Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn attempts to contact the Portmaster's mind for a moment. ~The port still stands, she observes dryly. Of course, both she and Portmaster Ib'm are undoubtedly aware that that had been a near thing.

Benyamin wrote:
He politely asks a few questions of the Git'ribani outside about their journeys and the events that led to their appearance in Starmantle, occasionally maneuvering the conversation toward their next port of calling.

The psion is quite cordial and polite to the newcomer, but -- especially once she realizes his association with the Band of Silver -- scanty when it comes to actual useful information. This Xer'mun already seems more observant and patient than many of Gith's children. Between these two things she might reasonably wonder, privately, what sort of associations this newly-come warrior might have with the Silver Eyes. The psion might indeed love to be able to improve relations where the Eyes are concerned, but she, as well as others in their rrakkma band, had quite literally just given offense to none other than Mist-of-the-Mind herself.

Benyamin wrote:
I offer my blade and council in service of the People on the Black Fleet as a sign of brotherhood from Silver. May the sons of Gith move as one to the aid of our siblings.

Hopefully this was an idea on the part of Gish Lis and not Mist-of-the-Mind's doing. In contrast to Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Ya'shenn seems politely interested in the newcomer, but she does not yet speak.

[Actually, I'll do a Sense Motive as well. Would like to get a general read of the commanders following the meeting, and of Gish Lis and his sub-commanders in particular.]

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 5, 14 = 19.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'zhan'kel makes note of what proceedings she is allowed to witness, though more often than not she finds herself in the role of observer. Withdrawing a worn, leatherbound journal, she begins sketching warband insignia, adding notations concerning colour and warband name if applicable and does the same to any pirate insignia for further record. She glances up as Xer'mun speaks, wondering what stories he could tell of adventures long gone.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

During the discussions about how to arrange and control the fleet, Ii'Jyka'Vhaar keeps tabs on all the crews of the ships, who's noticeable of them, who needs and eye on for sake of safety..

[Gather Info on ships crew composition and attitudes]

I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 19, 17 = 36.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
During the discussions about how to arrange and control the fleet, Ii'Jyka'Vhaar keeps tabs on all the crews of the ships, who's noticeable of them, who needs and eye on for sake of safety..

[Gather Info on ships crew composition and attitudes]

Ii'jyka'vaar sets herself to the task of finding out who's who in the Black Fleet. Lehr'Asj'tor the Onyx is convinced he is in dept to Ii, for Master Pale would be well within his rights to claim him as a deserter (which he is, having fled Pale soon after the Queen's fall). As a member of the Black Fleet himself, Lehr knows much about the other crew, and about recent developments.

Styrrn left with most of his core officers, about a dozen githyanki. The crews of the ships are mostly graith, with squads of githyanki enforcing Styrrn's orders. Since he fled, the graith crews are going to be sizing up the remaining githyanki even more than usual. More blades, whether from Sigil, the Astral, the Underdark, or Baator itself will be welcome.

Still, Styrrn, and through him githyanki rule, has been beneficial to the pirates; the wealth of sacked cities and the githyanki fleets' dominance of the sea lanes have conspired to make the pirates of the inner seas, masters of their world rather than the hunted wolves they were, when strong navies sought to protect the trade routes. Styrrn was shrewd, for a graith not to mention a githyanki, and read others well, whether it be allies or enemies. The graith captains of the five best sloops-of-war can be counted on (after a fashion) as can Styrrn's First Mate, the graith pirate Red Dread.

Red Dread was captain of the Pride before the incursion. Styrrn defeated her in single combat, but spared her (alone of the entire ship's crew, it is said) making her his right hand when it came to running the ship. Though she has been openly contentious with Styrrn, she has carried out every order. There might be a danger of her wanting the captaincy back, but she has learned to fear and respect githyanki blades.

Of githyanki blades, only a few remain after Styrrn's departure.

There are only two Duthka'gith; Khem the Sharp (very dragonish looking, very skilled in battle), and Av'dra the Dun, a mind-warrior fond of daggers and having a reputation for ... consorting with graith too closely. Indeed, there are three graith half-dragons among the crew who are loyal to the half-gith-half-dragons.

The most prominent of the pure-blood githyanki is Varsh-Mil. It is said he "held a dagger" for Styrrn, and is likely feeling rather betrayed right now. As a Varsh-caste teacher of the young, he is skilled in all three arts; mind, magic, and blade. He has the habit of speaking to others as if they were children, especially the younger githyanki, but his skill and knowledge cannot be denied. He is band of turquoise and worked at many Varsh'isk connected to Githmir and other major cities on the Astral, and is very well-traveled and cultured. Varsh-Mil is especially disdainful of the graith, and there is mutual dislike between him and the duthka'gith.

Another Turquoise from Githmir is Gav'jji the Swift. He is the most able sailor and navigator among the githyanki, rivaling the best the gaith have to offer. Why Styrrn left him behind is anyone's guess, but it is fortunate for the fleet. It is known that Gav'jji had turned renegade and joined a crew of gith pirates well before the incursion, but had proved himself true githyanki when Toril was invaded.

Shar'shau is more interested in money than most githyanki. He has the best rapport with the graith pirates than any other githyanki, understanding them on a level other gith cannot. He was a smuggler in Git'riban for a time, but also joined the incursion when it was launched.

Xailen the Brewer has a tea house in Starmantle, and may be reluctant to join the fleet in this endeavor. Lehr is confidant that Ii'jyka'vaar can convince him, though.

Mlar-Kav'natch is a master artificer. She is quiet and interacts seldom with Lehr'Asj'tor, so he knows only a little about her. She was not fond of Styrrn, especially his advances, and Lehr believes she chose to stay instead of accompany Styrrn.

There are six Swordwraiths aboard the Sloop Raven's Claw. As undead, they no longer have their mind-powers, and cannot dimension-door.

A psion, K'rr'jakak of the Voidwalkers, is a psychoportation specialist who transports the swordwraith into battle. His personality is very intense, even manic, and Lehr avoids him as much as he can (which isn't enough, as a teleporter, K'rr can be anywhere he wants, antagonizing whomever he wants)

There are a few younger warriors, rank-and-file githwarriors whose officers were slain. They amount to twenty or so. They tend to follow the lead of whatever ranking githyanki is present at the time.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Chaotic_Goth1431 wrote:
Azthri'zhan'kel makes note of what proceedings she is allowed to witness, though more often than not she finds herself in the role of observer. Withdrawing a worn, leatherbound journal, she begins sketching warband insignia, adding notations concerning colour and warband name if applicable and does the same to any pirate insignia for further record. She glances up as Xer'mun speaks, wondering what stories he could tell of adventures long gone.

As Azthri sketches designs, she notices an insignia embossed onto the shoulders of Xermun's armor, close enough to be a clasp for a cloak or simply a warband badge: A silvery eye stands upon a field of black, while a double-edged blade slices down the center and serves as the iris. This is not the normal identification for the Band of Silver. Not as obvious but easily seen are the ceremonial wrappings around Xermun's arms. Tir'su inscriptions scroll across each band in what appears to be psionic ink, proclaiming- Xermun gi'Ij'akzul, Rish-i-Ghaik of the Silver Stalkers, rish of the Ullitharid...rish of the Tamer....

Xermun would have briefly acknowledged the young Gith during the interlude before the leaders adjourned. His conversation seemed fixed on the more veteran members of the Blades of Git'riban and their stories of forming a rrakkma and their fight against Illithid House. Du'minh, being one of the earliest and one of Sight's slayers, becomes his most invested discussion.

Zimrazim wrote:
The psion is quite cordial and polite to the newcomer, but -- especially once she realizes his association with the Band of Silver -- scanty when it comes to actual useful information. This Xer'mun already seems more observant and patient than many of Gith's children. Between these two things she might reasonably wonder, privately, what sort of associations this newly-come warrior might have with the Silver Eyes.

Should Ya'shenn notice his Order's badge, the image might scream allegiance to the Silver Eyes. However, if a member of the Eyes, why wear such a conspicuous sign? Why such ostentatious wrappings?

