Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Better than life has been treating you, it seems. I never would've expected that, but I ended up in Elysium."
He looks down at himself with a smile. "I look better there than here."

Looking back at Ian, he adds, "So you have been drinking Arbutrax wine? How do you handle the truth?"

He nods at Toby, who cowers on the ground again, staring at the dead man. The boy whispers repeatedly, "I don't care... I don't care..."

Blackthornes leaves the two men behind, entering the market. After a few steps, another Redigar-person - this time looking very close to the original Redigar - blocks his path. The man looks down at Blackthornes with angry eyes.

"You disappointed me, do you know that? I always felt you were a monster... we all did. But I thought you were a monster that was helpful for the tribe. I thought you were a monster sent to us by the Sacred. Instead, you turned out to be nothing but a disappointment."

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes looks up at the man, standing like a child in his shadow.*
"What...Father? here, in the abyss. But, I've tried... I've tried to be stronger. can't you tell?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Elysium? Congratulations!" Ian says with a smile. "As for the whole truth thing, it seems my mother was probably killed by an assassin. I haven't decided how I'm going to feel about that yet. And it would seem I've been repressing a number of my emotions since my childhood. No surprise there, It didn't happen accidently, after all."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Regidar's eyes turn angry as he grows larger and larger... or is it Blackthornes who grows smaller?
"The Abyss? We are not in the Abyss, son. Only in the abyss of your mind. And a deep abyss it is, monster. You could have been my pride, and my son. But you were too afraid to fight. But I always told you, giving in to fear is the same as taking everything from those who depend on you. And that is what you did."

The man laughs out loud. "You haven't decided yet? It seems you're still suppressing emotions."

He comes a step closer. "Do you want to see what's deep in there?"

Behind him, Ian hears Toby spit out. "Don't. If you do, I'll kill you. I'll kill US. I'll kill everything and everyone to survive."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian turns toward Toby for a moment. "You realize you're a hallucination, right? Your ability to do me bodily harm is limited."

Ian turns back toward the man. "Well, that depends. The emotions I've been suppressing are ones that I have been suppressing for a reason. While I find the idea of seeing past my own mask a fascinating one, in the abyss the night before a dangerous fight is probably high on the list of the wrong places to do it."
"Because while the health of my position on this may be called into question, its been effective up till now, and its efficiency that will count tomorrow."

"Can you honestly promise me that same efficiency if I take you up on your offer?"

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes looks up again, gaining some self-confedence.*
"you're not real, why should I listen to you? As if you were there for me. I had to do everything for myself. I never gave into fear, ever. You just looked down on me because I was not born like an uthgardt, that's all. Besides, I am a monster, as are you, it's just that I have told myself that while you deny it."

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I don't FEEL sick. But I think I gots hives. Or hive. Kinda like The Hive... but with less crime."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Naruk gives the Masked Gnoll a sceptical look, then stands up and gets closer. "Let's hope there's not a quarter of Sigil growing on you. Where's the itch?"

Toby stands up, and gets closer to Ian. "You have no idea what I am. And you will not kill me. You will not kill me. You will not kill me."

The corpse-man watches Toby with curiosity, then turns to Ian again. "You need to understand your weapons to use them effectively against your enemies. But are you not the greatest weapon you have?"

He smiles, then adds, "I do not know who your enemy is, but my powers of guidance will give you an answer from your own heart."
He lifts his hands, and a golden shimmer surrounds it.

A moment later, Ian watches a wonderful temple room, full of flowers, their sweet smell almost feelable. Down on the ground, maybe five yards below, a man in silver armour kneels before a bipedal, saurian creature that wears silver ornaments all over its body.

The saurian speaks with a low, dark voice. "So you seek to fight Xanarox and destroy him for all time. While I understand your plea, I tell you now - and this one time only - you will not defeat him, not yet. You may come to this point, in years maybe, but if you face him now, you will die. So, do you still want to know the answer to your question?"

The man looks up, his face hardened and angry. "Yes," he says with a voice soaked with hatred. "And I will kill him."

