Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du misses some of Ii’s






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Du misses some of Ii’s words through the blast of wind but nods back. As the wyvern closes in on the falling figure, he gestures to Na’rai vigorously to try and catch her attention. He’s unaware that she’s actually unconscious and the mask does not it make it easier to tell.


Better safe than sorry; I would rather not be impaled by that forked polearm if she doesn’t see who’s riding the wyvern coming at her.


The Rish reaches out as far as he can without risking a drop himself and catches Na’rai unceremoniously, then pulls her in and holds on tight.


“Got her! See if you can…”


Finally getting a chance to focus on other tasks, Du’minh looks to the aerial battlefield for Ya’shenn’s skiff and finds it to be missing from it. He picks it up quickly though, noting the attached wyvern and the direction they’re both headed for.

If the mindlink is still active, he “calls out” to her.


~“Hang on, we’re en route! Were tied up with a stray.”~

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ya'shenn sends the skiff

Ya'shenn sends the skiff into a steep dive.  In actuality, she subtily changes its position in freefall to point the mre powerful jets at the sea.  The wyvern continues to bite and claw at the metal hull, causing new dents and rends in the metal.  Ya'shenn hears the wyvern's poison stinger clanging off the armor behind her, and is thankful that the metal is a durrable as it is.  Still, she finds herself in an increasingly unseaworthy vessel.

As they near the deck, Ya'shenn prepares herself, shutting out the noise and danger arround her.  As expected, the wyvern is able to let go and break its dive wihin a couple of hundred feet from the water.  The astral skiff plummets toward the water, but if the wyvernrider thought that Ya'shenn would crash into the sea, he was not entirely corret.  Ya'shenn lets a full blast of air shoot from the downward jets.  The plume of water must be visible for miles, for though the skiff ends up a couple of feet below sea level, it doesn't actually get wet until the wave rebounds, and sends the vessel on an upward (if a bit careening) trajectory.  Ya'shenn finds herself about fifty-pecent drenched, water covers the floor, but it does not quite reach Ya'shenn's ankles.


If two passengers slowed the wyvern, three proves to be a real challenge.  Most of the beast's energy is spent just staying aloft, but such is Ii'jyka'vaar's mastery that the beast does not balk, but seems to see it as a challenge.  The wyvern beats its wings with a determination Ii can feel.  She is only slightly surprized to learn that the dragon-kin seems to be able to express simple concepts in a pidgin form of draconic.  "Care - ree ... Hev - ee.  Do!  Do!"

The wyvern is no longer trying to climb, and is perhaps five hundred feet above the sea.  The only astral ship close enough for Du'minh to d-door himself and Na'rai to is currently engulfed in a great splash of water.  Du'minh is releaved to see Ya'shenn's ship come back up out of the sea, if in an inundated and somewhat out of control way.


[DM - Ya'shenn needs to make a manuver check (ranged attack roll) or she's out of contol for the moment and Du'minh will have a harder time jumping.  D-door preserves momentum, and Ya'shenn's skiff is moving at a few miles per hour faster thanthe wyvern.  A Githyanki can modify their momentum during teleportation only by actually jumping or running just before d-dooring. If Ya makes the roll, Du and Na will take d6 damage (subdual), but if she does not, they'll take 2d6 + (DC 20 minus Ya'shenn's actual roll).]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: [DM - Ya'shenn

'Azure' wrote:
[DM - Ya'shenn needs to make a manuver check (ranged attack roll) or she's out of contol for the moment and Du'minh will have a harder time jumping.  D-door preserves momentum, and Ya'shenn's skiff is moving at a few miles per hour faster thanthe wyvern.  A Githyanki can modify their momentum during teleportation only by actually jumping or running just before d-dooring. If Ya makes the roll, Du and Na will take d6 damage (subdual), but if she does not, they'll take 2d6 + (DC 20 minus Ya'shenn's actual roll).]

[Edit:  Natural 20.  Heh.]

5 Bonus for piloting to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 25.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The psion is obliged to

The psion is obliged to concentrate fully on simply keeping the vessel from capsizing and sinking into the sea. For a few moments, Ya'shenn experiences the odd sensation that she actually is the skiff, rather than a mere pilot. Some subjective span of time later, the psion realizes that the vessel did not, in fact, sink, and that she is not drowning. Yet. That she is partially drenched and the skiff is taking on water. She orders the air elemental (for the spine of earthly wind is still, somehow, intact) to keep water out of the vessel to the greatest extent that it is able, then begins to quickly regather her equipment.

Crossbow, psi grenade... The psion briefly examines the ballista-struck former pilot. If some easily-carried weapon -- a dagger, perhaps -- is present on or near his person, she takes that as well. If no wyverns are clawing away at the skiff at this point, Ya'shenn reaches once more for the control skull, clairvoyantly assessing how the battle progresses and scanning for likely teleportation destinations. For the moment, she remains unaware of Du'minh's intent to return to the skiff.