[Zim, Xermun hasn't addressed Ya'shenn for the same reasons as Ii'Jyka'Vhaar. I figured she was with the Council when he introduced himself to the Git'ribani outside the Customs House.

Sense motive on the Black Fleet pirates lurking around as Xermun waits, as well as a spot for any Gith or Graith around the Customs House who seem to be eavesdroppers and potential spies.

Edit: [i]Synesthete is still active, so that should be a 28.]

Sense Motive 1
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 5, 4 = 9.
Sense Motive 2
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 20, 4 = 24.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Benyamin wrote:
He slips through the throng as it shuffles and intercepts Gy-nath and Na'rai of Jade. He bows fluidly to both, his voice firm and forthright in the Gith tongue. An honor to meet you, Kith'rak Gy'nath of the Blades of Git'riban and Kith'rak Na'rai of Jade. May the blood of your enemies fall before you for years to come. I am Xer'mun gil'Ij'akzul of Silver, rish-i-ghaik of the Silver Stalkers, and veteran of the Darkfields. I offer my blade and council in service of the People on the Black Fleet as a sign of brotherhood from Silver. May the sons of Gith move as one to the aid of our siblings.

Gy-Nath greets Xer'mun briefly but very formally. He introduces himself as Kith'rak of the Blades of Git'riban, and introduces the other members of the war-party. Githees Ii'jyka'vaar, he mentions last. Already she is talking to a Black Fleet githyanki she met their first day at the Customs House.

Ya'shenn hears his mind send to hers ~ I don't know that this honor was bestowed truly to honor Na'rai, Ii'jyka'vaar, and Kirath. Still, 'Boots wander the battlefield where they may.' and this course of action may prove itself.[i]

Gy-Nath notices Xer'mun's tattoos, "It is an honor to meet a stalker and slayer of The Enemy such as yourself"

Na'rai wears a mask, half jade and half silver, so her expression is hidden. She greets Xer'mun and introduces her second, Sthar. Welcomes his blade and praises the band of Silver.


As a character flavor note, Xer'mun manifested [i]synesthete as he stood waiting. He would alternate between augmenting his sight and hearing, taking in the crowd around him, before switching back to sound to hear what each leader is ordering to their group.

He gives a good look at each band of leaders and tries to sense their general disposition after the meeting.

Sense motive on the Black Fleet pirates lurking around as Xermun waits, as well as a spot for any Gith or Graith around the Customs House who seem to be eavesdroppers and potential spies.Sense motive on the Black Fleet pirates lurking around as Xermun waits, as well as a spot for any Gith or Graith around the Customs House who seem to be eavesdroppers and potential spies.

There are no graith even on the fringes of the githyanki crowd (they know better), but plenty of unfamiliar githyanki, some without obvious warband insignia, abound.

The Commanders are getting their fleets in order and briefly concurring with each other. Lahar's forces get set to move out quickly. It is now known that he can transport three thousand githyanki, but currently has only three pilots for every two ships. The Ruby and Garnet forces are the largest, but will likely be ready to move before the Black Fleet. The Silver have several small, fast ships in addition to an Astral Brig and a few Astral skiffs. His forces are likely to reach Urmlaspyr first.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath mostly keeps to himself not relishing the "command" given to him. With a heavy heart he makes a point to seek out the graith and makes conversation with them feeling out the troublemakers and most of all he keeps his eyes and ears open for any mention of Tiamat's name.

Xer'mun is said to be a veteran of the Darkfields as Kirath was a participant in this battle what if anything does he know of him?

diplomacy for dealing with the graith
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 16, 15 = 31.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Ya'shenn hears his mind send to hers ~ I don't know that this honor was bestowed truly to honor Na'rai, Ii'jyka'vaar, and Kirath. Still, 'Boots wander the battlefield where they may.' and this course of action may prove itself.

Gy-Nath can easily sense some amusement from Ya'shenn over the mental contact.

~I did observe that none of the other commanders seemed eager to absorb the Black Fleet into their own numbers. It has occurred to me that the Black Fleet may serve as a left-handed reward, as well as a test. Firebringer Lahar is a bit fond of tests, I think. What more ironic reward for defying Pale than command of a crew that I might call 'questionable' or 'unreliable,' and that blunter githyanki than myself might call, and have called, 'scum?'

~...If you are at all concerned about my ego or pride? Although I do wonder whether or not I should read a deliberate slight into the matter... I did not seek out the position that Ii'Jyka'vaar and Kirath currently hold, nor am I so inclined in the first place. Considering what we already know of the Black Fleet, at least one or two duel challenges from the crew are a likely possibility -- something that Ii'Jyka'Vaar, in particular, would meet with pleasure. I do not yet know Na'rai of Jade well, but I do not believe she is another Pale. Kirath and Ii'Jyka'Vaar are both likely to give consideration to my advice, even if they do not always heed it.

"Azure" wrote:
Gy-Nath greets Xer'mun briefly but very formally. He introduces himself as Kith'rak of the Blades of Git'riban, and introduces the other members of the war-party. Githees Ii'jyka'vaar, he mentions last. Already she is talking to a Black Fleet githyanki she met their first day at the Customs House.

Naturally, Ya'shenn notices how Gy-Nath introduces Ii'Jyka'vaar last, and manages not to smirk at that small but consistent discourtesy. Even though she values Ii'jyka'vaar far more highly than she once had -- indeed, many times over, given the knight's unexpected willingness to defy Pale.

While she doesn't stare, it is easy (especially for Xer'mun, no doubt) to follow the psion's gaze as it takes in the badge and carefully reads the tir'su on his wrappings.

Once etiquette permits, the psion bows very politely. "It is a pleasure to meet a ghaik slayer so celebrated, one before whom Tamers cower." Azthri'zhankel will be overjoyed! Ha! "It must pain you to be separated from the Underdark for any length of time. No doubt one such as yourself has many stories to tell; I would be delighted to hear such, as time permits."

In truth, Ya'shenn is more wary than that. Xer'mun is apparently here with the blessing of his commanders... and not all githyanki would be quick to associate with the scum of the Black Fleet. True, their group had been on rrakkma until interrupted by a skipping portal. Gish Lis had been willing to go against Mist-of-the-Mind's wishes, which had been heartening, but she cannot be at all sure of this newcomer's purposes or politics, other than a very likely association with the Silver Eyes.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vhaar makes a mental note to let the Duthka Gith to Du'min, as she isn't particularly interested at all in the church of Tiamat and her cronies..

She asks Lehr'Asj'tor to send several messages for her, as she doesn't want to burden Ya'shenn with her needs and wants..

Whilst she send s him on errants, she first has him buy some writing equipment for her, so she can write notes to be send.. Whilst he is then send on correspondence missions, she chats away with the smaller gith who are not affiliated, trying to sense their motives and see how she can use them in the fleet..(1st roll of gather info)

She asks Lehr'Asj'tor to find out who is currently running operations on the Raven's Claw, if anybody.. (2nd gather info roll)

She also has Lehr then send a message to both Na'rai and Kirath.
In this note she states;
~"I have no intention of wanting to own or dominate the fleet as a whole, nor do I see myself ruling the "Pride", I do however have interest in running ship on board the "Raven's Claw",I hope we can come to a mutual agreement that is beneficial to us all in the coming period of cooperation that we will see ahead..
Githees Ii'Jyka'Vhaar"

Another note is then send to Shar'shau;
~"I would like to have word with you, for I would like to see your use continue on board the ship I hope to command, and would like to see your expertise come to fruit for us.. any time you are able to meet me, please do so as soon as your able, as we have a short schedule and are supposed to sail soon.
Githees Ii'Jyka'Vhaar"

Yet another note, this time to Gav'jji the Swift;
~"Gav'jji of the Turquoise, although I can see your proficiency and mastery of the skills of sailing and navigation as useful to the fleet as a whole, I would like to see you handle such things from the ship I hope to command, please let me know your thoughts on this topic as soon as is convenient.
Githees Ii'Jyka'Vhaar"

Ii'Jyka'Vhaar then proceeds to go to the address of the tea shop of Xailen the Brewer, hoping she can find him quickly, and have a chat.., notifying Lehr'Asj'tor that she will be there if he needs to find her for reply messages and such..

