Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[quote=Zimrazim] [QUOTE='Azur

Zimrazim wrote:

'Azure' wrote:
I forgot, sorry. You were in the "what was that?' spot check, right? 50% miss chance if so. .... or just write in a damatic effect miss.

[OK, 01-50: dorje misses, 51-100: dorje hits]

Which one are you aiming for?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Which one are

Azure wrote:
Which one are you aiming for?

Whichever aboleth this one is:

'Azure' wrote:
Ya'shenn sees a dark shape in the water. Larger than a humanoid and swimming much, much faster. Ar'dru sees the same; it is headed for the warriors and Mudshow.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
 [Spot 14 still in

 [Spot 14 still in effect]

Ya'shenn feels a twinge of fear as the aboleth attacks Daraz.  As a telepath she instictively feels Daraz's fear.  She sees the kith'rak suddenly appear near Daraz.  Confident in Gy-Nath to come to Daraz's aid, she aims the Dorje at the second wake, the one headed for the pilllar where Du'minh of Steel and Kight Ii'jyka'vaar stand on Mud'show's balcony.  She aims just ahead of and below the wake and thinks into the dorje.  A huge splash ensues, and Ya'shenn in not sure if she hit the Aboleth or not.

The spash of water hits an already-soaked-to-the-waist Ii square in the face [Spot 11 in effect]

Du'minh sees the dark shape under the water headed towards where Mudshow's head must be.  The spash knocks it to the side.  The muddy water makes it impossible to see where Mudshow's head actually isis, but the dark shape of an aboleth is visibe in the water below the balcony.  [Spot 17 in effect]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The tales he has heard

The tales he has heard about aboleths come back to Du’minh and makes his skin crawl. Immense illusory powers and horrible transformations inflicted upon their victims. Wearing them down from afar would probably be the less hazardous approach.


The situation allows no such luxury, however – Daraz needs imminent aid. Du’minh leaps off the balcony to come striking down with the Arbiter on the aboleth below as he shouts out the name of the Liberator.


"Prodigy of Gith!"



Max Power Attack.

Of course, I know out of game that rescuing Daraz is a lost cause, but it just feels too metagamey and out of character for Du’minh not to act.

EDIT: Woohoo, blessed be the Dice of Gith! That's a total of 67 damage!!!

11 Bonus for Power Attack, not included any situational mods to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 31.
11 Bonus for Confirmation Roll to do confirm crit
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 20.
28 Bonus for Damage to do
I rolled 1d10+28, the result is 32.
28 Bonus for Crit damage to do
I rolled 1d10+28, the result is 35.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Well, the metagame is

[Well, the metagame is neccessary sometimes.  JUst to be clear, is Du'minh attacking the aboleth below him, or te one who attacked Daraz?  The one that attacked Daraz is considerably farther away, too far to attack wihout d-dooring over there, even with the jump potion, and has 100% concealment.  Stay in character, certainly, but realize that Du'minh sees Gy-Nath teleport over to aid Daraz himself.]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
OOC Sorry, I had figured


Sorry, I had figured the one that attacked Daraz might've been the same, since Daraz was on his way to pick up Mudshow's head just below us. If Gy is on it and its way out of range anyway, Du will pounce the close one just below him.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
doesn't me chopping the

doesn't me chopping the actual head off and therefore making the killing blow mean that i gat to have the head? (just checking)Smile

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: The one that

'Azure' wrote:
The one that attacked Daraz is considerably farther away, too far to attack wihout d-dooring over there, even with the jump potion, and has 100% concealment.

[metagame time] Ya'shenn may be reasonably well-protected at the moment by wet fire, but the same is by no means true for Daraz. It's too easy to imagine him being drowned... or enslaved... or simply eaten...

The psion considers teleporting to a position that would make it easier to use the dorje on that particular aboleth, but the kith'rak seems to have already had a similar idea. Familiar by now with Du'minh's prowess in battle, the telepath thinks it likely that the Rish will make short work of the second. What about the third, though...?

[Delay to see if Aboleth #2 has more than 67 hp... If so, use the 'force' dorje on #2. If #2 is out of the picture, fire on any other aboleth in range. IS the one with the instrument in range, or is it in the "darkness" somewhere?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka sees her ally jump

Ii'Jyka sees her ally jump into the water and make a rucus.. she then gets splashed in the face by a watery explosion, she shakes her head to get most of the water of her face, but still dripping she decides that a swim is in order to help out..

jump in te water + 1 attack on the same fishy Daraz attacked..

