Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
As the scrabbling

As the scrabbling tentacles begin to burrow through the scar tissue on his brow Ar'dru grits his teeth and grasps his blade tightly. "I will not die as your meal creature." Ar'dru snarls and thrusts his greatsword up between himself and the bard in an attempt to sever the grasping tentacles.

 A look of serene peace washes over Ar'dru's face as he drives the blade home, his last act before losing consciousness is to cease all levitation - leaving his entire, considerable, weight to drag the Illithid down.

 [Ok, If I hit without the critical I'm unconscious because of the subdual damage from meathook, If the critical is confirmed I'm at -1 but the confirm doesn't hit on Ar'dru's AC. Your call Azure, It's a good death and the one Ar'dru would choose if you want to go that way.]

16 Bonus for to do to hit
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 35.
16 Bonus for to do Confirm Critical hit
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 20.
15 Bonus for to do Damage
I rolled 1d10+15, the result is 24.
15 Bonus for to do Critical Damage
I rolled 1d10+15, the result is 20.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees the

Ii'Jyka'Vaar sees the dragonspawn being grappled by the Illithid and thinks no further, she grips the sword in 2 hands and Dimension Door's above the 2 grappling combatans, poised with the weapon in an attempt to cut into the head of the illithid...

She takes a deep breath of air and raises her legs/ feet up in an attempt to get her legs so poised that she would "ride" the halfdragon-gith and Illithid, then makes the attempt to position herself above the 2, 1 foot above  the illithid.

ooc: Even on 1st roll to indicate a hit on the illithid. Missed, crap. do i have to roll for anything else?

0 Bonus for to hit in jump to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Wow!  Let's see ... Yes

[Wow!  Let's see ... Yes to BS, same as the last 'drop-in' attack.  To Az, subdual damage can't really kill anyway, and since the crit doesn't hit Ar'dru's AC, it doesn't confirm.  Still, a crit definately severed a tenticle, so Mudshow won't be eating any brains tonight.

Still, not a bad battle so far, eh?]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
[ooc- Cool! Well I'm still

[ooc- Cool! Well I'm still unconscious, I'm on -1 from all the subdual I got earlier so Ar'dru'll be sitting the rest of this one out. If someone can keep me from drowning after I fall that'd be awesomeLaughing]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though Du’minh may be

Though Du’minh may be the only one to realize that Mudshow’s spell has introduced multiple new threats, there’s no time to deal with that now that Ar’dru seems to be down. Smashing more instruments to bits would have to wait.


The Rish figures he might not reach the half-dragon in time by wading through the mucky water, but the illithid has just demonstrated how travel proves faster above the surface…

Swiftly Du’minh replaces his bow and grabs a tiny vial by his side, pops it open with his thumb and downs it in one go. If Mudshow’s deafening ruckus has been temporarily dampened when his tentacle was severed, the warrior shouts out before jumping into the fray to help Ar’dru.

“Clear away from the instruments, they’ve come alive!”



Du’minh drinks his potion of jump and leaps towards Ar’dru. If there are free platforms near the scene that will keep him out of any lingering fire he’ll use those, but that’s a secondary concern to getting Ar’dru out of the water.

Yes, with my meager skill points I actually can succeed in skills beside Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana). Laughing out loud

17 Bonus for Jump to do do the Mario
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 21.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ii'jyka'vaar folds heself

Ii'jyka'vaar folds heself between the spaces between herself and the illithid, but by the time she appears above Ar'dru and Mudshow, they are ready to hit the water.  In the muddy spash, she loses sight of her prey, and so her downward-pointing blade misses the target.

Du'minh leaps to Ii's side and delves for the unconcious form of Ar'dru.  At first he heaves and struggles as Mudshow tries to pull the duthka'gith down to a watery grave, but then the illithid kicks free and swims off underwater.  Du'minh pulls Ar'dru's head up, and the half-dragon coughs out a lungful of brown water, but does not awaken.

[Ii gets an AoO as Mudshow tries to flee, but still has a 25% miss chance for trying to attack the 'thid underwater.  Also, Ya'shenn still gets an attack this round.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
now normal to hit, (

now normal to hit, ( +modifiers for in the back? or something? Smiling .)its getting tedious that every time i try to hit somehting, i get no roll above 5-10...sigh... a 15 + flanking makes it a max 17, is that enough to evenhit a freaking wall?.

