Game: Great minds think alike

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[ Welcome to "Great Minds think alike" ! ]

The Hive has been a dirty place since anyone remembers; but there are days when it is worse than usually. Today was one of those days. A group of Xaositects – or so was the rumour – opened a portal that led to the sewers of a city on the Prime, and made sure that the sewers’ contents spilled all over the streets in the Hive.

Today, it was impossible to walk the streets of the Hive Ward without having a strong desire for a long bath afterwards. Still, there were creatures that enjoyed what happened. Giggling mephits, cowled humanoids and gibbery oozes crawled and walked the streets, quickly escaping when the occasional fiend appeared.

One particular tavern owner was very happy about the situation: Charrdh the Whisperer, owner of the “Burned Torch” and an amateur sorcerer, had managed to create an area of clean air right within his tavern, and almost everyone nearby entered the tavern to escape the stink.

There was another reason to enter the Burned Torch today: A rumour was told in the neighbourhood of a new attraction in the tavern, one that should not be missed by any chance. The only hint of what this could be was a strange, flickering light emanating from the windows of the tattered building…

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian Shadowknife stood in the doorway of the Burned Torch, using a rag to wipe the worst of the muck off his boots. The enchanted necklace around his neck kept the smell away, but theres such a thing as pride, even in the Hive.

Ian passed up the tables and slunk off to a far corner of the room. He kept a close eye on any hand that came near him, making sure none of them came away with something of his. Powers only knew he couldn't afford to lose anything now that the Guild had been busted by the Harmonium.

Iam scanned the room, looking at the crowd of poor sods who had come in to escape the sewage.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

The one thing in the tavern drawing the most attention was a globe of light at the far end of the room, only a few steps away from the bar. It was a strange white-blue light, filling the whole room, still subtle enough to help little against the dim light. The sparkling globe was a full nine feet large, and it was impossible to say what was within. A variety of shabby humanoids had gathered around the globe, gazing at what was inside - it seemed as if, from that close distance, they could see what lied within.

The tavern itself was astonishingly clean, considering Hive standards. The main problem now was that the tavern room - fifty feet wide and more than sixty feet long - was packed with people. The patrons were sitting on the tables and the bar, some even under the tables, and many more had to stand. Three small creatures - no larger than the fire of a candle - floated through the room nervously, above the heads of the other guests - possibly fairies.

Just as Ian came to the corner, he noticed a single person, clad in fine, dark leather and wearing a strange red dragon mask, standing up from a chair. The man turned to the sparkling globe for a moment, then turned to leave with the words: "They have no idea what they have there... they have no idea what fate they've chosen."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

At hearing the man's words, Ian goes rigid.
No, just keep walking.... Just keep walking... nothing but trouble can come from it... he thought to himself.
He went to take a step and...
"Damn it." He mumbled, turning to face the masked man.
"Excuse me, Sir!" He called.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

The man turns to Ian, who notices that two small rubies are set into the man's mask where the eyes should be; how the wearer can see is impossible to tell.

"I excuse nothing, never; but if there was anything to excuse, you would have received swift punishment already. What is it that you want?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Okay, odd man with a mask. Ian quickly looks him over. Possible spellchucker...

"I overheard you mention something about the big glowing orb over there. Normally I dont intrude on the business of others, but what I did hear lead me to believe that it was dangerous. I only want to avoid being caught unawares by some feat of magic."

OOC: Okay, guy seems to be a little... off. And I don't think he will be too happy with me butting in on his conversation. I roll a diplomacy check:
Roll= 8 + 16 mod = 24
On the off chance things get rough, Ian will bring his Rapier out of his glove of storeing. And consider Ian to be 'studying' him. Hey, you don't last in the hive by being trusting.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

The man studies Ian just as Ian studies him - with the difference that the masked man doesn't try to hide it. "It's not magic that you have to fear here, but stupidity and arrogance. Take a look at what they've captured, and either you understand, or you deserve your fate."

Without another word the man moves on, obviously on his way to leave the tavern.

