Game: Cross Purposes

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke wrote:
Nim smiles shyly at Maltheniir's suggestion. "Oh, I'm sure my little tricks wouldn't get very far. They'd see through me right quick! Besides, without this fantastic illusion and that amazing voice of'd you do that anyway?"

The bard grins wickedly. It's apparent that his ego is bolstered even more by the compliment -- not that it really needs any further encouragement. "Years of practice, my dear. As for the peel... if you find yourself against a pit fiend, in the first place, you're doing it wrong. The Blood War is mostly fought by grunts. You'd dance circles around some of the dim-witted berks I've met, believe me."

Karsus wrote:
I'm guessing some of you're missing things 's well? I'm goin' to try an' find the other jailbirds who left before us, while you 'stringers' " --giving a quick look to the pair who'd accepted Grisev's ensorcelled strings-- "are off on your rides, to make sure they didn't grab anything. Tell me what all you're missing, and I'll pick 'em up if I find 'em."

"Actually," Alastryn suggests, "I would like to come with you. I imagine you might find magical support to be of some use." While the branded tiefling is speaking in Common, Icanthas is very familiar with the 'loth language (for a mortal) and with Gehennan culture in general. That last sentence practically screamed 'Understatement!'

Maltheniir gives a sidelong look to Alastryn before addressing Icanthas. "I'm missing one of my blades, actually. I'm rather fond of it, and would like to see it returned." He describes a distinctive, ornamented longsword; for those who actually follow his music, the bard has actually mentioned that blade in his own lyrics a few times. He points at Icanthas. "And don't let Alastryn get her hands on it. She'd likely have it melted down just to spite me."

The black-haired tiefling chuckles, but says nothing.

Rivullira adds her own request: "My holy symbol has gone missing. I can get another in town. While I can handle myself in a fight, it's not really a good idea for anyone to go around Curst alone, especially at night. And especially now. I'd appreciate it if someone comes along. Once I have that, I definitely want to help free the other prisoners. This being Curst, a lot of them won't be especially nice people, but no one deserves to be pressganged into the Blood War."

"I don't know," Maltheniir muses, "I can think of scores of cutters who deserve even worse. Regardless. I'll help with the prisoners."

Wicke wrote:
"And what was it you were saying about Grively Grue? I have no idea who that berk is or why those guys with him seemed to be afraid of the guy. I take it he's some kind of big shot, Big Scary Guy or something."

The black-haired tiefling laughs aloud. There is a certain surprised note to the sound.

"If I'm right," Rivullira says, quite seriously, "that was Incarnate Grisev, a high priest of Erythnul, the Lord of Slaughter." The priestess makes what must be some kind of warding sign against evil. "Erythnul's priesthood isn't as organized as some of the others, like Hextor's, for example," she makes the warding sign again. "In Sigil there are several rival groups of priests, from what I've heard. He ran the biggest one for a long time. When the Factions started fighting -- openly, that is -- he got a bunch of his priests, lay followers, and Defier-haters together and started slaughtering Athar wholesale. He and his followers played a big part in kicking the Defiers out of the Cage, actually. I heard he was trying to get to the factol himself at one point. Anyway, he got himself Mazed, along with others, and no one has heard about him since then. Until now."

"You think correctly," Alastryn adds, actually deigning to speak to the priestess. "This leads us to an interesting question. Given what he is, why are our heads still attached to our necks? If not that, then why did he not sell us all into slavery, the better to increase his own wealth? Why did he not, at the very least, torture someone just because he could?" The tiefling shrugs her shoulders. "He has a plan. That, I do not doubt."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

"Years of practice, my dear. As for the peel... if you find yourself against a pit fiend, in the first place, you're doing it wrong. The Blood War is mostly fought by grunts. You'd dance circles around some of the dim-witted berks I've met, believe me."

Nim squeaks in delight. "You're one of the nicest..." She run-skips over to Maltheniir and plants a kiss on his forehead.

She frowns at Alastryn's history lesson and mumbles: "That's what I get for carting a bunch of leatherheads around on Arborea and back to their Prime."