[Presumably the NPC pilot has buddies who will want to perform the khiin-chast ritual for him; hence taking the weapon. I suppose if he has anything like special warband insignia, she'll take that as well, but the intent is to provide things that are important to his warband, not to loot him for money. If there's anything further that Ya'shenn can do to keep the skiff from taking on more water, she'll do that as well.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: can i assume the 2

OOC: can i assume the 2 passengers are off my ride and that Ya'shenn does not need extracting?, then i can post something of my own this post.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: The wyvern is

OOC: The wyvern is adorable. Can we please keep it Smiling... Also, can I regain consciousness at the sudden deceleration from Du's d-doo?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: OOC:

Burning Spear wrote:
OOC: can i assume the 2 passengers are off my ride and that Ya'shenn does not need extracting?, then i can post something of my own this post.
[DM - Du'minh hasn't actually jumped yet, but there's nothing preventing that now.  Ya'shenn's skiff is the only one in d-door range, so Du'minh's jump is a foregone conclusion.  Post away, I say.  Zim seems to be thinking Ya'shenn needs to abandon ship, but with a natual 20 to regain control, she's air-mobile still.  Yes, the armor has several holes, but she kept the skiff (mostly) out of the sea.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii´Jyka swoops the Wyvern

Ii´Jyka swoops the Wyvern sideways past the skiff so the D-door is easier to perform, and when the 2 passengers jump off, she reigns the Wyvern in hard, to make a sharp as possible turn and up away from the Skiff to gain altitude...

She taps her hand on the skin of the Wyvern and sooths it to make it more comfortable, then barks out an order in draconic...

"Defend the squared box-flyer..!"

(intimidate roll to be clear who commands, dispite being "nice" to the dragonling, lovely, we have crap dice again...BoGr all over)

17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 24.
7 Bonus for intimidate to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 11.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
weishan wrote: , can I

weishan wrote:

, can I regain consciousness at the sudden deceleration from Du's d-door?

[DM - Yea, write that mini-scene yourself, and have her wake up staring at a fish on the floor of the skiff Laughing ]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: at what point does the

OOC: at what point does the Wyvern become a "regular" mount? what do i have to accomplish to get that far?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:OOC: at

Burning Spear wrote:
OOC: at what point does the Wyvern become a "regular" mount? what do i have to accomplish to get that far?
[More role-play]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du’minh focuses his






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Du’minh focuses his mind and vanishes from the back of the wyvern, only to reappear inside the skiff with Na’rai in his arms. He looks around the battered vessel, impressed that it remains aloft and functional, and gives Ya’shenn a nod of admiration.


“Obviously there was no need for me to bring along another pilot, but I hope you don’t mind.” He sets the Jade warrior down somewhere that keeps her mostly out of the water, removing her mask to splash some water in her face and ensuring she’s not fatally injured.


“Though I see there has been some… redecorations in my absence.” He walks to stand by the control skull with bow at the ready, finding that arrowslits have suddenly become redundant considering the sizeable holes that now penetrate the hull.


“How are you holding up? What do you say we check in at the nearest brig while this thing yet flies?”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Spot to check where the

Spot to check where the other Wyvern-riders are

6 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 18.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Spot to

Burning Spear wrote:
Spot to check where the other Wyvern-riders are
  The wyvern seems confused for a moment by the sudden lightening of its load.  It flaps hard and turns into the wind, quickly gaining altitude, and doing a searching-turn.  It catches sight of the wyvern chasing Ya'shenn's battered skiff and joins the chase. 

Meanwhile, above the lower-flying skiff and wyverns, the 'battle' continues, if you could call it that.  The odds are more in the githyankis' favor now.  Two wyverns partially shrouded by white plumes have turned back, as have a few now-riderless or wounded wyverns.  The damaged skiffs and the brigs have been making a straight southerly course out to sea.  The wyverns have mostly contended with the skiffs rather than the brigs, since any time they get near the larger ships, fireballs shoot from one.  The wyverns themselves would tend to be just angered by these, but the yuan-tis' scales are not nearly as thick.  Hence at least one of the riderless wyverns wears a burned and smoking saddle.  As Ii'jyka'vaar watches, she sees another expanding white plume errupt from a wyvern engaged with the skiffs.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 4.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: “Obviously

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Obviously there was no need for me to bring along another pilot, but I hope you don’t mind.” He sets the Jade warrior down somewhere that keeps her mostly out of the water, removing her mask to splash some water in her face and ensuring she’s not fatally injured.

“Though I see there has been some… redecorations in my absence.” He walks to stand by the control skull with bow at the ready, finding that arrowslits have suddenly become redundant considering the sizeable holes that now penetrate the hull.

“How are you holding up? What do you say we check in at the nearest brig while this thing yet flies?”

Ya'shenn's reaction to the Rish-i-Chal's return is mixed. Clearly she is pleased to see Du'minh back and in good health. Otherwise, however, the psion's body language is very much reminiscent of the bard's right after he had been thoroughly stabbed by a yuan-ti -- minus the physical pain. It would seem that she finds it humiliating to be beaten by some graith wyvern rider at anything. As the Rish describes the situation, she raises an eyebrow, wondering about the absence of the knight and the equally sudden appearance of the Jade psi-warrior. After confirming via the control skull that the knight is happily flying her new wyvern, Ya'shenn even looks faintly amused for a moment.

