Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Queen's Necromancer." Unsurprisingly, the psion bows deeply. "Your arrival is welcome, and honors us greatly." She pointedly ignores both Master Pale's threatening manner and the distinct unease of many of the living githyanki and duthka'giths present. Ya'shenn's accent, if anything, is even slightly more pronounced than usual. The psion doesn't anticipate that this death-mage will be particularly impressed by it; she merely wishes to make clear that he is not dealing with an unsophisticated githwarrior from some remote corner of the Silver Void.

Well, the presence of undead in this area is certainly very well explained.  She takes mental note of Master Pale's apparent contempt for half-breeds, finding it somewhat odd in light of...

Azure wrote:
"You are not Cultists, nor do you wear the badge of the Apocalytes. Who are you?"

"Master Pale, we are members of an illithid-hunting expedition that has but recently become stranded on this plane, upon passing through a skipping portal." Ya'shenn does not need to conceal some displeasure at being trapped on Abeir-Toril. "I am its psion and healer. Our holy rrakkma is now complete, and we seek to serve the interests of the People in such a manner as our marooned circumstances allow." She figures that she will have to give this being her own name eventually, but decides to assume that the unliving necromancer intended his question in the plural sense.

After a moment, seeming to hesitate, the psion adds: "I am certain, also, that we would be interested in any news that you may carry and wish to impart. From what I have been able to gather, the situation is one of confusion in many places. We would be honored if you would share your knowledge."

[Ya'shenn wouldn't come out and say "So how is the Queen doing?" but many githyanki would love to know the answer to that question, so they might ask about it in a very indirect manner. The question also applies to the situation on the Astral and Abeir-Toril in general, of course.]



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"I do not count you sparing my life a mercy, knight.  Quite the opposite, and so not much of surprize.  Though I am now graith, I may ally with the children of Gith, should they find me of use.  I will continue on here, promoting troubles in Assam.

"I did not offer you your life out of spite, but no matter, let us continue on as best this situation gives us.."


"As for seving you more directly, I'm not sure how that will work, if I remain here and you leave.  This temple may serve as a sanctuary should you need it, and should you choose to debase yourself by sleeping in the house of a Power as I have done these many months.  In any case, I will breif you on Assam and the graith here, and anything else you may wish."

"I know there exists magic of arcane power which aids in long-distance communication, this and other things come to mind.. but for later, I know where i can find you, and I will look for better means of communication and transport.. when i have such, you will know.., and to add, (looks at his equipment) is there anything you need to better your position here?.."

V'ka proceeds to tell Ii'jyka about the goings-on in the Shining Plains; the defensive composure of Assam, the general schedule of caravans, the principal activities and mood among the barbarians, and much other information of millitary value.

Ii'Jyka takes all the information in like a sponge trying to suck up the ocean.. and if V'ka has nothing to add after her question, then she will proceed to her mount and out of the church again..

"We will meet soon.." She then salutes V'ka with a fist to the chest and then mounts again. She spurs Nah'Mizh'Aar into the air and towards the druidic temple.. at this point she will note the big ship and make all haste to return to the group...

(Seeing that Zimrazim is already speaking to big bad boy, i will hope she will introduce me to the undead when i fly in and land near them)


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Well, psion, experianced hunters will certainly prove useful where we're going."

Up close, Ya'shenn now sees that Pale is not undead, contrary to first impressions.  He draws breath, which is actually somewhat raspy.  Though she half-expects a smell of death, or at least of grave-dirt, instead there is a strong odor of incense about him.

"Go, slay any graith you find."  He addresses the risen.  The undead created by his staff are not mere zombies.  They move as quickly as the living and have a more intelligent look in their undead eyes [ghouls].  They rush into town, seemingly eager to attack the living.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Sense Motive on the necromancer.  Does Ya'shenn get a sense of Pale's general mental/emotional state and his current intent toward the party specifically?  Also, is he in good health physically, or is he ill?  It looks like dice aren't working, so I guess you would make the roll.  +13 bonus.]

[Incense?  Anything Ya'shenn recognizes?  He's not actually one of the Ch'r'ai, is he?  Not having Knowledge:  Arcana, I doubt Ya'shenn would recognize the staff, but I'll ask.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


[His state of health is hard to determine.  He seems to have asthma, and he has not exerted himself.  From the little of his body actually showing, he almost seems to be partially enbalmed while still alive.  Perhaps he is dying, but if so Ya'shenn would not be surprized to find it was all part of a plan.]

[Sense motive:  Well, he obviously has a very low opinion of Cultists and Apocalytes.  He seems to consider the githyanki a comodity, to be used at his convienience, and likely thrown away without remorse should their usefulness to him lapse.  Not really surprizing since, as a necromancer, he is in the habit of seeing others' flesh as a tool.]]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn does not know much of the necromantic arts, aside from what one picks up from having been raised on Tu'narath. She decides that Master Pale's apparent state of health probably has something to do with his arcane practices, for she has seen what the practice of necromancy has done to other mages. The psion does wish that this one had not acquired the abrupt and generally unfriendly manner of so many other death-mages: spending so much of one's time around the undead often makes one a rather poor conversationalist.


Azure wrote:
"Well, psion, experienced hunters will certainly prove useful where we're going."

"More than merely useful, I should hope, Necromancer. Where are we going?"

Burning Spear wrote:
(Seeing that Zimrazim is already speaking to big bad boy, i will hope she will introduce me to the undead when i fly in and land near them)

[If Ii decides to rejoin the party rather than staying in the temple]

If it is not directed there already, Ya'shenn draws the death-mage's attention to the wyvern and its rider. "Master Pale, please allow me to introduce our githees, Ii'Jyka'Vaar. Sarth'gar, you stand in the presence of the Queen's Necromancer of the Incursion into this world." She hopes first that the presence of a knight will render the necromancer less likely to simply reanimate them all, and second that the knight in question will have good manners. Despite whatever provocations the death-mage may send their way.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"We go where I order us to go."  Pale replies darkly.  "Where I say we go now is aboard the brig Knife.  Gather those of your own group and have them all come aboard."

"Kirath gather your command staff and board the Knife.  Your brigs have been gathering horses from the caravans.  This may be useful.  They will continue and be joined by the Ash, the Hail, the Echo, and the Stiletto.**  All other operations and skiff skirmishers will be recalled to aid and guard this alone.  Make it so."

Moments after they board the Knife, Ii'jyka'vaar's wyvern comes back into view.  He lands on the top of the brig she indicates, having been briefly contacted by Ya'shenn.  She leaps from Nah'Mizh'Aar's back and down into tohe top hatch.  [Ya'shenn introduces her now].  The necromancer's posture and attitude undergo a sea change.  He gives the knight a small bow.  "An honor to meet one of The Lich Queen's Chosen."


