Game: Cross Purposes

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Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[Minor edits to my previous post, to account for Lyei.]

Spot check:
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 11, 5 = 16.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Icanthas notices a large pool of blood in one area of the hallway, mostly in shadow. Probably from the head that was lopped off and flew (or was thrown?) for a long distance. Probably best not to slip in that.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei tries to look around him whilst moving to the staircase..

I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 19, 2 = 21.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei notices the blood as well, and is able to avoid slipping in it.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

'Tikal' gets a very frustrated look on her face when the cord fails to react to her spell.

"Hells! Sorry cutter, looks like you're going to have to do what Mr. Grisev wants you to do."

She gives Virash a slightly sad and pained look, then brightens up.

"Should be fun to cause a bit of mischief in any case. Imagine, on my first trip to Curst, getting caught up in the Blood War! Ha!"

She bounds down the hallway after Lyei.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei notices the shiny glistening blood on the floor and where it would pause to be a danger, and points it out softly to the ones following behind him..

Lyei has the Masterwork blade in hand, and methodically makes his way down, so as to set the pace and keep them on the move..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke wrote:
Just FYI, it would be entirely appropriate to have Nim slip on the blood.

[Balance check for Nim!]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Balance check

I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 10, 3 = 13.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Nim hears the githyanki's warning about the pool of blood just as she steps into it. She manages not to slip and fall on her face, though.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Virash grabs the dagger and shield with a grunt. Not ideal, but they'll have to do. He shrugs at Nim, "He didn't give me any orders I was necessarily opposed to to begin with." The ranger smirks and shakes his head as "Tikal" bounds by. He's beginning to believe the woman is barmy.

The human tries to keep near the center of the pack, keeping his eyes and ears open, looking out for any locked cells or guards that Grisev's men might have missed. Or his old gear, for that matter.

Spot Check for the blood.
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 18, 11 = 29.
Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Seeing the githyanki setting off down the corridor, and 'Tikal' and one of the humans falling in behind him, Icanthas starts off as well, figuring the rest will get the hint and continue the conversation on the move. Or they could be left behind. Either way.
She slips the chain shirt over her head and pulls it into place as she moves, making sure to walk around the blood slick. Once her head and arms are through, she picks up her pace to catch up to the two ahead, adjusting the mail as she goes. Once satisfied with it, she slips the sword from her belt and moves to get as close to the front as she can, without jockeying for the position with the gith. Her want to reclaim her pilfered gear was no less than his own, but she wasn't interested in leading the group around; she'd let him take the point if he wanted it that much. Just so long as he didn't get in her way when an enemy presented itself.

[She falls in roughly a pace or two behind Lyei (to whichever side gives her the most room), ahead of Virash, and either ahead or side-by-side with Nim.]

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
"He didn't give me any orders I was necessarily opposed to to begin with."

Nim calls out over her shoulder as she bounds down the hallway:

"All the same cutter, I'm fond of people being able to choose the what's, where's, why's and when's."

Upon rounding the corner and stepping into the pool of blood, Nim makes a sour face, then gingerly steps out and around it. She pauses for a moment to wipe the soles of her shoes off on the walls and lets the rest of the party move past her while she does so.

In a stage whisper:"So just to double-check, the plan is to reach our equipment, free the prisoners then run about the city proclaiming the approach of the Demogorgon's army and Giffer Torbaldis' betrayal of the city trust, right?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

The black-haired spellslinger nods to Sphinx. "As you like." There's something a bit indifferent about her response, though.

Maltheniir observes the githyanki's haste, which is very soon followed by the others pressing forward. "Stealthy as a barrel of slaadi," he remarks, smirking in Alastryn's direction as he says this. He moves into one of the more shadowed areas of the corridor, and those who still remain in the corridor quickly note that the bard blends into the shadows very well. He follows the rest of the party, though at a slower, more cautious pace.

Cadence wrote:
~ I believe he is the one named Grisev, at least that is what I gleaned from the human's mind. I am being assumptive though, and can't really be sure. You seem upset - have you some score to settle with him? What do you mean he ought to be in the Mazes?~

[spoiler for Sphinx only]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
~That would explain a lot! If that was him... he's... he's a barmy shiv-happy mass murderer! I can't say I really like what the Defiers believe, I think they're wrong, but that doesn't mean it's right to just kill them wholesale! He and a bunch of his followers killed off hundreds of them during the Faction War! I heard he'd gotten Mazed for it, a flaying would have been better...