[OOC: The guy was, well, odd, but not aggressive - diplomacy worked anyway, and you escaped a longer conversation that could have lead to aggression Eye-wink

You can already make your next post, but I'll wait for the other players to post before moving on.]

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ohalian stalked through the Hive ward, the grated steel of the gas mask drawn accross his mouth and nose. The cybermodified cat-man had heard of something unusual happening at the tavern, so it seemed as good a place as any to begin his career as a planewalker.

Gathering his black trenchcoat about him, he steps into the tavern just in time for his augmented hearing to detect the words exchanged between the dragon-man and the other man. A half-elf, according to what he remembered Rose telling him. A close relation to humanity, unlike so many who live in this city. Intrigued and alarmed by the dragon-man's words, he turns to look at the globe, his vision zooming in considerably.

OOC: you're the half-elf assassin, right, Fidrikon?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: Ian is at the other end of a room full of people talking about thousand things - it's improbable that, just at entering the table, Ohalian would even have NOTICED these two. We'll just say it was a matter of chance this time, but for the future, please ask first if your character CAN perceive what you want him to perceive - unless, of course, it's obvious.]

Just as Ohalian enters, a small insectoid creature tumbles into him. The strange being reminds of a dark blue bug, no more than three feet large, with four wings on his back and ten arms - carrying a mug of ale in each hand. As the creature gains back its balance, it stares at Ohalian for a moment, then shakes its head.

"Strange creatures in this city, me tell ya, strange creatures..."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

As the masked man leaves, Ian walks over to inspect the orb, on his way noticing this... thing that just entered the room.

OOC: sry about that. Well, remember: to Ian you look like some Modron + cat+ a number of other things.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike

A tall, hulking flind gnoll enters the tavern, looking tired from behind a skull shaped mask and pehaps a tad roughed up as though he's been running through the hive for days. He takes in a deep breath of the clean air provided and makes his way to the bar.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

you see a small man enter, wearing a blue outfit, looking like something out of an old english text book. Though the man seems weak, he strides in with his chin up and has a cocky look plastered on his face. He goes over to the bar and notices a large, hiena-like creature, with a skull for a face. The man casually asks the creature:
"hey, were you from? the name's blackthornes, anyways, i figured you'd be lookin' like the outlawish type, wearin' that mask o'er your face."

Blackthornes is now pondering the identity of the creature, maybe something from his homeland, or maybe something from the planes.

OOC: sorry i'm a little late, haven't been at home.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game: Great minds think alike

'joyblood' wrote:
[OOC: Ian is at the other end of a room full of people talking about thousand things - it's improbable that, just at entering the table, Ohalian would even have NOTICED these two. We'll just say it was a matter of chance this time, but for the future, please ask first if your character CAN perceive what you want him to perceive - unless, of course, it's obvious.]

Just as Ohalian enters, a small insectoid creature tumbles into him. The strange being reminds of a dark blue bug, no more than three feet large, with four wings on his back and ten arms - carrying a mug of ale in each hand. As the creature gains back its balance, it stares at Ohalian for a moment, then shakes its head.

"Strange creatures in this city, me tell ya, strange creatures..."

OOC: Sorry. What does he see then he zooms in on the ball?

When he gets bumped the the bug, Ohalian mutters to himself, "I agree."

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike

The masked Gnoll gazes into blackthorn's eyes for a second and ponders why anyone would be intrested in him.

"I guess if you asked the harmonium they would say I'm an outlaw, but i like to look at myself as a defender of the weak and savior to the poor. The mask is for my own protection, as there are lots of berks and hardheads that would like nothing better than to see my demise"

not fully trusting blackthorns, the masked gnoll flashes his duel flindbars...

"you wouldn't be one of these gentleman i have just metioned, hmm?"

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

*Blackthornes waves his hands in his front of him*
"oh, no sir, i'm just a lonely stiff lookin' for company, i thought that maybe you could be one of those types."
*ponders the creatures statement*
"Why would you think that, i don't start brawls, i join 'em!(*motioning to the orb*) Say, do you know what that big glowy thing is over there?, it is very odd looking."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian stands before the orb, taking a close look at it. The light seems like a web of magical, moving rays, crossing and overlapping, disappearing and coming into existence from out of nothing. Ian needs some concentration to see through the orb of light, but finally he takes a glimpse of what’s behind: A smooth cube of ice, and a creature frozen inside.

