Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17



6 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 11.
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 10.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14


1 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 5.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13


4 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 6.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Before the the group can

Before the the group can cut through the illithid and his mind-slaves the sudden appearance of 4 gith warriors appear through the tell-tale gith ability of a dimension door. They are led by a very slightly built githyanki with a look of hate evident on his face. With a cry he releases a bolt of arcane might channeled through a small mace that is shaped like a red dragon's head at the illithid. The abomination is blasted to the floor where the gith-warriors  finish them off with their blades. Without another word he blasts one of the other thralls in to the dead book while the remaining gith warriors secure the last thrall.

After the initial shock of the sudden appearance of unsolicited aid has confronted the party they get a better look at the interloper githyanki. Their apparent leader is a shade over 5 feet tall weighing about 120 lbs.He is dressed in a simple chain shirt with a tabard over it with  the insignia of the Copper Ring (a sub-group of the Band of Copper). He wears a small quiver of wands on his belt which also has a few illithid skulls swinging from it as well.  He wields the small dragon-headed mace in his hand with no other apparent weapons on his person. The other 3 githyanki are dressed in typical gith-wear (ornate splint mail and shining deadly blades).

The slight gith looks around at the stunned warband and his gaze settles on the duthka-gith and says in a voice that is tainted by suspicion with undertones of respect 

"Explain you and your compatriots appearance here duthka-gith."  "For this my raid and I do not remember inviting any outsiders to it."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Though the small githyanki

Though the small githyanki addressed Ar'dru, it is Gy-Nath who replies.

"Brothers, this is unexpected on our parts as well.  We have just come from the City of Doors via portal.  We were tracking illithid activity that led us here, but did not expect others to be doing so from alternate directions.  There are two more parties of our brothers somewhere in this Palace.  We know not where, for the portal jacked us.  I am Gy-Nath of Ironrock, operating out of Git'riban.  This is K'tch of the Esoteric Order.  Du'minh of Steel. Ya'shenn the Double-edged.  Ar'dru Cha'rir.  Knight Ii'jyka'vaar.  Allow us to join ... 'your' raid, and together many ghaik and their pawns will fall to our blades."

There is another reverberating boom, even closer this time, and the floor shakes.

*{Flavor notes:  Gy-Nath has been a resident of Sigil for quite some time, as evidenced by his use of the term 'jacked' when refering to the portal, which is planar cant.  In fact the use of the term might make the cultured Ya'shenn secretly wince.}

*{Gy-Nath introduces the party in the order of what he sees as the chain of command.  It is a small but obvious dishonor to introduce the Knight last.  This would never have happened during Vlaakith's reign.}

*{By refering to the raid as Kirath's, though reluctantly, Gy-Nath is essentially putting himself and the whole party under Kirath's command, at least temporarilly.  There are multiple reasons for this.  It is now obvious that Kirath's raid started first.  He and his githwarriors got the first kill of the two groups.  Gy is Kith'rak to a small raiding party, while he now suspects Kirath has more warriors under his command.  Kirath, having attacked from the 'landward side' knows far more about the layout, defenses, etc., of the Palace.}

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath slightly surprised

Kirath slightly surprised by  Gy-Nath's diplomatic behavior says in a equally diplomatic tone   "Welcome to the Prime World of Toril my brothers and sisters. "I am Kirath of the Band of Copper" "The ghaik are being harbored  here in Hlondeth a city ruled by yuan-ti with humans as their slaves."We decided to destroy this palace and drop the heads of the ENEMY across the city as a lesson to the snake-men of our intolerance to whoever harbors them" "I have 10 squads of 4 doing search and destroy missions througout the palace" Kirath turns to his men and tells them with a wicked grin to "Link up with Tar-Geel's squad and tell him I will give our "guest's" a tour of the palace"

The gith-warriors give him an incredulous look but know how to take orders and quickly get themselves gone.  Looking at the last thrall still breathing "Now what to do with you?" Kirath's says with quiet menace.  Looking to the other's  "Any suggestions?"

OOC He looks around to see if any of the rag tag is wounded if any are he fingers a wand and offers to heal their wounds as going tow ar with a weakened warband is just bad tactics,

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
I swear that is the

I swear that is the shortest son of Gith I have ever seen. Ya'shenn keeps the silent observation to herself, of course, not wanting to give offense to the newcomer. The psion also notes that the spellcaster instinctively assumes that Ar'dru is the commander of their informal band, rather than Gy-Nath or even the knight. A fact which, combined with the dragon-headed mace, tells her a great deal about him already.