"I am well." The psion sounds somewhat subdued, though, still unhappy about the aerial combat earlier. "Yes, I think it is time to return to the fleet. The Jade warrior -- how is she? What happened?"

At first she had thought it would be necessary to abandon ship. It would seem that the skiff is at least seaworthy, though. Perhaps it is also airworthy? Concentrating once more, she orders the vessel to rise. Cautiously.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Zimrazim wrote:[ At first

Zimrazim wrote:

At first she had thought it would be necessary to abandon ship. It would seem that the skiff is at least seaworthy, though. Perhaps it is also airworthy? Concentrating once more, she orders the vessel to rise. Cautiously.

Just to be clear, the skiff never did stop flying, except for maybe a second or two.  Ya'shenn DID keep the skiff out of the sea, its just that the sea got in the skiff a little.  If at any time Ya'shenn had let the skiff rest on the water, it would have sunk like a rock. ... or more like a boat with several lage holes in it.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The Rish does not comment






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The Rish does not comment on Ya’shenn’s wounded pride, finding it more prudent to focus on her getting them to safe grounds so that she can recover confidence. 

Zimrazim wrote:

"The Jade warrior -- how is she? What happened?"






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“We seized control of a wyvern, after the rider had been… deposed.” Du’minh cleans skull fragments off his flail.


“Shortly after Ii’Jyka’vaar had managed to enforce command of the beast, we spotted this one plummeting from the sky. We caught her and I relocated here – there was little choice involved. The knight is doing what she does best; we should be able to exploit her wake of flight with attention drawn towards her.”


He takes another look at Na’rai, noticing her beginning to stir.


“No critical injuries from what I can tell. I think she may be coming around…”


[Hint hint, Wei Wink ]


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Na's face is not a pleasant

Na's face is not a pleasant thing at best--it is covered with old scars and acid burns, but she doesn't seem seriously injured either. The only renent injury seems to be a rapidly swelling bump where she was hit before she fell.

Na's eyes gradualy open, and you can see them flicking around the skiff though she does not move otherwise. Sitting up, the first thing she checks is for her pike, which is still strapped securely to her back.

"I am indebeted, Rish i-chaal, and (OOC: what's the githyanki for telepath?), and I profusely apologize for diverting atention that may have been of more use elsewhere," she says, sitting up straighter against the metal wall of the skiff and placing the hand on the back of her head to check for any injuries. "May I please have my helmet back?"

She shifts out of the puddle she was resting in and flicks water of her armor

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka thinks its time to

Ii'Jyka thinks its time to hit the Wyvern again on his "head" just to try and show who's boss..

10 Bonus for to hit to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 21.
7 Bonus for incl 3 vile to do
I rolled 1d4+7, the result is 10.
7 Bonus for intimidate to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 13.
17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 29.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Ii'Jyka

Burning Spear wrote:
Ii'Jyka thinks its time to hit the Wyvern again on his "head" just to try and show who's boss..
  Githees Ii'jyka'vaar reminds the wyvern that it has a rider, and that it is not its own master.  There is a contest of wills for a few moments, as the wyvern suddenly rolls, dives, and brakes hard to see if it can shake the rider.  Ii has no doubt that the wyvern can tell she is not the normal rider, and that she is not strapped on as tightly as the yuan-ti knight was.  Nevertheless, the githyanki knight is a much better rider, and the wyvern ssoon uses its momentum to gain altitude again.  It growls in 'draconic' "WHUT?" 

[intimidate roll ... didn't, but the dragonriding roll is good enough that the wyvern will pretty much do whatever you tell (him/her?  what's your druthers?) to do. ]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Wuups, double post, sorry..

Wuups, double post, sorry..

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Heed my reigns, and you

"Heed my reigns, and you will be a much better flyer, even then your cluchtmates..." Ii'Jyka spats out in draconic...

(she tries to make the Wyvern understand that if it lets her have full reign, it will fly much more agile then any other Wyvern can), she then proceeds to drive the Wyvern to her intended target of intercepting and annoying the other Wyverns

(She does not let it attack anything, but drives it to fly as if she uses it as a bumpercar, bouncing the other wyvern out of its course towards a skiff)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The wyvern lets out a noise

The wyvern lets out a noise of amusement as it is guided into bumping another one.  Ii'jyka'vaar realizes that, though full grown, the wyvern is only just out of the juvenile phase.  It seems to relish the joke, of bumping a flight-mate.  This just happens to be the wyvern still pursuing Ya'shenn's skiff.  

[take 10 spot]

Ii notices that the wyvern that nearly turned Ya'shenn's skiff into flotsam wears the same black/red/yellow livery that her new mound does.  The yuan-ti, a halfbreed noble with black scales with yellow stripes and tatoos, notices the githyanki knight on the wyvern harrying his.  Ii's wyvern gives the other another shove and hit  with a wing, then it's off to the races.  The yuan-ti's wyvern gives chase, but true to her word, Ii outflies it.  She weaves a course between and bouncing off oyher wyverns.  A couple of wyverns that bear colors unlike Ii's get claws or a flash of fang in addition to a bump, and Ii can feel the rivalry caused by keeping multiple nests in a city.