The flight deck of the Knife is empty except for the pilot.  In their wisdom, the designers of the astral ships enabled the control skulls to be operated by any sentient being.  This brig is piloted by a githyanki swordwraith [FF].  There is a subtle smell of blood and alchemical admixtures in the air, though the first tends to overpower the second.  It is coming from the hatch to the lower deck.  Those with any experience with necromancers would rightly guess that this particular brig is used as a workshop (of sorts) from time to time, though how active it is now would be debatable without going down there.


** Astral brigs are named with single words or things.  Planar raiders are named with phrases.  So brig names might be Fume, Knife, Fear, Rain, Heavy Flail, etc., while the larger planar raiders are named things like Moonless Night, Shining-in-Darkness, Stones-of-the-Mountains, etc.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Azure wrote:
Moments after they board the Knife, Ii'jyka'vaar's wyvern comes back into view.  He lands on the top of the brig she indicates, having been briefly contacted by Ya'shenn.  She leaps from Nah'Mizh'Aar's back and down into tohe top hatch.  [Ya'shenn introduces her now].  The necromancer's posture and attitude undergo a sea change.  He gives the knight a small bow.  "An honor to meet one of The Lich Queen's Chosen."

"And a mutual honour for me, dear "Queens Necromancer"..", she bows equally to him, and then glances towards Ya'shenn with a questionmark on her facial expression... then reverting back to her neutral stance...

(Ya'shenn can clearly see that the honour given to the Necromancer is sincere and that she is respectfull to her core to this person, but clearly surprised to his presence.)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The psion sends to Ii'Jyka'Vaar alone:  ~We are essentially conscripted into his service, sister.  I do not think he would so readily allow a githees to come to harm, but he may consider the rest of us much more expendable.  He knows us by our recent rrakkma.  If you could attempt to keep him favorably inclined toward us...  He may also prove more receptive to your questions than my own.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru eyes the necromancer speculatively but stoically goes along with the group, satisfied by the implication that they will be facing the Enemy again soon and privately comforted by the imposition of a strict hierarchy.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"If I may be so bold, "Lord Necromancer"?, why have you conscripted the band I am allied with...?"

She smooths her words as much as she can..(+10 diplomacy)

"And may i ask your name?.. I would prefer to understand who I am dealing with so as not to miss out on anything.."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"I am Pale, Master Necromancer of the Lich Queen's Incursion. Our Overlord fell by Vlaakith's void bombs. I am the highest remaining of the commanders on this world. I am transporting a good portion of my personal forces to a battle in the north."

"The graith seek to expel our forces from the lands in the north. The battle will be pitched, and all ready blades will be welcome." He looks around at the assembled gith, but with obviously increasing distain as he turns from Ii, to Ya'shenn, Du'nimh, Gy-Nath, Ar'dru, Sark'a and K'tch, Kitiir, and finally Ha'kana sitting on the floor. He shakes his head at the young one-legged warrior.

"I don't suppose you saved it?"

"Huh ... what?"

"The leg, fool!"

"Um, yea. It was put on board the Fume with the fallen warriors from the raid."

"Good. You haven't been ruined as a shambler, at least."

"A ... what?"

Pale does not answer, instead turning back to Ii'jyka'vaar, "Who are you, githees, which order do you serve?"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Me", she says self-reflective...

"I am Ii'Jyka'Vaar Gi Dhar'gi'Ghaaz, Sarth'Gar* of the Knights of the Azure Scale, Knight of Vlaakith" she answers, whilst standing tall and proud. Unfortunately that band of Knights that got ordered by our lady to do a mission in the void, did their mission proudly, but in doing so, it was also their last, bar me.

I am the sole survivor of that mission, and now I am simply searching to gain a decent mount again, this is my main mission currently, apart from allying with this band you see now."

She nods to Pale when she finishes..

*Sarth’Gar, Dragonrider in the army of the Lich-Queen Vlaakith (higher then sergeant (Sarth), but lower then Captain (Kith’rak))

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"A decent mount ... "

Master Pale looks at Nah'Mizh'Aar. The wyvern is perched atop the brig, with its head resting on the open hatch. His jaws are just inside the vessel.

"Mist ... "

A white mist starts to flow from his body. The air becomes cold, and a fog begins to spread at knee height. A tendril of mist snakes up, and into the wyvern's nostrils.

The wyvern claws the steel, then speaks in flawless draconian, I am Nah'Mizh'Aar. I will serve Ii'Jyka'vaar unto death, and beyond death!"

A few moments pass, then the process reverses. Pale shivers too, when the mist re-enters his body.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"What.. Did...You...Just...DO..?" Ii'Jyka looks at the Wyvern and Pale back and forth with a kinds of worrisome distrust in her expression.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"The Mist of the Mind has had a look inside the poison-drake's head. It has been ... bahaviorally adjusted. It will serve you faithfully. There may be a few more sessions as we travel, to ingrain the behavior, as well as open up more potential in the beast's mind. It is a dragon more in form than in intelligence, but a dragon nonetheless."

"This one will serve you unto death. If you like, I may be of some use in extending his use beyond that. I fear you may to be satisfied with this mount for quite a while, githees. The red dragons have turned against us." He shoots an evil glare in Ar'dru's direction, "They have flown back to their mother, seducing some to the worship of Tiamat. Heretics! Power-slaves! THR .... "

His manner changes quickly. He seemed at the edge of an uncontrolled rage, but then suddenly calms. " ... alls."

"Well, you may bivouac here in Knife. We must continue north now. We are yet a few days from our destination."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"No disrespect, Lord Pale, but are there any other tricks up your sleeve that we might be aware of lest we might accidentally trip them off?.."

she asks with a wary look on her face, one hand twitching a little, but Ya'shenn sees that she is controlling her arms enough not to grasp her weapon, but nevertheless her face is all steel and diplomacy.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"I have a great many 'tricks' knight, though I am not in the habit of revealing them ahead of time."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Wise move for your enemies, but you would not want your allies to trip over any trick accidentally, please let us know if we might, so that we can avoid such inconveniences.." with that, she gives her attention to her see if it is all right..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Know this, githees; I have a great respect for you and your station. We shared many loyalties. But Vlaakith the one-hundred-fifty-seventh is no more. I am your commander now, and I don't give a damn about your inconveniences."

"To be very blunt, I do not know where your loyalties lie. You look like a bunch of Unifists to me. A worthy goal, in a general sense, but it ignores the sacred loyalties of the people. A new Lich Queen WILL arise, and we will bring her to power by or blades. We ... "

He suddenly calms again, though he talks to himself quietly ... " ... yes, yes, of course."

"Anyway, I am well aware of the loyalties of Kirath of Baator and his little band of Heretics. I'm sure he only managed to gather the Apocalyte and Heartforce blades because they didn't want to miss out on killing Illithid."

"Which reminds me ... "

He turns quickly towards Ya'shenn, "Psion, report! I would know all about this rrakkma of yours!"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The knight, Ya'shenn muses, is doing well enough at warming the Queen's Necromancer toward their little band -- at least, to the extent that such a being would warm toward anyone. As such the psion remains quiet -- rather more so than is usual for her -- and lets the githees speak.

