Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Of the two easiest in my opinion, one manifests under a bridge spanning the river which runs through the city. It manifests under a similar bridge at one end of Hull Street in the Clerks Ward. The key is a boat without a bottom. A difficult vessel to sail, assuredly.

"A boat without a bottom? I wonder whether a miniature version might suffice. In a coastal town like this, such an object should not be too difficult to come by, and it would certainly be much easier to carry with us." Of course, actually testing that idea under field conditions is another matter.

Azure wrote:
Lahar smiles and takes another drink.

When the Firebringer reaches for another drink, the psion eyes a nearby bottle or decanter, but wisely decides against it. She has had quite enough to drink already.

Azure wrote:
Ra-Shiis proves the most jolly tale-teller, laughing at some of the episodes; Lahar finding a portal in the inn's "haunted" bathtub, Lahar deciding to burn the slave market, Lahar attacking the jail in the orcs' quarter after one of their number was captured (then deciding to declare war on the local orcs for their affront), Lahar smashing in the door of the humans' leader and beating up her guards ... with his mind.

Ya'shenn smirks several times during the account. Unfortunately the psion is not really someone who laughs easily. Or often. She wonders briefly whether it even occurred to the Firebringer to actually free any of the slaves prior to setting the slave market on fire... Also, once again, Ya'shenn finds the Firebringer to be a bit... intimidating. It is not that she is actually afraid of him. Indeed he has been quite civil to both her and her companions. It is just that the half-dragon is so accomplished and so totally self-assured that she is actually a bit intimidated by these things.

Azure wrote:
and that is why I say the Master Necromancer's presence is a challenge and an opportunity.

"I cannot really argue about your goals, Firebringer. However... I do fear that you might underestimate the depth of the necromancer's insanity at this point. I believe his state of mind is much worse now than it was earlier in the Incursion. If you wish to use him as a weapon, I can understand the merit in it. I merely hope that Pale does not become a blade that slips and cuts your hand."

And there is also Mist-of-the-Mind, who is much more frightening than Pale will ever be...

"There is also his well demonstrated habit of stealing gith and materiel from other commanders. This should not go without any response." Indeed, it seems a bit cavalier of Lahar that he has shown no apparent reaction to the kidnapping of his own gith. Even Ya'shenn is not suggesting that Lahar should use violence on Pale at this point, though.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"All in due time, reprisal is best served well planned, not by any fickleness directed..
Ii'Jyka'Vhaar sits slumped in her seat, fingering the weaving around the handle of her sheathed blade, staring at her glass with but a half a sip in its bottom.. speaking to no apparent target at all..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:

"I cannot really argue about your goals, Firebringer. However... I do fear that you might underestimate the depth of the necromancer's insanity at this point. I believe his state of mind is much worse now than it was earlier in the Incursion. If you wish to use him as a weapon, I can understand the merit in it. I merely hope that Pale does not become a blade that slips and cuts your hand."

"There is also his well demonstrated habit of stealing gith and materiel from other commanders. This should not go without any response."

"Was recruiting githyanki Pale's idea, or Mist's? Can we separate the two, now? I fear for Mist's sanity too. She has long spent time in others' minds. The last I knew of her, she bent her entire will to possess a great abomination, and could not escape it. Master Pale must have drawn her out."

"They may yet think they can control the fire, or extinguish it, but I have shown them a mere fraction of my power. Also, the commanders of the fleets are mostly loyal to me . . . although it seems one has already voted with his feet." Lahar puts his fingers of his right hand to his temple, "Ib'm reports that Styrrn is unreachable. The rest will convene on the steps of the Customs House soon. You are all invited to observe, but I doubt your group will be granted a vote when it is time to do so. Still, yours is a special point of order that must be addressed."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
"Was recruiting githyanki Pale's idea, or Mist's? Can we separate the two, now? I fear for Mist's sanity too. She has long spent time in others' minds. The last I knew of her, she bent her entire will to possess a great abomination, and could not escape it. Master Pale must have drawn her out."

Ya'shenn scowls into her wineglass. Not exactly because of what the Firebringer had said, but because it touches upon Mist-of-the-Mind, and Ya'shenn is very conflicted when it comes to the undead psion.

When she speaks again it is obviously with reluctance. She also eyes Raa-Shiis and Zjaa for a moment. It is not that she particularly distrusts either captain -- and Lahar clearly trusts them both. She's still not sure that she would ideally want them to hear this, though. "Mist-of-the-Mind sent a message to me, recently. In that message, she claimed that Master Pale tricked her while using necromantic magic to separate her from an aberration -- I believe it is called a destrachan. That he used his magic to bind her, in the way that a death-mage is able to command the undead. More -- she claims that Pale is very close to lichdom, and that when he attains it, her entire being will be subsumed into his own.

"I do not feel that I am in a good position to evaluate either claim. Her message actually seems to contradict my own observations. Several times I observed her... psionically manipulate the necromancer, on an emotional level, to maintain some semblance of sanity on his part. Not being a mage myself, I'm unsure whether either her claim of being magically compelled or her claim that Pale is on the cusp of lichdom has a shred of truth to it. There is also the fact that Mist-of-the-Mind has long had an incredible talent for disinformation, and if she is the engineer of the necromancer's recent activities, I would not be surprised if she were to be very ill-disposed toward us at the moment.

"Firebringer, it is my business to know what motivates others -- and yet I find her incredibly difficult to read. I find this fact... infuriating. I suppose it is possible that both of them may be fighting for dominance, and neither of them is entirely sane at this point."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru thoroughly enjoys Lahars tale of conquest though his brow furrows as Ya'shenn begins to speak about Pale.

"The planes have gone mad so that is hardly surprising" states Ar'Dru flatly, placing his drink down on a counter. "We know that Pale and Mist are un-predictable and suspect that they may be un-controllable so I would suggest that we do not build our plans around our being able to predict or control them. In this world all that we have left is our honour and our people so I would recommend that we act to preserve both. It seems that Brother Lahar's meeting would be an ideal time for Masters Pale and Mist to strike against the leadership of the people here so if our forces will not have sufficient political weight to sway the discussions in a useful direction then we should be deployed to discourage treachery or to punish it if it occours. I would suggest that we act as an aerial strike force positioned to the rear of their forces to split them should their ships take an aggressive deployment. I hope that we will not be needed but the skills of our group would make us a distraction too powerful to ignore."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
"Mist-of-the-Mind sent a message to me, recently. In that message, she claimed that Master Pale tricked her while using necromantic magic to separate her from an aberration -- I believe it is called a destrachan. That he used his magic to bind her, in the way that a death-mage is able to command the undead. More -- she claims that Pale is very close to lichdom, and that when he attains it, her entire being will be subsumed into his own.

