Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Quote:"I assume your party

"I assume your party will join us Knight Ii'Jika'Var?"

"Thank you, for explaining my plight, Kith'rak Kirath, however, the party is not mine to command, I am merely present to adress a matter of honour.."  and with that she steps back and in front of the Wyvern and reaches out to gain his attention, to keep him occupied and not snapping at others in the Fume

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: Before I post (sorry

OOC: Before I post (sorry for the sudden absence--I left in a rush and forgot to notify earlier. I also assumed that most of you would see the notice in the OOC thread for WSNQDY) I'd just like to clarify where Na is, and who she's with. She has very little to say to her fellow raiders, but has a strong interest in leaving the prime, and would therefore be more interested in the PC's group.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Na is still with her own

[Na is still with her own troops right now, but can appear on the Fume any time.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"And Kith'rak Kirath, my

"And Kith'rak Kirath, my beast as you name him, has a name... "Nah'Mizh'Aar".. I would like to see him addressed as such.."

and with that she strokes the Wyvern under its chin...and looks at all gathered to make sure they all understand..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
... And so after their

... And so after their meeting and reports, the Git'ribani settle down in the officers' quarters in the lower deck of the Fume.  That is except for Ii'Jyka'Vaar, who stays with her wyvern.  Gib offers her services as a telepath to aid Ii'Jyka in bonding the beast.  She can serve as a medium between the knight and the drake.  The three stand atop the Fume for a long time before Ii'Jyka'Vaar mounts Nah'Mizh'Aar, and flies around the fleet's formations.

[DM - the last dragonriding check stands as a natural 1.  EvilDM warning, nat 1 is not always 'epic fail' sometimes it's 'epic strange'.  So, you roll a natural 1 just as you re-encounter other githyanki ... ;p Anyway, gimme another dragonriding check for your 'training' with Gib.]

Xykk't [zAIk-t] is small for a duthka'gith, only coming up to Ar'dru's breastplate.  She is smitten with Ar'dru Cha'rir, having heard reports of his recent exploits and battles, including his part in their shared battle.  She is not shy about her desires.  There is one among her warriors, a young duthka'gith with stubby knobs for 'wings', who glowers when Xykk't and Ar'dru talk.

Ya'shenn finds herself resting with Gy-Nath and the other Git'ribani.  Gy confides in her that he had been running dangerously low on power towards the end.  She notes that all of his injuries have self-healed, and he admits to disintigrating a pillar of the stone gazeebo upon arrival.  He invites Ya'shenn to meditate with him, to recall and analyze the events of the rrakkma.  [Yes, he's inviting her into his mind.  Gy is primarily a kineticist,(Ftr 6/Psion 12), so more powerful than Ya'shenn is, but as a telepath he pales in comparison.]

Du'minh talks with K'tch and Sark'ja.  K'tch, as a member of the Esoteric Order was trained to spy on the graith, posing as a traveling performer, of type depending on the local culture.  He had been part of the pre-Incursion groundwork on the world of Ia-Na.  Once the Incursion was well underway, he was recalled back to the Astral.  He was to undergo more training, traveling the planes.  He just sort of ended up in Sigil among his travels, where he heard of Vlaakith's fall.  Sark'ja, on the other hand, is Git'ribani born and bred.  Her parents were githyanki Emissaries, having been both outcast for various crimes before meeting each other in Sigil.  She had spent much of her youth between Git'riban and the decks of various spelljammers of the gith pirates.  Still, she always considered herself githyanki and carries herself as such, though her speech is so full of planar cant she practically sounds like a Hiver.  Her friend Kitiir sits alone in silence, maintaining her gear.


Na'rai oversees what repairs can be made to the damaged skiffs, including the one that rammed the gazeebo.  It is the damaged skiffs that slow the strike force down, for even the brigs could have outrun the wyverns in the air.

Na'rai finds herself in a conflict over the githyanki from Sigil.  One the one hand, she owes her life to the dragonrider and the warrior with the heavy flail, but on the other she has orders to limit contact and therefore inadvertant sharing of information, between her warriors and non-Heartforce githyanki.  It was through a color pool controled by the Heartforce that the Siver Eyes moved the information about Hlondeth.  Her squad was chosen to acompany the intel, and see its results before reporting back.  That a party of githyanki had come via planar portal to the same place at the same time is a strange coincidence that begs further investigation.  Na'rai is torn between not seeing the Git'ribani, 'porting over and thanking them, and subtilly trying to pump them for information.


Kirath faces a number of options concerning the upcoming raid on Assam.  The city does not lie along normal paths of travel for the githyanki, so it may have been some time since it was raided last.  This could mean better prepared defences.  It is perfectly acceptable to attack farms and fields instead of the city itself, since starvation could claim more casualties than githyanki swords in the longer run.  Normally githyanki wouldn't kill farmers, since their toil brings more bounty to raid again later, but this case is different.  The point is to make the graith hate abiding in the region simply because it is where it is. 

The graith MUST know that the githyanki attack them because of Oryndoll, since Emissaries have been sent.


[There, I think I left the door open for everyone to do a post PLEASE CHECK IN.]