Unlike Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Ya'shenn recognizes the combination of the mind-controlling mist and the name Master Pale attaches to it. She actually finds herself feeling a certain degree of awe -- in her hatchling-hood, after all, she practically hero-worshipped such beings as this most highly honored psion. She also immediately realizes how powerful these two would be acting in combination -- Pale to control the flesh, Mist to dominate over the mind. That is disconcerting.

"That would certainly explain the sense I felt that you were not alone, Necromancer. Mist of the Mind, it is indeed an honor." Master Pale may either not recognize or simply not particularly care about the dagger at Ya'shenn's belt. The unliving psion, however...

"Azure" wrote:
He turns quickly towards Ya'shenn, "Psion, report! I would know all about this rrakkma of yours!"

The psion bows her head. "We came upon a number of ghaik who apparently dwelt, at least temporarily, at some distance from their Elder Brain. Thus isolated, they were swiftly destroyed. I could, should you wish it, recount some rather extraordinary stories concerning the odd extremes of behavior among the illithids we encountered. Should you wish instead to guage the capabilities of this band, I can state without exaggeration that I have seldom seen so many ghaik slain with a single blow as I have among my siblings here.

"During our rrakkma, we had the misfortune of passing through a skipping portal into a city dominated by those graith known as yuan-ti, who were fools enough to consider the Great Enemy as their own allies. Commander Kirath was leading his own forces against the same target, and thus we met in battle."

"Master Pale, if I may... what manner of graith do you intend to send us against? It is tempting to call all barbarians alike, but it would be helpful to know exactly what you would have us fight."

[Incidentally -- from what Ya'shenn can tell, is Mist actually psionically influencing Pale in front of them, or is she merely 'advising' him?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Interesting ... I will know ALL the details, but we will have time for that."

"The graith we will face are a mixed society dominated by humans. I expect them to be professional soldiers and battle-wizards. I suspect their forces to include dwarven allies and elven scouts as well. More than this I will not yet reveal, for I wish to keep our destination hidden from the heretics for as long as I can. I do not trust them. Not that I fully trust you either, but I know NOT to trust those who venerate Tiamat!"

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru blankly ignores the barbs that seem to be being thrown his way. He respects Tiamat but is not a worshipper he does not feel that his honour is at all threatened by the verbose mage.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath takes in all the insults the necromancer spouts off about his forces and his Goddess. His face turns into a rictus of hate and anger towards the mage but he slowly calms knowing that this mage and his forces could easily destroy his small band with but a thought.

Kirath then bows to Master Pale and says "No matter where you think our loyalties lie Master Pale We only wish to serve the People in the best way possible." "If that way is to serve you than so be it"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Master Pale turns to Kirath, acknowledging him for the first time since he came aboard the Knife, "That is good, Heretic, and wise."

Kirath's commanders are present; Gib, Xyk'kt, and Tar-Geel, as well as Na'rai. Pale issues orders as to the flight position of their flying ships. Everyone present cannot help but notice that Pale's orders effectively separate the three blocs' forces, and while their positions are certainly useful in the defense of the convoy, they also make the strikeforce quite vulnerable to any enforcement action by Pale's own forces.

Master Pale dismisses Kirath's sub-commanders, but keeps the warlock and Na'rai of Jade. He continues to question the Git'ribani, especially Ya'shenn, about their rrakkma. A few times, he asks clarifying questions of other individuals, especially Gy-Nath and K'tch, but gives an icy glare to the bard when he tries to speak out of turn.

Pale's questions fluctuate from a demanding arrogance to pointedly insightful, and back again. So it goes on, and some lines of questioning are dropped or suddenly change focus after what seem like mumbling arguments with himself. The rest of the githyanki believe that Pale is emotionally unstable (actually a fairly correct observation), but Ya'shenn knows there is another reason for his seemingly dual personality.

Ya'shenn finds herself answering quite a bit, more than she actually wants to, in fact, about the party's actions, their gear, and their motivations. The subject of bloc affiliation is raised many times, but each time is quickly dropped, sometimes after Pale spends several minutes mumbling to himself. The questioning takes a few hours. Pale (Mist, actually) even spends a good length of time asking about Git'riban itself, and Sigil in general.

Towards the end of the session, Ya'shenn senses that Pale's regard for the party seems to have increased from his original attitude. He still seems to consider the native Git'ribani little better than graith, but begins to show some respect for those that took part in the Incursions. The former attitude really rubs Sark'ja the wrong way, and the psion can feel her hurt pride swell into anger. Before it can boil over, though, Pale stops his questioning of Ya'shenn.

He then turns to Na'rai. The Heartforce leader is far more reticent than Ya'shenn. She states outright that she is under orders not to reveal her own power bloc's sources to anyone. This, of course, does not go over well with Pale. He flies into a rage, and threatens the masked Jade with a dire and painful death, followed by an undead resurrection, and finalized with utter destruction. However, he suddenly calms again before he can carry out his threat, though everyone present is totally convinced he was about to. Instead, the cold mist again seeps from his body, this time slipping behind Na'rai's mask. The experience leaves Na'rai a quaking, feeble mass on the floor before the mist returns to the necromancer. Seemingly satisfied, he bids all farewell, using far more formality and ettiquite than any now expect of the arrogant death-mage, then d-doors away.


The planar raiders fly more slowly than the skiffs or brigs. They are headed in a northerly direction, but a bit more towards the west than Kirath's strikeforce's original heading.

Aboard the Knife, the githyanki make themselves as comfortable as they can. They find out that the lower deck was indeed a necromantic workshop at one time, though all that is left are are pair of metal tables and a large collection of blades and surgical instruments. Dried blood and spilled alchemical solutions still give the place a disturbing atmosphere, though, and all agree to bivouac on the flight deck instead.

The pilot does not need any rest, and does not surrender control of the brig. Though certainly not talkative by the standards of the still-living, she turns out to be surprisingly friendly towards the githyanki, giving them due honors that contrast with Master Pale's suspicious arrogance. N'ach't is the name she gives, and she is a swordwraith, a sentient undead githwarrior. She was slain in battle with the graith of this world, but due to her skills, Pale raised her up and recruited her into his honor guard. She serves the Queen's Necromancer out of a strong sense of duty and loyalty that she is well aware is augmented by her undead nature. She also readily admits that Pale could probably reduce her to ash with a wave of his hand.

N'ach't invites the party to speak freely amongst themselves; she is not under orders to gather information on Master Pale's behalf, and though she admits that she would report anything of pressing tactical concern, says she has neither the interest, the nature, nor the training to act as a spy.

Of course, she could be lying, and there's no way for Ya'shenn to know for sure, since her undead mind is immune to the psion's reading. Still, she seems to all to be sincere and straightforward, a bladeswoman without a hint of duplicity about her.

