Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Zjaa shakes her head in response. "Some fool graith are bound to try to slip out at night, or pick a fight with some of Pale's men."

The Warlock smiles "Should we encourage this? Keep some pressure on them ... "

"Such strategies can be discussed in a little while, sister." Zjaa replies "For now you should relay to the other Captains that little has changed. We await possible attack, get into defensive formation. Styrrn and D'aynn now have three days to get their ships in order."

Raa-Shiis does so, one scroll for each.

"Come below, sisters. You are our guests." Zjaa speaks warmly to Ya'shenn and Ii, "Or return to your fellows, if you wish."

Bladedancer wrote:
After the transfer of troops back to their ships and the unloading rhe horses to the city Kirath makes his way to Starmantle and goes about trying to find Ii and Ya'shenn and failing that he will try to find the captains.

"Perhaps accomodations could be arranged for my siblings who are currently aboard Pale's vessels? I am certain that they would be happy to be away from the necromancer for a few days." For far longer, actually...

Speaking of which... Ya'shenn contacts Sark'ja and informs her of the existing situation... as well as inviting her and the rest of the rrakkma band to leave Pale's undesirable company for a while, should they wish to do so. To Kirath: ~Commander Kirath... thank you. It was you who convinced Mist-of-the-Mind to tell us what her destination was, and what she planned for the githyanki of Starmantle. As I would not have wished to be used to conscript other siblings of mine, I am grateful. Now...

The psion happily provides Kirath with the knowledge she has concerning Starmantle's layout. It will not be difficult for the Cultist to find either herself or Ii'Jyka'Vaar.

~Commander, if you could tell me more about how either your Cultists or Tar'geel's Apocalytes have dealt previously with the githyanki of this port? Any hostilities that I will need to smooth over, or unpleasant duels I will have to prevent?

Burning Spear wrote:
"Thank you, Captain Zjaa, I welcome your invitation, as I would like to peruse the fleets magic to see if there is a trade to be made for a very strongly magicked axe I have found, and I am in need of some more appropriate items, especially seeing what situation we are in.." And with that Ii'Jyka looks at Ya'shenn for her to accompany her..

"There are certain weapons I would not mind seeking out, actually." Being who she is, Ya'shenn is more focused on the minds of the others -- getting her siblings settled, dealing with the captains, pondering what Mist-of-the-Mind must be planning at this very moment -- than on the acquisition of physical blades. "A weaponsmith, then, and..." She looks to Raa-Shiis. "Perhaps Starmantle is home to an alchemist of note?"

Azure wrote:
It is also hung with silks and tapestries, and has many other luxuries including a cabinet of alcoholic spirits. The left chamber is Zjaa's, and it is far more spartan. Blades hang on the walls, and there is a hammock and a few pieces of furniture and a table, but though the same total space, seems far roomier than Raa's room. It is here that Ii and Ya'shenn are invited.

Ii inquires about items, and Raa-Shiis seems interested in helping.. She is a dealer in magic items, of sorts, being a pirate and a mage. "Starmantle is a trading hub, not as big as Westgate, but still, we may be able to find what you are looking for, between the town itself and the fleets here." Indeed it was to unload some booty that we are here ourselves."

"Indeed? A lucrative raid of some sort?"

[Simultaneous post here, but I don't think it conflicts too much with the most recent posts.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

" More like courier service. That is why we are aboard the Swallow." Adds Zjaa, "She is essentially a fast cargo ship, rather than a raider."

"Though she does well in the pinch."

"Indeed. And her crew is exceptional. I am well pleased with our ally. I'm sure we can find room for your siblings here on board, Ya'shenn the Double-Edged Mind." Ya'shenn is surprised. She is a psion, that much an observant githyanki could note, but she had not mentioned her Order. Ya'shenn knows now that Zjaa is very shrewd, and she likely noted Ya'shenn's dagger on their first meeting. "You would be safer here than in quarters in the town of Starmantle itself. The graith here fear us, some few even respect us, in their barbarian conception of it. Yet they are graith. Pirates, murderers, thieves, backstabbers, weaklings, and cowards. Those not bold enough to face our blades, still know that we too must sleep. The situation is far worse in Westgate. Here, at least, Ib'm and her platoon keep fear of githyanki steel fresh in the barbarians' minds."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The Swallow anchors off the githyanki islet-tower, about a mile east of town. The ship is hounded by several of Pale's skiffs (which in turn are followed by Nah'Mizh"Aar) until it is clear that it has come to rest. The other fleets either anchor in place, or sail around the bay all day, keeping pale's skiffs busy and testing how far away from the town they can get before they receive a warning.

While Pales skiffs, numbering about sixty, patrol the outskirts and the sea, preventing escape, his three planar raiders and most of the brigs hover over the towers of Starmantle Castle, atop the highest ridge. The 'castle' is little more than a walled compound between three towers, one larger and taller than the other two. If Pale's forces were expecting resistance, they would have been surprised, for the castle has been empty since the Lich Queen's forces originally took Starmantle. It is, in fact, where some members of Ib'm's garrison go for privacy.

Sark'ja, Kitiir, and Ha'kan'a all disembark from the Knife, but Gy-Nath and K'tch remain. Ya'shenn and Ii'jyka'vaar encounter the Git'ribani in the main market district of the city around noon.

Sark'ja is annoyed "Fool bard requested an audience ... with Mist-of-the-Mind! Gy-Nath wouldn't let him go alone."

Ra-Shiis helps Ii find a few of the items on her list. Magic is plentiful on this world (in a comparative sense) and the githyanki have their own item 'market' among themselves. The Mask and the Headband she seeks are the hardest to obtain, for the githyanki who possess githyanki-made versions will only trade for other githyanki items. A compromise is brokered by Ra-Shiis, who acts as Ii's 'pawn shop'.

Ya'shenn, meanwhile, accompanies the three Sigilan-githyanki. Ha'kan'a surmises that in a pirate city he should be able to find a top-notch peg-leg craftsman. The Young gith is strangely, almost eerily, upbeat and energetic, dispite the fact that he must hop everywhere. Ya'shenn understands; he has completed his first rrakkma, and an illithid died on his blade. He is finally a true githyanki ... or he would be, had he been hatched in a varsh'isk instead of an apartment in Git'riban.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[DM: Assuming (1) Ii and Ya'shenn go into town with Ra-Shiis (2) Kirath remains with 'his troops' throughout the day, preparing to transfer the horses that evening (3) Ar'dru remains with the duthka'gith of Kirath's strike force for the time being]

[DM II: Ya'shenn can visit and talk with any of the githyanki captains or Ib'm, if she wants]


Word spreads like wildfire through town all day that Pale is a master necromancer and that he isn't kidding. Very few graith try to leave Starmantle, by land or sea, that day.

There is one incident that day worth noting, however;

No new ships arrived that day, but a single astral skiff flies into Starmantle about an hour before sunset. It is immediately surrounded by three of Pale's skiffs and escorted up to the castle.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Ra-Shiis helps Ii find a few of the items on her list. Magic is plentiful on this world (in a comparative sense) and the githyanki have their own item 'market' among themselves. The Mask and the Headband she seeks are the hardest to obtain, for the githyanki who possess githyanki-made versions will only trade for other githyanki items. A compromise is brokered by Ra-Shiis, who acts as Ii's 'pawn shop'.

Ii'Jyka'Vaar allows Ra-Shiis all the freedom she needs to help accomplish the needed bantering, even suggesting that the axe be traded first for specific items that are needed by certain Gith, so as to smooth the transition from graith items to gith ones...

She listens intently to the gossip in the streets, and the comments made around the bartering, trying to get a clue of her surroundings...

gather info
I rolled 1d20, each(17) , the result is 1 = 1.
I rolled 1d20.each(17), the result is 37 = 37.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Sark'ja, Kitiir, and Ha'kan'a all disembark from the Knife, but Gy-Nath and K'tch remain. Ya'shenn and Ii'jyka'vaar encounter the Git'ribani in the main market district of the city around noon.

Sark'ja is annoyed "Fool bard requested an audience ... with Mist-of-the-Mind! Gy-Nath wouldn't let him go alone."

Damn. Ya'shenn is not overly surprised, though. Either of them might easily serve the Silver Eyes. "Sister, do you recall either of them saying anything else? Was it clear to you what they intend?"

The psion is not very comfortable with the idea of direct command -- as opposed to indirect influence, something that those of her Order tend to enjoy wielding -- but at least some of the others seem to have been looking to her for direction, lately. Ya'shenn therefore... asks... that the formerly conscripted githyanki avoid traveling alone within the city. While a barbarian is seldom a great threat to a githwarrior in a one-on-one fight, it wouldn't do to unnecessarily sap their strength fighting graith, and larger ambushes against a lone githyanki are certainly possible.

Ya'shenn is still a psionic healer, and after speaking with the Git'ribani she immediately joins Ha'kan'a in seeking out a crafter (preferably githyanki, but a graith might have to do) who might be able to assist the young githwarrior. While Ha'kan'a probably does not realize it himself, Ya'shenn is rather envious of him, for the githwarrior appears to possess the usual Githyanki bravery in full measure... while she does not.

She also renews her mindlink with the githees, if necessary, and with Kirath, if possible. The psion seeks out merchants (again, githyanki, by preference, but barbarian if necessary) of various projectile weapons, as well as directions to the best alchemist in Starmantle. Ya'shenn then seeks out Ib'm, preferably with at least Ii'Jyka'Vaar also present.

Azure wrote:
No new ships arrived that day, but a single astral skiff flies into Starmantle about an hour before sunset. It is immediately surrounded by three of Pale's skiffs and escorted up to the castle.

Ya'shenn eyes the skiff for any obvious signs -- a standard, a carved ship's name, or a distinctively ornate prow -- of whom the skiff might belong to, or why it has arrived in Starmantle at this time. Nor is she unwilling to ask the local githyanki if they recognize this ship. Failing these, the psion uses her own clairvoyant powers, as cautiously as possible, to try to determine more about the astral skiff.