Something made Ian look away. He knows he has seen the creature’s face, but he doesn’t remember. All he knows is that, somehow, he feels cold now.

Ohalian zooms in on the orb at the other end of the room. The sphere of light grows before his eyes, until he looks at it as if standing right before it. Then, suddenly, everything is pitch black.


The voice is dark, subtle, almost incomprehensible… a whispered roar, and once it has ended, Ohalian isn’t sure if he has really heard it.

A small, flappy figure – a human in colourful, but shabby clothes – moves past Blackthornes and the Gnoll. “Don’t you not make no talk about the Hardheads here, wouldn’t you not? Not everyone likes them, and some hate them so much they kill everyone who only speaks there name. Not me, of course, me only talking of what things I’ve seen and heard and smelled and touched.”

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Oh, I knew this would lead to trouble. Ian thought to himself. But trouble, mixed with the right amount of caution, eventually leads to money.

Ian backed away from the orb, and made his way through the crowd of cagers to the bar.
"Pardon me." Ian says, leaning past the beefy Flind Gnoll. Ian attempts to flag down the Barkeep.
"Excuse sir, but do you know where I can find Charrdh the Whisperer? I need to speak with him."

OOC: I figure the mage who owns the bar should have at least some idea what's in that orb.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

"Eh cutter, Charrdh can't talk to ye folk all the time. He's a mighty mage, af'r all, and a mas'r of jink as well. Off'r him - an' me - a reason for why he shou' have time fer ye, cutter."

The barkeeper - a human? a tiefling? maybe a human with an orcish heritage? - stares at Ian with a greedy look.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

*blackthornes, being as nosey as he is*
Hey, who is this Chard fellow, (asking ian)and who are you sir?

Does anybody know what that damn light bulby thing is yet?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: if your going to talk to the plaers, not the characters, remember to type OOC: before hand.

Ian ignores the little man in the blue shirt. He had no time for clueless right now.
" Oh, of course sir. I didn't mean to imply that The Whisperer was to be pulled away from his work for the casual chat of every patron. But, you see, my brother is a collector of creatures around the planes. Currently, he is leading a party into the Beastlands, but that is beside the point. Anyway, while I have seen similar means of creature containment before, I dont recall having seen one quite like that one over there." Ian said, gestureing over to the orb. " I wish only to speak with Charrdh to go over the specifications of such a thing. Wheather this is spell or item based, what are the restrictions as to the creature able to be contained, what duration, if any, does it have, and so on and so forth. I will surely tell my brother of this when he returns, and if this proves to be more efficient than what my brother currently uses, I would imagine that he will pay a respectable sum of money to learn the means of using it."
"But if it happens to be a lesser form of what my brother posseses, then I am sure he would sell the secrets of his version for a reasonable price."
"Of course, right now I only seek to understand this form, for as I have explained my brother wont return for another two to three days."

OOC: bluff check: roll= 17 + 10 mod = 27
Ill try to weasle in a question about the contents of the orb during the discussion with Charrdh.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: i know that, nothing i said was out of character, were did you gety that idea.
*talking to ian*
"hey sir, do you ignore everyone who speaks to you, or just the normal ones?"
*talking to the flind gnoll, a light bulb comes up in his head*
"hey i know what you are know, your one o' them flindy gnolls, it's been so long since i've seen one, i haven't seen your kind after i left Toril, how has the race been anyways?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"hey sir, do you ignore everyone who speaks to you, or just the normal ones?"
Oh, powers be damned. Ian thought to himself. Why wont this clueless take the hint?

"I am sorry, sir. But I am in the middle of a discussion with this fine gentleman over the orb which you yourself have just inquired. And if you wish to know my life story, Im a member of the Free League. If you tell one of the Indep recruiters my name, they will tell you all that you need. But right now I am trying to gain an audiance with the owner of this establishment." Ian said, managing to keep his voice free from sarcasm.

