 1d2+0, the result is 1.
princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game: Great minds think alike

((OOC: Nick, she never said that she was going to run, she was giving everyone a chance to re-state their case to see who should get the cube as per the Illumians suggestion. She's nervous so she's asking for everyone to stand back against the wall. She hasn't provoked any attack or seemd like she was going to flee. The door is locked, anyways.))

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Uh huh. Okay then. If he thinks she's going to endanger the team, though, he'll dart her.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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((OOC: She's done nothing of the sort XD Just giving everyone a second chance instead of trying to take the cube by force *winkwink*))

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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OOC: Ok, so what in the nine hells just happened to my character???
Did Nick try and grab me? Did he try and dart me? Did he move back against the wall like I asked him to do, but is pointing his dart gun at me? Did Ian move him twards the wall by telekenesis?

Please, please, for the love of the gods someone tell me what just happened?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: If I knew, I would tell you. I guess Ohalian needs to clear this up. All I know is Ohalian is likely to get some telekinesis upside the head.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: Oh my god. I'm gone for a day and chaos breaks out Eye-wink

nick, please make clear what your character does.

pb, your character stays where she is, right?]

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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((OOC: If Nick does move away from the wall, or take an aggressive action towards Ophelia, I'd like to counter with a spell, but no, the Illumian is staying right by the door))

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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OOC:If Nick touches me there is a certain spell I would like to do to him...mwa ha ha ha.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: Actually, It doesn't matter what he wanted to do. He failed his will save. He is going to fly across the room and smack that wall. If Ian sees him reahc for something, you cen bet he's going to telekentically dribble you like a ball.

Edit: Joyblood, since things got kind of confusing in the last few posts, before I say anythin IC, I want to check and make sure that i just did what I said I did. Did I?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: @all: Let's just wait for nick's post before we continue, ok?]

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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OOC: Ohalian won't do anything to her unless she looks like she's about to bail, or refuse to turn over the cube.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: That is, he stays where he is, or he walks over to the wall? (This decision is BEFORE Ian uses his telekinesis on Ohalian) ]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: @nick: Are you there? My last question was for you...]

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ohalian isn't going to move. He doesn't like being pushed around. Besides, standing where he is is no different to standing against the wall from a tactical standpoint, right?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: In which case you end up at the wall anyway, by way of my ring. Any verbal signs of protest are up to you.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

When Tigerfury gets picked up and tossed against the wall, he looks at Ian.

"Do that again and you'll regret it."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: I never 'toss', good sir. You were gently picked up, and set down near the wall. if you hit the wall, you might break something of A'kins. then we're up the creek again.

Ian leans in to whisper to Ohalian. "Sorry, but at this point, It's best if we just appease Ophelia."

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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"Do I look like a pussy whipped bitch to you? No? I aim to appease no woman."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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[OOC: I'm glad we've cleared this up. So, everyone except the Illumian and the floating skull are near the wall. How does Ophelia react now?]

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

"Five.", whispers Ophelia.

Ophelia looks to the illumian, "You stay there and don't move twards me, or I will take it as a hostile astion, and then the deals off...same with your floating skull," she hooks a thumb twards the floating skull, and slowley walks over to the wall opposite most all of the people, and away from the ilumian who is near the door.

"Ans I must thank Ian for bringing Tigerfury to his senses and getting him at the wall... I am most obliged." She looks like her breathing is slowed and she is talking at a more normal tone of voice and tempo.

She says to everyone, "I am going to cast a spell on myself, it will help me to make a wiser choice than I would if I didn't do the spell."

She then casts a spell, Owl's Wisdom, on herself... AND it is quite clear that she is only casting this upon herself (so no need for anyone to attack her while she does this) in a VERY NON-threatening manner.

She takes a deep breath in and out.

"Ok, who would like to begin?" she whispers, obviously much more sane and sagelike than she was before. This is the Ophelia most of you know.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game: Great minds think alike

The Illumian nods towards Ian. "Well put, sir."

She turns back to Ophelia "And also, just to be sure it is taken into account as an example; the skull, which is not mine, can sense the item on you and can see you destroyed by it. Just to test...there is a powerfull scroll in that same bag, correct?"

The Illumian glances briefly towards Ian, then to the floating skull. "Charknathrol, can you sense anything of strong magic on this fellow?"