13 Bonus for to hit to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 21.
9 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 22.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh watches a dark shape

Du'minh watches a dark shape in the water swim under the balcony.  Just before it reaches where Mudshow's head fell, Du'minh leaps, and lands feet-first on its back.  He crushes the Aboleth to the bottom.  It is slick and slippery, and it surges upward to throw the armored warrior off.  He straddles it, and when its head pops to the suface, it finds Arbiter in full swing.  The flail hits on the topmost of the thing's eyes, and Du'minh feels it pop. 

With a mighty burst of speed, it kicks Du'minh off of it and swims out from under him.  It rushes to escape but seems out of control.  It smacks into the pillar and bobs to the surface.  Ii'jyka'vaar meets it there, slicing deeply into it.  It twitches violently, flopping its tail about.  It loses strength eventually, and floats to the surface, but still continues to twitch for several minutes.  Ii hacks at it several more times to be sure, but she no longer feels any bite from her blade, as it is in fact dead.

Zimrazim wrote:

[Delay to see if Aboleth #2 has more than 67 hp... If so, use the 'force' dorje on #2. If #2 is out of the picture, fire on any other aboleth in range. IS the one with the instrument in range, or is it in the "darkness" somewhere?]

[Pike meta-gaming.  Go ahead and roll to hit on the aboleth assaulting Daraz if you want.  Just don't miss by greater than 10 or risk hitting an ally.  Aboleth #3 is "in the darkness", Ya'shenn's spot check not being high enough.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: [Pike

'Azure' wrote:
[Pike meta-gaming. Go ahead and roll to hit on the aboleth assaulting Daraz if you want. Just don't miss by greater than 10 or risk hitting an ally. Aboleth #3 is "in the darkness", Ya'shenn's spot check not being high enough.]

[OK! Daraz's aboleth it is.]


5 Bonus for dorje to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 18.
0 Bonus for Damage to do
I rolled 5d6+0, the result is 19.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ya'shenn isn't sure if she

Ya'shenn isn't sure if she hit the aboleth attacking Daraz or not.  She suspects so, but the monster retreats under the water, presumably with Daraz in tow.  Gy-Nath slashes and searches, but comes up empty except for the seeing-gem he gave to Daraz.  He is visibly downcast, having lost a soldier.

The chamber is now quiet except for the soft sounds of swishing water and the splashing spasms of the dying aboleth.  Ii'jyka'vaar searches around the bottom of the water with her feet, searching for mudshow's head.  She does not find it.  The currents in the water are conflicting, but not particularly strong, and though the aboleth may have reached and moved the head, Ii should be able to find it close by.  Frustrated in her search, she does not notice the slight wake of the third aboleth, stalking carefully ever closer.  Du'minh on the other hand, sees some of the empty bottles bobbing on the surface of the water move aside as the piscine aberation moves.  It does not get close enough to attack, and learning from its fellows' mistakes keeps close to a stone pillar to deny Ya'shenn a good shot with her force dorje.  Du'minh readies himself for a charge by the aboleth, but is not prepared when something entirely different happens.

Du'minh feels something brush against his leg.  Something moving along the bottom slowly and awkwardly, in the direction of the lurking aboleth.  Something about the size of an illithid's head.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Hateful bile rises in

Hateful bile rises in Ar'dru's stomach as he watches Daraz disappear from view, his eyes immediately snapping back to the remaining aberration before it eludes him. Feeling that his skills with the blade are now needed by the rest of the group Ar'Dru swallows his potion, wipes his mouth and readies his blade.

"I believe the time has come for me to engage the slayers of our brother directly Sister Ya'Shenn." he states "Should you require assistance I am at your disposal." 

With that the half dragon, wreathed in flames, snaps his wings and shoots towards the stalking Aboleth, clearly indicating his heading to the rest of the party.

 [ooc - not sure if I've got a round up my sleeve to drink that potion and charge, If I need to roll to attack let me know]

0 Bonus for to do Heal
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 4.
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 7.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Azure wrote:Aboleth #2 has

Azure wrote:
Aboleth #2 has been driven off, but it has a very unfortunate Daraz in tow. For added effect, Ar'dru sees it's wake as it retreats full speed into the darkness, and even hears a big splash as it opens a fully submerged portal, followed by a surge of saltwater.

