Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

As they examine the necromancer's personal quarters, Ya'shenn once again turns green, though she is less inclined to vomit than she felt at some points during the group's recent rrakkma. While mildly tempted by the locked cabinets, she decides against abusing the 'courtesy' of her hosts for now. Not merely because mages tend to ward such things, but because Mist of the Mind might be watching them -- at least occasionally -- or any mage or psion among Pale's crew might have been tasked to do so. She does not speak specifically of K'tch's fear of undeath, but for the rest of the voyage she attempts to keep the bard in relatively good spirits, without actually resorting to psionics.

Bladedancer wrote:
With rest of his time he tries to keep the morale of his fellow cultists up . He also makes time to speak with Ya'shenn and Geb about what they know about Mist of the Mind as he has only heard rumors and legends.

The psion shares most of what she knows about Mist-of-the-Mind. A fairly large amount, actually: Kirath may sense a touch of hero-worship in Ya'shenn's voice as she speaks of the undead psion. It is worth remembering that Ya'shenn was raised in the most rigidly orthodox of all cities in the Githyanki empire, and was likely trained since hatchlinghood to regard those so favored by the Revered Queen with awe.

While that sentiment is in no way shared with regard to Pale (who may well have enjoyed the Revered Queen's inner circle himself), the psion finds it more difficult to resist in the case of a highly honored member of her own Order. At least she's consciously aware of this bias.

She doesn't mention Mist-of-the-Mind's association with the Silver Eyes. Of course, anyone who knows anything about the Eyes could guess at such an association, in any case.

Ya'shenn also speaks about her own Order, though not as exhaustively as she might. The psions of her school tend to possess a certain subtlety of mind that is actually easier to describe in either the Githzerai tongue or illithid Undercommon (not that she would make either comparison aloud), but it is the language of the People she uses to speak of it to Kirath. It is this mindset, in part, that tends to make them popular as advisors. Essentially, while a typical githwarrior tends to be fairly open and direct in his thinking, a telepath of her Order is likely to manipulate situations (and people) in ways the githwarrior would not have considered. They are also likely to extract information from others as a matter of both habit and curiosity. They like to fully understand the mind and ways of their enemies.

"I rarely say this about someone, but I do not know her mind. I can certainly guess, based on what I know of Mist-of-the-Mind, and I know my Order well. I suppose there is a certain similarity to a necromancer's mindset. A psi-dominator will perceive the minds of the living as tools she can use. As tools are useful, such a psion may be careful not to waste them or throw them away needlessly. That is not to say that a psion would not expend them, of course; only that a telepath would not be wasteful in doing so."

She also speaks of certain specialties of her Order. Its interest in the workings of the mind of the Great Enemy, the fact that Qualith scholars (rare even among the People) often originate from said Order.

[While Ya'shenn doesn't actually mention it directly, those of her Order are sometimes known as interrogators and psionic inquisitors -- sometimes against other githyanki. Unbelievers, for example, heretics, Venerators of 'unclean god-things...' A fact which sometimes makes them unpopular. Probably either Kirath or one of his fellow followers of Tiamat is aware of this at least as rumor.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'jyka'vaar finds she is treated like her own squad of one (well, two). She is awarded all the privileges a Knight of Vlaakith would be accustomed to, and can go anywhere and talk to anyone. Pale's troops refer to themselves as "Loyalists" not "Ascendancy", and are generally welcoming of the knight. She lends a sense of order and legitimacy to the battle force. Those that favor the young heir are a minority, and there are several who favor the Ascendancy who are yet undecided among the Princesses.

Those that favor the White Lady are mostly necromancers and the more traditional-minded who desire a return of the Lich Queen. Some actually believe that the White Lady is in fact a regenerated Vlaaith CLVII. Others simply believe that only another Lich will be powerful enough to lead them in a hostile multiverse.

The supporters of the Young Heir are a minority, and not a vocal one. Some believe that Vlaakith left an egg in stasis, just one, for this very purpose. Others believe the story of the errant knight, and say that his/her loyalty to the githyanki people preserved the hope of a new queen. Some of those undecided between Lady and Heir believe the Princesses and the Ascendancy a necessary process in picking a new Queen.

The two groups, however, are mostly united in their opposition to the Singer of Fire's ascension. It is a little ironic considering that among Kirath's troops, the Cultists are the only ones who will willingly talk to Ii. There are even a couple duthka'gith who don't actually worship Tiamat. They consider themselves Ascendancy, despite their command structure, largely intact from the Incursion.

Pale continues to sweep the Shining plains for any life. Ya'shenn questions one graith, whose horse was chased down by N'Ach't. It happens that he was a messenger from Assam. Pale seems to be hanging around to intercept news of his movements, while simultaneously stripping the plains of all life.

Pale himself has little time to spare for Ii'jyka'vaar. He is hard at work in the bowls of his flagship, assisted by his necromancers. The bodies of the graith captured are prepared and loaded aboard several brigs. The astral ships' holds must have already been full, for their speed is slowed [Astral Brigs can hold 20 tons before their move suffers, 40 tons max]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka'Vaar tries to speak with the crews about the two groupings that they have created within their whole. She does not align herself in any way with either of them, but simply tries to find out why they both choose the one they support...