Derog is unnerved in the back of his host’s mind. No, unnerved is too insufficient a word to describe the all-consuming fear permeating through every spectral wisp of his spectral essence. He had heard whispers of Pale and of Mist-of-the-Mind while among the living. The very thought of the Queen’s necromancer roaming worlds as a lich with that level of power within him makes the ghost uneasy, if not outright anxious. More than ever, the undead warlock is eager to leave the dangerous situation he has been thrust into. The Firebringer sets him on edge nearly as much as Mist-of-the-Mind. How frighteningly simple it would be for Lahar to destroy Derog ….though for the present time he is comforted by the Mind Blank enchantment upon Azthri’Zhan’kel’s spectacles. He wished sincere blessings upon the miserable berk the spectacles had once belonged to, whoever they were.

Zimrazim wrote:
"I suppose it is possible that both of them may be fighting for dominance, and neither of them is entirely sane at this point."

{{A fate which could befall us one day, given enough time…..}}Dreog muses to his host, who blanches.

Azriael wrote:
Ar'dru thoroughly enjoys Lahars tale of conquest though his brow furrows as Ya'shenn begins to speak about Pale.

"The planes have gone mad so that is hardly surprising" states Ar'Dru flatly, placing his drink down on a counter. "We know that Pale and Mist are un-predictable and suspect that they may be un-controllable so I would suggest that we do not build our plans around our being able to predict or control them. In this world all that we have left is our honour and our people so I would recommend that we act to preserve both. It seems that Brother Lahar's meeting would be an ideal time for Masters Pale and Mist to strike against the leadership of the people here so if our forces will not have sufficient political weight to sway the discussions in a useful direction then we should be deployed to discourage treachery or to punish it if it occours. I would suggest that we act as an aerial strike force positioned to the rear of their forces to split them should their ships take an aggressive deployment. I hope that we will not be needed but the skills of our group would make us a distraction too powerful to ignore."

Azthri'Zhan'kel eyes Ar'Dru as if seeing him clearly for the first time and resolves to speak with him privately when the opportunity arises. Though neutral as a matter of philosophy and personal lifestyle rather than culture, the Plague-healer has always admired those who have the integrity to adhere to strict codes of honour she could likely never uphold. Not that she lacks a sense of ethics or her own notions of honourable action, however. She taps her boot with one of her daggers idly, listening to Lahar, Kiirath, Ya’shenn and Ii'Jyka'Vaar discuss and debate the matters at hand. Here and there she mulls over the heady conversations, weighing the knowledge being dispersed with a sharp insight usually manifested when attempting a difficult surgery. It occurs to her how fortunate it is for a githwarrior of lowly rank to be trusted with such information…..or, her more cynical side interjects, how easily she could have her memories obliterated should she be deemed a risk, if not killed.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Brother Ar'dru, you speak true. My goal is to save our people, and our empire. Our occupation of Sembia brings us too many foes. The Empire of Gith must retreat underground on this world, and disappear from the eyes of the graith, for there are too many who are too powerful. Sembia's gold and silver as already been sent into the underdark, to buy bounty hunters and tunnel scouts. We gave a great tribute to the City of Dark Weavings, and are welcome in the markets there. We also have several outposts scattered throughout the underdark, some new, and plans for more."

"Still, only a few of the most veteran githyanki should seek their hunting in the underdark of this world. There are thousands of githwarriors in Sembia, and stone cannot support them all. There is a better use for them on other worlds of the Incursion. That is another reason I am interested in Sigil. Though a portal only allows a dozen or so to cross at a time, I have had small squads of githyanki doing so since the Queen's Fall.

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"With respect, if this backwater world is so resistant to our armies that we are forced to retreat to the Underdark of all places, how many more worlds are also able to withstand an assault? True, I heard lots of chant about primitive worlds ripe for the taking......but what worth is that victory in the face of penning loads more names into the deadbooks?" Azthri'Zhan'kel's voice rises as a dark thought awakens in her. It seems the entire situation of her people can only come to one end alone....

"Don't we lose enough in our wars with the githzerai and the ghaik every damned year? Our Queen has fallen and our empire is broken! We're all tearing each other to pieces like graith heirs over a lord's inheritance and leaving ourselves open to our enemies from all sides!"

Clearly upset, the Hiver actually rises from her seat, shaking slightly. "What if we are torn even further asunder, what then?! A War of Three Skies?! Total extinction?"

(OOC: Somebody better slap her silent....the alcohol got to her at last)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vhaar suddenly gets up and very firmly says (with dead-tired eyes and a laden face) through gritted teeth;"Azthri'Zhan'kel, Sit.. Down..!"

ooc; add 10 to the Intimidate if I do have my mask on (which I have been wanting to get started on for some time now)

I rolled 1d20.each(6), the result is 9 = 9.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azriael wrote:
"In this world all that we have left is our honour and our people..."

And I have seen precisely where 'honor' leads, unfortunately. I don't think you would like it there... Ya'shenn has observed far too much of what githyanki are capable of in the name of honor, though she does not speak of this aloud.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"With respect, if this backwater world is so resistant to our armies that we are forced to retreat to the Underdark of all places, how many more worlds are also able to withstand an assault? True, I heard lots of chant about primitive worlds ripe for the taking......but what worth is that victory in the face of penning loads more names into the deadbooks?" Azthri'Zhan'kel's voice rises as a dark thought awakens in her. It seems the entire situation of her people can only come to one end alone....

"Don't we lose enough in our wars with the githzerai and the ghaik every damned year? Our Queen has fallen and our empire is broken! We're all tearing each other to pieces like graith heirs over a lord's inheritance and leaving ourselves open to our enemies from all sides!"

Clearly upset, the Hiver actually rises from her seat, shaking slightly. "What if we are torn even further asunder, what then?! A War of Three Skies?! Total extinction?"

Ya'shenn's reaction is much more calm, at least outwardly, than that of the githees.

"Abeir-Toril is no backwater. Though they are graith, this world is noted among Prime worlds for its preponderance of worthy adversaries." Which speaks volumes about the Firebringer, if he conquered so thoroughly here. "I suppose this world in particular has had so much contact with other worlds and even planes that the natives had no choice but to grow powerful."

"I'm not sure how much you know about the long history of our People, Azthri'Zhan'kel. The children of Gith have successfully passed through many crises that can at least be compared in scope to the ones we face now. Particularly during the period of the Liberation, and the early centuries afterward." In point of fact, Ya'shenn can truthfully claim to possess a much deeper knowledge of gith history than the majority of githyanki currently alive.

"As for the other... the gith of Fortune produce their share of fine warriors, but on the whole they are disorganized. The remnants of the ghaik empire are much stronger in wildspace than anywhere else. The Athasians bear watching, though."

Azure wrote:
There is a better use for them on other worlds of the Incursion.

The psion contemplates the Firebringer's words as the scope of his planning becomes more clear. "I do not know so much about the present situation on the Incursion worlds... aside from what I have learned of this one, and what I already know of another. I would like to learn more."

