Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Sene motive to see if the character Blackthornes is talking to is telling the complete truth, just for the benefit of the doubt. He will also search the mans gear with his eyes, trying to pick up any detail he can about the elves weapons, armor, possible weaknesses, etc.
*Blackthornes picks through everything the man says and thinks for a bit. He also takes his time scanning the mans gear before he responds.*
"Well, I was stuck in THe Outlands for awhile, and, I kind of want to go home. But, adventuring is for me, I met up with this ragtag bunch back in the city of doors, and, they're quite the group. We've lost a few members here and there, but, other then that we still have the majority of the original group. So, were are you originally from? Born out on the planes or any particular prime?"

12 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 20.
11 Bonus for search to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 16.
venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

"i was born on a prime and decided to set off by my self after awhile of living in my small elven community"

OOC spot check to see if i realize that black thornes is "scanning me

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 8.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: What Blackthornes can sense is Encharma's overall feeling, i.e. whether he feels comfortable or not (venjr, please post that yourself!).

Blackthornes can see Encharma's non-hidden equipment, including small items, but unless he's doing his search VERY obvious, he won't detect anything hidden by intention.

Encharma doesn't notice Blackthornes' search.]

"I think I can arrange with that, too", Naruk states.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: What is his gear? that's what Im trying to get at. And yes, a description of how you feel is expected too. Thats alright tho.
"Well, I myself resided on a prime called toril, or fearun, depending on what you want to call it. Fun little prime, I do miss it."

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

OOC oops sorry i forgot about the sense motive

blackthornes can tell that encharma is actually rather comfortable he is a little hot

"so do you know in general how long those team huddles go for?"

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes turns around, then turns back to the elf.*
"Well, I usually don't stay for the whole thing. People tend to repeat themselves over and over. It gets rather annoying. But, they should be done soon."

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

"so what kind of abilities do you have?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Thou shallt observe our abilities soon enough, losalfar." Azure Twilight, the dark elf, walks over to Blackthornes and Encharma, "And we thine."

Never taking his pale blue eyes off of Encharma, he hands his bow to Blackthornes for a moment while he binds his silvery moonlight hair back into a ponytail.

Physical Description Follows (mostly because Encharma, a Prime Elf, might take Azure for a Drow)

Azure Twilight (as he calls himself when not among his own people), has dark skin and hair the color of a bright full moon. His eyes are as blue as a clear sky. Azure dresses in black leather armor with carved design of a longsword wrapped in thorn vines. He wears a longsword and two (silver) daggers on his belt. His only jewelry (other than his finely made gear) is a golden ring with a red stone. He carries a masterwork shortbow of yew, with a black arrow currently knotched on the string.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian leaves the huddle and joins Azure.
He gives Blackthornes a pat on the pack. "Thanks for running interference for us, Blackthornes." He gives Blackthornes a wink and takes a step closer to the newcomer.

"So anyway, sorry to keep you waiting. Given that our Maug companion is now lost to us, we need you to fill his role. You see we... hold on."
Ian takes a step back, takes off his haversack, sets it on the ground, and starts rummaging around in it.

OOC: Ian, his hands in the haversack, casts Glibness. It only has somatic components, and those are happening inside the bag. He should have no reason to suspect anything.

Ian then grabs his Shroud of Shadows wand, and stands up.

"Here we go! Anyway, we need someone to do a bit of scouting for us. Xanarox has some pretty powerful magic at his command. One of these abilities is to sense the general location of any creature he has seen previously."

"Now, we had a bit of an encounter with him in Sigil. I don't know if he knew who we were, but he saw us. He already knows we are on the plane, and will know if we approach the tower."

"So, we need someone to approach the tower and scout out the area. We have no idea what we are walking into. Before we would have had the Maug do it, but he's gone now so you're it."

"Do this for us, and it will earn you enough trust that we will let you travel with us for now. At least until we get you off plane. After that, what you do is your business."

"Now, I can make you a bit more stealthy if you want." Ian says, giving the wand a little shake. "Its only an illusion, so theres a chance that they may see past it, but its the best I can do for you on short notice."

"So..." Ian smiles. "Do we have a deal?"

OOC: Bluff check: roll= 14 + 12 (skill mod) + 30 (glibness) = 56 bluff

Ven, feel free to roll a sense motive check.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

OOC i think with a bluff that high i dont even stand a chance, actually quite literally i believe everything you say

"so how far away are you guys going to be, because honestly if from what i am to understand this xanarox fellow is rather powerful, and facing him alone is well not such a good idea, but besides that general concern i am in"

"oh and (gestures the wand) i do not need that for i have my own forms of illusion and concealment, and besides i do not plan to conceal my self unless this xanarox shows up for a rather good trouncing"

"and which way is this tower, just point and i am on my way"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Excellent. Unfortunetly, we need to stay here, at least for the moment. If he senses that we are on the move, he might be waiting for us. That would be bad for you."

