Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Me and my sister seek your captain then, as we have urgent news to bring to the attention of this city, but to our Gith moreso..., I want you to bring me to him.. or her, as my mount is in no state at the moment to fly us anywhere, but I want this done now.."

Ii'Jika states the comments as orders, but not to severely, and simply waits for the Gith to spring in to action and lead the way..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

There is another trap door in this floor, and the female gith goes down There is the sound of a few voices, and soon another silver comes up. He is tall, a match in height even for Ii, and broad as well. He has an eyepatch, and the scar visible beyond its edges is not old, but likely incurred in the Incursion.

He introduces himself as Gish Lis. "The graith know me as Captain Silver, and my own men also address me as such these days. I command a small fleet from the packet ship Wind Dancer. What is it you want of me, knight?" The two githyanki grasp their swords by the blades, a traditional sign of peace, but there is a tension in the air.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Welcome Gish Lis, I am Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Knight and last member of the Azure Eye.
We bring you grave news for you must prepare for WAR, for there is a great fleet under the command of the "Queens Necromancer, Lord Pale", and he bodes this community, Gith and Graith alike, no good.. I think my sister Ya'shenn can better explain the how and why, so please listen to her.."

And with that she waves a hand to Ya'shenn and turns to her..

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath sullenly looks at his handlers that Pale so thoughtfully left to look after his comfort. He carefully scans the command deck for any activity that would signal the start of something big. He also keeps a careful watch on Ahl'zet if he is present. If the psion shows any signs of the crap hitting the fan Kirath is prepared to blast the psion in the face before making an exit stage left.

OOC How the heck does the new dice roller work?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Master Pale's Fleet

Aboard the Moonless Knight , Pale is rarely seen on the command deck. He and his cadre of necromancers are busy around the clock on the lower deck and aboard the third planar raider, the Foreboding Sky , which is in formation directly below the flagship. Kirath knows they are stacking embalmed graith bodies in the capital ship like firewood.

Kirath is able to keep an eye on things, as his movements about the astral ship are not restricted. However, nobody except Ahl'zet will talk to him, since he is a 'Heretic' among 'Loyalists'.

Ar'dru spends most of his time with the duthka'gith under Gib. They accept him as a brother, but cannot help but pry into his religious beliefs. A couple of the full-fledged Cultists even try to convert him to Tiamat worship. Xykk't herself is one of the Dark Queen's faithful, though she does not preach to Ar'dru. She does show him certain tattoos she has that symbolize her faith. Evidently she has little conflict between her indoctrination as a gish-caste in the lore of the Liberator, and her new found faith in the goddess of evil dragons. She does express a certain closeness to the faith of the True, however, and through their dogma the Apocalytes. She explains (since Tar-Geel's troops generally don't talk to Ar'dru) that there are two brands of Apocalytes; the imperialists, like Tar-Geel and most of his men, who believe they can keep a multi-prime empire and the more numerous True Apocalytes, who believe in Gith's return. They believe that Gith's return means the end of the githyanki, however. They believe that with the rebirth of the Liberator, the githyanki race will begin a great new rrakkma that will result in the mutual destruction of the gith and illithid.


"Well? Did you come all this way to speak to Gish Lis of Silver?" He looks at them both. He seems to be trying to figure Ya'shenn, as the knight's profession is obvious. The younger silver githwarrior is alert and watching the knight only.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Just prior to departure, Ya'shenn sends a missive to Kitiir describing the situation, and establishes a mindlink with Sark'ja, if possible.

[If you don't mind, Azure. I wanted to make sure Ya'shenn would actually be going before setting up another mindlink.]

The psion also attempts to estimate the odds of Mist-of-the-Mind deciding to plant telepathic suggestions in the wyvern's brain, using it as a tool to keep an eye on the githees and her allies.

[Let me know if you want a Knowledge:Psionics roll, Detect Psionics, or something else. Ya'shenn does have a Negate Psionics dorje.]

Azure wrote:
Ii opens the trap door and finds two githyanki asleep in the room below, curled up in other's arms. Of course, in githyanki fashion they also sleep with their weapons naked beside them in the bed.

Ya'shenn remarks to the knight: ~This does not speak well of their overall state of battle-readiness. Even a graith would have a good chance of slitting their throats in their sleep like this... The psion is also reminded of the fact that, more than once, she had treated injuries that had come from nothing more than a githyanki cutting himself in his sleep on an overly-sharp gith-forged sword blade. Amazing how many would not keep their weapons near the bed, or at least on the wall above the headboard.

Azure wrote:
"Well? Did you come all this way to speak to Gish Lis of Silver?"

When introduced to Gish Lis, the psion bows with the precise degree of respect due his stated rank. "Forgive me -- we are not yet familiar with your chain of command here. The message we bring is of critical, even dire, importance to everyone here, and there is little time. We seek the commanders of the githyanki of this place. Are there others to whom we should also speak, or is our message for yourself alone?"

Of course, they are pirates. Their chain of command might be rather different from that to which I am accustomed.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Dire importance, eh? Very well, I can call a Captains' meeting, but first you must tell me who you are and from where do you come with this critical message."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"I am Ya'shenn of Amber. I do not overstate, Gish Lis. The People here face either impressment or battle -- or transformation into undead -- within the span of two hours."

She sends to him alone: ~We come from Master Pale's own fleet, for he is fond indeed of forcible conscription, and we bring you this message at some risk to ourselves. We would prefer that the People here receive warning before the necromancer attempts to do the same here. He desires the githyanki of Starmantle, its barbarians, and your ships as well.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Very well, wait here."

The silver warriors jump into two of the skiffs and speed off.

Very quickly, in ten minutes or less, the githyanki captains assemble in the islet tower. The master of the port is there as well, first to arrive in fact. Once the captains have assembled, there is a short round of introductions.

Ib'm is the master of the port. Ya'shenn can sense that she is a powerful psion. She seems to have a hard time restraining herself from questioning Ya'shenn before the captains arrive. So, as a purposeful distraction, she speaks with the varsh who were in the tower, sending them back to town with messages.

Captain Silver has already been introduced, but he now also mentions that he commands the Silver Knives, a specialized order of gish and rish-i-chal drawn from the Band of Silver. They are now the marines on a small fleet of fast sail ships and astral skiffs. His own flagship, the Wind Dancer was a former royal messenger ship, and is one of the fastest ships in the Inner Sea. It is, however, currently in port taking on provisions.