Whilst walking through town she muses about what she could want/ do with Mlar-Kav'natch the Master Artificer and the six Swordwraiths and K'rr'jakak of the Voidwalkers, who are resident on board the ship she covets..

Edit: +1 to G.I. so end results should be 20/ 30..

G.I. 1
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 3, 16 = 19.
G.I. 2
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 13, 16 = 29.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

She will let Nah'Mizh'Aar get used to Lehr'Asj'tor's smell and presence, so that he will eventually also be able to use him in some circumstances.. like messages through the fleet and such, and combat situations where he can rescue Gith whilst Ii'Jyka is busy fighting or whatnot..

Handle Animal
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 18, 5 = 23.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[delete - posted this in the wrong forum]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Bladedancer wrote:
Xer'mun is said to be a veteran of the Darkfields as Kirath was a participant in this battle what if anything does he know of him?
DM: Kirath knows of the Silver Stalkers. It is a prestigious order of scouts and hunters, and was instrumental in The Darkfields. Ultimately, though, the Copper Ring was wiped out in the battle, except for Kirath himself. Xer'mun, for his part, would also be familiar with the Copper Ring and its fate.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Benyamin wrote:
Sense motive on the Black Fleet pirates lurking around as Xermun waits, as well as a spot for any Gith or Graith around the Customs House who seem to be eavesdroppers and potential spies.

Edit: [i]Synesthete is still active, so that should be a 28.]

The githyanki pirates around seem to be speaking with each other in hushed tones about the change in leadership. A few quickly leave on their own errands, and others come in to inquire what want on. The general mood is uncertainty and apprehension. Those that come in, inquire, then leave again, genrally move off in the same direction down the warfs. Likely, the Black Fleet is having its own meeting somewhere in the port.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
She will let Nah'Mizh'Aar get used to Lehr'Asj'tor's smell and presence, so that he will eventually also be able to use him in some circumstances.. like messages through the fleet and such, and combat situations where he can rescue Gith whilst Ii'Jyka is busy fighting or whatnot..

...handle animal 23...

The wyvern understands that githyanki are not food (he will also never eat a snake or snake-like being due to his conditioning.) Lehr'Asj'tor was in training to be a dragonrider, and is fearless around the beast (which is good). Due to Mist-of-the-Mind, Nah'Mizh'Aar is more intelligent than a typical wyvern now.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
She asks Lehr'Asj'tor to find out who is currently running operations on the Raven's Claw, if anybody.. (2nd gather info roll)

The Raven's Claw is occupied by the Swordwraiths and Kr'r'jakak the Voidwalker. The graith crew include a clan of Kenku, flightless but agile raven-humanoids. The other graith crew are those more comfortable with undead, though none are more than minor necromancers at best.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vhaar then proceeds to go to the address of the tea shop of Xailen the Brewer, hoping she can find him quickly, and have a chat.., notifying Lehr'Asj'tor that she will be there if he needs to find her for reply messages and such..
Before leaving to deliver the dispatches, Lehr informs Ii that the teashop is in a stone building a short walk from the Customs House.

(back to that later)

The Githyankis' business proceeds apace. Lahar's forces move as one to a point a couple of miles out to sea, leaving him his personal Brig to catch up in. The gesture is intended to allow Pale to move out first.

The Silver fleet githyanki prepare to move quickly. It is not lost on the other githyanki, though none of the other Silvers bid Xer'mun farewell, he is obviously not hurried to leave with them. Indeed, as Gish Lis turns to the new commanders and the Git'ribani, he lets them know that since Xer'mun is "well known" to their own Psion, they can send important messages through him. He then consults for the last time with Lahar, Raa-shiis, and Gish Zjaa. Other Silvers similarly join with the other commanders' forces.


A duthka'gith steps up and introduces himself to Kirath & Ar'dru {DM: Come Back Az!} He is extremely dragon-ish, and could as easily be taken for half-human or half-lizardfolk as for half-gith. He speaks in perfect githyanki, though. He is Khem Brun'ally the Sharp, of the Black Fleet. He is joined quickly by another duthka'gith. She is very different, and instead of Khem's red scales, her skin is ashen grey. She has large swept-back horns over her dreadlocked hair. Her face is not dragon-ish, but her teeth are very sharp. She is Av'dra the Dun, a mind-warrior.

They politely inform them that the githyanki of the Black Fleet are holding their own conclave about their next moves. Many of the highest ranking remaining are meeting at a local githyanki tea-house.


Gy-Nath intercepts the Knight before she can leave. "You are already taking your charge, I see. I still believe we must return to Sigil as soon as possible, and joining this Black Fleet seems the best option to find the portals we seek.

{DM: If Ii'jyka'vaar wants to go to Xailen's tea-house, Gy-Nath and most of the party will accompany her. Players are free to accompany too. We just got the party back together, wouldn't want to split it again now}


Ya'shenn sees Gy-Nath intercept the knight as soon as the black fleet githyanki she spoke with left her. Ya'shenn's instincts tell her something is going on, and evolving quickly. Kirath and Ar'dru are speaking with two strange duthka'gith. Az'thri stands eagerly sketching insignia.


Still sensing happenings on the periphery of the group as well as the groups of commanders, Xer'mun Sees Gish Lis plant a Silver in each of the fleets to help coordinate their efforts. The Silver are the smallest fleet, the fastest, and the most ready to depart immediately. They will undoubtedly arrive in The Dead Stones first.

Meanwhile, several more "black" gith slip down the street and disappear into an alley a couple of blocks to the west.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
While she doesn't stare, it is easy (especially for Xer'mun, no doubt) to follow the psion's gaze as it takes in the badge and carefully reads the tir'su on his wrappings.

Once etiquette permits, the psion bows very politely. "It is a pleasure to meet a ghaik slayer so celebrated, one before whom Tamers cower." Azthri'zhankel will be overjoyed! Ha! "It must pain you to be separated from the Underdark for any length of time. No doubt one such as yourself has many stories to tell; I would be delighted to hear such, as time permits."

In truth, Ya'shenn is more wary than that. Xer'mun is apparently here with the blessing of his commanders... and not all githyanki would be quick to associate with the scum of the Black Fleet. True, their group had been on rrakkma until interrupted by a skipping portal. Gish Lis had been willing to go against Mist-of-the-Mind's wishes, which had been heartening, but she cannot be at all sure of this newcomer's purposes or politics, other than a very likely association with the Silver Eyes.

Xer'mun seems to acknowledge the psion's perusal and remarks with courtesy. Xer'mun returns the bow respectfully. "It is an honor to meet a true ralisk. Your bold decision echoes through the streets. Few would have rode ahead of Onyx to ready the People. I do miss the hunt, but the silver winds shift as they may. It is the duty of my Order to serve the People wherever the foul ghaik worm their tentacles.

I would be glad to share accounts of past hunts, as well as hear more of your own."

Ya'shenn can tell he is genuinely impressed by some action Yashenn or the Git'ribani have made. Was it her choice to fly with the Knight to warn Starmantle? Or to ally with the Firebringer against Pale? Or both? If she chooses to focus on his demeanor, she will read that it is a real compliment and likely both.

When he has the chance, the hunter gives Kirath a knowing look and bows the deepest he has yet. His voice rings boldly through the din as he says, "Sarth Kirath of Copper, may your blade never falter. The People will not soon forget the might and name of the Copper Ring."

Despite being alert to the situation around him, Xermun truly pauses when he says this to Kirath. The undertone of his words floods with the mutual understanding and honor shared by veterans of terrible battles. The Darkfields still burns fresh in the slayer's mind.