The saurian stares at the man for a long moment, then continues. "So it shall be. You have heard about Xanarox' time travelling powers, and that is what you fear. But his secret is that, while this ability is powerful indeed, it is not his greatest strength. He does not even like using it, most of the time. Too many unforeseen complications."

The saurian walks through the room, giving Ian the impression of a teacher instructing his students. "Xanarox' greatest power is to see your heart, that part which you don't want to see yourself. Every hidden fear, every hate of yourself, everything you don't want to see and everything you don't allow yourself. He can see it, smell it, feel it. And he can manipulate you in ways you won't even notice. The moment you encounter him, you are doomed, unless you know your heart for true."

Ian stands in front of the man he killed again. The man looks at him with curious eyes. "So? What is your decision?"

Behind the two, Toby stands, holding a large, blood-spotted dagger in his right hand. He stares at Ian.

"I am no monster!" Redigar shouts angry. "I am the great leader of my tribe! I am the strongest, and..." Blackthornes notices how Redigar's facial features change, "I will solve any problem, and get out of any situation, no matter how difficult!"
It is Ian who speaks to Blackthornes. "And you are just one poor clueless boy who hasn't grown up yet, who just doesn't get it's not your feelings that let you survive, it's tactics and strategies, and intelligent planning. If I'd follow your plans, I'd be dead in less than a day! I'm the one who knows how to survive, and that's why I'll get us through this mission!"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian pauses for a few moments, considering this new information. "You have made your point." Ian without gesturing, will attempt to telekinetically lift Toby from the ground, preventing him from coming any closer. While he tries this, he will casually walk away from Toby. "I accept your offer."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Magic doesn't help you here," Toby says with an evil smile. Slowly, little black horns grow from his forehead, and his eyes turn black.


He jumps at Ian, dagger ready for an attack, as...

Mommy. Tobias sits on her lap, while she sits on the edge of the single bed they own. She embraces him, and finishes singing a beautiful song about Arborea. Arborea and Elysium always were her favourite planes.

"Toby? Will you promise me something?"
Toby smiles, then replies, "Only if you promise me something, too."
"Okay. Who goes first?"
"You, mommy."
Her embrace gets stronger, and she presses him closer to her. "Promise me that you will become happy, my boy. Sigil is... I know the Hive is a horrible place, but I am sure that one day, we will get out of here. Maybe we'll live in one of the better parts of Sigil, or even somewhere entirely else. But where we live is not so important. The important thing is... I want you to be happy. So many people here only survive, you know? They live, but they're not happy with their lives. Promise me that you'll be happy."
Toby looks at her for a few long seconds. "I promise, mommy."
She looks at him, proud. "Now, your wish."
He smiles. "Promise me that you won't let me alone. Not like daddy did."
She smiles, but Toby sees the pain in her eyes. "I promise."

A change of scenery. Toby is under the bed. He's hidden himself with a blanket, curious how long it'd take before his mommy would realize he was down there, and find him.
She's there since a couple of minutes already, cleaning up the room, when the door opens. There was no knocking, the door simply swings open. It's the man that mommy always called 'Landlord'. Toby doesn't understand what that means, but he knows the house they live in belongs to him.
"The good lady Trent," the man states in an oily voice. He is not ugly; for the Hive, he wears good clothing, and his body is trained. But those dark blue eyes... Toby never liked them. "Cleaning up... my house?"
Mommy retreats a step, she seems to be afraid. "I... I know I'm late with the fee, Landlord. But I'll get the money. Only five more days, or six. Please..."
The man laughs. "You must believe I'm one of those sodding faeries you love so much. I don't fulfill wishes. I'm a tradesman. If you want something from me, you have to give me something back in return."
Her eyes now show fear. Toby wants to jump up and stop the man; he's afraid he'll hurt mommy. But he's too afraid himself. Hidden under his blanket, he's got trouble to keep breathing.
"Please, Landlord... if not for me, think of my son. You always said you liked Tobias. And we need a place to live, and..."
"Shut your bonebox, woman." The man looks around the room, as if searching for something. "Hm. No, there is nothing of worth in this place. Nothing, except of..."
He turns to mommy, and smiles.
Tobias doesn't understand what he means, but obviously, mommy gets afraid. She retreats further, pressing herself against the wall.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to force you. But I'll await you at my place tonight, when your son is asleep. If you come, your rent is paid for the last month. Afterwards we'll discuss the month to come. If you don't appear tonight, you'll be out of this place by tomorrow noon."
"I... I can't do that. I'm still married. My husband, I believe he's still alive, he..."
The landlord laughs out loud. "And belief is power, right? Well, then obviously you don't believe strong enough. Think about my offer." He ponders for a moment. "If not for me, think of your son," he mimics her, then turns around and leaves the room.
Mommy cowers down on the floor, and begins to cry hard. Toby doesn't come out of his hiding place. He stays there for a long, long time, until Mommy leaves the room.
When she returns, he knows, she'll just take him into her arms. But she won't say a thing about what happened. Tobias doesn't fully understand what has happened, but he knows they stayed in the house, and he knows he didn't like that. But he made his promise, so he pushed away those thoughts.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian lies on the floor, and the demonic Toby sits on top of him. His strength is amazing for a boy... and the boy holds his dagger ready to stab him. "Stop this, now!"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I'm finding this very enlightening." Ian says.