Mixed feelings of rage and frustration swells in Du’minh when it becomes clear that Daraz is lost. The distant blurred “flash” of a conjuration aura from underwater hints that the aboleth has jumped portal with its prize, almost certainly sealing his fate.


Azure wrote:
The currents in the water are conflicting, but not particularly strong, and though the aboleth may have reached and moved the head, Ii should be able to find it close by. Frustrated in her search, she does not notice the slight wake of the third aboleth, stalking carefully ever closer. Du'minh on the other hand, sees some of the empty bottles bobbing on the surface of the water move aside as the piscine aberation moves. It does not get close enough to attack, and learning from its fellows' mistakes keeps close to a stone pillar to deny Ya'shenn a good shot with her force dorje. Du'minh readies himself for a charge by the aboleth, but is not prepared when something entirely different happens.

Du'minh feels something brush against his leg. Something moving along the bottom slowly and awkwardly, in the direction of the lurking aboleth. Something about the size of an illithid's head.

The Rish freezes in his tracks, feeling a creeping sensation entering his mind as it dawns on him what just brushed against him. Suspecting nothing good will come from Mudshow’s somehow-mobile head being united with an aboleth, Du’minh spins and steps down hard on the illithid head, pinning tentacles or whatever remains against the bottom.


“Sister! Another behind you!” he shouts out to Ii’Jyka’Vaar while grabbing the chain ends of his flail with each hand, and then plunges his upper body below the surface to strangle the thing at his feet in a garrote grip as best he can.

13 Bonus for Grapple to do restrain
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 31.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Dunamin wrote: Mixed

Dunamin wrote:
Mixed feelings of rage and frustration swells in Du’minh when it becomes clear that Daraz is lost./// “Sister! Another behind you!” he shouts out to Ii’Jyka’Vaar

Ii'Jyka shrugs at the loss of Daraz, as she isn't sure what really happened and untill she sees a dead body she will not think to much on the subject at all...

When she heards the "behind you!" bit, she spins around, steps forward and lashes out with her sword at the greatest wobbling in the water (hoping to hit the fish that way) 

Ii'Jyka bites her lip in frustration when the sword bites deep into her being, and she shouts out.. "Son of a Calamari-whore!", but holds her hands steady on her blade and her focus on the fish before her...

13 Bonus for to hit to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 31.
9 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 23.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[quote=Dunamin] Du’minh

Dunamin wrote:

Du’minh spins and steps down hard on the illithid head, pinning tentacles or whatever remains against the bottom.

“Sister! Another behind you!” he shouts out to Ii’Jyka’Vaar while grabbing the chain ends of his flail with each hand, and then plunges his upper body below the surface to strangle the thing at his feet in a garrote grip as best he can.

[31!  Dice of Gith again]

Du'minh plunges down and begins wrestling with the thing in the water.  It is slippery, but clumsy and flailing.  He wraps the chain around the thing and pulls it up out of the water.  The freakshow that follows will forever burn in his memories.

The illithid head is a ghostly pale color, one tentacle a half-stump, two others ragged from broken glass.  The flesh, though pale, is not dead, and deep purple ooze leaks from one side.  The other is home to two baleful eyes.  They are a violent purple, straked with crimson veins.  The black, dilated pupils are of an alien shape.  Du'minh truies to throttle and squeeze the thing, but it doesn't seem to help.  In fact, he finds it more slippery than anticipated, and it slides out when he exerts pressure.  It almost gets away, but he manages to hang up a tenticle on the link-spikes.  It is then that he realizes that part of the thing's skin is changing color.  A line across the *ahem* face is translucent in a wide swath that is expanding at the edges.


0 Bonus for icky slicky to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 12.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Gy-Nath

'Azure' wrote:
Gy-Nath slashes and searches, but comes up empty except for the seeing-gem he gave to Daraz.

Ya'shenn's shoulders sag. Rather than raging with zealous Githyanki hatred like some of the others, the psion's expression is despondent.

'Azriael' wrote:
"I believe the time has come for me to engage the slayers of our brother directly Sister Ya'Shenn." he states "Should you require assistance I am at your disposal."