Though the others cannot 'hear' Rivullira's telepathic conversation, they can see that she appears to have become visibly upset for some reason or other. Her telepathic 'response' to Sphinx is cut off, however, when she notices the others beginning to head downstairs. She pulls a torch free from one of the wall sconces and begins to follow the others.

"Make that two barrels of slaadi!" the tiefling hisses, disgusted. "What are you thinking, your holiness?"

"We can't all see in the dark, bard. Besides, this'll make a decent weapon in a pinch. You might as well get one yourself."

Swearing under his breath (in a mixture of 'loth and Abyssal), the bard finally relents and grabs a torch for himself. "I'm ditching this the first chance I get."

As the priestess and the bard argue, Alastryn is quick to join the others, attempting to place herself around the middle of the pack, perhaps a bit toward the back. Apparently, like so many other casters, she has no desire to be anywhere near the front line, nor to play rear-guard.

First Floor:

Near the bottom of the stairwell, the party finds the corpse of the second guardsman from their cell block, the one whose scream had been so... prolonged. It looks as though this guard had been stabbed in the stomach, just before someone had twisted the blade. This one's mail shirt is so damaged that the armor probably wouldn't be useful in its current state, but he did have a pair of nice-looking shortswords, as well as a belt pouch.

The first floor contains a number of cells, all apparently recently opened, as well as multiple sets of now-unused manacles. There are three more dead guards here. One appears to have been a spellslinger, at least to judge from the lack of armor. Planar mages rarely go for the 'target me first' flashy wizard robes, and the group can make out what's left of an expensive-looking, but simple, silk shirt, breeches, and cloak. The spellslinger appears to have been dead-booked with the most extreme prejudice: hands lopped off, beaten with a blunt weapon (again, probably a morningstar), an arrow put through his shoulder, and finally beheaded. A belt pouch sits opened and partially empted on the floor not far away, and several necessary articles of magery are scattered around: spell components!

The other two guards each bear a longsword, shield, and dagger, as well as a mail shirt, much like the ones upstairs had.

As Grisev's directions had indicated, the second and first floors of this building both contain cell blocks. At the front of the first floor there is a separate room, through which both the main doors to the building can be found, as well as the only entrance to the basement.

Like the second floor, the first floor is poorly lit, with large patches of shadow. Those patches become smaller, though, as Rivullira and the bard approach the rest of the party, bringing up the rear.

[And now a Listen check for everyone.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei silently notes the better equipment (mainly the weapons), takes it, one by one, and throws the people behind him the swords, hilt first of course, to distribute as they see logical..he takes the belt pouch without checking its contents as yet.. leaving the chain shirts to be taken by those themselves who might be in need, thus saving him time..

He then continues to proceed to search through the spell components, seeing what might be useful for his repertoire..

I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 17, 2 = 19.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

"You will be sharing that with the others, won't you, son of Gith?" There is something remarkably patrician about Alastryn's tone as she speaks. "Having several effective casters in our little group would be far better than only one... or wouldn't you agree?"

She definitely seems to be referring to the belt pouch, full of components for arcane spellcasting.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[ooc]He only took the money pouch without looking, and sifted through the spell components enough to only take out specifics that he can use, (like a brass key/ clear or mineral prism/ a few copper pieces/ ground mica/ eyelashes + gum arabic/ talc powder + silver powder/ bitumen + spider) , not to take them all..sorry if that was not clear[/ooc]

"I do not have to explain myself to you, but yes, I am sharing wisely...Graith.. do not test me though..." he says softly, loud enough to be heard nearby by 'her' (and maybe anyone else who makes a simple listen check).

[ooc]Obviously I have to roll shite here[/ooc]

Subtle threat Diplomacy, NOT intimidate)
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 3, 10 = 13.
Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Having already acquired all the equipment she might need from the guards, and having no use for spell components, Icanthas stepped aside as the githyanki handed arms down the line, and continued along the path as Grisev had directed. She took care not to tread upon anything the others might use, or in any pools of blood. She slowed her pace somewhat as she moved on ahead, ensuring that she didn't get too far ahead of the rest of the group.