[Flavor note: 'Gith of Fortune' refers to a Gith pirate.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Lahar smiles at Athri's outburst and the exchanges between the githyanki. "Indeed, the fracturing of the People is ... difficult to take. But we will emerge stronger for it, having to at last put in the work ourselves rather than just follow the orders of the Queen and her chosen."

Zimrazim wrote:
"I do not know so much about the present situation on the Incursion worlds... aside from what I have learned of this one, and what I already know of another. I would like to learn more."

I have made contact with parallel commanders on other primes. The situation is grim, but salvageable in most cases.

[DM note, PCs' deployment during the Incursion; Ya'shenn=Saev, Ii'Jyka'Vaar=Astral, Kirath & Athri'Zan'kel=Aebir-Toril, Du'minh=Oerth, Gy-Nath=Sigil]

"Oerth, like this world, holds little more interest to us other than slaying ghaik. Of special interest to the Silver Eyes are Pharagos and Antipol. Pharagos for the grave of a lost god of the Forerunners, Antipol for reasons I do not know. The situations on Mavei and Torresh have broken down. On Mavei all the graith nations fight each other as well as us, and there is little left to raid. On Torresh, some insane barbarian cult has torn open numerous rifts to the Abyss! The gains of Gith's Empire are most stable on Ia-Na and Saev. The situation is more dire on Saev, however, for there are a great many abominations that have allied with the ghaik. I told those I have urged to flee this world to seek out Saev."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

While she had been interested in the conversation in the first place, Ya'shenn becomes visibly more so when the world of Saev is mentioned. Internally she is happy that -- though her own part in it was quite miniscule -- the Incursion world where she had served was faring better, at least in githyanki terms, than many others. She asks a few questions about the state of things there, specific enough that Lahar (and quite possibly Ar'dru as well) can reasonably infer that the psion either served there at one time, or at least knows a great deal about the Incursion on that particular world.

She also silently contemplates a few things about Lahar's own apparent nature. How difficult would it have been for a half-dragon to part with so much treasure, in order to make a drow city fat and happy with tribute?

Azure wrote:
"Of special interest to the Silver Eyes are Pharagos and Antipol. Pharagos for the grave of a lost god of the Forerunners, Antipol for reasons I do not know."

"One might almost feel tempted to wonder about the nature of such a strong interest in a god-thing of any sort, whether 'lost' or not." Ya'shenn's tone of voice seems to be one of curiosity, rather than being accusatory. "There are also the implications for the People as a whole. Most of the children of Gith of my acquaintance would find the notion that our ancient ancestors might have once... I cannot really bring myself to finish the sentence... to be uniquely revolting."*

"So. It is... unfortunate... that Captain Styrrn is nowhere to be found. If there were more time, I might suggest asking his most senior followers whether the good captain is truly as far out of reach as he seems. Given that the situation here has changed, he might be persuaded to return. I suppose the Portmaster has already tried this, though. Firebringer, has the time for the meeting come? Is there more you would wish to ask of us before it begins?" Ya'shenn's demeanor is calm, civil, but internally she continues to gloomily worry that either Pale or Mist-of-the-Mind will find a way to do away with one or more of her group -- herself or Kirath, in particular. The knight, of course, will be fine.

She sends to Lahar: ~Should we return to Sigil unscathed, I would consider it an honor if you would put me in contact with one or more of your own people there.

* [She means, the idea that the Forerunners might have worshipped gods.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'Zhan'kel listens to Ya'shenn with renewed interest. Though she had more than enough interaction with her mentor and warband as well as others to learn of her people's history, it is the first she has heard of the name of the gith race's original homeworld. her, the name itself seems weighted with age and the admittedly contoversial idea of the planet's inhabitants paying heed to a god in aeons past is rather intirguing. A god of knowlege and war, perhaps? A god of vengeance, even?

OOC: (I'm baaaaack!)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Indeed, the time approaches for the war council. I will begin contacting the other Commanders. Stay a moment, I will make a bid to have your rrakkma counted as its own command to participate in the council. You may also be surprised as to the overall order of command, and I may yet find a place for some others of your group to attend."*

* DM note on githyanki command structure: An overall commander (of a rrakkma, varsh'isk, warband in the field, elc.) relies on a binary command structure. On the 'right' is the chain-of-command; the kithrak, sarth, down to the githwarriors, on the 'left' are special forces, the warlocks, psions, and gish. In a meeting of multiple rrakkma (such as this is, in a way) the commander chooses leaders as advisors for his left and right. Thus each command will have three representatives who are entitled to participate.

Lahar grasps the control skull of the brig and concentrates for many long minutes. Yashenn can feel his mind, amplified by mlar-caste technology, bending this way and that, as he contacts other githyanki throughout Starmantle. When he contacts Pale-Mist, she can feel it, a cold darkness that shutters through the ship.

"Your rrakkma has been recognized. Your Commander shall be Gy-Nath with Ya'shenn on his left, and Sark'ja his right. Is that acceptable? Ii'jyka'vaar will represent the Knights of Vlaakith."

The other commands will be as follows;

For the Band of Onyx, Pale-Mist will be considered one commander, with Ahl'zet on their right and N'ach't on their left (a slightly unorthodox situation, having a psion on command and a swordmaster for special forces.)

Warlock Ra-Shiis is commander of the Band of Ruby. On her right is Captain D'aynn. On her left is Pantera, a human mage, as overall commander of the graith of the fleet. (once again, an unusual arrangement. All three are warlocks, as if a graith belonged in the githyanki command structure at all! Someone is bound to say something about human attending.)

The Band of Garnet is commanded by Gish Zjaa. On her right is Tar-Geel, the rrakkma in Hlondeth receiving honor, and purposefully infuriating Pale. On her left, she chooses Tol-Rem, a warlock with a fondness for daggers, knives, and throwing blades.

Gish Lis, "Captain Silver", is commander of the Band of Silver. He brings with him Kith'rak Whss'a on the right and Rish Klu'berc on the left.

Lahar of the Band of Bloodstone brings Gib on his right, a move that rebukes Pale's conscription of githyanki (again). For his left he allows Ar'dru to attend as his honored guest. Thus the Bloodstone have three duthka'gith, the only half-dragons in the council. The choice of Gib also enables a voice from the Cult of Tiamat without having to give the Dark Queen's followers a command of their own.

It is considered an honor for the rrakkma from Git'riban to be afforded three representatives along with the warbands. There are some commands that have only a single voice.

Ib'm, as portmaster, attends.

Ii'jyks'vaar is the only Knight of Vlaakith. She is considered her own command, and if there were more, the knights could demand three voices. But alas, her wyvern is still inarticulate in draconic.

Kirath, the sole representative of the Band of Copper, attends.

Na'rai of jade attends. It is a little strange that she does not bring a left and a right. The Band of Jade could be afforded such honor, but her contingent is small, and her attemding solo might be a political move to put the Apocalyte-bloc more at ease. The Jade were straight from the Heartforce.