OOC: escape artist 14 + 19 = 33

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The Masked Gnoll turns around, so Naruk can see his back. "There it is!"

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes goes along with what is happening, and becomes angry as well.*
"What? you know nothing of how I act Shadowknife. I know a great deal of tactics and expert planning. Im just not used to working with arrogant pig-headed fools like yourself. I choose to let you formulate plans, I never interupt you, because, because..."
*Blackthornes sighs and boughs his head, then he speaks with sincerity.*
"... because, I know nothing of the planes. All of this magic and different rules of how things work and grow, and the flow of time.....everything is different. Why would I challange your knowledge in this aspect? We maybe cut from the same cloth, but, we have had extremely different environments to learn in. I am foolish and act like a child because I realize that, in sigil, you best me, in fact, on any of these planes you may best me. But, I will not believe that you are better than me, not at all. You just have the home advantage. This is why I have went along with your current plan instead of objecting to it. I follow when I determine it as the right path to take, this time, I choose to follow you."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Toby simply pushes Ian back on the ground. "There is no escape from me. You can't run away. Stop this, or I'll kill you. Of course, I'll go to hell then, but at least I'll survive. But I am all that will survive. There is too little left of you to go anywhere else. Stop this, or I'll remove you from existence."

Toby's eyes stare at Ian, as suddenly a new shadow falls on the two. As Ian looks to the side, he sees... his mother. A fine red line goes over her neck, a wound almost too small to be deadly. Almost.
"Toby," she says with a whisper. "Please... forgive me. Forgive me."

Naruk inspects the Masked Gnoll's back for a few seconds, then takes a step back.

"Masked Gnoll? Are you sure your ancestors all were gnolls? Because... you are growing dragonfly wings on your back."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I am not better than you? Hah! Of course I am. I am because..."
Left of Ian, a shadowy figure appears, quickly taking on the shape of - Blackthornes. "Because I am worthless. That's why Redigar..."
Another Blackthornes appears, at Ian's right side. "... Redigar didn't want me. He wanted me as his son, but I wasn't worth to be. I..."
One more Blackthornes appears, left of Blackthornes himself. "... was left alone in the wilderness, I was left alone, because noone wanted me. And even those who adopted me didn't want me. Noone wants me. I'm worthless."
More and more Blackthornes appear around the original Blackthornes, circling him.
"I deserve to be left alone. I deserve it, for I'm weak."
"I'm weak, and I'm bad. I'm a bad boy."
"I'm evil. I feel it deep within my heart. I'm evil. And I hate this evil. I hate..."
" I despise me. I'm worthless."
"Hate me..."

The cacophony of words gives Blackthornes a nausea. The entire world seems to circle him...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"You today or Xanarox tomorrow. Those seem to be my options, now don't they? If my nonexistence is truly inevitable, then whats a few hours?"

Ian turns his head to the side, and his face softens. "Now, what do you of all people have to be sorry for?"