[* BoG'r note on Emissaries -]

* Githyanki do not believe in the sanctity of messengers.  Too often messengers can become prisoners or casualties anyway, so the githyanki don't even pretend to make a promise of safety, and expect none in return.  A githyanki Emissary is therefore an outcast, one who cannot return to her own people.  Githyanki outcasts in general are called Emissaries, but an Emissary in the traditional sense is a githyanki who willingly accepts exile in order to deal with graith for some critical reason.  An Emissary might deliver a message, then deliver the point of her sword knowing she can never return to the children of Gith, or she might live among the graith for many years.

'Emissary' is often synonomous with 'exile' and even 'traitor'.  A githyanki who has lost her honor through crimes or failure may regain it as an Emissary, delivering one last message to a graith nation on behalf of her queen.  Some Emissaries are hunted, and it is a point of honor for any githyanki to get to slay an Emissary from one's own warband.  Githyanki of other warbands are usually not under any obligation to do so.  Emissaries are considered graith, or nearly so, and remain exiles for life.  Only in rare circumstances, such as a full pardon by Queen Vlaakith herself, could an Emissary return to githyanki society. *

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
(OOC:seems u need high skill

(OOC:seems u need high skill levels to compensate the crappy comp-roll-results we seem to get  here on the boards)

Ride check for the Wyvern training.

17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[ ... an un-natural 20 ;p

[ ... an un-natural 20 ;p Good enuf, I just didn't want your last roll to be that 1.  Of course if you had rolled another 1, evilDM would have an evilgasm

EDIT : I will post again this week. too late here now & I have to work tomorrow.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
[Yea, seems BogR strikes

[Yea, seems BogR strikes non-stop, lower then 10 and crits, thats all we get... sigh]

Azure wrote:

... And so after their meeting and reports, the Git'ribani settle down in the officers' quarters in the lower deck of the Fume.  That is except for Ii'Jyka'Vaar, who stays with her wyvern.  Gib offers her services as a telepath to aid Ii'Jyka in bonding the beast.  She can serve as a medium between the knight and the drake.  The three stand atop the Fume for a long time before Ii'Jyka'Vaar mounts Nah'Mizh'Aar, and flies around the fleet's formations.

 Does that mean she is not at the debriefing? how can i gather info then if i am not allowed to be there? Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: Azure

Burning Spear wrote:

Azure wrote:

... And so after their meeting and reports, the Git'ribani settle down in the officers' quarters in the lower deck of the Fume.  That is except for Ii'Jyka'Vaar, who stays with her wyvern.  Gib offers her services as a telepath to aid Ii'Jyka in bonding the beast.  She can serve as a medium between the knight and the drake.  The three stand atop the Fume for a long time before Ii'Jyka'Vaar mounts Nah'Mizh'Aar, and flies around the fleet's formations.

Does that mean she is not at the debriefing? how can i gather info then if i am not allowed to be there? Smiling

[Since nobody had anything to add, the debriefing is over.  Now there  is about a day's travel/rest before reaching the area near Assam.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Can i, during the travels,

Can i, during the travels, do some gather info rolls then instead?

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath paces back and forth

Kirath paces back and forth in his quarters. Tactically it would be a more sound idea to destroy the fields and farms of the graith. There would be few if any gith casualties if he chose that route.  Where would be the honor and glory in destroying peasants and children?  But if the defenses of Assam are too formidable he would throw away githyanki lives needlessly.

He sends for the leader of the gityanki scouts (OOC is there such a position in the fleet? If not I will adjust my post)and says "I want you to do a covert sweep of the graith seetlement of Assam." "Note any defenses we will be facing."  "Your intel will decide our course of action so make haste" 


Sighing the warlock says to himself "I will not let myself cave to the hubris that doomed the Copper Ring!" 

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Ya'shenn finds

'Azure' wrote:
Ya'shenn finds herself resting with Gy-Nath and the other Git'ribani. Gy confides in her that he had been running dangerously low on power towards the end. She notes that all of his injuries have self-healed, and he admits to disintigrating a pillar of the stone gazebo upon arrival. He invites Ya'shenn to meditate with him, to recall and analyze the events of the rrakkma. [Yes, he's inviting her into his mind. Gy is primarily a kineticist,(Ftr 6/Psion 12), so more powerful than Ya'shenn is, but as a telepath he pales in comparison.]

Though very fatigued, Ya'shenn is not very likely to complain about a direct request from a kith'rak she has elected to follow. The psion agrees (of course) and takes up a meditation position that would probably look uncomfortable to some passing graith. She makes a few polite inquiries concerning which of the psionic traditions/schools/approaches the kith'rak is most familiar with; the composition of their informal warband has not provided many opportunities to talk shop with another psion.

It is not very difficult to make the mental link with the kith'rak, nor is it difficult to enter a meditative state -- though it does require some effort not to allow that particular mental state to turn into sleep.

~My own powers are all but exhausted for the moment, the Band of Amber psion replies to Gy-Nath's earlier statement, agreeably but also somewhat dryly.