[Moving this along.  I already rolled 'how's the whole battle going?' dice]

Ii's wyvern smacks into another wyvern, one wearing light and dark greens, and the other wyvern flashes fang.  Ii's wyvern responds by grabbing on and causing both to plummet from the sky for several hundred feet.  It sinks its fangs into the green-wearing wyvern, catching its yuan-ti riders's leg below the knee too, and then as it kicks off, hits the poor snake-man with a parting shot from its sting-tail.  Two other green-wearing wyverns swoop in at the first one's angered roar, but the the wyvern thatbwas pursuing Ii comes to her wyvern's defence despite it's riders urgings to the contrary.  There are a couple of minutes of chaos before the riders of those in green can tame their mounts and separate the two sides. 

This, perhaps, is what finally convinces the wyvern riders to give up the chase.  The brigs are well ahead of the rest of the battle now, and the skiffs easilly break contact at will with their superior speed, twice that of the wyverns'.  Several riderless wyverns had already turned back, and now the ratio of skiffs to drakes is nearly even.  The wyvern riders soon give up, and en masse the remaining air-knights wheal around and head back to the city.

Instinctively, Ii's wyvern joins them. 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc: To keep control,

ooc: To keep control, mounted dice rol, will post more later.

17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 28.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
After launching the last of

After launching the last of his blasts of fire from his wand the slight githyanki warlock known as Kirath looks around the sky assessing the damage to his fleet. He spies in the sky that there seems to be some kind of conflict within the ranks of the wyverns. He then spots a familiar heavily armored gith-warrior atop one of the wyverns and mutters to himself "By Tiamat's Five Fold Breath!" "The Knight seems to have gained a mount!" He wonders to himself how the others of his impromptu companions have fared in the battle.


Seeing the pursuit of the wyvern knights break off judges the raid a success. Kirath then lets himself relax for the first time in many months and lets out a contented sigh. Moments later he brings himself back to reality andreaches out with his mind to the raid coordinator Geb and mentally asks "Status?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:ooc: To

Burning Spear wrote:
ooc: To keep control, mounted dice roll, will post more later.
[28 is good enough to convince the wyvern to "stay out" and not return with the others, either to hunt, or better yet to tail the githyanki fleet.  The wyvern will still think that Hlondeth is home, though.  However, Ii can 'take 20' for dragonriding to break the wyvern and take it for herown mount.  It will be a long and arduous process, but the 'challenge' of tailing the skiffs, which can fly 24 hours a day, will help motivate the dragon-kin.  You are welcome to compose a long and detailed post reflecting this.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Bladedancer wrote:Seeing

Bladedancer wrote:

Seeing the pursuit of the wyvern knights break off judges the raid a success. Kirath then lets himself relax for the first time in many months and lets out a contented sigh. Moments later he brings himself back to reality andreaches out with his mind to the raid coordinator Geb and mentally asks "Status?"


~ We have nineteen casualties* in total, twelve from the raid and seven from the flight.  One skiff lost.  Five heavily damaged.  Eight more moderately damaged.  We have recovered all bodies, save that of the pilot of the lost skiff, who was slain and fell into the sea.  Preliminary head counts report eleven ghaik and upwards fifty graith.

In githyanki terms, a "casualty" is a warrior unable to continue to fight, whether dead or seriously injured enough to no longer wield a sword.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote: "I am

weishan wrote:

"I am indebeted, Rish i-chaal, and (OOC: what's the githyanki for telepath?), and I profusely apologize for diverting atention that may have been of more use elsewhere," she says, sitting up straighter against the metal wall of the skiff and placing the hand on the back of her head to check for any injuries. "May I please have my helmet back?"

“I have a feeling there will be ample opportunity to repay that debt,” Du’minh recovers the face-mask nearby and hands it back to Narai. “Apologies for the intrusion.”

Spying out through the huge claw marks that perforate the hull, he sees the aerial battle coming to a resolution.

“It looks like the wyvern harriers are finally giving up.” The Rish sighs, a little more at ease. “Hopefully we can partake in a debriefing with this fleet, briefly meet with any commanders in charge, and then catch some rest.” He slumps against whatever seat is driest, suddenly longing drastically for a bunk and a carpet. “It has been a… long… day.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[edited] Hlondeth is on the


Hlondeth is on the northern shore of the Vilhoon Reach, an arm of the inland Sea of Fallen Stars.  The strike force had come in from the north, over the high mountains, but now heads south across the reach.  Just as the far shore becomes visible, they turn west.  It is now mid-afternoon, and the skiffs chase the sun to a blood-red sunset.  The lands west of the city belong to Hlondeth's nobles, and there is a great breadbasket between the mountains and the sea.  The githyanki fly west all night, avoiding these lands.  Their strike would be like they were ghosts.  No field-slave would look up and see their ships, but in time all would hear of them.  When the strikeforce reaches the head of the Reach, they take a wide, northerly turn.  Dawn breaks over the Deepwing Mountains as the waters of the Reach glisten in the distance behind.  Only then, do fresh pilots teleport to the skiffs, and releave the exausted combatants. 