EDIT: Read/respond after responding to Ian's below Smiling

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"If I may begin, lady Whispers." Ian says, bowing slightly.
"It would seem that the primary disagreement here is what to do with the cube? While, at first, I considered the cube to be a nuscience at best, a danger at worst, You'r attachment, as well as other factors, make it neccessary to bring it with us."
"However," He says, lifting a finger. "The cube is, and always will be, a magical item of immense power. Had it not been for A'kin and his well-timed disposal of our Illithid foe, we would surely have been caught in eternal servitude as it's thralls. There are those that wish to use such power for their own devices. If you don't believe me, imagine a single faction that wouldn't kill to have that sort of power, or to keep anyone else from having it."
"Even more dangeous, it is an item closly tied with the Tan'ari. This makes it even more dangerous to have exposed, considering our destination is Baator."
"Now, I'm sure it is plain to see that, if not only for our own interest in this item, we must keep its location secret. It it was discovered that we posesed such a device, there are innumerable parties who would want it for their own. Very badly."
"I suspect there may be some of you who think that, in the event of such a conflict, we could use the cube aginst them. This, I must say now, Is a bad idea. We do not know the full powers of the cube, but if it had the powers to conqure the planes, the Illithid would have done it already. And if we are discovered, and we use it, we will almost definatly draw the attention of several planer groups, races, and powers. Any one, on its own, would be powerful enough to almost ensure our death. This is not a situation I would like to find myself in. I am sure that most of you feel the same." Ian pasues to take a breath.
"So, in order to keep it safe, A'kin has supplied us with a pouch capable of storing it safely, where no one can find it but us. Normally, I would let You, lady Whispers, carry it without a second thought. However, we must also remember my unfortunet situation with the black scroll. Akin also promised us a means of safely carrying and transporting the scroll. It is unfortunet that these two containers are one and the same."
"A'kin said earlier that I can't leave the scroll behind. To do so would kill me. This implies that I must remain with a certain range or the scroll will turn its power on me. If the scroll, and the cube, must be kept in the same container, this unfortunetly means that, for safty reasons, I must be the carryer of that container."
"This does not mean that I do not trust you. far from it, this means that we must trust each other now more than ever. But I can not let you carry the cube. There are too many unfortunete accidents that can occur."
"For example. What if you were to, during our travels, slip and fall from a high place. even if you survived the fall, your increeased distance might trigger the scrolls effect. or if we had to be seperated to maintain a ruse, but did not have the time beforehand to lend me the bag. Or, an all too common occurence in Sigil, what if you were to accidently activate a portal and be transported to the other side. If I were unable to follow you before the portal closed, being on differant planes would almost certainly trigger the effect. In short, there are simply too many possibilities that can end in my death for my likeing."
"That is what can happen if you carry the bag rather then I. However, I can forsee no problems or debilhitating effects for you, or any other member of this group, being not being it's carrier. Therefore, logically, It only makes sense for me to carry it. And, for my own safety, I must take measures to insure this becomes so."
Ian takes another breath. "If anyone here has something to dispute, or to add, feel free to comment. But please keep it civil. And," Ian looks at Ophelia. "I would prefer it if you responded first. After all, it is your descision that is crucial."

Edit: Ack! PB posted while I was typing. Stop DOING that!
PB, is it okay if we say that Loreveil spoke after I did? It fits in well after what I ended with, and won't change Ophelias reaction, since we both spoke before her response.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Game: Great minds think alike

((OOC: I'm a fast typer, I can't help it ;D But yes, Ophelia/joyblood, please respond to mine, AFTER you respond to Ian))

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Charknathrol turns to everyone in the room, one after the other.

Yes... on everybody... but you. Dark forces... inside the souls. But no single item... of true power.

Only a second later, Duke Charper's voice comes up in Ohalian's mind again.

Mr. Smith? We're listening, and analyzing the data we receive. This is really, really interesting. It would be extremely helpful if both the woman called Ophelia and that man called Charknathrol would keep speaking a bit more. Their voices are... unusual. You think you can manage that?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

Ophelia nods her head twards Ian, and whispers"I understand what you are saying," she then nods her head twards the illumian, "AND I do understand the point you are trying to get at... but before I decide lets let everyone have a say, shall we?" She looks to the rest of the party, and lets her eyes rest on Tigerfury a little loger than the others narrowing her eyes at him, then goes to the next person.

OOC: Please, if ANYONE has anything else to say, for gods sake say it now.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*to Ophelia*
"I am going to have to go with Ian on this one.....I didn't think of the consequences of a baatezu finding the cube on any of us in baator. That would surely be a BIG problem for us. But, dont worry lady Ophelia, if I have any reason to doubt Ian's motives with the cube, I will take action against him."
*to Ian*
"just to restate that, I promise to you as welll Ian Shadowknife, I WILL punish you if you do anything I deem wrong on behalf of your actions with the cube. I do like you, dont get me wrong, but I must protect the cube as well as I can."
OOC: This is all I have to say....I really almost completely forgot we were going to Baator.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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"Now, I must admit, your motive in this puzzles me, Blackthornes." Ian says, looking at Ophelia. He gives a slight pause, as if giving her the oppertunity to interrupt.
"Ophelia's concerns in the matter are quite clear, but I can't quite fathom why you are so interested in the cube. If it's not a terrible secret, could you divulge this information?"