While she shares her knowledge of the group's recent rrakkma, it is perhaps not overly difficult for Gy-Nath to discern that the psion is somewhat... guarded when it comes to some of her personal thoughts or emotional reactions to events. A substantial quantity of concern (and anger) is present in regard to Mudshow's lyrics, and while she attempts to mind-share the torture chamber faithfully, her psyche recoils from it more than once. Not being sure whether Gy-Nath is conversant in Qualith -- though it seems unlikely even for another psion -- she of course provides translation of the ghaik writings that the group encountered. Predictably, given that Ya'shenn possesses healing ability, the kith'rak can easily sense Ya'shenn's frustration that she was not able to help Ha'kan'a more by purging the venom from his body in the first place.

While she does not attempt to probe in an intrusive manner, the psion asks to be filled in on occasions when members of the rrakkma band were separated.

~Captain, I remain very... concerned... about what may be happening in Git'riban even now, while our group appears to be marooned on this Plane. It is not overly difficult for me to envisage various scenarios which would allow... our Enemy... to attempt to cause the entire district to implode. Unfortunately, it is also easy to imagine this band returning to Git'riban only to find its inhabitants mazed or flayed.

Ya'shenn does not add, of course, that at least some githyanki would probably not mind if the entire district were dealt with via fire and sword.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar keeps

Ii'Jyka'Vaar keeps Nah'Mizh'Aar attentive with her singing and keeps him also focussed by her intimidation techniques.. (wont roll, just background logic)

Ii'Jyka asks "Sister-duthka'gith Gib,  if there is anything I can do in return for the training favor you have done.. then please tell me so, so that I can return a favor.." she says this with considerable strain, as she might feel uncomfortable telling a Duthka'gith thats she equals her as a full blooded sister, but she makes an effort to show she does appreciate the gesture of assistance and does not think less of a half blooded Gith just because she was born in this way (diplo roll, the strain of her contradictionary logic showing in her subtleness, lol.)

"I also wish to ask you if you know anybody in this fleet who has access to a Crystal mask of Dread?, as I think this kind of item will greatly help me in keeping my Wyvern in check.."

"I also need some decent lances to wield from my mount.."    she says as an afterthought..

10 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 12.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
An item such as the one you

An item such as the one you seek might be availabe where we are returning to.  For now your skill will have to keep the poison drake in check, though I will provide what aid I can.  As far as returning a favor, having you call me 'sister' is more than enough payment, Gith'ees.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka whinces internally

Ii'Jyka whinces internally at the answer given to her by Gib, but smiles and reminiscenses about her own predicament of "pureness"...

"Will you ride with me when we attack Assam? maybe you and sister Yashenn can team in the communications between us all?..."


[ooc: is she not to big/ heavy set, that the Wyvern could hold me and her as 2nd "less armored rider"?]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Perhaps.  Kirath has given

"Perhaps.  Kirath has given orders that Assam and the surroundings be scouted out before the raid.  This is prudent, though it does delay our return.  I will propose we use your wyvern, for it would be less likely to alert the graith than the sight of a skiff in their skies. "

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear

Burning Spear wrote:

[ooc: is she not to big/ heavy set, that the Wyvern could hold me and her as 2nd "less armored rider"?]

[DM- The saddle is not built for 2.  Taking a passenger is possible, but not desirable.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:"Perhaps. 

Azure wrote:
"Perhaps.  Kirath has given orders that Assam and the surroundings be scouted out before the raid.  This is prudent, though it does delay our return.  I will propose we use your wyvern, for it would be less likely to alert the graith than the sight of a skiff in their skies. "

"Yes, agreed, i will ask Yashenn what her thoughts are about staying in contact psionically, and we can discuss who could be best to ride with me as 2nd rider, if at all anybody will do so.."


[cue: enter Zimmy Laughing out loud ]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
[Hey, she's meditating at

[Hey, she's meditating at the moment.  She might not be available to help with that right away.  If the group hasn't yet slept, she's also almost completely drained of psi-power.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
[Yea well, i thouht the

[Yea well, i thouht the initial training of the Wyvern and your meditation could go simultaniously, then when u finish, you can help me further with the beastie Eye-wink ]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
To not have the fleet slow

To not have the fleet slow down on long running flights, Ii'Jyka trains the Wyvern to latch onto a Skiff without trying to attack it, or to damage it..she trains extensively with her mount to land on a moving vessel and to jump of it, and when landed to actually lay low so that they dont catch to much wind...

(several ride checks to see how i can hop on and off a skiff...)

After several meager attempts, she finally gets the hang of it, and lands the Wyvern smoothly on the back of a random passing skiff, touching down gently and latching on without even shaking up the skiffs movement.. she seems pleased then with the training, and decides to seak out Yashenn to talk about the possibilties of communications

17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 19.
6 Bonus for Handle Animal to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 20.
17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 20.
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 33.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Recognising Xykk’ts

Recognising Xykk’ts obvious signals but unsure as to her true motives Ar’Dru chats pleasantly with her, swapping war-stories from the incursion and discussing tactical theory. He listens intently to her answers, not prying for information but speaking directly and plainly, not flirting by any means, simply interested in what Xykk’t has to say.


She is obviously a capable warrior given her command so he treats her as an equal, something which most of his companions (apart from Du’minh) may not have seen before. Ar’dru is curious about the tattoos that she bears and will ask about them if it seems polite to do so.