"Now, powers willing, you won't have to tangle with Xanarox. In fact, I highly recomend that if you see him, or any liches, along the way you run away at top speed, preferably before you are seen."

"Now, we'll want you to scout out as much of the tower as you feel you can safely. If you see something that you think is important, come back immediately. Any information you collect is useless if we never receive it."

"Now, Azure. You know this area the best. Which way would you say the tower is in?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

(to Encharma)

"Well, I'm the only one who has actually seen the tower, in person at least. I will show the way. Don't expect to see me in the fog at all times, we need a pair of scouts, not a scouting pair, understand?" Azure steps up and retrieves his bow and arrow from Blackthornes. "Besides, Xanarox hasn't ever met me before either."

[No need to bluff, all 100% true]

opps, simultanmeous post. editing ...

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

"so wait you are going too?"

"i dont understand i thought this a sole journey primarily so that i can earn a place among your ranks and eventually trounce xanarox"

"but cool you can come"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"You can come." Ha! I like this one already. I hope he turns out to be on our side after all. Azure thinks.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian's smile falters for just the briefest of seconds. "Well then, you two best be off."

Crap. Crap crap crap crap crap.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Azure will lead Encharma off into the fog. Once the party is well out of sight, he will inform Encharma that the Tower lies yonder, and that he will be scouting a parallel course, a fewl dozen yards to the left.

"If thou seest something ... or someone, DON'T CRY OUT NOR TRY TO FIND ME. Run, or do whatever else seems most prudent, but under no circumstances art thou to lead Xanarox or one of his minions toward me nor back to the party. Understand?"

Azure will then jog off into the fog without waiting for a reply. Once Encharma is out of sight, Azure will circle back, using every trick of the trade to make sure he isn't being followed, to link back up with the rest of the party.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

Encharma being as naive as ever will just continue walking in to the fog where azure pointed

"hmmmm if he said he was coming with me, why would he leave me alone?"

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes looks at Ian after the elves leave*
"I figured we wouldn't want him hearing all of our devious plots, so, I figured, might as well engage in conversation. I think we have little to worry about, he seems a few feet shy of a ten foot pole, if you understand my meaning."
*Blackthornes gives a light chuckle.*

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

As Azure and Encharma walk off into the fog, Ian waits until they have been out of sight for a couple minutes before he follows them in.

"This shouldn't take too long." He says before he leaves.

Ian will attempt to trail them for a bit.

Hide: 9 + 35 = 44
Move silently: 13 + 26 = 39
Thats me staying unseen as best I can.

Spot (16 + 11 = 27) and listen (3 + 11 = 14) to notice them before I get too close. If at all possible, I will intercept whichever one I believe is Azure, as long as I can do so without alerting Encharma.

In all likelyhood, Azure and I will bump into each other on his way back, but Ian doesn't know that yet.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Hide: 8 + 9 = 17 (guess bein' dark i stick out in the fog a bit)

Silent: 1 + 9 = 10 (what the ..? What's the ground made of here?)

Spot: 2 + 12 = 14 (I'm blind! I'm blind! I'm bli... I can see clearly now the rain is gone...)

Listen: 13 + 12 = 25 (Damn it Jim, i'm a weaponsmith not an elvin scout ... wait I'm an elvin scout too ... at least I can do SOMEthing half-way right.)

....but half-way don't cut it

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.
venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

Spot / Listen checks

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 13.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 10.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Short after Azure leaves Encharma behind, he stumbles upon something really strange: A large, strikingly red tree, but cut in half from top to bottom. Azure sees the inside of the almost ten yards high tree, as if a giant sword had sliced through it. Even more disturbing is the creature at the tree's side: A brown-grey humanoid half as large as the tree - sliced the same way as the tree is.
Azure can see the creature's inner organs, part fluid, part compact, but all of them quite disgusting. The way it stands there, the creature should crumble into a pile of blood and intestines, but it stands there as if frozen in time.

Walking through the fog in the direction Azure told him, Encharma doesn't see anything of interest for a short while. After about two minutes, he suddenly sees the back of a large, green frog-like creature, standing tall in front of him. The creature doesn't seem to have noticed him yet.

It seems the giant frog is talking to himself (or to someone invisible), but everything Encharma can understand is: "Uchuk flthrp fropthorn V'ada-bub. Frpfrph, shizzle shm'gna. Gup doodle sibber, shizzip chipchip gloo..."

[OOC: This is still a moment before Ian leaves the group!

Azure: The ground is soft grass, so despite your roll, you're still relatively silent. Also, remember that even with a bad roll, you should still at the very least be no louder than without making a roll.