[I figure Ya'shenn would have a good idea where psions would normally be stationed on an astral skiff, or what psionic anti-clairvoyant precautions might be in use. The idea here is to try to identify the ship, which warband/s the crew belong to, and similar general information, preferably without alerting the crew.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

* "Sister, do you recall either of them saying anything else? Was it clear to you what they intend?" *

"The fool said it was an honor an an obligation of his Order, to report to Mist . Gy-Nath advised against it, and when the berk insisted, offered to accompany him."

"He did also say he was going to insist to report to Mist-of-the-Mind alone, without Pale or Nath. I wonder how that's going to go? Feh! Next time I see the addle-cove, he'll be prob'ly be a rotter!" Sark'ja then grumbles a series of horrid curses, both githyanki and planar cant, that sting Ya'shenn's cultured Tu'narath manners.


* Ya'shenn eyes the skiff for any obvious signs -- a standard, a carved ship's name, or a distinctively ornate prow -- of whom the skiff might belong to, or why it has arrived in Starmantle at this time. Nor is she unwilling to ask the local githyanki if they recognize this ship. Failing these, the psion uses her own clairvoyant powers, as cautiously as possible, to try to determine more about the astral skiff. *

Ya'shenn has little trouble spying on the skiff when it comes in. It is a standard 4-gith skiff, like the rest on this world, the size of a large wagon made of metal plates. The skiff is more similar in appearance to Kirath's skiffs than to Pale's (which are painted black). Much more similar. In fact, if she hadn't seen it come in from the sea, Ya'shenn might of mistaken it for one of the skiffs of Kirath's strike-force.

There are no wards preventing clairvoyance, so when they pass close enough, Ya'shenn can see inside. There are only two githyanki aboard. Both githyanki in the skiff wear the robes of psions. The one at the helm is older than the confused-looking youngster at his side. It is the more-experienced psion at the helm who notices Ya'shenn's 'presence', and psionicly scries her in return, though he makes no attempt at contact ..

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
She also renews her mindlink with the githees, if necessary, and with Kirath, if possible. The psion seeks out merchants (again, githyanki, by preference, but barbarian if necessary) of various projectile weapons, as well as directions to the best alchemist in Starmantle. Ya'shenn then seeks out Ib'm, preferably with at least Ii'Jyka'Vaar also present.

Ii'Jyka'Vaar allows Ya'shenn to mindlink with her, and if asked will accompany her to any meeting she wants to attend, after they stocked up on equipment...

(DM, can I write off the axe, and add the other wish-list items to my backpack? aka character sheet)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The githyankis' feet inevitably lead them down to the port. This is where the beating heart of Starmantle truly resides. The Git'ribani are far more at ease in the graith city than either Ya'shenn or Ii find proper. It is, however, understandable considering all three are Sigilans, after all. A few inquiries (and a one-sided knife fight with an impolite dwarf) later, Ha'kan'a finds a craftman, an old graith with a wooden leg himself, who takes measurements and tells him to come back tomorrow evening.

It is by now approaching mid-day, and the group heads down into the port itself, looking for Ib'm. She is not hard to find. She paces back and forth among the piers and warehouses, a squad of githwarriors jogging to keep up and guard her person. She seems to pay her own people little mind, instead ordering graith about with the speed and determination of an entire corps of command officers.

Ib'm sees the Git'riban githyanki before they come close and finishes whatever argument she was having so that she might greet them cordially.

"My guests! Welcome to Starmantle, graith cesspool that it is! But I forget myself. I will make such hospitality as I can in this barbarian backwater. Meet me back at the Custom House, the large stone fort along the docks, in about an hour. I should be done with these sea-rats by then ... " Three goblins dragging a surprising amount of coiled rope approach, seemingly wanting to interrupt. "Not now! ... G'inkrr, go tell N'ehc-Tik to take out the good stuff for the noon meal. The key to the spirits cabinet is ... I said NOT NOW!" The lead goblin is tugging at Ib'm's sleave. Ib'm shoots him an evil glace and his eyes glaze over. He falls backward into the already-full arms of his companions, and all three collapse in the dirt. "The key is in my chambers, hanging to the left of the door. The ring with only one key." Impatience starts to reveal itself in her voice, but she sighs and calms herself before turning back to Ii and Ya'shenn.

"You'll find most of my men on the porch of the Customs House. They can appraise you of the situation in the town until I get back. Gith's eye be upon you, siblings." She bows and turns back to her business.


At the Customs House there are indeed several githyanki, lounging on the steps and a large patio before the main doors of the building. There are some tables and chairs set up there, and a small portable smithy where one gith is making arrowheads. Two others nearby practice with their crossbows, shooting at a bunch of scarecrows set up along the closest pier. The graith wisely avoid this pier, or the lane between it and the Custom House steps, when the githyanki fancy target practice.

Ib'm's troops are a mixture of githwarriors and mlar-caste from several bands, including Garnet, Jasper, Turquoise, and Basalt. There are a trio of Onyx, a warlock and two gish-caste, who eye Pale's ships with trepidation. The gith here mix easily, though. They are The People, in a sea of barbarians, and they hold themselves apart from the graith.

The githwarriors welcome the Git'ribani, and are in fact fascinated when they learn the group is recently from Sigil. They are anxious for news of the Astral, and the planes in general.

Ib'm returns sooner than expected, while introductions are still being made. She still has the harried manner of someone with a hundred running projects, and indeed she doesn't loose it. Indeed, even while she sits for her mid-day meal, the braver pirate captains still come up to her with their needs and problems. Most need only climb half way up the steps before the psion reads their thoughts and silently sends them instructions.

The meal consists mostly of various dried or smoked meats, with several bottles of wine to wash them down. Drunkenness is not well regarded in githyanki society, as it often involves a loss of control, but the gith here seem to have picked up some graith habits, drinking and smoking pipes.

Ib'm informs the Git'ribani of the situation on Toril. Much of it they have already heard, but Ib'm is remarkably well-informed and incredibly intelligent and astute in her own right. Her main concern is maintaining Starmantle as a working port for the Apocalyte fleets. Being aware of the situation around her own city is necessary, though she complains that she must often rely on dubious scuttlebut from graith pirates instead of proper reports.

To the west, the githyanki have been pushed out of the western heartlands and most of the Dragon Coast. A small empire clings on to south-western Sembia, ruled by a red dragon dracolich and friendly to the Ascendancy and the Cult of Tiamat. The Apocalytes in the west mostly stay in "The Dead Stones" their name for the graith city of Urmlaspyr. Most of the Apocalyte forces are instead spread out in small bases throughout the Pirate Isles to the east and on the ships of the pirate fleets. Ib'm laments the state The People have been reduced to, barely a step above the gith pirates of wildspace. "All the more reason to enjoy what trappings of civilization we may, trapped among this barbarian horde, my siblings."

The conversation eventually comes back to the matter with Master Pale. "If it should come to blows ... mind you I hope it does not, for the graith should not see us squabbling like orcs ... but if it does, I doubt Pale will be able to conquer us all. With the fleets that are here, we can put up a good fight, especially since we are forewarned. Thank you again by the way."

"Still, I've no doubt the Queen's Necromancer is cooking up some very, very nasty things up there, in case the fleets refuse to follow him."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar listens intently to all the words being spoken, all the while silently eating her fill, as if she needs to eat for more then just herself.. though she doesn't touch the wine, it intrigues her that any gith would slowly fall down a spiral of abuse (of oneself)... more reminiscent of herself probably... but she tries to put that thought far back in her mind.

She listens intently to Ib'm and soaks up all the info she can...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
"The fool said it was an honor an an obligation of his Order, to report to Mist . Gy-Nath advised against it, and when the berk insisted, offered to accompany him."

"He did also say he was going to insist to report to Mist-of-the-Mind alone, without Pale or Nath. I wonder how that's going to go? Feh! Next time I see the addle-cove, he'll be prob'ly be a rotter!"

"That is... unfortunate." Ya'shenn is not happy, to say the least, to have her initial suspicions of the bard confirmed. Of course, she had just thoroughly betrayed Master Pale herself. It is not entirely surprising to be betrayed in turn.

Azure wrote:
There are no wards preventing clairvoyance, so when they pass close enough, Ya'shenn can see inside. There are only two githyanki aboard. Both githyanki in the skiff wear the robes of psions. The one at the helm is older than the confused-looking youngster at his side. It is the more-experienced psion at the helm who notices Ya'shenn's 'presence', and psionicly scries her in return, though he makes no attempt at contact ..

While she hadn't wanted to be noticed by those aboard the skiff, the psion bows politely to the one scrying her, in a fashion that suggests that she is unsure what his true rank might be. She then ceases her own scrying.

[Assuming the two psions are too far away to send a telepathic missive. Also, can Ya'shenn make checks to tell if the mystery psion is still scrying on her? Do those two have any warband insignia or the like indicating whom they might be?]

Azure wrote:
The lead goblin is tugging at Ib'm's sleave. Ib'm shoots him an evil glance and his eyes glaze over. He falls backward into the already-full arms of his companions, and all three collapse in the dirt.

While the odds are high that the goblin's concern is something totally mundane and unimportant, it might actually prove to be something like 'Legions and legions of graith are preparing to attack the city!' The training of Ya'shenn's Order contains several cautionary tales of that type. Fortresses had fallen as a result of messages not delivered. Once the goblins seem more recovered (and Ib'm has moved on to her thousand other tasks), the psion asks in a mild tone: "You have a message for the Portmaster, perhaps? Is it important?"

Azure wrote:
The githwarriors welcome the Git'ribani, and are in fact fascinated when they learn the group is recently from Sigil. They are anxious for news of the Astral, and the planes in general.

Ya'shenn is reasonably forthcoming when asked about the current situation in the Astral and the Planes. She is happy to mingle with siblings who are not fanatical supporters of the Ascendancy (though of course she does not say so). Without being obvious about it, the psion tries to learn more concerning the current status of the warbands these githyanki represent as well as their own opinions on Pale's unwelcome arrival.