Total voices at council = 23

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
"Your rrakkma has been recognized. Your Commander shall be Gy-Nath with Ya'shenn on his left, and Sark'ja his right. Is that acceptable?"

"I find it so, if the others in our group agree." Ya'shenn looks to the others as she says this. She wonders about the choice of Sark'ja. Ya'shenn does not doubt the abilities of the fierce Git'ribani at all, but there are other warriors in their rrakkma band. The psion wonders once again about the Bloodstone gear in Sark'ja's possession. She also wonders about Gy-Nath's reaction, considering.

Ya'shenn does not entirely conceal some visible surprise when the human Pantera is mentioned, but says nothing about it. Apocalytes. They have been marooned, for the most part, on the Prime for some time. Get used to it. The People had cultivated alliances with the graith of Saev, but the githyanki of this world seem a bit too... close to their barbarian allies at times.

Azure wrote:
It is considered an honor for the rrakkma from Git'riban to be afforded three representatives along with the warbands. There are some commands that have only a single voice.

"I am not unaware of the honor that has been accorded to us here. Firebringer, the gesture is appreciated."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Seeing I am the only Knight in attendance it seems appropriate this way and although this excludes me directly from enjoying the mutual honour that the Git'ribani are allowed to enjoy, I nevertheless thank the Firebringer from that, in likeness to Ya'shenn", Ii'Jyka'Vaar simply ignores the humans in attendance, and keeps her mount on a short leash, so as to not have any unnecessary accidents, she also keeps a light hand on her weapon's pommel.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The githyanki commanders convene on the steps and patio of The Customs House. Azthri can only watch from afar with the rest of the off-worlders; Du'minh, Kitiir, Ha'kan'a, and K'tch.

Ib'm, as Master of the Port, opens the council.

"These rrakkma meet, searching for The Enemy. How may The People come to accord, to be most effective in the War of Annihilation?"

All grasp a blade, by its blade. {DC 20 spot check to notice something, and see who's still with us}

Pale-Mist, his/her henchman and bodyguard close at hand, is covered head-to toe by a great black cloak. His rasping voice betrays more wheeze than before, and his posture is one of a weary man. Still, anyone trained in the arcane can practically feel the power in his frail form, and every githyanki can feel Mist-of-the-Mind. She is a whisper on the edge of hearing, a noise in the wind that may be nothing, or may be disaster. She subtly repeats everything that Pale says. To psions she is coldness incarnate, a mind made of 'diamond air' {Githyanki varsh'isk are often in high mountains or other harsh (by prime plane standards) environments. Those raised in mountains are familiar with a condition that occurs in very cold, clear air. All the available moisture in the air sublimes from vapor to ice, resulting in tiny flakes that float in the air and sparkle like diamonds.}

Pale-Mist hides no displeasure at a human being in attendance. "What is a graith doing in a place of honor?"

Ra-Shiis of Ruby answers for her left-hand. "She is acting as advisor to the left of Ruby. I choose my advisors as I see fit, Pale of Onyx ... or is it Mist of the Court of Vlaakith? Don't start to speak of unusual arrangements in the council. Our allies, barbarians as they are, outnumber us ten to one in the fleets, more in some commands. I will hear one graith voice, and I choose one which has hunted the Enemy and served The People."

Pantera, the human, also speaks for herself. "You were more than happy with allied aid during the Incursion, Master Pale." {The human is speaking, very formally, in draconic, not githyanki. They share many words, and all githyanki are expected to be proficient in draconic, but some have less cause to practice than others.} "You cannot prevail now without it, and it is tenuous. I do my best to keep a loyal corps, and as professional as possible considering the source. I have served, and in service I aid my commander in this council, with shrewd insight and keen wit."

Lahar, levitating cross-legged just above the height of the tallest head (Ar'dru's), chuckles. He speaks first in draconic, "Often have I regretted sparing the life of one feisty human mage, and each time regretted the regetting." Then in the githyanki tongue, "Strange, is it not? Master Pale seems hot blooded while Lahar the Burning Mind calls for cold restraint. The council is met, and all will have free say, for what we debate here is of dire importance. War comes to the Empire of Gith. Strong forces are massing against Sembia. Pale, it is you who have forced this war council, what are your designs?"

Pale-Mist stands silent for a moment. To answer Lahar is to drop an important point of order, the presence of a graith in the council, which once dropped cannot be revisited. Finally, the answer comes, "War comes to Daerlun. It needs all the troops we can muster. I have gathered my strength in the south, but Daerlun is of vital importance, so the Onyx and the Dark Librum have come to add our blades to the battle."

Gish Lis of silver speaks, "Defence of Sembia is hopeless in the long term, can no one else see this? Why send good soldiers into a bad tunnel?"

"I am inclined to agree, but go further. We should be evacuating Sembia. I already issued orders to those who would heed me, and urged other commanders to do the same. My own command is already much dispersed, and my ships set up to ferry troops out of the Dead Stones. Most are, anyway. A tactical retreat needs a strong rear guard, and I have my own surprises for the graith.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
{DC 20 spot check to notice something, and see who's still with us}

Spot check
I rolled 1d20.each(2), the result is 5 = 5.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar scans the council..

I rolled 1d20.each(6), the result is 22 = 22.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
All grasp a blade, by its blade.

Should she be one of those called upon to do so, Ya'shenn deliberately uses Mercy for this purpose. As is so often the case where anything pertaining to her Order is concerned, she feels very mixed emotions while so doing. Holding a blade in this manner, one that is so sharp at both edges and the point, is no small feat, reminding her of a little in-joke among those of her Order, and those who deal with them often: Those who wield a blade with two edges, often cut themselves.

Considering her Order, the psion feels that Mist-of-the-Mind must surely be able to sense her own deep-seated loathing of Pale even from the opposite end of the room. She wonders if she is as transparent to Mist as K'tch is to her: a most uncomfortable thought. It also occurs to her that the undead psion might actually recall the names and deeds of some or even all of the dagger's previous wielders, and may even have personally trained a few, long ago.

Azure wrote:
Pale-Mist hides no displeasure at a human being in attendance. "What is a graith doing in a place of honor?"

Ya'shenn does not really like the presence of a barbarian at proceedings of such importance. Graith are often enough useful allies, but they are not to be treated as equals. Still, the commanders Raa-Shiis and Zjaa, and now the Firebringer, have all spoken very favorably of this barbarian in particular. If all three of them consider this Pantera to be so worthy, the psion feels that this human must, at a minimum, merit some tolerance. Though she keeps her outward demeanor as calm (and cloaked) as usual, and the psion is of course much too polite to stare, she does take the opportunity to observe this barbarian with curiosity.

Azure wrote:
"I have served, and in service I aid my commander in this council, with shrewd insight and keen wit."

And an abundance of humility as well, Ya'shenn muses dryly.