[Listen check]
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 8, 5 = 13.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[Assume that the spell component pouch holds enough non-rare/non-expensive spell components for 5 castings of any arcane spell the PCs (or NPCs) know, up to spell level 3. That's five total per spell, not 5 per person. In the event of 'arcane focus component that is not consumed in casting,' there'd only be 1 of each in this pouch (and again, nothing rare/expensive.) If the component/focus wouldn't fit in a pouch, it wouldn't be in here. If you have a question about a particular spell component/focus, feel free to ask.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Nim completely ignores the components. Instead, as she walks past the body of the spellslinger, she glances over the dagger to see if it's silvered. Like with many things in this prison, her hopes are not high. She makes an annoyed face, then glances over the clothing and cloak to see if any of it might be salvageable.

"These fellows are a right mess, aren't they?", she says gesturing towards the dead bodies.

I rolled 1d20, the result is 13 = 13.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[Nope, no luck on silvered daggers... yet.]

[The spellslinger's clothing is pretty much unsalvageable, but Nim could collect several cloaks and other pieces of clothing from the guards if she wants, though washing them would be a good idea. They're messy.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[She'll snag one of the better looking cloaks and shirts, and try to get a good look at their faces. Also, if you'll allow it, she'll cast a quick prestidigitation to clean as much of the blood off as she can.]

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Josidiah scans the equipment and picks one of the blades tests the quality then mutters "not elven make but it will do for now" He also grabs one the chain shirts and slides it on. With the gear already salvaged he almost feels ready for battle

listen check
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 12, 3 = 15.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

To clear:

Lyei chooses some of the items out of the spell component pouch, like a Brass Key, and some other mundane things..

Then he divides the weapons to have each member of the troupe at least have one weapon in hand and some form of defence..

Then he will start to move on again, giving the others only enough time to dress chain shirts on the move...

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Virash puts the one dagger at his side, safe and easily reached. He sets the shield back down to the side and takes the two short swords, testing their weight. "That's muuuch more comfortable." The ranger also takes one of the chain shirts, pausing only as long as it takes to don the armor. "Keep an eye this way as we walk, bashers. Or at least glance back occasionally. I know a few tricks that might help us all out."

((If Virash taking both short swords denies someone else a primary weapon, he'll give one of them up and do short sword/dagger. Consider that last bit him activating Guide's Bond. He was holding off on it until he saw how the group would interact, at least in the short-term.))

Listen check.
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 11, 11 = 22.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Burning Spear wrote:
"I do not have to explain myself to you, but yes, I am sharing wisely...Graith.. do not test me though..."

The black-haired tiefer nods, with a hint of an amused smile. Alastryn seems unfazed by the threat, but also unwilling to escalate matters further.

Nim is able to memorize the faces of several former guards, and uses a bit of magic to greatly improve the condition of the cloaks and shirts she has 'acquired.'

[spoiler for Lyei and Josidiah]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
There are definitely noises coming from the basement.

[spoiler for Virash]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Virash is also able to hear the following from the basement:

"Park yer ears, mate, did you 'ear that?"

"Bah, it's just th' barmy blood an' 'is men."

"I'm goin' t'have a look."

Virash hears the sound of a blade being drawn from its sheath, and footsteps heading upward.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Virash holds up a hand in the most universal "STOP" gesture he knows. With a whisper, he adds "Someone's coming up the stairs, blade drawn." He adjusts his grip on the new short swords, preparing for whatever might be coming next. If possible in the corridor, he will move forward so as to be closer to any potential melee.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

"Yes, I noticed to, lets meet them.." with that, Lyei makes his way to stand near the staircase top, and side by side with Virash, to block the way..
readying an action to hit any who seem to be aggressive..longsword drawn..

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Seeing the others take action, Nim slumps against one wall and slides down, doing another impression of Tikal as a corpse. Keeping her eyes trained on the stairwell, she tries to arrange her new clothes over her hands in such a way as to partially conceal any spellcasting she might try.

Bluff check for 'Tikal'-as-corpse:
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 9, 18 = 27.
Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Taking note of the others speaking of incoming company, Icanthas halted her advance before reaching the top of the staircase. She hadn't heard anything, though admittedly, her ears had never been the sharpest. She gave a soft sigh, not pleased at the prospect of waiting to see if anyone (or anything) was coming up the stairs. Although, if they were right, fighting in the stairwell wasn't exactly ideal. She had no issue fighting on a slope -level areas on Gehenna are few and far between, after all- but space would be a bit tight, unsuitable to the wide sweeping strokes she was used to in combat.
Narrowing her eyes at the githyanki who'd placed himself directly in the way, she stepped up to his other side, and set her feet into her preferred fighting stance and raised her longsword in a two-handed grip, preparing to chop down at whoever came up to meet them.