[DM, let me know if Ya'shenn is asked specifically about Tu'narath...]

Azure wrote:
Ib'm laments the state The People have been reduced to, barely a step above the gith pirates of wildspace. "All the more reason to enjoy what trappings of civilization we may, trapped among this barbarian horde, my siblings."

[Assuming here that Ya'shenn is fairly sure she's not being scried upon...]

While the psion drinks little of the wine (despite its quality), she does eat as heavily as decorum allows. Ya'shenn had been slowly starving herself for days aboard Pale's flagship. If events had led to immediate battle rather than the current situation, she had wanted the front-line warriors to be in prime fighting condition. "I am certain we are grateful for your hospitality, Portmaster. Indeed, I wish that I had the locations of major portals to provide you. It would be advantageous for all of the People involved if communications and lines of supply were to return to something akin to what they once were."

Azure wrote:
"If it should come to blows ... mind you I hope it does not, for the graith should not see us squabbling like orcs ... but if it does, I doubt Pale will be able to conquer us all. With the fleets that are here, we can put up a good fight, especially since we are forewarned. Thank you again by the way."

"Still, I've no doubt the Queen's Necromancer is cooking up some very, very nasty things up there, in case the fleets refuse to follow him."

"I will be happy to provide the People of Starmantle with whatever aid I may. I do have one concern. While it would be most... unethical... there is at least a small chance that at least one of Pale's psions may attempt to influence the captains by other than mundane means. I imagine that you would be able to sense any such manipulations, but I wish to caution you of the possibility, nonetheless." Ya'shenn does not like to contemplate her probable fate if the captains were to suddenly decide to follow the mad necromancer.

"I could make guesses concerning how each captain intends to deal with the necromancer's arrival, but you would have known them far longer. How do you feel Captains D'aynn, Styrrn, and the others are likely to react?"


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
"I could make guesses concerning how each captain intends to deal with the necromancer's arrival, but you would have known them far longer. How do you feel Captains D'aynn, Styrrn, and the others are likely to react?"

"Well from what he was saying in the tower, Syrrn would never willingly join with Pale. Styrrn has a reputation for being unpredictable, though. It is very hard to say what crazy idea he could come up with.

She sends to Ya'shenn alone, ~ I would not say this aloud, but I would not even put it past him to try to slip away and save himself, despite his word to the other captains to stand with them.

"As for D'aynn, he is a True Apocalyte. He believes that the githyanki race is doomed, and that Gith is gathering our souls for her final destruction of the ghaik. The more powerful he is when he dies, and the more spectacular his death, the more power he will provide for Gith's Apocalype. The True do not accept the True Apocalytes' dogma, but they share many other beliefs, like the rebirth of Gith's soul within in Ar-Gish."

"As a True Apocalyte he must also hold that the githyanki must prepare Ar-Gish's Empire on the Primes, so that she may safely return to lead the survivors of The Lich Queen's Fall."

One of the nervous-looking Onyx adds,

"I too am a True Apocalyte. I left Pale's command when I accepted the word of Gith. His Ascendancy would see us led by another pretender. One which would be a puppet of whichever group saw their princess succeed. It was either go against the will of Ar-Gish, desert, or confront Pale, which surely would have meant serving him in undeath. So I fled, as did others of our band who felt similarly. I am still kind of surprised he let us go without hunting us all down, but now that he is here ... I doubt we will be so lucky again when he discovers us.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
One of the nervous-looking Onyx adds,

"I too am a True Apocalyte. I left Pale's command when I accepted the word of Gith. His Ascendancy would see us led by another pretender. One which would be a puppet of whichever group saw their princess succeed. It was either go against the will of Ar-Gish, desert, or confront Pale, which surely would have meant serving him in undeath. So I fled, as did others of our band who felt similarly. I am still kind of surprised he let us go without hunting us all down, but now that he is here ... I doubt we will be so lucky again when he discovers us.

Ii'Jyka'Vaar straightens herself from her thoughtful pose and stops eating, clears her mouth and replies:
"For the worth of it, you, and anybody else who sees my word for protection as a valid option,can have that protection, and can serve under me IF we are to forcibly serve with Pale...
I intend to not serve him willingly, but if we end up in a situation that's best for all of us to do so, then my protection should stand.
It does imply though, that the people who "serve me" do so inexplicably, not on a whim..."
and with that she bows her head to Ib'm to have the word again..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

While the odds are high that the goblin's concern is something totally mundane and unimportant, it might actually prove to be something like 'Legions and legions of graith are preparing to attack the city!' The training of Ya'shenn's Order contains several cautionary tales of that type. Fortresses had fallen as a result of messages not delivered. Once the goblins seem more recovered (and Ib'm has moved on to her thousand other tasks), the psion asks in a mild tone: "You have a message for the Portmaster, perhaps? Is it important?"

Ya'shenn is rewarded for her concern with the knowledge that a great deal of rope in storehouse #3 is rotten and rat-chewed, and is therefore no good. Ib'm notices Ya'shenn helping the goblins to their feet, something none of the other githyanki would do. She gives a smirk and a little nod, then goes off in the direction of the storehouses, a brace of what look like cooks and butchers by their stained aprons already moving to intercept the Port Master's entourage.


Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath oversees the monotonous task of transferring livestock and says under his breath "By Tiamat's Five Breaths I would almost rather be back in the Blood War than have this duty." "Working for a thrice damned psychotic wanna-be lich who is somewhat controlled by a ghost-psion of legend just my sodding luck." "Well on the upside maybe I'll die quickly if we pull this little rebellion off"

While staring off into space jabbering to himself Geb's mental voice shouts into his mind "Commander Kirath!!!" With a start that almost knocks the little warlock over. Kirath looks around embarrassingly his face slightly flushed to make sure none of his fellow githyanki spied him almost falling on his face.

After taking a moment to compose himself Kirath forms a mental reply "What is it Geb?" The coordinator's voice replies "There is a scout skiff doing a fly-by on the city. It is not one of Pale's either." Hmmm show me." Within a a second or two a mental image of the skiff comes into Kirath's mind.

With a feeling of hope tinged with fear (or is it a feeling of fear tinged with hope?) The tiny githyanki then says out loud "Well this should interesting if nothing else" He then sends mentally to Geb perhaps you should pass on this little bit of news to Ya'shenn and my favorite knight.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vaar straightens herself from her thoughtful pose and stops eating, clears her mouth and replies: "For the worth of it, you, and anybody else who sees my word for protection as a valid option,can have that protection, and can serve under me IF we are to forcibly serve with Pale... I intend to not serve him willingly, but if we end up in a situation that's best for all of us to do so, then my protection should stand. It does imply though, that the people who "serve me" do so inexplicably, not on a whim..." and with that she bows her head to Ib'm to have the word again..

Ib'm makes no reply at first. It is one of her githwarriors who speaks, very much out-of-turn and over-reaching for his station. "We have already heard that you *hold the dagger* of the necromancer Pale."

Whatever further opinions the warrior was ready to express, a gesture from Ib'm silences him. "Who might have foreseen such a time as this, when true children of Gith distrust each other. As you are newly arrived here, you may not know the fate of our knights.

"At first, after Vlaakith's ... fall ... most of the knights within the warband forces continued to enforce her edicts. Every gith knew, very quickly, that something dire had happened and the Lich Queen was no more. There were many small rebellions, most of which simply ended with a duel, but they grew in number and eventually senior officers began challenging the authority of the knights.

"Once that started happening, the vast majority of knights left their regiments and traveled to Daerlun. There they lend their strength to The Claws of Death. The Ascendancy is dominant there. They claim to support all of the Princesses of the Ascendancy, and to favor none over any other. In reality, the supporters of the different sub-blocs are constantly at each others' throats.

"It seems Pale lost any knights that would have been otherwise under his command. Not having any of Vlaakith's Chosen would be a big blow to Pale's legitimacy within the Ascendancy. No wonder he showers you with honors.

"Yes, we already know much about Pale's forces and those with him, such as yourselves, Gib, Tar-Geel, and Kirath. News travels fast. What is slow is the tedious and imperfect task of removing bias, hearsay, rumor, and fabrication from the truth."

* campaign flavor note *

The phrase "hold a dagger for" has several shades of meaning. On its most basic level, it implies a closeness to a commanding officer, such that one might hold the commander's secondary weapons for him/her. It could also imply an eagerness to please to the point of toadying; i.e. a subordinate that would run to fetch the commander's daggers when they were thrown in battle. There is also an uncouth association with the phrase, especially when the commander in question is male.

So, a question remains; "Was Ii just insulted by a low-rank soldier?" The answer is: Maybe. Ib'm stopped the githwarrior from saying anything that would really dig him a grave. How Ii is going to take it is up to her, since the githwarrior just said something that could be taken simply as "Pale seems to listen to you." or can be taken as "You're a sycophant and a suck-up and you're probably sleeping with Pale as well."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Ib'm makes no reply at first. It is one of her githwarriors who speaks, very much out-of-turn and over-reaching for his station. "We have already heard that you *hold the dagger* of the necromancer Pale."

Not very long ago, Ya'shenn would have been amused to hear the knight thus insulted. That is not the case now, however. She initially glares at the warrior, and seems about to say something -- but apparently decides that there is no reason the knight in question cannot handle this matter herself. In fact, the psion is probably curious to see exactly how Ii'Jyka'Vaar decides to respond to this insult.

Of course, the idea of Pale even having any sort of... personal... life whatsoever is a notion that the psion finds thoroughly sickening. Not for the first time, she wonders about the varsh swordwraith aboard his vessel.

[Might as well use Sense Motive. The warrior really was being that rude, wasn't he?]