26%+ says i will be able to hit normally.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d100+0, the result is 64.
13 Bonus for to hit to do A.O.O.
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[Hit, roll damage]

[Hit, roll damage]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
[that surprises me

[that surprises me Sticking out tongue ]

Ii'Jyka blindly stabs her weapon into the water when the Thid attempts to swim away, in the hopes to wound him, but the only effect she sees is a streak of blood swirl in the water after her attempt, and the stinging sensation in her hands, knowing that the sword has bitten her and her opponent, she lets a slight wry smile out, but not enough as she knows he still lives...

9 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 23.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 4.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
OOC So… Not sure if


So… Not sure if my turn has come up, but I’ll just post in the interesting of keeping the game going.



Seeing Mudshow back off and Ii’Jyka’Vaar putting pressure on the flayer, Du’minh sets Ar’dru down on a vacant platform in recovery position, using his auravision to ensure that it’s unanimated by the bard spell. He quickly checks to confirm the half-dragon yet has a pulse then turns back to the engagement with his flail poised to strike.

The Rish looks for displacements in the muddy water and the aura of a spellcaster to guide him in tracking Mudshow, though he has not forgotten the danger of the animated instruments in the vicinity.


[Holding position near Ar’dru and readying to strike, while getting an overview of the current state.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh tends to his fellow

Du'minh tends to his fellow warrior, bringing him back to one of the ledges where they had smashed the instuments earlier.

The armored warriors, Du'minh, Ii, and Gy-Nath, have little hope of catching the illithid in the water.  Gy-Nath joins Du'minh in a defensive position.

{NPCing Daraz, since Weishan said I could}

Daraz does not curse out loud, but everything about his eyes and his body stance does.  As he swims over to place his gear on an nearby bone ledge, he encounters another one just under the waterline.  In the flames still spreading on top of the water in the oppoisite direction from the party, the party can see that there are ledges at many at different levels, and a confusing mix of shadows dance on the pillars.  The music does not miss a beat, but slows down to a heavy-toned dirge.

[Du'minh sees magic araus on many, but not all ledges.  Wherever there is a strong enchantment, another instument rests, or plays.  In addition, illusions enhance the shadows, making them dance more than usual, and there is a flash of magic from the direction Mudshow's voice, which changes direction constantly as per a ventriloquism effect ( and Du realizes Mudshow is constantly humming, or hissing, or otherwise making noises with the music ) ]

Daraz quickly shucks and stows his gear, except for his shivs.  More agile now in the water, he patrols within sight of the githyanki, making a wide sweep in the direction of Mudshow's blood trail. 

Gy-Nath retrieves a cut crystal lens from his pack and levitates it along the survace of the water toward Daraz.  He catches it, and Gy-Nath signs to him to hold it to one eye. 

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ya'shenn ponders the fact

Ya'shenn ponders the fact that she had already healed the half-breed quite recently -- but considering how badly off the duthka'gith is at the moment, it is probably best that she had. Once the Rish places Ar'dru on a now instrument-free platform, she reaches out and touches the half-dragon on the shoulder. It would be nice to have the mind-warrior able to act, even if he won't exactly be in prime fighting form.

[Empathic Transfer to Ar'dru, 13 hp.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“The illithid treats this

“The illithid treats this place as a… a theater stage… a grotesque musical scene. It means to confound us from all angles, by means of both sound and sorcery. We must bring silence to the play.”

The words are spoken towards no one in particular; Du’minh conveys his perceptions to nearby comrades while tightening his grip on the Arbiter and taking in all the arcane emanations. He takes a deep breath and focuses on the magical patterns pervading the environment, seeking to interpret their sources and gain a sense of direction to the origin.


“Any ideas for flushing it out?” he asks his fellow giths. “Are either of you psionicists able to silence the ruckus perhaps?”

14 Bonus for Spellcraft to do interpret Mudshow's magic
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Mortals know not, of what

Mortals know not, of what the dead speak.