Xermun positions himself to follow Gy'nath and the Knight should they leave. He continues his vigilance and neither moves to bid Silver off nor add to Gish Lish's words. If the leaders do not head for the tea shop, the giph will take his leave and follow the few "blacks" who are still making their way to wherever they are going.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vhaar then proceeds to go to the address of the tea shop of Xailen the Brewer, hoping she can find him quickly, and have a chat.., notifying Lehr'Asj'tor that she will be there if he needs to find her for reply messages and such..
Before leaving to deliver the dispatches, Lehr informs Ii that the teashop is in a stone building a short walk from the Customs House. (back to that later)

Gy-Nath intercepts the Knight before she can leave. "You are already taking your charge, I see. I still believe we must return to Sigil as soon as possible, and joining this Black Fleet seems the best option to find the portals we seek.
{DM: If Ii'jyka'vaar wants to go to Xailen's tea-house, Gy-Nath and most of the party will accompany her. Players are free to accompany too. We just got the party back together, wouldn't want to split it again now}

Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks at Gy-Nath as he approaches.. and replies; "Yes, Gy-Nath, I am taking charge of this mess.. I am about to make my way to the tea house to see if I can add Xailen to my roster.., Lehr'Asj'Tor advised me that he might be persuaded to join our cause if I put a little effort into it.. So I will give this a try.." with that said,, she moves herself towards the tea-house, not really waiting for either Gy-Nath or anybody else.. she has set her mind to doing something proactive..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Indeed, as Gish Lis turns to the new commanders and the Git'ribani, he lets them know that since Xer'mun is "well known" to their own Psion, they can send important messages through him.

A simple act that speaks volumes. I am well repaid for saving this lot from impressment and eventual undeath. Perhaps I should have left them to their respective fates. At least it does much to explain Xer'mun's presence. She had begun to warm to him, too, Eyes or not. Gish Lis is certainly aware that the Git'ribani already have a telepath among them. As usual, Ya'shenn controls her expression, but she wonders whether any passing psion can sense her anger even from a considerable distance.

Once Gish Lis turns away, she speaks with Xer'mun again. While the psion's tone has not exited the bounds of courtesy, it is less warm than it had been. "You are a very courteous gith... Coordinator. I'm sure you will be welcome among this group. One can hardly refuse a dedicated ghaik slayer."

While she observes both Kirath speaking with a pair of duthka'gith, and Gy-Nath paying a visit to Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Ya'shenn does not join either group just yet. Should both Kirath and Ii'Jyka'Vaar depart, she will most likely follow the githees.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The Crowd of Githyanki is beginning to break up, and Lahar bids the Git'ribani farewell for now. The Garnet and Ruby forces of the red fleet are the most numerous, but thanks to Ya'shenn's and Ii'jyka'vaar's early warning, ready to take to the sea.

Ii'jyka'vaar leads the way to the teahouse, having been informed by Leyr'Asj'tor where it can be found. Kirath and Ar-dru are similarly led by the duthka'gith, trailing the rest of the party. It is a walk along the warf for a good distance before turning up the hill at a small cross-street between warehouses. Up the hill a short distance, the street splits, going around a small promontory of bedrock. Along the right-hand fork, built right up to rock, is a large stone building of the same material. It may have been an inn at one point, but now it is roofless and partially ruined. A wooden door still stands at the ground floor, but it is hacked-at and burned, and currently wide open. In the doorway a small knot of four githyanki are present. The party is walking up the hill, and the githyanki duck inside before they arrive.

{ DM note: party now consists of; Ii, Ya'shenn, Azthri, Kirath, Ar'dru, Du'minh, Na'rai & Sthar, Gy-Nath, K'tch, Sark'ja, Ha'kanaa, and Kitiir }

The party enters the partly ruined building. The rubble has been cleaned up so that there is a large empty space, turning what was the interior into a walled courtyard of sorts. There is a small door down a flight of steps to one side that seems to lead into the rock itself. There are a few githyanki here in the front parlor. Indeed there are a few tables and benches, as well as an abused bar counter. A pair of githyanki step out and share drinks with a couple of those out here.

The githyanki here are githwarriors from the Pride. Varsh-Mil is one of those who came out to serve the others, and he will dominate any conversation. He can tell the caliber of those he deals with very quickly, complementing their gear, their order, or their warband, in such a way as to let it be known that he has a sharp eye and a quick mind.

Another githyanki steps out of the cellar with a tray of beverages. He is Xailen the tea-brewer. He introduces himself to the newcomers, and invites them to come below and get a cup before he quickly goes back in himself. He will return in a few minutes with another tray, and Varsh-Mil will inform anyone who is inclined to follow him below that there is no need.

Mil knows the actions of the commanders, and who Na'rai, Ii'jyka'vaar, and Kirath are.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka looks at first bewildered, but luckily her face-mask keeps that from showing at
all, her first instinct was to draw her weapon, as she thought it was a scene of very recent battle, and not a fully used tea-house..

Ii'Jyka nods to Xailen when he introduces himself, then when he proceeds to go down the "cellar" and Ii'Jyka poises herself to follow, she is interrupted by Varsh-Mil she replies, whilst turning her blood-red crystal mask towards the Varsh; "I think I will be the judge of that need myself, not to let myself be informed by someone I completely don't know", she spits this out in a acerbic tone, as if she might have just been almost insulted by this "nosey" Varsh..

(roll for making him back off)

I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 11, 17 = 28.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar does not wait for the Varsh to reply at all, moving down the stairs with just a fluid motion as she had used to suddenly reply to the Varsh..
Walking down the staircase she composes herself, trying to be serene, as she wants to come across to Xailen in the nicest form possible, ~"she could care less for random unknown characters like that obnoxious Varsh.."~..

~"Happy thoughts.. happy indeed.."~

"Ah, Xailen, I would like to have a word with you in private if possible.., I have had word you might be persuadable to suggestions of joining the fleet, so I have heard from my informant.. could we discuss interests and motivations?
I would like to hear from you what happened here at the tea-house, perhaps this has to do with your motivations?"
she comments like a silk kitten (or at least tries to do so..)

I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 17, 10 = 27.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Unlike Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Ya'shenn is not yet aware of all the interesting little details about the crew of the Black Fleet that the knight knows. Still, she does what she can.

In stark contrast to the githees (once again...), Ya'shenn calmly sips her tea and thanks Xailen politely for the beverage. While she has no reason to suspect poisoning or drugging, she tries to determine whether fierce pirates might not slip something 'extra' into such a seemingly innocuous drink, for their own intoxication. She also takes the time to gauge the relationships between these githyanki of the Black Fleet: who are the most dominant of the crew present? Who seems to like or dislike whom? The psion is visibly fascinated by Ii'Jyka'Vaar's strong reaction to what, to her, appears to be a polite and intelligent varsh.

Perhaps Ii'Jyka'Vaar is actually more perceptive than Ya'shenn would normally give her credit for? The psion decides to keep this Mil occupied for the moment. Her battle-sister had given her no signal to follow.

Ya'shenn catches Mil's gaze and, if need be, introduces herself, very politely and without either fanfare or self-deprecation. "You have heard of all that has transpired, yes? I am quite curious about your present plans, as well as those of your battle-brethren. Though indirectly, I am one of those parties responsible for the sudden departure of the Black Fleet's commander, and I would hate to see its crew left in a state of disorganization. Still, considering how forcible impressment tends to..." the psion cannot help but smile (and for a moment her eyes are alight!)... "not end well, I doubt that conscription needs to be a concern for the crew of the Black Fleet. I do hope we can come to an agreement that all parties find adequate."

[Sense Motive on the githyanki present. Who's in charge? Who likes/dislikes whom? What's going on here?]

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 9, 14 = 23.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Azure wrote:
Indeed, as Gish Lis turns to the new commanders and the Git'ribani, he lets them know that since Xer'mun is "well known" to their own Psion, they can send important messages through him.

A simple act that speaks volumes. I am well repaid for saving this lot from impressment and eventual undeath. Perhaps I should have left them to their respective fates. At least it does much to explain Xer'mun's presence. She had begun to warm to him, too, Eyes or not. Gish Lis is certainly aware that the Git'ribani already have a telepath among them. As usual, Ya'shenn controls her expression, but she wonders whether any passing psion can sense her anger even from a considerable distance.