'Azure' wrote:
"Knight Ii'jyka'vaar."
Though she takes care to keep her face impassive, the insult warms the psion's heart. Even though Ya'shenn gets along with the knight much better than she once had. She is once again reminded that the kith'rak is more subtle than many githyanki, a fact she appreciates.

'Bladedancer' wrote:
The gith-warriors give him an incredulous look but know how to take orders and quickly get themselves gone. Looking at the last thrall still breathing "Now what to do with you?" Kirath's says with quiet menace. Looking to the other's "Any suggestions?"

As the spellcaster speaks, Ya'shenn's eyes scan him for any sign of rank insignia -- she doesn't know whether this one has a formal title like Ii'Jyka'Vaar has, and would not wish to give him offense through ignorance. "I am honored to make your acquaintance -- however inadvertently." If he has ever heard its like before, the woman's cultured accent, interspersed with an archaic word here and there, immediately places her among one of the more erudite citizens of Tu'narath. If she takes any notice of the spellcaster's abrupt manners, she doesn't show it.

'Azure' wrote:
There is another reverberating boom, even closer this time, and the floor shakes.

"In truth, I was hoping to keep one of the thralls alive to question it. However -- you may well know more about this place than this creature, and at the moment, I'm rather more concerned about ceiling collapse." She leads the spellcaster's eyes upward.

[Kirath may well have heard of the Order of the Double-Edged Mind, to which Gy-Nath referred, implying that Ya'shenn is most likely either a telepath or a clairsentient. I think every single member of Gy-Nath's party, except maybe K'tch, is wounded.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath will use his wand on

Kirath will use his wand on anyone wishing to be healed.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though Du’minh is

Though Du’minh is genuinely pleased to join forces with a like-minded band of brethren, he is nevertheless cautious about the convenience of timing – they have experienced treachery among their own before.

After Gy-Nath has provided introductions, the Rish greets Kirath and his warriors with what respect and custom is appropriate for the newcomer’s perceived rank, but for now keeps a strictly unassuming disposition.

“It is truly an honor to rally under an operation of this scope and with equal dedication to purge the Great Enemy wherever it may hide. Certainly a fortuitous, if unexpected, turn of events...”

“How far have your troops progressed throughout the Palace? Have we arrived merely to finish off the desert or are first courses only just now being served?”


Du’minh has lost about 30 hp and would gladly accept the healing Kirath offers. While he does so, Du takes a thorough reading over of his aura.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Even the psion is happy to

Even the psion is happy to accept any healing that Kirath is willing to provide -- though only, it should be noted, after anyone else who desires healing has received it, and only if the spellcaster of the Band of Copper is willing to continue healing by then. Ya'shenn cannot be sure how much further her powers will be expended in the Palace, so she has been necessarily -- at least, in her own mind -- parsimonious.

[Ya'shenn is at 32 of 42 hp currently.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
[ooc- Ar'Dru's about 25

[ooc- Ar'Dru's about 25 hp's down]

Ar'Dru gives a toothy smile to the newcomer "Surely the ghaik will scatter like ash in the wind before the strength of our forces sibling, I am eager to hear more of the layout of this lair"

Ar'dru happily accepts aid if given, keen to be back at the for of any fighting.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar whinces at the

Ii'Jyka'Vaar whinces at the insult by Gy-Nath, but chooses to keep silent for now, she also is not impressed by the arrogance displayed initially by the newcomer, and she certainly does not accept any healing from this "mage"...

"I abstain from healing.." she directs at the "little (she herself is




/* Style Definitions */
mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
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Height: 6ft 4 inch.) gith mage" (though its clear she is wounded, but not severely)

HP: 49 of the 57 (4 rounds of fast heal + damage tally from those rounds)

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath spends the next few

Kirath spends the next few minutes the party (I having trouble with the dice roller as far getting everyone's heals  separated out so I just rolled it all at once so I guess Iwill use as many charges as it takes to get everyone up to near full health) 

After healing the party (except the knight who she shoots a quizzical look) He says to Gy'nath "I truly am glad to have the assistance of your band. Could you perhaps tell me your group's capabilities so we can coordinate better? " He then turns his attention to Du' Minh and says "The raid has just begun my brother. our intelligence reports indicates there at least a dozen illithid and as many as twenty."