Thoughts flowing together through a collapsing loop, and back out again.

Death speaks for itself, so let every one choose; and in choosing make the inevitabe, neccessary.


There in a clamor that echoes off the pillars.


We are all the same decaying organic matter.

How we die is at least as important as how we live, is it not?

Maybe we shall cleave a road, or make such an end as to be worth a song - if any be left to sing of us hereafter.



There are several splashes and a loud random clanking.


This too will fall apart, and become One.

Halcion flares and crumbes to ash.  Cool embracing darkness.

I will not see, I am alone, I do not exist, I am everywhere, I am nowhere, death speaks for itself, I am mute.


The clattering and clanking echo terribly, and the music does not stop despite Mudshow's words, though it starts to change, and strange elements are being added, until it starts to sound very alien again.  Soon it is no longer subtle, and seemlessly it changes into a hard-beat cacophony of drums and screeches.  

[en check, anyone not posting by my next few posts is taking 10.  High rolers will likely discern direction, since for some reason the clanking and splashes, though they echo, are not being mis-directed like many of the other sounds are.  Plus I did say it was going into a dirge when the canking started.  Hey maybe this time Mud WANTS to be found.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Listen check

Listen check

2 Bonus for Listen to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 7.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
...check (woohoo, i rolled 1

...check (woohoo, i rolled 1 lower that Zim, lol)

2 Bonus for listen to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 6.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
(That has got to be a

(That has got to be a personal best for Du'minh's listen checks. Perhaps combined with the earlier Spellcraft check it might actually be good for something?)

0 Bonus for Listen to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
At first it seems that

At first it seems that Ya'Shenns powers have not functioned as Ar'dru remains limp on the platform. The clamorous noise stirs Ar'dru from his torpor as his eyes snap open and refocus and his hand immediately reaches for his sword. A curious expression of regret lingers on his face before he leans over the edge of the platform and releases a stream of steam and swallowed fluid back into the sewer he was pulled from.

Once recovered he glances to Ya'Shenn. "I apologise for imposing on your powers again so soon sister. I will ensure that your sacrifice was worthwhile."

With that Ar'dru turns his attentions to searching for Mudshow but unfortunately he seems to still be somewhat groggy.

6 Bonus for to do Listen
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 10.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh realizes the sounds

Du'minh realizes the sounds of clanking and splashes are not misdirected like the rest of the sounds, but coming from a particular direction (South-east if the still-burning wet fire is 'north').  Either Mudshow WANTS to be found, it doesn't have time to ensorcer these sounds, or it believes the echoes and confusion of the music would be sufficient to disguise its direction.

Du'minh carefully focuses past the music.  When he does so, he realizes the clanking sounds like glass bottles clanking together.  He even hears one break.  Still, the music is very loud and very strange.  Some of the instruments are making sounds in inovative ways.  There must be dozens of them, if not a hundred or more, and the illithid is playing them all.

[DM Note: Verbal Communication impossible without a DC 15 listen check, +1 dc per 10'.  Be liberal with the non-verbal comunication, Githyanki are trained to communicate tacticly in silence]

Gy-Nath's Voice rings in Ya'shenn's head.

~This racket has me confounded.  I don't know how much power you've got left in you, but I've been sparing mine until now.  Stay with the wounded, and, if you can keep the duthka'gith from the fray until we can assess his wounds.

 ~I will consolodate the 'longblades' in the squad, which will leave the aid station a tempting bait.  Be on your guard.

He then contacts both Ii'jyka'vaar and Du'minh.  The message is short and simple.  Battle-speak as a thought.

~Squad consolidate on a triangle, distance five paces.

0 Bonus for NPC Listen checks to do show you how it's done.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka just nods and moves

Ii'Jyka just nods and moves to position without any communication...trying to be both silent (not making the water move to much, rather then being silent, as there is musical ruckus anyway) and observant..

2 Bonus for move silent to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 11.
6 Bonus for spot to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 13.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Gy-Nath extends his left

Gy-Nath extends his left arm and telekineticly upwraps it.