[DM - Opening it up for possible inter-party conversation, including with NPCs, before the next scene-change. Also, if any seem interested, N'ach't will gladly, even enthusiastically (though it might seem ironic), relate the story of her own demise.]

[A physical description of N'ach't follows.]

The swordwraith's skin is very pale and almost translucent. Bloodless veins are visible under her skin, which is bone-white with just a tint of ghostly green. She once had hair, but no longer. In fact, a long braid of black hair is worn over her armor like a bandoleer. Her armor has been modified to remove all traces of former warband affiliation, though each of the githyanki believes they can tell by its design that it is not the work of any of their own warbands. She wears a longsword on her side. There is also, in a holster slung across her back, a spear whose haft has been cut or broken such than only a couple feet of wood remain behind the head, which is of graith design. If asked, she replies that it is in fact the weapon that killed her.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

"Azure" wrote:
Instead, the cold mist again seeps from his body, this time slipping behind Na'rai's mask. The experience leaves Na'rai a quaking, feeble mass on the floor before the mist returns to the necromancer. Seemingly satisfied, he bids all farewell, using far more formality and etiquette than any now expect of the arrogant death-mage, then d-doors away.

Once the necromancer has departed, Ya'shenn offers what assistance she can to Na'rai of Jade. She wouldn't be surprised to be rebuffed, however, as the People are generally proud and stubborn by nature.

Once aboard the flight deck, the psion looks around for something to drink -- from her own supplies, if necessary. As much as she might like a stiff drink after that conversation, she decides that keeping her faculties intact would be even better, and settles for either water if available, or watered liquor as a last resort. She's been talking for a few hours straight, and now has more speaking to do. Of course, vessels crewed by the undead are notoriously short of provisions for the living.

For the benefit of the others, she remarks, "Siblings, you have likely noticed that Master Pale often seems to be of two minds when he is speaking. That's because he is. Mist of the Mind, for those who may not be familiar with the name, is a recipient of the Queen's Honour. Even in life she was a most highly honored telepath. A death-mage would be able to describe her nature more thoroughly than I can, but she is one of those rare unliving who fully retain their psionic ability. She has spoken through Master Pale many times today. If you observe the necromancer closely, you should be able to determine which of them is speaking."

The psion smiles dryly, despite their dire situation. "Fortunately, as long as Master Pale allows Mist of the Mind to advise him, he is unlikely to simply slay and reanimate us all in a momentary fit of anger. Whatever fate they have in mind for us, it is likely to come about after much forethought and calculation. Even so, if Master Pale has his way, we may well end up as undead eventually."

[Ya'shenn has more to say before we advance to the next scene, but I'll let others respond first.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Of course, vessels crewed by the undead are notoriously short of provisions for the living.

This phrase is repeated in everyone's mind over the next few days. The githyanki are used to deprivation. They are thin, and their bodies are extremely efficient. As a society, they see themselves as soldiers on perminant campaign. As such, every githyanki carries a kit with their gear, and a small amount of food and water. They also scavenge wherever they can*, and share freely among themselves. No githyanki goes hungry by the greed or gluttony of their siblings.

K'tch has a tin can of jellied alchemy, with a little stand and grill to act as a stove. He also has a bag of fruit (his head-bag, but it is clean, never having seen a head in it's existence), that he picked in the Yuan-ti gardens. He swears he's trained to recognize them as not being poisonous.

Sark'ja has some fungus wine, another bottle of the same kind that Gy-Nath took from K'tch's place and 'gave' to mudshow.

"A little of that will go a long way." Sark'ja warns everyone when it comes out. "Don't drink it straight up. Half water, at least." She disregards her own advice when it comes back to her hands.

Others have water, and their own little contributions of food, but the pickings are slim. A few days, maybe, with full rationing, if nothing more comes aboard before that.

It doesn't.

Gib reports to Kirath that they are not allowed to touch the horses they took from Assam. Instead they are ordered to transfer, except for a single pilot in each of their ships, to another brig. At least Pale did not claim the ships, transferring his own pilots to them. Such an act would be a dishonor for the githyanki, Kirath and Gib especially.

On board the Lantern where most of the strikeforce, minus officers and pilots, was transferred, their predicament is a little better. The strikeforce had carried supplies enough for the full trip (with full rationing). Gib had the foresight to bring along much during the transfer, and a little more is brought over with every pilot shift-change, which Pale allows.

Pale's own Coordinator complains that their shift schedule is too liberal. Gib slows it to six hours, and he doesn't complain again.

Pale has living githyanki who serve him too. His Coordinator is a humorless githyanki psion named Aal-Zet. Gib boasts to Kirath that she is not only a bit stronger in mind, but she can tell that she could rip his head off in person. She counts one-hundred-twelve living minds among Master Pale's ships. Two-thirds of them are in his flagship. Both of the remaining capital ships are devoid of life, as are the majoriy of the brigs and skiffs.


*hence their notorious reputation as raiders. A farmer who wisely runs away and hides until the githyanki have gone may return and be surprised at what is missing. Tools, blades, food and fresh water. The money, possibly, but githyanki don't want to look under your mattress. They're more interested in tangible, useful items. Likely, one of them remembered to grab some firewood (maybe broke something to get it) or took that pie that was cooling on the table.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Actually, Pale doesn't restrict Ii'jyka'vaar's movements. Aal-Zet contacts her if she gets near Kirath's brigs (or the Ash, Hail Echo or Stilletto, which joined their raid on the caravans). Her mount is allowed a horse, but no more than one every few days.

She can therefore ferry supplies too.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka will volunteer to bring supplies to all if that helps ease "confrontations" between the blocks and Pale, and will happily listen for rumours amongst the living, she just talks to any who want, with simple small talk.

She thanks Pale indirectly (via any of his minions) for the horse for her mount, and keeps the Wyvern occupied as much so as not to be trouble during the boring trip.

If at all possible, she will use the Wyvern to actually do the ferrying of goods from ship to ship, giving him and her some exercise...

She tells Ya'shenn that she is willing to mindlink with her, but warns her that she might be in for a surprise if she does.
She also explains Ya'shenn that she is very versed at gleaning info from small talk so it would suit both of them.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn does not precisely hate the undead, per se. It would be more accurate to state that not only does she fear them, she is rather horrified by the very concept of undeath. This trait is far from rare among telepaths, even githyanki ones. Not named Mist of the Mind, anyway. Even so, as one of the People she must deal with such beings from time to time. N'ach't also does not seem unkind, by the standards of sentient undead, so Ya'shenn makes a serious effort to converse with the swordwraith. After exchanging small talk, Ya'shenn does, in fact, inquire about the spear she carries.

The psion drinks whatever water ration she receives, but picks rather lightly at the food, even given that the group is on thin rations at the moment. "Commander Kirath, I know rather astonishingly little about this world, and the gith and graith upon it. It seems that we have much time." Ya'shenn wishes she had insisted on a briefing the night before, when their rrakkma band had first met Kirath, Gib, Tar'geel and the others. "Any knowledge you could share with us would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure." That dry, slightly sarcastic smile reappears. "As would educated guesses concerning our exact destination."

