Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Well spoken cousin," replies Ar'dru with a slight smile "Tend to your kin, we will inform you of the beasts location once we find it so you and your companions may share in the honor of the kill, you have more than earned it. How may we contact you?"

Sense motive below-

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 16.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
"Well spoken cousin," replies Ar'dru with a slight smile "Tend to your kin, we will inform you of the beasts location once we find it so you and your companions may share in the honor of the kill, you have more than earned it. How may we contact you?"

Sense motive below-

"You can't, but we may yet meet again, honorable blades, if you continue your rrakkma with zeal equal to today's."
She begins walking away, "Look for me in the Haven, if you would look at all. Good hunting."

Sense Motive 16 - To Ar'dru, Telas-Niah seems genuine githyanki. Her eyes light up with murder whenever the illithids are mentioned, she openly wears the badges of a warband, and she certainly fights with gusto.

... yet some of the implications of what she said ...

Her words about allies COULD be considered heresy, and probably would be by one of Vlaakith's knights.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Rey actually doesn't have throwing knives, but what the hey - he found it on a thrall's body earlier on

Rey hides, but rather than shift towards the shuffling noise, he quickly shifts towards the opening at double speed (necessary penalties to Hide and MS apply) - and climbs out (if he is able to within the round, otherwise, he just spends the round hidden, and moving towards the opening) . He periodically keeps his head back to make sure he isn't sneak attacked.


2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 19.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Trias' wrote:
[=9]OOC: Rey actually doesn't have throwing knives, but what the hey - he found it on a thrall's body earlier on.

Yea, sure, OK.

Rey works his way, staying in cover, back towards the former stairwell. As he approaches the rubble pile, the sound of the appoaching rats gets louder and louder. Just as he readies himself for making a break for the exit, the mist thickens a few feet in front of him, quickly coelescing into a humanoid form.

The mist blows away, and standing there is a female githyanki. Although beautiful in her own way, she is very pale, and seems half-starved. Her once-exquisite warlocks' robes are tattered and caked with mud, and Rey notices what looks like dried blood on her hands and around her mouth. Her black eyes are fixed on Rey'arteb's [Will save DC22]

She seems to beckon to Rey ... to put him at ease ... there's no need to cry out ... Rey is amoung friends ...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

If Rey is able to, he cries out again for help.

Will: 21 - almost -

Does Rey have free action? That is to say - is he inclined or compulsed to approach her?

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 21.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Her words about allies COULD be considered heresy, and probably would be by one of Vlaakith's knights.
[ooc- Agreed but Ar'dru has developed his own take on these issues, that might come out later]

Hearing Vivec's cry of 'Vermin' Ar'dru grants Du'minh a few moments alone with his comrade while he investigates what's holding up the healer. He moves to the edge of the broken stair and peers down.

[Spot check below]

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 25.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Trias' wrote:
Will: 21 - almost -

Does Rey have free action? That is to say - is he inclined or compulsed to approach her?

He is free to do as he pleases (so far), but Rey'arteb sees the woman as his most trusted friend and confidant. Indeed, he sees all her beauty, and the ugliness just makes her deeper.

"Ista K'ait."

"Ista K'ait." Rey'arteb repeats. [Translates to "Blood Rat"]

Before he knows it, Rey is surrounded by a horde of putrifying zombie-rats, but he knows they are there to protect him and his friend. A small knot of them scurry forth, dragging a still-living cranium rat. Ista stoops and picks it up. The vermin tries in vain to squirm free, biting and clawing her hand. She holds it in front of her face, and the canium rat stops squirming, riveted to Ista's gaze. A few moments pass ... then Ista bites the belly out of the rat, drinking it's blood and slurping down the intestines. She leaves intact, however, the spine, the legs, and most importantly the eyes and nose. She puts the dead rat on the ground and speaks a command, "Return." The newly-undead rat slowly ambles off, trailing ragged bits of digestive tract, followed by a good portion of the zombie rat horde.

Ista then turns to Rey'arteb. "I see death in your eyes and in your hands. Walk free, grandson of great Gith, but return to me in your thoughts. I will come to you, or draw you to me, when need drives me. For now, I and I alone will track the foul ones to their holes. When I have found them, and the time to strike is nigh, I will whisper to you. Come then, and together we will spill the ghaiks' foul blood into the sewers of Undersigil, my love."


Ar'dru looks down the hole, but cannot see any more than a big pile of rubble (and dead bodies). There seems to be a mist in the celler, not surprizing considering the damp 'weather' of the last couple of days.

Ista whispers to Rey as she turns back into mist. "Speak to no one of me or my pets, for we must keep our plans dark from the ghaik, lest they thwart us. Return to your companions but do not let them come down, if you can prevent it."