Captain D'aynn commands the Thunder Dragon , one of the two ships larger than the rest. It boasts 88 bombards of various sizes behind its gun ports. He is a young githyanki warlock, a brash sorcerer full of swashbuckling daring, carrying a pair of graith swords and a flintlock pistol. In addition to his flagship, a few frigates follow him. Most of these are now in dock, some repairing battle damage.

Captain Styrrn commands a few ships and flying skiffs from the frigate Pride. Though he appears to be a githwarrior bladesman, his eyes are shifty, and Ya'shenn will notice a certain sidestepping adaptability to his mode of thinking.

Finally, the captains of the largest ship in the fleet, the clipper Swallow , arrive. It is not the most well-armed, but carries the most sail. The others say she is the fastest in all the fleets. The two Captains are Gish Zjaa and Warlock Raa-Shiis. Both are battle-sisters but subtle body language makes Ya'shenn wonder if they are sho-dai. Zjaa is Band of Garnet, while Raa-Shiis is a Ruby (known for its arcanists). Strangely, though the others also presumably have graith captains serving under them, the twin captains are the only ones who actually bring a graith with them. A human woman accompanies them. Her long hair is carried in a style more befitting a githyanki than most graith, with a long metal rod (possibly a magic item) used to hold much of it out to the sides. Also, though her gear and clothes are all of graith make, they are worn in a way that fits in with present company. The human does not introduce herself, nor is she introduced, but instead pilots the skiff away after the captains disembark.

After the short round of polite greeting and introduction, the captains gather up and listen to what Ya'shenn and Ii have to report.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn is, of course, formal and cordial as introductions are made, though she politely expresses the need for haste. She manages not to stare at the sight of the human woman, though it would not be terribly difficult for the Starmantle githyanki to tell that she was not particularly expecting such a sight. Ugh, I do hope that does not mean what I think it does. Not wishing to offend her hosts, she says nothing of it. She also does not speak of matters of importance until after the barbarian has departed.

"Thank you, commanders, for agreeing to speak with us so quickly. You will have heard of the necromancer Master Pale and his forces, yes? Even now, he and his Pale Guard chart their course toward Starmantle, for he desires both your warriors and your ships, as well as however many graith he can acquire. He is resolutely determined to conscript you all for his own needs. Should you fail to submit to him, it is highly likely that he will choose to attack, with the intent of forcing you to serve as his unliving minions. Within two hours -- minus the time I have spent here -- his troops will arrive." She provides a detailed overview of just how strong his current forces are, one that neither underplays nor embellishes.

Azure wrote:
Captain Styrrn commands a few ships and flying skiffs from the frigate Pride. Though he appears to be a githwarrior bladesman, his eyes are shifty, and Ya'shenn will notice a certain sidestepping adaptability to his mode of thinking.

Recognizing a mind at least somewhat like her own, Ya'shenn makes a mental note to keep a close eye on this one.

"The necromancer is unfortunately... unbalanced. Were it not for the efforts of his closest... advisor... I imagine that Pale would simply slay and reanimate the many githyanki who anger him, rather than subjecting them to impressment.

"Several options are available to your forces at this point. To be brief, you have the option to fight, flee, or surrender. Should you choose to surrender, I must advise you that Pale is a fanatic and will not be pleased by any he feels are lacking in sufficient zeal. Those who serve him, however willing, also display a distinct tendency to end up as undead one way or another -- a member of his Pale Guard if he favors you, or as a zombie if he does not. He may well order you to fight against other githyanki, in other cities, who are less than eager to serve him.

"Master Pale's conscripted forces are not eager to fight in Pale's name and are, in fact, rather eager to be shut of him. We would know your minds, but we are not interested in being used as a weapon against Pale's opponents.

"If any of you have questions to ask, I will answer them as best I may -- but bear in mind that Pale's troops will be here soon enough."

[Sense Motive for reactions, of course]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar simply stands with arms crossed and listens to Ya'shenn, whilst this all is going on, she keeps her attention mostly on the captains, she does however eye a pique of interest towards the Graith pilot..

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath approaches Pale's coordinater and says quietly "I appreciate your candor in my dealings with your master and myself." "I am somewhat surprised by it. Tell me how you came to serve Pale. Were you given the same generous offer as the forces I have been given command or do you serve out of loyalty?

sense motive
I rolled 1d20+6 , the result is 13 = 13.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

test of die roller

I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 23 = 23.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The captains listen to Ya'shenn without comment. They look at each other when she is done, before they begin to speak.

"Queen's Necromancer Pale ... So, has he finally managed to pickle his brain?" Styrrn smirks.

"It sounds like he has his entire fleet," Raa-Shiis, a tall gith woman clad in red silks, strikes a more serious tone, "But none of Misk's sea-fleet. What is his purpose in this move?"

"Whatever his purpose, we need consider our actions now, as time is pressed. The choice is stay or sail, agree." Zjaa, the shorter and stronger battle-sister beside her quickly interjects.

All at once; "Agreed!"

Captain Silver speaks, "The Wind Dancer can race an Astral Brig, and could be at sea in an hour, should I give the order. If many of his ships are indeed loaded down, most of our boats could outrun the bulk of his fleet."

"Yes, leave." Ib'm scowls, "Let the town fill out this necromancer's levy. Yes, I've got plenty of cannon and blades once all the ships flee."

"Well, half the ships in my fleet are in dry dock at the moment." Shrugs Captain D'aynn, "Not that I wouldn't or couldn't leave 'em, but I'd just as soon stay put, and let this Pale ask me nicely." He twirls his (presumably unloaded) pistol.

Styrnn speaks, "I served alongside Pale a few times. Way back in the Moonsea campaign he was bit maniacal. Then they opened the black rift in Sembia, remember that? Insane with power, just what you wanted out of a Master Necromancer at the time, but even then nobody trusted him to command any living troops. Weird thing is, he was good at making alliances with the graith, well necromancers and wizards anyway. Point is, he's unpredictable, and I plan to board the fastest ship I can find and get scarce."

"Why should I run from a githyanki?" Raa-Shiis says proudly, "And what do I have to fear from life or death if my brothers and sisters stand with me?"