[Ya'shenn is hoping for a thorough briefing about Abeir-Toril itself, the githyanki power blocs here, the relationships between them, the graith on Toril, maps, etc. Though she asked Kirath, she'll happily listen if other PCs or NPCs have information to share about this world.]

"Burning Spear" wrote:
She tells Ya'shenn that she is willing to mindlink with her, but warns her that she might be in for a surprise if she does. She also explains Ya'shenn that she is very versed at gleaning info from small talk so it would suit both of them.

~I wonder what a knight would consider a surprise? This surprise won't render me insane, or anything similar, I would hope?

[If she's assured that the 'surprise' isn't too unpleasant, Ya'shenn will do the mindlink.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

(in private conversation so that only Ya'shenn can hear:.)

Ii'Jyka assures Ya'shenn that she wont suffer from insanity or anything, simply, she will not feel the same kind of mind she finds in a normal gith.. "think of air and cold, and then find the mind.." she explains.

"I am more then willing to help here, my freedom of travel and access helps us all in acquiring what we need.."

With that she stands ready to be contacted by Ya'shenn's mindpower..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Mindlink it is then!]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

When Ya'shenn concentrates and opens the link to Ii'Jyka's mind, she feels a cold and empty mind as if she is floating in very cool air and there is darkness all around her...

And then she suddenly feels Ii'Jyka's mind, much warmer then the surroundings and as "normal" as any Gith's..

She establishes the link and feels a slight cold creep along the line of contact, and her spine feels as if someone touched her back with real cold fingers for a moment, but then it's gone, and she feels slightly unnerved but normal as before.

Ii'Jyka then goes about her business strapping the Wyvern with his harness and saddle and prepares for flight.

Ii'Jyka makes several flights, and whilst the Wyvern is loaded with foodstuffs and equipment for other ships to receive she makes the time to speak with anybody that is living.

(DM will have to give us something we can work with, the combination of my gather info, Ya'shenns sense motive and the opportunities that arise to actually use this combo.)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

The Tale of N'Ach't

"I was a career bladeswoman. A varsh-caste trainer at a major varsh'isk, teaching each new cohort the ways of the blade. My skills were highly regarded, and elements of my style could be seen in githwarriors from half a dozen major warbands.

"That is, until the Incursion

"I answered the Lich-Queen's call, of course. There were many of us, varsh-caste without a warband. Some returned to the band whence they originally came, some joined new ones, but many, like me, had no longer any loyalty to one band over any other. We tended to join specialist units that were otherwise drawn from several bands anyway.

"I joined the Swift Razors. We were practiced with the astral ships, especially the skiffs, but to a lesser degree the brigs. We would sweep in and 'port in to battle before the graith knew we were there. Many other divisions wanted their pilots trained in our unit.

"I served well, but pined for battle whenever it was my turn to pilot. Still, I took pride it too, for especially when our flying armor was new to the graiths' sight, we conquered them with such bewildering speed!

"It was battle that I craved more, though. Generally, I was not disappointed.

"After we conquored the Moonsea nations, we moved south. The graith nation of Sembia was to be attacked for its riches, which were vast. Its neighbor, Cormyr, is a strong kingdom with elite soldiery. To the north of these was a sparsely populated land of farms, forests, and little villages, known as the Dalelands. The plan was to take Sembia from the south, cutting it off from its neighbor. Part of this strategy involved cutting off Cormyr, deemed the stronger nation, from its other neighbors as well.

"Thunder Pass leads from Cormyr to the dales, and is the closest pass to northern Sembia by that circumspect route. The thunder peaks are nigh insurmountable heights otherwise, so it was imperative we cut off the pass. We did so readily, leaving the garrisoning of the pass to others, but the beauty of the mountains enamored me, and whenever I could during the Sembian campaign, I served in an area where I could see them from the air.

"I was also enamored with my commander, and he with me. What began as mutual respect flowed ever deeper. We shared many nights, and many battles, and eventually became sho-dai. I wish I could tell you much more. I wish my heart were still full of poetry for love of another. But those feelings, that passion, died when I did. Or perhaps when I arose." she cocks her head, considering.

"The Sembian campaign ground to a stalemate. We controlled the countryside, and cities in the southern half of the land, but the northern cities remained smoldering dens of resistance (laughs) and literally smoldering in the case of their capital.

"To the north, the Dalelands had an odd sort of protection. Vlaakith issued a decree early in the Incursion that the region was not to see harm by githyanki blades. We could forage, of course, but no thinking being was to be slain in the Dalelands. The penalty for transgressing and killing a graith in the dales was death. Usually this was carried out by stripping the offender of all githyanki gear, outfitting them with graith blades, and assigning them to a suicide squad.

"The first town inside the Dalelands descending from Thunder Pass is called Highmoon. My unit was eventually circulated back to watch Thunder Pass. A small number of us went into town to obtain some supplies. We had to be careful, but generally interactions with the graith were cordial in the dales. We used coins instead of blades to get what we needed, and kept our dealings short. The dalefolk had no idea why we refrained from violence in their land, and we too only had rumor to guide us.

"By this time, though, many refugees from Sembia had fled to the dales, and they looked on us with avenging eyes. The first encounter with them went very well for us. We defeated them soundly without killing one. Later, however, some of them caught me tarrying outside of town, looking at the snow-capped peaks. They attacked from behind, and as I was outnumbered, I had to use deadly force.

"The local graith soldiers agreed that I had merely defended myself, but my commander was furious. He knew that that wouldn't matter one bit. He was hurt at the prospect of losing me, in many ways, but he could not take his frustration out on the graith. Not directly.

"And so, instead of brigging me back to sector command for punishment, he brought me to the center of Highmoon. He announced in the graiths' own tongue that I had been found guilty of murdering a barbarian, and that my sentence was death. He then ordered me to encamp there, and to attack Highmoon and conquer it at dawn. Then he left me.

"I proudly told the graith who had gathered to gawk, 'Any who would attack should do so now, for if dawn comes and I still live, I will slaughter any children or cowards I find!'

"Attack they did. A dozen of their bravest accepted my challenge, and all lay at my feet before the rest decided to come at me all at once. Six more fell then, but a seventh skewered me.

"They must have buried me nearby, for I arose to look upon first the snow-capped peaks, then Master Pale. He told me my sho-dai had related the story of my fall, and that my skill and honor at the last were given high regard.

"My first act was to seek out my killer. I found him in town and issued a personal challenge. He was a fine warrior, for a graith, but you see that it is I who posses this," she holds up the severed spear, "Not he."

"Of course, a sentence of death no longer deterred me. I have served in the Pale Guard ever since."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru eats nothing during the trip - relying on his ring of sustenance to provide for him and free up more food for others.