She also tries to find out from the soldiers if they know anything about the secret destination we are heading to.

meanwhile she tries to find as much knowledge from the necromancers about spells and necromancy in general, and from the soldiers she tries to find out anything about Graith in general.. ideas and details she might think that are useful (working towards the feat bribery)

(she will let Ya'shenn mindlink each time she goes out of their "home-brig")

And besides all the information fishing, she will ride her mount as much as possible and train with the Abyssal Longsword also, so she is a very busy bee Eye-wink

Pale's troops are by-and-large as unaware of their final destination as Kirath's. Many assumed the Shining Plains were it, as they also struck at the cities of the southern plains. They have been moving north since, and their targets have tended to be chosen to reduce graith mobility. The horses and caravans at Assam were just the latest example. Some believe that Pale will eventually turn back south and sweep the Shining Plains again.

Ii'jyka'vaar deduces the size of Pale's forces, and it is both less and more than imagined. There are 128 living troops, thirteen of them necromancers under Pale. There are many more undead, mostly githyanki swordwraiths. They outnumber the living about four to one. Ii doesn't visit every ship (and there is a swordwraith at the helm of most, especially the skiffs), but she figures there must be near to 500 swordwraiths. There is also a unit of specialized undead graith, consisting of a brig and three skiffs commanded by a penanggelan medusa.

A good number of brigs, and one of the capital ships are loaded with thousands of graith and animal corpses ...


Every now and then, Pale has Ii summoned to the flagship. This allows Mist of the Mind to enter Nah'Mizh'Aar. On a couple of occasions the ghost 'rides' along with the knight and the the wyvern. Ya'shenn, also 'on board' at the time through the knight's eyes, feel's the emptiness of the undead mind like a hole in reality. She is convinced that the blankness was looking back at her though, and that Mist knew of her presence.

Ii also sees Pale feed the wyvern ... things. The beast eats each cut of meat, no mater what Pale might have 'spiced' it with.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

When Pale does so, Ii will ask him honestly but bluntly what it is he is doing with that particular feeding...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Enhancing the durability of your mount, Githees. Or killing it. But in all honesty the poison drake has a remarkable resistance to poisons. I'm extending this immunity. As a side effect, it should be easier to raise, if it should die in battle."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
"Enhancing the durability of your mount, Githees. Or killing it. But in all honesty the poison drake has a remarkable resistance to poisons. I'm extending this immunity. As a side effect, it should be easier to raise, if it should die in battle."

"Although I am not fond of the idea of ease of undeath being positive, I thank you non the less for the effort by helping me by strengthening my mounts capabilities.." Ii'Jyka replies to Pale with a nod..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Master Pale throws the wyver another messy package of organs, and seems to smile at Ii'jyka'vaar under his bandages. He then signs for her to accompany him below, on the lowest of Moonless Night's three decks.

[EvilDM says you were the one who was pretending to be minoring in necromancy, and I'm listening to MLWTTKK*]

[If she follows ... ]

The lowest deck is a carnal house. Pale and his thirteen necromancers have several workstations set up. There are less than a hundred graith bodies here now, but parts and viscera fill several cauldrons. There is an entire area near the back with myriad apparatus distilling foul organic and alchemical mixtures.

"Let me tell you, chosen of Vlaakith, I know much about death ... and about life. We are all being prepared for the hateful sorrow, each in our own ways.

"The barbarian races hunger for material. More gold. More food. More pleasure, more happiness. They are thus naturally inclined to become hungry undead; ghouls, vampires, and the like. More children too. How fitting that often this type of undeath is infectious, neh?

"We githyanki are a race strong in spirit and mind. Undeath for us is an eternal un-life of honor and service.

"Of course, one may prepare for undeath in many ways. A necromancer may 'prepare' a subject instantly with a spell. A more ... guided preparation will yield different results. Most of the barbarians here will become ghouls when the correct spell is cast, with a few spontaneously arising as a more powerful version, a ghast. Our work here shall maximize the effect of the spellcasting. A few may actually be touched by the Lord of Ghouls himself."

At this point Pale spins around suddenly and snatches Ii'jyka'vaar's wrist. His cold touch seems to freeze to Ii's icy skin, even through his wrappings and hers. He pulls her in, catching her by surprise and off-balance, to gaze into his eyes. His voice is a harsh whisper that only Ii [and Ya'shenn, if she's still connected] can hear. "I hate heretics! The fools bow to the gods. But the gods are OUR tools! OURS! ... our .. our ... tools ..." He calms again, and releases her.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[I think this is a good time for a Sense Motive on Pale...]

Sense Motive - Pale
I rolled 1d20.each(14), the result is 26 = 26.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale is most certainly insane. He is, if arrogant and abrasive, at least reasoned and lucid most of the time, and not just through the influence of Mist of the Mind. However, he slips into emotional mania. It is clear that Mist calms him when this happens, but whether his insanity is itself caused or exacerbated by prolonged contact with the ghostly psion remains a mystery.

[Ya'shenn, not knowing about Ii's blade, won't get exactly what Pale is actually trying to say to her in that last bit]

[Other than that, what else do you want to know?]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
[Other than that, what else do you want to know?]