"As I called the court, I vote last." Zjaa states, "Pale may indeed overpower us assembled, but fighting us cannot be his goal. He wants to recruit us for some venture, I say let him tell us what he wants of us, and we will parlay. The vote stands at three to three assembled, nothing decided."

Ib'm looks about to boil over with consternation. As master of a graith port, honor dictates that her vote has to reflect that defending graith is second in consideration to protecting githyanki. She was obviously being sarcastic, but so it had to be, for she is still a good and honorable githyanki.

"As we stand undecided, who will change their vote?" Raa-Shiis demands. There is a long moment of silence before she speaks again. "Well? Will you force me to change mine? Come, who will change their vote?"

Styrrn; "No way sister, none of you has seen Pale in action, and I have. I don't want a part of this, no way, no how."

Ib'm looks like she's about to explode. Instead she makes some sort of low grumble that could be cursing.

Captain D'aynn points his pistol at an empty space (the mattress along the wall) and aims at an imaginary target. CLICK

Ya'shenn looks at the assembly, and notices that Captain Silver is studying her intently. They lock eyes for a moment, and before Raa-Shiis can speak a third time, he speaks up.

"Let us not forget our siblings already press-ganged by Pale. They may aid our cause, and we theirs'. Stay."

Ib'm looks like she wants to kiss him. Styrnn looks like he wants to punch him.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Bladedancer wrote:
Tell me how you came to serve Pale. Were you given the same generous offer as the forces I have been given command or do you serve out of loyalty?

"The Queen is dead, long live the Queen. You Cultists now serve the Queen of Dragons, but a new Vlaakith arises. A loyal githyanki should support the Ascendancy. In fact, I don't care which Princess triumphs. I suppose if it's the Singer of Fire who becomes the 158th Vlaakith, you'd no longer be heretics."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

After the votes have been cast, Ii'Jyka'Vaar gives it a moment before speaking out..

"So you have a decision, I thank you, my sisters and brothers..But.. We have to prepare as if for war, for I do not know what you think to parley with an insane necromancer... better to be prepared then to hope.."

(the roll is diplomacy)

I rolled 1d20.each(10), the result is 18 = 18.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Indeed." Agrees Zjaa, "We will prepare, but I'll not duel a child of Gith, living or undead, without just cause."

"Anyway, the last thing you want to do is kill him. He'd become more powerful than we could possibly imagine." Styrnn warns the assembled. "He's been experimenting on himself for years, and I'm sure he wouldn't stay dead for long. I think none of us want a Lich King."

The rest murmur agreement to that sentiment.

"I will move my ships to support D'aynn's. His are heavy with guns, while mine are generally lacking in armament but very fast." Captain Silver offers. "I also have several astral skiffs."

"A show of force in in order, I think." Raa-Shiis crosses her arms, "Not that I expect to intimidate Master Pale, but sober him to the cost of a fight."

"Nonetheless, we should be ready to run if it comes down to it." Her co-captain, Zjaa, counters. "We should prepare to run up canvas, and perhaps a group of fast ships could succeed in drawing off the swifter portion of Pale's fleet."

"Then let's go back and prepare. Time is short." Styrrn heads toward his skiff.

"Honored Ya'shenn of Amber, Honored Githees Ii'jyka'vaar, you may go where you wish, of course, but I would like for you to board the Swallow with us," Zjaa bows.

[If they accept, they must wait until all the other captains have gone. A few minutes later, a flight of five skiffs comes in to pick them up. The lead skiff is piloted by the human from before, who moves into another filled with provisions when the githyanki take over command of the astral ship. This kind of strikes Ya'shenn and Ii as unusual. Graith are not allowed to own, and rarely allowed to touch, githyanki-make gear or weapons.]

[Zjaa and Raa-Shiis take Ya'shenn and Ii out to the largest ship in harbor, at least the longest, since D'aynn's flagship has more decks and more guns.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn addresses Ib'm before departing. "Portmaster, if you have not already, you and the others may wish to consider what measures the graith here may wish to take, if any. I doubt the barbarians of Starmantle would be pleased to serve as unliving fireball fodder. While they are outsiders, they may well be important for the sake of a show of force. The necromancer surely does not hesitate to use graith to further his goals." She briefly, but colorfully, describes Pale's mass transformation of barbarians into various undead creatures. While a githyanki is likely to be relatively unfazed by such things, she figures the savages of Starmantle would be horrified.

Azure wrote:
"Honored Ya'shenn of Amber, Honored Githees Ii'jyka'vaar, you may go where you wish, of course, but I would like for you to board the Swallow with us," Zjaa bows.

Ya'shenn returns the bow, again with that precise courtesy. When not backstabbing Ascendants, the psion is very fond of proper etiquette. Or perhaps, especially while backstabbing Ascendants. She agrees to board, though not before looking to Ii'Jyka'Vaar for confirmation. While aboard Pale's ship, the psion rediscovered the ability to at least pretend to defer to the nearest knight -- and it would be best if, while among these pirates, the two of them were to appear to be of one mind, the better to strengthen their message.

"Thank you, Gish Zjaa of Garnet. We accept." In truth, Ya'shenn is a little wary -- partially because she's far more paranoid than many githyanki, and partially because one of the pair is a Ruby. After offering a typical quantity of small talk, she inquires as to whether the People of Starmantle had many dealings with or knowledge of Pale previously. She had heard all that was said in the meeting, of course, but perhaps there was more than Styrrn had mentioned.

To the knight alone, she sends:

~It is not so much Pale that worries me. The actions of a fanatic of his sort are often easy enough to predict. Mist-of-the-Mind, on the other hand, has a very subtle mind, and many more years' experience than I do. If there is a way for her to manipulate the situation at this point, she may well find it.

She also speaks telepathically to both Kirath and Sark'ja, keeping them apprised of events. To Kirath alone: ~While these pirates do not seem inclined to craven surrender, anything might yet happen. I would advise that we initiate no violence just yet, but be prepared for the possibility.

At some point in the conversation with Zjaa, Ya'shenn deliberately looks in the direction of the human who wears her clothes in githyanki fashion. Delicately: "Gish Zjaa, if I might inquire...?" To another Tu'narathi, the psion's unspoken demeanor is not really accusatory, but might read something like 'I'm not sure that I really want to know, and the answer may in fact prove embarrassing, but I will be polite.'