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Toby looks up to Ian's mother, and his face turns full of hate.

"You left me. You promised you won't leave me alone, but you left me. You broke your promise, and so I broke mine. Do you hear that? I won't fulfill my promise. But I gave two new promises to myself. I will survive, and I won't be breaking any promises ever again."

He speaks his words in a hateful whisper, his dagger slowly turning towards Ian's mom.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Ohhhh thank goodness! For a moment there I thought you were going to tell me something terrible.....hey, wait a second......drangonfly wings grow on dragonflys........but I'm a Gnoll.......hey! Gnolls don't grow wings! What's happening to me Naruk!?"

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"First of all, stay calm, yes?"

Naruk takes a deep breath before speaking again. "There's a lot of explanations. Faathi said you are of Faeraan heritage. Maybe Faeraans simply grow wings some day. Or life on the planes has changed you. From all I've seen of you so far, you could easily be... wait a moment. Not only dragonflies have dragonfly wings. I've seen them often on Faeries, too. Faeries... Faeraan... it could only be a coincidence, but..."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian, noticing that Toby seems to be distracted by the image of their mother, slowly moves his right hand into position, below Toby and angled toward his chest.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave her alone. Obviously dieing wasn't intentional on her part."

OOC: If it looks like Toby is going to attack Ian or the image of his mother, Ian will snap his fingers and (hopefully) bring out his rapier, which at this close a range should actually appear partially inside of Toby. (And since it grows from being microscopic instead of simple materializing, it should be as if Ian had stabbed him). If Ian can't get it close enough that it appears inside Toby, he will bring out his rapier and then immediately stab with it.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Toby's hateful eyes turn towards Ian. "But giving me a promise she couldn't keep was. She left me alone, just like you did. You grew up, but you left me to die inside. But now all you are is a mask of mine."

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes dry heaves*
"why? why does everything turn out bad.....I, I dont hate myself...why am I telling myself this, I, I am the notorious Blackthornes! The abyss, it's playing tricks with my head, the old men were right about it, it is a vile place, even for vile creatures like myself. I, I had everything in Athkutla, I lived like a king. Why has fate delt me this fell hand, why do I have to wonder the planes......Drat and bebother with this cursed hell of a place. No sane creature may call it home."
*Blackthornes draws his rapier and swings at the nearest duplicate.*
"I am evil, I know it. I don't deny it, Leave me you fiends!"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian raises an eyebrow. " You're right. I ignored you before. I didn't listen to you then, but I am listening now. So I ask you. If I hadn't buried you, what would you have had us do? What would have have done differently with us?"

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The Blackthornes-images retreat slightly as the landscape slowly vanishes, making place for a red sky over a red, stony desert.

"The fiend are you. Don't you feel it?"

The images have merged into one.

"There are two hearts in your chest. One is mortal, weak, clueless, a disappointment. The other is the spawn of a fiend, immortal, almighty, and strong."

The Blackthornes-image comes closer again, until his face is right in front of Blackthornes' face. Eyes stare into duplicate eyes.

"You are a fiend. Accept it. Leave your mortal shell behind and become what fate wants you to be."

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes looks at himself deeply*
"A fiend? that's why I have no parents? A fiend? Well, I am certainly not going to deny it. I love being evil. But, a fiend you say? really. And what sort of fiend do we mean?"

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"It is too late," Toby whispers. His voice is almost soft, but his black eyes are empty as before. "My hope died with the first kill. I knew I was damned. That's when I began turning into... this."

He stretches out his hand to Ian, touching his face... the mask... for Ian is just a mask. A shape of a face with no soul behind it. Toby puts the mask on his face, and Ian sees what Toby sees. No... only the material world. The emotions are missing.

"Do you understand? Once I was a part of you, and I didn't even want to exist. Now you are but a part of me. And once I get rid of you, I'll be free. Not happy, but free."

In the shape of the mask Toby is wearing, Ian sees a bare world, without meaning, without bonds.

"What would I have done differently, you ask? I would not have despised myself for my weakness."