To Yashenn he says "The pleasure of our meeting is all mine"

To Ar'dru he says "I expect nothing less from a dunka'gith"

To Ii'Jyka'Vaar he shrugs and says Well suit your self but know the offer still stands if you decide you need it" 

He then goes into more detail on the basic layout of the complex noting that his squads are taking out the softer targets while his squad was to take out the tougher defences

He then smiles and says "Which will be much easier now with your group's help"

3 Bonus for caster level to do heal
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 10.
3 Bonus for caster level to do heal
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 11.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d8+3, the result is 10.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Your offer to the group

"Your offer to the group for their needed healing is appreciated, however, do not again ask me for healing unless I ask for it myself, as I have powers that make me less in need of magical healing then the others of my band...", she looks sternly at the little mage when saying this and then turns away to proceed her movement to the Calamari, but then suddenly stops dead in her tracks and almost as if hit in her abdomen, leans on her blade and coughs blood up, which she spits out.. onto the floor and then stands straight and tall as if nothing had happened...

Her eyes for a second light up like little flares of dark blue instead of the black with small blue pinpricks they normally are...

Several seconds later she blinks and resumes her normal posture..  "Shall we continue onwards...?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ya'shenn thanks Kirath

Ya'shenn thanks Kirath courteously for the healing (feeling an inward relief that she doesn't have to spend even more of her psionic strength at the moment). As the others converse, she turns the bulk of her attention to the thrall, mainly trying to read how this one is faring, and what his (or her, or its) station in life might have been prior to its enthrallment. The psion has many options for dealing with a graith, and the barbarian's appearance and demeanor might let her know which might be optimal.

She glances up to the ceiling more than once, obviously concerned about how well this chamber will hold up, under the circumstances.

[No obvious mind-marks on this one, right? Race, gender, age? How is the graith being restrained? Is the thrall still looking 'blank and fanatical' or...?]

[Does it sound more like spellcasting, trebuchets, or...? Just the typical sounds of a githyanki military assault?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du’minh offers

Du’minh offers his gratitude for the healing, but while Kirath is occupied tending to Ya’shenn and Ar’dru, he pulls Gy-Nath aside and speaks with him in a hushed voice for only them to hear.

“It may not be my place to question your orders, kith’rak – for that I ask your forgiveness – but is it wise to relinquish control of our band this readily?” Du’minh has not missed the compliment inherent in being mentioned third in the implied pecking order, and for what may be the first time uses Gy-Nath’s proper title.

“We have come this far, by no small feat and tasked to our limit, that I am wary of drastic changes to strategy when seeing our mission through to its conclusion. This overtly beneficial encounter seems a little too convenient… The chal claims to preside over an extensive strikeforce yet is surprised to see us, even though we are not the first of our numbers to arrive on the scene. I suggest we request a measure of their latest intelligence as a sign of good faith – notably to determine if there are signs of what happened to Sark’ja, Ha’kan’a, and Kitiir.”



Du’minh closely studies the aura(s) radiating from Kirath – any signs of illusion magic among them?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Gy-Nath quietly replies to

Gy-Nath quietly replies to Du'minh, "Your concerns are noted, brother, and shared, believe me.  However, between the apparent activities of the portal, and the good chance that a great many of the archways in this Palace will collapse in the near future, we may find that this warlock is in fact our only way back.  We find ourselves part of a larger force, seemingly, so it is my natural inclination to put our small force into the existing command structure.  Also, it has certainly worked in quickly putting our new host into an amicable state of mind, and he knows the larger situation better than we."

Gy-Nath looks on as the warlock doles out charges from his healing wand, but after a few minutes slides up beside him and speaks softly.  "Your aid is welcome, brother, but I must inform you there are others who were to follow who have greater wounds.  We are fit enough now, I think, and would ask you to reserve some power for after the battle."


"I truly am glad to have the assistance of your band. Could you perhaps tell me your group's capabilities so we can coordinate better? "

"We are strong blades, be assured."  Gy-Nath crypicly replies, "But we lack arcane spell-fire.  Still, we have done well for ourselves and between us count a full rrakkma this night."