The brigs, now emptied of their payload, have filled with wounded and resting githwarrors.  The lower deck of the brig Fume is set up as an officers' quarters/lounge, while the upper (pilot) deck serves as a command center.  Here also are kept the bodies of the githwarriors who fell in battle.  Thirteen armored warriors, side by side.

The brig Darkflame is given those warriors still in fighting trim, while the Sound of Thunder  is set up as the hospital.  The nineteen casualties included those greviously wounded or crippled, and therefore not counted as fighting githwarriors.  These included the maimed Ha'kan'a, and five others.  There are scores of more moderate injuries as well.

As dawn breaks and fresh warriors are ferried over, the Blades of Git'riban are invited to the Fume.

All, that is, except Ii'jyka'vaar.  Gib reports that though she was sighted astride a wyvern, the fleet lost sight of her in the night.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath takes flight across

Kirath takes flight across the sky over to the Sound Of Thunder where he uses his healing and lesser restoration wands to heal as many of the wounded back to fighting shape as possible. (OOC just tell me how many charges you think will suffice to accomplish O Great DM). After using the wands he returns to the Fume and debriefs the officers of the raid.

After finishing up with this task he finds the Blades and says to new found companions "Recount to me the details of your raids in Sigil if you would." As we have not had the time to confer in this matter." "I would also like to give you an oppurtunity to pose any questions to me."


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Git'ribani are ferried

The Git'ribani are ferried over, or fly under their own power.  Ya'shenn's skiff forms up with the Fume, and though the hatches are too damaged to dock properly, the skiff's fresh pilot maintains an even five feet distance between the ships, allowing the Sigilan githyanki to disembark.  

On the Sound of Thunder, Ha'kan'a rebukes the fleet's healers and insists he is fit for duty.  He attends the Fume with his greatsword strapped to his side and the stump of his upper leg.  He uses it like a combination peg leg/crutch, though it is just a bit taller than he is, so he has to grasp the hilt from below.  He never did have a scabbard for it, so one was made for him by the crew of the Sound of Fury from those that wrapped the blades of the other incapacitated.  Due to the size of the blade, there was little leather left over.

Ha'kan'a, Sark'ja, Kitiir, and K'tch stand a bit apart from the other githyanki.  Their dress is even more non-traditional than the other Git'ribani, being much more like Sigilan street-toughs than githwarriors, except for their weapons which are all of githyanki make.  Ha'kan'a's greatsword is especially notable, as it is obvious the young githwarrior hasn't the stature to weild it properly, yet besides a dagger it is his only weapon.

Gy-Nath bows to Kirath, though not too low, for now that the battle is over, he does not consider himself or his team as commanded by the warlock.  When asked about the rrakkma in Sigil, he gives a succinct military-style report.  The kith'rak is vague on how they knew the layout of the portals used, but details their movements and successes.  First the Hive Brothel, then the Packing House. Five confirmed kills, one probable kill in the case of 'Mudshow', and an illithid-bred monstrosity that bears further research in the case of 'Violet' from the Brothel.  The five constitute a true rrakkma, since there are five surviving members of that party (Ii, Ya, Du, Ar, & Gy).  The other party had five survivors who were left in Sigil and four who are now here.

"At this point, I must turn to my sarth, for I myself have only a brief report of their activities."

K'tch, who had been thusfar been listening in the background being sublitly mollested by Sark'ja steps forward.  "Your renditions, though adequate, need work my captain.  They serve to inform but capture neither the horror nor nobility of a rrakkma.  You'll have to relate the story to me again, and the other hunters as well, so I may remember all the details.  But for now ... "

The streets of Sigil / Hide a secret underworld / Of wet stone and death.

For the Ghaiks' affront / Blades of Githariban hunt / Following their path.

In a deep cistern / Sentries of horror await / but they fear mage-fire.

Swarms of orcish thralls / Fare no better, and all die / Jhank'kor the Dark, Chal.

Urophion hide / The trap is sprung, a gith falls / Galch'k, Power Mind.

Soldier-thralls ready / But not quite ready enough / They join dead masters.

The hunt is on now / The Enemy does not know / The Blades know their lairs.

A side door ajar / Three Enemies are surprized / Kills of honor now.

Sark'ja, Ready Shiv / Kal and Kitiir, sho-dai Blades  / Slayers of Gith's foes.

Another portal / One more ghaik, many more thralls / A fight to the death.

Odd-job Jornish, Gish / A master of all weapons / And winds of magic.

Lam'k the Mind Blade / Body and Will are the same / Full measure is made.

Now they know we know / A strong force sent against us / Meets Jhank'kor's magic.

Three ghaik masters lead / Many thralls and many beasts / Fodder for our blades.

True children of Gith / Triumph walks with tragedy / Bitter victory.

Assassin's ambush / The skull of Kal torn open / Kitiir avenges.

Bru'chark, the Strong Arm / Cut by many blades of woe / Life on precipice

The Enemy pays / We are too strong, they are dead / Their heads in our sacks.