OOC: oh, when you ended your sentence with 'yet', I thought you were asking us. Quotation marks make all the differance.
And don't get too peeved over Ian's response. Thats just his character. nothing personal, but at the moment he sees nothing to be gained from you, while the orb may lead to jink.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

The barkeeper seems to be confused about the interruption, having serious problems to follow the conversation. As if to wipe away the confusion, he takes a deep breath and makes a weird, sweeping gesture.

"Well 'en, I'm sure Lor' Charrdh woul' maybe interested in a talk to ye cutter. But when I go askin' there won't be any barkee' o'r here, and wi' all these guests here tha'll cost Charrdh a lots o' jink, an' I'm sure he'll want some o' that back ev' befer talkin' to ye, right?"

OOC: I'm a bit confused... this has been the second time people are excusing for what their characters said or thought. I think we all know this is a roleplaying game, right? If your character is arrogant, aggressive, pokey, annoying, whatever... so be it, play your character like that. I seriously hope we're all grown-up enough not to take that personal Eye-wink

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"Oh, of coarse. I must admit I hadn't thought of that." Ian said. He reaches inside of backpack, and pulls out a worn leather pouch. he rummages around for a moment... and produces a handfull of coins. " Im sure 9 jink will cover any income lost by your absence." Ian pulls out a pair of stingers and offers then to the bartender. " And this is for you, for such wonderful service. Don't worry about the bar, Ill make sure no one trys to raid the ale when you leave."

Ian now notices the skull mask that the beefy flind gnoll next to him is wearing.
"Is today some sort of holiday? There seem to be masks everwhere in here." Ian asks, realizing that he had been leaning past the masked gnoll for quite a while now.

OOC: so, 9 gold for information, 2 stingers and a promise to build up trust.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike

The Masked Gnoll seems to get a little upset at the mentioning of holidays and in a loud, angry voice states:

"Holiday? how can you even think of celibrating when the world is full of pain and hate! You should be ashamed of your greedy little self! People like you make me sick! your lucky your not breaking any laws right now cause I WOULD BREAK YOUR BONES AND DRINK YOUR MARROW AND BATH IN YOUR INTERNAL FLUIDS!"

relizing he's scaring everyone at the bar, The Masked Gnoll gives a humble apolloge and solomly hangs his head.

"I'm sorry, i just get so excited sometimes......."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"It's okay, I have an aunt with high blood sugar, I understand."
There's a long, awkward pause.
"So... exactly what internal fluids did you have in mind? I have an intense fear of the unknown, you see."

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike

" i may say i'm gonna bath in your blood, but truth be told the insides of other living creatures makes me kinda sick to my stomach."

relizing he never answered blackthorn's question

" What do you how's the race? and that comment about "the flindy gnolls", you don't think of us as lesser beings do you halfbreed. just come some 'lith shared nickers with your grandma doesn't mean your better than me! YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!!"

relizing he got excited again, the masked gnoll excuses himself to the bathroom

occ: nothing personal to all you tefers out there

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike

After several minutes of being away, the Masked Gnoll returns...

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what comes over me sometimes....I just can't help myself. One minute i'll be fine, the next i'm breaking in skulls and screaming threats of broken bodys and crushed dreams. Is there anything i can do to make it up to you?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"Sure, don't kill me. I'll consider it a favor to call in, should the need arise."

OOC: where is everyone? Nick and blackthornes seem lost, and wasn't Ashy going to join in? Or has he decided to meet up with us later?

And did I get the bartender to go get Charrdh? If so, I'm keeping a close eye on the bar, as per the promise.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: Just a side note - when you post, please take the time to think whether what you post makes sense. For example, dread, your character sure can go to the bathroom - but first you should ask if there actually IS a bathroom, and second, you can't make your next post right after and say it is *minutes* later - after all, the other characters would have done a lot of things during these minutes. Also, you can't just assume you're scaring everyone at the bar - you play your character and yours only, it's the DM's task to tell how the NPCs react.
It's really just standard play-by-post rules: Think where your character is, what places he can get to, if you have all the information you need for your post, write only for your very own character, and make sure your post doesn't mess up the posts of the other players or the DM.