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar nods to Ya'shenn in acquiescence.. She waits till the other captains have moved out before even moving herself, and then replies to Ya'shenn:
~"True, very true, and I think she might even resort to possession of one of the captains in order to sow dissent.."

She then makes her way to the top of the tower to check on her mount, seeing if he hasn't sped off to feed on some hapless berk in the city..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii's fears are confirmed, the wyvern is gone. Did Mist-of-the-Mind plant a suggestion for him to return to the fleet, or has he gone off hunting? She boards an astral skiff with Ya'shenn and the captains Zjaa and Raa-Shiis. A few minutes later, the wyvern is seen following their skiff. It has a large fish in its jaws. Raa-Shiis, who is piloting, slows, allowing the wyvern to catch up, and the other skiffs to fly on ahead. As Nah'Mizh'Aar approaches, they see that it is a shark he has caught.

Ya'shenn politely inquires about the graith. Zjaa replies nonchalantly, "Yes, we rely on the barbarians far more than may be due children of Gith. They are the ones who work our the ships, and in our fleet at least, make up the bulk of our warriors. The human is Panterra, an ally from the Incursion. She is perhaps one of the most honorable graith I have ever met. She swore to the commander who spared her life that she would serve the githyanki cause, so long as it was not against her homeland. She continues to honor this oath, to our benefit for the Swallow is her ship, and it is the fastest on the seas at full sail. She is also a powerful wizard, and her 'blade' has honed Warlock Raa-Shiis' own power.

*in githyanki, 'blade' may refer to any skill of a particular githyanki. A Psion might call her mind a 'blade' and a mage call magic their 'blade'. Githyanki also say that blades hone or sharpen one another, referring to daily practice at swordfighting and other arts.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka smirks when she sees the Wyvern with his catch...

She thinks its good to let the beast get its own way sometimes, just so he can out his frustration in his hunting...

When the Wyvern nears the skiff, she pops her head out to assure the Wyvern he is on target and reassured, when he latches onto the skiff she goes back inside and they continue the trip...
The noise of carcass breaking and gulping sounds accompany the silent air gliding amongst the skiff...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The skiffs reach the Swallow, and the ship quickly begins to bustle. The githyankis' skiff hovers over the back poop deck. There is a ring of metal inside the bottom hatch that allows anything dropped to fall lightly to the ground. Zjaa relays her orders to the surface ships in their own little fleet consisting of the flagship, a two hundred foot clipper, and three corvettes. Raa-Shiis gives orders to the astral skiffs, fourteen of them circle in the air above the ships, as does the wyvern.

The human woman, Panterra, orders the Swallow's crew about. Zjaa and Raa-Shiis introduce Ya'shenn and Ii'jyka'vaar without referring to any titles. Panterra bows courteously low and allows them to leave first before returning to work. The githyanki stand generally out of the way on the back poop deck. There are about twenty githwarriors strewn about the ship. Some stand in the rigging, and a few even help the graith with the ropes, sails, and cannons.

Zjaa and Raa-Shiis take turns bringing their off-world guests up to speed. Though they never actually said they were from Sigil, it is evident in the conversation that they don't really know the situation in the Inner Sea. Zjaa is wiser, with a keen tactical sense. She is indoctrinated in the word of Gith, and often uses quotes and phrases from the Liberator to back up a point. Raa-Shiis is highly intelligent but proud. She makes it her business to know everyone and their strengths and weaknesses.

The Pirate Isles of the Sea of Fallen Stars were targeted after the githyanki had already invaded Procampur, The Vast, and the 'Merchant Kingdom' of Sembia. Their flying astral ships were already greatly feared by every seaman. They swept the isles, but not before a message was sent "Only ships on a westward course will be left alone. All others, and all towns, will be be burned." The graith got the message, and so Westgate and the Dragon Coast was invaded first by an armada of cutthroats and thieves before the githyanki invasion force arrived. In the wake of the Incursion, there were more trapped githyanki than astral ships to hold them all. The navies of conquered lands and the swiftest captured ships were forged into several independent fleets under githyanki captains. Their githwarrior 'marines' ensure compliance of their graith crews and victory in battle.

The Silver Fleet is known for its 'marines', for the Silver Knives are trained specialists at neutralizing other spellcasters. They are also extremely well equipped, with heirloom blades and items.

D'aynn's Thunder Fleet has a great deal of weaponry. His 88-gun warship is not THE most well-armed on the sea, but it ranks, and strikes a balance between firepower and speed. His support ships are mostly frigates, fairly well armed and fairly fast naval ships. Some of his crews came with their respective ships, and know how to work their vessels and their cannon expertly.

Styrrn commands a small and ever-shifting flotilla of some of the most villainous scum on the sea. He hasn't many githyanki marines, but is himself a superb bladesman. He has probably killed more graith in one-on-one duels than all the other captains combined, and it is thus how he maintains control of the barbarians.

Their own fleet is known as the Swift Birds, and has the most astral skiffs of those present. The others have three each, except Styrrn who has only one.

There are other fleets on the sea, of course, over a dozen in total. The most famous are the Void Walkers, a mixed-band order of psions and psi-warriors who are all versed in the arts of teleportation. They have a small fleet of fast sloops and cutters with several skiffs and a pair of astral brigs. Also large and well-known is the Golden Armada, which boasts a number of large naval vessels that would put D'aynn's Thunder Dragon to shame (but which couldn't catch it in a race).

Collectively, they prey on shipping and on non-allied graith pirates, of which there are increasingly more and more. Still, the githyanki armadas rule the sea, especially trade to the west and north. There are many places to hide in the Pirate Isles, but the major ports are all githyanki controlled. Indeed there are also still fleets of flying astral ships manned by githyanki alone operating out of the Isle of the Dragon, the largest of the Pirate Isles.

To the north, past the Dragon Reach and the river Lis, into the Moonsea, is the graith city of Mulmaster. The Mulmasterite navy controls the Moonsea, though the western parts are now contested. Mulmaster still welcomes trade with the githyanki fleets.