[What's his opinion of the knight right now? (I agree that Ya'shenn doesn't know about Ii's sword and thus is likely to be rather puzzled...)]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[still positive]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The knight can sense that Ya'shenn is actually stunned by the necromancer's words and behavior. Fanatical zeal is quite familiar to her, but the necromancer's particular brand of madness... not so much. The psion doesn't seem to know a thing concerning Ii'Jyka'Vaar's sword, though. Eventually, perceiving that the knight appears to be safe from both Pale's insanity and his bouts of wrath, the psion takes on a 'wait and see' attitude. She also contemplates the necromancer's words further. Hating heretics is surely nothing new, but using unclean god-things as tools?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
A few may actually be touched by the Lord of Ghouls himself."

At this point Pale spins around suddenly and snatches Ii'jyka'vaar's wrist. His cold touch seems to freeze to Ii's icy skin, even through his wrappings and hers. He pulls her in, catching her by surprise and off-balance, to gaze into his eyes. His voice is a harsh whisper that only Ii [and Ya'shenn, if she's still connected] can hear. "I hate heretics! The fools bow to the gods. But the gods are OUR tools! OURS! ... our .. our ... tools ..." He calms again, and releases her.

Ii'Jyka'Vaar follows the Necromancer wearily down to the lower deck.. she stands actively aware of her surroundings, and is only partially surprised when Pale suddenly lunges for her and grabs her arm... she lets him draw her in... and simultaneously grabs his other arm.

Her grasp itself doesn't do any real damage but her great strenght does affect Pale, and the corrupting touch of her body numbs even the necromancers "life".. for as much as he still has any... Her eyes glow pale blue and cold.. very cold.. and Ya'shenn feels her connection chill to the bone, even though there is no actual hurt..
She bares her teeth when he gazes in her eyes, and she returns the glare..
"I... DO...NOT... serve any godling... " is what comes out in pure spite as return to his comments, and she lets go of him simultaneously when he does of her.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Of course not." Pale replies calmly, "Nor am I. But if the god of ghouls chooses to make some of my creations more powerful, I'll take it."

He then changes the subject, showing Ii some of the alchemical apparatus, and other workings of necromancy.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Wise logic.." Ii replies with a smile, and eagerly listens to his explanation..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Pale shows Ii around for a little longer. His knowledge of undeath is is unmatched, and he quickly feels out both her level of knowledge and her interest. Business eventually intrudes when a flight of ships come in with another load of corpses. Pale and his necromancers get to work processing them. Ii has not seen any of Pale's sword skills, but be wields short and medium blades with such quickness and precision that she has to wonder.

One other mystery appears to Ii and Ya'shenn. Ar'dru might notice it too, when he speaks with Xykk't. Kirath is the commander of the strikeforce, but it is Gib who is far more familiar with the ships and warriors. This is not so unusual, and from talking to Kirath, they had already noticed that he is in command mostly because he is heald in mutual respect by Cultists, Apocalytes, and Heartforce alike. Yet, where exactly the ships and troops come from remains an enigma. The ships seem to belong more to the Apocalytes, but it is Gib, a cultist, who commands and coordinates them. On the singular occasion where the subject started to turn in this direction (any question about who was Tar'geel's Apocalyte commander before the rrakkma, for example) the githwarrior quickly changes the subject, usually turning instead to rumored exploits in the underdark of their current commander, Kirath.

Kirath, if questioned on this, simply replies that there are more pressing concerns with Pale. He does not want to involve the Git'ribani with bloc politics that are the responsibility of himself alone as Commander.


The fleet scours the plains for several days, until both man and beast are too scarce to find. Gib reports to Kirath some interesting things she has noticed. Their own ships are allowed to patrol their own sector normally. Pale's undead troops, though they can pilot their ships, cannot coordinate their efforts through telepathy, so their patrol pattern is different, less responsive. Gib figures they would have difficulty responding to a fluid situation. It also means that the core of the fleet, Pale's flagship, has constant movement about it, as patrols depart or return in a carefully planned timetable.


Once no living thing can be found for an entire day, Master Pale issues new orders. The entire fleet now heads north-east. Many of the ships, laden with the bodies of graith and animals, move at only half speed.

They eventually come to the mountains that define the northern border of the plains. Over these are thick forests. Gib reports that she belives Pale to making for the same destination they were; the port town of Starmantle. It is populated mostly by graith, but is controled by the githyanki. There are many pirate ships with githyanki captains and marines in the Sea of Fallen Stars, and Starmantle Bay is one of their favorite ports, for many clear, clean streams run from the mountains through the forest.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath asks for an audience with Pale. With all the gathering of undead he wonders where the necromancer will strike. Kirath has respect for the mage for his power but his methods leaves the warlock's stomach churning with disgust and rage.

The necromancer must need his small strikeforce for something since his undead legions seem to be largely mindless and therefore hard to control in tough situations. Where adaptation to battle's everchanging harmonies the undead can't start a new dance when needed.

He needs to find out why this madman has co-opted his forces or all of them could end up "shamblers". This the tiny warlock will not allow if he can all help it.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The message is relayed telepathically by Gib. Ahl'zet contacts Kirath directly a short time later.