Azure wrote:
"I am inclined to agree, but go further. We should be evacuating Sembia. I already issued orders to those who would heed me, and urged other commanders to do the same. My own command is already much dispersed, and my ships set up to ferry troops out of the Dead Stones. Most are, anyway. A tactical retreat needs a strong rear guard, and I have my own surprises for the graith.

Though she is aware that she is free to speak, Ya'shenn does not add to the conversation just yet, for she wishes to hear the initial reaction of the other commanders to Lahar's proposal. Of course, should the others demonstrate an unlikely desire to follow Pale anywhere, she will be quick to interject, and she may also do so if this subject of conversation seems about to be dropped. Of course, should Pale happen to reveal more about his apparent obsession, and perhaps also that of the Claws of Death, with Daerlun, that would be nice as well.

[DM - Ya'shenn would also like to observe Pale/Mist more closely. It appears that Pale is even closer to lichdom than the last time she saw him. Is she able to tell how well-integrated (or opposed) the two personalities are, what the relationship between the two is like at this point, and in particular, is she able to notice/sense anything that would suggest how much of what Mist communicated earlier was actually true and how much pure disinformation? The part about Mist's mind/personality having been extracted from a destrachan seems likely to be true, but the rest... Anyway, please let me know if you'd like me to roll dice.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar holds her “Abyssal Red” Longsword by the blade at the ceremonial start, and although paranoid about being near Pale-Mist again she keeps her face as straight as an arrow, and looks at all the attendees equally.

the left hand still holding the abyssal longsword, she keeps her right hand clinging to her uniform's belt so as not to have that hand succumb to the urge to draw her Nagamaki. Internally she fights the o so present urge to draw her real blade and attack Pale-mist, her personality trembles with energy to contain that one urge, but she maintains it with a sureness that surprises the blade's presence, and so the balance is kept.

[PS- DM, I managed to spot something..]

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

(Making my Spot Check for Azthri....)

[DM- Is Azthri close enough to hear the conversation between the higher-ranking giths or are the off-worlders out of the loop, as it were?)

Azthri'Zhan'kel unsheathes then grasps the blade of the more ornate of her two short swords, though her other hand seems to want to reach into her vest for the broken bladed-dagger as well, yet she resists. She remains silent out of respect and an aknowledgement of her status within the chain of command. The presence of Mist-of-the-Mind leaves a bitter taste in her mouth and a vertigo sensation coupled with primal dread. The menacing aura of the aspiring lich, Pale, only serves to heighten the effect and Derog is barely a flicker in the recesses of her mind.

I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 12, 4 = 16.

So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'Dru stands, huge and impassive among his kind during the proceedings, closely observing the faces of the kin who may soon become his enemies. He grips his massive silver sword by the blade in his equally huge left claw, a feat made more difficult by the shifting nature of the sword but one which also serves the purpose of identifying him as one of a select few chosen to bear such a blade.

Whilst he realises that he is no telepath he focusses his mind in an effort to detect any subtext that Mist may be adding to the words of Pale and holds his tongue until an opportune time.

(rolling for Spot)

I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 14, 6 = 20.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

{ DM: So, Ii and Ar'dru both notice the human, too, draws a dagger. Unlike the githyanki, she purposefully draws blood when she grasps the blade, as if swearing an oath. The wound heals quickly - she is probably wearing some magic item to that effect - but the wound is still painful when inflicted. She does her best to take the pain bravely, hence why the others don't notice. }

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath listens to Lahar and the rest speak there arguments. He is surprised when the human female Pantera adds her voice to the discussion. Kirath can barely suppress a chuckle at the anger of Pale/Mist at both her presence in the council and her audacity at actually speaking.

Kirath is about to voice his opinion on the current situation. Until he decides to hold his tongue until the small weight his vote will have more of an effect when those of greater importance have had their say.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

{ DM : For brevity, I will describe debates rather than quote everyone all the time, but may respond to player statements }

Pale-Mist insists that all available strength should be sent against the forces of Cormyr to the west, and that every githyanki blade that flees diminishes their chances of victory.

Captain D'aynn smiles at the word. He is the most vocal of the sub-commanders, and Warlock Ra-Shiis of Ruby sometimes smiles, sometimes scowls at his brashness. She too, is of an aggressive stance, but she trusts in the judgement of Lahar, so debates both sides for their merits.

Gish Zjaa of Garnet simultaneously supports Lahar and volunteers herself for the rear-action battle. Her sub-commanders support her with gusto, both being True Apocalytes.

Gish Lis of Silver favors withdrawal. His sub-commanders scowl and exchange glances, but remain silent. Lis reveals that blades will serve better in the underdark, of this world and others { confirming what Lahar 'told' Ya'shenn } Na'rai of Jade, acting as the representative for the Heartforce, even offers use of their color pools and portals. Pale-Mist seethes at this, Ya'shenn (and presumably Ib'm) can feel his/her wrath like a cold fire. Once one of Vlaakiths primary information-gatheres, Mist-of-the-Mind could be considered one of the original Silver Eyes, and as a member of the Court of Vlaakith, supports the Ascendancy. The band of Silver is one of the oldest warbands, now made up of elite colleges that form the core of the Silver Eyes. Lis and his warriors represent the tip of the Eyes' spear, but he is throwing his support to the Apocalyes and Heartforce, both of whom he is materially dependent on.

Though Lahar has plans for evacuation, his Sub-commander Gib speaks in support of Pale-Mist's plans. This may be surprising, considering her recent 'recruitment' by Pale, but the Cult of Tiamat supports The Claws of Death in Daerlun. Ya'shenn also senses Gib's designs on her commander, Lahar's, position in the fleets.

Ib'm seems to almost be in meditation for a time, her mind taking all the debate in, while alt the same time (no doubt) running the business of the port, telepathicly. Every now and then, without opening her eyes, she makes an observation or reply. She points out (rightly?) that the evacuation plan is not so simple. Instead, she thinks only a victory in the present situation would buy enough time for such a plan to actually work, and even then finds the prospect iffy.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn is keenly aware of just how many high-ranking commanders with whom she shares the Customs House at the moment. Accordingly she is as careful as possible not to seem out of place for her rank when she does speak.

"Commanders, I would ask what Sembia still holds for the People that cannot be easily acquired elsewhere. Any mission into the Underdark would likely bring the People here into greater contact with the Great Enemy, which is to be preferred over fighting graith, however worthy the barbarians of this world may be. If it is battle you desire, there is definitely no absence of that to be found in the Underdark." Ya'shenn looks directly at Captain D'aynn as she says this last. Her mind wanders for a moment: Ra-Shiis is not the only githyanki who is fond of D'aynn's brashness.