{Notes: officially, a rrakkma is only complete when illithid dead = number of gith in the party.  Thus Kirath knows the party has killed at least six illithid already.}

{Yes, Gy was a bit vague when answering the question about capabilities, while also self-promoting the group a bit.  Basicly, he's saying to Kirath "Let me worry about how we kill illithid, just show us where to go." without actually saying it.}

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Du'minh notices no illusion

Du'minh notices no illusion magic on the tiny gith. He does notice a moderate aura of necromancy coming off his mace and a moderate aura of evocation coming off a necklace that he wears. The warlock also has a few wands that leave a small impression of necromancy taint and one with an evocation aura. 


Gynath said

"We are strong blades, be assured."  Gy-Nath crypicly replies, "But we lack arcane spell-fire.  Still, we have done well for ourselves and between us count a full rrakkma this night."

The warlock replies with a grin  "The Arcane firepower I will provide." "If you will agree to let me travel with you."

Gynath said

"We are strong blades, be assured."  Gy-Nath crypicly replies, "But we lack arcane spell-fire.  Still, we have done well for ourselves and between us count a full rrakkma this night."

The warlock looks suitably impressed at this  "Well then let's add to your count eh?"

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Du'minh notices no illusion

Du'minh notices no illusion magic on the tiny gith. He does notice a moderate aura of necromancy coming off his mace and a moderate aura of evocation coming off a necklace that he wears. The warlock also has a few wands that leave a small impression of necromancy taint and one with an evocation aura. 


Gynath said

"We are strong blades, be assured."  Gy-Nath crypicly replies, "But we lack arcane spell-fire.  Still, we have done well for ourselves and between us count a full rrakkma this night."

The warlock replies with a grin  "The Arcane firepower I will provide." "If you will agree to let me travel with you."

Gynath said

"We are strong blades, be assured."  Gy-Nath crypicly replies, "But we lack arcane spell-fire.  Still, we have done well for ourselves and between us count a full rrakkma this night."

The warlock looks suitably impressed at this  "Well then let's add to your count eh?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
[Sense Motive - the thrall]

[Sense Motive - the thrall]

13 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 24.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
[I figure very detailed

[I figure very detailed dialogue here would require a number of posts, so I'll try to keep it relatively short.]

'Dunamin' wrote:
Du’minh offers his gratitude for the healing, but while Kirath is occupied tending to Ya’shenn and Ar’dru, he pulls Gy-Nath aside and speaks with him in a hushed voice for only them to hear.

'Azure' wrote:
Gy-Nath looks on as the warlock doles out charges from his healing wand, but after a few minutes slides up beside him and speaks softly.

As first Du'minh and Gy-Nath, then later Gy-Nath and Kirath engage in their own conversations, the psion glances over each time with mild curiosity. She decides not to attempt to listen in, though, as she places much trust (for the most part) in the Rish-i-Chal and the kith'rak at this point.

Instead, Ya'shenn begins to ask her questions of the ex-thrall -- beginning with the simple matter of his name. (Should he still be able to remember it, of course.) As she speaks, her voice is thoroughly mild -- almost gentle. The contrast between her own demeanor and the numerous large, armored, fierce-looking githwarriors is likely to be startling for him.

"Would you be free of your foul masters? More, would you avenge yourself on them, if you could?"

The psion watches the thrall closely for any sign of either resistance or untruth, and asks a few probing questions to try to get a sense of whether this one knows anything useful to their informal warband in the first place. "What do you know about the portals here? Has there been any pattern to their skipping in the past?"

"How many mind flayers --" she uses the term deliberately, since a barbarian might not even know the word 'illithid,' much less ghaik -- "are in the Palace right now? Do they have any plan of response in the event of an attack?"

"Where are the nobles usually? How are they likely to respond to an attack?"

"Have you seen any others of our kind here?" Ya'shenn is hoping for information on Sark'ja and her companions, without mentioning them in detail.

The Double-Edged looks at Du'minh for a moment, being aware of his very tactically-focused mind. The Rish-i-Chal may well have questions of his own to ask.

[Ya'shenn may well end up using either Charm Person or Detect Thoughts on him, but it depends on how he responds initially to questions. Plus, that was a pretty good Sense Motive roll.]



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar stands

Ii'Jyka'Vaar stands unemotional whilst the interrogation continues, and tries to recall anything she might know about the relation between Tiamat and her own "link..."