Before he sees Vivec climbing up the rubble pile, Ar'dru thinks he sees one of the dead bodies on the pile just kind of melt into the mist. Of course, as he peers down for a better look he sees nothing unusual ...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Upon seeing Vivec's bloodied hands Ar'dru presumes that whatever trouble there was has already been dealt with, he jerks his head towards the fallen warrior "We have a wounded kinsmen up here cousin. Your skills would be appreciated."

[Sense Motive on Rey, not really expecting anything but vaguely curious as to why he took so long]

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 24.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Rey nods at Ista, then yells back up at Ar'dru:

No, No, not that kind of vermin, I... was talking to the thrall - it just didn't seem to want to die. I'll be up in a second, I am almost finished securing the area.

Rey turns back to the mist and whispers.

My love, what can you tell me of this attack - and if you haven't the time, at least tell me how to reach you, should I need guidance.


Do I keep making saves, or am I forever in her clutches? Under her influence or not, Rey is incredibly intrigued, and will indeed heed her words.


"Ista K'ait." Daraz repeats. [Translates to "Blood Rat"]

I'm a little confused as to how Daraz came into this - did you mean Rey?

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 33.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOOh - Simultaneous posts: Azure, would you mind going back in time, and letting me know Ista's response?

I was having trouble with one of the thralls, I kept falling over the rubble...
Rey truthfully responds as he climbs out, but says no more.

Who needs my aid?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Trias' wrote:

Do I keep making saves, or am I forever in her clutches? Under her influence or not, Rey is incredibly intrigued, and will indeed heed her words.

You only get another will save - A) If she asks you to do something you normally would not do for your bestest friend, like put yourself in extreme danger or allow an Illithid to escape alive, and even then you have to MAKE the save, but with a +1 to +4 bonus depending on the nature of the order. B) Every two weeks while control is maintained.

Otherwise, Rey will honor any and all reasonable requests, even risk his own life to protect Ista K'ait (but not go on a suicide mission).

Rey turns back to the mist and whispers.

My love, what can you tell me of this attack - and if you haven't the time, at least give me a way to reach you.

"We will both find out as much as we can about this attack. As for how to reach me, I will never be far, my love. Not far at all ... "

also "Ista K'ait." Daraz repeats. [Translates to "Blood Rat"]

I'm a little confused as to how Daraz came into this - did you mean Rey?

Oopsie, post edited.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru attempts to hide a patronising smile at Rey's admission of his own clumsiness. "The Rish-i-Chal has a battle-brother who was injured in the battle. He rests in the archway over there and his wounds look serious."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh watches her as she walks away, mixed feelings of suspicion and admiration filling his mind.

Her words are fire and death; she speaks like a true daughter of Gith... But I must be wary, lest treachery overcome us as we rest easy. Deception is the craft by which the ghaiks live and breathe… I will hear her story when the time is right.

Seeing Vivec emerge from the crashed stairwell, Du’minh breathes a sigh of relief.

“Warrior-chal I implore you, restore my brother to health! How does the ramp below hold up? Can we venture down in pursuit later on?”

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
"I understand cousin, you have fought well and thus earned this brief reprieve to tend to our kin. If you wish I can carry your fallen brother to safer location."

Glancing back to the collapsed stairwell Ar'dru continues, "Was there any hint of where the ghiak were headed? The rest of our group should continue the hunt, at least until we discover the creatures lair."

“I sincerely appreciate your offer, Ar’dru Cha-rir – it is an honour to fight by your side. There is a path leading further down from the cellar, where a thrall fled with the severed head of its master. However, though the trail remains hot, K’dar may have knowledge of what lies ahead, so by giving me time to update intelligence we would walk in better prepared for what is to come. We would also have time to renew what powers and resources presently have been depleted, and we would need all the might that can be mustered. Should we press on, I suspect we would follow the trail through traps or other time-consuming hindrances only to reach a portal archway that we know neither the nature of, nor the key of - the ghaiks are not ones to neglect forethought.”

“Let us discuss our next step once the group is assembled.”

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru inclines his head in assent. "I suppose we need time to interrogate this as well." he replies, poking the head strapped to his side.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Any flames in close vicinity? Jhank'kor will light the fireworks this time if so...

There's still enough smoke in the air, Jhank'kor pulls it off.

Daraz jumps down from his perch on the second floor and joins up with Jhank'kor. "The few remaining thralls and pirates are scattering. Perhaps a few thralls will make it into Sigil, but I doubt it. Looks like another victory for the children of Gith." He looks at the warlock, "You might want to get cleaned up. You look like you just gave Baator the laugh."