To the west are the Dragon Coast and the nations of Sembia and Cormyr. The Dragon Coast is a lawless region, whose major port city, Westgate, welcomes githyanki and pirate trade. Westgate's streets are not considered safe. A day's sail away is the southern Sembian port of Urmlaspyr. Its streets are far more empty, but also more dangerous in their own way. In addition to the seamen and cutthroats down by the docks, graith street gangs sake claim to the alleys and the sewers underneath. The githyanki here reside among the stone buildings formerly inhabited by the wealthy graith atop a low ridge. The seaward end of this ridge has battlements referred to as Urmlaspyr Keep, and this is the center of githyanki activity in the city. Northern Sembia is now free, though they haven't yet an army to take the cities of the south, Urmlaspyr and the inland city of Daerlun, back from the githyanki. Cormyr, however, does. The githyanki fleets control Sembian coasts, and have bottled up the Cormyran navy. Cormyr, however, never was conquered in the Incursion. It was laid siege, and the eastern portions were invaded using mostly conscripted graith armies, but the Purple Dragons, Cormyr's elite army, has recently taken back most of their territory and stands ready to push into southern Sembia.

Githyanki activity in the south of Faerun remains mostly a mystery to the githyanki captains here. Master Pale and his Ascendancy followers were living among a growing graith empire between Amn and Tethyr. There are also fleets in the great ocean commanded by Master Gish Misk.

Activities in the underdark enclaves of Gatcherof and Kuragolomsh also remain mysteries, though not entirely so. The githyani have uncovered a number of portal neworks, which seem extraordinarily common on this world.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn is rather relieved when the wyvern returns, bearing a fish. While she does not know very much about sea life, she has heard of that triangular fin. That sea creature, she had been told, was one of the few that consider githyanki good eating (if rather bony).

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vaar nods to Ya'shenn in acquiescence.. She waits till the other captains have moved out before even moving herself, and then replies to Ya'shenn: ~"True, very true, and I think she might even resort to possession of one of the captains in order to sow dissent.."

~We are in agreement there. It's possible that she may have mundane support here as well.

Azure wrote:
Ya'shenn politely inquires about the graith. Zjaa replies nonchalantly, "Yes, we rely on the barbarians far more than may be due children of Gith. They are the ones who work our the ships, and in our fleet at least, make up the bulk of our warriors. The human is Panterra, an ally from the Incursion. She is perhaps one of the most honorable graith I have ever met. She swore to the commander who spared her life that she would serve the githyanki cause, so long as it was not against her homeland. She continues to honor this oath, to our benefit for the Swallow is her ship, and it is the fastest on the seas at full sail. She is also a powerful wizard, and her 'blade' has honed Warlock Raa-Shiis' own power."

At some time when Panterra is not present, she remarks, "Pale's advisor is a psi-dominator of considerable ability, and is well known for using mind controlled graith." She does hope that neither Zjaa nor (especially) Raa-Shiis display a sudden loyalty to either Mist-of-the-Mind in particular or the Silver Eyes in general. "I do not accuse Panterra of this, of course. The necromancer appears to have been interested in Starmantle for a while, so I hope that the People of this place have at least given thought to such possibilities.

"While it would, of course, be completely unethical... it is even possible that his psion may attempt to abuse the minds of one or more of the captains during any negotiations that may take place. I sincerely hope that this would never occur, but I will be watching for it. I would not wish for you to be unaware of this possibility, either."

On the one hand, Ya'shenn continues to worry. One disadvantage of her Order's tendency toward contemplation is the ability to imagine every possible unwelcome scenario. On the other hand, the psion is pleased that at least she is not taking orders from a certain insane, fanatical, mind-controlled, half-undead necromancer. The discontent and outright loathing for Pale among the conscripted crew had been great indeed.

Speaking of whom... considering what Styrrn had said, she describes what she had noticed about Pale's state of health. Perhaps either Raa-Shiis or Zjaa -- both of whom probably possess considerably more arcane knowledge than she does ---is able to guess how far along he is in his transformation?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Would it not be wise to keep the Non-Gith not present when we meet Pale, that way she will not be an unexpected liability for us in regards to the psion we are to receive... She might think again about the honor of dominating a Gith-child, but will have no compunctions about any form of Graith, regardless of said Graith's allegiance"
She tries to convey this more as matter-of-fact then as an insult to the human/ graith ally, as not all Gith will not see "her" as a boon, specially when its an "empire-building-with-great-vision-and- dominates-anyone-who-does-not-comply" type psion.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Upon hearing Ya'Shenn's warning Kirath sends back "Message received I will not make amove until the time is right."

"Unfortunately we are running out of time." "Sooner or later they will send scouts ahead and find out what you have done and they will force my hand." "If they don't already know as I am sure that either Pale or Mist-of-the-Mind has spies with the port." "Well this meeting should be interesting if nothing else."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale's Fleet

Ar'dru knows something is up. He is no fool. His body is a powerful weapon, but so is his mind. He notices things. The command staff is sharing some secret plan against Pale, he is convinced, and he is NOT just being paranoid.

[Where Ar'dru is in an hour is important. DM is assuming he's aboard the Lantern, Pale's ship that was 'given' to Kirath's warriors.]

Kirath, in Pale's flagship, is able to glean the goings on of much of the fleet. The third planar raider, the Foreboding Sky is loaded with the enbalmed and processed graith. Kirath is only one deck above Pale and his necromancers, and hears much. The phrase "room for fifty more" is used. The bodies of the wild animals and graith herds and horses were loaded onto certain brigs, his own brigs included. Brigs begin docking with the Moonless Night, and Pale is busy sorting through the flesh of the Shining plains.

Pale knows Ii is missing. Kirath is nearby when it is reported to Ahl'zet that the wyvern-rider took a passenger and flew away at great speed. He sends a swordwraith below to deliver the message. Kirath does not know the Master Necromancer's reaction, because Pale has not been seen on his command deck since he ordered Kirath to stay. Pale is extremely busy below, now 'processing' the livestock and game. The horses aboard Kirath's brigs are thusfar left alone. Instead, the pilots are ordered to fly high in the cold air, to preserve the horses' flesh.

The details of what is going on down on the lower deck remain mysterious, as Kirath has no desire to witness them [EvilDM says "Unless you want to"]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


The ships begin to move into formation. They are farthest out in the bay, with their own support ships running messages. Panterra gets the Swallow in order surprisingly quickly. Though they are moving very slowly now using a few sails, the crew readies the sails. Ya'shenn and Ii are not used to this amount of coordinated bustle outside of battle.