~ My master will see you after another hour has passed. He is extremely busy and doesn't like you much in the first place. Though he did not really tell me to relay that information, I felt it prudent, since you now know what to expect. Yet, he is a good Commander, and if one of his strikeforce leaders requests an audience, he will make time to oblige.

[Ii may (or may not) be present as she wishes]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Ii will wish to be present, just to see what happens and in a pinch, play peace-keeper..]

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

After hearing the necromancer's controller message in his mind Kirath readies himself.
OOC: Puts up his daily invocations See the Unseen: 24 hour See Invisible/Darkvision 60 feet, Beguiling Influence:+6 bonus to Bluff Diplomacy and Intimidate checks for 24 hours, Fell Flight: Fly with good maneuverability at 30ft 24 hours.

Before the appointed hour is up the warlock makes his way to Ya' Shenn. He openly says to her "I plan on trying to find out what the true intentions of our current "Commander" are. Although which of them is really in command is open to debate. What I came to ask you if you are up for it is to mind ride with me on my meeting with the necromancer. The purpose of this meeting is to find out what his plans are."

With a smile that does not reach his eyes Kirath says "The mage might just incinerate me for my impertinence. So what do you say to my request."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[With the flying, DM assumes Kirath is traveling to Pale's flagship under his own power.]
[Ii is present, so Ya'shenn will be there via mindlink. She can mindlink w/ Kirath too, if she wishes, before he leaves]

Pale meets Kirath on the roof of the Moonless Night Standing in the wind with the necromancer are Ii'jyka'vaar and her wyvern. When Kirath approaches, Pale wordlessly beckons the warlock and the knight to enter.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar awaits Kirath, and follows after him, she keeps out of the way between the two and keeps her mouth shut, just watching and hoping the two wont fire hell at each other... ...for now.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Below, on the command deck, there are just over a dozen of Pale's living officers. These are augmented by around twenty githyanki swordwraiths. Ahl'zet is there, and it the first time he and Kirath have met in person. The psion is thin, even for a githyanki, and under the hight of most as well. He wears a loose silk shirt and pants, but has sleeves of chain mail under his robes, and metal greaves on his shins. His daggers give him away as Band of Onyx, as do some magic rings and a pendant.

Master Pale issues some orders to two of his officers, who depart. Then he turns to Kirath.

"Well, Heretic, your forces have comported themselves adequately. You have come aboard my flagship, and I might guess why this is. I will let you say what you want of me, though. Say your peace."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Bladedancer wrote:
Before the appointed hour is up the warlock makes his way to Ya'shenn. He openly says to her "I plan on trying to find out what the true intentions of our current "Commander" are. Although which of them is really in command is open to debate. What I came to ask you if you are up for it is to mind ride with me on my meeting with the necromancer. The purpose of this meeting is to find out what his plans are."

With a smile that does not reach his eyes Kirath says "The mage might just incinerate me for my impertinence. So what do you say to my request."

The psion concentrates and establishes the mindlink.

~I hope that you will not mind overmuch if I presume to offer advice. I would advise against challenging Pale on the nature of the relationship he shares with Mist-of-the-Mind. The necromancer clearly loathes unbelievers; it is most likely her advice that prevents him from destroying you. I doubt that being incinerated would be helpful to the troops you command...

Azure wrote:
Ahl'zet is there, and it the first time he and Kirath have met in person. The psion is thin, even for a githyanki, and under the height of most as well. He wears a loose silk shirt and pants, but has sleeves of chain mail under his robes, and metal greaves on his shins. His daggers give him away as Band of Onyx, as do some magic rings and a pendant.

Through both the knight's eyes and those of Kirath, Ya'shenn regards the other psion with interest. The necromancer is by now familiar; Ahl'zet, much less so.

[Sense Motive on Ahl'zet -- she doesn't know much of anything about him, so she's just trying to get a general sense of his mood, as well as what he thinks of Ii and Kirath. Also, is there anything else that she can tell just by looking at him -- does he belong to a particular Order, for example?]

Sense Motive - Ahl'zet
I rolled 1d20.each(14), the result is 32 = 32.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath eyes the gathered assembly of Pale's officers with some concern. He then looks to the Knight Ii'Jyka'Vaar and gives her a curt nod. So much for a one on one with the great one he thinks.

With Ya'shenn's sound advice still echoing in his mind he changes his strategy on how he wants to approach this meeting with the necromancer. He then takes a deep breath and enters the command deck.

He then makes his way to Pale bows and says in a respectful tone "Greetings Master Pale thank you for granting me an audience so quickly." "What I have come to ask if I maybe so bold is what is our destination?" "Also when we reach our destination what is our objective?" "The reason I ask these questions is that I wish to be able to prepare my troops for the coming storm. "Because it would be tactically unsound to bring troops to battle that were unprepared."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Then I guessed correctly, you wish to question ME! If I want you to know something I will tell you, and if I do not I ... I ... ....

" ... I do have have a new appreciation for the value of knowledge as a commodity, though. You make a compelling case, and I will not deny that your unit has comported itself very well. Some more knowledge might make you even more effective. So, I will indulge your curiosity, though it borders on insolence.