As they approach the archway, Daraz looks at the wounded warrior, "We'll never get back to Gith Lane this way without some climbing. I think we'll have to go back the way we came."

Jhank'kor eyes the rogue with curiosity through his searing migrane. Almost forgot he was with us...

Killing ghaiks is a dirty feat...but it would seem some children of Gith stray away in that matter.

As for returning, I do not think the chase is over...

From the shadows of his cowl, Jhank'kor's coal irises are rimmed in a feral scarlet energy. Indeed, it has only begun...

Sense Motive(general condition of crew): 15

How much do I hear of the conversation? To make it easy, we could say that I'm arriving with the Vivec. I wouldn't want to interrupt the wonderful dialogue they have already written.

I may be half out of spells and bearing a sizzling headache, but the ol' chal can still kick some mean butt...expect him to not jive with the sit on your arse idea. Sticking out tongue

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d20+-1, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:

I may be half out of spells and bearing a sizzling headache, ...

Don't forget the electrofried illithid head, you're still carrying that too.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:

I may be half out of spells and bearing a sizzling headache, ...

Don't forget the electrofried illithid head, you're still carrying that too.

So that's the black lump I have in my hand... Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Rey moves to the wounded fellow in question, and places his hand on the warrior's shoulder. He begins chanting, and his eyes turn from black to white.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 13
Cure Light Wounds: 7

He then moves to the obviously injured Jhank'kor.

Cure Light Wounds:7
Cure Light Wounds:9
Cure Light Wounds:9

Now turning to Du'minh and Ar'dru:

I agree that we should rest and meditate upon what we've learned thusfar. (pointing to the ghaik-head) and what we may learn further. It would be wise to replenish our arsenal before we strike again.

Do any of you need healing?

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d8+6, the result is 13.
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 9.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Wouldn't happen to have any advil? Laughing out loud

Feeling the sinews of his scalp reknitting, a cool wind of regeneration, Jhank'kor nods to Rey. Thank you, Vivec...but that does not stop the banshee from wailing in my head.

Bloody ghaik did something to my mind...

Bluff: 27

He doesn't want them focusing on his mark (which is covered, along with much of his forehead by his cowl, a shadow flowing down to his chin from the cover)

Hide(mark): 16 (if necessary)

8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 27.
2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 16.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

O.K. this combat has wound down. I will put up a few notes that while the players might not have thought of these things, the PCs probably would have.

There was a wand of magic missiles in one illithid mage's cold, dead hand. Du'minh probably pried it out. He can keep it as a trophy or give it to somebody who can use it, like Jhank'kor.

The several dead pirates lying around have a few (3 or 4) working flintlock pistols between them. While none of the PCs are really familiar with using these weapons, they've seen what they can do and how they work.

For that matter, what adventurer dosn't go through dead folks' pockets and drudge up some drinking money? I can come up with a $ figure, or we can assume you'll spent it in the cantina scene.

I know that IC, it might not be the case, since the PCs have known each other less than an hour, but I want to keep this party together. The need to question the ulitharid head is a compelling reason, but Vivec needs to prepare the spell, which means 8 hours of rest and meditation. The PCs can go to one of their apartments, or split up and agree to meet at a later time. The best place to meet up again is Haven Port Inn in the Heart of the Void. There are private booths upstairs, and they have been known to rent the larger ones out as inn rooms on a nightly basis.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Surveying the group's condition, Jhank'kor utters in his brackish voice. Are we to pursue the tunnels? My home is nearby...and has proven a valuable staging ground for many Undersigil hunts.

I'm sure we'll want to follow swiftly on Sight's mindless insight...

The chal half-smirks at his jibe at the ulitharid's current straights.

Jhank'kor could definitely use some extra magic items--esp. ones that increase awareness abilities, unless we want him to be standing a pile of cranium rats going, "Does anyone else itch?" Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


'Azure' wrote:
There was a wand of magic missiles in one illithid mage's cold, dead hand. Du'minh probably pried it out.
He did in fact do just that, before climbing out of the cellar:
'Dunamin' wrote:
Giving a brief pitying look to the last remaining thrall that stumbled before Vivec, Du’minh quickly collects his bow, the wand and any other magical gear from the dead illithid, and proceeds to move up the rubble pile that used to be the stairwell, to strengthen any friendly forces above.
Now that the battle is over, Du’minh will partake in thoroughly searching any bodies of note for valuables, documentation, and any other items of interest.

I suggest we simply split the loot as per the directions given in the PHB on p167-168: We have the magic gear identified and valued, we pawn what loot no one wants, and we split so that whomever gets an item has its selling price count against their share. In the case of the magic missiles wand I’d think the interested parties would be Daraz and Jhank’kor, no? As to the flintlock pistols, how much are they worth?