[Those familiar with melee combat will notice the tiefling's stance leaves her in rather poor form for defense.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei curses softly to himself..shaking his head and stepping away from the staircase, making room for Icanthas to slide herself in Lyei's previous position..
"My haste clouds my judgement.." he says to Icanthas in planar cant.. (planar common)

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

As the githyanki steps back, Icanthas gives him a quizzical sidelong glance, keeping the staircase in her periphery. At his words, the left corner of her lip lifts in a light smirk. "Not so much a basher, hmm?" she asks, fixing her gaze again on the stairwell. Though her tone was amiable, perhaps even a touch amused, her tail begins giving short flicks in annoyance at the delay.
She makes no move to fill the space Lyei vacated, leaving it clear for either another warrior in the group, or whatever may be approaching.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Josidiah draws his salvaged blade and readies his shield for battle while also calling a spell to mind. He moves past the tiefling to the space vacated by his former cellmate.

Cadence of the Planes's picture
Joined: 2011-08-08
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Sphinx stayed close to the fiendling, though simultaneously tried to stay out of her way, hovering like a distant shadow. Due his proximity, he did not miss the bit of tension between her and the githyanki, being inwardly amused. He then set out to examine the chivs for himself, looking for a dagger/dirk/stiletto – or something of that nature. The human watched with mild curiosity as those around him moved forward, noting particularly the gith’s overly eager rush to the front, followed by his erratic retreat. Sphinx facetiously hypothesized that it must be the gith mating season.

On the surface, he appeared to be just as concerned as everyone else, but his mind and feelings were detached from the circumstance as they had always been in similar situations before. The human had been involved in numerous combat scenarios, but each time, he played an ancillary role in the action, or so it seemed. This was not the human’s arena, not his dimension. Throughout his years, the skinny human had learned that the optimal method of self-preservation (at least for himself) was not to fight in the physical world, but to try and manipulate it and its inhabitants. Importantly, he had learned to veil his detachment such that he didn’t arouse suspicion or offer himself as an easy target. He truly would have preferred to sit cross-legged on the ground and rest his body as his mind went to work, but the situation did not allow for it. So as his body was busy searching for a chiv, his mind was even busier.

He first continued his dialogue with the priestess, cognizant of the fact that she would not be as detached as he is, thus being prudent with his questions and not prying about anything that wasn't pertinent to the immediate action:

Spoiler: Highlight to view
~ Is there any way you can ward us? – You and I that is. Perhaps you could ward the tielfing as well? Though I don’t quite expect you to. I am not exactly sure why, but I sense that something about her is..disturbing… to you.~

His mind’s eye wandered to the dominated half-orc and nondescript human. The silent command to both of them went out – they were to imagine their current surroundings - everything they saw, heard, and touched- then relay it back.

Sphinx’s attention was then grabbed by Tikal, who slumped to the ground so convincingly, that the human actually believed something or someone shot her out of the air. He initially recoiled and looked around to discern the location of the ambush. Moments later, he realized it was a ruse, though only because he’d seen her do it before.

[Listen Check]
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 19, 2 = 21.

"Act. Do. Be." -Factol Rhys

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Cadence wrote:
~ Is there any way you can ward us? – You and I that is. Perhaps you could ward the tielfing as well? Though I don’t quite expect you to. I am not exactly sure why, but I sense that something about her is..disturbing… to you.~

[spoiler for Sphinx]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
~As much as I'd like to, there's a lot I can't do until I get the Rune back [mental image of Trithereon's holy symbol], or find another like it. I can still cast healing spells, at least. As for her, well... you know what a 'pacter' is, right? You don't get those kinds of brands unless you've sold your soul to a fiend, or something else nasty. Sometimes it's a tattoo or something else instead. As for using spells on her, I can always ask, but whether Trithereon would be willing to bestow His gifts on a servant of darkness... well, I doubt it.

~What about yourself? Are you what they call a 'spoonbender,' a psion, or some kind of enchanter? Or something else? There are a pretty good number of things that can talk mind-to-mind.