Sense Motive - rude warrior
I rolled 1d20.each(14), the result is 27 = 27.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Regardless of the fact that the Queen might be "no more".. I expect respect from the ranks according to anyone's stature... I am a Knight, and expect to be honoured as such. Your comment (and she addresses the insulting Gith-soldier), was unacceptable, it was out of rank, and out of stature, and thus I demand satisfaction.
She then looks at Ib'm and says: "I demand a duel, however, seeing as we want to keep relations in the good sphere, I propose unarmed and unarmoured, until full submission..." with that said, if Ib'm agrees or does not disagree, she will then proceed to undress her weapons and armour..
If the duel continues as expected, she will even undress her uniform, saying: "I will show I am simply a child of gith when in this duel, so no uniform and no ranks untill the duel is finished.."
She rolls up her sleeves of her under-tunic (showing the swirling wind and cloud like tattoos) and stands in a ready stance to have a go at this..

*To Azure: I don't need to have the duel be fought round by round if you don't need it either.. so to keep the pace, IF I am better able to handle myself in this duel and kick snot out of this upstart, I will bring him to 0 hp and of his total hp 2/3rds will be simple subdual... and to define if its my advantage or not i will send you some details of my char. in a pm.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Hah! You don't know how long I've waited for the chance to strike a knight! I am Tij'di, though if I have my way, you won't remember that in a few minutes."

The githwarriors quickly form a ring around the two combatants as they strip from their armor. Ib'm takes Tij'di's arms, while Ii simply lays her own weapons and armor on the steps. The pair then face off in only their wrappings. They stand, a few paces from each other for a full minute before each crouches into a ready stance and they begin circling in.

Tij'di is quick and aggressive. Ii'jyka'vaar blocks his first few blows with her forearms, but then he caches her with a lucky uppercut. She backs up, narrowly avoiding another blow. Tij'di charges forward, trying to drive Ii toward the steps and unsure footing. He is too eager. Ii caches his wrist and twists him arm. Tij'di is himself thrown towards the steps. He stumbles down the first one, but when Ii comes in for a kick, he catches her ankle and pulls her from her feet. Tij'di comes back up the steps and delivers several vicious kicks to Ii's ribs as she tries to roll away. Ii manages to roll back to her feet among a rain of blows.

Tij'di comes in with a deadly combination of fists and knees as Ii stands back up. Some land solidly, but their cost outweighs their effectiveness. Ii catches Tij'di's arms, and puts him in a choke hold. He struggles, and manages to keep from being choked out. It takes a few moments for the githwarrior to catch on, but then he realizes; wherever the knight's bare skin touches his, it burns! He becomes frantic in his efforts to escape, and is successful. He then fights in a more mobile style, keeping Ii from getting a hold again.

Ii matches Tij'di's new stance, turning the fight into an exchange of blows with the fist, knee, and foot. Ti'jdi lands some solid blows, and Ii's blood graces the stones. But whenever Ii's fists land, Tij'di bruises strongly, and quickly. Soon he has a swollen eye. At this point, he himself knows the inevitable outcome of the match. Does not give up, and makes a good showing, but toll of Ii's blows quickly shows. He tires more than Ii, and fatigue is his downfall. Finally, Ii manages to kick his legs from under him. She follows up with a downward punch to the head which ends the fight.

Ib'm has some githwarriors bring Tij'di and his gear inside. She congratulates Ii's victory with a silent bow.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn's face remains relatively impassive, though the expression in her eyes seems rather troubled. First, the psion becomes more fully aware than ever of the simple fact that Gy-Nath is no longer here to keep the knight under control. Still, given a choice between dealing with Ii'Jyka'Vaar and dealing with Pale... and what Gy-Nath's decision to remain with the necromancer says about his own true loyalties...

Second, the fact that as blunt as Tij'di seems, he is at least far more brave than Ya'shenn is herself. Third: that such division cannot be very helpful with Pale and his fleet essentially holding the city in a state of siege. Fourth: That Tij'di is in possession of potentially valuable information, and as such should be treated well.

The psion does not appear to clearly favor either opponent as the duel proceeds.

Azure wrote:
Ib'm has some githwarriors bring Tij'di and his gear inside. She congratulates Ii's victory with a silent bow.

Once Ya'shenn realizes what Ib'm intends, she is quick to volunteer: "Portmaster, I am a psionic healer. I would like to heal this warrior myself, if you have no objection."

She also sends to Ii'Jyka'Vaar: ~Sister, I certainly do not doubt your martial prowess, but it is likely that eventually you will challenge someone who is even more skilled than you are.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar bows back at I'bm and remains cool about her win.. Inside herself though, he is happy that she won, simply to show this upstart his place if anything...

She lets I'bm take control of the situation again without any interference, seeing that its best to solve the rest of this situation more diplomatically..

She proceeds to take her armor and weapons and equip herself again..

If Ii'Jyka can reply to Ya' shenn: ~Thank you for the compliment, and do not worry my sister, I do not intend to challenge all who we meet just for my satisfaction, "this" was as much a political statement in general as it was to defend my own personal honor.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Azure wrote:
Ib'm has some githwarriors bring Tij'di and his gear inside. She congratulates Ii's victory with a silent bow.

Once Ya'shenn realizes what Ib'm intends, she is quick to volunteer: "Portmaster, I am a psionic healer. I would like to heal this warrior myself, if you have no objection."

"Please, sister, that is not necessary. We have our own healers." Ib'm is nonchalant, in her response, all of a sudden much colder than before. However, Ya'shenn "hears" a psionic message from her.

~ Insist

[ DM : Assuming she does so. ]

"Very well, if you are so eager to experience your companion's beating ... I suppose Tikbem and Estlop are busy enough at present. Have at it."

Ya'shenn follows the warriors in ... {}

"Ii'jyka'vaar, Githees, I must take my leave. But please, stay with my githwarriors here, and let them learn from your blades' tales. I haven't yet seen to quarters here for you, but you need only ask. I will be about the port, but please, if you should encounter anything you feel warrants my attention, no matter how trivial, inform me directly or through my officers." Ib'm bows, and walks off. Before she has gone from sight down the street, indeed mere moments after she descends the steps of the customs house, she is beset by half a dozen pirates led by three githyanki. The discussion seems to involve rope.

Watching Ib'm, Ii realizes that the psion must spend much more time now interacting with the graith than with her own people ... and hates it. Hates the graith, and hates her job. Hates it with the passion that only those who are really, really good at their job can. Few, gith, graith, or god, could keep Starmantle running so well in her circumstances. A city of pirates, thieves, mercenaries, opportunists, and merchants bold enough to bargain with githyanki, with exactly one administrator.

The those of Ib'm's githwarriors who remain congratulate Ii's victory, though it seems mostly as a formality, with little enthusiasm. A few are impressed, and perhaps newly respectful of her station, for she finds herself speaking with the two Onyx and another whose warband is hard to determine, due to the variety of githyanki and graith gear she carries ... {}

Kirath and Ar'dru, along with all the others of Kirath's force, unload the horse corpses to Pale's flagship. It is heavy work indeed, for they must go onto the lowest deck, and therefore lifted out of brigs (though they at least can turn upside-down to link up their holds with Pale's bottom deck). Contact with Pale's work and troops turns up some interesting facts.

1) Pale is very hard at work, and driving his necromancer disciples hard too. Everyone looks sleep-deprived. Except Master Pale, who continues to look dead and mummified under his wrappings.

2) Pale seems to be experimenting, or perhaps his experiments are long done and he's perfecting new and different forms of undead. Kirath recognizes the corpses of many graith riders they had chased down on the Shining Plains. They are among others, that he assumes represent every experienced horseman that Pale's forces found north of Assam.

3) One particular weapon that Kirath notices are the sacks of viscera that Ii had seen Pale working on before. There are dozens, each large enough to be unwieldy to carry, but easy enough to swing out the back hatch, near to where they are stored.

4) The skiff that came in was pressed into Pale's service, just as they were. The two psions are now "honored guests" of Pale, and have taken the Git'ribanis' place on his personal brig, the Knife.

5) Shortly after the unloading is complete, Kirath's scouts inform him (and Ar'dru) that another skiff approached Starmantle, but retreated as Pale's skiffs moved to intercept.... {}

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ignore atm...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Ib'm bows, and walks off. Before she has gone from sight down the street, indeed mere moments after she descends the steps of the customs house, she is beset by half a dozen pirates led by three githyanki. The discussion seems to involve rope.

Ya'shenn sends to the Portmaster: ~Ah, yes... She relays the goblin's message concerning the rope in storehouse #3. Probably at about the same time Ib'm's latest petitioners do so, actually. At a moment when the other psion seems marginally less distracted, she adds: ~Portmaster, a ship arrived here earlier today; I do not recognize its provenance. She describes the mystery vessel in question. ~Anyone aboard is likely either a guest or a prisoner of Pale by now. I would very much like to know the identities of anyone aboard, and their purpose for coming to Starmantle at this time.

The psion focuses her attention on healing the overly rude, if otherwise skillful, warrior. While she had not cared for Ib'm's remark, Ya'shenn does not really anticipate that healing Tij'di will be all that physically painful... by her standards. After healing fire and acid burns from githwarriors...

[Empathic Transfer and Body Adjustment here.]

As a matter of habit, she also checks the warrior for any sign of which warband he might call his own.

If the rude githwarrior comes to, Ya'shenn remarks mildly: "You fight bravely, warrior. Few could last so long against Ii'Jyka'Vaar as you have."

She also sends to Tij'di alone: ~One might wonder which githees gave you such offense in the past. I doubt that Ii'Jyka'Vaar was that knight, though.

Ya'shenn also contemplates what this Tij'di must think about her, given his opinion of Ii'Jyka'Vaar. The psion, after all, actually is a sycophantic sort. Not only is it a simple aspect of who she is, it is literally a part of what she has been trained to be, as a member of her Order, and... She also rather doubts this one is very familiar with the habitual etiquette associated with many Tu'narathi.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn lays hands on the githwarrior, and begins to enter into her healing trance. Though she does not let it break her concentration, she is surprised at the damage. She is expecting the kind of stinging ache that comes from unarmed combat, for she has healed many young 'yanki in the training rings before their first tests and first real blades. What she was not expecting was the cold. Almost like Ii had beat Tij'di with blocks of ice, then left them there in his flesh. No ... not cold, exactly. More like an absence of health and vigor which was not even like negative-energy damage. Ya'shenn has never met its like.