Ar’Dru pays conspicuously ignores Xykk’ts warriors unless she introduces them - in which case he will deem them worthy of his attention and will politely enquire as to their background and their role within the warband.


Checks below if necessary

4 Bonus for to do sense motive
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 9.
1 Bonus for to do Diplomacy
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 17.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Gib, sister dragonling,

"Gib, sister dragonling, have you any idea if there is access to magic items that give any dragon the breath weapon of a true dragon once? by use of a potion?..It would be good to use such if we raid this city called Assam.." [For DM: Dragon's Draught, Magic Item Compendium]

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Na'rai takes the time to

Na'rai takes the time to rest and clean her things before considering whether or not--or rather, how--to handle the coincidences that have taken place. Being highly suspicious of the whole affair, she decides that it is best to face the issue with a clear head and as little physical distraction as possible. Caution never hurts when dealing with possible spies or mind-slaves, and the chain of events give Na every reason to suspect that someone or something has been compromised in one or both groups.

As soon as she can, Na teleports over to the bridge of the Fume and takes stock of the situation.While she resolves to speak to the other warband's apparent leader, she first observes the plans for the attack on Assam and decides it is best to make her influence felt in the Apocolyates' battle plans. She asks to speak with Kirath, or the nearest githyanki to him in the chain of command to get a breifing on the situation and the fleet's current plans. She also asks after Gy-Nath's whereabouts, though she makes an effort to make this seem like a casual reuest.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
As Kirath is waiting on the

As Kirath is waiting on the reports from the scouts. He hears from some of hi sub-commanders that Na'rai wish to speak with him. He wearily makes his way to the heavily armed Jade.   "You wished a debriefing Sister Na'rai?"

"The current situation is that we are preparing an assault on the graith settlement of Assam. I have sent out scouts to determine the defenses of the city. If the defenses seem overly  formidable. I am mulling over the option of laying waste to the farms and outlying districts to maximize damage to the graith while limiting our casualties. I loath going with this option as there is no glory in attacking farmers and peasants but it will accomplish our goal without wasting gith lives.

 "I would appreciate your insight if you have an opinion on the subject. As I am not arrogant enough to rebuff the advice of wise commanders"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[DM - Assuming a time-jump

[DM - Assuming a time-jump here of a few hours.  Everyone has rested.  Also, rather than have the PCs scout out Assam, DM will assume NPC scouts will do so and return with reports.  This is more to move things along again than for any other reason.]

Gy-Nath ascends from the lower deck of the Fume up to the command center on the flight deck to represent the Git'ribani.  He greets Kirath and Na'rai formally, but then says something very stange.

"You have heard those githyanki who have accompanied me call me 'Kith'rak', and it is indeed a title I have held, but in this case I no longer have claim of command over them.  Our raid upon Illithid House is over, the cause for my command is done.  It is now up to each gith individually to decide how they will aid you in this next endevor.  I can no longer claim to speak for the entire group.  I will act as a messenger, though, and relay your words to them if need be.  I would suggest you speak with each in turn though, brother Kirath, if you desire their aid."

"In the meanwhile, I can only speak for myself and offer my own opinions, now untained by concern for those blades under my command.  If you would consider my words, Kirat, then I say only this; consider your aims.  Do you wish to bring maximum harm to the graith of Assam?  Or do you wish to impose upon them terror of githyanki blades?  In the longer timeframe, starvation may well kill more than our blades could in this one span.  Burn the farms and you will bring greater suffering for a longer time, but the graith of Assam may well offer more prayers to their harvest gods than fearful curses directed at us"


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Is there knowledge of what

"Is there knowledge of what Temples are situated within the city of Assam?, if there are any martial churches, i think a concerted attack on the fields and a bombing run of sorts on these churches would show our might, and also constrain their ability to return fire, and demoralize the local populace.."

"Gy-Nath has right in his tactical decision, but this does do us a silemma, in that our honor does not see such raids as sufficient.. my proposal is that we do a two-prongued attack, one to demoralize the populace and one to break any retaliatory power..."

she then steps back to let the others ponder her "attack" on any one's honor, whilst still seeing the sound tactical logic of Gy-Nath's proposal. 

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Tar'geel, advises caution,

Tar'geel, advises caution, "We will know more of the lay of the city and surrounding settlements when the scout-skiffs return."  He also points out that whether they decide to attack farms or or the city itself, they have already spent all their alcemical firepower.

"Yes, blades will serve, but we have rested, and my duthka'gith do not lack fire." Xykk't replies.  "I have eight duthka'gith, myself and two others with spells, at your orders, commander."  She bows to Kirath (though interestingly, Gib is standing right next to the warlock at the time). 

While they await the word of the scouts, the commanders continue talking and debating.  Gy-Nath is mostly quiet after his initial input, which gives Na'rai a chance to talk with him.  They discuss the recent raid, and tactics for raids on cities in general.  Na'rai steers the conversation back to the recent raid on Hlondeth .... [ Make sense motive / bluff rolls with your next post, Wei]

[ Du'minh is assumed to still be on the lower deck, but it is a short ladder trip up to the flight deck (actually, command deck since the Fume is the flagship of the strikeforce.  He can attend at any time.  If he does, the other Sigilan githyanki may come up as well.  He need not attend to know everything that goes on anyway, since a dc12 listen check at the bottom of the ladder will reveal all.]

