Game: Final Judgement

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Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Game: Final Judgement

Avreal, slowly moves to the nearest sitting person, leaves the ornamented door to the other companions, and tries to focus his mind on the persons exotic look and clothes.
"Strange... I do not recall such city."
Still interested by the clothes he didn't even turns his head or change the thoughtful look on his face to ask his next question.
"So, what arcane tricks can be found on the door, Goldblood? With such progress we could turn back to Sung right now."

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Game: Final Judgement

Knocking on the door has no effect, but it cannot be said it does surprise the party.

After the divination spell Goldblood used, the four pictures on the door start to glow a bit, but the door does not seem to be locked magically. Disappointed with the result, the orc makes a step backward, trying to find other solution.


A sound of... Key? Surprised, the party stands aside. The door starts to open inside the room and you are blinded for a moment by the bright light coming from the space behind it. Blinking, you notice a person standing in the middle of the door, only a shade for you at this moment. Only a while before the door is fully open and the person walks inside the room. It's heading your way, Avrael...

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Game: Final Judgement

The ranger turns towards the door, still remaining few steps behind the group. With his eyebrows raised, he awaits the person.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood firmly stands

Goldblood firmly stands where he was when he was 'blinded' at the doors opening and looks at the oncomming person...not sure what to make of all this granduer and apomp, though he is not really impressed yet...

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Schattir had been following

Schattir had been following the party silently up to this point, eyeing everything wiht curiosity. Now, too, all he did was stand back, trying to keep as ready as possible against the blinding light.

OOC: Terribly sorry about that, guys. It was a string of unfortunate coincidences.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
The mysterious person walks

The mysterious person walks into the room, and as your eyes adjust to the bright light, you see it's a middle-aged man dressed like a farmer. He does not seem to care about any of you and sits himself on a bench next to the ranger, without showing any sign that he even noticed the party.

 While the party members curiously watch the stranger, the door starts to close again with a nearly inaudible... *squeak*.

 OOC: Roll for initiative. Roll 11+ means you are able to act before the door closes.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

Goldblood makes a startled hop and then with a quick dash makes for the doors.... making rough cloinks on the floor with his cane/ mace, although he was so focused on the light coming from behind the door that his actions were a fraction to slow, and bounces with his cane into the door...



(absolute freaking sigh, stupid dice when u dont need it...)

5 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 9.
Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Avreal, confused for only a

Avreal, confused for only a few seconds, reacts on instinct and jumps for the light behind the door, bypassing the orc and landing gently on his feet at the other side of the double doors.The clumsy effort of the Orc summons a bright smile on the rangers face though, and after having the humor sink in, he scans the room to find out where he got himself actually...


1 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 18.
Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Schattir, too, lands lightly

Schattir, too, lands lightly on his feet on the other side of the doors, and even manages to wink at Goldblood before the doors close.

3 Bonus for Ini to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 17.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood will ready an

Goldblood will ready an action for when the doors open again, he will stand ready and the moment he sees them open, he will slip through, regardless of what comes in... (hope no need to roll again Sticking out tongue )

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
As the doors close, Schattir

As the doors close, Schattir tries to take a step back and inspects the door for a possible way to open them, wanting the party to continue on its way as quickly as possible.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Avrael and Shattir:  

Avrael and Shattir:  

You jumped through the door just before it closed. Divided from the rest of the party, you are on your own now.


„Wh… wh… who in the name of the Emperor are you???“ Shocked expression on the face of the soldier guarding the door cannot go unnoticed. He wears armor of the same type you have seen in the courtroom, a lamellar cuirass. His only weapon seems to be a dangerously looking halberd, pointed at you at this moment.


„Through this door, people are allowed to walk in, not back.“ Chilling second voice, on the other side of the door, belongs to another guard.

(„Pull together, Yao!“ he hisses angrily, adressing his nervous partner.)


This place is not a room in the sense of that word. On both sides of the door, large corridors continue left and right, and before you, some 30 feet away, there is a… bridge? Is that an open sky you see…?


No time to examine the room closely now.