[ Evil DM says make a will save, to realize that you can't heal this damage ... BEFORE you absorb it. The better you do, the less you'll absorb before you realize. DC of 25 you don't have to absorb any at all, but if you fall short, I'll make you take at least some, and if you can't hit DC of 15 you'll take it ALL. BTW, you need to take at least some and fail to heal it for any real insight into the kind of damage Ii was doing, and the more you absorb, the more insight you'll gain! Wheee! Eye-wink ]

Zimrazim wrote:
She also sends to Tij'di alone: ~One might wonder which githees gave you such offense in the past. I doubt that Ii'Jyka'Vaar was that knight, though. .

Ya'shenn finds that Tij'di opens his mind to her, unconciously, for he is a trusting sort, even for a githyanki with whom she has just shared a metabolism. He does not answer her, not exactly, but instead she understands why he challenged Ii'jyka'vaar ...

There are seven githyanki in the room, Tij'di and Ib'm are among them. Ya'shenn recognizes most of the others from among Ib'm's warriors. Ib'm is telling them about the coming of the Knight, and the news of Master Pale's arrival. Tij'di feels comradship. All those Ib'm assembled have accepted the True Apocalypse. Ib'm says nothing overt, but Tij'di believes that someone should challenge the knight, who must be a member of the Ascendancy, both for the honor of Ar-Gish and to test her strength for the sake of Ib'm's command.

Ya'shenn slowly realizes, it is only a lingering psionic residue that allows her to 'see' the scene Tij'di shows her. That can only mean that Ib'm gave him a little 'push' in the emotion center. Not much, and she probably did so to all assembled then trusted in the law of averages. This disturbs Ya'shenn a little, not least because she must wonder; were she herself in a position of command, would she too use her powers thus upon her own people?

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

A somewhat raspy low voice broke through the palpable scilence as Ya'shenn healed Tij'di.

"You had best thank Gith's merciful soul this woman was decent enough to heal you, for I would not. However, I am neither a kith'rak nor am I in any place to give orders. I ask your pardon."

The originator of the voice straightened up, moving out into a lighter portion of the room and revealing a black-haired githyanki female attired in a burgundy brocade vest, a white linen tunic and long black trousers tucked into fine leather boots. The oddest part of her appearence was the pair of gold spectacles inlaid with dark red lenses she wore, which she pushed to the bridge of her nose before making a formal bow, the sweeping scars curving along the edges of her right eye socket clearly visible.

"Azthri'Zhan'kel the Plague-Healer at your service."

She blinked, flushing at the other giths in the room.

"If I had known we were having a meeting I would have worn my piki--er, my damn armour. "

Hesitantly, the tall woman edged herself over to a chair and slid into it, her entire demeanor now one of bravely-subdued embarassment.

"I was late due to having to amputate Ysra'xhael's arm this morning. I tried mending it as best as I could for the poor woman, but those graiths knew their poisons. Necrotizing venom, of all things! Starmantle could use a few lessons from Sigil and prosecute them for attempted murder."

Azthri'Zhan'kel clenched her fists. "Apologies for speaking out of turn yet again, brethren."

The rogue then proceeded to take a large book out of the satchel slung over her shoulder and pored through the pages, scowling.

(OOC: Mahaha can't escape the Cant no matter how hard you try, lass. Btw, the book is a text on anatomical deformities.

To all - hail, sword-brethren. )


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
[ Evil DM says make a will save, to realize that you can't heal this damage ... BEFORE you absorb it. The better you do, the less you'll absorb before you realize. DC of 25 you don't have to absorb any at all, but if you fall short, I'll make you take at least some, and if you can't hit DC of 15 you'll take it ALL. BTW, you need to take at least some and fail to heal it for any real insight into the kind of damage Ii was doing, and the more you absorb, the more insight you'll gain! Wheee! ]

Will save
I rolled 1d20.each(11), the result is 27 = 27.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Azure wrote:
[ Evil DM says make a will save, to realize that you can't heal this damage ... BEFORE you absorb it. The better you do, the less you'll absorb before you realize. DC of 25 you don't have to absorb any at all, but if you fall short, I'll make you take at least some, and if you can't hit DC of 15 you'll take it ALL. BTW, you need to take at least some and fail to heal it for any real insight into the kind of damage Ii was doing, and the more you absorb, the more insight you'll gain! Wheee! ]

[DM: Did you see ooc post?]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
What she was not expecting was the cold. Almost like Ii had beat Tij'di with blocks of ice, then left them there in his flesh. No ... not cold, exactly. More like an absence of health and vigor which was not even like negative-energy damage. Ya'shenn has never met its like.

Ya'shenn is able to realize that attempting to absorb the supernatural 'chill' would be a very bad idea. It leads her to wonder once more about Ii'Jyka'Vaar. It is a bit like the touch of some undead creatures, yet...clearly not. To the knight in question: ~Sister, what did you do to him?! I cannot heal this!

Ii'Jyka'Vaar is able to sense that the psion is upset -- not only for Tij'di's sake, but because a certain percentage of Ya'shenn's ego is tied into her abilities as a healer. Much as the knight might be displeased to encounter an opponent that she could not defeat with the blade, the psion isn't happy that she is unable to heal the warrior fully. Especially after having asked to do so.

Azure wrote:
That can only mean that Ib'm gave him a little 'push' in the emotion center. Not much, and she probably did so to all assembled then trusted in the law of averages. This disturbs Ya'shenn a little, not least because she must wonder; were she herself in a position of command, would she too use her powers thus upon her own people?

While the insight that Tij'di's mind unwittingly provides is... helpful, the psion experiences no small amount of disgust at the psionic manipulation. Even so... I have thrown in my lot with these Apocalytes whether I like it or not... at least for now. Is Ib'm a follower of Ar-Gish herself, or is she merely choosing to manipulate the True Apocalytes among her number for her own purposes...?

Ya'shenn is distracted from these thoughts by the arrival of the newcomer.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
I would have worn my piki--er, my damn armour. "

That was a 'piking,' I believe.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"I was late due to having to amputate Ysra'xhael's arm this morning. I tried mending it as best as I could for the poor woman, but those graiths knew their poisons. Necrotizing venom, of all things!"

Ya'shenn actually winces, though it is for Ha'kan'a's sake and not Ysra'xhael, actually. She is still angry at herself simply for not having been able to heal Ha'kan'a's snakebite before the venom had progressed so far.

So, this one is from Sigil, is a healer but not a psionic healer, and... either those spectacles are enchanted, an affectation, or her vision is poor. As a matter of habit, Ya'shenn looks the newcomer over for any prominent gemstones or other signs of the warband to which this one belongs. With that accent, though...

"Sister?" the psion inquires... somewhat dryly. Once she is able to get the seemingly shy githyanki's attention away from the book, she returns the bow -- though in a rather generic, 'I'm not sure what your rank is' manner. "It is good to make the acquaintance of another healer. If you do not mind the question... I hear something of the city of Sigil in your voice. Are you recently come from there?" Ya'shenn is cautious asking the question -- not all githyanki would want to admit having even visited that vile and iniquitous cesspool of a city. She is also eager to hear any news that might reveal a functioning portal, though she takes pains to conceal this.

[If Azthri is familiar with it, Ya'shenn's accent is clearly that of Tu'narath.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'Zhan'kel adjusts her spectacles, ignoring the familliar presence pressing in the back of her skull as the enchantment continually barrs her mind from scrying. Steadying herself, the githyanki rogue lowers her slightly palsied hands and, not without a flicker of dread, meets Ya'shenn's gaze. Derog is fiercly attempting to gain control again and Azthri'Zhan'kel bends him to her will, locking him deeper into her subconcious.

{{Stor'shen'ska, do not speak to that psion! I forbid this!}} Derog snarls in her mind.

{{Don't tell me what I am permitted to do, spirit. You'll not use me as a puppet. Not today, not in front of other children of Gith.}}

{{Who saved you countless times during the Incursion when your Sigilian backwater attitude and manners would have been your undoing? Who imparted their knowledge and wisdom to you? Me.}}

{{Silence! It is not my will that you know my thoughts!}} Azthri'Zhan'kel shoves him into his place, away from her, away from everyone, before clearing her throat to speak.

"You speak truth, honoured Sister of the city of Tu'narath. I was hatched in a soup kitchen in the Hive. Here...." Azthri'Zhan'kel delves into her satchel and reverently removes a fine burgundy cloak from it, bearing the insignia of the Chrysocolla band. "....that's the only thing I have from my mother."

Glancing around, she takes a measured breath, fighting the urge to break anything non-gith in reach.

"Ach! Where's my manners? I attached to the the Carnelian band. They were slaughtered during the Incursion--"

This time, an agonized expression crosses Azthri'Zhan'kel's face.

"It is still very painful. They were the closest thing to a family I ever had in my life. I've been stranded here for weeks....has it been weeks? Hells, I don't even know anymore. I only wanted to take my place as one of the People as a warrior, not a Hive rat." Her shoulders sag visibly, the ramrod-straight militaristic pose gone in an instant. "I'm as gulible as a zerth disciple, I suppose."

(OOC: edited by request of Azure. =D

Apologies again, mate.

Stor'shen'ska - gender-neutral term used to refer to a very astute gith who shows enough skill to warrant a promotion. Derog is employing this mockingly.

Don't worry, Azthri won't be having these little moments often at all. It will not take over the game, I assure everyone. However, if she were younger, it would be an entirely different story.)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Ya'shenn is able to realize that attempting to absorb the supernatural 'chill' would be a very bad idea. It leads her to wonder once more about Ii'Jyka'Vaar. It is a bit like the touch of some undead creatures, yet...clearly not. To the knight in question: ~Sister, what did you do to him?! I cannot heal this!

Ii'Jyka'Vaar replies: ~I did what you saw, nothing more...