With that the half dragon, wreathed in flames, snaps his wings and shoots towards the stalking Aboleth, clearly indicating his heading to the rest of the party.

Ya'shenn peers toward where Ar'dru has indicated the third aboleth must be. A pillar, not much else. Perhaps this one is understandably wary of psionic sniper fire. The psion begins gathering the assortment of weapons (and a potion) set out on the bone platform. If the others have not already made short work of the aberration by then, Ya'shenn concentrates and teleports to another of the bone platforms -- one with a much more favorable angle relative to that pillar. Also, preferably, one that is not too far away from the half-dragon -- both to heal Ar'dru if need be, and because she would prefer to have a githwarrior between her and a hungry aboleth. Kicking more instruments into the water, she scans the sewer for any sign of the tentacled creature.

[Dimension Door. A new spot check, maybe?]

[Edit:  Simultaneous post!]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
It was less than a day

It was less than a day since Du’minh had seen an active decapitated illithid head up close - a thought that reminded him to suggest Gy-Nath get a more “civil” doorkeeper – but he would never have been prepared for this. Had he not earlier today been desensitized from the visual and mental imagery provided by Pigkiller and Lavendar, he might very well have vomited right on the macabre entity in his grip.


“Gah! What manner of vile Far-spawned freakshow of a failed tadpole implant are you?!”

Du’minh struggles to keep the thing under control while spitting curses in its face, frantically trying to figure out an effective way to dispose of it. He catches sight of the flames of the burning shack slightly above him, recalling that the fire was steadily spreading a moment ago.

The gith promptly seizes a firm grip on one of the still whole if ragged tentacles and flings the head into the inferno, as far into the back of the shack as possible.



What do I need to roll to score a field goal?

8 Bonus for Ranged touch to do throw illithid head into burning shack
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 13.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17


0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d2+0, the result is 2.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh wrestles with the

Du'minh wrestles with the freakshow, keeping it from sqirming away.  The Rish grabs the head by a ragged tenticle and pitches it toward the burning bone shack.  It sails through the doorway, landing in a burning patch.  A blood-freezing shreek echoes through the chamber, but the sound is short-lived.

Meanwhile, Ii slashes blindly in the water.  She feels no bite from her blade on the first few slashes, but on the fifth or sixth delve into the dark water, knows that she has found her prey.  She feels the pain surge through her arms as the thirsty blade cuts into the abomination's flesh.  There is a mighty splash as the aboleth kicks it tail and retreats out of Ii's reach.

The githyanki see the aboleth's wake as it speeds off into the darkness, following its companion.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"Headcount, are we all still

"Headcount, are we all still in operating capacity?..." Ii'Jyka says whilst scanning the water for any dubious movements..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"We're down one, pike it! 

"We're down one, pike it!  One of those stinking 'leth got Daraz."  Gy-Nath joins Ii'jyka'vaar and Du'minh, and he is clearly not happy, but has a hard look of determination.  "Let's go, but remain alert.  There are evidently portals down here that Mudshow knew about but our informant did not."

A loud splash attracts the githyankis' attention.  Mudshow's hut is beginning to collapse.  Burning bones fall from the macabre structure to hiss in the water below.  Singed skulls bob in the water, slowly sinking like wounded ships.  With an involuntary pang of fear, Du'minh wonders where exacly Freakshow landed, and how well it might be able to use its remaining limbs.  Still, there is no surmounting the burning structure to check. 

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Drenched, angry, and with

Drenched, angry, and with adrenalin still pumping in his veins, Du’minh strides through the mucky water as if he intents to give pursuit to the aboleths. He comes to his senses before getting too far off from the rest of the group, however, and wades back to answer the blackguard’s query.

“No. They took him and they fled in the deeps, likely by way of underwater portal. I sense his aura no longer... I fear our brother is lost to us.”


The bitterness is heavy in Du’minh’s voice. He has lost comrades in arms plenty of times before and many of them died glorious deaths, but this was an honorless ambush from the shadows underneath. Worse, Daraz may have been given a swift death at all – he would not dwell with the thought.

“We cannot remain here, either. Three aboleths arrived on the scene with short notice and they obviously have the advantage know the layout of this place; a larger mustered and coordinated strikeforce could be devastating.”