However it turns out, Du’minh would probably be using his income to barter for magic item(s) that can increase his odds of overcoming illithid mind blasts – his odds look very poor as is. He’d also be looking to replace his potion.

'Azure' wrote:
I know that IC, it might not be the case, since the PCs have known each other less than an hour, but I want to keep this party together. The need to question the ulitharid head is a compelling reason, but Vivec needs to prepare the spell, which means 8 hours of rest and meditation. The PCs can go to one of their apartments, or split up and agree to meet at a later time. The best place to meet up again is Haven Port Inn in the Heart of the Void. There are private booths upstairs, and they have been known to rent the larger ones out as inn rooms on a nightly basis.
While out-of-game I’m tempted to invite the PCs to Du’minh’s home, I think it would be a bit out of his character to do so just yet. His current plan for events would likely go something like this: Escort K’dar to the kip and use what can be found there to aid his recovery, hear him out on what he has to say, then meet up with the group in Haven Port and start investigating the attack.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

I suggest we simply split the loot as per the directions given in the PHB on p167-168: We have the magic gear identified and valued, we pawn what loot no one wants, and we split so that whomever gets an item has its selling price count against their share. In the case of the magic missiles wand I’d think the interested parties would be Daraz and Jhank’kor, no? As to the flintlock pistols, how much are they worth?
Good idea, but then again we're not talking dungeoneering for fun and profit here, we're taking about a bunch of (evil-aligned) warriors on perminant campaign. Practicality and firepower come before fairness. Honestly, that's why I mentioned the pistols. Of course if you want to hock 'em, be my guest.

And yea, sorry Dun, I went back and saw what you wrote concerning the wand even before you mentioned it, my bad.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Very well then, we shall meet at an agreed time and agreed place in the near future. You may divide the booty amongst yourselves. I trust your fair judgment, and I will gladly accept whatever portion, if any, of the total that you allocate to me.

More interested in information than treasure, Rey then approaches Ar'dru

Battle Brother, perhaps I should keep the ghaik's head - I shall examine it further, and prepare my magicks accordingly. I will see if there is any further possibility than simply questioning it. Speaking of which... has anyone seen the rest of the ghaik? If it still stands, it may yet be of use.


Diplomacy: 18
Spot (ulitharid body - sans head): 12

In all this fighting, I totally forgot about Ood Yboocs (my pet ulitharid). Was he destroyed by the Atasians?

1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 18.
4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 12.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Du’minh, allow me to assist you in helping your companion home. The allegiances of some of those who live in this area are dubious and it is wise to have an extra pair of sharp ears." He gives the other gith a significant look. "I will be happy to continue the hunt with this group on the morrow. I will be waiting in the Haven-Port inn for those who wish to finish this matter."

[ooc- Ar'dru would like to speak to Du'minh and K'dar alone if they agree to let him travel with them.

I'm happy to do the sell & split, while I like the idea of a gun toting half-dragon it's not really Ar'dru's thing, besides I think his claws'd get in the way.

Do we post our activities while we're apart here or should we PM them?

edit- I've got the Ulitharid head if that's what you're looking for Trias]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Aye, I had a bloated, sizzled reg. illithid head. Eye-wink

Jhank'kor would like a pistol or two...I could definitely see him blasting away with firearms and fireballs. >:)

Shaking his head at being ignored, the warlock mutters under his breath. Oh well...let them shuffle around the dark themselves. He hoists the well-scorched head to eye level. ...But we will continue this hunt soon enough, little freak.

With that, Jhank'kor climbs up the rubble to the second floor and begins holstering two pistols and the belts of ammo...

Ood ybbud ood where are you? Laughing out loud
Yeah, it got hacked by a crew of Athasians.

Oh, I'm so going to enjoy my little friend Kciroy! I wonder if he was a bard for the ghaiks... Laughing out loud

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 5.
-5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+-5, the result is -1.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

I've got the Ulitharid head if that's what you're looking for Trias]

Whoops - edited above!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Do we post our activities while we're apart here or should we PM them?

Just post here. I trust you guys not to meta-game.

Jhank'kor climbs up the rubble to the second floor and begins holstering two pistols and the belts of ammo...
You don't need to go up there, there are dead pirates in the lot and on the first floor. There are more than 4 pistols, but I figure due to the big boom, only 4 of them are currently viable.

In all this fighting, I totally forgot about Ood Yboocs (my pet ulitharid). Was he destroyed by the Atasians

Yea he got hacked to bits. Sorry, I didn't know you were going to name it. Sad

But on the bright side ...