Once Gish Lis turns away, she speaks with Xer'mun again. While the psion's tone has not exited the bounds of courtesy, it is less warm than it had been. "You are a very courteous gith... Coordinator. I'm sure you will be welcome among this group. One can hardly refuse a dedicated ghaik slayer."

Xer'mun's eyes firm for a moment before he answers her civil response to Gish Lish's words. "The Blades of Git'ribani have made a name for themselves on this Prime among the People, however short they have been here, though all noble sons and daughters of the Liberator are due respect. It is the way of the Void, as a Tu'narathi knows. However, I am merely a Second to a true ralisk as a Double-Edged Mind. I am but a voice to Silver, while you have the mind to speak even to the Firebringer himself. The role of Coordinator is still yours."

Xer'mun bows slightly to end the conversation in a formal fashion. His tone betrays no slight in his words. The giph, however, has referenced the fact that Ya'shenn is "well known" to the Firebringer, perhaps in an effort to appease the offense or as a reminder that the Git'ribani have made a splash with their appearance in Starmantle that the Fleets haven't fully processed yet.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Varsh-Mil simply smirks at Ii'Jyka'vaar's rudeness. When she walks away he continues to converse with Ya'shenn and the others. He is civil and well-spoken, with an abundance of personal charisma (and an overabundance of physical beauty). There is a slight air of arrogance about him, though, as may be evident in the highly knowledgeable. As a teacher/trainer he is appalled at the upbringing of the native Sigilans, but he is just polite enough to express it with sympathy instead of distain.

His demeanor changes somewhat when Kirath and the duthka'gith enter. He glowers at them, and quotes scriptures of Gith against the worship of powers and the mixing of gith and non-gith blood. He does not speak to or confront them directly, though, except to acknowledge Kirath briefly as "Warlock" { DM note, he would have greeted Ii'Jyka'vaar and Na'rai first, and formally, when the Party arrived. }


"Well, I admit that 'not being executed by a Knight of Vlaakith' has recently become very high up on my list of motivations. You wish me to sail with the fleet, Githees? I'll not refuse, certainly. In fact, I have been preparing for this." Xailen replies.

He does not reply to Ii's suggestion that they speak alone, however. She looks around and sees that there are more githwarriors in here, drinking tea. There is a large hearth with three different huge cast iron kettles on the fire. Situated around the room are a number of skulls and severed heads of various graith races, mostly hanging from the rafters in nets. There are also a huge collection of herbs, both hanging and ground up in glass jars.

Before Ii'Jyka'vaar can say anything more, Xailen grabs one of the kettles and pours her a tall mug, using a small screen to strain out the herbs within. He garnishes it with a leaf from one of the hanging herbs. The drink is hot and aromatic, and is perhaps the most delicious beverage she has had ... well, ever.

{DM note: The 'damage' to the building is old and pretty much cleaned up, indicating that this building was taken from the graith by force either during the incursion or somewhat afterwards. Xailen will offer a brief explanation to this effect should Ii ask again, but she would realize the damage was not new.}

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar is a little frustrated that he doesn't go into more detail as to why he would so easily join the fleet at her request, if it is indeed to her request at al, if not her rank and position.

~"why mention the execution edict of Vlaakith?... He must be becoming personally thus advanced in power that he has to worry about Vlaakith's old edicts perhaps still being carried out by those in power or those who wish to enforce that old edict for their own agendas???..."~

She muses that thought as she sips the brew she has been given, momentarily forgetting her earlier request, as it stands, when her thoughts return, she isn't bothered about that anyway, plenty of time on the fleet to do so again....

She says to Xailen; "Your brew is very nice indeed, it's refreshing to enjoy a brew without worrying if it contains any alcohol.., do tell me the story of this building and how it got into your "possession" if you would be so kind, and indulge me also in perhaps enlightening me , is your non refusal, because of my specific request, or because of my position/ rank?."

Diplomacy to Xailen
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 15, 10 = 25.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Drat! Smiling, double post, O dm, please ignore or delete (at your leisure)

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'zhan'kel steps into the teahouse last, taking in the ambience and a few minutes slip into an unoccupied chair, sketching the interior as well as the teahouse's occupants. Momentarily distracted by more than one of the gith males in attendance, particularly the pirates. the doctor shakes her head with a grimace. Her attention settles upon the skulls before she takes to gazing at the various jars and bundles of herbs, wondering if she could purchase or haggle for the recipes. Teas are one of the few happier childhood recollections she has aside from the painfully recent teas she shared with the Carnelians.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


Xailen smiles and nods to Ii'Jyka'vaar. "Your position is an intimidating one. Look at you, a heavily armed harbinger of death, riding a war-wyvern, flies into port. When Mil told me the Black Fleet had a Knight, I thought "Well, would I rather wait for stories of this foray, or see this adventure myself?" The adventure won out, so It's free tea til we travel, since I can only take a few casks with us."

"As for the teahouse? It was a graith tavern before we came. Starmantle was conquered easily, but there were some pockets of resistance. This building is in a defensible position, with an ample amount of supply storage, kitches, bed, etc. You get the picture; it was commandeered by the graith guardsmen for defense. I was one of the sarth in the assault here, and I admired the building and the fact that was still ... mostly ... intact. So, with the help of some cohorts we cleaned it back up a bit and made it a teahouse. The door into the rock there is still stout as ever, and keeps graith thieves out of my herbs whenever I'm away. I keep the burned front doors as a warning. I trap 'em if I go anywhere for more than a day. The windows, too."

Xailen seems pretty nonchalant for having admitted to fearing Ii blades. Fear may be why he decided to sail, but he says so with a shrug and keeps pouring tea.

Another githyanki slips up behind Ii'Jyka'vaar so silently and quickly that she is not aware of him until he speaks.

"Like Xailen, I thought to myself "Shall I see misadventure for myself?" Styrrn thought not. I, on the other hand, think this will very interesting."

Ii'Jyka'vaar turns to see a githyanki shorter than most. His hair is completely white (almost unheard of among githyanki, and he may dye it so) that frames his head like a lion's mane; no braids, beads, dreads, pins, tails, or anything (also unusual for githyanki). He looks older than most other githwarriors here, including Xailen and herself, but his mannerisms betray an overabundance of energy. He only comes up to Ii's chin, and he measures his height against her with a wide grin.

"Your position IS impressive. Your rank? Well, I don't think anybody cares very much around here anymore. The Black Fleet has a non-traditional command structure, as more befits being pirates, outcasts, thieves, and scallywags. Styrrn commanded though a combination of ruthlessness, guile, diplomacy, intimidation, and tactics. You certainly have the intimidation down, and your diplomacy seems pretty good so far.

Xailen re-fills this other githyanki's mug, but with a combination of herbs unlike what he gave Ii.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn catches Mil's gaze and, if need be, introduces herself, very politely and without either fanfare or self-deprecation.

"You have heard of all that has transpired, yes? I am quite curious about your present plans, as well as those of your battle-brethren. Though indirectly, I am one of those parties responsible for the sudden departure of the Black Fleet's commander, and I would hate to see its crew left in a state of disorganization. Still, considering how forcible impressment tends to..." the psion cannot help but smile (and for a moment her eyes are alight!)... "not end well, I doubt that conscription needs to be a concern for the crew of the Black Fleet. I do hope we can come to an agreement that all parties find adequate."

"The Black Fleet's Commander ... " Varsh-Mil frowns and grinds his teeth, "Styrrn ... he's nothing but a low down ... double-dealing ... back-stabbing ... larcenous ... perverted ... worm!"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:

Xailen smiles and nods to Ii'Jyka'vaar. "Your position is an intimidating one. Look at you, a heavily armed harbinger of death, riding a war-wyvern, flies into port. When Mil told me the Black Fleet had a Knight, I thought "Well, would I rather wait for stories of this foray, or see this adventure myself?" The adventure won out, so It's free tea til we travel, since I can only take a few casks with us."