She also tries to spot and value how much this newcommer is worth in tactical means

ooc: weird dice rolls, at least no ones Eye-wink


3 Bonus for know. religion to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 14.
6 Bonus for spot to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 14.
5 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 15.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13

Zimrazim wrote:
The Double-Edged looks at Du'minh for a moment, being aware of his very tactically-focused mind. The Rish-i-Chal may well have questions of his own to ask.

Du’minh nods thoughtfully back, though he has only two questions to add to Ya’shenn’s interrogation.

“Your former master spent its last words ordering you to the gardens – what lies there? Will more mind flayers be there or heading for these gardens?”


If the thrall at all hesitates in answering questions, Du’minh circles up next to it and leans in threateningly to play up the contrast between himself and Ya’shenn.



Du does the Good Cop - Bad Cop thing to aid Ya’shenn’s interrogation.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The slave is clean of both

The slave is clean of both body and clothing, and fit in a way that vigorous physical labor produces.  A palace slave, not a brainwashed long-term thrall of the illithid.

Ya'shenn: "Would you be free of your foul masters? More, would you avenge yourself on them, if you could?"

The slave blinks and looks somewhat confused, "F ... free?  What?  Foul?  Avenge?  But ... but the nobles provide for us, and they would do horrible things to those who defy them.  Such ... horrible things."

"What do you know about the portals here? Has there been any pattern to their skipping in the past?"

"Portal?  I ... I don't know what you mean.  The mind-flayer mentioned something like that, but I have no idea what it meant."

"How many mind flayers are in the Palace right now? Do they have any plan of response in the event of an attack?"

"I'm not sure how many there are.  The tenticled one stole me from my noble master.  It ... compelled me to follow.  Its mind was so strong ... so strong."  The slave hangs his head.  "I ... I don't know how many there are, but I saw at least six.  The mind flayers used to come here, but then disappered for a time.  Only recently have they been returning.  I don't know what they trade to the nobles.  Do you ... do you think they compell them too?  The monster's mind was so strong.  Maybe ... maybe they are stronger than the nobles'."

"I don't know what plans they have, if any.  When they heard that githyanki flying ships had been sighted, they scattered, each seeking a different place in the Palace.  I did not know what the mind flayer meant when it mentioned a portal, but whatever it was, it seemed like it could be almost anywhere, and kept moving around.  We tried the banquet hall before the pool."

"Where are the nobles usually? How are they likely to respond to an attack?"

"I ... I won't betray the nobles.  Their guests, these horrible monsters that worm inside your mind, they can die for all I care, but I won't betray my providers.  Kill me instead, it would be peferable to what the nobles would do to me."

The human slave drops his eyes.  Dispite the lack of illithid conditioning, the slave seems adequately broken by a lifetime of service to the Yuan-ti.  No wonder the illithid like it here.  Dominating such personalities probably takes very little effort on their parts, and makes them feel almost at home.

"Have you seen any others of our kind here?"

"No, I have not, but we have been on the move since the alarm was first raised."

Du'Minh:  “Your former master spent its last words ordering you to the gardens – what lies there? Will more mind flayers be there or heading for these gardens?”

"I'm not sure, but likely.  Each mind flayer seemed to want to seek the ... the 'portal' ... on its own.  We sought first the banquet hall, then the pool.  Others headed towards the gardens, the statue gallery, the hall of tapestries, the kitchens and the ... the ... torture chambers."


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: "...the

'Azure' wrote:
"...the banquet hall...the ... torture chambers..."

Ugh. It's too easy to imagine the ghaik putting such places to use...

She 'asks' the slave to describe the layout of the place in detail -- the banquet hall, statue gallery, and all the other locations mentioned. "How many... servants..." thralls, "are we likely to find in each place?"

'Azure' wrote:
"I ... I won't betray the nobles. Their guests, these horrible monsters that worm inside your mind, they can die for all I care, but I won't betray my providers. Kill me instead, it would be peferable to what the nobles would do to me."

"You say that the mind flayers are strong -- very strong. Perhaps your noble masters are in need of some assistance themselves. Assistance we can provide, if they will only allow us to offer it. Our hatred of the flayers is more intense than you can possibly imagine. Are you quite sure there is nothing you can tell us about the nobles, the better to help us help them?"

[Bluff check here. Ya'shenn could hardly care less about the yuan-ti one way or another.]

15 Bonus for Bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 20.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"How many... servants...

"How many... servants... are we likely to find in each place?"