The bartender looks at the coins for a while, then nods. "I'll see if he go' some time. Bu' me has a hint for ye, cutter. Don't ye talk to him abou' this bar, or abou' me, fer this is his priva' Arborea, if you ge' wha' I mean. It's easy to say righ' the wrong' thing without knowin' it, and if he gets angry, he tends to use his vast magica' pow's."

With that, he turns around and leaves for a door behind him. The only thing Ian can see is a dirty, wooden staircase leading downwards.

OOC: As for Ashy, I know he's got little time right now, but he should join soon. Ophelia's character is almost ready as well, I'm just waiting for the "final touch" and she'll join (hopefully). As for nick and blackthornes, no idea...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

With the Bartender gone, Ian keeps a close eye on any hand that comes close to the bar.
Watch, Ian thinks to himself. With my luck, in the time the bartender is gone we get either a robbery or a barfight.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

*blackthornes answering the gnoll*
" well, as far as i am conserened, all you have to do is be my friend, that will do, hey, im always looking to help the weak and all that.... as long as we don't have to follow rules, im just fine! Also, the flindy thing was not ment that way, I'm just a little flighty at times."
*know, talking to Ian*
" I am sorry sir, I can start to take a hint"
*thinking to himself*
wow, this guy is a real ass, i hope i don't end up hanging with him if i join up with this Gnollish fellow.
*know to ian*
"Hey, lets put the past aside, it seems you may need help watchin' this bar, an' i can help just fine!"
ooc- sorry i haven't been around, and in my opinion, anyone who would take a comment in an RPG seriously in the outside world, should get a cat-scan

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

" I am sorry sir, I can start to take a hint"

Bet you can't finish the process. Ian thought to himself.
Ian looks at the orb, and then back at the little man in the blue. Back at the orb, and back to the gnoll in the mask.
Hrmmmm, all things considered, these guys may not be so bad in a fight if things get ugly. In fact.... Ian looks the Flind Gnoll up and down. If things go screwy with Charrdh, this guy looks like he could take out any bodyguards no problem. Heck, he might even be able to keep off the Harmonium long enough for me to make a getaway.
Ian looks at Blackthornes.
Well, maybe he's quick. Ive seen less suspicious looking killers at the guild. At the very least he might block a spell for me.

Ian pulls out a gold coin.
"All right, Ill make the two of you a deal. If you guys lend a hand if things get rough, Ill make sure its worth your effort." Ian flips it up in the air, grabs it on the way down, and it seems to have disappeared.
"What do you say?" He askes, and smiles.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike

*to ian*
"Oh, no need to pay friend, i will help for the sake of the bar and it's patrons. But sir, i don't know if flindy here is in on the idea."
*thinking to himself*
Maybe making friends with this goof will help out in the long run.... oh well, he looks to be a spell slinger, an a fine blood at that
*speaking to ian again*
"Hey, say if'in we get out alive, do you want a rogue to help you out there in the world mate? After all, I ain't no clueless, i've been up here for quite some time, an' had to find me way on me own. Bein' rased by a tribe of barbarians usually doesn't breed intelligence in the brain, but i'm a good exception, if'in i'd ever seen one."
*speaking to the masked gnoll*
"hey, are you gonna help this feller out? If you do, you can have my share o' the profits."

OOC: hey, just so there is no confusion, a good friend of mine, you may know him as the spagghetti man, told me there was a feeling amongst the group that i had stolen swans idea of a masked character, and to set the record strait, it was sheer coinsidence, and nothing else. Also take note, i am not wearing the mask at this time.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"Ah, a rouge by trade, you say?" Ian smiles to himself.
Well, if the guild has been broken, then this fellow just might turn out to be a useful addition. Going to have to keep an eye on this one, may just turn out to be a slick killer, with the proper training, of coarse.
"Well, if you dont want your share, I can't force it on you." Ian says.
Ian glances at the bulky gnoll to his side. " And you?"