Ii'Jyka'Vaar keeps impassive as he recants impression of her and the fleet.. when he mentions th etea, she replies; "It will be good to have your brews on board the ship, and I will make sure you have ample opportunity and resources available for your brews whilst we sail.."

Azure wrote:
"As for the teahouse? It was a graith tavern before we came. Starmantle was conquered easily, but there were some pockets of resistance. This building is in a defensible position, with an ample amount of supply storage, kitches, bed, etc. You get the picture; it was commandeered by the graith guardsmen for defense. I was one of the sarth in the assault here, and I admired the building and the fact that was still ... mostly ... intact. So, with the help of some cohorts we cleaned it back up a bit and made it a teahouse. The door into the rock there is still stout as ever, and keeps graith thieves out of my herbs whenever I'm away. I keep the burned front doors as a warning. I trap 'em if I go anywhere for more than a day. The windows, too."

Xailen seems pretty nonchalant for having admitted to fearing Ii blades. Fear may be why he decided to sail, but he says so with a shrug and keeps pouring tea.

"An interesting story regardless, are you able to set magical traps or rather more mundane ones?.."" (she seems genuinely interested in this)

Azure wrote:
Another githyanki slips up behind Ii'Jyka'vaar so silently and quickly that she is not aware of him until he speaks.."Like Xailen, I thought to myself "Shall I see misadventure for myself?" Styrrn thought not. I, on the other hand, think this will very interesting."

Ii'Jyka'vaar turns to see a githyanki shorter than most. His hair is completely white (almost unheard of among githyanki, and he may dye it so) that frames his head like a lion's mane; no braids, beads, dreads, pins, tails, or anything (also unusual for githyanki). He looks older than most other githwarriors here, including Xailen and herself, but his mannerisms betray an overabundance of energy. He only comes up to Ii's chin, and he measures his height against her with a wide grin.

When the smaller Gith suddenly speaks from behind her, she spins round with a murder in her eyes, and she fights the urge to strange the smaller githyanki with her bare hands.. her eyes flare up in silverish light (a by product of the use of psionics), seemingly she blurs from sight.. and speaks through gritted teeth from behind her mask; "I advise you not to do that ever again, if you value your life worth of continuing.." her fingers seem to cramp a bit whilst she fights the murderous urge, then straightens her fingers and relaxes a bit.. though this seems a bit hard for her to do..

Azure wrote:
"Your position IS impressive. Your rank? Well, I don't think anybody cares very much around here anymore. The Black Fleet has a non-traditional command structure, as more befits being pirates, outcasts, thieves, and scallywags. Styrrn commanded though a combination of ruthlessness, guile, diplomacy, intimidation, and tactics. You certainly have the intimidation down, and your diplomacy seems pretty good so far.

Xailen re-fills this other githyanki's mug, but with a combination of herbs unlike what he gave Ii.

Maybe its her gritting or the fact her voice has to come from behind the mask that makes the intimidation not fully come to the fore.. but this seems Ii'Jyka not to bother.. regardless of all this, she did nearly try to strangle the man, whether he knows it or not is somewhat irrelevant.. ~"murder swims through her head, songs of blood and murder, so sweet, but her own inner voice pierces through, "happy thoughts, happy thoughts!", and with that the murderous clouding of her mind seems to subsume.."~ then simply stays silent for the duration of this mans reply, only replying with a blank look and subdued voice...; "Who are you?.."..

Intimidate on small Githyanki
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 1, 17 = 18.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


only replying with a blank look and subdued voice...; "Who are you?..".. Intimidate on small Githyanki I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 1, 17 = 18.
"I'm the Voidwalker. You are the Knight. The Sorcerer and the Jade Kith'rak are here as well? What about the Blades of Git'riban?"

With that, he disappears, teleporting away suddenly.

Xailen enlists a githwarrior to help him pour two more trays of tea-mugs. He also gives another pair a couple of smaller kettles to take outside. He tells any remaining to also go out and join the meeting in the bar-room.

Soon, he is alone in the tea-cellar with Ii'Jyka'vaar.



[Sense Motive on the githyanki present. Who's in charge? Who likes/dislikes whom? What's going on here?]
Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 9, 14 = 23.

Varsh-Mil seems to dominate the group of mostly rank-and-file githwarriors, and his cursing of Styrrn's name echoes among those present. These are githyanki betrayed by Styrrn, left behind because they were considered unimportant, unwanted, or simply unliked, by Styrrn or one of his closer cronies.

The Duthka'gith are given a wide berth by other githwarriors, though the look of awe is hard to mistake in some. Among themselves, the female warrior is the more extroverted personality, and speaks eagerly with Kirath and Ar'dru.

There is also a female githyanki sitting alone on a stool near one end of the high bar, observing the gathering.

Ya'shenn sees another githyanki; short, with white hair like a lion's mane, appear suddenly on the roofless second floor. It acts as a kind of balcony over the 'bar room'.

Two more groups of gith soon arrive. The first group is seven gith sailors led by Gav'jji the Swift. They are dressed in pirate fashion, with light or minimal armor and swift blades. Soon behind them are a similar group of nine githwarriors in rich gear lead by Shar'shau. Lehr'Asj'tor, Ii's contact in the fleet, is also with this second group.

Generally, the greetings and conversation are friendly, but light. Varsh-Mil helps make introductions. He speaks mostly with Na'rai of Jade. Her sarth, Sthar, fetches the rest of her squad; six elite githwarriors with heavy gear. The Varsh is particularly complementary to the Jade, and Ya'shenn senses the political undertones.

Mil asks questions about other locales, and shares some tactical information himself. "The Pirate Isles are our playground. There is little trade in the West, but swift and bold graith ships increasingly run from Sembia. Cormyr's Navy guards The Neck, a straight east of here into their own smaller sea. They have not ventured forth ... yet! Styrrn, I'm sure, saw no profit in going that way, if they were to try to break out and attack The Dead Stones."

"I too see little profit in the west. The Dead Stones are largely looted. There is nothing there but rebels and refugees. The Eastern lands on the Sea were hardly touched by the Incursion. Plenty of trade that way. " Shar'shau replies.

"The west holds little profit, maybe, but how much Honor? Would you leave your siblings trapped in a profitless passage, if you could save their blades for a better battle? I may hold the Firebringer in less regard than some others here, but his words, at least, were true in that regard, as were yours Na'rai of Jade. Let us save as many blades for the ENEMY as we can."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn listens quite attentively to the flow of conversation, paying much attention to whatever she can gather of the personalities of the participants. Her eyes scan the githyanki present for whatever warband insignia they may still wear, as well as for any other visible clues about them. (She even attempts to analyze whatever assortment of varied warband insignia Mil might be wearing.)

After Mil speaks, she addresses the pirates of the Black Fleet as a whole, though her attention is focused most on Shar'shau and Gav'jji. "I agree. As you all have likely heard, our intention is to set sail for the Dead Stones, along with all of you who are willing. Assisting our brethren in Urmlaspyr would benefit everyone, and the preservation of githyanki lives is invariably a detriment to the Great Enemy. I hardly need mention that assisting them is itself honorable, and that most githyanki in such straits would be highly grateful for such help -- as you yourselves might feel, were you in a similar position.

"The moral arguments themselves are strong, and stand on their own, but in case anyone is not fully convinced by these, I will offer a coldly pragmatic argument. The opinion of others is not tangible; it is not something you can hold in your hand like a gold piece; yet it is not less valuable. That good regard may be less reliable, in some ways, than gold, but it can bring rewards that cannot be bought. As for the reputation of the Black Fleet...." she makes an expansive gesture with one hand, but does not elaborate. "With the disappearance of its captain, the remaining crew of that fleet now stand to alter that reputation, in whichever direction its members may wish. If the Black Fleet were to participate in a deed of might and honor such as this, others would remember it."