The psion is vocal, yet reasoned, in her support of the Firebringer's plan, and she also supports Na'rai's suggestion concerning use of color pools. While she strives to seem at least somewhat objective on the surface, Ya'shenn is of course deeply politically motivated, as well as being well-motivated by the simple fact that Lahar has been of great help to her on not one but two occasions. Still, the Double-Edged is paranoid enough, or politically astute enough, to wonder what ulterior motives Lahar possesses, and what he is careful to not tell her. It would not be correct to state that she trusts him entirely, yet she is happy to use him against Pale. She does not speak of Saev directly, and does not plan to unless the Firebringer does so first.

Ya'shenn also suspects, in her own thoughts, that Gib may be quite friendly to one of the factions within the Silver Eyes, possibly even a full member herself. The interests of the half-dragon Controller certainly seem well-aligned with those of Mist-of-the-Mind. Had Gib actually been involved in the conscription of Kirath's forces...? She also observes the apparent disagreements within the Silver Eyes bloc itself with much interest.

"While it is a bit... unorthodox... I would also ask whether it might be useful to bring along at least the more worthy and capable of graith allies for such a journey. I imagine that at least some of them have served our purposes faithfully and will actually continue to do so. This would involve additional logistical difficulties, but it may actually prove worth the additional effort." What she does not add is that those barbarians who served the githyanki cause are likely to face extremely unpleasant punishment at the hands of other graith, perhaps those of Cormyr for example. She also does not add that bringing a significant number of barbarians along might create a situation where graith forces are loyal not to the People as a whole, but to individual githyanki commanders. Or an individual half-dragon commander, in Lahar's case. Of course, it is also true that telepaths of any power bloc are likely to seed the barbarian followers of other commanders with spies.

She silently contemplates the thought of the world that Lahar had at least claimed to be his next destination. What does the world of Saev possess that is of such importance?

He seeks Gith's dagger, she realizes. Would Lahar have been one of those who had been granted such knowledge, or would the Revered Queen have sensed the Firebringer's ambition even then?

She leaves alone Ib'm's suggestion that a victory would be necessary, to buy time to leave the surface. Ya'shenn believes that Ib'm is probably correct, but the other commanders here, having more comprehensive knowledge of the situation on this world, might have better suggestions concerning where and just how this victory would take place. As long as it does not involve either conscription of my siblings, or undue glory for Pale... or further association with Pale of any kind... She also imagines that Lahar has a fairly specific plan there -- to use Pale as a 'rear guard.'

[Sense Motive on pretty much everyone, to get a sense of nuances/real motives during the meeting.]

[Actually I'll add a Bluff check as well, just to attempt to counter Sense Motive checks against her.]

[Wow, I have a real gift for rolling badly on Bluff checks... Did I mention how much fun it is to roll a 1 on a Bluff check with that many telepaths in the same room?]

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 4, 14 = 18.
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 1, 16 = 17.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The Githees simply knows she is (at this time) easily outsmarted by all the big brains in the room, and so long as there are no clear objectives to choose from, she abstains from making any statement. She silently watches with some paranoia how this all unfolds...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

'Transparent' is a word that few would apply to Ya'shenn of Amber. Perhaps Mist-of-the-Mind, and a few others, but not most githyanki by any stretch of the imagination. Perhaps her recent consumption of very high-quality alcohol, an intoxicant with which she has relatively little experience, has made her somewhat less able than usual to conceal her true motivations. Even so, the psion is easier to 'read' than usual, for those who have skill at such things.

Contemplating the logistics of a withdrawal, a potential issue quickly occurs to her. "Commanders, in the event of a withdrawal, what do you plan for the astral ships?" The conversation thus far has only spoken of the Underdark, a place with little room or use for astral vessels -- barring the largest lakes and most spacious of underground caverns. "Consider their great value. A spine of earthly wind is not easily manufactured, nor is a control skull." Ya'shenn manages to avoid looking over at Controller Gib as she makes that statement. "I believe that disassembling them is technically possible -- but what of the hulls? That much weight would not be easy to transport. Nor am I certain how many skilled mlar your respective warbands have available.

"I am no mage, but..." Ya'shenn looks toward Pale-Mist, not entirely able to disguise her intense loathing of the necromancer. "I seem to recall that another method exists to effect the transport of a large vessel." Her own understanding of magecraft is genuinely unclear. There is also a certain fact concerning the current state of the githyanki empire that even Commander Raa-Shiis had been careful to keep out of Pantera's knowledge. Between Ya'shenn's own ignorance of the arcane, and the barbarian's likely skill at it, the psion would prefer that the mages in the room discuss this subject further if at all.

[Ya'shenn figures that, as an arcane spellcaster, Pantera is probably very smart. Ya'shenn doesn't know much about gate, but she definitely doesn't want Pantera wondering 'Wait, can't the Revered Queen just do that for them?' However, choosing to have a barbarian ally cast the spell instead, or even having a githyanki mage do that (though that would certainly raise questions about 'retirement'), or using a scroll/artifact/whatever, doesn't necessarily imply that the Revered Queen is dead -- after all, if you annoy the Revered Queen, you might get eaten. Ya'shenn is also pretending to be more ignorant of the spell than she really is.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka tries to recollect about Gates..if she knows anything, or if her voices can help in that regard..
Either the voices are clearer this moment, or Ii'Jyka'Vaar has been really paying attention to Pale-Mist when he was instructing her.. either way, she ends up saying kind of suddenly and somewhat absentmindedly:
"A gate spell cast by an arcanist of sufficient level would allow for such as our vessels to make the inter-dimensional journey.."

[ooc]Woot!.. anything else I should mention?, now is the time to seem shining in the knowledge, yeah![/ooc]

Know. Arcana
I rolled 1d20. each(3), the result is 16 = 16.
I rolled 1d20. each(3), the result is 22 = 22.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Heh heh, I so wish you could use that result to figure out more about the creepy golem creature Pale is building. Ya'shenn did ask about it. That was a while back, though.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Don't think my roll was good enough for such an endeavour though]

Ii' Jyka' Vaar sulks back down after her epiphany and plays with the handle of her weapon again..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"We have the means to transfer the ships, back in Mulmaster. A good number should remain here, however, so that we may continue to project our power at will. We have certain areas where we are setting up or expanding varsh'isk, and there are the plunder fleets as well, so there are plenty of uses for our remaining ships on this world. My plan is to send the githwarriors we evacuate from The Dead Stones on the astral ships to either Mulmaster or Gatcherof. The fleet commanders should sail for The Dead Stones with but skeleton crews, and evacuate first a couple of boatloads to Westgate light-tower before gathering a final group, to return here or to the Pirate Isles. The Golden Fleet has been ordered to bottle up any attempt by Cormyr navy to try something stupid. The Bronze and Moonstone strike forces have already been dispatched to secure the Light Tower and further secure the sea lanes."