Du'minh follows Gy-Nath's lead, casting a regretful look back into the murky depths.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
With a frustrated growl

With a frustrated growl Ar'dru stows his axes and flies up to the burning shack. Although immune to the flames he avoids getting under anything likely to collapse on him as he searches for anything useful.


6 Bonus for to do Search
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 11.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Azriael wrote: With a

Azriael wrote:

With a frustrated growl Ar'dru stows his axes and flies up to the burning shack. Although immune to the flames he avoids getting under anything likely to collapse on him as he searches for anything useful.

I rolled 1d20 + 6 and got 11 to Search.

Ar'dru finds the shack has lost enough structural integrity that to put his full weight on it would risk a larger collapse.  Luckilly, the psionic half-dragon can levitate at will.  Still he cannot enter more than his head into the shack itself without crashing through.  The place is a wreck.  Some bottles and broken glass still litter the floor, and it looks like Mudshow's other posessions were mostly meager and filthy.  Ar'dru doesn't see anything of interest.  However, interestingly he also does not see an illithid head.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Sighing, Ar'dru drops back

Sighing, Ar'dru drops back down and reports the heads absence as the party re-groups


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: “No. They

'Dunamin' wrote:
“No. They took him and they fled in the deeps, likely by way of underwater portal. I sense his aura no longer... I fear our brother is lost to us.”

Ya'shenn reaches out for the psi-signature of Daraz's mind. Nothing.

As the others speak, Ya'shenn hacks apart several more instruments. Though not expressing the sentiment in so many words, one might get the impression that the psion is, in fact, quite upset about the crossbowgith's presumed watery doom. Particularly since the woman curses several times under her breath.

After a little while, Ya'shenn appears to collect herself.

"A moment..." she mutters, half to herself. The psion wades through the water to the place where the mad bard had dropped the crystal orb earlier. She guesses that it's probably magical -- if so, more in Du'minh's sphere of understanding than her own. Hopefully it has no unpleasant magical protections or the like...

Ya'shenn tries not to dwell upon the thought of being dragged underwater -- by aboleths, mind flayers, or any other horrid entities from beyond -- as she patiently searches under the water's surface for the crystalline orb. Had one of the aboleths grabbed the orb-thing during the fight...? She isn't sure.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
When he has had a moment to

When he has had a moment to cool off, Du’minh’s anger is replaced by worry and he steps up by the psion to put a hand on her arm.

“Be careful in your search, sister. I know not what foul mystical force had possessed Mudshow in the end, but its head was very much active and transformed to something nearly beyond recognition.”

“Decapitation did not do much for the illithid, and it would appear to somehow have escaped incineration as well.”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
"A head lost for our trophy

"A head lost for our trophy and honor rack, a shame, it does me no joy to lose a battle brother in the process, but we have chosen this path freely, and we have to accept its consequences also freely..." with that Ii'Jyka'Vaar moves slightly closer to the rest but keeps her sword trailing the waters, so she can slice the fluid with a smooth motion to deter any would be attacker...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
System is going haywire,

System is going haywire, sorry, triple post..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Let us begone from this

"Let us begone from this dank hole, then."

The party enter their next portal, which leads to an Undersigil chamber on the doorstep of the Palace.  When they arrive (trailing a major wave of muddy water), they find that the other strikeforce is there before them.  

The chamber cotains a large basin, used by the illithid for washing themselves of Mudshow's filth should they have come that way.  Beside it are two massive piles of monster-flesh, the remains of a pair of urophion sentries.  There are also three illithid near the portal to the Palace.

[Description of K'tch's band from before]

K'tch leads a small band of young githyanki through an Undersigil
corridor. Vivec is there, as are Jhank'kor and Xar'sauken. In addition
there is a pretty young warrior at K'tch's side who can only be
Sark'ja. She is covered in illithid and thrall blood, and seems to be
greatly enjoying herself, and is doing most of the order-shouting. In
addition, there are half a dozen other githyanki, who due to their
Git'ribani backgrounds seem under-armored for githwarriors. When K'tch
senses Ya'shenn's mental presence, he quickly identifies the young
warriors: Ha'kan'a - an eager young warrior wielding a hand-me-down
greatsword that seems over-large for him; Kanchik - a swift and deadly
fighter wielding a pair of shortswords; "Odd Job" Jor'nish - a stocky
gish with a wide variety of weapons, currently wielding a spiked chain;
Lam'k - a psi-warrior with a longsword in one hand and a dagger in the
other; Kitiir - a female warrior wielding a vorpally sharp longsword;
and Bru'chark - a strong-looking warrior with a hand-and-a-half sword
who is wounded.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
K'tch's band is smaller

K'tch's band is smaller than Ya'shenn remembers from little more than an hour before. The only ones there are K'tch, Vivec (whe has a large black rat with red eyes perched on his shoulder), Jank'kor (who is alive but wounded and unconcious), Xar'sauken, Kanchik, and Bru'chark.