[ Ya'shenn can be on the lower deck, with option to attend or listen as per Du'minh.  However, as she is a natural clairvoyant, Gib may have asked her to take a skiff and join the scouts.  The skull allows her to use her "3x per day" powers for free, and extends their range.  Ya'shenn could therefore stay very high up, or hidden in a cloud, and psionicly spy on the the city.  There are a few other clairvoyants in the strikeforce.  I will leave it up to Zim to decide whether Gib asked Ya'shenn to take a skiff or not.] 

Ar'dru is above, with Xykk't and the other duthka'gith. [ Az said he might have something to contribute, so I'm assuming he's on the command deck.]

Ii'jyka'vaar is at the commanders' debate.  Suddenly, she realizes the wyvern is gone.  A few minutes pass before he returns, a dead goat in his bloody jaws.  "Hungry."  he gulps it down, making a bloody mess on the floor.  Xykk't and the duthka'gith chuckle.  "More.  Ground.  Hungry?  Hunt?"

0 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
0 Bonus for bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 5.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar smiles when

Ii'Jyka'Vaar smiles when the Wyvern makes a mess, in such a non-political fashion, so innocent and without agenda, if but all creatures were such...

"Yes, Nah'Mihz'Aar, we will hunt.."she says, to the Wyvern (in draconic), and then looks at the rest assembled and says "I will use this opportunity to scout also and feed him ", with that, she moves towards the door after having given the group sufficient time to reply..


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar’dru listens quietly to

Ar’dru listens quietly to the discussion going on before speaking. “If your desire is to make the graith fear the People as they rightly should then the scale of our attack is of no matter. A creature does not simply fear a dragon for its size, he fears it because he is painfully aware that he is completely inferior in every respect and is continued existence relies on the dragons whim.  Those we are facing are not true warriors so honourable battle would hold no glory regardless. I agree that temples are a valid target and a number of them should be attacked, however, I would also recommend attacking other buildings – private homes, slums, guard posts and orphanages as well as individuals on the streets. The attacks need not cause much damage but a single room full of mutilated priests or children and not an attacker to be found is more terrifying to a commoner than a frontal assault on a guard-post. The idea that no-one is safe, that an untouchable foe can pick them off at will for reasons unknown, will fester in their minds, breeding fear and discontent within the city. A rash of arsons or tainting the drinking sources with corpses might also be effective in achieving our goals yet leave the potentially useful farmlands free of damage. We need only leave enough victims crippled but living to reveal our identity should we wish to use our reputation to coerce the graith in the future. In this way we need not waste our time on this settlement nor risk our warriors being dragged down by the overwhelming numbers of the barbarians while still breaking their spirit.”


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The others hear Ya'shenn's

The others hear Ya'shenn's feet on the ladder as she ascends to join the rest of the group.

Once invited to provide her report, the psion provides an extensive -- rather exhaustive, actually -- description of Assam and its immediate environs. Assuming that she is able to obtain parchment and ink, the psion takes the time to draw an updated map, mainly for the benefit of those githyanki (and duthka'giths) who have not had the pleasure of raiding this graith settlement previously.

She takes particular care to describe the castle and tower and their defenses (indicating which areas of Assam are known to be scrying-proof), noting that it appeared to have been built in response to previous githyanki raids, as well as providing what she had been able to determine with regard to guard patrols.

"The graith of Assam have made an effort to ready defenses against githyanki raids, and appear to have some understanding of the capabilities of the People, at least in a general sense. They have hired at least one mage of some power, along with apprentices, a fact which may explain why so many areas are warded against remote viewing. Their thoughts are much preoccupied at present with the likelihood of attacks by the unliving -- apparently the People have raided them in such a fashion recently." She provides such description of the weapons -- mainly axes and heavy cleaving weapons -- and preparations the townspeople have against such attacks as she was able to obtain.

"While these barbarians expect future raids, I am not entirely certain whether the Emissaries that were sent recently successfully delivered their message -- not even after examining the surface thoughts of the graith themselves. After having been raided before, one might think that being visited by a Githyanki would be perceived by these savages either as a fearful threat or at least with much enmity. I would like to respectfully inquire whether it is certain that the Emissaries were able to contact the graith of Assam."

Though she does not say so outright, Ya'shenn wonders if perhaps the Emissaries decided to simply flee into the wilderness of this benighted Prime world without completing their mission first. She also wonders if anyone had kept a clairvoyant or arcane eye on the Emissaries, for that matter. On the other hand, if the Emissaries had traveled entirely in secret and only delivered their message to Assam's leadership, there might be nothing at all in the minds of the average townsperson.