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"Please, please. No need to

"Please, please. No need to get confrontational," Schattir -- who had been aware of the possibility of something like this happening -- says, seeming perfectly at ease and confident, although he is frustrated at not getting a chance to open the door. "In fact.... we have full authority to be here, granted by no less than Judge Sung, who has been given the power by the Jade Emperor's mandate to act in his name." He held out the piece of paper Sung had given him to the second guard.

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
The ranger, surprized by the

The ranger, surprized by the elf's great presence of mind, raises his finger and begins his speech with calm voice "Uhm... Exactly. Is there any chance that you can show us way to xianzhang?" Hoping that the name or title helps to calm down the guards, Avreal shows the nervous guard his palms and steps closer to the second guard.

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
The rogue tries for a while

The rogue tries for a while to contain his curiosity, afraid to shift the soldiers' opinion about them, but soon he leans forward to Avrael and whispers, so that the soldiers may not hear, "Xianzhang? Who is that?"

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Avreal whispers back, "The

Avreal whispers back, "The chief magistrate. It was the only name that Sung mentioned." Then he continues a bit louder so that the guards can hear him "With the paper and this name the guards should help us instead of threatening us."

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"Ah," Schattir whispers

"Ah," Schattir whispers with a nod and straightens back up.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
The first guard, called Yao

The first guard, called Yao by the other one, leans forward and slowly reads the piece of paper Schattir is showing him, while the second soldier stands firm. He doesn’t seem to lower his weapon until your words prove to be true.


"They speak truth, Hwang! The most reverend judge Sung himself granted them the permission to walk the halls of the Palace."


"Please, forgive me, noble masters." He bows to you, Schattir, and then to you, Avrael. "I’m sorry for my previous behaviour…"


"Not so fast! Show me the paper!" The second guard seems to be stubborn and his piercing eyes indicate he's taking his job seriously. When Schattir hands him the document, Hwang keeps scowling at you. While Hwang read through the document, you have time to look around you.


Opposite the massive door Yao and Hwang are guarding is located an exit from the building. This place is a crossroad of sorts, a great hallway continuing both left and right (15 feet in width and with ceiling some 20 or 25 feet high, so it makes you feel insignificant) is being interposed by a short passage leading to the door on one side and to a gateway on the other side. Through the gateway you can see a bridge, made from stone and with wooden roofing. Treetops around the bridge indicates, that there is some kind of garden around the building. After the dark court inside, the sunlight and the song of birds feels optimistic. This place emanates... Tranquility.


"Hmmm." Hwang's muttering returns your attention back from fantasying about the pleasant rest in a celestial garden back to your quest. Before he continues, you notice that the bright hallway has

 walls covered with light wood decorated by pictures of animals, trees and plants, scenes from both the city life and the countryside... And all in them are strangely pale, no bright colors you are accustomed to.


"All right, foreigners. The most reverend judge gave you the permission to walk the Palace and we all are obliged to answer your questions. So know, that you can find xianzhang's office if you continue this way, to the eastern wing," he directs you to the corridor left from the bridge, meaning that the exit of the building is facing south, "but," and the smile suddenly appearing at his face clearly means trouble, "we are not obliged to open the door for the others of you. As I told you, through this door, people are allowed to walk in, not back."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood taps his fingers

Goldblood taps his fingers on the handgrip of his heavy walking cane in impatience.. all the while standing ready to dart through the door might they open again..


(ooc hint: try walking to the door, see if they automatically open?)

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
As the half-elf walks to

As the half-elf walks to the door with worried look, he speaks to Hwang with even more worried tone, "Well, as you may know, there are still our friends on the other side of the door. The thing is, well... we are in hurry and don't want to loose any precious time, but what i'm really scared of is Sung. He told us to settle this as soon as possible and that the guards in this place are really helpful so we don't need to bother him anymore. The bad thing for you is that one of our companions, the golden orc, apparently makes a great impression on the judge with his viewpoints and the judge surely won't be pleased to hear of such dishonarable behavior."

After the speech, the ranger realized that it probably wasn't the best idea to do such risky thing, and seeks help in Schattir.

3 Bonus for to do bluff
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 6.
Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Schattir takes the paper

Schattir takes the paper back and holds it up for emphasis, not giving any sign he even heard avrael's attempted bluff.