K'tch greets Gy-Nath and his companions, and quickly explains the situation.  Jor'nish and Lam'k were slain in their last battle.  Sark'ja had taken Ha'kan'a and Kitiir through the portal to scout out the situation, but had not returned.  Two illithids came running through the portal after this, so K'tch is not sure if his lover and her friends have met violent ends in the Palace or not, but it seems likely.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Glory through deeds,

“Glory through deeds, siblings, and peace to the fallen,” greets Du’minh respectfully with a tired smile.

“It is good to see you all and the Enemy dead at your feet. How long since you arrived?”


He takes a look at the basin, suddenly eager to rid himself of the grimy water, not least after having splashed around in close contact with aboleths, Mudshow, and a multitude of trace potion fluids. However, the thought strikes him of just how many illithids likely have been washing themselves off in the basin and he thinks twice about touching it.



If there is a source of running water keeping the basin filled with clean water, Du’minh will take directly from the source to wash himself from the worst of the filth. Otherwise, he will use far hand to telekinetically clean himself as best he can.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
"Siblings." Ya'shenn

"Siblings." Ya'shenn provides any necessary introductions as the group assembles. Since Vivec had referred to himself as a death-mage, she dismisses the rat as a famiiliar of some sort. Her gaze notes the absence of several members of K'tch's original band. I wonder how K'tch especially is holding up, all things considered...

So, the mage with the vitriolic temper is out cold. Why am I not surprised. Had one of the ghaik abused Jhank'kor's... unfortunate... mind-mark, or had his unconsciousness come about as an ordinary result of fierce battle against the Enemy, or...?

It would be less than hygienic for her to examine the mage in her current state, however, after having been through a sewer, a slaughterhouse, and a brothel. (She tries not to think about Lavendar's undergarments.) In more pleasant circumstances Ya'shenn would have been strongly tempted to reject an illithid washing-basin as unclean, but not now. If clean water is available, of course, the psion (like Du'minh) takes advantage of it. She focuses on her arms for the moment, if only for the sake of healing Jhank'kor.

[K'tch's group is aware of Jhank'kor's mark, right? Are the mage's wounds ordinary, or did one of the illithids mess around with his mind-mark?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Zimrazim wrote: So, the

Zimrazim wrote:
So, the mage with the vitriolic temper is out cold. Why am I not surprised. Had one of the ghaik abused Jhank'kor's... unfortunate... mind-mark, or had his unconsciousness come about as an ordinary result of fierce battle against the Enemy, or...?

[K'tch's group is aware of Jhank'kor's mark, right? Are the mage's wounds ordinary, or did one of the illithids mess around with his mind-mark?]

[Yes and no.  What they know is that he has a psionic tatoo that when activated, steams and seems to burn him.  The tatoo prevents anyone except Jank'kor from activating the mind-mark. The mage is out due to strength and mind-blast damage from the urophions.]  

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The basin's water is

The basin's water is refreshed with casks of clean, cold water that smells mineral, like the springs of the underdark.  Du'minh and Ya'shenn wash Mudshow's filth off as best they can.  Du'minh especially, who had landed on an aboleth, smells foul.  He worries that the fishy smell might never fully come out of his armor, and though he gets the larger globs of mucus off, the water basin can do little else.

The githyanki also notice there are shelves with ungents and salves here, to protect the illithid from the dry air of the surface world.

Gy-Nath converses with K'tch quickly, assessing the situation.  Gy-nath motions for the others to gather.  "We may face attacks from the rear, for K'tch's team was not subtle in their route here.  Neither were we, though our route was more round-about.  Our numbers may be too few to leave an effective rear-guard.  Warlock Jhank'kor was ordered to use his power liberally in the getting here, and he had done just that.  Vivec, too, finds his healing powers taxed.  We will bring the wounded with us, but leave with them a strong guard, and they will not stray from the area the portal exits.  Bru'chark is also wounded, with him and Jhank'kor will remain Vivec, Xar'sauken, and Kanchik."