"Anywhere from a dozen to naerly fifty in the banquet hall and kitchens."

"You say that the mind flayers are strong -- very strong. Perhaps your noble masters are in need of some assistance themselves. Assistance we can provide, if they will only allow us to offer it. Our hatred of the flayers is more intense than you can possibly imagine. Are you quite sure there is nothing you can tell us about the nobles, the better to help us help them?"

"The mind flayers scattered to leave the moment they heard the word 'githyanki'.  That was less than half an hour ago, maybe only ten minutes, I'm  not sure, time seemed strange while the creature compelled me.  The seemed to be running every which way, but the nobles I'm sure would have gone to the strongest places on the estate, like the gatehouse or the vaults, or maybe even their private chambers.  Please, if my noble masters die, all their slaves will be put to death.  All show you the gardens, or the statue galleries, but don't hurt the nobles." 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Note, we dont want to kill

"Note, we dont want to kill unneeded targets that would distract us from our true focus, so any "Masters" that do not stand in our way of killing any Mind Flayers we come across, will have no fear of death from our hands..." Ii'Jyka'Vaar says whilst leaning on her weapon and looking casually around her...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ya'shenn could ask many more

Ya'shenn could ask many more questions of this slave -- could even probe the barbarian's mind outright. Their rrakkma band is pressed for time, however. Those explosions...

The psion looks to the rest of the informal warband (as well as to the spellcaster of the Copper Ring). "Do any of you have further questions for this graith?" After a moment, calmly: "Have we any further use for this slave?"

[To those whose Sense Motive isn't absolutely terrible, Ya'shenn doesn't seem too concerned whether the party decides to bring the slave along as a guide, kill him, or even let him go. She doesn't want to put down the barbarian herself, though. Also, I figure the githyanki are speaking among themselves in a language with which the slave is unfamiliar.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“I am quite satisfied –

“I am quite satisfied – the graith seem to have provided us with information to the best of his ability. Since it further holds no real connection to the resident ghaiks, I suggest we simply cut it loose and be on our way.”

Du’minh has no vested interest in the fate of the slave, and will not object if another gith should wish to put it to the sword instead.


“Kirath might have some more solid intel on how to proceed, but otherwise I suggest we head for the closest of these “sanctuaries” – which I am guessing are the gardens. The ghaiks of the palace appear to be on the run and we want to move quickly to minimize the number of escapees.”



Naturally, Du is speaking in the githyanki tongue as well when he's not adressing non-githyankis.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Always in Githyanki untill

Always in Githyanki untill stated otherwise!:

"If need be, i dont mind putting him to my sword, but does there be consensus on this?", with that Ii'Jyka looks each on in the face for an answer....

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"You have done well,

"You have done well, human.  Lead us to the gardens."

Once they are on the move, and the slave's back is turned, Gy-Nath speaks githyanki in a low snarl, "Weakling.  I cannot stand a willing thrall.  Ii, if you want to do the deed, otherwise I'll kill the fool myself."

[ooc: Gy is still githyanki, so I might as well put in some brutality for atmosphere]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"My sword hungers, and needs

"My sword hungers, and needs to be satisfied, so let it eat the Thrall..." , and Ii'Jyka nods to Gy'nath..


ooc: why is the system not allowing me to use colour?grrr...


Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
"My forces should keep the

"My forces should keep the soldiers of the yuan-ti busy so we can busy ourselves killing the Enemy"  "As far as the thrall goes do what you want Knight"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka raises an eyebrow

Ii'Jyka raises an eyebrow when the little mage talks to her, but does not turn to face him, and keeps doing what she was doing at that moment (ignoring the mage).

She carefully and seemingly innocently (this seems to come very natural to her) moves to behind the Thrall whilst they move and then rams the sword into his back, upward at the height of his hips.... (using bluff to remain inconspicious to the thrall)

ooc: Do i get an auto crit? or do i still need to roll? (i get damage as well from the blade, so thats why i am asking)

(counting 2 for flanking and surprise is just discounting his dex...thus flatfooted.)

add dam is excess but i have to rll the whole weapon Sticking out tongue, incl dam to me.

HP: 49 of 57 (+3/ -3)

10 Bonus for bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 27.
15 Bonus for to hit to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 19.
6 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 2d6+6, the result is 12.
0 Bonus for add dam to do
I rolled 2d6+0, the result is 5.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Kirath looks to Gy-Nath and

Kirath looks to Gy-Nath and asks "Have we decided on where we would like to start slaughtering the mind flayers?" "That way I can order my troops to steer away from that area so we can have more fun." 