He is quite taken with the undead warrior, "A fine tale and an enviable death." he declares, "You current service then is one of choice and not of compulsion?"


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

N'Ach't replies to Ar'dru, "Choice? No I had no choice. I chose to die like a githyanki, when I could have easily walked away from the graith and lived a life of exile. None would have opposed me, they had already declared as much, if you could trust the word of a graith. Regardless, my death was my choice. Arising, I was not given a choice at all. I had no more choice in that than you did in your own birth, duthka'gith.

"Compulsion? Is loyalty a compulsion? Is honor a compulsion? Indeed they are, and the best kind. If your sibling githyanki saved your life, would you feel a compulsion to return the honor? Master Pale made me, in a way that you cannot understand. He wasn't there to save my life, but he gave me this unlife. This blessing, this curse. He has my undying loyalty.

She falls silent, and seems to be considering something....

"I don't really know if I should tell you this ... Master Pale didn't mention this, not even to psion or the knight ... though I almost expected him to, the way he fawned over them.

[That was fawning? - thinks Ya'shenn]

"But ... due to my experience with the Swift Razors, I am his personal pilot. The Knife is Pale's own personal ship. It is in fact quite an honor that he housed you here, sparse as it is, now that it is decked for war.

"He must be very unhappy aboard the Moonless Night. He is fond of solitude.


"And solitude would be fond of him! They should go off somewhere together, and stay there." Sark'ja mumbles.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn warms to the swordwraith's tale, even if she finds N'ach't's unliving nature rather disturbing. "Your tale is one that should be put to song, sister." She wonders if K'tch might actually do so. Certainly it contains all the necessary parts-- the incredible bravery and skill of a githwarrior, a tragic love story, and the incredibly grim (though not altogether uncommon) element of a commander ordering his lover to her own death! In fact, the psion tries not to feel a bit... inferior, for N'ach't seems to be something of an exemplar of the githyanki heroic virtues.

Azure wrote:
"And solitude would be fond of him! They should go off somewhere together, and stay there." Sark'ja mumbles.

"Sister, if there was any question -- know that at least to those of us here, you have proven yourself already."

The psion thinks to herself: Of course, I have seen what happens in Git'riban -- mere hatchlings brought up like savages. Something will have to be done about that, if the People are to have a future. Ha! -- N'ach't actually is a varsh, or at least was in life, and could easily teach you the thousand small things that would make you more recognizable as one of the People to those of the Astral.


At some point during their journey, Ya'shenn asks a few questions of the others -- but particularly Gy-Nath and K'tch -- with regard to their assessments of the situation. She figures it to be bleak, at least for now. If K'tch is so terrified, he either knows much of the Queen's Necromancer, or is (understandably) petrified by the prospect of a battle that Master Pale would describe as 'pitched.' As for Gy-Nath, he has been called kith'rak for a reason, and she generally respects his opinions.

She also has not forgotten about Kitiir -- although being conscripted by a fanatical necromancer tends to be most distracting -- and attempts to keep things harmonious, should Kitiir seek vengeance against the psi-warrior of Jade. Of course, one could argue that being mind-probed by Mist of the Mind would be suffering enough.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ar'dru nods at N'Aach'ts reply weighing her words.

"I thank you for the trust you have shown us by revealing this information cousin. I swear that that trust will not be abused while breath remains in my body, or after should your master choose to use my body in such a manner. I do however question your philosophy on service. While I do indeed serve the people and my queen as my purpose and creator, and will do so unto death, I do so freely, daily setting aside any desire which conflicts with this purpose as a matter of choice. Exercising my freedom to do otherwise would be a betrayal of everything that I am but I must have that choice lest the acts of Gith be robbed of their victory."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

N'Ach't considers the half-dragon's words.

"The gifts of Gith are great. I consider my unlife one of them. Master Pale does not make slaves. There are walking dead, which are naught but automatons crafted of dead flesh, and then there are the unliving. You are the son of free githyanki and I am their daughter. Could I leave my master and seek my own path in unlife? Yes, I suppose I could. But I have absolutely no desire to. It is easy for me that way, I guess."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka ferries supplies, and visits Kirath's troops on board the Lantern. The duthka'gith warmed to the dragonrider early on, but the Apocalytes do not talk to a knight unless addressed directly. It is therefore from the Cultists that Ii gets most of her information.

The githyanki empire in Faerun is in collapse, but still includes certain key areas. Their flying ships command the Sea of Fallen Stars from several bases in the Pirate Isles. The slowest planar raider can overtake all but the fastest ships, and nothing on the seas can outrun their brigs and skiffs. In addition, every graith pirate fears the githyanki as much as merchant captains do. The difference is that the githyanki will spare a certain number of pirates, and able seamen in general, for their own navy of seized ships.

In the North-East, the countryside of The Vast and the surrounding mountains are the territory of a mated pair of old red dragons who are Incursion immigrants. They are very friendly with the Cult of Tiamat, and they welcome other Incursion dragons as honored guests. The graith city of Mulmaster was the first taken in the Incursion, and still welcomes the githyanki as travelers from a friendly state. There are hidden redoubts in the Earthspur Mountains that guard a tunnel network, each one leading down to Kuragolomsh. This new githyanki underdark outpost lies in the middledark, and it is a long trek from the surface. It was damaged and partially collapsed by the void bombs, but the rubble has since been put to good use as building blocks. It is now the true seat of githyanki power in the North, and totally unknown to the graith.

In the east, Sembia and the Dragon Coast were conquered during the Incursion. The Dragon Coast is a lawless region with a great many desperate graith who were once pirates, but whose ships were burned, sunk, or taken by the githyanki. There are also a great many graith who are desperate because they were robbed by former pirates. In a few towns and cities, the githyanki are not despised. Starmantle is githyanki controlled, the southern-most outpost of the Pirate Isles fleets. The City of Westgate is a dangerous city full of cutthroats. It has always been so, but the current rulers are former pirate captains who served the githyanki during the Incursion, so githyanki are wlcome to take their chances along with the graith on the streets of Westgate. A day's sail from Westgate is the southern Sembian city of Urmlaspyr. The githyanki sometimes refer to it as "The Dead Stones." The city took the brunt of the githyanki invasion of Sembia, and almost the entire population was slaughtered or driven out. The githyanki garrison lives in the fortifications of Urmlaspyr Keep and among the stone towers of the wealthy on top of the ridge. The few living graith in the city are mostly dockworkers and sailors. There are also a few gangs of survivors, thugs, and rebels who use the extensive sewer system. Not even a githyanki walks the streets on Urmlaspyr alone. Inland from Urmlaspyr is the second Sembian city still under the githyanki boot is Daerlun. This city is controlled by a dracolich, once an ancient red dragon, now known only as The Claws of Death. It is, in theory, both a Cult of Tiamat ally and a member of the Court of Vlaakith (undead from the Neg-E), and so not fully trusted by either.