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'Zhan'kel crouches beside Ya'shenn in concern, observing the psion's body language. Peering intently at Tij'di, the Plague-Healer rummages through her satchel and sets aside various small bottles filled with unidentifiable murky fluids. Squinting, she takes hold of one of Tij'di's limp wrists, keeping careful mental note of his pulse and resperation rate.

"With your permission as his current healer, Sister, I request to draw off a sample of his blood." Azthri'Zhan'kel states to Ya'shenn before glancing up at Ib'm for further affirmation. "Perhaps our combined, though diverse. skills may aid Tij'di where one will not suffice?"

If this were not the result of Ii'Jyka'Vaar's retaliation, the doctor might have suspected she had employed the use of a cold-damage enchantment to add an advantage to her strikes. However, this particular effect on the areas of flesh struck by the other woman was most certainly beyond Azthri'Zhan'kel's own level of knowledge, much to her chagrin and disappointment.

(OOC: Tweaking PC sheet, will send ASAP, Liberator willing!)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

One thing that Azthri'zhankel might not yet recognize, but which her ghost 'companion' may, is a distinctive dagger at the psion's side. From what one can tell from the hilt and sheath, it appears more like a particularly long and narrow misericorde than a more typical dirk that a githwarrior might carry. Only members of the Order of the Double-Edged Mind carry such distinctive blades, and a githzerai (even an undead one) might reasonably feel concern about its presence.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
and, not without a flicker of dread, meets Ya'shenn's gaze.

Perhaps the psion notes something amiss... but attributes this to the newcomer's nervousness and many recent troubles.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"Ach! Where's my manners? I attached to the the Carnelian band. They were slaughtered during the Incursion--"

This time, an agonized expression crosses Azthri'Zhan'kel's face.

Though Ya'shenn attempts to repress her reaction, something shows in her expression as well. She is from Tu'narath.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"It is still very painful. They were the closest thing to a family I ever had in my life. I've been stranded here for weeks....has it been weeks? Hells, I don't even know anymore. I only wanted to take my place as one of the People as a warrior, not a Hive rat."

This one does not feel like some creature of Mist-of-the-Mind, nor of the illithid... but still...

"You are a tough one, Azthri'zhankel of Carnelian, to have survived to maturity in such circumstances. There are others here who also were not hatched in a varsh'isk. It is likely you will soon meet them, if you have not already." Ya'shenn silently thanks the Liberator (or, perhaps, simple luck) that she was hatched into proper Githyanki civilization... even if it had been the most hyper-orthodox of cities. "It is good that you have returned to the People, sister."

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vaar replies: ~I did what you saw, nothing more...

~Come now, sister. If Pale loses what little remains of his mind and attacks the city, we will need every strong blade and more. Including this foul-mouthed githwarrior.

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"With your permission as his current healer, Sister, I request to draw off a sample of his blood."

"I have no objection." Ya'shenn is displeased, but not at the newcomer. Had all this really been necessary, just to test the githees?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Very well then." Azthri'Zhan'kel nods, extracting a wooden case from her satchel. Her fingers are a study in rapid motion as she dabs the fluid from one bottle onto her hands to sanitize them, prepares the syringe, swabs the area over the vein she intends to use to aquire the sample and places a tourniquet just above where she disinfected the skin. The doctor then inserts the needle, Tij'di's blood filling it halfway. Satisfied, Azthri'Zhan'kel removes it, swabs the area once more and bandages it, depositing the blood into a vial.

"I have equipment in my office to preserve the sample. I have no doubt your brash young warrior will recover, though I am not certain if he will sustain lasting damage. These are......curious injuries. I admit I haven't encountered any like them before. I mostly deal in more mundane conditions."

Zimrazim wrote:
One thing that Azthri'zhankel might not yet recognize, but which her ghost 'companion' may, is a distinctive dagger at the psion's side. From what one can tell from the hilt and sheath, it appears more like a particularly long and narrow misericorde than a more typical dirk that a githwarrior might carry. Only members of the Order of the Double-Edged Mind carry such distinctive blades, and a githzerai (even an undead one) might reasonably feel concern about its presence.

In an instant, Azthri'Zhan'kel's voice trails off. She feels as though she were falling, though she does not move from her current position or give any indication of the terrifying war between wills occuring in her mind. Palpable fury and a twisted hate for the psion burns through her veins, though it is not most certainly not her own. Azthri'Zhan'kel cannot cry out a warning as the githzerai spirit wrenches the control of her body from her......

"I couldn't help noticing your dagger. It's beautiful......I've never seen one like that before."

Derog slips the bottles into the satchel again, subtly eyeing each person in the room and memorizing their faces for future reference. Azthri is screaming her defiance against him and the githzerai permits a tiny flicker of a smile to cross his host's features before violently locking her deeper into her own mind, the shrieks fading.

{{So brilliant, yet so stubborn, stor'shen'ska.....}}

{{You're no better than a ghai--}}

{{Shut. Your. Mouth.}}

(OOC: Meet Derog, neutral evil githzerai ghost. Poor Azthri will regain control later! An additional note, if the spectacles are removed, Ya'shenn will have a definite sense of something inherently 'wrong' about Azthri. Considering her formidable training, she would be able to reach Azthri's mind.)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar uses the bit of respite to get into conversation with the 3 gith's that have taken an interest in her...

She tries to find out what each of the three is interested in, and how she can cultivate that interest more..

(more to come)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Chaotic Goth wrote:
"I couldn't help noticing your dagger. It's beautiful......I've never seen one like that before."

This one, the psion muses, seems quite open and innocent at times. Of course, that is sometimes true even for otherwise hardened Sigilian githyanki. Even Sark'ja clearly craves acceptance from her own kind. Ya'shenn reverently draws the small blade, though slowly, so as not to alarm any of the other githyanki in the room. Predictably, given the name of her Order, both edges of the blade are quite sharp in addition to the point. The blade is long, thin, and probably quite capable of slipping through gaps in armor. While she does not often show off the weapon -- not least because the presence of one of her Order sometimes makes other githyanki uneasy -- she feels a certain duty to educate this githyanki raised among heathen.

While well maintained, it looks like a blade that has seen use, possibly even the githyanki equivalent of an heirloom -- not passed down between generations of a family but rather from older to younger generations within a profession. The blade itself, as opposed to the hilt, is spartan. "Its name is Mercy. Blades like this one were designed to slay illithid tadpoles... after implantation." The psion actually provides a mock demonstration of this use with a swift stabbing motion. "It has other uses as well, of course. Sister, should you see another blade like this, you may be all but certain that its wielder is either a telepath, a clairsentient, or both." Unless someone either stole the weapon, or you happen across Gith's own blade, that is.

The psion is mildly unsettled by the seemingly innocent question. If she had truly wanted to conceal her membership in the Order from these Apocalytes, she would have done so and not worn the dagger at all. Even so, she would not have wanted to be so public as to speak of the Order, or its symbolic weapon, so explicitly. Secondly, she suffers from a brief moment of insecurity -- for even the People feel such things at times -- concerning her own worthiness to carry it, particularly after her recent dealings with Mist-of-the-Mind. The blade reminds her of the younger and much more idealistic githyanki she once was.

"Azthri'Zhan'kel, if you encounter poison again, please find me. The psionic arts cannot duplicate a conventional healer exactly, but extracting venom is easy for us." Ya'shenn returns the dagger to its sheath, and looks at the newcomer thoughtfully. She hasn't forgotten that this one hails from Sigil. "Sister, how long ago exactly did you come to Starmantle? Why Abeir-Toril, and not one of the other worlds?" She is probing for a portal location, though she has no particular intention of leaving Starmantle until Pale has been dealt with -- one way or another.

To Ii'Jyka'Vaar: ~I think that this one is merely one of the many troubled githyanki who hatched far from a varsh'isk, either due to a renegade parent or some other cause. Even so... Let us make sure that this one attacks an illithid as soon as a good opportunity presents itself -- yes?

[Flavor note: I'm thinking that perhaps showing a named weapon to another githyanki is a gesture of friendship and trust.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

{{Derog.....don't kill her, don't kill her!}}

It is one of the few occasions Derog may feel a slight twitch of sympathy for his host.

{{I shall not....for now. It seems you fail to fully grasp the level of danger she poses in your eagerness to prove yourself and frankly I find your astonishing amounts of naïveté to be disheartening. It isn't becoming of someone far past the age of first rrakkma**. Think! If she ever discovers me, she will kill us both.}}

{{But she trusted us enough to show her dagger!}}

{{Azthri! Listen to me.}} Derog's tone becomes surprisingly softer, almost gentle. {{If I were bound to another and you discovered my existence, would you not report me to a kith'rak?}}

{{Yes.}} Azthri'Zhan'kel whisperes.

{{Why would it be the right course of action?}}

{{The safety of the People is above all else.}}

{{Precisely. If I were a githyanki, everything would be different. However, I am a githzerai.}}

{{Piking unhende one too, if you ask me. If Zerthimon himself appeared here he would erase you from existense with his will.}}

{{You dare utter that name?! Your unworthy and treacherous githyanki mind cannot even begin to fathom Zerthimon!}}Derog roars.

{{Except for that 'Two Skies' rot, I think he was pretty hende. Should've had us focus ourselves after wiping out the's a shame. You githzerai are supposed to be honourable, but I'm not seeing it in you, berk. I won't go as far as to say there aren't any honourable githzerai, because if the githyanki can turn on each other like this, who's to say the githzerai can't reconcile with us and patch up the Devil's Seam, as it were?}} Azthti'Zhan'kel remarks.

{{If you ever question my honour again I will throw this body off a balcony, then we'll see how you like fractured ribs and a punctured lung. Now.....tell me where those portals are so that I may relay them to the psion without suspicion.}}

Azthri'Zhan'kel reluctantly complies and Derog clears his throat to speak.

"Thank you for showing me your blade, Sister. I...was not expecting such a gesture and I appreciate it. I arrived in Starmantle about two months ago.....oh! Right, portals....well, here are all the portals I know of. I waited two days in the Sandstone District for a portal to Urmlaspyr -piking thing skips around a lot and Gith's blood is it easy to get portal-jacked- that manifests in a crypt near the Mortuary and a sewer entrance near the Armory .

