Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: I just realized something. On a hunch, I checked the srd about my glove of storing...

If an effect is suppressed or dispelled, the stored item appears instantly.

...So maybe my glove is a little slow on the uptake, but I was kind of hoping I could get my rapier back...

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Ahem, forgetting someone? Oh, and I'm back by the way Smiling

My initiative roll is at the bottom and I suppose I'll state Saath's actions of the first round.

First of all he'll make a will save to be able to sustain his weapon in the antimagic area.
Saath's weapon winks out.
He'll make another will save as a move action to get it back.
1d20+7=8 >.<

Another move action to run for cover then... Puzzled Oh, and he'll pick up his shield which has fallen to the ground on the way.

3 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 20.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

As the beholder's antimagic effect takes place, Ian's glove of storing slowly begins pulsating.

At first, it is almost unnoticable... then it pounds almost like a human heart, until it suddenly spills out all the items stored inside of it.

[OOC: @Ian: Please give a rough overview of what items can be seen. Just the obvious, things that one'd see even without taking a closer look.]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Actually, the only thing in my glove is my rapier.

Ian rushes to pick up his Rapier, and then makes a mad dash to get behind the beholder.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: @Fidrikon: What way? Running straight through the line or surrounding the beholder?]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: I'm not sure what the line is, so the second one.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Running straight there means you'd come close enough to the beholder for it to attack.. so going around is the better option, I guess Eye-wink

So, Ian runs around the beholder and gets behind him. It's Azure's turn, then!]

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: I know I came back after the initiative order was determined, but since Saath got a 20 on initiative would it not be his turn?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Sorry, my fault. Saath's and Naruk's turn Smiling ]

Naruk draws a silvery dagger from a hidden pocket at his arm, and focusses on the three vrocks that are coming closer, and will probably reach the group in the next few seconds.

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Saath runs to within 30 feet of the floating orb while redrawing his weapon, smaller now than before. He then throws it.

OOC: Saath uses his dodge on it, making his touch AC 17.
Attack roll: 1+10 (14- 4 in melee)= critical miss :cry:

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: @Finwe: Please make another attack roll to see whether it was really a critical hit!]

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: err, actually it was a critical miss. No need to roll again to confirm if Saath missed that thing Sticking out tongue

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: True, but if I'm correct, we need to check whether Saath actually makes a more serious mistake like dropping his weapon or something. Correct me if I'm wrong here about the critical miss rules, but that's what I remember (don't have my books at hand right now) ]

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: I believe that is an optional rule, but I'll make another attack roll then Smiling
9+10 (14-4 in melee)=19
Dropping the weapon isn't an issue though, since after throwing it, it'll dissipate anyway.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Sorry for late reply, work caught me...

@Finwe: I've always interpreted the critical miss so that the weapon wielder has some kind of accident - nothing dramatic, but possible giving a change to the battle. Of course, for a thrown weapon, such an accident would have to be something different than in close combat Eye-wink

@Azure: Your turn!]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: On a side note, I received an e-mail from another player interested in the game. What do you think? Do we have enough space for another player?
Consider in your answer that Ophelia might return to the game - I couldn't contact her again yet, so I'm not sure, but I still hope for it...]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Hel!" The nabassu looks at the Beholder.

"Hel!" The nabassu looks at the approaching vrocks.

"Bloody Hel!" The nabassu watches Ophelia get turned into a chess piece.

'Rex' points one arm towards the Eye tyrant, then in one swift moion points at the oncoming vrocks. A black arrow speeds from his outstreched hand towards the closest vrock.

[ooc - firing a cold iron tipped arrow at the vrock.]

13 Bonus for ranged attack to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 24.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The black arrows speeds through the air and hits the left vrock at his left wing. The creature screeches out, and all three vrocks turn towards Rex, obviously out for his blood.

[OOC: Damage?]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[ooc - Does my attack count as a sneak attack? If so, I can do much more damage, and thats sort of why I acted like I was going for the beholder first then switched up. I figured, with all those eyes, there was no way I was going to surprise the beholder.]