"If there remains significant doubt that the graith were recently contacted, it would be..." the psion smiles thinly, "...polite to inform them of their error in living within tentacle-reach of Oryndoll. Assuming that the barbarians persist in this error, I concur with my companion Ar'dru in suggesting that the water sources should be poisoned to the extent practical, if we are to discourage them from resettling the land. In the longer term, perhaps it would be worthwhile to contemplate salting their fields, or even allowing the unliving to overrun this area. It would certainly keep human farmers elsewhere, while discouraging illithids from having anything to do with the place at the same time."

[The description of Assam and its environs is quite long; I guess I'll post it on the OOC thread. Assume that Ya'shenn provided this (exhaustively) to the group.]

[Incidentally -- Sense Motive on Gy-Nath, if you don't mind, Azure. He abdicated rather suddenly, no?]

13 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 26.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka stands impatiently

Ii'Jyka stands impatiently whilst Ya'shenn drones out the boring tactical information, even though she is interested in the  tactics, she has severe irritations at the speed that this meeting is taking place.. her frustration evident in the fact that she grinds her fists around the hilt of her hammer, holding it in 2 hands but not in a way to use it offensively..




[Sense Motive whilst she awaits all the talk to finish]

(can someone kill the person that made this new "layout/ text and such"?, its getting on my nerves.)

5 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 12.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
With the scouts' report

With the scouts' report delivered, the debate among the officers continues.  Tar'geel contines in his caution,  "We haven't sufficient forces to attack any well-defended strongpoints.  Eight duthka'gith and two score githyanki blades do not make an army capable of successfully assaulting the graiths' tower." "Perhaps you are right, Tar'geel, but your cowardice in this situation does you little credit."  Xykk't replies with a sneer. "Your insults, halfbreed, would lead me to draw blade upon you if they did not come from a mere beast." It is obvious to the Git'ribani that there is a great deal of tension between the two blocs present here.  Morover the two sarth have personal emity between them.  It did not show itself during operations, indeed in the heat of battle it had seemed that the entire force worked as one without hesitation.  It can only be hoped that when they attack Assam, the githyanki and duthka'gith will re-unite. Gy-Nath, ever the Unifist, attempts to re-direct the debate back to the matter at hand, "I believe my companions Ar'dru and Ii'jyka'vaar have made very valuable contributions here.  A multi-pronged attack would be more difficult for the graith to respond to.  Each arm of the attack would be weaker, of course, and we would have to choose our targets carefully.  I suggest that one group attack the horse-drivers outside of town, slaying the guards and horses to reduce their mobility, then going on to burn one of the herdsmans' corals or farms to disrupt the graiths' food supply.  A second, stronger party should attack one on the temples to convey our distain for their misguided faith in Powers.  A third force should either engage the graiths' response or perhaps attack one of the gathering places of the graith, like a tavern." "I personally like sister Ya'shenn's suggestions,"  Gib contributes,  "Though poisoning water sources and raising zombies are not in our current power to do.  Though we have only known each other a short time, I have trust in the double-edged mind's abilities.  Mentally dominating a number of graith could prove valuable, especially since it appears the Emissaries' message has not gotten through to the population in general."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote:"Though we have

Azure wrote:
"Though we have only known each other a short time, I have trust in the double-edged mind's abilities. Mentally dominating a number of graith could prove valuable, especially since it appears the Emissaries' message has not gotten through to the population in general."
The thin smile reappears. One might get the idea that Ya'shenn rather enjoys the idea of mind-controlling a few barbarians. "I would, of course, be willing to instill fear and confusion in these graith in such a fashion."
Azure wrote:
"A second, stronger party should attack one on the temples to convey our disdain for their misguided faith in Powers."
"Perhaps an attack on the temple of their harvest deity or their Power of luck would have strongest effect on the minds of these graith. The heathens might thus believe that either their harvests or their fortunes are now thoroughly cursed -- a further incentive for them to leave Assam and never return." The psion scrupulously avoids uttering the obscene names of any of the local pagan idols. "We might also consider making it a priority to neutralize this barbarian mage and his students as soon as they take to the field, particularly before they are able to coordinate their response." Ya'shenn is well aware that one of their number specializes in 'mage removal,' but she does not want to actually volunteer Du'minh for this task in his absence. [Flavor note: Ya'shenn didn't use the terms "deity" or "Power," but rather a formal, derogative term for barbarian Powers. Maybe something like ekor-k'ya, 'master-thing.']


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar goes into her

Ii'Jyka'Vaar goes into her own mind and searches if she has any recollection of the powers being named have any sicnificant knowledge in her mind..

3 Bonus for know. religion to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 22.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Seeing the plans taking

Seeing the plans taking shape Ar'dru nods in agreement "I will take part in the raid on the temples unless the raid leader believes that my abilities can be better used on the horse traders. I should also be able to provide rapid support and a diversionary presence for other groups once my primary objective is completed. A few clerics dropped from height should also help to dampen the towns spirits."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
It is Tar'geel who speaks,

