Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Du’minh staggers and

Du’minh staggers and roars at the immense burning pain, keeping his arms up to shield his head from the worst of the spray of acid.


Realizing another gout like that could take him out, the gith throws all that he’s got into a thunderous assault on the neothelid to end her threat quickly. Du’minh charges up to Violet with a cry of the Liberator on his lips, and launches the flailhead with all his might at the orifice from which she spouted acid.



Max power attack, -8/+16. Dice gods don’t fail me now!

I’m down to less than half max hp - could anyone lend some healing aid?

5 Bonus for Reflex to do save for half damage
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 7.
11 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 29.
28 Bonus for Damage to do
I rolled 1d10+28, the result is 37.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru eyes the scarred

Ar'dru eyes the scarred Illithid with the grudging respect he shows a worthy, but despised, adversary.

 "Interesting. It will be an honor to take your head Ghaik"

[Manifest Body Adjustmentx6 and heal 28hp]

Ar'dru readies his sword and drops into a defensive stance.

0 Bonus for to do manifest Body Adjustment
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d12+0, the result is 2.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Packing

The Packing House

Meathook thumps its tenticles on its punishment collar in agitation as Ar'dru heals before its eyes.

"Y ... you're a t ... t ... tricky one, half-breed! I'll g ... g ... greatly enjoy watching you d ... d ... die. Be assured it will b ... be slow and p ... p ... p ... slow and p ... painful!"

The Tamer whirls its polearm around, then uses the hook to try and wrench Ar'dru's sword from his hands.

[Improved disarm, so no AoO for Ar'dru. 2-handed sword vs. larger weapon cancel each other out. Make an attack roll with regular full bonus, 20 to keep the sword, 19 or less loses the sword (sorry, messed up Meathook's +, he should have had a +12, not +10).]

10 Bonus for attack to do disarm Ar'dru
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 18.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar dutifully

Ii'Jyka'Vaar dutifully steps out of the vault and near the back of the it a swipe with the weapon....

"I dont want to kill all our opponents, there is no honor in being greedy for kills, but we must all stay alive... "

Moving so cautious made her error in the fact that she was to close to the round doorway of the vault, and when she draws the weapon back to hack at the Neothelid, she actually manages to get the blade hit the upper edge of the vault-doorway... sparks fly when she hits the edge, making her hands and the weapon tremble at the impact...thus fumbling her attempt to hit Violet...

(could not find my ini, but i think i was near Ya'shenn in speed...o well...)(f*k*ng unbelievable...sigh, fumble again...)

15 Bonus for Bab to do hit the Neothelid, flanking included
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 16.
Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
this time, she steps

this time, she steps forward a pace, to make sure she wont hit the doorframe again, and tries to lash out at Violet...


This time though, sparks fly again when she scrapes across the floor and slices into the body of Violet...twice cutting deeply in to its hindquarters.. the blade eagerly bites its way through the body of Violet, but at the same time it 'forgets' the difference between target and wielder and bites deeply into Ii'Jyka also....saturating itself with life energy...

15 Bonus for Bab to do hit the Neothelid, flanking included
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 28.
13 Bonus for bab to do incl flanking
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 29.
9 Bonus for str to do damage Violet
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 20.
I rolled 4d6+9, the result is 21.
0 Bonus for vicious to do dam. to self
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 6.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Roll vs Disarm -

Roll vs Disarm - 26

 Ar'dru deflects Meathooks' blade out wide and counters with a mighty thrust through the centre, taking a chunk from the creatures shoulder with his teeth as it staggers back from the hit (ooc- I hope). Ar'dru spits the foul meat out to one side, grimacing at the rubbary texture.


Full Attack: 

Power Attack Greatsword- 31

Damage - 31

Confirm Critical - 25

Damage - 29

Power Attack Bite - 19

Bite Damage - 13

16 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 26.
12 Bonus for to do Power Attack with Greatsword
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 31.
12 Bonus for to do Confirm Critical hit
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 25.
23 Bonus for to do Cause Damage
I rolled 1d20+23, the result is 38.
I rolled 1d10+23, the result is 31.
23 Bonus for to do Critical Damage
I rolled 1d10+23, the result is 29.
8 Bonus for to do Attack with bite
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 19.
12 Bonus for to do Bite Damage
I rolled 1d6+12, the result is 13.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: Du’minh

'Dunamin' wrote:
Du’minh staggers and roars at the immense burning pain, keeping his arms up to shield his head from the worst of the spray of acid.

Realizing another gout like that could take him out, the gith throws all that he’s got into a thunderous assault on the neothelid to end her threat quickly. Du’minh charges up to Violet with a cry of the Liberator on his lips, and launches the flailhead with all his might at the orifice from which she spouted acid.


I’m down to less than half max hp - could anyone lend some healing aid?


Ya'shenn, so recently angry at Ii'Jyka'Vaar, then nauseated almost to the point of vomiting, now pales as the Rish roars in pain. Of all the members of their informal warband, Du'minh and Gy-Nath are the two that the psion least wants to have to triage between. There is the Rish's obvious physical toughness... and there is the definite matter of the kith'rak's rank. Had Gy-Nath not faced a githyanki knight with a drawn sword, for her sake, just this morning? But Gy-Nath is a psion himself, and might have some healing ability of his own, while the mage hunter most likely does not...

Feeling that she must be doing a poor job of repaying Gy-Nath for the duel, Ya'shenn decides on the Rish for now.

"It's me," the psion says quickly in her natural voice, as she moves behind the wounded occult slayer and presses her fingertips to one of the few areas not well protected by Du'minh's armor. She doesn't want to end up on the wrong end of a githwarrior's battle-hardened reflexes, nor would she want to throw off his attacks, but githyanki healers do tend to have some experience at such things.