"Pale-Mist, I ... I respect your zeal in the defense of Daerlun ... but you are too late. The withdrawal from Sembia is already underway. All that remains is for the commands here to decide if they will come to help. All the Apocalytes have been ordered to The Dead Stones, except for martyr squads. The Claws of Death and The Black Blade have been informed, as well. I will tell you, they have sent no response, and the Ascendancy and Cult forces stationed there have shown little sign of movement. If you wish to join then, that is your command. That threat on Cormyr's flank will buy us more time, and I'm sure your forces will bolster them. If any commander wishes to join you may, but let each commander chose quickly, for every minute of delay costs another sibling their life, though it cost the graith a score. You may value death as a virtue of the warrior, as is right when honorable, yet I value the life of the warrior all the more for it is the death of The Enemy. Do with the dead what you may, Necromancer, and good hunting, but I propose a better use for living blades."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

A palpable cold issues from Pale-Mist. Al'zet, the living sub-commander next to him/her shivers a moment involuntarily. The other commanders are moved by Lahar's words. Na'rai of Jade and Zjaa of Garnet first speak in support of the Bloodstone, followed by Ra-shiis of Ruby.

Ib'm offers the alternative of staying in Starmantle, as Master of Port, she's not going anywhere.

Gish Lis of Silver then speaks of caution, and of operational matters (for which he uses quick battle-speech. Anyone near the Human Mage can attempt a sense motive to see if she gets lost, as she was speaking Draconic the whole time.) He brings up the matter of Styrrn's fleet. The Black Fleet it is, for Syrrn's core warriors were of the Band of Obsidian. Strrn and most of his Band are nowhere to be found in the port, leaving a few githwarriors of random history and allegiance among a great number of graith. I'bm offers to add them to her githwarriors of random history and allegiance. A few can take the fastest ships of the Black Fleet, if a commander of worth is found to lead them.

Thus it remains for the Blades of Git'riban, The Knights of Vlaakith as represented by Ii'jyka'vaar, and the Band of Copper consisting of Kirath to decide on one of the three courses, or offer another.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar smirks when the sub commander shivers in reaction to Pale-Mist's cold , but says nothing about it otherwise..
When the Black Fleet gets mentioned she piques interest;
"I for one would be interested in allying with the Black Fleet, but I will have to see what my companions think before I make my final judgement.."
Ii'Jyka says to no one in particular..

So she is hinting she would not mind taking command of the fleet, but does not openly say so...

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath ponders for a moment before adding his meager coin to the scales. "I agree with Lahar in that we need to abandon Sembia. The territory we "control" there is a wasteland (with a quick look and nod to Pale/Mist). Who wants to rule over dust and bones when we have more important things to accomplish like destroying the ENEMY!'

"I suggest we return to Gatcharof and regroup if it is a fight you want so badly . Use your resources to a better end Necromancer unleash your swarms of undead in the Underdark. Have them attack the Ghaik septs as they uniquely qualified to engage the ghaik as there powers are nigh useless against the undead. Ah, but why I am telling you this must have occured to you before has it not Master Pale?"

As for myself I would like to join the Knight Ii'Jyka'Vaar in the Black Fleet and add my talents to her own to help lead our People to victory!"

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Derog quietly weaves through the layers of Azthri'zhan'kel's subconscious mind as he weighs the options. Ii'Jyka'Vaar as a Knight of Vlaakith does carry a certain amount of authority, though Lahar and Pale\Mist are equally high-ranking. As a low-ranking githwarrior, Azthri is simply another pawn. However, her experience as a combat and civilian medic might make her more desirable to the Black Fleet. There is also the matter of Pale.....Derog is intrigued and repulsed by the necromancer's predicament yet he recognizes he may also have the means to fulfill a goal the ghost has harbored for decades: the acquisition of a new body.

It is then that Azthri'zhan'kel raises her voice.

"I am only newly come to this group. My former war-band was Chrysocolla and I served as a medic for them when needed. I've also got some experience in treating graiths, should any graith crewmembers, if there are any, fall ill or injured. I'll go wherever my skills are of best use."


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[DM: Azthri is standing outside the circle of commanders, with the rest of the Git'ribani. Ha'kan'a, ballanced on a superbly-made wood-and-iron leg, smiles at her and agrees. Du'minh also nods in approval, but adds that he desires only to return to Git'riban.]

Gy-Nath speaks slowly and deliberately in support of Lahar of Bloodstone. His rrakkma is in it's final phase, 'Return to the Fortress' and to fail to do so is dishonerable unless a pressing need arises. Moreover, he fears for Git'riban in their absence. The evil of Illithid House remains.

Commanders and sub-commanders debate each plan a few minutes longer, finally persuading the Silver to Lahar's evacuation plan. Though a few sub-commanders support him half-heartedly, Pale-Mist cannot convince any command to continue on past Urmlaspyr and defend Dauerlun.

Lahar suggests putting the Black Fleet under the command of Kirath, Na'rai of Jade, and the Ii'jyka'Vaar, Knight of Vlaakith. It is supported by all of the other commands, including Pale-Mist.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

~"Ii'Jyka'Vaar is inwardly surprised she gets to actually get what she "wanted", an interesting command position, without a lot of political loads attached, though the ease by which she is getting the position makes her having to rethink her ambitions, making her feel somewhat uneasy when even Pale-Mist agrees with her wishes"~

She smiles to all who agreed with her, even Pale-Mist, if not for politeness, more then for the rigmarole of not insulting anybody needlessly..

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath nods curtly to the assemebled commanders and makes his way to the knight. To Ii'Jyka'Vaar quietly "Well sister it seems we have been given command of this rag-tag group. Do you have any thoughts on where we should lead them?" "of course we should first familiarise ourselves with them and find out their capabiilities.

Kirath then calls to Azthri with a smile on his face"Azthri'zhan'kel I for one would welcome your skills to the Black Fleet"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The time of the meeting approaches one span*, and the debate in finalized. The commanders prepare to issue battle orders for their respective forces. Just before they do, there is a short exchange between Pale-Mist and Lahar.

Pale's raspy voice is echoed by a cold telepathy. It is filled with scorn, but also full of despair. "Well, Firebringer? Will you speak before me, and issue commands? I was held in high honor to the queen. The QUEEN! Remember your queen, rebel? Your Apocalytes; petty warlords who smirk and bring graith to a meeting of The People just to provoke me. Speak, what are your commands, lord. Or lords? Why should I be held in a place of honor, among so many self-crowned kings? I who have lived and died and lived again for my Queen! But whomever I was, and what I have become, I remain and always will be pure githyanki, halfbreed."

Lahar stares at Pale with anger in his eyes. Lahar's red hair catches fire and literally turns into flame on his head. Perhaps this is involuntary, for it soon turns back into normal hair again, and when he speaks it is with meditated calm. "You were before me in the queen's eyes, and out-ranked me in her Incursion, Master Pale. You have served her, and the children of Gith, for centuries before my life, Mist-of-the-Mind. You will declare commands first, as is your due honor. Then I, as Firebringer, then Gish Lis, ans so on in order of honor and rank. Our customs have not changed over-much, Queen's Necromancer. Neither I nor any commander here has ever been placed under your command, except when forced by your will. Each command be they Fleet, Army, or Rrrakkma, will speak for itself. You are not their overlord. You speak of provocation, then call me not a githyanki!?! I will show you honor Necromancer and ghost, though you show none!"