D'yann's ships form a rough line between the Thunder Dragon and the port, their guns pointing along the coast instead of towards the town and sea. The Thunder Dragon herself remains at anchor.

Captain Silver's ships pull out from the port and start to head in a wide arc that will eventually pass by their own position (though the first will not have reached them before Pale arrives). The last ship to come out is his flagship, the Wind Dancer.

There are a few ships still in port or anchored out in the harbor that haven't moved. Evidently, Captain Styrnn doesn't trust his graith with complex plans.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

OOC I know I will regret this later but curiosity has gotten the best of me so here we go!

Kirath moves across the command deck quietly hovering as he moves along the deck. He looks for a place where he can be unobserved for a second or two. Once he has achieved this he invokes his Tiamat given powers and turns invisible. He then moves to the second deck to see what the mad necromancer is up to.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

While all the hustle and bustle is going on on the ship, Ii'Jyka'Vaar addresses either of the two closest captains and ask him/ her if they know where i could acquire such a "pistol" type weapon and additional equipment to go with it.. She also asks if there is any mercantile activity in magical equipment inside the city of Starmantle...

(note: not magical weapons, but misc,. magical items!)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Bladedancer wrote:
OOC I know I will regret this later but curiosity has gotten the best of me so here we go!

Kirath moves across the command deck quietly hovering as he moves along the deck. He looks for a place where he can be unobserved for a second or two. Once he has achieved this he invokes his Tiamat given powers and turns invisible. He then moves to the second deck to see what the mad necromancer is up to.

[He doesn't HAVE to turn invisible, you know. He can just go down there if he wants. There's also a chance someone will notice. You decide, (change yr post if you change yr mind) but the description won't really change much either way, since Pale is too busy to bother with Kirath so long as he stays out of the way.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale is building ... something ...

Kirath is an acompished warlock, well versed in the rituals and actions that can invoke magical change. Their craft is somewhat different, but Kirath can glean more from what is going on than another, not familiar with the arcane, could.

There is a great deal of alchemy happening in the rear of the ship. Kirath recognizes it as necromantic, for Pale's primary ingredients are organic. Pale's expertise with alchemy is beyond Kirath's, but the little warlock notices that one of his limiting ingredients is black onyx. This may be why the swordwraiths wear no gems, for Ahl'zet and many of Pale's forces are Band of Onyx. The living retain their marks of warband, but the fallen give their onyx to the cause.

Near the back, piles of guts and cast-off pieces are lying on tarps, one of which is already bundled up in a package. On top where the corners of the tarp are folded and sealed, there is an arcane scroll, the symbols branded on uncured skin.

These tarps seem the main focus, they contain organs, flesh, and a few bones (mostly skulls). They are being treated with Pale's alchemy and spells, though to what ultimate purpose is beyond Kitath's understanding.

Meanwhile, most of the bones are being stripped of flesh and piled in the front of the deck. These, each and every bone gets strange runes burned into it before it is thrown in the pile.

One thing is certain, whatever Pale and his apprentices are doing, there is no way they will be finished by the time they arrive in Starmantle.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru does not answer Xykk'ts question immediately. He spends the night with his texts meditating on the will of Gith before returning to the Lantern to continue the discussion.

"My role is simple. To prosecute the war of the people against the great enemy. All else pales into insignificance in comparison. As Gith herself was willing to sunder the people on the traitors pronouncement of two skies so would I be willing to take arms against those who would work at cross-purposes with this goal."

He pauses for breath, knowing that he may well be condemning himself to an inglorious death and resurrection.

"Gy-Nath is my commander and has led me well in battle, Kirath has also fought well by my side against the enemy. As yet Master Pale has shown no such desire to lead his forces against the enemy, indeed he steered his army away from a known nest that existed under the Graith city. It is my belief that he seeks to subject all races, including the people, to the same manner of slavery from which we were freed, where if his will is not obeyed a Gith will be changed into something that shall." The fires in Ar'drus eyes flare brightly. "I will not stand for such treachery."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
While all the hustle and bustle is going on on the ship, Ii'Jyka'Vaar addresses either of the two closest captains and ask him/ her if they know where i could acquire such a "pistol" type weapon and additional equipment to go with it.. She also asks if there is any mercantile activity in magical equipment inside the city of Starmantle...

(note: not magical weapons, but misc,. magical items!)

Raa-Shiis is standing near Ii. She smiles, "The graith firearms vary greatly in quality. Most are too unreliable for my taste, compared to a wand, but if you want I'll keep my eye out for a good one for you. Really, the one to talk to is Captain D'aynn, for he loves anything with gunpowder. As for other items, you might find something in Starmantle or more likely in the fleets, once we are through this. "

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"It's just piqued my interest and I would like to have a good one to add to my "collection".., and serious magic-wise, I am in need of several miscellaneous items, we will see what's on offer, thank you for informing me"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Starmantle, dawn. A thin fog begins to roll in, hugging the water, and making the calm waters of the bay seem like their made of cloud. The sky is pale, the stars fading with the mounting light. Against the mist, the dark hulls of the ships are visible as they slide out into the bay or remain fast at anchor.

The first scouts of Pale's forces begin to arrive. Some orbit the town, then double back over the forested hills. Others turn and go up and down the coastline a few miles before returning. Less than half an hour later, the main force arrives. They hover over the town, but no attempt at contact is made at first.

Then, a figure appears on the bow of the planar raider Moonless Night. The raspy, half-whisper that is the voice of Master Pale rings out over the bay, magically amplified.

"Children of Gith! I am the Queen's Necromancer, Master Pale. My fleet will make port here for three days to resupply. On sundown the day after tomorrow, I will set course for the city of Urmlaspyr in Sembia, and all loyal githyanki will accompany me. We go to the aid of our brothers and sisters who are in great peril! Prepare for the journey, and for battle when we arrive. Every able graith blade should also be transported thus."

"But make no mistake, any ship that tries to leave before this will be assumed piloted by disloyal graith and traitors, and sent to the bottom. I will then make those aboard WALK to Urmlaspyr."