"We are headed for the port of Starmantle. I had not even told my own commanders of my plan before this, but I suspect you already have deduced our destination, so there is not much point in concealing this from you further. There we will find graith, and likely quite a few githyanki. The gith will of course join the fleet. I also hope to find a few pirate ships there. These I will order to set sail, but first I will load them with the graith population of Starmantle.

"Our ultimate destination will remain a mystery for now. I prefer to issue orders just once. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to the githyanki pirate captains for me to tell just you before I tell all of you, now would it?"

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath bows and says to the necromancer "With all due respect Master Pale I think you underestimate the value of the graith as LIVING allies. I suppose you plan on making them into yet more mindless undead. What you are doing reminds me of what a ghaik would by slaving them out to your command. They helped us in our efforts here and you repay them with betrayal!

I find this to be tactically unsound. If the rest of our allies here of this we will be without support on an alien world. You will doom our people that reside here for no reason but your arragance. I will not allow it as the arragance of one gith resulted in the annihilation of my entire warband! Please reconsider Master Pale!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"What? You ... you DARE!?! You would draw a comparison between me and the Great Enemy? No ... no, SHUT UP, he does NOT have a point. Shut the #@&% UP!" Pale covers his head with his hands and appears to be having a mental battle with himself. Kirath is momentarily afraid of what might happen if the necromancer wins over the ghost psion within, for Pale's initial reaction was of anger.

Finally he drops his hands to his sides. His stance seems to betray an incredible fatigue, but only for a moment before he forces himself to straighten up.

"Very well, my ... ... I ... have seen some merit in your arguments. Those graith who remain loyal will not be harmed until the last resort. Any who are unwilling, though will be slain. I expect you to carry out this order without any more dissent."

There is another sudden change in his mood, and Pale steps close, within a few inches of the little warlock, forcing Kirath to look up to meet his cold gaze. His voice is a quet growl that is hard for others to hear who are not as close. "You insult my honor comparing me to our True Enemy. I'd have it out in a duel with you right now, if you were of less use to me. As it stands, you add significant firepower, literally, that would be lost if I killed and raised you. Perhaps I could call your damned shade back from Baator, but probably not, and you'd be a mere zombie. For now, my practicality outweighs my personal honor. If I did not have the responsibility of command right now .... "

He takes a couple of steps back again, " ... But of course you are right about the graith, and we don't even know how many ships we will find at anchor there."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:

Azure wrote:
Ahl'zet is there, and it the first time he and Kirath have met in person. The psion is thin, even for a githyanki, and under the height of most as well. He wears a loose silk shirt and pants, but has sleeves of chain mail under his robes, and metal greaves on his shins. His daggers give him away as Band of Onyx, as do some magic rings and a pendant.

Through both the knight's eyes and those of Kirath, Ya'shenn regards the other psion with interest. The necromancer is by now familiar; Ahl'zet, much less so.

[Sense Motive on Ahl'zet -- she doesn't know much of anything about him, so she's just trying to get a general sense of his mood, as well as what he thinks of Ii and Kirath. Also, is there anything else that she can tell just by looking at him -- does he belong to a particular Order, for example?]

Ahl'zet is curt and businesslike. His telepathy is often brief and to the point. In person, he is not much different. Direct when dealing with others, silent and withdrawn otherwise.

Ahl'zet's affiliation with an Order and his training are matters of conjecture without asking him.

[Jank'kor was also Band of Onyx]

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath meets the necromancer's gaze his anger overwhelming his fear. Through gritted teeth the warlock says "Thank you for heeding my advice. I only want what is best for our people. ALL of our people.

After breathing for a few seconds Kirath clears his head thanking Tiamat for small favors. If Mist-of-the-Mind was not there to calm the necromancer he would most likely be dead his corpse reduced to a zombie or skeleton.

When calmed down the warlock curtly bows to the necromancer and says "May I take my leave from you now Commander?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"No. You will stay here on the command deck until we reach Starmantle."

With that he goes back to his gristly work two decks below. He does have some of his officers attend to Kirath's needs, however.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka makes her way back outside to the Wyvern, and flies back to the "home brig"...

. when she arrives inside the brig, she signs to Ya'shenn to keep the psi-link up, so they can mentally speak in privacy...
...casts a detect magic and scans the area for any divination effects... then says mentally:

~"I know Kirath want's to do something, what should we do and how?" she asks.. ~"warn the Gith and the Graith inhabitants too?, we have extensive knowledge of what the forces consist of, and can use this against him, but we need more then what we can bring to bear, and i am also wondering how save I am to use my mount, with all their meddling they did to it.."...

She makes a face as if she is not sincerely feeling for the "targets", but means what she says regardless...

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

With Pale's proclamation that the warlock stay put Kirath sighs in frustration. To Ya'shenn he says via mindlink Well we now at least the next step of this mad man's plans. I leave it to you to decide on how we proceed from here. If you agree with me that we need to stop him before he endangers more of our people for his own arrogant aims.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The fleet crosses over a thick forest on its way to the coast. Pale does not bother having the fleet scour it like they did the Shining Plains.

[DM says decide what you want to do. A skiff could easily dash ahead. Ii's wyvern could probably make it to Starmantle before the fleet, but only by an hour or two.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ahl'zet approaches Kirath after Pale has gone below. "The Master is practical to the core, and he has use for you he will not squander such resources lightly. He is also a loyal githyanki. He would not slay a child of Gith for anything less than gross insubordination.