I was hoping I'd end up in a tavern called The Tattooed Troglodyte where I could slip by unnoticed. Wouldn't you know it, I landed in a half-submerged sewer pipe under Urmlaspyr. There's an opening in three other places there, too. Now as for the other portals.....Gulgath from the Market Ward has one that goes to Mulmaster.....anybody who was in the Incursion better recognize that name.....heard he was from Toril but I didn't want to risk bumping into him in a foul mood. Mages and tempers don't mix.

Ordulin in Sembia and Arabel in Cormyr have portals but don't go to either of those places unless you want graith swooping down on us from all sides. We whipped them pretty soundly during the Incursion so they're not going to welcome us with open arms.

Here's an intersesting portal location.....Ssamath. That's a drow city. Yes, you heard me....drow. Best part is they don't worship that spider goddess....what's her name....and they were a major ally of the Icursion. Gave us lots of bounty hunters, too.

The last set of portals I can remember are linked between Sigil and Waterdeep, or so I heard. I do know of a portal in the Grand Bazaar leading to somewhere in Waterdeep."

(OOC: The "Devil's Seam" is a very difficult place to apply caulking in the hull of a ship. For Azthri to use that analogy to describe reconciliation between the gith races shows a shrewd understanding of how challenging and dangerous the task will be.

For the record, all of Azthri's text will be black and Derog's will be this color

Edit: Azthri is roughly in the equivalent of her mid-twenties or so in gith years and has NEVER been in a rrakkma before. Sad It would definitly be a self-esteem booster for her to kill a squidhead......

Suddenly got a scary mental image of Derog getting to meet Master Pale. O_o)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
To Ii'Jyka'Vaar: ~I think that this one is merely one of the many troubled githyanki who hatched far from a varsh'isk, either due to a renegade parent or some other cause. Even so... Let us make sure that this one attacks an illithid as soon as a good opportunity presents itself -- yes?

~That is assuming she is willing to join our little merry band of misfits, Ii'Jyka replies wryly..

Ii'Jyka'Vaar makes good use of the respite in time given, and slowly finds out that the two Onyx are in it for the "protection in the short run" and that the dubious third is in it for more, but what that more is, she isn't sure of as yet, this will take some more time to figure out, but she is intrigued by the prospect..
She allows the two Onyx to accompany her, and gives them enough attention in the form of weapons training that they "stay interested", but her focus is on the third Gith..

She peaks a head into where Ya'shenn dissapeared into, and says: "Should we get ready for moving back to the ship or are the girls having to much fun over a "broken body"..?" she says with a hint of humor and an ever so slight smile on her lips.

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

At the mention of the word 'ship', Derog's eyes brighten. In life he had enjoyed many long hours on Astral skiffs with the wind whipping through his hair and the eager tensions of impending battle making him nearly giddy in anticipation of the bloodshed to come. Far too much like a githyanki, but could anyone have blamed him for it, considering the decades he had spent perfecting his disguise as one of the True People's most despised foes so that none would ever have questioned his deception?

Those years were past and now he was an undead mockery of the formidable warlock he had been, reduced to a parasite in the body of a githyanki woman he despised yet cared for with a jealousy which was slowly boiling at the knowlege that on the ship would be githyanki males starved for affection. Let them try to seduce Azthri'Zhan'kel. Derog would happily kill them all.

"Hail, honoured Knight of Vlaakith. May your blade drink deeply of the blood of the Great Enemy and never grow tarnished." Derog blurts, snapping a salute as years of habit as an infiltrator return the instant he notes Ii'Jyka'Vaar's appearence. Azthri'Zhan'kel was pestering the flustered spirit eagerly with questions about his choice of phrase.

{{Not now, Azthri! I will explain later!}}


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn becomes visibly more interested as Azthri begins to speak of the portals leading from this world to Sigil. Portals! Perhaps we might actually return to Git'riban and not find the place in flames. That would be nice. The psion has not forgotten Will. The Lady of Pain has been able to keep the War of Two Skies from spilling over entirely into Sigil -- so far. Had the ulitharid been able to change that by now? It is not a happy thought.

Burning Spear wrote:
~That is assuming she is willing to join our little merry band of misfits, Ii'Jyka replies wryly..

~Shall we invite her along, at least for now? She has something we have been seeking -- portal locations. We should cultivate this one. Ya'shenn is also more inclined to like than to dislike this newcomer on first impression, but does not actually say so to the knight. ~And what of these three -- the Onyxes, and that other?

Ya'shenn addresses some of Ib'm's warriors. "If some of you could inform the Portmaster and your other healers concerning the warrior Tij'di... I have done what I am able, and I remain available as a ghustil, but this defies my abilities." She speaks with her usual courtesy, but Ii'Jyka'Vaar can easily sense the sourness of the psion's mood over the mindlink.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Eventually, through Ya'shenn's psionic healing, and more mundane means by herself and Azthri, Tij'di comes slowly and groggily back to consciousness. He thanks his healers first, then, when he sees that Ii'jyka'vaar happens to be there at the time, thanks her for the 'lesson'.

The Custom house is like a small fort. There are three full floors, starting at the main entrance, with battlements and a small tower of two more floors atop the roof. There are two levels of cellars and vaults dug into the bedrock of Starmantle's hill, and the resident githyanki reveal the presence of a third underground level of muck-filled drainage sewers that connect to the city-wide system.

Ib'm has about thirty warriors in total, but the porch of the Customs House is the cultural center of githyanki in the city. There are usually dozens of githyanki from the fleets ashore at any one time, and they tend to congregate on the steps. After a morning of frantic activity and an afternoon of preparation, the off-watches begin to come ashore from several ships. The pirate-githyanki are mostly Apocalytes. Many wear a badge somewhere on their gear; a silver sword surrounded by flames, usually blue, but also often corresponding to the color scheme of the warband.

Between Ib'm's githwarriors of various bands and the githyanki from the ships, there are nearly a hundred githyanki in the Customs House. There is, however, still a great deal of room for guests. When Ib'm returns just after nightfall, she leads Ya'shenn and Ii'jyka'vaar to a chamber on the second floor. It was, perhaps, an office at one time. Most of the furniture has already been removed, but some remains in the form of a small pile of wood by the fireplace. Otherwise, there are still a pair of undespoiled couches and a low table with a glass top. The shelves of books are mostly untouched as well, but they contain little except for graith legal codes, financial documents of long dead barbarian merchants, and other such useless waste. The ashes in the fireplace consist of former such drivel.

Azthri and Ya'shenn are been up most of the night, before a fatigue born of frustration defeats them. While still unable to positively identify the unhealable aspect of Tij'di's wounds, there is much they can say about it. The damage seems more akin to poison than cold, though it leaves behind no residual chemicals. It resembles, in some ways, damage from the neg-life of undead, but there are some differences as well. That the source is magical is obvious, but beyond that they cannot say. Arcane magics leave clues as to their type, whether fire, acid, electricity, cold, or raw energy. Divine magics either summon matter of a type, or rely on positive and negative energies. Whatever the Knight's body is doing, it simply causes the cells under her strikes to die. There is none of the necrosis associated with neg-energy, however.

Ii, for her part, does not object to their researches. Indeed, she takes a passing interest. Her focus, however, is interacting with the githwarriors. She notices that the
Apocalytes, those from the fleets, especially, have picked up many barbarian habits; drinking of alcohol and smoking of various leaves especially. At least the steps of the custom house remain a githyanki-only affair. Ib'm's githwarriors see to it that graith feel afraid and unwelcome there.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Dawn comes, the rising sun rides up the eastern coastline like a lone traveler. The wyvern perched on the roof of the Customs House decides that with the rising sun, it's watch is over, and tucks its head under its wing to go to sleep.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

It is easy for the other githyanki of the Customs House to tell that Ya'shenn's sleep is very uneasy. While not one to talk in her sleep, she shifts in sleep repeatedly and makes a disorganized mess of whatever blankets and pillows are provided. At least she does not seem to snore.

Oddly, despite the pure menacing presence of Pale, she does not dream of the necromancer himself.

The first, vivid dream takes place aboard the Knife. This time it is not N'Ach't who pilots the ship, but the Rish-i-Chal, Du'minh... now fully transformed into a member of the Pale Guard. In the dream, Ya'shenn is certain that it is Mist-of-the-Mind and not Pale for whom the swordwraith (flail-wraith?) acts as pilot. Gy-Nath and others who chose to remain with Pale are aboard as well, as are the two mystery psions -- though at least none of these are undead. Yet.

As Ya'shenn's dreaming mind observes, Mist-of-the-Mind telepathically conveys orders to the bard K'tch, to personally slay her, and retrieve Mercy.

The scene changes. Ya'shenn is inside Pale's spartan quarters on the Knife, and the others aboard are unaware of her presence. She is able to break into the locked cabinets that had foiled her before. Among other interesting items she finds an obviously valuable one -- Pale's own phylactery. (Even Ya'shenn's dreaming mind is cynical about this -- surely the necromancer could find a better place to hide such a thing!)

The next dream...

Git'riban burns.

There are fragments here from the sharpener's horrid nightmares. Some things are new. The War of Two Skies rages with extraordinary fury, even considering the usual savagery of that long, long war. This nightmare continues for what seems a very long time, including every last nook and cranny of the gith district -- in fact, every last bit of layout that the minds of the illithid thralls had provided to their unspeakable ghaik masters. Eventually, Ya'shenn's dreaming mind is introduced to an entity that she has never seen herself, but has heard described, and has seen in illustrations a few times.

The bladed one.

While ordinarily unimpressed by things associated with barbarians, the sight of the ruler of Sigil manages to fill Ya'shenn with an intense, primal terror normally reserved for such things as being the 'guest of honor' of an illithid performance-eater, or being totally unarmed in a room full of dozens of ulitharids.