{The traditional 'cloth strips' form of clothing githyanki wear serve many battlefield uses.  They can be used as bandages.  They can be layered in vital areas as a form of padded armor.  They can serve as ropes to bind prisoners or traverse rough terrain.  They can wrap up looted swag.}

The wet cloth strip wraps around his head and ears to block out the noise, and make it clear that he cannot hear.  He also mimes blindness and fruitless searching for a few seconds, ending with a shrug. 

He points toward Daraz.  The warriors do not know if he telepathicly contacted the lightly-armored scout or not, but Daraz is not looking their way, instead using Gy-Nath's crystal lens to seach the shadows several yards to the 'east'.  Daraz, for his part, seems to be focused on carefully making his way around the pillars to the south-east.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du’minh moves to position

Du’minh moves to position himself as per Gy-Nath’s instructions and hand signals Daraz’, Gy’s, and Ii’s attention in the direction from where he hears the clanking and breaking of glass bottles. He keeps very tense while they close in, his knuckles turning white around his flail.


While they wade onwards, Du’minh traces one hand through the water and lifts a cupped hand with fluid up for closer inspection. He’s looking for glass shards or signs of change in the water’s coloration, suspicious of the cause for the un-misdirected sounds.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: ~I will

'Azure' wrote:
~I will consolidate the 'longblades' in the squad, which will leave the aid station a tempting bait. Be on your guard.

'Azriael' wrote:
Once recovered he glances to Ya'shenn. "I apologise for imposing on your powers again so soon sister."

'Azure' wrote:
There are several splashes and a loud random clanking.

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Trap likely."

Ya'shenn may not be particularly happy about being used as bait, but she's not about to complain, especially when a direct order from a kith'rak is involved. The psion nods, almost absently, to the half-dragon as she 'listens' to the telepathic communication.

The clanking and clattering, however, make the psion extremely wary of mechanical traps -- especially in light of Du'minh having pointed out that possibility earlier. Whatever traps Mudshow may have in place, though, the psion reasons that they would have been designed to spare Its musical instruments. She tests the platform occupied by the large half-dragon to see whether it can support her weight as well as his own. Should she be so fortunate, Ya'shenn climbs onto the platform herself, crouching low so as to present a smaller target, and being careful to balance herself, such that a mind blast or 'friendly' tentacle won't easily dislodge her.

Ya'shenn scans the sewer near the platform for any sign of either traps or the illithid bard before she leans back, concentrating, and begins to heal herself. For what it's worth, she keeps her newly acquired blade drawn.

[Not sure how many rounds she has before Mudshow acts, but in this order:
Climb onto platform (taking 10 if necessary)
Spot check
Body Adjustment
Readied action: Attack anything that isn't a gith that comes within melee range of either herself or Ar'dru.]

2 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 8.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
While she waits on the

While she waits on the illithid bard, Ya'shenn finds herself thinking that a minor magical item of hers has occassionally proven useful in the Underdark -- even for a race with darkvision. Unknown to her, Du'minh has assensed the item once before, on their initial meeting. Transferring any extraneous items from that pouch to others, she unlaces a leather pouch from her belt. After gesturing for the attention of the three 'longblades,' she tosses the pouch to the armored githwarriors.

[On the off-chance it might be useful, the pouch contains an Everburning Torch.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh notices a thin oily

Du'minh notices a thin oily stream floating on the water.  It is muli-colored and so dilute that he nearly misses the faint aura of enchantment.

Gy-Nath telekineticly 'catches' Ya'shenn's bag and takes out the everburnig torch.  He makes the enchanted flame fly around the pillars, illuminating the ledges, in the direction indicated by Daraz and Du'minh.

Then they see it.  On a pillar attached to a wall is the most massive of the platforms, above the maximum water level [so about 8' above current water level] .  The platform is made from thighbones and driftwood, and there is what looks like a small shack with a balcony.  In the doorway to the shack is Mudshow, rooting through a huge number of bottles.  The illithid seems to be drinking the contents of almost every potion it has, tossing the empties aside.

[partial cover.  25% miss chance at this range]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A combination of alchemical

A combination of alchemical concoctions to strengthen it… There must be something volatile among that mix!

The thought crosses Du’minh’s mind to signal Ar’dru to toss an incendiary their way, but chances are there is only precious little time before Mudshow will notice the distant light of the everburning torch behind it and they lose the element of surprise.