Cadence wrote:
His mind’s eye wandered to the dominated half-orc and nondescript human. The silent command to both of them went out – they were to imagine their current surroundings - everything they saw, heard, and touched- then relay it back.

[Another spoiler for Sphinx]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Rogald is still unconscious, but the half-orc is available, so Sphinx sees...

The half-orc and several of Grisev's 'merry men,' as well as the black-armored man himself, are crowded together inside what appears to be a large, closed carriage, the kind of thing a merchant or other well-to-do person might own. Not all of them are inside, suggesting that perhaps other members of his group have their own method of conveyance. No one crowds too closely to Grisev, probably for fear of stabbing himself on the armor spikes. Rogald's manacled and unconscious form lies between the two rows of seats, with feet on all sides using him as a footrest.

Between the weight of all the passengers and the speed of the horses (or whatever steeds are in fact being used), it is a jostling, uncomfortable ride.

Directly opposite Grisev sits the leather-clad figure that Sphinx had perhaps seen briefly earlier: the sniper. It may be a surprise to the psion when it removes its hood, revealing the face of a half-elven woman, the only female among this crew. Half wood elven, maybe.

Grisev draws one of his daggers and gazes down at Rogald. His other hand reaches to extract something worn on a chain that had previously been worn underneath his armor. A medallion, forged from steel, bearing an image of extraordinary ugliness: a face that mixes the worst features of a boar and tanar'ri, snarling in rage. He grasps the latter object and speaks, in Abyssal, with a measure of humility that is likely rarely heard from a man such as this.

"Lord, this man is a fool, but he has always been steadfast in his faith. Heal him, so that he may speak."

Setting the dagger to one side for the moment, Grisev places his hands on the man's chest. Just as the psion feels very painful consciousness beginning to return to his mentally dominated slave, the black-armored man brutally wrenches the arrow out of Rogald's chest. The degree of pain is...extreme, and Sphinx vicariously receives a large dose of it himself. The removal of the arrow from such a deep wound would have surely meant the end of the nondescript fellow, were he not the recipient of healing energy at the same time. Sphinx is able to note that even the sensation of such healing energy does not feel very nice. In fact, it feels... very angry.

Grisev leans back in his seat and picks up the dagger again, almost idly running a finger down one edge. He eyes the manacled man with what appears to be a deep lack of concern for his prisoner's welfare. "This isn't like you, Rogald. You do love to kill, as a pious man should, but until tonight, I'd have said that you had the sense not to attack your Lord's favored servant. Nor, despite our Lord's nature, are you a man who craves wealth: you live simply by your own choice, and prefer the pleasure of the kill to any luxury. Still, I would hardly call you wise. Who convinced you to do this?"

[Rogald is now conscious, though he has very few hitpoints at the moment.]

Sphinx takes a dagger for himself. Meanwhile, Maltheniir takes the remaining unclaimed longsword, as well as one of the daggers. As promised, the bard sets his torch into one of the torch sconces, looking happy to be rid of it. The Trithereonite priestess picks up one of the shields. Alastryn looks through the spell component pouch and takes a few things for herself, though she seems unimpressed with its contents in general.

The basement door opens. A rather unkempt and mean-looking human man is standing just inside the doorway: Icanthas recognizes him as the very unsavory berk from the Quartered Man that she had had to threaten with castration earlier. Lyei recognizes him as well. To guess from both his smell and his demeanor, the man is still at least a bit drunk. He wears an apparently ordinary chain shirt. The man's clothes are unimpressive, with the exception of the well-made cloak he's wearing. A cloak that Virash recognizes as HIS cloak. With the posture of a swordsman who is at least reasonably experienced, the man holds a very well-crafted sword in his right hand. A blade that Josidiah is very quick to recognize as HIS sword, Twilight.

The man turns slightly, as if to call out something to someone (or someones?) in the basement below.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Icanthas' eyes widened, both in recognition of the man who'd suddenly appeared before her, as well as surprise at the fact that there actually had been somebody coming.
When he began to turn back the way he'd come, Icanthas quickly lowered her sword, only to bring it back up between his legs, pressing its edge uncomfortably against his groin.

Assuming he finds it more prudent not to call out, Icanthas leans in with a grin and one eyebrow arched in a mock-playful fashion, and says, "Give me one good reason not to make good on my earlier threat."