"I also require of the graith fifty of their number. These need not be of fighting caliber; women, children and aged will suffice. The details of how they are chosen are unimportant to me."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar, when she is alarmed by the first of the scouts being sighted, makes her way up to the aft of the ship where the two captains hold themselves..

"Why is it always that big people, with big egos always have to make them selves known in big ways with amplified magic?, and on a note, how will we negotiate with this pompous ass?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"He changes tactics already." Not necessarily so, but quite possible. Would Pale have used the comparatively "softened" speech he just had if he had been more certain of the loyalty of his conscripted troops, or if a githees, of all persons, had not gone to warn the githyanki of Starmantle? I could swear I am hearing Mist-of-the-Mind's voice speaking through him. "In any case, he seeks to divide the People of Starmantle. Not so surprising."

Burning Spear wrote:
"Why is it always that big people, with big egos always have to make them selves known in big ways with amplified magic?, and on a note, how will we negotiate with this pompous ass?"

Ya'shenn cannot help but smirk at the knight's remark, despite the dire situation. How blunt she is. "If we possessed such dramatic magics ourselves, I would be highly tempted to send a rather blisteringly discourteous reply." She grows serious again. Easy enough, when she considers Kirath's situation, and that of those aboard Pale's personal ship. She bows to Raa-Shiis and Zjaa. "Captains, your actions are of course your own; I merely advise as best as I am able. My battle-siblings and friends are all but held hostage as we speak." Ya'shenn is actually a bit surprised to feel so strongly about the very mixed group of Tiamat-venerators, half-breeds, and (she would not be very surprised) Silver Eyes operatives she has been traveling with recently. They remain preferable to fanatical Ascendants. "On the other hand, they stand ready either to abandon Pale or to strike at him, if they must. Honored captains, I would know your minds. The necromancer is a madman."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"If we possessed such dramatic magics ourselves, I would be highly tempted to send a rather blisteringly discourteous reply."

Raa-Shiis smirks. She goes to a small wooden chest and unlatches it. Inside are many small pieces of parchment. She takes one out, unrolls it, and speaks an incantation. The small strip of parchment crumbles into fine ash, which is blown away in a whaft of breeze. She then speaks into the air, in a normal voice.

"Master Pale, I am Commander Raa-Shiis, Warlock of Ruby. I am but one of six Captains, including the Master of the town itself. Each one is a commander in their own right, and has the right to choose their port of call for their command."

She takes out another, and casts the spell.

"You call yourself the Queen's Necromancer, and though I will not speak of more aloud, you know why I mention it. I will not willingly draw blade on a fellow githyanki, but will defend myself, my siblings, and my command against any aggressor."

A third ...

"You are welcome to make port here, as a fellow fleet-captain, and if you would suggest a port of call for any others, you may speak with them as you wish. I know of at least one who will NOT go to Urmlaspyr, but I myself MAY be persuaded, IF you can make your case without resorting to threats.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
"You call yourself the Queen's Necromancer, and though I will not speak of more aloud, you know why I mention it."

[Sense Motive on this statement, actually, if you don't mind. I'm wondering if Raa-Shiis and Pale were rivals for the position at some point, or if she's rather deeply loyalist after all. Or both.]

Sense Motive
I rolled 1d20.each(14), the result is 22 = 22.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
Azure wrote:
"You call yourself the Queen's Necromancer, and though I will not speak of more aloud, you know why I mention it."

[Sense Motive on this statement, actually, if you don't mind. I'm wondering if Raa-Shiis and Pale were rivals for the position at some point, or if she's rather deeply loyalist after all. Or both.]

[She simply means that she won't say " ... but the Queen is dead" since there are graith around, but ... the Queen is dead, and any authority you have that derives from her is null and void now]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:
I could swear I am hearing Mist-of-the-Mind's voice speaking through him
[Yes, you are]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

While Ya'shenn can hold discourse on the subject of psionics at great length, she knows rather little of arcane magic. She's not entirely certain whether Raa-Shiis' most recent spell might remain able to send a few of her words, and not those of the warlock, to Pale's ears. While indeed visibly tempted to send a thoroughly unkind reply to the necromancer, Ya'shenn eventually decides against it. Her diplomatic mien had proved an asset again and again on Tu'narath, dealing with many whose mindsets greatly resembled that of Master Pale. It is hard to break such a habit.

Raa-Shiis' response seems very much in accordance with the warlock's probable self-interest, the interests of Starmantle, and presumably with that of the githyanki she commands. While not pleased that any of the captains would even consider any form of alliance with Pale (or the power bloc he represents), she is not so surprised, either.

She does ask about the workings of the spell. Despite the fact that she is no mage, she feels somewhat self-conscious about this, for those of her Order tend to pride themselves on their knowledge. Once Ya'shenn feels sure that the warlock's most recent spell has indeed expired, she suggests: "A few days of separation between the conscripted troops and Pale's main forces would be welcome. Until now, it has not been possible to accomplish this without violence. Perhaps such a thing might be possible now... with your support. I would not want the necromancer to take out his vexation on my siblings."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

There is a pause, as if Pale is considering what Raa-Shiis has said. Then Pale's voice rings out over the bay again, "My decree is made. Let no one leave to spread word of our destination. We set course for Urmlaspyr in three days, and all loyal children of Gith will muster."

Pale's Fleet

Master Pale stood out on the nose of his flagship. There, a circle was drawn, cut into the metal on a flat spot in front of the main front hatch. A single command word caused it to light up, and reveal a pair of concentric circles with arcane runes in between. Kirath, watching from just inside[*] understands their purpose, to carry his voice to all within a mile. He wonders how it would interact with a sonic-based spell cast within the circles.

Pale addresses Starmantle, and reveals his intentions. He stands still a moment, looking ahead, as if someone were standing in front of him, before making his final statement and turning to come back inside.

"Ahl'zet, Zvar'tz, continue scout patrols. I don't want anyone who knows our destination leaving this area by land, sea, or air. Bring them before me, alive if gith, but I don't care what state any barbarians are in.

"Kith'rak Mal, organize our resupply. Each living githyanki will have a swordwraith bodyguard while in town.

"Kirath ... Your ships will begin transferring the horses here at dusk. You will transfer your troops and relinquish the Lantern once the operation in complete."

"I expect you all to be ready three days hence."