Rey looks over the chopped-up and burned remains of the ulitharid. He notices something strange. Kneeling down and looking closer, he realizes there was a stranglely faceted crystal hidden in the monster's robes, sewn into the lining to hide it. The violence done upon it by the Athasians ripped the robe open, but they did not live long enough to plunder it.

The crystal affects Rey even before he touches it. As his hand gets close to the crystal, he is suddenly filled with a sense of his own greatness. He feels smarter, faster, more skilled, and filled with self-importance because he's so much better than anyone else. One could even call it elevated hubris. When he pulls back however, the feeling fades, and he knows that feeling of arrogance is coming from the crystal.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Too intrigued to allow it to slip, Rey sneakily reaches out, and grabs the crystal in a hope to identify it, masking his action as simply examining the corpse. At the same time, Rey is full aware of the dangers of arrogance- he used his enemies' arrogance against them almost every kill he made. They were so sure of their abilities, so sure of their safety, so sure that Rey was a quiet subordinate. And they were wrong. Rey therefore vows only to identify the item to satiate his curiosity, and perhaps earn him some jink - but any item that tempts him into pretentiousness will not stay with him for long.


Will: 25
Hide: 36

First keeping the rest of the party in the dark about the Undead Queen, now this. What a two-timing, selfish bastard Rey is turning out to be. I guess you can't trust someone who's CN. Or perhaps, more importantly, someone with that name.

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 25.
17 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 36.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Trias' wrote:
More interested in information than treasure, Rey then approaches Ar'dru Battle Brother, perhaps I should keep the ghaik's head - I shall examine it further, and prepare my magicks accordingly. I will see if there is any further possibility than simply questioning it. Speaking of which... has anyone seen the rest of the ghaik? If it still stands, it may yet be of use.

"I shall entrust this to you for divination, not dissection. I expect it to be returned intact."
Ar'dru awaits agreement before handing over the bloody head.

Ar'dru snorts in distaste as Jhank'kor immediately begins looting the corpses "I don't question the need to re-equip warlock but try and maintain the dignity of our race before your avarice overcomes you. Besides which you are not the only one with a claim for the spoils."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Looking at Ar'dru:

You have a Battle Brother's vow that I shall return it in the same condition as it is now.

Oh, and one final question for everyone: what sorts of questions shall I ask it (besides the obvious ones)? Or perhaps you all would like to be present while I speak to it?

Rey inquires with a concerned look on his face- knowing full well that regardless of the answer, he would arrange for a private questioning with the ulitharid. Although... he may have to wait for that.

It requires a week between questionings, otherwise the spell fails.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I would prefer to be present for the spell, I confess I am interested in hearing what the Ghaik has to say first hand." replies Ar'dru


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
Ar'dru snorts in distaste as Jhank'kor immediately begins looting the corpses "I don't question the need to re-equip warlock but try and maintain the dignity of our race before your avarice overcomes you. Besides which you are not the only one with a claim for the spoils."

How much HP does your character have again? Cause if he keeps naggin Jhank'kor at every turn, a misplaced Ice Storm is going to sprout out of his flaming backside. Sticking out tongue

That said...I'll try to restrain his frustration to mere vocabulary. Laughing out loud

Besides, it wasn't immediate; seeing he could do nothing--unless blasts of eldtritch elements heal instead of kill--and that no one acknowledged his suggestion, he did the only option besides just standing there. Resupplying. Eye-wink

Whirling around, pistol aimed at the half-dragon's head, Jhank'kor spits. You think you're something, you scaly freak. Well, I'll give you one option: Shut up or start shufflin'. Because, if you keep flapping those oversized gums, you'll find yourself twitching in a spasm of frosty fun...and believe me, you won't be dodging what I have in store.

The blue corona around his eyes hints to the caustic ice pumping in his veins, waiting for an avenue to expulse a blast of tundra frost.

Intimidate: 23
Readied action

What's the damage on these pistols?

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 5.
11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 23.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[ooc- WOW, he's got a temper there! Fair enough I suppose but you did try to intimidate Ar'dru and then showed off in front of him and that touched a major nerve with the big guy. He felt the need to re-establish his sense of superiority and you losing your cool will have done that, however we'll need a third party to calm things because his pride won't let him leave those comments completely unanswered. Sorry.]