It is Tar'geel who speaks, "Hrmm, if the temples and the caravans are attacked simultaneously, than it is the temples that will draw a graith miltary response.  Inside of town.  First reports recieved.  An expected target by githwarriors, since there are already two destroyed temples.  A stronger force to attack the temples, with a back-up force to deal with their response.  Meanwhile, a second, smaller force slays all the horses of the caravan  outside of town.  This act both decreses the mobility of the plainsmen, making their life more difficult, and deals a psychological blow, that we consider them, their gods, and their horses, as equally beneath us." "I suppose you'll be in charge of killing horses, Tar'geel" "Actually, I was going to suggest that your duthka'gith, the Sigilans, and the Jade attack the temples, while I would wait with most of my warriors for the graiths' response before we attacked from the air."  Tar'geel smirks, "Besides, if I wanted to slay dumb beasts with my own blade, I needn't go to Assam." "Ha!  But in all seriousness, charred horseflesh is delicious, and the hold on the Darkflame is empty." Xykk'y replies, "Hold off the reinforcements until you're sure we need you.  From my reports, The Sigilans include a Rish-i-chal, among other strong warriors.  Between my duthka'gith, the Sigilans, and the Jade, I believe we can handle whatever response to the attack on the temples the graith manage to muster.  If we don't need you, fill as many holds as you can with horseflesh.  We will fly high in the cold to keep it fresh on the way to Starmantle." Tar'geel eyes Xykk't strangely.  He knows that she is trying to subtily compromise his honor, but her suggestions have such merit that he cannot gainsay them.  So he says nothing. [(Evil)DM: By the way, the PCs are Git'ribani, NOT Sigilans.  The githyanki here do not appreciate the differance, and somebody should set them right.  If none of the PCs do, one of the NPCs will.  Who it is who does so will determine the manner in which it happens.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
[I'll kick that door in +

[I'll kick that door in + DM: what info on my Know-check?]   Tar'Geel, It seems you cannot distinguish between Git'ribani and Sigilan, "we" are of the previous, most Graith are of the latter, i would be much more satisfying for all of us if u would account us by the Git'ribani "titlement".. Ii'Jyka'Vaar says whilst planting her heavy armoured boot on the floor with emphasis, and giving a slight nod to Tar'Geel.. And I, for that matter, am Tu'narathi... and there is another who goes by such a titlement, and whith that, she nods to the psion... (crap dice as ussual, edit to build on the latter of Zim's post)

10 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 12.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The psion's expression is

The psion's expression is one of visible distaste at the thought of being referred to as either a Sigilan or a Git'ribani. Despite everything, the psion still has a good deal of civic pride, and thinks of herself as 'of Tu'narath' -- never mind that that city effectively no longer exists. Ya'shenn does not really like to be compared to those githyanki who never saw the inside of a varsh'isk in their lives, and who were brought up hardly speaking proper Githyanki at all. However, given that the psion has recently fought alongside native-hatched Git'ribani, and that Ii'Jyka'Vaar has already spoken, she says nothing.

She listens to the topic at hand, however, and recalls a particular detail. "Those caravan guards may not be completely harmless, either; the graith there too are alert to the possibility of githyanki raids."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru snorts at being

Ar'dru snorts at being referred to as a 'Sigilan' but leaves the ignorant statement uncorrected, simply lowering the two speakers in his esteem.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Quote:[I'll kick that door

[I'll kick that door in + DM: what info on my Know-check?]   Tar'Geel, It seems you cannot distinguish between Git'ribani and Sigilan, "we" are of the previous, most Graith are of the latter, i would be much more satisfying for all of us if u would account us by the Git'ribani "titlement".. Ii'Jyka'Vaar says whilst planting her heavy armoured boot on the floor with emphasis, and giving a slight nod to Tar'Geel.. And I, for that matter, am Tu'narathi... and there is another who goes by such a titlement, and whith that, she nods to the psion... (crap dice as ussual, edit to build on the latter of Zim's post)
Tar'geel bows to Ii'jyka'vaar, "My appologies, githees, I meant no offense." The debate continues.  Just which temple should be attacked matters not to the githyanki, so it will be left up to the strikeforce [i.e. the PCs].  It initially seems odd to the Git'ribani that the githyani here are putting so much consideration into the taking of dead horses, but they then realize that many of the githwarriors have a somewhat hungry look about them, as if they were on a strict rationing.  [DM waiting for Battledancer.  Kirath has final say on "the plan"] ... After the debate is over, one of Tar'geel's githwarriors will approach Ii.  "Tar'geel sends his appologies once again.  He has a great respect for the Knights of Vlaakith, though most who have remained on this world have sided with the Black Libram."  He lowers his voice and stoops closer, "Although you are a dragon rider, you wear no badge of the Cult of Tiamat.  They find your drake ammusing, and they will certainly seek to recruit you.  If you would owe no allegence to that Power, then perhaps you can help us instead.  Say nothing and play along.  You may hear the Cultists say something of interest to us."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
As the group continues to

As the group continues to discuss strategy, the psion's eyebrows knit together as Ya'shenn realizes that these githyanki (and duthka'giths) are substantially more resource-constrained than anticipated. She re-inks her pen and makes several annotations to the map of Assam and environs.

Additionally, she makes a mental note to 'forage on the enemy' as opportunity presents itself.