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The psion looks up from her

The psion looks up from her examination of Jhank'kor as the kith'rak speaks. "I may be able to get the mage conscious, at least..." Wishing that her psionic power were not already so drained, Ya'shenn concentrates on the mage and focuses on restoring a little of his much-depleted strength. The mage may be at far less than his full power himself, but Jhank'kor will be much better off if he is able to spellcast. Once she has done so, she looks to the githwarrior that Gy-Nath had pointed out -- Bru'chark -- trying to get a sense of his condition.

[Empathic Transfer for 2 Str damage. What % HP does Bru'chark have?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Zimrazim wrote: [. What %

Zimrazim wrote:

[. What % HP does Bru'chark have?]

[Less than 25%, and also str-drained, but not as severely.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
At Ya'shenn's touch,

At Ya'shenn's touch, Jhan'kor comes awake.  He instinctively shrinks from her hand, but masters himself quickly and allows her to heal him.  Soon, he is able to stand well enough when supported by Vivec to move.

The party is now ready to go, and prepare the portal key (a golden coin, bent at a 60-degree angle) and set themselves to go through before the wounded.

Suddenly the portal flashes to life!  A single illithid runs through.  It stops in its tracks when it sees that it is surrounded by githyanki.

[The illithid is in a panic.  It will automaticly lose initiative to everyone in the party, so it is doubtful it will survive the round, but I want to wake the players up because we're starting a new scene.] 

[Edit: Well, Gy didn't kill it outright, but it's wounded.  Let's see what the PCs've got]

12 Bonus for Gy Nath's full attack 1 to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 22.
2 Bonus for Gy Nath's full attack 2 to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 22.
8 Bonus for K'tch's thrown dagger to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 12.
0 Bonus for Gy's crit confirm to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d10+5, the result is 13.
I rolled 1d10+5, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d10+5, the result is 13.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka spins around and

Ii'Jyka spins around and buries the blade into the calamari as fast as she can, she spins the blade round and buries it hilt deep into the calamari, the hilt touching the calamri's chest and her face seems a wrictus of ecstacy and pain, sparks flying of the weapon when it rams the point against the tiled floor, her arms shaking with power as she moans softly when the weapon draws its full...

13 Bonus for to hit to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 33.
13 Bonus for to hit to do confirm crit.
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 24.
27 Bonus for damage to do crit.
I rolled 8d6+27, the result is 66.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote:Suddenly the

'Azure' wrote:
Suddenly the portal flashes to life!  A single illithid runs through.  It stops in its tracks when it sees that it is surrounded by githyanki.

The psion's eyes widen (yet again) as a mind flayer makes an appearance ahead of schedule.  At least it is easy to be brave in the midst of so many githwarriors.  After having healed Jhank'kor only moments ago, Ya'shenn feels the increased effort as she draws the barbarian-forged blade, and is about to slash at the ghaik -- but the knight appears to have beaten her to it.

[I'd be happy to make an attack roll, but I think it'll be chopped calamari before that point.   Laughing ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The illithid goes down,

The illithid goes down, chopped nearly in half by quick-reacting Ii'jyka'vaar.

Steeled to their task, and smelling blood, the githyanki enter the portal ...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
The Head of the calamari

The Head of the calamari gets dropped into her bag...almost casually.. it seems the blood on the weapon slowly dissapears, just vanishing from the weapon, as if soaked up by a sponge...atm Ii'Jyka does not make any attemt to clean herself up... (am trying to find out my hp total atm)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The githyanki emerge from

The githyanki emerge from the portal in a large chamber of marble.  There is a swimming pool taking up most of the chamber, ironic considering the chamber they just left.  At first, they expect the second group just behind them, but very quickly know that it will not happen.  Like most planars, githyanki are attuned to sense planar breaches, gates, portals, etc in the immediate vacinity.  The portal they just came from is no longer there, however.  It seems it is a 'skipper', one which moves randomly at one end when activated.  A sigilan portal opens only long enough for half a dozen beings to move through, so Gy-Nath, Du'minh, Ar'dru, Ya'shenn, Ii'jyka'vaar, and K'tch are still together, but who knows where the others will emmerge when they come through?  This is a detail of the portal they had not anticipated.  It means this portal will be significantly more difficult to use in the reverse direction.  The party had not realized this, for Sight, with its ability to determine the future, always knew where the portal would manifest in the Palace beforehand.