Vivic the Death Mage / His power heals his siblings / And strikes down his foes.

Ha'kan'a the Young / Father's blade, mother's blessing / Now a warrior.

Xar'sauken the Free / Blade, sorcery, strenth, wisdom / Death to slave drivers.

Sark'ja bathes in blood / Kan'chik Two-Shiv, swift, fatal / Kitii'r's bloody tears.

Now for the doorstep / A palace of the doomed waits / undersigil door.

Strong guardians stand / Alert, skilled, and many foes / The battle is joined.

Urophion guard / Two illithid mind masters / Bodyguard muscle.

Reinforcements come / Surprized  to find battle here / In Illithid House

Lam'k falls, hard fought / Jank'kor's last spells are triggered / Jor'nish is cut down.

Kan'chik is wounded / Blades of Git'riban triumph / mystery remains.

Sark'ja, Ha'kana / Kitiir scout out the portal / The rest stay behind.

Githyanki regroup / Another panicing ghaik / Mysteries deepen.

Rearguard to retreat / The Strike Force follows the Scouts / A story begins. 

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Na stands patiently to the

Na stands patiently to the side of the conference, listening intently to the report, but having little comment. Sthar joins her, while theremaining Jade wariors continue their duties.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Na stands patiently to the

Na stands patiently to the side of the conference, listening intently to the report, but having little comment. Sthar joins her, while theremaining Jade wariors continue their duties.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees her fleet

Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees her fleet slowly slide away from her view and knows soon the sun will fall and cover her in darkness...

She sofly sings a little to the dragonkin now and then in order to make it feel comfortable to her mastery of it, as she keeps tight reign of the wyvern she is now trying to master, she tries to inspire the Wyvern to keep focus on the knowledge that there is a swarm to catch up to, and that it shows her its best if and when they will arrive at the fleets landingpoint across the big watery surface.

Later she seems to drift in and out of focus whilst she floats through the air on the Wyverns back as if its all in a trance and the world around her seems to  blur, maybe because of her connection with the weapon, maybe because the fight and long duration of travel is taking a toll on her stamina, she will never be sure...

When she starts to wake out of her trance she sees that dawn is breaking.. she stiffles a yawn and breaks the Wyverns flight so that she flies a bit down and to the side barely above the water, and streches a hand out to break a wave and get some moisture on her face, after these acrobatic moves, she lets the Wyvern set back into a steady pace to reach the coastline and thus some sort of safety she hopes...

(waiting for DM to give some input back to how and what next)



Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ya'shenn's mood begins to

Ya'shenn's mood begins to lighten as she, Du'minh, and Na'rai rejoin the fleet. At a time when Ii'Jyka'Vaar is in range, she sends to the githees:

~Congratulations on your new pet, sister.

Once the multiple adrenaline rushes of the day begin to wind down, the psion begins to feel first tired, then increasingly exhausted. And hungry. It's hard to think about food when a mind flayer is eating another ghaik's brain in front of you. Her dreams tonight will probably not be pleasant.

Naturally, the psion offers her remaining healing powers to the fleet, though she is nearly drained herself. Once the debriefing begins, Ya'shenn listens carefully to both Gy-Nath's narrative (both what the kith'rak includes and elects to leave out) and the bard's musical rendition. Though sufficiently impressed by K'tch's musical ability, she cracks a faint, brief smile at 'We are too strong, they are dead.' That lyric could use some more work. She is no bard, though, and appreciates the fact that one of the members of their rrakkma band has both musical aptitude and training.

'Azure' wrote:
"Your renditions, though adequate, need work my captain. They serve to inform but capture neither the horror nor nobility of a rrakkma. You'll have to relate the story to me again, and the other hunters as well, so I may remember all the details."

How unsurprising.

The psion is not too worried about Ii'Jyka'Vaar, who seems unlikely to fall off anything vaguely draconic, and about as unlikely to be bested in combat. Still...

'Bladedancer' wrote:
"I would also like to give you an oppurtunity to pose any questions to me."

Let us see... A place to eat. A place to sleep. As much information as you can spare about this particular Prime world, including maps. Any portals to Sigil or thereabouts -- definitely. Any recent news from the Silver Void. Any future intentions your warband holds toward the yuan-ti. Further graith or illithid enemies you plan to attack, or need to defend against. Research materials that might tell me what that... thing... [mental image of Violet] was.

"Our githees is not with us at the moment. While I would imagine that she is simply working with her new wyvern, perhaps we should..."

The psion does not really want to spend the 'evening' (for even though it is actually dawn, Ya'shenn has not slept yet) looking for Ii'Jyka'Vaar, mainly because she is drained and hoping to relax after a day of rrakkma and being portal-jacked (as Sigilian cant has it) to some strange plane. She would hope that this band would do the same for any of its members, though.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Throughout the events






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Throughout the events that transpire since they join with the fleet, Du’minh feels a growing sense of nostalgia. From docking procedures at the brig, asking for directions on deck, and battle reports of their operations – it all reminds him of times where he lived among peers that he could trust.


He nods approvingly to K’tch’s musical piece, before taking up the offer of questions.