Du’minh raises a hand to hopefully stay the others from bursting into the fray for a moment, while quickly exchanging his flail for his bow and bringing a lightning arrow on the bowstring.


Revered Gith guide my aim. Set the Enemy ablaze!

The Rish directs the sizzling missile not for the illithid itself, but its abundant collection of mystical potions and elixirs. Even if it doesn’t have the effect he hopes for, the smashed vials will be out of Mudshow’s hands.

0 Bonus for Miss chance to do
I rolled 1d100+0, the result is 36.
9 Bonus for attack to do shoot alchemy collection
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 19.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ironically enough, Ya'shenn

Ironically enough, Ya'shenn also considers asking the half-dragon for a flask of oil, for much the same reason. However, when she sees what Du'minh has in mind, the psion instead sets her unsheathed blade on the platform beside her and readies her crossbow. Or, rather, Gy-Nath's crossbow. She wonders whether it will prove less temperamental than her own (or for that matter another of the kith'rak's crossbows this morning). She does not yet fire, however. [Delay to find out whether Mudshow becomes fried calamari or not.]

0 Bonus for Body Adjustment to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 10.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka looks around to see

Ii'Jyka looks around to see what she might ba able to do, and nods thoughtfully at Du'minh when he gets his bow and shoots at the bottle collection..., Ii'Jyka waits for an explosion, and fire, and if there is no explosion then she will teleport onto the little shack so as to be near the Calamari, but not so he could attack her yet....

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru steps off the

Ar'dru steps off the platform to make room for Ya'shenn hand hovers above the water, ready to defend the depleated psion should it become necessary. Ar'dru regrets his lack of action but recognises that his involvement at this time could disrupt the kith'raks plan.

Readies an action.

6 Bonus for to do Spot
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 21.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh's arrow sails

Du'minh's arrow sails true, and smashes several vials right next to Mudshow's furitive hands.  The resulting electrical disscharge expodes several more and tosses the monster back from the little shack and out onto the balcony.  It turns, two tenticles stuffed into vials, one of them now broken.  Another tenticle is missing, due to ar'dru's sword, but the stump is no longer bleeding.  The everburning torch speeds toward the illithid and strikes at its face ...

At the last moment, the illithid moves with peternatual speed and catches the torch!  It stares into the flame, and the githwarriors can see from their vantage that the illidids eyes, normally pale blue or white with irises and pupils so similar in color that they are nearly invisible, have changed.  Now they are a deep royal purple, with a darker pupil.  Red veins criss-cross the bulging orbs.  Mudshow is making strange noises, in time and tune to the deafening music.  It seems for the moment mesmerized by the captive torch, so much so that it does not notice the flicker of flame growing on the floor of its potion-soaked hut.

0 Bonus for fire save to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
0 Bonus for torch attack to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
With a satisfied grin

With a satisfied grin Du’minh switches back to his trusty Arbiter and fans out (hopefully with the others) to form a sort of half-circle to the wall that supports the shack, intending to surround and cut off escape routes in case Mudshow should try to dive in and swim away.



Is the jump potion Du’minh drank a moment ago still functioning? If so, does it look like he can jump platforms to reach the shack?

4 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 21.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The psion wonders what the

The psion wonders what the consumption of a mix of potions may be doing to Mudshow's already deranged mind. Ya'shenn aims a crossbow bolt between the mind flayer's eyes, though she would be pleasantly surprised if the shot were to be effective. Mesmerized or not, the bard seems to be very agile. Not to mention the range, or the fact that sewers and crossbows don't get along well.

[Not sure if Mudshow still has partial cover. Assuming that Gy-Nath's crossbow is masterwork; if not, subtract 1 from the roll.]

6 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 23.
0 Bonus for Damage to do
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 7.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh leaps onto a nerby

Du'minh leaps onto a nerby platform.  The illithid madly waves the torch like a coductor's wand, the music speeding up in tempo.  As Du'minh prepares for his leap to Mudshow's balcony, Ya'shenns bolt comes streaking in from the darkness.  It strikes Mudshow square in the chest.  The illithid barely flinches.  It continues to wave its arms as the music goes from loud and alien to fast, loud, and alien.