"That is not to say it hasn't happened before.

"Operations are handled mostly by myself and six Kith'rak. There is one for each of the capital forces, and three patrol leaders. Kith'rak Zvar'tz commands the Pale Guard from the planar raider Silence of the Grave."

"Kith'rak Mal al Gish of Onyx is currently at the helm. He was until recently under command of the third capital force. Master Pale 'promoted' him to lead Command force. Most of his troops went to fill out the scout forces, who report to me.

He looks Kirath up and down for a moment, and seems to be considering something. Then Kirath 'hears' Ahl'zet's 'voice' [so does Ya'shenn]

~ So it often is with command. The hand may guide, but it is the edge of the blade that decides how the cut is made.

"Third Capital now under the command of Pale's first apprentice necromancer, Etaah-F'es. Now Kith'rak Etaah-F'es, though she is currently below aiding the Master. Building her an army, I suppose, for Third Capital has exactly one living gith on its roster."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
~"I know Kirath want's to do something, what should we do and how?" she asks.. ~"warn the Gith and the Graith inhabitants too?, we have extensive knowledge of what the forces consist of, and can use this against him, but we need more then what we can bring to bear, and i am also wondering how save I am to use my mount, with all their meddling they did to it.."...

She makes a face as if she is not sincerely feeling for the "targets", but means what she says regardless...

Noting Ii'Jyka'Vaar's caution, the psion scans for any sign that Mist-of-the-Mind, Ahl'zet, or any other psionic third parties might be keeping an 'eye' on them.

[Detect Psionics + Knowledge:Psi or Psicraft skill rolls, as necessary. Should these come up negative...]

To Ii'Jyka'Vaar alone: ~Sister, you surprise me... I would certainly have expected this from Kirath, but from you....

[Sense Motive on Ii. I think that Ii's motives are sincere, but Ya'shenn's paranoid! Assuming that the Sense Motive goes well...]

The knight can clearly sense that Ya'shenn views this as a welcome development, however. ~Very well...Master Pale must be even more widely loathed than I thought. Sister, know that whatever takes place, I regard you with much respect, even as a battle-sister, if you will permit the use of the term.

~We can warn the forces of Starmantle -- our piratical brothers and sisters in particular. I am completely ready to volunteer for this myself, but whether the undead psion will grant me a long enough leash to accomplish this feat is another matter. Whether or not I am physically present, I would like to maintain a mindlink with you, for I wish to speak to the pirates directly.

~Even so... I wish for you to be certain of your decision, for defying Pale will have consequences, and as one of the People I would want for you to exercise your own free will. A few matters that may factor into your decision, however. Master Pale is in fact being psionically influenced by Mist-of-the-Mind. She does not utterly dominate his every thought, as a ghaik might, but often manipulates his emotions by psionic means. Most likely she does this because the necromancer is, well... unbalanced.

~Next: if Pale is not thwarted now, or soon, he will do all that he may to convert all the githyanki of this region and perhaps of this world to his service. He aims to divide and conquer. Lastly: Pale has much power of his own but he seems even stronger because we are temporarily in his power. One such as Pale will certainly have many powerful foes. If Pale were so sure of his own strength, he would have butchered the Cultists -- as he so clearly wishes to do -- rather than conscripting them.

~Regardless of your own decision, I will not tolerate the necromancer for much longer.

Sense Motive - Ii'Jyka'Vaar
I rolled 1d20.each(14), the result is 31 = 31.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

@ Ya'shenn's sense motive:
You sense that Ii'Jyka is sincere in regards to her animosity of Pale's rampage of Undeath creation, but that she might still have extra motives..

(proper reply on the rest of your post to come later in another post of mine)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
You sense that Ii'Jyka is sincere in regards to her animosity of Pale's rampage of Undeath creation, but that she might still have extra motives..

[Well, is she planning to betray Ya'shenn to Pale or Mist-of-the-Mind? Sticking out tongue ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Her ulterior motives are not of that kind, no, she has respect for Ya'shenn and it seems Ya'shenn has likewise for her, so she won't backstab her, ever..

Zimrazim wrote:
Noting Ii'Jyka'Vaar's caution, the psion scans for any sign that Mist-of-the-Mind, Ahl'zet, or any other psionic third parties might be keeping an 'eye' on them.

[Detect Psionics + Knowledge:Psi or Psicraft skill rolls, as necessary. Should these come up negative...]

To Ii'Jyka'Vaar alone: ~Sister, you surprise me... I would certainly have expected this from Kirath, but from you....

~"Surprise for you maybe, but I simply do not want to return to the old ways, I see the need for a strong leadership, but not in the ways of undeath and power-killings"

[Sense Motive on Ii. I think that Ii's motives are sincere, but Ya'shenn's paranoid! Assuming that the Sense Motive goes well...]

The knight can clearly sense that Ya'shenn views this as a welcome development, however. ~Very well...Master Pale must be even more widely loathed than I thought. Sister, know that whatever takes place, I regard you with much respect, even as a battle-sister, if you will permit the use of the term.