In front of Ian, a well-known figure appears... Ian himself, as he was no more than seven years old. "Weak," Toby says, and the young boy disappears. It is followed by another image, Blackthornes, his eyes looking straight at Ian. "Weak," Toby repeats, and Blackthornes vanishes. Finally, another image appears.

It is Ian, how he looks today.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The other Blackthornes smiles, a wicked, hungry smile. "A construct, and yet a real fiend."

The horns on his head grow, as do the black wings that protrude from his back. "You did have two parents. Your father was a half-fiend, and your mother was a human. But you were no child of love. Not even of rape. Your parents were no more than the resources to build you. Your real father, your father-in-soul, is a mighty fiend, and he is waiting for you. He is waiting for the fiend in your heart to break out and slay the mortal inside. He is waiting for you to become pure. Strong. Evil."

Another Blackthornes appears left of the fiendish Blackthornes. He looks all like Blackthornes himself, except for... the eyes. His eyes are so soft.
"I am not evil," he whispers. "I have always fought this feeling, but it is so strong..."

The fiendish Blackthornes looks at the new arrival, and laughs. Slowly, the soft-hearted Blackthornes fades out, disappearing...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"And that is how we are strong." Ian says. "We know, and have accepted, what will happen to us after death. The only thing anyone can take from us is our life. We may be bested, but not broken. That is our strength."

"You said your hope died with the first kill. Hope for what, exactly? Hope for a better life? We have one. Hope for happiness? We can make our own at any time if we feel the need. The only hope we can't attain now is the hope of a future in the upper planes. That is the only thing denied to us."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

At the edge of his sight, a new face appears. Ian doesn't recognize it at first, then he realizes it is the Masked Gnoll whispering into his - no, into Toby's - ear.

"Innocence comes from the heart," he says, followed by a giggle, before the gnoll's huge figure disappears again.

"Our strength?" Toby says, not reacting to the Masked Gnoll's appearance. "Yours. But I, I am broken already. Still all you can see are yourself."

Toby's vision focusses on the image of Ian, standing before him. Through Toby's eyes, Ian sees himself, a hollow shell, floating alone through the multiverse. "Weak," Toby says, and Ian sees how the image of himself slowly dissolves into white ether.

Slowly, he feels how he himself dissolves. A mask without a meaning. Finally, everything will turn calm.

Finally, no defenses will be needed anymore.

Finally, no broken promises to forget, and the billion screams inside will fade.

"I will survive," Toby says. "I promised myself. I will survive. I will survive."

In the distance, Ian sees the figure of the Masked Gnoll again, watching him with sad eyes. Silent, waiting.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Your argument is flawed. By your own admission, you're broken. Summon and destroy as many illusions as you want, it still wont change the fact that our survival depended on me. In the beginning I was a mask. I was Toby, pretending to be Ian. But somewhere along the way I became Ian, and Toby was no longer necessary."
"I changed. We changed. If you can't adapt, you die. Say what you want, but you must know that I am a direct, required result of your promise to survive at all costs."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The darkness slowly consumes everything.

The landscape fades away, the Masked Gnoll disappears, and so does Ian.

"No longer necessary. There you say it. You left me to die inside yourself, just like mommy left me to die. I thought I could survive through you, but I didn't. Look at me. I am a monster, a fiend. Something you turn into after death. So let me go home now, to the afterlife where I belong. Let me finally go to hell."

Everything has gone. Darkness surrounds Ian. All that is left is he, and Toby.

And that tiny green spark flying before his face.

A spark which grows slightly, until it has the size of a human thumb. A gnoll with a mask, and beautiful green dragonfly wings on his back. A fairy gnoll.

"Hey! You're not going to ruin everything and run away from your friends, right?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"I'm trying not to, gnoll. But it would seem that this manifestation holds all the cards in this dream. It's everything that I rejected for a reason, because its unreasonable."

Ian looks past the tiny Gnoll and looks at Toby, his voice betraying his irritation. " And YOU need to make up your mind. I can't be stopping you from doing what you want AND without power at the same time. So make up your mind as to whether I'm some meaningless mask or a foe in your way, and then stick with it."
"Second, you're acting stupid and spiteful. You complain that you couldn't survive through me. You can't even survive through you. Not then, when you couldn't handle the situation and you had to hide behind me, and not now when you just want to run away again, only this time you're in a headlong dash to hell. Stop running, take a stand on some principal or another and DEAL WITH YOUR OWN PROBLEMS!"