He smiles as he then hears the sound of blade on bone as Ii'Jyka'Vaar slides her great blade through the helpless thrall. With a grin he turns and says "I am surprised it took you this long Knight"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Bladedancer wrote: "I am

Bladedancer wrote:

"I am surprised it took you this long Knight"

 "Keep your insults to yourself , Mage"...


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Gy-Nath seems to ignore the

Gy-Nath seems to ignore the exchange between the warlock and the knight.  K'tch smiles and is about to say something, but he is not quite quick enough.  Gy-Nath's eyes glow slightly, and K'tch instantly obeys the Kith'rak's psionic command.  The young githyanki in leather dashes forward, hugging close to a wall to scout ahead.  K'ch is armed with matched shortswords and several throwing daggers.  He wears soft boots, and is able to move much faster and quieter than the armored githyanki.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
 "Keep your insults to

 "Keep your insults to yourself , Mage"...


Kirath turns to the knight and says "I wasn't insulting you sister" Most of the knights I know wouldn't have the patience you showed with the thrall" 

Kirath then rises into the air and fades from sight. To Gynath he says "I will keep close to your scout and give him back up if he needs it"

OOC  Kirath uses his Fell Flight and Walk Unseen Invocations

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du'minh follows with care

Du'minh follows with care and his guard up, staying well enough behind the scout to not compromise K'tch's stealthy passing.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka softly follows

Ii'Jyka softly follows Du'minh on her horsemens boots, keeping her weapon in striking pose, upward.. and throws softly back at the mage; "Then next time choose your words more what you do mean.."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
[ooc- How high is the

[ooc- How high is the ceiling? If possible Ar'dru will fly above the group to confuse anyone judging numbers from the sound of footsteps. It should also allow for some different angles of attack when combat starts.]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Gy-Nath's eyes

'Azure' wrote:
Gy-Nath's eyes glow slightly, and K'tch instantly obeys the Kith'rak's psionic command. The young githyanki in leather dashes forward, hugging close to a wall to scout ahead.

'Bladedancer' wrote:
Kirath then rises into the air and fades from sight. To Gynath he says "I will keep close to your scout and give him back up if he needs it."

The psion briefly contemplates whether or not she ought to volunteer... Fortunately, Kirath does so first, levitating and then turning invisible. The warlock goes up a notch or two in Ya'shenn's personal estimation as a result. Should K'tch not object, however, she does keep tabs on the bard through the mindlink.

'Bladedancer and Burning Spear' wrote:
"I am surprised it took you this long, Knight."
"Keep your insults to yourself , Mage..."
"I wasn't insulting you, sister. Most of the knights I know wouldn't have the patience you showed with the thrall."

Somehow, Ya'shenn manages not to make even a single sarcastic remark during the conversation between the warlock and the knight.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The githyanki smell the

The githyanki smell the guardens before they hear or see them.

A humid breeze wafts down the corridor, bearing the scents of thousands of exotic flowers.  Kirath reports to Ya'shenn through the mindlink.  He feeds her what he sees; dim light spills down the corridor, and there is a chattering as of birds.  The githyanki attacked just before dawn, to hit the illithid at the end of their activity cycle, and the sun is just now finding the horrizon.  When K'tch approaches the archway leading outside, he sees orange clouds filling the sky.  He also sees a pair of guards.  Both have spears and ornate leather armor.  One is also armed with a whip, and it seems they are attended by a trio of unarmed slaves.

K'tch lays prone on the floor in one of the deeper shadows well short of the archway.  He takes out a small spyglass and examines the opposition.  The guards' armor is light.  Leather, but with a metal plate hanging by chains to cover the heart, like a big armored amulet.  They have daggers in their belts in addition to their spears, but overall their arms seem to be of high quality and in excellent repair.  "Professionals," K'tch thinks, "Palace guards trusted with weapons, not slave-soldiers."  Closer examination of the one with the whip reveals that the guard is very pale, and has slit-eyes like those of a snake.  The other one is of darker cast, and more human-looking, but his skin appears leathery and his teeth are sharp.