"Inexperience never pays. We have the right to search for evidence in these parts, as this paper confirms, and you are hindering us, therefore limiting our right to search. So, it seems to me that you are, in fact, required to open said door for me and my friends. We are, I gather, the first ones ever to return from the halls on the other side of the door, so are you going to risk hindering us if you don't know for sure whether your actions are lawful? Sung will not be pleased if you follow this course of action, I am sure."

8 Bonus for to do bluff
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 25.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: our beloved DM's

ooc: our beloved DM's computer has had a melt-down, so he wont be online as he would like to untill he gets his new comp delivered (within 20 working days they told him)

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Avrael's failed attempt

Avrael's failed attempt has bad impression on Hwang. When Schattir speaks, the older guard seems to be deaf to the arguments presented.

After your speech, Schattir, Yao looks on Hwang with a suppliance in his eyes... He's clearly convinced by Schattir's bluff it seems, but you are not so sure about his partner.


"Well, we may just let them wait for another arrivals," says Hwang after a while, clearly with a bad grace.  "After new petitioners come here, we will have to open the door for them. And we can not obstruct you in any way, noble masters, (he bows again) so if more of you leave the waiting halls, I can do nothing."

This is probably all the help you are able to get from the older guard.

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Turning to the friendlier

Turning to the friendlier guard, Schattir asks, "how long is it going to take? I have pressing issues I need to attend to."

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
"Do not worry, good sir.

"Do not worry, good sir. Plenty of petitioners come here to the Palace of Judgement, for Emperor's followers are many." Yao seems to be very proud when announcing this fact. "After all, the Bureacracy governs the lifes of it's servants in a perfect way." He sounds very convinced.

Hwang isn't pleased with the conversation. "You are on duty, Yao! Stop talking with these foreigners.", so the friendlier guard takes a bow of apology and stays silent.


Time is running without a single word from the guards. Avrael and Schattir are impatient (same to be said about Goldblood behind the door), but there's really nothing they can do. The words of the judge Sung sound in their ears, "In three days, I will be waiting". The party has not enough time and every minute seems like a waste. 

Finally, a movement in the gate across the bridge. And it's not a mere single man, it's a whole crowd. Slowly walking, the wooden bridge vibrates under their steps. When they come closer, you count around twenty men and women, even some children. They are dressed like farmers, in simple robes and straw hats. They stop five steps from the guards, and all take a deep bow.

"Who seeks the judgement of Yen-Wang-Yeh?" The voice of the older guard, Hwang, sounds formal and cold.

One middle-aged man who does not differ from others by any means answers: "The villagers of Zhongyi seek their judgement. Earthquake took our lives." The face of this man is calm, showing no emotions.

"Enter and face your judgement." answers Hwang and the door opens.

The crowd starts to move in.

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
While the elf waits for

While the elf waits for Goldblood to rejoin the party, he says to the guards, "one more thing -- which way to the keeper of archives?"

 He seems relieved that they can now be on their way again.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Goldblood: You have been


You have been waiting for quite some time. At last, you hear some sounds behind the door. The echo of steps catches your attention and you walk closer to the door and listen.

There are some voices, but the door are really heavy and you can't understand what they say. But you get the final sentence: "Enter and face your judgement."


The door starts to open, inside the room. You have to make two steps backwards, Goldblood. When the door is fully opened, a stream of bodies fills the way.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood steps to the side

Goldblood steps to the side to let the stream in, but meanwhile he does make effort to get to the doors and wurm his way in past the stream op people.. at least to the side of the door that now is the other side to him, so that if the door closes, he is already on the right side...

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
After talking to the

After talking to the guard, Schattir turns around to see the doors closing right behind Goldblood.

 "Goldblood! Long time no see. So, where off now?" His last question is directed to both of his companions."I personally would like to see the keeper of archives first, but..."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood wurms himself

Goldblood wurms himself past the door and through the throng of people, and when the doors shove him into the room and close, he looks at the rest of the grup, and a bit puzzled at the 2 guards..

He then proceeds to nod at  Schattir, and asks: "Why was the door not opened after you guys entered?, what took this so long?" .. he puts his cane down for emphasis of his question, and looks at the guards as if expecting an answer..his whiskers swaying gently..