Ar'dru chuckles at the outburst staring directly down the barrel "I don't need to dodge little cousin. Perhaps you'd like to re-consider your words given that you are speaking to a chosen warrior of the queen."

manifest Body Adjustment x2

edit: Ar'dru's wounds heal before your eyes leaving him in what appears to be perfect health.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 2d12+0, the result is 13.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
[ooc- WOW, he's got a temper there! Fair enough I suppose but you did try to intimidate Ar'dru and then showed off in front of him and that touched a major nerve with the big guy. He felt the need to re-establish his sense of superiority and you losing your cool will have done that, however we'll need a third party to calm things because his pride won't let him leave those comments completely unanswered. Sorry.]

Ar'dru chuckles at the outburst staring directly down the barrel "I don't need to dodge little cousin. Perhaps you'd like to re-consider your words given that you are speaking to a chosen warrior of the queen."

manifest Body Adjustment x2

It becomes Jhank'kor's turn to laugh derisively. Chosen make a good lap dog, son of a flaming toad.

Was it your father who could only mate with a pet...or your mother?

Jhank'kor allows the last word drip off in mockery, esp. in light of Gith's role as the mother of her freed people. I wonder how much alchemist fire lies inside that rusty husk... With that, his smirk breaks into a vile grin.

Yes...plenty of angst in that little ball of eldritch intensity. lol.

Miscommunication and perception are dangerous, indeed. I figure the Vivec or Daraz will try to sooth things soon. Eye-wink

And I didn't realize how quickly "your momma" was going to come into play...but I guess that's the spirit of the remark. Laughing out loud

Edit: Don't worry; it's all IC stuff, anyway. Disagreements and ego battles make for lovely dialogue and foreplay Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Wow, I go to sleep, and wake up to an angry beehive worth of trouble! While the ideal thing for maintaining a party would be for somebody to step in and mediate peace, that’s counter to Du’minh’s nature (at least if I want to maintain him as a classic evil and violent githyanki).
The best I can do for him is more like a disciplinary speech and mutual threat of slapping some sense into them.


Having salvaged anything that may be of significant value from the battle field, Du’minh takes note of the escalating fight and walks in on the participants. Decisively, he smashes his flail in the ground with an earth-shaking cacophony to silence them and draw their attention.

“What in all the bloody blasted Hells do you people think you’re doing?! Perhaps the heads you two were carrying have yet managed to wriggle their tentacles into your skulls, because I swear your acts are like that of puppets being manipulated by the mental strings of the ghaiks!
What exactly is it you think we have been doing here?! The Foe Eternal walks free and laughs as you turn upon each other!
If there is to be a hunt with our combined forces, it starts with the measure of control necessary to remain a functional combat unit! This precludes acting like you hatched yesterday and dishonouring your entire heritage. Pull yourselves together if you call yourselves one of the People!

Turning decisively to Jhank’kor, Du’minh begins swirling his flail with barely constrained fury.

'Benyamin' wrote:
You think you're something, you scaly freak. Well, I'll give you one option: Shut up or start shufflin'. Because, if you keep flapping those oversized gums, you'll find yourself twitching in a spasm of frosty fun...and believe me, you won't be dodging what I have in store.
“You want to pose ultimatums, chal, then how’s this: Lower the gun right now, or I swear by all the Powers floating dead through the Astral that I will pound you into a splattered mess of twitching paste!”

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“You want to pose ultimatums, chal, then how’s this: Lower the gun right now, or I swear by all the Powers floating dead through the Astral that I will pound you into a splattered mess of twitching paste!”

The chal cuts the mageslayer an icy glance before lowering the weapon. You think your petty threats mean anything, sooth slayer? You wouldn't reach me before your world became a reeling gyre of pain.

I, too, have faced my share of arcane haters...and you notice how well their frothing chants did them.

Shaking his cloaked head, Jhank'kor steps back toward the ruins. I'll see all of you when the time is the Haven Port Inn since none welcomed any other suggestions...and, Vivec, ask Sight if it enjoyed the fireball as much as I savored roasting his bulbous hide.

The warlock continues on into the wreckage, ambling toward the remains of the stairway into the basement.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
You think your petty threats mean anything, sooth slayer? You wouldn't reach me before your world became a reeling gyre of pain.
“The irony of such a statement is staggering, to say the least. Pain is no stranger to me, but it will keep knocking on your door so bad that your ghaik-induced head-ache will start feeling like a comforting lull, once my Arbiter follows up on your own spells turned against you.”

Du’minh stares down Jhank’kor as the mage walks away, eventually letting the flail come to rest. Turning back to Ar’dru, he replies to his previous offer.

“… You are welcome at my kip, duthka’gith, but I ask that you let me be debriefed by my superior in private. It is a secure and safe residence, close to the Heart of the Void – you will find that we can rest easy there.
Let us depart, and we can meet up with the others at Haven Port later on.”