[If it hasn't been provided before, assume that Ya'shenn shares the locations of all significant food stores both within and near Assam, including which are suitable for a githyanki/duthka'gith diet.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath listens thoughfully

Kirath listens thoughfully to the banter and exhange of ideas between the commanders and the newcomers.  He chuckles to himself at how quickly the force breaks down into faction lines so quickly after battle has ceased. Kirath clears his throat to get the attention of all the relevant parties. "I agree with Gy-Nath about hitting  the temples. I also agree we should take out the drivers athough I think only small force should handle this . I however also think we should strike the mage and his apprentices as well. We all know how quickly the might of magic can turn a battle. "As far as the composition of each striketeam I am open to suggestions."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Quote:Bladedancer wrote: "As

Bladedancer wrote:
"As far as the composition of each striketeam I am open to suggestions."
"Perhaps," the psion offers, "my abilities might best be used within the city, using the graith themselves to spread chaos and create panic, in addition to providing a measure of crowd control."  While she does not mention it explicitly, Ya'shenn also finds the thought of destroying a heathen idol or two to be heart-warming. She similarly looks forward to the prospect of mind blasting large numbers of weak-willed graith. "I also offer my assistance in managing communications between each group, should such be needed." She nods to the Controller as she says this.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Quote:Quote:   After the

   After the debate is over, one of Tar'geel's githwarriors will approach Ii.  "Tar'geel sends his appologies once again.  He has a great respect for the Knights of Vlaakith, though most who have remained on this world have sided with the Black Libram."  He lowers his voice and stoops closer, "Although you are a dragon rider, you wear no badge of the Cult of Tiamat.  They find your drake ammusing, and they will certainly seek to recruit you.  If you would owe no allegence to that Power, then perhaps you can help us instead.  Say nothing and play along.  You may hear the Cultists say something of interest to us."
"I take no offense from Tar'Geel, tell this please... (to him/ her? dont remember if its male or female)...The statement only needed a correction. I am not really aligned with any, and by that logic, what can you tell me about the Black Libram?...I have a light healing potion, that i am willing to trade for as much information i can get about all this, she says in a lowered voice..I will see how things evolve and play along with all of this and then decide what I want to do.." she winks at the warrior and then awaits his leaving..  

16 Bonus for gather info to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 25.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath looks around the room

Kirath looks around the room meeting each githyanki eyes with his own before saying slowly.

"Why I understand some of you may see my choice of which of the graith temples as no challenge. Our mission here is too inflict the most damage with the fewest losses so I propose that we attack the Temple of Chauntea.

Kirath then scans the room looking for any signs if discontent with his choice.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks with

Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks with disdain back at Kirath, but says nothing.

Stroking the head of the Wyvern, she turns around and then moves to mount the wyvern and fly off...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Bladedancer wrote:Kirath

Bladedancer wrote:
Kirath looks around the room meeting each githyanki eyes with his own before saying slowly.

"Why I understand some of you may see my choice of which of the graith temples as no challenge. Our mission here is too inflict the most damage with the fewest losses so I propose that we attack the Temple of Chauntea.

Kirath then scans the room looking for any signs if discontent with his choice.

Ya'shenn, predictably enough, looks mildly pleased with the decision.  But not smug.  That would not do.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru shrugs before

Ar'dru shrugs before beginning to prepare for the raid "No matter, I do not expect the graith to possess any warriors worthy of the title."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Bladedancer wrote: Kirath

Bladedancer wrote:

Kirath looks around the room meeting each githyanki eyes with his own before saying slowly.

"Our mission here is too inflict the most damage with the fewest losses so I propose that we attack the Temple of Chauntea.

Gib bows, "So it shall be, commander."

The githyanki get their gear ready for battle (which does not take long, for a githyanki's battlegear is always ready).  They then assemble once again on the command deck.  Tar'geel and a chosen task force transfer to the other brigs, and make ready to kill and collect as many horses as they can (after the guards have been dealt with, of course).  The wounded have been transferred to the damaged skiffs, and they are to continue north escorted by a few fully manned and operational skiffs.  The rest of the task force can catch up quickly afterward.

Ha'kan'a, however, refuses to go, and injures a healer who was too insistant.  He transfers, via skiff, over to the Fume.  He standson his remaining leg, leaning on the hilt of his greatsword.  He never had a scabbard for it, but several other injured githwarriors had donated their blades' shieths, and made a strangely chaotic and stitched-together holder for Ha'kan'a's over-sized sword.  He is still pale, and shakes a bit now and then, but in his eyes is a fierce fire, and though he is no longer mobile enough for battle, he bosts that he has been learning how to fire a tripple heavy crossbow.

The other native Git'ribani, Sark'ja and Kitiir, have joined the rest on the upper deck.  Kitiir glares at the masked Jade warrior, Na'rai, with intensity.  No one on the deck is at all surprised, then, when Kitiir chanlenges her.

"You!  You stole my kill, and worse, made a liar out of me.  I promised that ghaik that it had more pain coming before it died." 

"When I came on the scene, it was escaping, and you were not in a position to stop it."  Na'rai's voice is as emotionless as her mask.

Kitiir clences her teeth and looks almost as if she will strike.  "Nonetheless, you made a liar out of me.  Just stay out of my way on this raid, and if you insult my honor again you'll be metting my shiv."

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
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