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"Ah, right. Well, basically,

"Ah, right. Well, basically, this one guard" the elf pointed at the older guard, "believed we didn't have the authority to open the doors. He admits, though, that he has to answer our questions. We figured out where xianzhang is and (possibly) the keeper of archives."

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"Ehm, it's good that

"Ehm, it's good that you're finally here. I don't like the way that those guards are looking at me and you seems to caught their attention. They surely do not assume that there might be something like golden orc behind the door."

The Ranger now feels more relaxed then he did before few moments when it wasn't sure if the guards are letting Goldblood through the door. He also realized that there is certain aura around the orc that makes him feel more confident, probably because of some lost memories. Anyway, now he looks once again at the guards to see their reaction on the situation.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood looks as Lantis

Goldblood looks as Lantis speaks to him, and then turns back towards the "one guard" who seemed to doubt their legitemy and says, "Why did u doubt our legitemy, and when it was solved did u not open the doors for me, knowing i was there?, that seems to sound like undermining the authority of the Judge himself, who allowed us free passage EVERYWHERE...." he makes a small nod with his head towards the guard as if making a slight bow of emphasis...

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
When the uncommonly

When the uncommonly looking orc walks through the door, the older guard ignores this fact. He stands firm, guarding the door, same as he did before, staring on some place before him. The younger guard with a nervous smile makes a small nod to you, Goldblood.

The lamentation of your orc friend makes Yao smile even more, and you feel it's a worried smile.

On the contrary, Hwang doesn't seem to be embarrassed. With a stoick face, he answers: "I have my orders from an authority higher than the most reverend judge. We are obliged to help as we can, because of the mandate you have here, but the help provided can not interfere with our other duties. This door can be opened for Celestial Bureacracy's petitioners only. As I have told your companions, all I can do for you is to answer your questions. And even this duty imposed by the most reverend judge can not interfere with my duties of gatekeeper." He silents for a moment, and then he adds: "And for the previous question of your companion, you can find archives in the western wing of the Palace."

"Now, we would hate to slow you, noble masters." And he nods.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Harrumphf.." with a nod to

"Harrumphf.." with a nod to the smiling guard and a slight smile (as if saying: dont worry) starts walking in the direction of the western wing of the complex.

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
With simple bow to Yao,

With simple bow to Yao, Avreal whisper his orc companion while he follows him to the western wing:

"I just pray that the keeper of archives would be more cooperative then these two guards. The time is running out."

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
The elf looks after the orc

The elf looks after the orc with a slight smile, seeing that he, as always, has to be first. After one last glance at thetwo guards, he turns and easily catches up to his companions.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Not aware of the elf

Not aware of the elf staring in his back, Goldblood walks with a stiff pace onwards, unconsious or oblivious to the fact that he might seem to "always" need to be first, he does try to give direction and purpose, although he seems more intent to make up for the time lost waiting behind a useless door that was to long closed..

He scans the area he walks through but keeps his pace firm..


5 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 17.
Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
The corridor is wide and

The corridor is wide and narrow and the sound of your steps echoes through it loudly, disturbing the silence of the Palace. Leaving the door with the guards and the bridge behind, you continue to the western wing. The floor is made of stone tiles of a masterwork quality, walls are covered by light wood. You notice number of scrolls of many different proportions, hanging on the walls and pictured with landscapes, flowers, animals etc. The only source of light seem to be lampions again, but these ones are much brighter than the ones in courtroom's waiting hall. The bigger, cubic ones, are hanging near the ceiling, and manyshaped smaller ones are located near the walls, lightening the wall scroll paintings.

It does not take long, before the party arrives in a small square room. On the left side, there's a large glass window, in the wall to your right is a door with a wooden tablet with strange symbols, and the corridor continues before you.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood stops at the

Goldblood stops at the symbolled door and decides to look through the glass window firstly.. he awaits the others and then asks them what we shall do, "Tap the door or continue on?"

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Schattir skips the window

Schattir skips the window and goes directly to the door, examining it closely.

 "Well, the guard said eastern wing, but not where... I'm guessing he thought we'd try the first door. Anyway, I'm for opening it."