Du’minh ensures that all the spoils of war are safely secured, then goes to help K’dar to his feet.
“It is time to move out, brother. We are joined by Ar’dru the Saekk-th’Vikch, I can testify to his trustworthiness.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

What's the damage on these pistols?

d4 bludgeoning damage ... oh wait did you mean LOADED and fired? Smiling

BTW love the IC conflicts. This is my first time DMing an evil party, and I've got to say it's a tad more interesting.

Not to stoke the fires, but did you realize that Ar'dru dealt the 'killing blow' to the ulitharid, but Jhank'kor's spells did 80% of the damage the monster took? For that reason alone there would be some posturing between the two, and possibly some counter claims to the spoils (pun. rotting head. spoils. get it?)

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods in satisfaction as Jhank'kor melts away into the ruins, seemingly feeling that the standoff ended quite well.

"Of course" he replies as he offers an arm to K'dar and moves of with the battered pair of warriors.

"Until tomorrow then my brothers" he calls out as he departs.

Not to stoke the fires, but did you realize that Ar'dru dealt the 'killing blow' to the ulitharid, but Jhank'kor's spells did 80% of the damage the monster took? For that reason alone there would be some posturing between the two, and possibly some counter claims to the spoils (pun. rotting head. spoils. get it?)
Was wondering if he'd bring that little gem up, I had a few responses worked out but hopefully they won't be necessary.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Very well then, shall we say Haven Port at Antipeak tomorrow?" Daraz confirms, "and we question the ulitharid together, right?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Antipeak at the very latest, I’d say. We don’t want the enemy to recuperate for longer than it takes for us to prepare ourselves. And yes, let us all be present for the spell. Until tomorrow.”

If there is no more that needs to be said or done here, the trio will just move out I suppose, following as safe and fast a route to Du’minh’s home as can be found.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Rey, quite taken aback by the exchange, was ready to play peacemaker between the two, if the situation escalated further. That was indeed his nature- to make allies with everyone - even with his enemies... especially with his enemies. That way, when he struck - it would catch even the wiliest character off-guard.

Until then, may your dreams be guarded. He says, to no one in particular, and dissolves into the distance.

Although it would be unusual- to say the least, for a githzerai to prevent two githyankis from fighting.

OOC: I'm assuming they both are - who else is actually a githzerai?

Not to stoke the fires, but did you realize that Ar'dru dealt the 'killing blow' to the ulitharid, but Jhank'kor's spells did 80% of the damage the monster took? For that reason alone there would be some posturing between the two, and possibly some counter claims to the spoils (pun. rotting head. spoils. get it?)
HAahahh... and it's ironic how humble Vivec - who did nothing to kill it- gets the most use (and items) out of it.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

O.K., so the party's splitting up until later. Since the action, according to the first thred, started in the early "morning", we'll say that it is now headed for "Half-Ascending" (half way between Antipeak and Peak).

We'll also say that, due to the "Antipeak at the latest" comment, which I think everyone would agree with, the party will meet at Haven Port around "Half Descending" this evening. That will give Vivec ample time to rest and recover spells, but in practicality is the earliest point at which that can happen.

A note on booty: Doubtful that the party would spend a whole lot of time plundering bodies, but they would no doubt want to keep as many githyanki blades as possible from going to the street rats. It is well known that Silver Void Steelworks up on the corner of Siver Void and Swans Way pays fair prices for githyanki and githzerai gear and treats it all with honor and respect, never selling those specific weapons to outsiders. Daraz (since he's an NPC right now) volunteers to take the slain warriors' blades up to the Steelworks, and meet the others back at Haven Port with the jink. Other than that, everyone gets (3d6 x 2) ... 24 jinx plus whatever specific items were already looted by individual party members (like I said, with evil PCs, why share fair?)

Items: Jhank'kor took the pistols and found enough unspent powder and bullets to fire each one twice (8 shots total). Du'minh kept the wand, as a trophy (for now at least). Rey pocketed the crystal that was in the robes (I've got to PM you something about that one). The ulitharid was also wearing a pair of rings, but it is unclear, even reading the old posts, if it was Du'minh or Jhank'kor who ended up with them. I'll award them to Du'minh, because while he tried to get the warlock to I-D them, Jhank'kor was stated specificly to have ignored that.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 12.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Not even turning around at Du'minh's brash remarks, Jhank'kor snorts. His aserbic voice washes backward on the wind. Oh, I'm sure you're used to pain...but has that torment lead to your instant annihilation, like your arrogance shall?

Petting the adamantine strands within his robe, Jhank'kor smiles cruelly and whispers. Indeed...have they? We soon shall see...