Ian exhales, calming himself, and continues.
"If you can't do that, then you're welcome to stay, but don't tell me what to do."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Discussions," Toby says spiteful. "Arguments. Logic and plans. That's all you're capable of. And that's why you are weak."

Ian feels how Toby grabs the mask that he is, ready to pull it away from his face.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian raises an eyebrow. "If you arn't willing to listen to any opinion but your own, then this conversation was over before it began. Do what you will, Toby."

Ian looks around. "You know, with all the other parts of my mind that are popping in and out, I'm surprised Lomax isn't here."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

A sudden pull rips Ian away from Toby, upwards, upwards, until everything is soaked in light. Down below, Ian sees the young boy that he has been a long time in the past. He throws away a mask, then falls on the ground. His body clenches and cringes, like in a death fight.

At the edge of Ian's sight, a tiny green spark appears.

"It's all so easy," the Masked Gnoll-faery says. "Why do you always make things so complicated? Oh! I think I know the answer. You are perfect with complicated things, but you fail utterly when things are easy. It's like a key and a lock, you know? The complicated key only fits in the complicated lock."

The Masked Gnoll smiles happily, as if he had just found the answer to all the questions of the multiverse.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: Are Azure and Saath still around?]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Yes, I'm still here. Sorry if I seem distant, but the action seems to be mostly internal with BT and Ian right now. I assure you I am checking in from time to time.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"An interesting analogy, Gnoll. And I suppose it might be true. But from my perspective, this IS simple. We disagree, and he has yet to convince me that I am wrong on this. The only situation that could be more simple is if we agreed. Unfortunetly, we don't."
"I'll have to give your key analogy more thought. It's possible that i do feel more comfortable in complicated situations. Like I said, I'll have to think on it for a bit."

"I realize this is changing the subject, but is there any particular reason you have wings."

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

OOC: I'm still here. And so is Saath Eye-wink But he needs 8 hours of uninterrupted concentration, and after that, two hours of rest. So he won't be interacting with anyone until he's done.

I'm really enjoying those wine dreams by the way Smiling

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The flying, tiny gnoll giggles as Ian speaks. "I'm not a gnoll. I'm a fairy! And that's why I have wings. See? It's a simple and obvious thing, but you always have to think about everything, get explanations, argue, discuss..."

The gnoll-fairy sighs dramatically (a bit too dramatically to be taken serious), then continues: "Look at that boy down there. That boy is you. Was you. Whatever. Look how he winces in pain, squirming like... like... a boy that slowly turns into a larvae. He's dying, transforming into some horrible kind of monster, and he's so full of pain he can't even speak about it. I might be wrong, but to me it's simple to understand he's not out for discussions. I wouldn't be, either."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

[OOC: @Finwe: Good to hear. I don't want to scare away any motivated players by not including them into the game!

@all: If anyone, at any point of the game, ever gets the feeling he doesn't get enough attention, just shout out and I'll find a way to change it :)]

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes sees the image infront of him, and sees what he doesn't want to become.*
"no, I don't wat to be you, I dont......I want to be the Blackthornes that lived and thrived off of his profession. I want nothing to do with powerful fiends or Dark fathers. I want to just be my old self again, fighting alongside friends, not fiends. I want to see the softer Blackthornes again, I just want to be a Rogue, thats all."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"Well, it would seem that I'm doing this to him simply by being me. It was his choice to change. He made his choice, this is his fate, and he knew it would end this way. One day, it'll be my fate too. But unless there's something about the upper planes that no one bothered to tell me, its too later to help either of us. Any good action I take now to make up for the evil I have done in the past would be wasted, because I would be doing good specifically for my own personal gain. It won't work."

"And yes, I realize it seems that I overthink things, but if I don't think I'm no better than an Illithid's thrall. It may seem that I argue too much, but whats the alternative? To blindly agree with everyone else?"