[Forgot to remove bonuses from items that are no longer there... Character sheet is fixed now though. Icanthas' initiative result is 24, not 26.]

[1st roll: Icanthas' initiative, in case it becomes necessary] [2nd roll: Intimidate]
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 14, 12 = 26.
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 14, 10 = 24.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

At the appearance of this squalid human carrying his clan's blessed blade sets Josidiah's whole body shuddering with seething fury. Gritting his teeth he spits out "Drop my blade or die you drunken churl"

for intimidate
I rolled 1d20, the result is 7 = 7.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[Bladedancer, I don't mind if you make an Intimidate roll, too. Eye-wink Or perhaps aid another.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei looks to see if he can accommodate the Elf in his wishes..

then proceeds to cast softly, and says to the drunk human; "Surrender" your weapon to the elf..(dc13 will save)

[ooc: was still writing my post, you could have waited, maybe use that post's space for a proper reply?, obviously command Sticking out tongue, just trying to make it look nicer, by putting the word/ spells ending, in a sentence.]

Initiative I guess
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 7, 2 = 9.
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 3, 7 = 10.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Burning Spear wrote:
Lyei looks to see if he can accommodate the Elf in his wishes..

[What's Lyei doing, exactly?]

[Which spell is he casting, exactly? Command or something else?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Virash stays silent, allowing the others to take care of the conversational parts. At the same time, the ranger keeps his short swords ready, more than happy to cut this man down the moment he becomes a threat.

((Virash is readying an action to attack if the man attacks or calls out down the stairs.))

I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 8, 7 = 15.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Karsus wrote:
When he began to turn back the way he'd come, Icanthas quickly lowered her sword, only to bring it back up between his legs, pressing its edge uncomfortably against his groin.

Assuming he finds it more prudent not to call out, Icanthas leans in with a grin and one eyebrow arched in a mock-playful fashion, and says, "Give me one good reason not to make good on my earlier threat."

Bladedancer wrote:
At the appearance of this squalid human carrying his clan's blessed blade sets Josidiah's whole body shuddering with seething fury. Gritting his teeth he spits out "Drop my blade or die you drunken churl"

Burning Spear wrote:
then proceeds to cast softly, and says to the drunk human; "Surrender"

The unsavory berk is obviously cowed by having the 'family jewels' threatened. He no longer seems anxious at all to call out to those in the room below. The man's eyes dart between the Blood Warrior and the gold elf, though he doesn't seem very impressed by Josidiah's threat.

"Vicious bint..." The unsavory fellow would clearly love to strike Icanthas, but isn't about to with his own particulars in such danger. "'ow 'bout the room full o' cutters behind me, aye? That a good enough reason?"

He doesn't raise his voice.

Perhaps oddly, the man seems even more affected by the githyanki than by the tiefling menacing a very specific area of his body. He drops Josidiah's ancestral blade (resulting in a loud clatter...) and shows his empty palms to the group. "Quarter, aye? I get to walk outta 'ere alive, aye?"

A voice calls out from the basement below. "Oi! What's goin' on up there?"

Both Virash and Sphinx notice that the voice belongs to neither of the individuals they had heard talking earlier.

["Quarter" = he's trying to surrender.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

having seen two of the "team" note their belongings, and having helped in getting the Elf to have his sword back, Lyei looks to see if he can spot anything else on this guys person, like rings, necklace's etc...

Lyei seems to gleam a bit when he notes his spell actually works.. seeing as he did not expect it really to do so..

Spot attempt
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 20, 2 = 22.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Lyei is certain that none of his former belongings are visible on this man's person.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
"'ow 'bout the room full o' cutters behind me, aye? That a good enough reason?"
Zimrazim wrote:
He drops Josidiah's ancestral blade (resulting in a loud clatter...) and shows his empty palms to the group. "Quarter, aye? I get to walk outta 'ere alive, aye?"
"As long as you behave yourself, and don't be raising any flags to the guards when you do. Aye," Icanthas responds. "Don't make us regret it. Otherwise, I'll find you, and make sure you regret it too." She gave him a hard look that promised pain and misery -at best- should he disobey.*

She stuck out one wolfish foot and pushed the dropped sword away from the man, to skid the scant pace or two to the elf's feet. When her attention returned to her prisoner, she looked him over, seeing if he visibly carried any of her possessions.