The other unexpected development starts to reveal itself a few short moments after githyanki boots hit the ground.  There is a loud crash and rumble, like lightning striking somewhere very nearby, and dust and stone fall from the cieling.

An illithid with two thralls running behind it, carrying expensive-looking but lightweight art objects for it, come down a hallway toward the pool room.  Just before they enter (and before they see the githyanki), their voices can be heard.

"Ssss.  Thiss way sslaves.  I can feel the doorway nearby.  Acch!  Blasst it, NO!  It ssskipped again!  Ssss ... now which way?  Which way?  To the gardensss.  Come on, fassster!"

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka whispers.. "Lets

Ii'Jyka whispers.. "Lets move to intercept them and not let them get away, agreed?"... she is poised ready to sprint towards the voices...(nearby people can feel she wants to keep the tempo hard and fast...not blind and berzerk, but a spree none the less)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
After a quick

After a quick orientation of their whereabouts, Du’minh nods and sets in motion.

“We’ll want a survivor to question,” he whispers. “No reason for it to be the ghaik.”

He curses the unfortunate circumstances, cutting their group off from the rest of their brethren in relatively unknown territory but focuses on the immediate threat. The Rish-i-Chal closes in on the door, preparing to greet the illithid with a warm and painful welcome.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Burning Spear wrote: Her

'Burning Spear' wrote:
Her face seems a rictus of ecstacy and pain, sparks flying of the weapon when it rams the point against the tiled floor, her arms shaking with power as she moans softly when the weapon draws its fill...

Ya'shenn is briefly repulsed by the knight's expression, though for the sake of peace within their informal warband (and genuinely wishing not to offend Ii'Jyka'Vaar), the psion is determined not to show it.

Once the group is through the portal, the psion's expression becomes one of alarm -- first when they all realize that they are now separated from the other squad, and second when bits of ceiling fall to the floor. Ya'shenn curses under her breath.

'Azure' wrote:
An illithid with two thralls running behind it, carrying expensive-looking but lightweight art objects for it, come down a hallway toward the pool room.

Rather than speaking aloud (or making further use of her telepathy), Ya'shenn signs her general agreement with the knight's idea. She begins to add something else, when --

'Dunamin' wrote:
“We’ll want a survivor to question,” he whispers. “No reason for it to be the ghaik.”

Mid-sign, Ya'shenn shoots the Rish-i-Chal an amused look. For a moment, in fact, the Double-Edged looks as though she's trying hard not to laugh out loud. This is immediately followed by a very specific query in silent hand signs, inquiring if he is a telepath.

[Translation: "You read my mind!"]

Considering for a moment, Ya'shenn draws the dorje -- gith-wrought, in this case -- that she had used in Lavendar's brothel earlier. The thralls may be too thoroughly conditioned even for this to work, but hopefully it will at least soften them up nicely.

[If readied actions would be helpful here, Ya'shenn will use a Negate Psionics on both thralls and the ghaik, if possible, once the party decides to engage.] 


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Zimrazim wrote:Dunamin

Zimrazim wrote:
'Dunamin' wrote:
“We’ll want a survivor to question,” he whispers. “No reason for it to be the ghaik.”

Mid-sign, Ya'shenn shoots the Rish-i-Chal an amused look. For a moment, in fact, the Double-Edged looks as though she's trying hard not to laugh out loud. This is immediately followed by a very specific query in silent hand signs, inquiring if he is a telepath.

[Translation: "You read my mind!"]

Somehow, despite their current state of confusion, imminent danger, and still stained with Gith-knows-what, Du'minh manages to respond with a wink, as he takes up position by the door with his flail kept ready for delivering passionate destruction.


Delaying until the guests arrive for a full attack. Laughing

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka readies an action to

Ii'Jyka readies an action to storm (read, move +1 attack, on unwounded target managing to pass Du) the target that enters through the door and manages to survive Du'minh's welcoming gift...

3 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 17.
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