Du'minh leaps from the platform to the balcony, barely making it, but saved by grabbing the railing.  He has to drop his flail and use both hands to climb up, but as his feet hit the deck, he notices Arbiter floating within arm's reach.  Gy-Nath's voice rings in his mind. ~Strike true

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
With a grateful nod to

With a grateful nod to Gy-Nath and Ya’shenn, Du’minh reaches out and takes a firm grip of the hovering flail, the growing flames of the shack dancing reflectively in his black eyes.

“Time for curtain call, abomination.”


The Rish is tired, ticked, and soaked in muck and mud. The endless abhorrent music makes his mind feel as if slowly unraveling. His resolve to end the madness is all but all-consuming.

He brings the Arbiter to bear on Mudshow, first in a wide horizontal swing across the illithid’s midsection to disrupt its waving arms that directs the music. “Be still!”

Du’minh keeps momentum going to plunge the flail-head straight for Mudshow’s chest to knock the air out of it, hopefully causing it to stagger back towards the flames. “Be silent!”



Full attack. Total damage comes up to 45.

17 Bonus for 1st Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 27.
12 Bonus for 2nd Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 30.
12 Bonus for Base Damage to do
I rolled 1d10+12, the result is 16.
I rolled 1d10+12, the result is 21.
0 Bonus for Bonded Damage (Mudshow is a spellcaster) to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 2.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka uses a daily use of

Ii'Jyka uses a daily use of her telejump to shift from the water to the platform and stay there a bit dazed (not allowed to do anything then, and i wont do crazy jump attacks this time Smiling )

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
While she's pleased that the

While she's pleased that the githwarriors can now attack the lunatic bard, Ya'shenn mutters under her breath about not having a clear shot. The psion reloads the weapon and adjusts her aim, but waits to see whether Du'minh and the knight make short work of the mind flayer. Should Mudshow prove tougher than expected, the psion fires Gy-Nath's crossbow a second time.

[Delay to the end of the round, to see if Du'minh/Ii/Gy take out the bard. If not, shoot Mudshow again. -4 for firing into melee.]

2 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 13.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka side steps to get

Ii'Jyka side steps to get to a flanking position and hacks at the Calamari..

(2nd attack -1 to hit, mixed bab's)+ (ignore 1st set of damage rolls, something went wrong)

Full attack, total damage 41 to calamari +10 damage to self.

current hp: 55 +3(2 as max is 57 atm) from last turn +3 from current turn? -10 from dam this turn=  50

15 Bonus for to hit/incl flanking to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 32.
11 Bonus for to hit/incl flanking to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 26.
9 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 4D6+9, the result is 4.
I rolled 4D6+9, the result is 4.
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 23.
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 18.
0 Bonus for damage to self to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 4.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The illithid does not fight

The illithid does not fight back, but stretches out its arms.  The music seems to reach a crecendo.  Du'minh swings Arbiter, and shatters Mudshow's pelvis.  The illithid drops to its knees, doubled over, just as Ii reaches its side and raises her sword.  She brings the blade down in a strong overhand arc and severs the illithid's head.  Mudshow topples forward, and the head rolls off and falls with a splash in the water.

The music does not end abruptly, instead it just ends, as if Mudshow chose the timing perfectly.  The echoes of the alien music fade away, leaving ringing ears and the sounds of dripping water.  Ya'shenn lowes her crossbow when she sees the illithid bard's head come off.  With one threat taken care of her trained and active mind begins seaching her sourroundings for additional threats.  Cut off from the rest, she feels a twinge of fear when she realizes she DOES hear something else moving in the water, besides the rest of the squad.  A shape cuts a wake off to the 'south', moving with speed toward the warriors [spot check - 10 = mystery shape 15 = "Thought I saw a ..." 18 = "Hey, that's a ..."  20 = "I saw that!"]