The stubborn, free-willed Jhank'kor went into the three-story building's basement...if that says anything of his true intents. Eye-wink

He'll collect what he can from the bodies inside the ruins, including whatever body parts he can fit in a bag for later...decomposition.

Items of interest: Healing potions, dagger(s), anything unique or intriguing. Eye-wink

And, unless hindered in some way, would follow the blood trail for a little ways to get an idea to where its leading, using his invisibility to darkvision, with a readied action for full withdrawal at the first sign of fatal conflict.

Search checks: 7, 17, 11

And don't worry about the Ulitharid-the chal won't let you have all-or any, if he can help it-the glory, Ar'du...also, I thought Daraz's bolt split the critter's heart, ending its life? Guess that is how I read the post. :\

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 1.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 17.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 11.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
d4 bludgeoning damage ... oh wait did you mean LOADED and fired? Smiling

BTW love the IC conflicts. This is my first time DMing an evil party, and I've got to say it's a tad more interesting.

Hahaha...Nothing like truly empty threats. Laughing out loud

Then again...all I had to do was point my finger and he'd have to deal with more than d4 bludgeoning damage.... Eye-wink

Yes! Plenty of emotional tension going on, which could lead to further plot twists...esp. if Du'minh and Ar'du continue badgering the mage Sticking out tongue...but I think it'll be awesome nonetheless.

Oh, Dun, a question: How can Du'minh reflect an area based spell? The chal is no chump, so he'd be banking on frosting the two of you and using target spells on a last resort basis.

'Azure' wrote:
[b] Items: The ulitharid was also wearing a pair of rings, but it is unclear, even reading the old posts, if it was Du'minh or Jhank'kor who ended up with them. I'll award them to Du'minh, because while he tried to get the warlock to I-D them, Jhank'kor was stated specificly to have ignored that.

Fair enough, though I wouldn't go flashing those things around, Dun, or a mage's temper will become undone. (pun intended Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
I thought Daraz's bolt split the critter's heart, ending its life? Guess that is how I read the post.

It was still breathing, even able to be saved should any have cared, until Ar'dru beheaded it. Your right, tho, it was Daraz's bolt that put it down, if you will.

Jhank'kor climbs carefully down the ruined stairwell into the cellar. What was once a set of stone and brick stairs running from the cellar to the third floor is now a pile of rubble that does not quite reach the first floor. Jhank'kor counts at least eight dead thralls piled or partly burried in the rubble (with a few more, do doubt, hidden from view). There are also two dead illithid on top of the pile. One is sans head. The other, whose body is trapped under a dead thrall, had it's head splattered over a wide area.

As Jhank'kor climbs down the pile and crosses the cellar, something lying on the floor catches his eye. It's a cranium rat, though it looks (and smells) like it's been dead almost a month.

Moving on, Jhank'kor follows a faint trail of purple-black specks down through the sub-basement and into the crumbling sewers. The trail is often lost and refound, as pools of filthy Sigilan rainwater often cover the floors, some knee-deep or deeper. Still, Jhank'kor knows that the thrall's flight is leading him deeper into portions of these sewers he is less familiar with.

He reaches a point where there is a rusty old ladder leading up into a round manhole. Jhank'kor remembers this spot, and knows that there are a set of chambers above, where he's seen portals manifest. Portals he knows not where they lead, nor the keys.

0 Bonus for Encounter? to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor slithers up the ladder slowly and carefully to peer up into the gloom without revealing his presence...

Move silently: 18
Hide: 9 (then again, invisible to darkvision sure helps! Smiling
Search: 15
Listen: 18

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 0.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 9.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
Jhank'kor slithers up the ladder slowly and carefully to peer up into the gloom without revealing his presence...

Move silently: 18
Hide: 9 (then again, invisible to darkvision sure helps! Smiling
Search: 15
Listen: 18

Well, you're the one who wanted to wander in here alone...

Jhank'kor carefully climbs the ladder, emerging from a circular hole in the floor of a damp chamber. The entire area here consists of several crumbling 20' round rooms joined by 10' long corridors. The archways in the centerpoints of the corridors are the most likely anchor-points for portals.

Carefully, he peers up through the hole. At first he thinks he hears something, but when he stops and listens, there are no sounds except the constant drips from the cielings.

Jan'kor peeks out of the hole.

There seems to be a pile of rubble beside one of the entrances to this chamber, but though it seems the same as the surrounding stone, Jhank'kor does not see any collapse to the wall and cieling. Suddenly, a large red orb opens in the center of the pile, and a high pitched din besets Jhank'kor in his mind.

[ roll for initiative, if you win you can act before the mind blast effects you, if you loose make a will save at DC18 ]

8 Bonus for hide to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 13.
5 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 20.
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