She purses her lips at the call from below, glancing as far down the stairs as she can see, trying to tell if anyone there could view the group. She looked back to the man before her with an arched brow and retaining the hard look in her eye. She gave a curt nod behind him, indicating he should answer, and hoping he knew better than to do anything brash.

[* Should I make a second Intimidate check? Or will the last one cover this threat too?]
[Zim: Note that Icanthas' ring and torc are pretty easy to distinguish from other jewelry of their kind. Unless the man has clothing/gear that would hide them (and please say so if he is), they should be easily identifiable as hers, assuming he has them.]

[Two Spot checks?]
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 16, 5 = 21.
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 13, 5 = 18.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Josidiah picks up Twilight and feels a calm go over him. Now I am ready for anything he thinks. "Good choice on surrendering the sword human." "After the tiefling de-manned you I would be sure to finish the job." Where did you pick this sword up?"

Cadence of the Planes's picture
Joined: 2011-08-08
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

[Knowledge, Planes Check to see if Sphinx recognizes the Holy Symbol]

The psion winced mightily, though only for a moment, upon receiving the transmission of Rogald’s intense pain. He then used the mindlink with the olivine priestess to first confirm his ability as a ‘spoonbender,’ then relay the scene to her from the non-descript human’s viewpoint.

Sphinx hesitated momentarily while contemplating his/Rogald’s response, then he tightened his jaw while allowing his eyes to gently roll upwards towards the back of his skull as his attention traveled back towards Grisev:

[Spoiler for Zimrazim]

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Wealth? Wealth?!!

*Rogald loosed a maddened laugh akin to that of a murderer who just completed a particularly satisfying kill, then replied in the voice of one who wasn’t overly concerned with dying:*

Once again you’ve put your cunning mind to the task and arrived at the wrong conclusion. Have you not realized it? Ahh, but of course you haven’t! You are no longer the favored of my Lord.

*He paused to allow the words to settle in.*

A cruel joke for the Lord to play… answering your calls and perpetuating your invalid claims. Rest assured that though your calls may be answered in a position of advantage as now, you will be forsaken during your hour of greatest need.

Sphinx calculated that Rogald’s earlier conduct had unsettled Grisev enough, at least temporarily, such that he’d be more likely to believe, or at least contemplate outlandish claims like the ones currently being made by the dying human. The telepath wished to plant the seeds of insecurity in Grisev’s mind such that every move was second-guessed, and paranoia ruled over reason. It wasn’t the first time Sphinx had attempted to paralyze someone with fear and doubt. The deformed human was playing his game, and a web around Grisev had been cast. Sphinx was testing Grisev, attempting to manipulate his ‘employer,’ and learning more about him every second.

Returning to his current, physical surroundings, Sphinx grabbed the dagger and slowly inched towards the branded fiendling.

[Knowledge, the Planes]
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 6, 4 = 10.

"Act. Do. Be." -Factol Rhys

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

"Elf, leave him be, he did not have a choice, he surrendered the weapon on my command, heh, that sounds funny if I may say so.." Lyei looks smug for a moment, as smug as Githyanki's can look anyway..

To the drunk curr however, he replies;"I suggest you drop any other items you "found" that do not belong to you.. it saves us the hassle of having to pick you clean before we have you move off with your life.." whilst winking an eye..

[ooc]Honestly, I hate this dice roller, from one extreme to another, absolute pathetic rolling system[/ooc]

I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 1, 10 = 11.
Intimidate (might as well)
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 5, 2 = 7.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Karsus wrote:
"As long as you behave yourself, and don't be raising any flags to the guards when you do. Aye," Icanthas responds. "Don't make us regret it. Otherwise, I'll find you, and make sure you regret it too."

Bladedancer wrote:
Where did you pick this sword up?"

Burning Spear wrote:
I suggest you drop any other items you "found" that do not belong to you

"Pike the guards! Why should I go rattlin' my bone-box t' them?" The former wielder of Twilight seems about to add something else -- then his expression changes suddenly, to something both startled and furious. "Oi, sodding trick!" The man nearly bolts, apparently wanting to run back down the stairs, but remembers that Icanthas is still holding a blade to a part of his body that he clearly values. Instead, he glares at Josidiah. "Right down the stairs, berk. Finders keepers, aye?"

The human continues to glare, and pulls some things out of his pockets, but appears to possess no more equipment belonging to the party.