Mudshow's body continues to clutch the everburning torch.  It flops around in a crazy jig of death for a few moments, burning Du'minh on the shins and knees.  The hut and balcony are made mostly of thighbones and the topless skulls of countless victims.  Mudshow had managed to consume a great many potions, and in a way it surprizes Du'minh that the thing's body died as 'easily' as it did.  Then he realizes the head is missing, having fallen in the water.  Daraz in the closest, and unarmored, moves easily toward where it splashed down.  Then Du'minh sees a wave in the water, quickly overtaking Daraz in the water. [ Spot check, same as above.]

[Ii can make a spot chec like Ya'shenn and Du'minh.  So can Ar'dru for that matter.  Ii has no teleports left until she biovacs]  

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: [spot check

'Azure' wrote:
[spot check - 10 = mystery shape 15 = "Thought I saw a ..." 18 = "Hey, that's a ..."  20 = "I saw that!"]


2 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 14.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07


6 Bonus for to do Spot
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 25.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ya'shenn sees a dark shape

Ya'shenn sees a dark shape in the water.  Larger than ahumanoid and swimming muc, much faster.  Ar'dru sees the same; it is headed for the warriors and Mudshow.  Then, much closer, he sees a second shape it the water ... an it sees him.  Though it does not get too close, it surfaces a moment before going back under the water.  Ar'dru sees it for a moment, though.  An aboleth, and more than one.  They doo not seem as large as he knows aboleth can be, perhaps younger specimens.  Then, towards the base of another pillar, Ar'dru sees a tentile reach up and snath a particularly odd musical instument.  That makes threee, three aboleth.  Not fully mature, seemingly, but intelligent and deadly nonetheless.

 [The warriors still have so idea]


0 Bonus for NPC Spot chk to do have an idea what's coming
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote: Cut off from

'Azure' wrote:
Cut off from the rest, she feels a twinge of fear when she realizes she DOES hear something else moving in the water, besides the rest of the squad. A shape cuts a wake off to the 'south', moving with speed toward the warriors.

'Azure' wrote:
Ya'shenn sees a dark shape in the water. Larger than a humanoid and swimming much, much faster.

How fortunate that the bard's horrid music had concluded. Ya'shenn has more means with which to communicate than most githyanki, but it's still pleasant to be able to speak aloud. She pitches her voice to be easily heard by the other gith present.

"Another -- not ghaik."

The psion decides that something moving that quickly, underwater, in Mudshow's domain, is unlikely to have diplomatic intentions in mind. It seems too large to be a ghaik. Perhaps a thrall creature? Hopefully Mudshow, unlike Lavendar, had not decided to experiment with motherhood. Ya'shenn sets the crossbow down beside her on the platform (which is becoming increasingly crowded with weapons) and pulls out the illithid-wrought dorje.

"If you are so eager to die, by all means, continue!"

Having given the mysterious but probably hostile shape that one opportunity to leave the warriors alone, the psion targets the swimming creature and activates the dorje.


5 Bonus for dorje to do annoy an aboleth
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 21.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
euhm, spot if still

euhm, spot if still usefull:guess, NOT...

"Huh, what, where?..." Ii'Jyka is still mentally in a kind of "Stunned_from_loud_music_that_is_no_longer_there" effect... and is more focused on her closer environs then the actual waters...

6 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 11.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A deep sigh escapes

A deep sigh escapes Du’minh when the mad opera finally settles down and he rubs his singed shin as Mudshow’s spasms dies out. His attention is drawn to the large fish-like shapes swimming towards them, however, eyes widening when Daraz is pulled under and Ya’shenn shouts out.


The Rish forces the everburning torch out of Mudshow’s death grip and quickly drops it down at the site where Daraz disappeared to clearly light up the scene and see what’s going on under the surface. He trails his sight after the unique aura he has grown accustomed to Daraz’ projecting as a mage, and if Du’minh sees any sign or emanation of a creature wrestling the scout underwater he leaps out from the balcony to come crashing down with his flail and bulk on the new aggressor.

0 Bonus for Spot to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
"Brothers! Aboleth,

"Brothers! Aboleth, Juvenile, ..." Ar'dru bellows, rattling off co-ordinates and headings as best he can.

"Do you wish me to provide you with melee support or should I take the fight to our enemies sister?" he asks Ya'shenn, hefting his blade for emphasis.