“First of all, you have my gratitude for the hospitality, Kirath.”


“I have many questions – we all do, surely. However, I was hoping we could reserve the majority of them until after we have had some rest – and when we are all accounted for.”


“For now, I would respectfully like to inquire what the immediate plans are for this fleet. Where is it currently headed, what are its present goals, and what command does it ultimately answer to? … If these are not too sensitive questions, that is.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dunamin wrote: “For

Dunamin wrote:






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“For now, I would respectfully like to inquire what the immediate plans are for this fleet. Where is it currently headed, what are its present goals, and what command does it ultimately answer to? … If these are not too sensitive questions, that is.”

It is a female duthka'gith at Kirath's right hand who answers Du'minh.  She dwarfs the little sorcerer, though she is only slightly larger than a full-blooded githyanki.  This is Gib, and like many of the crew of the Fume, she wears a prominant badge in the shape of a red flame.

"We are currently headed back to our southern base, Dragon Isle, a journey of about five days."

"As for our command, we are currently serving the Copper Ring."  She answers slyly.

[Fact is, that question is HUGE.  For now, the githyanki will only reveal that they serve under Kirath, but it should soon be obvious that that is only for this mission, and in fact Kirath is being used as a shield.  He's 'in command' and will be the primary recipient of honors for victory, or punishment if things had gone wrong.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOC: DM, when does

OOC: DM, when does Ii'Jyka'Vaar arrive? or is there still something going to happen?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Ii can return at any time,

[Ii can return at any time, nothing really prevents her arrival.  The wyvern is slower, but it could take a more direct intercepting route.  The astral ships are going west over fifty miles before turning north.  Ii can 'cut the corner' and meet up wth them.]

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOC: sorry for short notice.

OOC: sorry for short notice. I'm gone until the 26th, so please NPC me. Should have notified earlier.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees the that

Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees the that the ships veer off northwise before she even reaches that point where they veered off and she rethinks the flight path, so the Wyvern needs less continues flight...

Eager to get to land and rest the Wyvern, she spurs it on to catch up, and hopes for the best that the Wyverns stamina can hold its own..

...when she sees the coast she finally lets her sigh come out, the Wyvern tired from the extensive flight, growls, but if this is out of satisfaction or anger, is not sure..

Ii'Jyka receives the missive and thinks what to reply, but when she notes that she cant, she smirks and  thinks of thanking her sister later face to face, and to come up with some idea of an item with which to speak like her psionic sister can.. one of many on a evergrowing list of needs...

When she nears the flying "camp", she tries to find a spot where the Wyvern cant do to much damage, and land him   (BoGrstrikes again!, fracking 1= still an 18, lol.)

When the Wyvern decides to grapple a passing Skiff, Ii'Jyka tries to reigh him in, but in an awry attempt, this in turn makes the Wyvern miss its intended target and go nose down into the ground...

She makes a kind of crash landing going through a few meters of grass and ground... pieces of grass flying all over, "Nackhram Narghal, Nackhram Naerghoi, Nackhram Nerghal!" she spats out in irritation whilst the Wyvern just misses the Skiff and hit the ground hard.. making it more sound like a curse then a command.. probably directed at the Wyvern but none can be sure...finally making a standstill just a few meters along the grass and under the Skiff, that Ii'Jyka swears the Wyvern thought he had to grab...

when the tumultuous landing is over, she makes an effort of getting of the Wyvern, but keeps hold of the reigns, and says in Draconic to the dragonling;"Do not eat 2leggers, we will provide food for you..." (intimidate to make him understand) Then she proceeds to adress any one Gith within earshot to get her food (preferably alive) for the Wyvern and adress her arrival to the commander in chief.

(edited again)

17 Bonus for ride-dragon to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 18.
7 Bonus for intimidate to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 21.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[DM = There are no tents and

[DM = There are no tents and no camp.  The astral ships can move 24 hours a day.  However, a natural 1 could mean that Ii can't get the wyvern to understand the fleet isn't 'prey'.  However, once it is reported that Ii is back, Gib et al can help Ii capture the wyvern for re-training.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'Dru spends a good amount

Ar'Dru spends a good amount of the flight time repairing and polishing his armour after the damage sustained from the barrage of arrows.

After making himself presentable he joins the rest of the group on the Fume and accepts any healing offered before standing ridgidly as the reports are exchanged. He makes a mental note to speak to the female Duthka'gith if the opportunity arises but says nothing at this point.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du’minh nods






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Du’minh nods affirmatively to Gib and falls quiet for the time being, having no more immediately pressing concerns and waiting to see if any other participants of the meeting have something to say.


He keeps keenly aware of the fact that Gib spoke out in place of Kirath, and carefully notes who beside her may have some implied measure of authority beyond that signified by visible rank.


Politics at play, perhaps... We will see in the coming days, assuming our stay here will have that time-frame…

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar crosses her

Ii'Jyka'Vaar crosses her arms on her chest, standing impatiently as any cavalry officer does when having to deal with footsoldiers and holds the reigns of the Wyvern casually in her fist...all the while looking up to the Skiffs and Brigs that float above..