(Check needed for that?)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"You mean the western wing,

"You mean the western wing, dear friend... the eastern wing holds something else..." Goldblood nods friendly to Schattir

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"The western wing. Did I say

"The western wing. Did I say eastern wing? Sorry about that," Schattir says.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood takes a smug smile

Goldblood takes a smug smile and pats Schattir on his back, "dont worry" he says, "lets knock the door and see if it opens anyway", and with that he grabs the handle (if there is one) or just pushes the door to see if it opens..

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Schattir catches

Schattir catches Goldblood's grin. "Hey," he says. "It happens to every one."

He steps aside, readying himself for whatever may happen once Goldblood attempts to open the door.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Goldblood: When you look

Goldblood: When you look through the window, you see an autumn garden under you. Red, yellow and occasional green leefs are everywhere, and just in front of the window, you see a statue of a... Rabbit??? You noticed some water, probably a small lake or a slow river, hidden between the trees. Your eyes catch a small wooden bridge and several small wooden garden houses. And, on the other end of the garden, which is very, very wide, you notice a great stone wall stretching to both left and right, as far as you can see.

When the orc grabs the handle and pushes, the door opens lightly. And right behind the door, there is a man with arms full of papers, who was obviously on his way out of the room. When the door suddenly opens and he sees an orc, he shriecks out, jumps back, hits the chair and is literally buried under all the papers he was carrying...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Goldblood looks at Schattir

Goldblood looks at Schattir and says "Wuups" with a big grin, and shoves Schattir forward to the man with the notion "help him up will you.." and with that he himself begins picking up papers from the floor and handing them to the human when Schattir has helped him get on his feet again...


When Goldblood has picked up all the papers for the human administrator and handed them to him, he then proceeds back to the door, sticks his head around and adresses Avreal, "Will you stop dreaming and move a bit?..." with a wink he draws around to the human again and says.. "sorry about that, i did not mean to scare you, but it seems we are looking for the keeper of the archives, as Judge Sung has given us leave to find our case and allowed us to prepare our defense..."

Lantis's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
With all those things

With all those things happened so fast, Avrael's face clearly shows confusion. It took him a while to get back to reality, cause there was something behind the window that caught his attetion. He couldn't tell now what it was, for it was just brief look behind Goldbloods back but he decided to explore the garden as soon as possible. Orc's voice made him look down at the man covered with papers. He moves inside just after Schattir, not just to help him get up but also to simple stand between him and the orc to avoid further panic.

"Are you all right, mister? My friend here tells you that we came here right from Judge Sung and we need your help. Please sit here and tell us if you need anything."

Fritz Stein's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
As Schattir gets pushed into

As Schattir gets pushed into the room, he whips around, almost angrily. Yet then he calms himself down. There were more important things to do at the moment -- such as make sure he wouldn't spend the next milllenia in hell -- than fight with Goldblood. The elf holds a hand out to the old man, not wanting to confuse the elderly man with more word, and hoping that a simple act of kindness would do the trick.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
The room you are standing

The room you are standing in is an office of sorts. It's actually pretty big, with no less than five desks all covered with papers, the walls are hidden behind bookcases which are full of scrolls. Only source of light seems to be lampion lanterns again, there are no windows and the only door here is the one you used already. The room seems to be weirdly empty, with only one man here.

The shocked expression on the face of the man you surprised changes to confused. He is a bit hesitant in the first moment, but after few seconds he accepts your hand, Schattir. As you help him to stand up, the papers he was buried form a a small avalanche which covers the floor around.

Standing face to face with Schattir, you have a moment to take a look at the administrator. Against all expectations he's actually a young man, it could be even said a boy. His light blue robes, with silvery sash and lining around the neck and on the sleeves, is not even nearly as decorated as Sung's, but it's not a simple commoner's outfit. He's clearly shaved (or, too young to grow beard maybe) and his dark hair is close-cut. With a nervous smile, seeing the strange orc picking papers, an elf who helped him to stand up and a half-elf talking to him friendly, he relaxes a bit.

"Oh, you don't have to help me, dear misters. It's entirely my fault, really..." he apologises, still nervous. Then, suddenly realising something, his voice gets a bit hysterical: "Oooooooooooooo, nonononononononono, I would be sooooo punished! Master Liao will kill me! Oooooh, I have to hurry, have to take this to master Liao...." and with more mutterings, he falls on his kneels and frantically picks the papers around, ignoring Schattir and Avrael standing around.

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