His orders given, he goes back below and returns to work.

[DM: Pale's orders for Kirath were to stay put "until we reach Starmantle", so he can do whatever he wants, now.]

[* There is a ballista emplacement just inside this hatch (which is large, about 10' diameter). It wasn't loaded, much to Kirath's disappointment, since Pale was standing right in front of it.]

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath eyes the necromancer after his statements to Starmantle and says in his mind "Very subtle it must have been the ghost speaking for you." "For there is no way with your tactless approach would you have been able to pull performance off".

After Pale's order is given Kirath bows and says outloud "Of course Queen's necromancer your orders will be followed with all due haste." "I do have one question though Master Pale as you are of the Ascendancy will you support the Singer of Fire when she takes the throne?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale''s Fleet

Bladedancer wrote:
After Pale's order is given Kirath bows and says outloud "Of course Queen's necromancer your orders will be followed with all due haste."

"I do have one question though Master Pale as you are of the Ascendancy will you support the Singer of Fire when she takes the throne?"

Behind his bandages, Pale's face contorts. He looks at Kirath with a look of utter hatred. He looks for a moment like he wants to strike the short warlock. But then his left eye begins to twitch. He winces, and his hand instead goes to his own temple.

Pale growls quietly " ... I guess I'd have to ... " He storms past, and goes back to his grim work below.

Pirate Fleets

Raa-Shiis turns to Ii'jyka'vaar and Ya'shenn, "Well, that went much better than expected. Each side has made their ultimatums, we'll see who twitches first."

Zjaa shakes her head in response. "Some fool graith are bound to try to slip out at night, or pick a fight with some of Pale's men."

The Warlock smiles "Should we encourage this? Keep some pressure on them ... "

"Such strategies can be discussed in a little while, sister." Zjaa replies "For now you should relay to the other Captains that little has changed. We await possible attack, get into defensive formation. Styrrn and D'aynn now have three days to get their ships in order."

Raa-Shiis does so, one scroll for each.

"Come below, sisters. You are our guests." Zjaa speaks warmly to Ya'shenn and Ii, "Or return to your fellows, if you wish."

Ii's wyvern is flying about the bay, banking around the masts of ships like he was on an obstacle course. He periodically returns to circle Swallow but seems to be enjoying himself. Ii can only imagine what his life must have been like in Hlondeth. Here, his only chains are his reins. They hang from piercings in his horns like jewelry.

[DM - due to the masts and lines, the wyvern can't really land on the ship. He could cling to the stern, in order to pick up or drop off passengers.]

[DM also making post ex facto change. The wyvern's saddle is actually built for 2. Rider and bowman. The bowman had already been shot off when Ii and Du'minh jumped on the wyvern. So, taking a passenger is no problem, and if Ii wants to instead carry some gear on the wyvern, there's space to stow it.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Thank you, Captain Zjaa, I welcome your invitation, as I would like to peruse the fleets magic to see if there is a trade to be made for a very strongly magicked axe I have found, and I am in need of some more appropriate items, especially seeing what situation we are in.." And with that Ii'Jyka looks at Ya'shenn for her to accompany her..

Ii'Jyka barks a draconic command to the wyvern to come to her, and when he does so, she tells him he is free to stay near this ship but go about hunting and flying as he pleases.. She hopes that is a great motivation for Nah'Mihz'Aar..

With that done, she looks at the captain to lead the way and follow to below decks..

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

After Pale walks away and is out of earshot from Kirath the little gith actually lets out a hearty laugh. By Tiamat's Five Breaths it has been a very long time since has had a chance to laugh. Dark times for the People.

He then goes about fulfilling his orders. While in pursuit of his duties he touches base with as many of his troops as possible trying to get a feeling for their thoughts He also shares the story of his last conversation with Pale hoping to raise their spirits.

After the transfer of troops back to their ships and the unloading rhe horses to the city Kirath makes his way to Starmantle and goes about trying to find Ii and Ya'shenn and failing that he will try to find the captains.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale's Fleet

Kirath returns to the Lantern and relays Pale's orders to the troops. The timing means that they have most of the day idle, for Pale won't be ready for them until nightfall. Gib has the coordination of the troops well in hand, and Kirath realizes that despite appearances of the chain of command, Gib is really in charge, not him. [*]

Ahl'zet relays orders through Gib and Gy-Nath that the party of Githaribani may 'go ashore' in Starmantle, but be ready to move out in three days.

Pale has some sixty skiffs under his command. They orbit the town, both inland and out to sea, at the distance of three to five miles. Parties of Ascendancy loyalists are sent into town for supplies, each one with a swordwraith as bodyguard, in case any wish to challenge Pale's strength.

[*DM: The DM has to, story-wise, give a reason (or several) for Kirath to want to eventually emigrate to Git'riban, i.e. join the party.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Aboard the Swallow

The human mage approaches Raa-Shiis and bows "I thank you for you words, for you know my mind, si ... " She pauses and gives a quick glance at I'jyka'vaar and Ya'shenn, " ... Captain."

"You make up your own mind, like any being, Captain." Raa-Shiis replies, "And live or die by the consequences of your choices."

Zjaa interjects, "Panterra, would you move the ship to the waters off of Islet Tower? We can run supplies and communications with the flying skiffs and the secondary ships."

Raa-Shiis and Zjaa grab the case of message scrolls and carry it below. There is a steep stair in the middle of the poop deck on which they are all standing. It leads to a small hold with several doors. Two lead to rooms in the very stern of the ship with windows revealing a wide panorama. The Captains stow the chest in the right one, obviously Raa-Shiis' chamber for it is filled with esoterica befitting a mage. It is also hung with silks and tapestries, and has many other luxuries including a cabinet of alcoholic spirits. The left chamber is Zjaa's, and it is far more spartan. Blades hang on the walls, and there is a hammock and a few pieces of furniture and a table, but though the same total space, seems far roomier than Raa's room. It is here that Ii and Ya'shenn are invited.

Ii inquires about items, and Raa-Shiis seems interested in helping.. She is a dealer in magic items, of sorts, being a pirate and a mage. "Starmantle is a trading hub, not as big as Westgate, but still, we may be able to find what you are looking for, between the town itself and the fleets here." Indeed it was to unload some booty that we are here ourselves."

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