(Cavalristic attitude to the bone)

...She notes that the Fume is actually quite near, and decides to go there and not await for any "assistance".. she mounts again and lifts the wyvern off.. a few flaps and she lands the Wyvern on top of the Fume, she enters and is slightly amused by the Wyverns enthousiasm and its head poking in after she entered...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dunamin wrote: He keeps

Dunamin wrote:

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He keeps keenly aware of the fact that Gib spoke out in place of Kirath, and carefully notes who beside her may have some implied measure of authority beyond that signified by visible rank.

Aboard the Fume are about a dozen officers and men.  Two githwarriors watch over the bodies of the fallen as an honor guard.  Had every body been recovered, it would have been three, but as one was not, an empty space stands to signify his absence.  The officers and elites around Kirath and Gib are mostly duthka'gith. [DM since wei is afk, Na'rai and her group are not aboard the Fume yet.]

Gib herself is a tall, muscular gith with dark bronze skin.  Her head is shaven, or perhaps it does not grow hair.  Her eyes, reptilian and rimmed in red, give away her draconic blood.  She wears no armor, and her wrappings are accentuated with fine silks, likely plundered from some rich barbarian.  She wears a good deal of gold as well, in piercings, bracelets and rings.

There were two sarth for the strikeforce under Kirath and Gib.  Gish Xykk't is a very reptilan-looking duthka'gith, though unlike the massive Ar'dru she is no larger than an average githyanki.  She has a large tail, and she is a lythe and swift warrior.  Her skin is covered with blood-red scales, and she has large black tatoos.  Her sword arms are tatooed with black flames while the shoulder of her sword arm has a fresher tatoo of five blades in a spiral.

Sarth Tar'geel is a full-blooded githyanki, a seasoned veteran githwarrior.  He wears a battered but well-maintained set of heavy armor that marks him as Band of Garnet.  He and his warriors seem to stand apart from the duthka'gith around Kirath.  He openly wears a badge that the githyanki from Sigil have not seen before, a straight-bladed sword wreathed in flames.  Many of his men wear the same badge in some form, though only one of them is also of Garnet, the others being from various other warbands, including Onyx, Silver, Jet, and Ruby. 

Tar'geel's troops seem to outnumber Xykk't's.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ii'jyka'vaar, astride the

Ii'jyka'vaar, astride the stolen wyvern, manages to get the beast to alight upon the Fume.  The astral brig smells faintly of red dragon, and the wyvern settles down to rest.  The Fume can handle the weight, but exiting through the top hatch has become ... dangerous.  The wyvern bites at everyone who isn't Ii'jyka'vaar.  When the knight tries to enter the ship, she finds that the wyvern has stuck its head inside, flashing fang at anyone who gets too close to it or its new master.

Gib seems to find the affair ammusing, since Tar'geel's githyanki are more intimidated than the duthka'gith, who have more experience being near a dragon.  Her smile falters when she gets a better look at Ii'jyka'vaar, though.  "Warrior, you have a head in your bag.  I *know* you got the order to drop all heads over the graith city.  I felt a strange cold in your mind, brief and shallow as the contact was.  Why did you disobey, soldier?"


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Honorable Kith'rak Gib...,

"Honorable Kith'rak Gib..., no offense meant, but I do not acknowledge your command over me, though I respect your rank, I will not throw a legally aquired token of win over the great foe away for anybody.."  with that she bows slightly with her head to show she does have respect for a rank, but nonetheless does not comply..

10 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 22.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Not Bad] "Well, a Knight

[Not Bad]

"Well, a Knight of Vlaakith who acknowledges no authority over her.  Unsurprizing."  Gib scoffs, "It will be up to commander Kirath to determine what sanction, if any, you will face.  In the meantime, you needn't worry about your new friend.  He is not long for a meal.  We cross the Shining Plains soon, and it is a standing order that any githyanki overflying this region spill the blood of graith.  In the lowerdark, several miles below barbarian city of Assam lies the powerful Illithid sept of Oryndoll.  We remind the graith of this with their own blood.  Assam has been raided a dozen times, and will be raided again before tomorrow's dawn."  

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath looks at the

Kirath looks at the duth'ka-gith with a look of bemusement (for he has no love for the Knight) "Although the order was given. The trophy that the Knight has did not come from the raid on Holendeth so I see no reason for punishment."  "As far as the raiding on the Graith's city of Assam I assume your party will join us Knight Ii'Jika'Var?"

Kirath then smiles at Ii and asks  "Could  you perhaps calm your beast so none of the soldiers loses any limbs?"

Kirath then turns to Tar-geel and all the other officer's present and says "The Enemy and graith blood we have spilt over the skies of Holendeth will not be forgotten soon by either the Enemy or those that harbor them!" "Let your soldiers know that I applaud them on there efforts to destroy our ancient foes." "Make sure everyone is rested so we can take the fight to the barbarians of Assam in the morning."

With that done he turns to K'tch and speaks in  low voice"I enjoyed your performance. Perhaps you could compose one on our efforts in Holendeth and the raid that will happen in the morning"



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