The slaves are human, and huddle in the side of the archway, cowering everytime an explosion is heard.  The guards are watching the sky, not the corridor.  Beyond them is a path that leads into the thick foliage beyond.  The path is paved, but quckly curves out of view.  K't'ch can make out the top spire of some sort of bulding or monolith poking up beyond the trees and bushes.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Through the mindlink Kirath

Through the mindlink Kirath asks the newcomers leader Gy-nath "So what do you think go blasting in or keep it stealthy?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
When Du’minh catches

When Du’minh catches eye contact with K’tch, Ya’shenn or any other githyankis that are mentally linked to forward observers, he puts the back of his hand to his chin and wiggles his fingers, imitating writhing tentacles – an unmistakable silent question by hand signal:

“Any ghaiks?”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Kirath reports

'Azure' wrote:
Kirath reports to Ya'shenn through the mindlink.
'Bladedancer' wrote:
Through the mindlink Kirath asks the newcomers leader Gy-nath "So what do you think go blasting in or keep it stealthy?"

[It's K'tch that Ya'shenn is mindlinked to, not Kirath...]

Ya'shenn examines the body language of the yuan-ti and slaves, trying to get some sense of whether any of them are being actively mind-controlled at the moment.

To K'tch: ~The warlock is with you, invisible.

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Any ghaiks?”

Ya'shenn signs a negative to Du'minh before relaying the information that K'tch has so far to the others. [Not sure how far away the party is from the gardens. If well out of earshot, verbally; if not, by signs and possibly a missive to Gy-Nath.] She pays particular attention to the apparent professionalism of the guards and the layout of the gardens.

The psion adds an opinion: it's possible that one or more ghaik may still be present, somewhere beyond these guards.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
There are no Illithids

There are no Illithids visible, and the guards haven't the blank look of someone being mind-controled.  However, they seem to be watching the sky, not the corridor.  Likely they do not expect trouble coming at them from within the palace, but are guarding the palace and the gardins from the more obvios threat, flying githyanki ships dropping various types of alchemist fire.

[DM Note to Kirath, who would have relayed this to the party; the skiffs are the fast strikers who rushed ahead with the strike-forces.  There are half a dozen astral brigs on the way, coordinated to arrive about an hour after the skiffs strike.  These are medium ships, still quite fast, that normally carry up to 50 warriors each.  They are filled with large pots of alchemist fire (bombs), and are under orders to swoop in and level what is left of the palace (and some of the surrounding city, for good measure).  This particular palace is actually the estate of one of the noble families, so the message to the rest of the Yuan-ti is "this is what happens when you get chummy with mind flayers".  Thus there is a limited time to get things done as far as illithid-killing before much of the place comes down.  The current explosions are mostly hand-held grenades, with just a few bigger pots mixed in from a couple of skiffs that carried them instead of warriors.  The DM has plans to force the party to use alternate travel back to Sigil (sorry for the railroad, but portals shift, what're ya gonna do?)]

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
ignore post 

ignore post 

13 Bonus for dex+bab+scepter to do attack with a ranged touch
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 22.
0 Bonus for to do damage
I rolled 5d6+0, the result is 15.
Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Ok lets try this

Ok lets try this again.

Kirath is flying about 25 feet up in the air if that is possible.

Kirath thinks to himself "My forces should be leveling this palace soon and we will need to act quickly to kill the flayers"  To provide a distraction so the others can catch up and hopefully catch the yuan-ti and any flayers in the vicinity by surprise Kirath materializes and fires a blast of arcane might athe yuan-ti with the whip. Yelling "Death to all those that harbor Illithids!"

OOC remember I have the following invocations running after the first blast I will try to go invisible again and move and firing the next round from a different spot

See the Unseen: 24 hour See Invisible/Darkvision 60 feet Beguiling Influence:+6 bonus to Bluff Diplomacy and Intimidate checks for 24 hours Entropic Warding: 20% miss chance on all missle attacks, leaving no trail no scent

Fell Flight: Fly with good maneuvarilbility at 30ft 24 hours

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 5d6+0, the result is 23.
13 Bonus for Bab+dex+scepter to do fire an eldritch blast (ranged touch
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 32.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Back with Du'minh and the

Back with Du'minh and the others, the psion raises her eyebrows, clearly startled by some input from the mindlink.

"...The warlock has initiated the attack. Shall we...?"

[I doubt the sound of the party talking would be an issue at this point, but should the party be within earshot, assume the use of hand signs instead.  Heh.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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