OOC: I thought we already went over this? When our charcter were submitted in the game announcement forum. Wasn't this all cleared up then?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

*another figure enters the bar. She is slim and lithe with white hair, pale, pale skin, and the blackest eyes you've ver seen. She is dressed all in dark green with dark green ribbons braided into her hair, and seems to be none the worse for ware, considering what the Xaositects have done. She has a scar accross her slender neck. She is giggling.
She glides up to the bar near where the three are gathered and asks*
Whispering,"Hey, any of you blokes here seeen the bartender? I think I need a stiff drink after what happened in the Hive today."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian looks over at the white haired women to his side. "Dont worry, I'm sure he will return soon. He is just on his way to pass a message from me to the owner of this establishment."
"And what, may I ask, is your name?" Ian asks.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

"It is Ophelia, Ophelia Whispers," the elven woman whispers back to Ian.
"And yours, may I ask?" She looks him up and down, then looks around to check out the room.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: It seems a few of our players have disappeared. I was going slowly with the game so they have a chance to jump back in, but it seems they won't. I'll wait another day, and then we'll move on with the game for the real action Eye-wink ]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian smiles. " You may. My name is Ian Shadowknife." He says, bowing slightly. I wonder where she got that scar...

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: are you staring at my scar? If so I might tell you the story on it.
"May I ask what you need to talk to the keeper of the Inn about? Sorry if I am being nosey, but I am a curious woman," whispers Ophelia.
*OOC diplomacy check: roll= 19 + 5 mod = 24*

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

"No need to apologize, it is no secret. I wish to ask the owner of this estabishment about that orb over there, which seems to be a means of creature containment. My brother collects such creatures, and I was hoping that this might be a better means for him in the future. Although, I must admit that I am somewhat curious as to what this particular orb contains, since I have been unable to determin its contents as of yet."

OOC: time for another bluff check. Roll:3+ mod (10) = 13
Uh, not so good. Heres hoping for a low sense motive.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

*OOC: sense motive Roll:20+ mod (4) = 24
Ok, so tell me which part you are bluffing about.*

"So, you don't say," whispers Ophelia

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: blast, well... While Ian is genuinely interested in the contents of the orb, the stuff about his brother, and wanting information about the orb itself is just a cover story to talk to Charrdh about the orb.

(Note: if you let him know you don't believe him, he'll spill the beans and try and try to bring you into the scheme as damage control)

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

*OOC:she isn't believing it for a second. If I rolled anything other than a 20, maybe... but alas.*

"So this is almost all for your "brother", right. And the sky here is as blue as it is on Toril, not grey and smokey," she whispers and sticks out her tongue playfully.

*thinking to herself; I wonder what kind of reaction that will get out of him. Good thing I have my scimitar strapped to my leg. You never know about chaps like this in the Hive.*

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

Just at that moment, the door behind the bar opens again, and the barkeeper returns. "Charrdh has time for ye, cutter. But be ye warn', he seems to be a bi' uneasy t'day, ne'r seen him like 'at 'fore."

The man waits at the door, keeping it open while waiting for Ian's reaction.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ian looks at the bartender, then back at Ophelia.
Ack! Damage control, damage control...
"Ah, very well then. Let us be off then." He turns toward Ophelia and flashs her a handful of gold coins. "And it will be us, I hope?" Ian screws up his smile into a worried grin.
Come on, work with me here...

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game: Great minds think alike

*Ophelia takes the coins deftly and quietly puts them into what looks like an ordinary belt*

"Yes, it will be us. Shall we?", she whispers back to him.

She thinks Gods above and below what am I getting myself into here. Well at least it should be exciting.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

Ians worried grin quickly changes back to a genuine smile. "Grand! So..." He turns back to the Bartender. "Lead the way!"

OOC: so, that mean Ophelia, Ian, and blackthornes are going, are we assuming that the Masked Gnoll is coming too?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike

[OOC: I hope so. We'll wait until tomorrow, then I'll just say that everyone comes along.]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike

OOC: I managed to contact the Dread Pirate, and it turns out he got roped into a week long...thing, and will be able to post again tomarrow afternoon.

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