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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"He has told me that the cube has spoken to him as well.... promised him he would fullfill his destiny. Am I right Blackthornes?" whispers Ophelia.


blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*To Ophelia and Ian*
"yes, the face said that my questions would be answered, and that I would have an important role in what is to come. To me, it seems like the voice was trying to tell me that I would find out my origin, as well as why I came to live on faerun. If not, then all he means is that I will help him out of his damn prison....and considering he sounded like the leader of the place, he might pay well for such a service......either way I luck out in one form or another."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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"Uh, Blackthornes? This might seem rude, but your origons are fairly obvious." Ian said, pointing at his horns.
"And you might want to remember that we ARE talking about a Tan'ari here. Tan'ari,as you might not know yet, are beings of Evil... and chaos. Assuming that they will do ANYTHING can be a leathal mistake. Powers only know that if the Tan'ari could be predicted, the Bataazue would have won by now."

Ian turns toward Ophelia. "So, can we please conclude this business now? I would like to get what little more we need from A'kin and be off. Remember, we need to stop by Charrd's companion on our way back. We musn't forget the bird he gave us."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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"Is that all everyone has to say?" she waits a moment for anyone else to speak, then continues. "I must say that Blackthornes and Ian, Loreveil, do have a point... I am calm now, I am much more in my right mind now to make a decision of the mind, more so than of the heart.

"Ian, you may carry the cube, but I will put it in there, and I will make periodic checks that it is there. I have a vested intrest in the cube after all.... and if it goes missing, you will find out what a druid's wraith upon you really is." She says the last with a VERY serious look, but once the cube is in the bag she gives him a wink. It seems she really is back to her old self after letting go of the cube... out of sight, out of mind?

@ everyone:If anyone else wants to say anything assume that it is put in between Ophelia's question and descision.. I may edit my post accordingly, BUT I think I have given everyone adequate time to post their responses.
@ Ian:Also, the last part about her putting the cube in the bag, as long as you let her do that, she will put it in the bag herself... BUT she is not taking out the cube untill she KNOWS she can put it in the bag herself.


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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"Agreed." Ian says, holding the bag open. "just drop it in, the scroll is already in there." He warns.
"Good." Ian says, closing the bag. "Now that we FINALLY have that taken care of..." Ian say, turning to A'kin. "We should have a pair each of those flame-proof suits, the Crown, and those scrolls of Group Invisibility we discussed earlier."

OOC: Arg, we be back on schedual!

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
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*to Ian*
"actually, having horns doesnh't make anything could tell me a bunch of different things. And besides, I am well aware of how the tannari are, that doesn;t mean anything. I simply wont help him if I dont think I will get rewarded."
OOC: yippie, finally back to the real mission.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: :shock: Sorry guys and gal for the hold-up... but I had to play my character as she would act. Again sorry for the road-bump!


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: @all: I wonder why this little episode is taken so bad by some, Ophelia saying sorry for it, etc. I think it was a really interesting part of the game, and the outcome of what just happened influenced lots of the story-to-come.

Besides, everyone of you should always post what you think your character would do, not what you think the other player or the GM would like. This is a roleplaying game, so playing your role is priority #1 Eye-wink

@Fidrikon: As mentioned before, A'kin is not in the room at the moment. But his little floating light helper is still around Smiling ]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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OOC: I never said I was upset. I thought it was great. I was just using the situation to talk like a pirate.

I guess I missed the part about A'kin leaving before. Can we just say I asked the ball of light instead? I mean, actually being in the room and all, Ian would have noticed Akin's departure.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Katkalkan circles Ian's head once, then rushes towards a large, ornamented chest with wooden feet, reminding of a lion's paws. The floating light hits the chest, and disappears. A few seconds later, the chest begins to rattle, and suddenly raises from the ground, walking on its feet towards the black suits. Only a step away from the suits, the chest stops, and crushes on the ground again as Katkalkan returns, hovering right over the chest.

I assume it's easier for you than for me to get the suits in there. As for the chest, consider it a gift for such welcome customers!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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When Ohalian get a request to keep the lot of the others talking, he'll send back,

Keep them talking? I doubt I could stop her talking if I wanted to. I'm not surprised you're picking up strange things from Charknathrol, given that it seems to be a floating skull. It's probably using the so-called magic that the natives make so much use of.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Magic... floating skulls... it's really hard to believe all this, but as weird as it is, the facts tell that it all seems to be true. Wait a moment... I have the analysis of Ophelia's voice. It's... umm... it seems like she's speaking with two voices at once. Is she a human? Her data isn't really what I'd call standard.

Ohalian can sense a mixture of slight fear and excitement in Duke Charper's mental voice.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Umm... I don't know. She's probably the most pale person I've ever seen, has pointed ears, and is rather skinny. Want me to ask her?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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Yes, that would certainly help... but I guess it's better to wait for a situation where the question fits. As for the skull, any chance of making him speak more?

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