~"The term can be used as you so wish, you and I have served together in battle and I see no insult in how you use it now"

~We can warn the forces of Starmantle -- our piratical brothers and sisters in particular. I am completely ready to volunteer for this myself, but whether the undead psion will grant me a long enough leash to accomplish this feat is another matter. Whether or not I am physically present, I would like to maintain a mindlink with you, for I wish to speak to the pirates directly.
~"A mindlink is prudent, but will it not drain your capabilities to much?"

~Even so... I wish for you to be certain of your decision, for defying Pale will have consequences, and as one of the People I would want for you to exercise your own free will. A few matters that may factor into your decision, however. Master Pale is in fact being psionically influenced by Mist-of-the-Mind. She does not utterly dominate his every thought, as a ghaik might, but often manipulates his emotions by psionic means. Most likely she does this because the necromancer is, well... unbalanced.

~Next: if Pale is not thwarted now, or soon, he will do all that he may to convert all the githyanki of this region and perhaps of this world to his service. He aims to divide and conquer. Lastly: Pale has much power of his own but he seems even stronger because we are temporarily in his power. One such as Pale will certainly have many powerful foes. If Pale were so sure of his own strength, he would have butchered the Cultists -- as he so clearly wishes to do -- rather than conscripting them.

~Regardless of your own decision, I will not tolerate the necromancer for much longer.

~"Agreed...but this challenge of authority is a dangerous one, see to it that the others are prepared to take over the skiffs they reside in, for their own safety, and when we re-unite we can decide how to mount any defence or offence..."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
There we will find graith, and likely quite a few githyanki. The gith will of course join the fleet. I also hope to find a few pirate ships there. These I will order to set sail, but first I will load them with the graith population of Starmantle.

Through the mindlink, it is not difficult for Kirath to sense the psion's dismay. Ya'shenn is not entirely surprised by this development, but even so...

Bladedancer wrote:
To Ya'shenn he says via mindlink Well we now at least the next step of this mad man's plans. I leave it to you to decide on how we proceed from here. If you agree with me that we need to stop him before he endangers more of our people for his own arrogant aims.

It is a long time -- almost an inordinately long one -- before Kirath receives a reply from the psion. She waits patiently for Ahl'zet to lose interest in the Cultist. Ya'shenn makes simultaneous plans with the githees, and lastly does some contemplation of her own.

[Similar use of Sense Motive, Detect Psionics if feasible, Knowledge:Psi, Psicraft to make sure that Ya'shenn and Kirath are conversing privately]

~Please forgive my delay. I favor warning the githyanki of Starmantle, and perhaps also its graith. She reiterates what she had revealed to Ii -- that Mist-of-the-Mind is 'influencing' Pale with more than advice. ~So, yes, you were correct in your assumption. I merely did not wish for the necromancer to incinerate you.

~While I hope to persuade these pirates to either flee or resist, it is possible that they may decide to be conscripted by Pale instead; that is their free will. Once the necromancer becomes aware, I would advise you to teleport either to your own forces or to the ship where we reside, as the situation demands. Should Pale force us to do battle, I could point out the potential value of... neutralizing Ahl'zet in some fashion, in order to reduce the necromancer's ability to communicate quickly with his forces. I do not know your full arsenal of spells -- specifically whether you possess any that merely incapacitate. Regardless, remaining healthy to command your forces should be your priority.

~Gib and Tar'geel must also be advised to make ready. Have you any specific orders for them?

Burning Spear wrote:
~"A mindlink is prudent, but will it not drain your capabilities to much?"

To Ii'Jyka'Vaar:
~Not too much. A mindlink between two persons is less draining than one between many at once.

Burning Spear wrote:
~"Agreed...but this challenge of authority is a dangerous one, see to it that the others are prepared to take over the skiffs they reside in, for their own safety, and when we re-unite we can decide how to mount any defence or offence..."

~I am not entirely sure of either Ar'dru or Kith'rak Gy-Nath, in this regard. We will soon find out, I suppose...

After some consideration, Ya'shenn first sends a missive to Sark'ja, the Git'ribani who seems particularly ill-inclined toward Pale. ~Sister Sark'ja. Should you desire revenge against Pale, an opportunity presents itself. The necromancer intends to use us against not only the graith city of Starmantle, but also the githyanki pirates who reside there. Once again she shares the fact that Pale is being 'influenced.' ~We have an opportunity to either flee or to resist the necromancer, but I would have much need of your aid, and that of the other Git'ribani. While I feel respect for the swordwraith, she will surely attempt to thwart any such efforts. I do not wish to be used to conscript or slay the pirates of Starmantle, nor am I eager to join Pale's undead servants.

She sends a similar message to Na'rai. While she knows very little of the Jade, Ya'shenn is fairly certain that the psi-warrior's enmity for both Pale and Mist-of-the-Mind must be well-honed by now.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'Shenn wrote:
~Please forgive my delay. I favor warning the githyanki of Starmantle, and perhaps also its graith. She reiterates what she had revealed to Ii -- that Mist-of-the-Mind is 'influencing' Pale with more than advice. ~So, yes, you were correct in your assumption. I merely did not wish for the necromancer to incinerate you. ~While I hope to persuade these pirates to either flee or resist, it is possible that they may decide to be conscripted by Pale instead; that is their free will. Once the necromancer becomes aware, I would advise you to teleport either to your own forces or to the ship where we reside, as the situation demands. Should Pale force us to do battle, I could point out the potential value of... neutralizing Ahl'zet in some fashion, in order to reduce the necromancer's ability to communicate quickly with his forces. I do not know your full arsenal of spells -- specifically whether you possess any that merely incapacitate. Regardless, remaining healthy to command your forces should be your priority.