Behind the man, Icanthas is able to see a landing as well as the top few stairs leading into the basement. In order to get a better view, she would have to move around the noisome human and turn a corner.

The group can hear more blades being drawn. "Whoever's up there, you can sod off!"

[Does Virash take his cloak?]

[spoiler for Sphinx]

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Sphinx almost does not recognize the 'holy' symbol. Sigil hosts the temples of scores of Gods from every obscure corner of the Multiverse, and few can be bothered to keep track of all of them. He eventually recalls this one because of the presence of such worshippers in the Hive, in particular. The psion recalls the boar/tanar'ri symbol as one of the major 'holy' symbols of the god Erythnul, the Lord of Slaughter -- a particularly loathsome deity even by the standards of evil Powers.

The psion does not 'hear' anything from Rivullira via his mindlink with her, but Sphinx can easily sense that she is watching the scene intently.

"Wrong answer." Anger crosses Grisev's face, but Sphinx is at least rewarded with something else -- not fear, but a slight flicker of doubt. The latter swiftly disappears, however, as the priest leans down and slices into the flesh of the psion's mind-slave. A cut not intended to slay, nor even to seriously wound, but to inflict pain. Lots of it. The psion is quick to realize that Grisev has skill at this sort of thing. "I regret that I don't have all my tools on me; I'll have to improvise..." He twists the blade. Despite how badly off Rogald is already, the man still does not lose consciousness.

Through Rogald's eyes, Sphinx notices that the half-elven woman has been watching Rogald with great interest. Her gaze also takes in the other occupants of the carriage, as if looking for something... then she nods to herself.

"Incarnate, do not do this." The woman's voice is low, melodic. Though she appears almost human (aside from the ears), the half-elf's voice has much of the elven lilt to it.

"And why shouldn't I?" He makes another cut. "You never did much like Rogald, as I remember."

"Can't you tell?" The half-elf leans closer. "He is enspelled. Does this sound like Rogald to you? I thought something might be amiss, earlier, but I wasn't certain." She leans even closer, and whispers something to the tall blond human. Rogald's ears are sharper than the psion's own, though, and Sphinx is able to make out the words:

"And Pirak-Tog, he is enspelled too. He was normal earlier; I think it must have been one of the prisoners."

The half-elf pulls back. Grisev eyes her. "You're certain."


"Who did this? To one of my men?" Grisev does not raise his voice, but Sphinx can easily sense rising anger in it. "The whore of darkness, perhaps?"

"I did not see her cast."

"She was hiding behind the other tiefling the whole time. Or the githyanki..." Grisev's free hand touches the hilt of his sheathed greatsword. "That would be a disappointment, but not entirely a surprise."

"I do not know. We will find out, yes?"

Grisev smiles at her. "Yes. We will. But there is a larger plan at work. We will have time for revenge, but later."

Grisev leans down, the priest's scarred face close to that of Sphinx's nondescript slave. "I don't know if you're listening. If you are... Know that I dealt with you prisoners in good faith. Still," he actually chuckles, "the old saw is true indeed -- no good deed goes unpunished. Whoever you are, man or woman, know that I will eventually find out who did this to my men. I will find you." Grisev smiles thinly, but does not elaborate.

The priest straightens and rests his hand on his 'holy' symbol once more, speaking in Abyssal. "Lord! Your servants have been bewitched by an enemy. Release them, so that they might serve You faithfully once more." Grisev makes a strong, commanding gesture, one that encompasses everyone in the carriage. Sphinx experiences something akin to a powerful wave of supernatural hatred and anger -- just before his mental connection to his thralls is abruptly and utterly cut off.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

The still dead looking Nim, rolls her eyes in the back of her head, convulses and lets loose with an demonic-sounding wail. Then in a voice that doesn't sound like it belongs to her:

In Abyssal:

Spoiler: Highlight to view
"They come...THEY COME!"

She starts flailing around on the floor, looking like she's trying to stand up.

Bluff check:
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 10, 18 = 28.
Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Game: Cross Purposes

Virash picks up his cloak, donning it again with a hmphing "Well, that's a little better, I suppose." Before he can say much more, "Tikal" is screaming on the floor. The ranger shifts back for a moment, but keeps one blade trained on the man by the stairs all the same.

In Abyssal:

Spoiler: Highlight to view

"What, Tikal? Who comes?"

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 9, 11 = 20.
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