 [ooc- I assume wet-fire doesn't affect underwater targets and would just create a surface barrier]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azriael wrote: "Brothers!

'Azriael' wrote:
"Brothers! Aboleth, Juvenile, ..." Ar'dru bellows, rattling off co-ordinates and headings as best he can.

The psion's eyes go very wide the moment the half-dragon says "aboleth."

'Azriael' wrote:
"Do you wish me to provide you with melee support or should I take the fight to our enemies sister?" he asks Ya'shenn, hefting his blade for emphasis.

'Azure' wrote:
~Stay with the wounded, and, if you can keep the duthka'gith from the fray until we can assess his wounds.

Gy-Nath will not be pleased if you kill yourself.

It occurs to Ya'shenn that if she were sarth of this group -- not a position she desires -- she would ask the duthka'gith to fight at range in this situation. She doesn't know a great deal about Ar'dru as a ranged fighter, though. Not to mention that the kith'rak probably likes to see his orders followed. Fortunately, she has another option that probably keeps the half-dragon within the parameters of those orders.

Without taking her eyes from the -- shape -- aboleth! -- Ya'shenn reaches into another pouch and withdraws not one but two potions. Potions that Du'minh had also noted when she and the Rish had first met. She sets them down on the platform, but as close to the levitating duthka'gith as possible, and gestures that the half-dragon is to take and use them, preferably at once.

"I insist." The words are spoken politely... but firmly. Her tone of voice might remind Ar'dru of a healer's request to a patient. 

[The potions are Cure Moderate, x2. Not sure if Ya'shenn can really take out the potions in the first round, or if it'll have to wait until round 2.]

After a few moments, the psion frowns slightly -- not in anger, just in thought.  "The wet fire... a patch of it right around here..."  From Ya'shenn's gestures, the idea is to keep the aboleths well away from this particular platform, without of course setting the platform on fire in the process.  Belatedly, she offers a more direct answer to Ar'dru's question.  "Your bravery is considerable, but we need you healed.  I would like you to stay nearby for now."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru nods "Then we will

Ar'dru nods "Then we will save these until the creatures close in." he passes a the healing potion back to Ya'shenn and and tucks another into his belt.

Ar'dru ignites a flask of wet-fire over the waters surrounding the pillar, spreading it to form a barrier before drawing throwing axes and, hovering above the water in the midst of the flames, waiting for one of the dark figures to move within range.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ar'dru's bellowing makes

Ar'dru's bellowing makes Ii'Jyka look "up" towards the water and sees the movement albeit she still misses the creatures itself mostly.. she takes a step back so as not be on the edge of the platform and grabable and readies actions to hack any tentacles that might appear...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ar'dru sees that spreading

Ar'dru sees that spreading wet-fire over the surface of the water gets the aboleths' attention, and frightens them; or at least makes them move away.  From his vantage, and the increased lighting, Ardru can see that two aboleths are headed for the warriors , one ahed of the other, while a third snathes an instument (the odd horn-thing Mudshow had used at some point)  and swims off into the darkness of the 'east'.

Ar'dru's shout puts the warriors on alert, but too late for Daraz.  The lead aboleth speeds in on the anarmored scout, who dispite his agility and speed in the water, is no match for one of the piscine aberations in its own element.  The aboleth surfaces, an all see it fairly leap on top of Daraz, tenticles flailing.  The aboleth is indeed a juvenile, being scarcely bigger than a donkey.

[Those with spot checks above 12 see that Daraz shivs the thing in its side, and there is an inky black stain on the water afterward. Gy-Nath will move to try and aid him, even spending a d-door, but the struggle is over too quickly and the party does not see Daraz again ... at least not 'till weishan wants to bring his PC out of PC limbo.]

The second aboleth swims deeper, though its wake gives away its aproximate location.  It heads toward wher Mudshow's head hit the water.


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure wrote:I forgot,

'Azure' wrote:
I forgot, sorry. You were in the "what was that?' spot check, right? 50% miss chance if so. .... or just write in a damatic effect miss.

[OK, 01-50: dorje misses, 51-100: dorje hits]

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d100+0, the result is 67.
0 Bonus for Damage to do
I rolled 5d6+0, the result is 11.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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