[=darkblue]~Gib and Tar'geel must also be advised to make ready. Have you any specific orders for them?[/ ]

The Warlock thinks for a moment and sends to Ya'Shenn "Unfortunetly my Tiamat granted powers to not include non-deadly force. I do not wish to kill Ahl'zet as he seems somewhat sympathetic to our cause. But I will do what I must to preserve the lives of the forces under me and your compatriots as well.

As far as Tar'Geel and Geb goes please relay them the following orders. If we get word that the Gith pirates will stand against Pale prepare to fight If not Prepare to drop whatever weight that is excess so we can make good speed in the case of a retreat. Making our way to more friendly territory at all possible speed.
Only fight Pale's forces if we are forced to as their forces are far superior in numbers (but not in fighting spirit) than ours.
Also have them move a skiff under our command as close to Pale's as possible(without drawing suspiscion )so that I can make an escape out the situation I find myself in.

Ah I wish I could see Pale's face as we perform this "rebellion" against him. I also want to thank you and the Knight for supporting me against the necromancer.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'Dru spend a great deal of his time during the flights training with the other Duthka'Gith. While he does not deliberately train with them exclusively he finds that he enjoys the fellowship and similarity in outlook offered by his fellow half-dragons immensely, a feelings he has not experienced since the loss of his old warband.

In particular he seeks out psions to spar against, conditioning his mind to their attacks in the hope that he will be better prepared for the next time he faces the great enemy.

While he notices a stirring amongst the rest of the Git'riban warband he is too distracted by his training opportunities and new found kinsmen to pay what he views as 'political distractions' too much attention.

(Azure - this can be a little filler montage explaining Ar'Dru's new abilities or a springboard into further interactions with the Duthka'Gith as you prefer)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar silently starts packing the little she had not already packed and moves it onto the saddle and when she has secured it all onto the Wyvern she comes back inside to "say" her farewell to Ya'shenn.

~"I am going now, with luck i will be there within an hour or so before Pale and his cronies do... wish me luck, for this might bring war on us all..

With that said, she intends to clasp Ya'shann's hand in a warriors greet of good bye.. but it seems Ya'shenn's face is saying things yet said unsaid by its owner..

~"You want to say more?.."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Burning Spear wrote:
~"You want to say more?.."

~I will be coming with you.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

~"Are you sure that is wise?.. but I do not mind.. as long as you let me do the initial talking.."

With that, Ii'Jyka'Vaar mounts her Wyvern and helps Ya'shenn up onto the saddle, in an "uncomfortable-second-riders" position (simply because there is no normal space for a second rider on the current saddle), and commands it to take flight, and fly steady but fast..
With dusk as a cover for their flight, they spurt of the top of the ship, up and away from the fleet itself and into the darkness towards their new target...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

They fly through the night, and reach the coast in the subtle lightening before dawn. Small points of light betray the position of several ships at anchor in Starmantle Bay. A cluster of lights along the shoreline marks the location of the town of Starmantle.

Nah'Mizh'Aar makes a few wide circles so that they can scope ot the area. There are about a dozen ships in the bay near the town, and about half as many docked at the warfs. The two largest ships are anchored off shore, not far from each other. The town itself is a cluster of wooden buildings creeping up the hillside away from the port facilities. At the crest of the hill is a stone castle with a tall central tower. There is a light on its roof, a mirror-focused beam sweeping back and forth across the dark sea. Ii and Ya'shenn also spot a small stone tower built on a rocky islet about a mile east of town. The islet tower looks to be githyanki architecture, and there are a trio of astral skiffs hovering just next to it.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka steers the Wyvern towards the tower firstly, intending to warn the Gith before the town proper...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The tower is only about twelve feet in diameter, with a trap door in the middle of the roof. Nah'Mizh'Aar alights on the roof. Once Ii and Ya'shenn disembark he flies over to another nearby rock, and sits on top. The full-speed flight has worn the wyvern out.

Ii opens the trap door and finds two githyanki asleep in the room below, curled up in other's arms. Of course, in githyanki fashion they also sleep with their weapons naked beside them in the bed.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka coughs loudly, so as to wake the pair up, but give them a moment to compose themselves, even though they already know there is no real use for it.. Its merely a show of "politeness" then an actuality..

When the two have awoken sufficiently to be addressed, she speaks out "Who is the commanding officer?!"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Both githyanki wake. They quickly compose themselves and offer a polite welcome. "If you seek the portmaster, there is a stone building at the docks with a series of flags." The male yawns and stretches. "What ship are you from, sisters?" He then takes a closer look at the pair, waking up a bit more. He himself is of the Band of Silver, while the female gith wears blades and jewelry from a mixture of warbands, as is common for a varsh caste. "... Or ... are you looking for my own captain, knight?"

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