Ian looks down at Toby. "Any help I could have offered him is wasted if he refuses to listen to me."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The "soft" Blackthornes look up, gaining a bit of reality again.

"I can be strong..." he whispers.

The winged Blackthornes looks down at him with hateful eyes. "Not as strong as the darkness inside."
He turns to the "real" Blackthornes. "I am evil, I know it. These are your words. Evil knows no friends, only allies and enemies. Your old self...", he spits on the ground before the "soft" Blackthornes, " an illusion, a role you played while the true spawn of Evil grew within. But now you are ready. You want to be a rogue? You can be the greatest rogue in the entire multiverse. You can be better than Ian, than any of the rogues in Sigil. Just choose the right path. The path of power."

He spreads his wings, and lifts himself from the ground a foot. Hovering in the air, he gives Blackthornes a hungry smile, waiting for a reaction.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The fairy-gnoll gives Ian an irritated stare. "You do realize you are him and he is you? If he doesn't listen to you, then you don't listen to you. I thought you would've got that by now. Oh, and, blindly agreeing is not a good thing. Orcs do that with their chieftains, and orcs are bad. But there's a voice in you that you rarely listen to, and you know it."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

"You do realize you are him and he is you? If he doesn't listen to you, then you don't listen to you. I thought you would've got that by now.

"Oh, I know that. But since in this dream I can't control his actions, he's effectively another person."

But there's a voice in you that you rarely listen to, and you know it.

Ian sighs. "Right, my emotions. It's not that I don't listen to them, I just don't listen to hem when its important. If you're in this dream too, than its probably because you are a part of me as well. In which case you probably know the number of horrible mistakes I've saved myself from by not giving into anger or fear."
"But in doing so, I've had to give up some of the more pleasant emotions."

Ian pauses for a few moments. "Perhaps... its time for a change. I'm no longer a street urchin fighting for my life, or an Assassin who can't leave the guild without being hunted. Now might be the right time for a change in outlook. But it will take time, and thought."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

The Masked Gnoll flies in front of Ian's face, and smiles brightly. He nods heavily, then pulls out a tiny sparkling wand. "Say your wish!"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

Ian smirks. "I'll need a moment, to decided what I need."

Ian pauses. "I need to change my outlook on life, and find a way to be happy, or at least more than content. But not being wrapped up in my emotions has saved my life enough time to not throw it away entirely, so..."

Ian's eyes light up.

"I, Ian Shadowknife, wish that I can, from this point forward, maintain complete control of my urges and emotions when my life, or anything of equal importance, is in danger. But additionally can live my life to the fullest when it is not. Happiness and strength, at the same time and with perfect efficiency."

"I think thats a reasonable compromise."

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game: Great minds think alike (Part II)

*Blackthornes looks up at the flying form and just laughs at him.*
"you know, I think I have chosen. I no longer want to be better than Shadowknife. Your plans just sound too good to be true. Besides, I don't want to be the greatest in the multiverse, I would just settle for the greatest in Fearun, or, Amn even."
*with that, Blackthornes walks over and puts his arm around the softer Blackthornes.*
"I've been so stupid in my youthful passion. I have overlooked all of the people who have helped me, and I have betrayed alot of them."
*blackthornes thinks back*
"Darius. Oh, what a fine friend, he helped me to learn the trade, I now realize it. I thought he was just bothersome, but, I learned a great deal from him. And poor old Shaati and his band of ragged pirates. I turned on them, which, ultimately led to poor old Shaati's death. Poor Freddy died by my hand, the fine captains cook. These same pirates took me in when I was a fugitive. Of course, I stayed by choice, but, they took me in none the less. They even got me out of a few tight spots. And, of course, the crew im with now, they have been there to fight beside me through all of this non-sense."
*he looks back up at the floating fiend.*
"No, I think I have made my choice. Evil is not my path, I just was just misguided as a child, that's all. I am good? No, I AM GOOD! I dont need fiendish powers, or evil birthrite, all I need is my heart and friends, not any of your nonsense. Be gone you fiend! leave my body and let me be free of your evil!"

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