On the other hand, you never know what the fog hides... Smiling ]

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

hmmm alone and out gunned encharma faces another threat, i wish i knew what to do, i mean it has been said that i can not go look for the odd fellow who thinks that one little bow will do much of anything, and i cant return to the party, wait perhaps this the very very feared xanarox showing up for his trouncing

Encharma moves farther back into the fog a ways and sees if he can identify the creature and perhaps who it is talking to

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

'joyblood' wrote:
Short after Azure leaves Encharma behind, he stumbles upon something really strange: A large, strikingly red tree, but cut in half from top to bottom. Azure sees the inside of the almost ten yards high tree, as if a giant sword had sliced through it. Even more disturbing is the creature at the tree's side: A brown-grey humanoid half as large as the tree - sliced the same way as the tree is. Azure can see the creature's inner organs, part fluid, part compact, but all of them quite disgusting. The way it stands there, the creature should crumble into a pile of blood and intestines, but it stands there as if frozen in time.

On the other hand, you never know what the fog hides... Smiling

"My, how gruesome! Locks of Loki, did I just step in the {elvin swear word} again? Leaving the group, what the {another elvin swear word} is wrong with me? Mani, you may have an opportunity to save our svartalfen arse quite soon."
Azure calmly thinks "aloud".

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

MG stands in the fog as the three go on ahead. He looks back and forth, scanning the area as best as he can for any movement. After the scan he looks down to Blackthorns and asks...

"You trust me, right Blackthorns? I can't belive Azure doesn't! We'll just wait and see if he trusts me next time he needs my help. I'll show him! I'LL SHOW HIM HOW TRUST WORTHY THE MASKED GNOLL IS!!!"

The gnoll compiles himself after his sudden outburst, and goes back to scanning the fog.

occ: 12+14=28 on a spot check for my scanning the fog

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes goes up to the gnoll and puts his hand on his back.*
"Of course I trust you MG, dont take what he said that way. He simply meant he couldn't trust anyone he met here in the abyss. The place has obviously had it's way with him. We need to get him out. Im sure that out of us, he trusts you the most. Dont forget, you did save his skin back with that beholder. He'll get to liking you, don't worry about it."
*Blackthornes will also scan the fog, to see if he can pick anything out.*

12 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 20.
venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

hmm if only i spoke air

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: This is the moment Ian leaves the group.]

Rounding the frog-like creature while trying his best not to come to its notice, Encharma recognizes it as a Green Slaad. The chaos creature doesn't seem to notice Encharma - or simply doesn't care.
It keeps on babbling incomprehensible words.

Mani keeps silent for a moment, then replies to Azure, I believe that what you see here is not of danger. It has an aura of something ancient. I would say this gruesome scene is here like this since... at least a few thousand years. It might have something to do with the fate of the world of Faeraan.

Naruk watches MG and Blackthornes, then chuckles lightly. "MG, I do trust you. Most of all, I trust you to be the most light-hearted person I've ever met."

[OOC: Neither Blackthornes nor MG spot anything interesting yet.]

Moving through the fog, Ian suddenly comes upon a weird and gruesome scene: An animal, looking like a mixture between a horse and a bear with light green fur, stands there and stares at Ian. A moment later, though, he recognizes that only half of the creature stares at him: The head and forelegs are there, but where the belly should be, the poor animal is cut off, like from a giant sword.
The missing half is nowhere to see (at least not, as far as Ian can see through the fog). The creature doesn't move, and indeed makes the impression of being frozen in time.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

hmmm i hate slaaad, they annoy me with thier summon slaad ways

Encharma will attempt to circumnavigate around the green slaad but still head towards this tower which holds xanarox

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Hmmmm." Ian takes note of the half of a creature, and makes a mental note of where he thinks it is in relation to the rest of the group.

He then resumes his trek to intercept Azure.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Soon after, Ian reaches Azure, who still stands in front of the other gruesome scene.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Hey guys, I'll be gone for a few days after tonight, I'll be back on either wednsday or thursday to post. Im Going Camping! cant wait to draw some sweet landscapes while Im up there. Going to a natlonal park.
*Blackthornes keeps looking into the distance, but seems to doze off next to the masked gnoll*

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Saath sits down onto the soft grass while waiting for the others to return.
'I hope they all make it back here soon. I don't like waiting.'

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian closes in behind Azure. "Another death frozen in time. Whoever did this, they were a very busy bunch."

Ian looks around. "Where is Encharma? On his way I hope."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

All of a sudden, Saath sees a different scene before him. It is gruesome, showing a tree and a weird creature both cut in half as if hit by a giant sword. Ian stands besides him.

A second later, he sees his normal surroundings again.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Ian closes in behind Azure. "Another death frozen in time. Whoever did this, they were a very busy bunch."