The githyanki in the south are cut off from those around the Sea of Fallen Stars. The Kirath's githwarriors don't know as many details about them. Of course, the first major power center there is a growing empire in north-eastern Tethyr ruled by a graith lich, the ally of Master Pale. The second power center is in the Nelanther Isles, based at the light-towers on the isles of Irphong and Nemesser. The pirates of the Nelanther were not conquered like the pirates of the inland sea. The githyanki there do not bother learning the ropes of graith sailing vessels, and raid pirate ships at least as often as merchantmen.

There are a number of commanders, with varying numbers of troops in their direct command and influence among the whole. Both the Apocalytes and the Cultists each lack a single, overall leader for their bloc. That is why Kirath, respected for being a veteran of the Darkfields, was able to pull together a strikeforce when he does not technically command any troops of his own.

The intel for their rrakkma in Hlondeth was provided by N'rai. The dutka'gith suspect it came from the Silver Eyes, but that they had to deliver the message through a color pool controlled by the Heartforce. They sent their own strike team along as a result.

[DM - You'll have to tell me if you plan on checking out any of Pale's ships or visiting his flagship, since that would be an encounter of its own.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

After making a lot of short flights from ship to ship to adjust supplies and chat with those willing to do so, she settles her Wyvern down on the Knife again.
She then lays herself next to Ya'shenn in an attempt to get some rest, as on the material planes Githyanki do need rest..

Some time into the trip, Ya'shenn feels a bit cold, and shivers run across her spine.. when she turns around, she sees all are still asleep, but when she looks at Ii'Jyka next to her, she sees that Ii'Jyka is covered in a thin layer of darkness.. almost like mist, which, when Ya'shenn touches it, it dissipates...

Ii'Jyka seems vast asleep and never notices ya'shenn's expression of surprise. When "morning" comes, and Ii'Jyka awakens Ya'shenn notices that her eyes are now completely black apart from the pupils but Ii'Jyka has not yet noticed it and acts as if she is normal.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath wonders to himself how he got into this situation. First the little warlock found himself cajoled into taking command of a strike force of various factions. The mission seemed simple enough take out some Graith hiding with some snakes. That is when it all went to hell.

Now he is forced to serve a powerful lich and an incorporeal psion. Plus seeing the disdain the lich seems to hold him and the rest of his faction he will surely sent on some suicide mission.
Ah to be back underground blasting flayers with his eldritch blasts....such simpler times those.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

[Scene: Training Montage]

Over the next few days, the githyanki must find ways to stay busy. N'Ach't does not require relief from her piloting duties, so there is little for everyone to actually do. They fill the time training, staying sharp for the anticipated battle ahead. Ya'shenn meditates in concert with Gy-Nath and Gib, both powerful psions in their own right.

She also joins the others in sword -practice. There is a great deal of sparring that goes on, and all take part. N'Ach't even expresses interest after awhile, and invites the others to attack so that she may practice defending herself while simultaneously piloting the brig. The githyanki wrap their blades with the traditional githyanki cloth strips all wear, so as to prevent injuries while sparring. When Ii takes part she does not use her primary weapon, practicing with secondary blades instead. Du'minh must also refrain from using his primary weapon, as wrapping the massive flail would do little to cushion its impact.


[All active PCs, Kirath included, gain a level during the present intermission. Note that I left it open as to exactly what is gained. For instance, Ya'shenn and Kirath could actually gain a level of fighter if you guys so desire.]


Kirath and his officers visit their troops aboard the Lantern and the other ships of their original strikeforce. Unsurprisingly, Master Pale is ubiquitously hated and feared at the same time. There is also some grudging respect, however, for some remember him from before Vlaakith's fall. He was never particularly personable, but his skills and powers are well regarded.

It should also be noted that Pale at one point boards the Fume and works his magic on the bodies of the githyanki who were killed in battle with the Yuan-ti. They arise as swordwraiths, fully sentient undead warriors like N'Ach't.


Pale summons Ii on a few occasions to his flagship, the Moonless Night to act as liaison with Kirath's strikeforce and the Git'ribani. Mist of the Mind enters into her wyvern several times, and Ii notices he becomes a little smarter each time. His loyalty as a mount for Ii'jyka'vaar also solidifies, to the point of now being unquestionable.

Ii gets to meet Master Pale's living githyanki troops. For the most part these are firmly Ascendancy, and mostly supporters of The White Lady. Pale's troops include several other necromancers, competent but nowhere near the power level of Master Pale himself.


Xykk't is especially keen on sparring with the Git'ribani, spending at least as much time aboard the Knife as she does aboard the Lantern with her own troops. She is a swift and mobile fighter, and able to cast spells to augment her blade skills.

Xykk't has another reason to associate with the off-world githyanki; she desires Ar'dru. She is much smaller than he, small even for a githyanki, much less a duthka'gith, but in this package is a great amount of energy and passion.

[She will entice Ar'dru to board another ship with her, for privacy's sake, if he will have her. Should he spurn her or be disinterested, she will NOT give up easily. She knows what she wants and is direct and persistent. Any NC-17 or X-rated action will remain off-camera, of course.]


Another incident occurs early into the trip. Kitiir has not forgotten about Na'rai, though her respect for Ya'shenn and her words mostly holds her in check. Eventually, though, she challenges the Jade warrior to a first-blood match with naked blades. Na'rai accepts. The two do battle standing atop the brig, under the wind and open sky. The match is heated, but Na'rai out-classes Kitiir, and is the victor. Kitiir goes away with a small bleeding cut on her cheek, her honor at least defended, if defeated.

Sark'ja takes note. When she is next matched up with Na'rai for friendly sparring, she goes a little overboard. The two are much more evenly matched. Sark'ja gets the upper hand, as she is not only quite skilled, but also rather canny and underhanded in a fight. She delivers Na'rai a good blow, serious enough that Ya'shenn is forced to heal the Jade. Sark'ja does not apologize, neither to Na'rai nor to Ya'shenn.

[Ya'shenn sees that the native Git'ribani are more clannish than githyanki usually are, though that particular distinction fades given the current bloc struggles.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

When Ii takes part she does not use her primary weapon, practicing with secondary blades instead.
Ii'Jyka uses her Abyssal red longsword +3 for sparring purposes, she likes the looks of the weapon and shows it off as a bit of "pride" (getting attention away from her primary weapon).

Pale summons Ii on a few occasions to his flagship, the Moonless Night to act as liaison with Kirath's strikeforce and the Git'ribani. Mist of the Mind enters into her wyvern several times, and Ii notices he becomes a little smarter each time. His loyalty as a mount for Ii'jyka'vaar also solidifies, to the point of now being unquestionable.
Ii'Jyka always makes sure she looks impeccable when attending Pale, and she pays astute attention to his spellcasting and words when ever she has the chance.