[damage - if no sneak attack - (d6) 6 pts]
[if sneak attack (+6d6) - +19 pts]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: No sneak attack, sorry.. but, for the future, if you're trying to get some advantage through intelligent roleplaying, give me a clear hint what you're trying to achieve. It's always possible you get a bonus or something Smiling ]

As the arrow hits the vrock, two feathers are ripped from his wing, slowly floating through the air now while the vrocks rush forward.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

All of a sudden, an entire squad of vrocks appear out of nothing, following and surrounding the original three vrocks. They are obviously trained to battle together, for their movements are often similar or at least well adapted to each other.

After the summoning spell - or whatever it was that called the new vrocks -, a group of over twenty vrocks are closing in on Rex.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[ooc - I do get a second attack or a partial action this round still, right?]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Yes, that's correct]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[ooc - in that case, I will take the hole out of my pocket and move toward the beholder, who I do believe I started to flank last'll see where I'm going with this next round. Im going to try to come at the beholder from the opposite side from MG and Ian, if possible. Next round I'll drop it under the beholder and jump in, so the vrocks have to go through the beholder to get to me.]

'Rex' looks at the growing flock of vrocks, "Fenris' teeth!"

Another black arrow flies in the direction of the vrocks, but it isn't even aimed [Just so the vroks keep their attention and ire firmly on me]. He turns and leaps over a small pile of rubble, moving toward the Eye Tyrant. 'Rex' makes a strange motion near his waist as he approaches the monster.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Blackthornes, your turn!]

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes will loose another arrow at a vrock this time*

15 Bonus for attack bonus to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 19.
dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Powerful muscles expand and contract as The Masked Gnoll pulls back with both arms then proceeds pummel the eye tyrant with all his might...

OCC: attack1.)16+19=35 for 20
attack2.)13+19=32 for 15
attack3.)20(crit.)+14=34 for 17x2=34
attack4.)18(crit.)+16=34 for 16x2=32

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Blackthornes' arrow rushes through the air, closely missing the vrock he aimed at - but hitting one next to it. As the arrow hits that other vrock, the vulture-like tanar'ri disappears as quickly as it came - as do three other vrocks that the arrow flies through on its course.

[OOC: Need to look something up before I reply to MG's attack!]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The Masked Gnoll throws his mighty fists against the beholder, hitting him time after time. The creature seems shocked at first, surprised that another creature can actually hit it more than once - then the shock turns into pain, all ten eye stalks forcefully turning to the gnoll - just a moment before MG's two fists hit the beholder, one at each side, squashing it like a giant fruit.

Blood, bones, brain and the beholder's bowel spit on the muddy street like the inside of a ripe fruit. The creature's empty husk hovers no more, falling down upon the bloody pulp below.

[OOC: Ian's turn!]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Well done, Gnoll!" Ian yells. He then pivots around, facing the incoming Vrocks, and telekineticly sends his rapier flying into the group. "Now, bring them down!"

OOC: Ian's going to try his best to thrust it, but not let it get out of the range where he can bring it back, even if this means slowing down the rapier so it does less damage.

Attack roll: 15 (critical!) (conformation:11+12=23)
Damage: 1d6+6= 11 (22 if crit)

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes turns to Ian*
"I doubt I just killed three of them with one shot...I didn't even hit the one I aimed at. There must be some magicks involved..."
*He will shoot again at another Vrocks*

16 Bonus for attack bonus to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 26.
blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes turns to Ian*
"I doubt I just killed three of them with one shot...I didn't even hit the one I aimed at. There must be some magicks involved..."
*He will shoot again at another Vrock*

16 Bonus for attack bonus to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 36.
blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: OOps! accidently posted Twice...I will let joyblood choose, but I will roll damage regardless, thogh the second one is a crit threat...

3 Bonus for atk bonus to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 4.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian's rapier thrusts at the vrocks, hitting one of them right into the breast - and the creature disappears.

[OOC: @Blackthornes: Saath and Azure come first, then I'll handle your shot.]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Noone reacted to this, so maybe it simply wasn't read by anyone...

- On a side note, I received an e-mail from another player interested in the game. What do you think? Do we have enough space for another player?

I'd like to have your opinions here! Thanks!]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[ooc - as the newcomer in this, I'd say the more the merrier if someone else wants to join up.]

'Rex' watches the Masked Gnoll pound the beholder to pulp with a look of amazement. "Well now! Ok, change of plan." He turns toward the Vrocks again. Two arrows streak from his outstretched arm in succession. From his movements, it looks as if he were firing an invisible bow.