Inwardly, Ya'shenn feels even more forked-tongued than usual as she says this.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Varsh-Mil gives Ya'shenn a smile. "Our sister speaks true. Have we been among the graith so long that we hold gold more valuable than Honor? More valuable than the lives of our people? Remember Gith's teachings, siblings!"

Shar'shau looks unconvinced, and gives a smirk in Mil's direction. Gav'jji, on the other hand, seems to be in serious thought.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"There are other pragmatic considerations, as well. For example, if some of you were to decide to split from your main force -- which I cannot recommend -- you would lose the advantage of safety in numbers. While I do not doubt the ferocity of any member of this crew, the graith might manage to mount a strong counter-attack at any time, and you would not want to find yourselves isolated from your brethren, a tempting target for hordes of barbarians desperate for revenge. The smaller your own numbers, and the further away you become from others of our own kind, the more difficult it may become to control even the graith who choose to follow you. Even if you were fortunate enough not to meet organized graith opposition, you would only be in a position to attack smaller and less tempting targets, due to your smaller crew.

"There might be some sort of loot to be had, even in a picked-over location -- even if it only comes in the form of looted weapons and gear from fallen enemies. Knowledge is itself a form of treasure, and if any of the barbarians at our destination have information of any use, they can be parted from it easily enough." Ya'shenn doesn't add that she is a telepath; considering the likely number of pure scum and criminals among this crew, at least some of them must be aware of what her dagger means. "If there is a gold piece in Urmlaspyr left to take, I am more likely than most to find out about it." She looks over to Na'rai of Jade. "However, I believe we are seriously constrained as to space. As fine as lucre can be, I would not leave githwarriors behind for the sake of loot, should such a conflict arise."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar walks in to the meeting after Xailen but before any other gith who were there still.. She listens to what is discussed by the two vocal gith and her sister Ya'shenn, when she sees an opening right after this initial exchange of ideas, she states;
"Interesting choice of words, my esteemed sister.. one very fitting, and I have to add, that although I am not the sole commander of what might be left over of the black fleet now and after we have had this talk between us, I do not take lightly those who do not feel their honour is needed to be upheld..

I do not wish to force people to do something they don't want, seeing as this might lead to similar things we hate because of our great enemy and I do not wish this, but I do not see it any less than what might tantamount to, "in my view", as treason to our race if any of you decide to walk away because the lucre, as my sister just put it, isn't good enough.. I hope I make myself clear..."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

A quiet shadow descends the stairs between arriving Gith. The warrior takes in his surroundings and listens to the conversations as they play out. The only remark Xer'mun gives is a cordial nod to the Varsh and a request for tea. "An honor to meet a trainer of the People. May I share in one of your brews?"

Xer'mun takes a place along the wall to watch the balcony and occupants of the Tea House.


Synesthete still going.
Sense Motive on the groups
Listen and Spot checks to notice the various subgroups among the lot.

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 15, 4 = 19.
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 15, 8 = 23.
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 11, 8 = 19.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Shar'shau sneers, "Yes, yes. We've heard more than enough pontification about honor and duty from the Varsh already, without the newcomers piling it on too."

It is the duthka'gith Khem who replies first to Shar'shau, "If your desire were to remain here, you should have slunk into the Custom's House and reported to Ib'm. Those who came here are for sailing, wherever the Black Fleet goes. It remains only for us now to choose a new command and a direction." He looks pointedly at Ii, Na'rai, and Kirath. The newcomers begin to realize that their command of the Black Fleet is far from assured, despite what Lahar and the other commanders said. "I for one am for upholding the other Fleets' recommendations. We should sail for The Dead Stones with the other fleets and aid in the evacuation. Of course, if we find anything there worth keeping, then keep it we shall. We sail under the Jade, the Knight, and the Warlock. Or at least we keep this appearance for the graith. It would actually be easier than one of us, who the graith already know, taking command."

"I agree with our cousin," Gav'jji the Swift speaks up, "But in any case the newcomers should join our fellowship officially. Mlar-Kav'natch bring out the skull."

The female githyanki who sat apart silently steps forward. Out of a sack she pulls an illithid skull guilded with fine crystal and metal lines in complex patterns. It is recognizable as a control skull from one of the astral ships.

"Take the skull and swear to serve the interests of the githyanki of the Black Fleet. It is a formality, but an important one to us."

Before anyone can take the skull, however, K'rr'jakak the Voidwalker interjects excitedly, "Wait! Wait! All the githyanki of the fleet should witness this!" He disappears from the 'balcony', and a few moments later reappears surrounded by six figures covered in black cloaks. They are most likely the swordwraiths from the Raven's Claw.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Beautiful," Ya'shenn murmurs under her breath, as the captain's skull makes its appearance. While she takes this situation entirely seriously, the psion is simultaneously enjoying the same situation a great deal. Something about dealing with the variegated scum, misfits, and renegades of the githyanki race appeals to her, while a different aspect of her psyche, undoubtedly influenced by her Tu'narathi upbringing, finds it repulsive. Then, "Styrrn left that behind?"

Ya'shenn rises to her feet; the ritual nature of the scene is reflected in an increased formality in her own demeanor. "Anyone may rightfully question what the interests of the Black Fleet even are, at this point in time. Look at yourselves, siblings, and cousins. It is already apparent to me that those of you who sailed under Styrrn are not even in agreement among yourselves on this point, yet you would have us swear to that which you yourselves do not know? The nature of the true interests of the Black Fleet must be made wholly clear before any oath is proper."

She looks to the very draconic-looking duthka'gith, Khem. "Honored cousin, your words... they seem to suggest that the Black Fleet may be finding it a bit... difficult to keep its barbarian sailors under control, especially with Styrrn now absent. Why else volunteer outsiders like ourselves for this purpose?" Ya'shenn looks to Ii'Jyka'Vaar, then to Kirath and Na'rai. "Should the githees Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Na'rai of Jade, and Kirath of the Copper Ring take command of the Black Fleet, it will not be as a polite fiction."

She sends to Ii'Jyka'Vaar: ~Counter proposal: The identity of the new commanders of the Black Fleet shall be determined here and now, and the oath will be to serve those commanders faithfully for the duration of the voyage... within reason, of course. I need not mention Pale and unreasonable orders... You in turn will swear to do right by the crew to the best of your ability. You may have to duel for the privilege. Do you want this?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'zhan'kel perks at the commotion, having continuously been drawing insignia and taking assorted notes on all in attendance. She pauses to place her sketchbook into her satchel and strides over to the outskirts of the gathering githyanki.

"Well, I always did fancy the idea of calling kip among pirates...."


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Ya'shenn rises to her feet; the ritual nature of the scene is reflected in an increased formality in her own demeanor. "Anyone may rightfully question what the interests of the Black Fleet even are, at this point in time. Look at yourselves, siblings, and cousins. It is already apparent to me that those of you who sailed under Styrrn are not even in agreement among yourselves on this point, yet you would have us swear to that which you yourselves do not know? The nature of the true interests of the Black Fleet must be made wholly clear before any oath is proper."
Ii'Jyka simply sneers through her teeth in reaction to the pirate's claim of formality.. she replies; "Agreed dear sister, this is a preposterous claim to make against "us".."

Zimrazim wrote:
Ya'shenn looks to Ii'Jyka'Vaar, then to Kirath and Na'rai. "Should the githees Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Na'rai of Jade, and Kirath of the Copper Ring take command of the Black Fleet, it will not be as a polite fiction."
"I am no man's puppet, nor Narai nor Kirath.. we rule by three, and not because of any perceived problems with any graith.." she states matter of fact.