Ii gets to meet Master Pale's living githyanki troops. For the most part these are firmly Ascendancy, and mostly supporters of The White Lady. Pale's troops include several other necromancers, competent but nowhere near the power level of Master Pale himself.
She speaks at lenght with the Necromancers about her little knowledge of spellcraft and (know religion) undead and shows eagerness to learn in this respect. She also simply listens to the normal thoughts of the troops and tries to gather simple info about the structures within and without Pales forces.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii discovers, from talking with Pale's troops, that the majority are supporters of the Ascendancy. However, they are split by which of the Princesses they support. Unsurprisingly, most support the White Lady's bid for Vlaakith's throne. The necromancers under Pale all do so, as does Master Pale himself. Many of the rank-and-file githwarriors favor the Young Heir, though. They tend to look over their shoulders and talk low whenever they mention this, to make sure none of the necromancers are standing behind them, yet they are unafraid enough to mention their political views to Ii'jyka'vaar, regardless.

Meanwhile, the others have little contact with Pale or his troops. Occasionally, there is a psionic missive from Ahl'zet, but Kirath's strikeforce is treated as its own unit, and their orders are patrol and transport.


For the next several days, Pale has the githyanki move north. This takes longer than it could, since he makes a point of scouring the Shining Plains for any life. Many lone travelers and many herdsmen are chased down. The largest githyanki ships outpace most mounts, and there is no outrunning a brig or skiff. The bodies of the humans slain are loaded on to selected brigs, while any mounts or livestock (even wild animals, for Pale is thorough) are loaded aboard Kirath's ships with the horses from Assam.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ya'shenn spends much of her time focused on further developing her telekinetic ability. She is at least reasonably friendly to the other psions present, though one need not have a jot of telepathic ability to sense that the Tu'narathi is not very happy with the group's current situation, diplomatic demeanor or no.

The psion explores the interior of the ship to the extent that N'ach't will allow. It is unlikely that Master Pale would have left some piece of vital power bloc-related correspondence lying around, or a detailed map of their destination and description of his battle plans, but one can never be certain, and the necromancer's choices of decor might at least provide more insights concerning his (unpleasant) personality.

While the psion does not comment on Xykk't's interest in the half-dragon psi-warrior, it isn't difficult to sense that she seems amused -- though not cruelly so -- by Ar'dru's predicament.

Having noted K'tch's apparent terror of Pale, Ya'shenn is careful to ask the bard at some point whether he has additional knowledge of the necromancer.

Ya'shenn exercises her mind-melting powers as opportunity allows. She joins in on raids on the graith of the Shining Plains, and amuses herself not only through the use of her existing powers, she works on expanding those abilities as well... If the raiding happens to acquire a graith who might know something useful -- a mage or a merchant, perhaps -- she probes the hapless barbarian for information. Should these raids also include either Pale's or Kirath's forces, the psion is of course friendly to them. Ya'shenn spends a fair amount of time psionically sparring with the kith'rak of the Band of Iron, as well.

She remains mindlinked with Ii'Jyka'Vaar (assuming the knight agrees) while the knight is away, though she will end the mindlink if either Pale or Mist of the Mind insists that she do so. If not... Inside the knight's mind, Ya'shenn indicates some curiosity about both of the royal candidates mentioned.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Zimrazim wrote:

The psion explores the interior of the ship to the extent that N'ach't will allow. It is unlikely that Master Pale would have left some piece of vital power bloc-related correspondence lying around, or a detailed map of their destination and description of his battle plans, but one can never be certain, and the necromancer's choices of decor might at least provide more insights concerning his (unpleasant) personality.


Having noted K'tch's apparent terror of Pale, Ya'shenn is careful to ask the bard at some point whether he has additional knowledge of the necromancer.

N'Ach't does not hinder exploration of the ship, though she hardly need ask anyone not to disturb Pale's personal posessions, since fear of the necromancer would be sufficient. That is, if there was actually anything that any of the gith wanted to touch. By-and-large, none want to go below into Master Pale's chamber anyway, being content to stay on the flight deck. Ya'shenn, (ironically?) braver than the others, decides to explore the lower deck.

She half expects skull-and-bones-motif decor, but Master Pale's living arrangements are surprisingly spartan. There is a cot, surrounded by black velvet curtains, but it seems under-used at best. There are three metal tables, each long enough for a body and with a lip to prevent spillage of blood or alchemical embalming fluid. Along the wall are several cabinets. Two are locked, but half a dozen are merely latched shut. Inside these are racks holding various blades, shears, bone-saws, stitching thread, etc. or strange alchemical potions by the quart and gallon.

The entire place smells of steel, blood, and formaldehyde. There are a few stains on the tables and the floor, but no body parts lying around. That is, except for the skull of a graith, (an elf) wrapped in bandages and placed back inside a helmet (of elven make), in the bottom of one of the cabinets.

Her only companion in this exploration is K'tch. The bard is intensely curious by nature, and it overcomes his fear of Pale. K'tch has no more first-hand knowledge of the Queen's Necromancer than Ya'shenn, but as an intelligence operator (of a sort) he has heard at least as much as the native of Tu'narath about the inner circle of Vlaakith's mages. Of the rumors he relates, Ya'shenn already knows, guessed at, or is not surprised in the least by, any and all of them.

Far more important is what K'tch doesn't actually say. Ya'shenn is a keen reader of manner and subtle psychology. K'tch is a very vibrant individual, full of vigor and in love with life. She suspects that if he were not githyanki, forbidden from joining graith Factions, he would become a Sensate. Though a hard-fought death holds nothing for him to fear, being an inevitable consequence of an honorable life, the idea of transcending his mortality stirs in him a deep terror that he barely acknowledges to himself. Ya'shenn notices that his terror and his curiosity clash horribly in his interactions with N'Ach't. The Git'ribani are intensely interested in all they can learn from a varsh, but K'tch only listens from afar to the swordwraith's unsettling voice.


Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Kirath spends much of his time participating in the patrols his faction has been assigned. Trying to make himself as useful as possible to his new "commander" Master Pale. Although the warlock ponders to himself who is really in charge the necromancer or the incorporeal psion Mist-of the-Mind.

With rest of his time he tries to keep the morale of his fellow cultists up . He also makes time to speak with Ya'shenn and Geb about what they know about Mist of the Mind as he has only heard rumors and legends.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

Ii'Jyka'Vaar tries to speak with the crews about the two groupings that they have created within their whole.
She does not align herself in any way with either of them, but simply tries to find out why they bppth choose the one they support...

She also tries to find out from the soldiers if they know anything about the secret destination we are heading to.

meanwhile she tries to find as much knowledge from the necromancers about spells and necromancy in general, and from the soldiers she tries to find out anything about Graith in general.. ideas and details she might think that are useful (working towards the feat bribery)

(she will let Ya'shenn mindlink each time she goes out of their "home-brig")

And besides all the information fishing, she will ride her mount as much as possible and train with the Abyssal Longsword also, so she is a very busy bee Eye-wink

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