Pale and Lahar face off, for many long seconds. Some in attendance wonder if a duel is imminent. Finally, without backing down, Pale announces his commands to his forces; to continue with all speed to Daerlun, to support the forces there.

Lahar then orders his flying ships to make for The Dead Stones, to evacuate all githyanki they can. They will send their fastest elements on a few runs back and forth to Westgate before forming back up with the Planar Raiders. Some astral ships, loaaded with incediaries, will assail any hostile forces from Cormyr or Sembia that show themselves.

Gish Lis of Silver issues orders to dump all unneeded cargo and graith from their sea vessels, and proceed to Urmlaspyr with all due speed. They will load as many githwarriors as they can and return to Starmantle.

Ra-Shiis of Ruby and Gish Zjaa of Garnet issue similar orders.

The Blades of Git'ribans' Rrakkma will accompany the fleets, making for the portals back to Sigil in The Dead Stones of Urmlaspyr or Westgate, as they may.

Na'rai of Jade and her strikeforce will join the Black fleet, and take it's best vessels to The Dead Stones, to aid the evacuation.

{DM: Kirath and Ii'jyka'vaar presumably join Na'rai in taking contol of the Black Fleet, but I will let you speak for yourselves. Basically, after this the meeting is over, and the party re-forms. The Gitribani will merge with the black fleet and all remaining & returning players can interact freely.}

Ib'm, master of the port, prepares her command for a flood of chaos as graith pirates are to be forced ashore.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"If this meeting is concluded, I will take my leave of it.." Ii'Jyka'Vaar states to no one..she takes the reigns of her mount and leads him out of the custom house.. where her follower and the hand full of other students are awaiting her..

She informs her follower; "We have been given co-command of a part of the Black Fleet, we need to prepare to set sail soon, in order to save some of our brethren.."

She then puts her new mask on. Lehr'Asj'Tor steps back a pace as the full effect of the mask radiates from her, he seems impressed..


Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

(sorry for the lateness of the post RL issues. Plus Yay Zimmy is back!!!)

Kirath takes a few moments to decide if he wants to have any type of command position again. As the last expedition he "led" didn't end the way he wanted with Master Pale basically subsuming his forces. Ultimately if it frees him from the politically charged scenarios that seem to riddle this Prime Cesspool so be it.

To all assembled Kirath speaks "I will take co-command of the remnants of this force with the Knight Ii'Jyka'Vaar and Na'Rai of Jade. In my opinion we should take theaction of taking the best graith to crew our vessels and help with the evacuation of The Dead Stones of Urmlaspyr. Any Githyanki who wish to join us will of course be welcome." " I was present at The Darkfields there we were fighting for the cause our people was meant for. Not this clambering for the scraps of this Prime World." "It's time we get back to what our people do best... Killing Ghaik!"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Though she tries hard to conceal any outward sign of it, Ya'shenn is in fact delighted to see Pale so thoroughly defanged. She has no desire to either disgust Gy-Nath, standing near her, nor to offend Mist-of-the-Mind even further... but the psion savors the moment. Ya'shenn herself feels that it would be unseemly to gloat, especially in public, so she strives mightily to keep her own reaction to a minimum. Besides, as pleasant as the moment may be, there is plenty of room in which to worry. She, as well as others in their rrakkma, have made powerful enemies today.

Difficult to imagine that any set of circumstances could possibly lead to her backing a duthka'gith... and yet, it had happened. Hopefully he would not prove worse than Master Pale. The argument between the Firebringer and Mist-of-the-Mind (that had surely been Mist-of-the-Mind speaking...) only increases her opinion of the half-dragon. It wouldn't do to feed Lahar's ego even more, though.

Once Ya'shenn is more able to focus on something other than her enjoyment of Pale's discomfiture, she confers quietly with Gy-Nath and Sark'ja. The psion indicates her willingness to join in aiding the evacuation of Urmlaspyr, provided that the other members of their rrakkma agree. She is willing to consider other ideas, though.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The formal meeting of warbands is concluded, and Al'zet teleports himself, Pale-Mist, and the swordwraith N'acht back aboard Pale's Fleet. On the steps of the Customs House, many of the non-participating githyanki now begin to mingle with the commanders. Soon, a good number go off to carry out or relay orders. Others speak together or with the Git'ribani and the new commanders of the Black Fleet.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

A Gith warrior stands among the milling crowd, attentive to the conversations that buzz about while his focus is fixed on the door of the Custom's House. A dusk grey cloak drapes the shoulders of his silver splint mail and blackened leather and flows over a longsword hilt that resembles a bow's grip. He politely asks a few questions of the Git'ribani outside about their journeys and the events that led to their appearance in Starmantle, occasionally maneuvering the conversation toward their next port of calling. The black-armored soldier then listens intently to each group as the leaders move outside and orders begin to fly.

He slips through the throng as it shuffles and intercepts Gy-nath and Na'rai of Jade. He bows fluidly to both, his voice firm and forthright in the Gith tongue. An honor to meet you, Kith'rak Gy'nath of the Blades of Git'riban and Kith'rak Na'rai of Jade. May the blood of your enemies fall before you for years to come. I am Xer'mun gil'Ij'akzul of Silver, rish-i-ghaik of the Silver Stalkers, and veteran of the Darkenfields. I offer my blade and council in service of the People on the Black Fleet as a sign of brotherhood from Silver. May the sons of Gith move as one to the aid of our siblings.

As a character flavor note, Xer'mun manifested synesthete as he stood waiting. He would alternate between augmenting his sight and hearing, taking in the crowd around him, before switching back to sound to hear what each leader is ordering to their group.

He gives a good look at each band of leaders and tries to sense their general disposition after the meeting.

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 19, 4 = 23.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The commanders discuss the disposition of the Black Fleet with Na'rai, Kirath, and Ii'jyka'vaar. None of the other commanders knew Styrrn well, except by reputation. He is known to be very crafty, using guile as much as viciousness to keep the graith pirates in line. Of the commanders, Ib'm dealt with him and his fleet the most. His graith are typical pirate scum. His githyanki are various misfits and survivors of defeated squads. Styrrn fled with over a dozen of his officers, leaving behind those misfits he did not like, trust, or take account of, it seems.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vhaar looks the newcomer up and down, and seems not really impressed, but with the red mask on her face it is hard to tell..

She thinks to herself, when the newcomer has introduced himself; ~"Besides the fact that he singles out the two commanders and blatantly ignores the Githees, (which annoys her to no end), he hasn't made a good start (with her, and she dislikes him already)"~

She keeps herself more-so busy with the discussions about how to arrange and control the fleet, and her small rabble of followers..

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