Zimrazim wrote:
She sends to Ii'Jyka'Vaar: ~Counter proposal: The identity of the new commanders of the Black Fleet shall be determined here and now, and the oath will be to serve those commanders faithfully for the duration of the voyage... within reason, of course. I need not mention Pale and unreasonable orders... You in turn will swear to do right by the crew to the best of your ability. You may have to duel for the privilege. Do you want this?
When Ya'shenn sends her the mental communication, Ya'shenn can feel the hatred for this farce seep through, even if its just mental communication. Ya'shenn simply gets a nod from Ii'Jyka'Vaar, when Ii'Jyka looks back at her to confirm.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

It is Av'dra the Dun who replies to Ya'shenn and Ii'Jyka'vaar, "The primary interest of us in the Black Fleet is survival. We have all taken this oath, despite or personal and political differences, to watch out for each others' lives. Our heading of sail matters not. Our lives matter greatly to us. Whomever we choose to follow, and it will be our choice; though I still have much respect for the Firebringer he does not command the Black Fleet ... whomever we choose to follow as commanders must swear not to squander our lives neither needlessly nor recklessly."

Gav'jji the Swift adds to her words, "Indeed. Each of us will re-affirm our own oaths to the Black Fleet, if necessary, so that all may witness them. Any who refuse will not sail with us. As for the Knight, the Jade Kith'rak, and the Warlock; if you have no interest in even symbolically joining us, why would we consent to have you leading us?"

The words are spoken with pride, and Xailen interjects quickly to try to calm things down, "No one is implying that you are anyone's puppet, Githees. Indeed your rebellion against Master Pale provides more than enough proof that you are not. But you must understand that each child of Gith here is their own person. If you are to command, it is by mandate from the fellowship. I have no doubt you could compel much obedience through violence or the threat thereof, but with all due respect, I think that would be a mistake."

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri moves towards the line of sight of the others, hoping the groups do not explode into an all out fight.

"Might I speak, brothers and sisters? Are we all not looking towards the same goals, promises of plunder aside? Are we not all githyanki? The Great Enemy is still out there. I know I have not even killed one ghaik and I am young in years, yet isn't this what they want? We were weakened when the githzerai abandoned us, we are at our most vulnerable now. "

(OOC: Can I possibly roll for diplomacy even though she will very likely fail?)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"I hear your words. An oath is something to be taken with great seriousness, and the words of that oath should be chosen with care. Siblings, cousins, if you will have me, I will swear..." Ya'shenn is actually silent for several moments, her gaze fixated on the skull, though she does not reach out to take it. Not yet. Once the words are settled in her mind, she addresses the crowd again. "I will swear that, for the duration of this mission, and bearing in mind the purposes of that mission, I shall have common cause with the People of the Black Fleet. I shall consider each of you as I would respected fellow warriors, and treat each of you with such decent regard as you individually deserve, provided that the same sentiments are returned. Will this suffice?"

Ya'shenn continues: "Whatever the identity of the fleet's commanders may prove to be, this should be determined here and now, in this room. Once the Black Fleet is under sail, it will have other pressing concerns."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Although this goes against my teachings and better judgement, at this moment in time and place I think it prudent to assent, and I will accept a mutual vow, how I will word it will need some time of thought, so I want to have a few minutes to discuss with Ya'shenn of the double edged mind (forgot if she has a proper title, or is this enough?) , Na'rai of Jade, and Kirath of the Copper Ring to discuss private."

She pauses to get a breath and to clear her thoughts just enough to add;
"I think this should be reasonable, no?..."

I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 7, 10 = 17.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The Black Fleet gith look unhappy about Ii'Jyka'vaar's request. Some merely look annoyed while others frown. Several are about to protest at once, but before they can, Na'rai sweeps in and takes the skull.

"That will not be necessary, for me at least."

She holds the skull aloft wit one hand. With the other, she removes her jade and silver mask. All see that her face is heavily scarred, including tentacle scars from at least one unsuccessful attempt by a mind flayer to remove her brain.

"I, Kith'rak Narai of The Jade Tower, swear my blades to service in The Black Fleet, to defend the lives of my siblings. If I am to lead, then to the best of my ability I will strive for victory. If I am to follow, I will obey any reasonable order. I will do this until the time comes for me to leave this band of githyanki. So I swear."

The Black Fleet githyanki look at each other. It seems they approve, at least enough to be satisfied. Na'rai then passes the skull to her Sarth, S'thar, who also makes an oath before passing it, in turn, to each of Na'rai's elite Jade warriors. The Jade, including S'thar, each specifically include in their oaths a promise to obey Na'rai's orders.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The red crystal mask on Ii'Jyka's face does not reveal much of her facial expression, though if Ya'shenn still has contact with her, she can feel frustration and uncertainty coming through..

Ii'Jyka looks at the others who are to make such a vow.. to see their reactions..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn takes up the skull. Rather than holding it high in the air, she holds the captain's skull before her in one hand, slightly below her own eye level. As a gifted historian, she recalls that Gith pirates had drunkenly argued, and githyanki naval crews had more soberly argued, over this point; a captain's skull might be held aloft as trophies were, but others believed that holding an illithid skull above them symbolized illithid superiority, which was of course unthinkable.

While she speaks in a conversational tone, the psion is addressing the entire audience. "I had hoped that the leadership of the Fleet would be determined with certainty before this point." She isn't happy about taking an oath to an unknown quantity, especially after tlai'kajorr Pale. The pirates of the fleet are likely feeling exactly the same way, though.

The psion's demeanor and tone become more formal and ritualistic once more. She might surprise everyone by uttering a single sentence in the almost unfathomably ancient tongue of the Forerunners: "Death to the Enslavers!"

Ya'shenn returns to the modern githyanki dialect, primarily to be understandable to her audience, though her refined Tu'narathi accent is even more in evidence than usual. "I, Ya'shenn of the Double-Edged Mind, of the Band of Amber, do take this oath in the presence of my brothers and sisters. I and the People of the Black Fleet shall be a single crew. Bearing in mind the purposes of our current mission, I pledge my skills and abilities to defend and preserve their lives as I am able, provided the People of the Black Fleet do the same in my case. Once the identity of the Black Fleet's leadership has been sincerely agreed upon by its crew, including those of us who are newcomers, I shall obey the reasonable orders of those commanders. All this I shall do until the time comes for me to leave this band of githyanki." The psion returns once more to the Forerunner language:

"This I swear as a child of the Liberator and an ardent despiser of the illithid."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Emboldened by Ya'shenn and Na'rai, Azthri'zhan'kel adjusts the cloak of her old warband and reaches for the skull once Ya'shenn has finished with it. The Hiver githyanki is impressed by the weight of the skull, different from the humanoid ones in her satchel. Her eyes narrow behind the red lenses of her spectacles and Derog's presence in her mind seems roused by the familiar heft of a ghaik skull.

For a moment the Plague-healer is silent. She peers at the skull and hisses ferally, drawing her sword and holding it with the blade pointed downwards over the skull. Her githyanki is surprisingly good, with only a slight trace of Sigilian accent.

"I, Azthri'zhan'kel, sole survivor of the Band of Carnelian, though born afar from my People, do swear on my sword and honour to use my skills as a healer and warrior to the benefit of all gathered here in the Black Fleet. I pledge my loyalty and service for such time as it is needed by this crew and its officers. May our victories be many, our losses few and may we act as catalysts for the furthered survival of our race. Should I face death, I will not flee from it. Should I be ordered to take my own life, I will not flee from it. So shall my oath be bound and unbroken."


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Athri'zahn'kel snaps out of her trance when the skull is taken from her hands. She looks into the face of Sark'ja. The Git'ribani seems genuinely impressed, and looks on the hive-gith with a new respect. She takes the skull.and holds it ahead of her as it to show it around.

"This ain't the first crew I've raided with, berks." Her planar cant accent couldn't be more different from Ya'shenn's flawless Tu'narathi and Azthri's surprisingly unaccented githyanki "I'll join your crew. To slay or be slain, defend or attack, as fortune dictates, so long as I berth with these brethren. I, Sark'ja do swear. Death to The Enemy!"

Among the pirates, Gav'jji smiles at the simple words of a gith pirate. Varsh-Mil shows approval of the more verbose and honorable oaths of the others. He smiles wider with each one up to Azthri's oath, and he looks at her with approval. But when Sark'ja speaks, the Varsh sighs and shakes his head.

The other githyanki pirates seem to approve of each one, though.

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