[ooc - no matter what, I'm firing at two different Vrocks]

[d20 + 13 = 32 Damage d6+2 = 6
d20 + 7 = 21 Damage d6+2 = 3]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC; If this were a tabletop game, I'd say that it would slow down the party, but since its a play by post, sure!

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

'One blubberbag down, 2 dozen 'ri to go!' Saath yells excitedly as he rematerializes his weapon and throws it at the nearest Vrock.

OOC: Using a moving action to imbue it with psychic energy, then the attack roll: 16+14=30
Damage: 1d6+7 +2d8=25 cold iron damage.
And sure, another player would be welcome Smiling

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC:More the merrier!

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Saath's weapon goes straight at a vrock, hitting it right into the chest - and the creature doesn't disappear. It throws its head up, screaming an eye-deafening scream, then adapts its course and flies straight towards Saath - along with three of the other vrocks, which mimic his behaviour almost perfectly.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Naruk moves towards the tiny statue that Ophelia has become, carefully takes her up, and stores her in a hidden bag of his armour.

Rex's first arrow goes straight through the heart of another vrock - and makes it disappear. The second arrow has a course leading it perfectly through the vrocks, without hitting a single one of them - despite a few close moments.

Blackthornes arrow also hits another one of the vrocks, and just like before, makes it disappear.

The two groups of vrocks still heading at Rex reach him now, and attack him furiously. Now as they are so close, though, Rex has the impression that not all of them are real... he only feels the presence of maybe two or three entities. Which ones they are, though, is impossible to tell.

The first vrock hits Rex with a claw, grabs him at the shoulder, and pulls him forward to his beak - biting the nabassu into the other shoulder.

[OOC: Damage from first attack: 14, from second (beak) attack: 10.]

The second vrock only pecks at Rex with its beak, hitting him close below his left eye and tearing out parts of his skin.

[OOC: The vrock hits Rex for 9 points of damage.

I think it's MG's turn now..]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: I've written our new player a mail, and I'm waiting for his character now. I'll let you know when he gets into the game Smiling ]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: dread pirate swan? we're waiting for your post Smiling ]

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

MG turns from the dead beholder and wastes no time running to Rex to help with the vrock attack...

occ: i'm spending my round to get over to Rex, I don't know how far away he is so i'm going to day I spend my whole round getting there

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Since 'Rex' was standing behind the beholder and MG was messing it up, I'd say MG only has to take a few steps. Possibly even just a 5 ft step to get to a Vrock Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[ooc - I'm down to half HP, should I make a fort save? If so, here it is. If not, ignore]

4 Bonus for fort to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 21.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Finwe's right here, so MG still has a full round to act.]

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The masked gnoll springs from where he is to the nearest vrock and unleashes another flurry of attacks...

OCC: i'm adding my +2 for evil outsider
attack 1.)2+21=23 for3+15=18
attack 2.)14+21=35 for 6+15=21
attack 3.)17+16=35 for 2+15=17
attack 4.)6+18=24 for3+15=18

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: @Azure: Quoting from : "If you ever sustain a single attack deals 50 points of damage or more and it doesn’t kill you outright, you must make a DC 15 Fortitude save. If this saving throw fails, you die regardless of your current hit points. If you take 50 points of damage or more from multiple attacks, no one of which dealt 50 or more points of damage itself, the massive damage rule does not apply."

So, no save necessary Smiling ]

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The Masked Gnoll jumps at another vrock, and hits it with full force - and the creature disappears. Turning to another vrock, he hits again - and once more the vrock instantly vanishes. MG continues his attacks, and twice more, his opponents simply stop existing as he hits them.

Now, there is a group of six vrocks focussed on Rex, two that right now turn towards the Masked Gnoll with hateful expressions in their faces, and another six that reach Saath this moment.

[OOC: Things have been a bit messy Eye-wink so here's another look at initiatives...

Ian (21), Saath & Naruk (20), Rex ( 18 ), Blackthornes (17), The Masked Gnoll (10)

The group of vrocks attacking Saath go first from next round on, the two groups of vrocks near MG and Rex go between Blackthornes and MG.

On a side note, I hope you all realized the antimagic area of the beholder is gone, so if any of your combat-important items were deactivated, they're back on, of course.]

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