Fortunately enough, the attention of this Being is not focused on Ya'shenn at the moment. Its shadow falls with relentless efficiency on nearly every last githyanki and githzerai in the quarter. In the dream, it is not clear to Ya'shenn what becomes of the pirates, nor the savage gith of Athas, but they do not seem to be the center of the bladed being's interest.

Dabus gather. They create a rebus -- a clever rebus written in Qualith. A proclamation. Declaring that neither githyanki nor githzerai would be permitted in the city of Sigil, forevermore.

The scene changes. The Accursed One lounges in a comfortable chair, his feet on a stool. He watches the scene in Sigil through a crystal ball, while drinking expensive liquor and smoking the same leaves that the pirates of Starmantle's Customs House use. His expression is one of cynical amusement. A new girlfriend rests in a nearby chair, watching the same scene.

Lastly there is a sense, clammy and horrible, of the mind of Will Itself. It experiences pleasure, and savors a taste more exquisite than that of the most exotic brains -- the taste of victory...

Eventually, Ya'shenn is able to claw her way to wakefulness. The others may note that she looks rather distressed and even physically nauseated. She attends to breakfast, if such is provided, and to personal grooming, to the extent possible in such circumstances. Feeling somewhat more composed, she waits for the others to awaken, and hopefully for Kirath to arrive.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

With the rising sun, Kirath's task is done. His ships are ordered back into a pattern above the castle, but the order is given for duty shifts, meaning that only one out of three posts need be manned. The order is given by Ahl'zet directly to Gib; Kirath is only told when it is suggested that some warriors may now go into the city.

[DM: Kirath and Ar'dru can re-join the party. I've tried to set it up so that Gib has been sending subtle signals that say "I'm really in charge. I always have been. And I'm better at really being in charge than you are anyway. Your name is on the building, but I run this place." without actually saying it or confronting Kirath. This is to give him an I-C reason to want to go with the PCs. Ar'dru has made some friends Eye-wink but not being a worshiper of Tiamat, he has no reason to stay here. Du'minh will be NPC'd unless D. comes back ... ]

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'Zhan'kel lies curled in a far corner of one of the rooms, blankets and pillows piled around her as if shielding herself from attack. Her sleep is also being plagued by terrifying dreams. The unbidden image of a gith male writhing in shackles on a stone table, screaming in agony as the nine githyanki surrounding him laugh and make crude jokes while a tenth drips molten metal on his skin until it forms the tir’su of the word ‘vermin’ surfaces in her mind.

As an added insult, another tir’su of a disgusting obscenity is placed above it, causing the githyanki’s laughter to increase in volume. The leader of the torturers drives his knife into his victim’s chest and wrenches out the still-beating heart, slick with blood. It is only apparent then that the unfortunate gith is being kept alive by some form of vile magic, though all he can manage is a gurgling shriek. An eleventh githyanki clad in full armour enters the room, sword drawn and her voice reverberates off of the walls.

“I am T’sekjil Naltyas, sho-dai of Sarth Dhva'sthir Kaitus’Irsk of Flint. Lay down your arms, traitors!”

The half-dead gith’s trembling hand makes the battle-sign used to signal hasty retreat at T’sekjil. This does not remain unnoticed and the largest githyanki of the group cleaves his head from his body. The vision fades as the woman wails her lover’s name, conjuring a wall of fire. ….

Upon rising, Azthri’Zhan’kel’s hand flies to her heart, clawing the spot to ensure its still there. The doctor grabs the nearest bucket and vomits into it, shaking uncontrollably from the horror she experienced during the nightmare. After rinsing her mouth with water from a pitcher, she disposes of the bucket and it's contents before slinking back to her place in the room, rubbing her eyes furiously in vain as tears run down her face.

{{I am truly sorry you saw those echoes.}}


{{My memories. I do not know why you saw them.}}

The Plague-healer discreetly bathes and dresses in an adjacent room before quietly exiting down a hallway, wishing for any distraction that might chase the sensation of dread from her soul. Derog's voice whispers in her subconcious, reminding her to not expect hospitality or genuine comraderie from any githyanki, to resign herself to the harsh truth that she will always be little better than a graith in their eyes. Derog cruely adds she should cast aside all hopes of intimate relations with them as well; she is too heavily influenced by graiths to accept the githyanki mindset concerning romance and breeding.

(OOC: Derog is a mean berk, ain't he?)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar sleeps a relatively quiet sleep, none of the dreams or nightmares the others seem to be having.. though she is unaffected, there seems to hang a palpable aura of cold around her when she sleeps, a small line of frost covers her skin and it seems as if its filled with shadow...

(more to come, but got to go home now and sleepy time)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The other Git'ribani had showed up well after dark, and shared the same ex-office. The first awake, Sak'ja finds a large volume off the shelves with the title Class B Crimes of Property; Value loss rates tables 16-22, and starts a fire in the fireplace. Kitiir wakes with a start at the first torn page, drawing a blade at the moment of waking. Ha'kan'a yawns and stretches.

[For CG]

Sark'ja is a beautiful githyanki. She is quick and athletic, and moves with a dulist's grace. Her eyes are a piercing grey. Her black hair is a multitude of braids, all bound behind her head by a leather strap pierced by a steel shank. She wears well-crafted studded leather and bracers, with silk trousers and garments. Her outfit looks as much Sigilan as githyanki. Her blades, however, are of githyanki make. A longsword and dagger set, from the Band of Bloodstone.

Kitiir, after her initial violent waking, finds a space in which she can do a morning exercise routine without injuring anyone. She is, perhaps, a few years older than Sark'ja, shorter, and with rounder features. She seems sullen and grim, rarely saying more than a few words to anyone. Her style is of two short-blades, and from her maneuvers, she seems accomplished. She too wears light armor, but it is of githyanki design. Older, and modified to fit her, though all signs of warband affiliation have been removed. Her blades, though also of githyanki make, bear different gems, and were likely bought by Kitiir for their balance rather than handed down to her.

Ha'kan'a is a young warrior dressed in Sigilan fashion. He is missing his right leg at the knee (though he's supposed to pick up a prosthetic later that afternoon). He wields a greatsword nearly as big as he is, though now he wields is as a crutch (the sword is from the Band of Jade). Despite his injury he is the friendliest and happiest-seeming one. When he learns Azthri is from Sigil, he strikes up a conversation. He is expresses disappointment that Azthri is a Hiver instead of a Git'ribani. "We'd have found a place for you, sister, if you'd have come to Git'riban. *Sigh* Well, you're welcome now anyway, even if the ghetto is more crowded than ever. The Tribes have been sharpening their blades too, and The Sharpshadows are always up to something. Still, I've got more than enough room after my dad died. Three levels with plenty of security."

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"My condolences at the loss of your father. I imagine he would be exceedingly proud of you. It takes a brave man to endure such pain and keep his wits." Azthri'Zhan'kel smiles, though her heart sinks a bit the instant she catches the disappointment in his voice.

"My home in Sigil was.....less than satisfactory. To be honest, it was little more than a two-room flat. I kept the front room as my office where paitents could be cared for, while the back room was my living quarters. Brother, I would be greatly honoured to share kip with you, should your offer still remain."

Azthri'Zhan'kel gives Ha'kan'a an elegant bow, grinning broadly behind her spectacles. She straightens quickly, spots of colour appearing on her high cheekbones as it dawns on her that her statement could be interpreted in another manner entirely by the younger man and clears her throat before turning her attention to the two githyanki women who seem to be close to her age.

"So, Sisters, have either of you killed ghaiks before?" the doctor inquires, snatching a tablet and primed quill pen to take prescise notes on their methods of executing the hated monstrosities.

{{You are as transparent as ever.}} remarks Derog dryly before sequestering himself out of reach in his host's mind.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Sark'ja does not look away from her flaming sheets of paper. Rather, she seems to be building the fire for a purpose, adding bits of wood. Without turning towards her, she answers Azthri.

"I have three heads to my credit. My first was an illithid I saw shopping near the grand bazaar. We followed it until we identified all it's bodyguards. There were three of us, Jornish, K'tch, and myself. They dealt with the guards, while I struck. It was my first rrakkma, I had threatened to seek out a mind flayer on my own, so they accompanied me. My second and third kills are just recent. Jornish was killed in Undersigil, just this last rrakkma, but I avenged him."

Kitiir is unwilling to share her own tales. The subject instead elicits complete silence from her.

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azthri'Zhan'kel arches her eyebrows and nods.

"Very impressive! I myself have not had the pleasure of bringing death to our former enslavers, much to my shame. If you will pardon what may seem to be a painful or impolite question, may I ask if you were able to give the appropriate obsequies for your fallen brother? I.....have a small remembrance tradition of my own creation. If you like, I will perform it in his memory. "

She fails to mention its origins during her time as a young Collector horrified at the notion of dead giths unable to be granted proper funerary rites aside from the dubious ones accorded to them by the Dustmen.

"While we're on the subject, why not see if we can acquire a list of any recently deceased brothers and sisters and I'll do it for all of them!" Glancing at Ha'kan'a she added; "I will do this for your father as well if you wish."

{{Azthri'Zhan'kel, that is enough! Focus on the task at hand. You are here for rrakkma, not foolish sentimental nonsense no githyanki will ever view with approval. If I were still among the living I would take a quarter-staff and give you a sound strike across the shoulders for your stupidity!}}

{{Stow it, zerth-worshipping thrall.}}

Derog slams his presence full-force, causing Azthri'Zhan'kel to lose her balance and waver as though she were dazed. She places the tablet and quill on a nearby table, gripping the sides of her head in pain.

{{Why don't you drag your crippled hatchling sho-dai off to the basement for a good thirty minutes, you piking yellowskirt?!}} snaps Derog venemously.

{{Insult me all you want, but leave my companions out of it!}}

Tapping her forehead Azthri'Zhan'kel grunts, 'Migraine.' to the three giths.

(OOC: Yellowskirt/yellowshirt = a prostitute who caters to giths of any sort, usually githyanki pirates.)


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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