Ian looks around. "Where is Encharma? On his way I hope."

Gods! I didn't even hear him coming. "Yes. Now, would thou that I appear as one of Xanarox's liches? Having never seen Xanarox, I doubt I could mimic him, but then it was thou who were to be as Xanarox, yes?"

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

'Wow! What was that?' Saath springs to his feet and looks around. 'At least I think I know where Ian is. Sorta'

Did you do that, cat?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I don't think that will be necessary." Ian says, pulling out a handkerchief. He sets it against his face, and it appears to turn translucent. As the piece of cloth disappears, Ian changes.

Before you stands a youth wearing leather armor that is nothing like what Ian wore only moments ago.

OOC: Ian casts Disguise Self to look like Xanarox. He's seen him a couple times, so he should be able to get pretty close.

"There we go." Despite the new form, it is clearly Ian's voice you hear. "Now, time is of the essence, which direction is he from here? I must get in front of him for this to work."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

No, you did it yourself, is Cat's reply.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I trust you too Naruk!"

MG does the best he can to look at his new wings, but fails horribly due to his size. The monstrous gnoll then pauses. He notices blackthorns dozing off. After a quick look around to see if anyone else is looking he drops his voice to a low, raspy whisper.

"You don't think my new wings make me look like a sissy, do you Naruk? I work hard to maintain my intimidating presence, it's key to my crime fighting techniques. So I was wondering if you could tell me if this is intimidating or not."

The gnoll draws his his steel flindbars. He shuts his keen flind eyes and focuses on lifting himself off the ground. A moment passes. The creature's bulking mass then slowly jerks upward, ignoring all the rules of gravity. After he lifts up to about twenty feet he starts to swing his flindbars while barking out a ferocious howl.

"how's this for intimidating Naruk?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Azure Twilight morphs before Ian's eyes into the same human youth. Then the flesh starts to rot and fall away, until only a skull with a few tatters of dried skin remain. He points with a skeletal hand in the direction that Encharma went. He then fades into invisibility until only the boney hand remains.

"I will follow at a short distance invisibly. I do not think either of us should wander alone again." The voice sound exactly like Ian, if Ian was undead and speaking with a rotting voicebox.

[ooc using Loki Ring]

10 Bonus for use magic item to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 28.
10 Bonus for silent to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 17.
venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

Encharma is still avoiding the green slaad and their summon slaad ways because encharma hates slaad

once again alone Encharma will search for this insidious tower and scout it out ha ha ha ha ha ha

OOC i love inner monologues

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

As Encharma follows the path through the fog, he comes upon a strange sight: In mid-air floats a hairy, strong arm, carrying a wooden stick that's burning at the high end.

The strange thing - besides the fact there's an arm floating in mid-air - is that not only does the arm look like it was cut by a sword, and Encharma can see the insides of the arm - which nevertheless does not bleed. The real strange thing is that even a part of the flame is cut off, and the flame itself doesn't move at all, like fire should do...

[OOC: Fidrikon? You around?]

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: sorry, schedule has been kinda screwy lately.

A thoughtful "Hmm." is Ian's only reply.

With that, he takes off in the direction Azure points.

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Whaddaya mean I did that? Ya need spellslingers to see places you can't normally see. I'm not one of 'em. Unless you're saying I suddenly developed some freaky powers to spy on unsuspecting berks?

Saath seems to ponder something.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

You are part of a group, Cat says. That connection alone is very weak, but it is strengthened enormously by the fact that you are all awaken - or will be soon. And you are a master of mind powers. Your psionic training has cleared your mind so much that it easily follows existing connections. You need to learn to control it, or it will continue to happen randomly.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31

hmm perhaps this floating arm is here to teach me a lesson, and perhaps that lesson is to be wary because the only way i can see an arm floating in mid air that has been disconnected from its person with no blood flowing out of it is if it has been held in time, now the flame is pretty eerie also i must be wary of my surroundings, for i fear that i am in a time cloud

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Encharma feels a strong stir somewhere in the depths of his mind... a feeling between a strong agreement and encouragement, and a slap at his very brain. For a very short moment he sees the image of a dragon that lies sleeping on his hoard, opening his eyes for a split second, then falling asleep again.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: Well, came back early. Problems at home, missed my girl, etc. Im back in the game as of now

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: @swan: Sorry, totally missed your post!]

Naruk observes MG with a critical look, it seems like he's judging MG's 'intimidation show' like an adjudicator. Finally, he nods.

"I think it will intimidate most of the weaker foes - but you might still refine your technique for intimidating the more powerful enemies. I can easily imagine a bar'lgura would be scared too death, but a balor or marilith probably won't be much impressed. But, honestly, the rising up into the air does give it a special touch, so your wings definitely boost your intimidation abilities."

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