She looks up and meets Alastryn's eye. "It serves me right, I suppose, thinking I could go out and see things happening in the planes, when all the exciting things were happening back home! I think I missed the entire Faction War!"

Then her eyes brighten noticably as what was just said sinks in. "Wait, we're looking to disrupt the plans of a Erythnullian high priest blood who got himself mazed and then escaped?! Loki's Nose, count me in!"

Cadence of the Planes's picture
Joined: 2011-08-08
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Sphinx remains utterly silent, allowing the others to speak and reveal any information of use that might be of use. After Alastryn speaks, he moves over to Rivullira's side and nods thrice - keeping his eyes on the tiefling.

"I reckon he'll do tha' af'er we've done did 'is dutty work, ye know? We ain't gittin booked so long 's we be o' use tae 'im. Mayhap we shoul' worry more 'bout gittin our stuff togetha and bein' prepared afore we finish doin' wha' 'e geas'd us tae do?" He pauses then turns his attention to the priestess: "I'll 'elp ye git yer 'oly symbol back, 'r git a new one. We'll nee' all th' 'elp we cin git."


"Act. Do. Be." -Factol Rhys

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
"Actually," Alastryn suggests, "I would like to come with you. I imagine you might find magical support to be of some use." While the branded tiefling is speaking in Common, Icanthas is very familiar with the 'loth language (for a mortal) and with Gehennan culture in general. That last sentence practically screamed 'Understatement!'
Icanthas gave Alastryn a nod as she finished tying her bracers into place, giving a grin at the unspoken portion of the branded tiefer's comment. "As you will. Be nice to have a mage along."

Zimrazim wrote:
Maltheniir gives a sidelong look to Alastryn before addressing Icanthas. "I'm missing one of my blades, actually. I'm rather fond of it, and would like to see it returned." He describes a distinctive, ornamented longsword; for those who actually follow his music, the bard has actually mentioned that blade in his own lyrics a few times. He points at Icanthas. "And don't let Alastryn get her hands on it. She'd likely have it melted down just to spite me." The black-haired tiefling chuckles, but says nothing.
Icanthas attentively listened to the bard as he described his shiv, adding her own chuckle when he was done. "Now, why would she do such a thing" she facetiously asked, giving the magess a glance. "No promises I can get hold of it first. But if I do, you'll get it back," she tells him.

Zimrazim wrote:
"If I'm right," Rivullira says, quite seriously, "that was Incarnate Grisev, a high priest of Erythnul, the Lord of Slaughter." The priestess makes what must be some kind of warding sign against evil. "Erythnul's priesthood isn't as organized as some of the others, like Hextor's, for example," she makes the warding sign again. ...
Icanthas rolled her eyes at the priestess's warding sign, and gave a soft, exasperated sigh at the second as she bent down to retrieve her lancet. She replaced it on her belt as the other women spoke, then began briefly pumping her arms, twisting her shoulders, and hopping in place to ensure her armor sat right. A little adjustment here and there, and... perfect.

How wonderful, she thought. Roped into some barmy plot by a sodding high- god-puppet... When are they ever not up to something?

Wicke wrote:
Then her eyes brighten noticably as what was just said sinks in. "Wait, we're looking to disrupt the plans of a Erythnullian high priest blood who got himself mazed and then escaped?! Loki's Nose, count me in!"
She gave a quick look to the sorceress, with a brow raised. When did anyone mention disrupting anything? Not that she cared a whit about taking either side. She would do what she'd said she would, then return to her own business. Unless the puppet turned stag on her, anyway. Or his enemies thorned her enough.

She scooped up her pilfered sword and tucked it into her belt, and gave a brief, questioning look to those who'd remained silent since she'd posed her question. Well, if they weren't going to speak up, they must not want their things back that badly.

"Well, I'm off," she stated to the group at large. "I'm still interested in chasing after that supply train, though. Yer' rides'll be done three hours 'afore peak, right? How 'bout if anyone else interested in goin' meets up at... say, the Quartered Man an hour later? Should give plenty of time to finish up, resupply, an' get there."
Without waiting for much in the way of replies, she starts toward the door. As she does, she turns to Alastryn and asks, "You still comin'?"

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