[Empathic Transfer, 15 hp. Ya'shenn is taking care to position herself directly behind Du'minh, which might matter if Violet breathes again, or if the baby neothelid has reach.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Against his better

Against his better judgement, Daraz moves to catch up wth the neothilid and tries to stab through one of the creature's joints (assuming it's flanked).   

11 Bonus for to hit to do attack roll
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 27.
+3 Bonus for damage to do sneak attack and regular damage
I rolled 4d6++3, the result is .
+3 Bonus for to do combined attack and sneak attack
I rolled 4d6++3, the result is .
I rolled 4d6++3, the result is .
3 Bonus for attack to do combined damage
I rolled 4d6+3, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Packing House Ar'dru

The Packing House

Ar'dru fends off Meathook's attempt at disarming him.  Now in close enough, he gives the tamer a severe wound across the abdomen with his sword, following up with his teeth to the illithid's forearm.  He spits out the disgusting blood and skin-slime before they can ruin his sense of taste.  Well inside Meathook's defensive reach now, Ar'dru backs the illithid warrior up against the catwalk rail.

The tamer, though, is a craftly opponent.  Unable to fully utilize its polearm's reach, it hits Ar'dru with a low blow.  The tamer uses the stout wooden pole to deliver Ar'dru a solid blow to the groin!  Meathook follows it up by delivering a "collar butt" straight to Ar'dru's forehead.

[Critical strike, confirmed, 20 points of subdual damage!] 

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Hive Brothel

The Hive Brothel Vaults

The neothelid finds itself surrounded by gith blades. A cut on its flank draws its attention, and it spins around, away from Du'minh, towards the greatest amount of cold pain in its flank, towards Ii'jyka'vaar. It lashes out with its tenticles, but before they can connect, Gy-Nath, who had been getting the burning acid off his face, tosses his sword in the air. The godsteel han-and-a-half weapon moves as if an invisible hand guides it, and parries one of the tentiles, slicing off the tip with a spurt of foul-smelling dark purple blood.

The other three tenticles, however, wrap around Ii's head and neck and start to constrict with amazing strenth. Violet begins to throttle Ii, and painfully crush her skull. In addition, the caustic secretions burn her skin. Only her toughness, and her stoic githyanki manners, keep her from screaming out in pain.

[32 damage, DR taken into account. Lavendar was right in believing Violet to be a terror in melee. Of course, you guys have severely wounded the neothelid, but it is not down yet. BTW, about those 2 nat 20's ... the DM is ruling no critical damage, but Ii's air supply is cut off, and she will be taking max subdual damage (17 pts) due to choking so long as Violet has her]

18 Bonus for tenticle attack to do grab Ii
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 38.
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 38.
I rolled 1d20+18, the result is 24.
5 Bonus for tenticle to do hurt Ii
I rolled 2d6+5, the result is 17.
I rolled 2d6+5, the result is 9.
I rolled 2d6+5, the result is 11.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Zimrazim wrote:"It's me,"

Zimrazim wrote:
"It's me," the psion says quickly in her natural voice, as she moves behind the wounded occult slayer and presses her fingertips to one of the few areas not well protected by Du'minh's armor.

“You are tranquility within the storm, Ya’shenn.”

Du’minh offers his gratitude with a smile, feeling wounds close and burn marks fade at the psion’s touch.


Azure wrote:
The other three tenticles, however, wrap around Ii's head and neck and start to constrict with amazing strenth. Violet begins to throttle Ii, and painfully crush her skull. In addition, the caustic secretions burn her skin. Only her toughness, and her stoic githyanki manners, keep her from screaming out in pain.

A moment of déjà vu flashes through the gith’s mind as he remembers the close calls of decerebration yesterday. This time he would not allow an illithidae to come as far as Daraz experienced.

The Rish side-steps into a flanking position with Daraz, bringing his flail in rapid roundabout swings to hammer Violet into submission – or at least enough to make her let go of Ii’Jyka’Vaar.



Power attacks, -3/+6.

Great Giggles of Gith, possible double crits!!! (damage rolls are for 1st attack and its possible crit, then 2nd attack and its possible crit)

16 Bonus for 1st attack to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 36.
16 Bonus for confirmation roll to do confirm crit
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 22.
11 Bonus for 2nd attack to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 31.
11 Bonus for confirmation roll to do confirm crit
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 17.
18 Bonus for damage to do
I rolled 1d10+18, the result is 25.
I rolled 1d10+18, the result is 28.
I rolled 1d10+18, the result is 21.
I rolled 1d10+18, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Du'minh rains crushing

Du'minh rains crushing blows down upon Violet with his heavy flail. The monster pulls Ii off her feet as it spasms and collapses, but does not let go. The neothelid retains a death-grip with its tenticles, but it no longer has any real fight left in it.

Meanwhile, at the door to the chamber, there is a murmer of discord, as those thralls still loyal to their masters even in death argue with others who wish to embrace their new-found freedom. There is a short scuffle, and in the end three figures emerge and enter the chamber. There is a bladeling, who Ya'shenn and Daraz recognize as Mr. Sharp, a slinky, scaled, Yuan-ti woman, and a very large and muscular human. It is the human who speaks, but even as he does so, the bladeling defends his back from hobgoblin thralls who still desire vengance for their masters' deaths.

"Githyanki warriors! You have found your quarry and triumphed, and for that you have my thanks, for it was only a matter of time before I myself would have become a meal. The other associates and myself have decided not to seek revenge for the murder of the masters, for they ruled mostly through fear and cruelty, but the guards have been brainwashed and controled their entire lives, and would thank you with clubs and swords if we let them. Do not tarry here. This business is likely to fail without the coordination that Master Lavendar provided, and we have yet to discuss whether we will remain or seek our fortunes elsewhere now that we are free. As such I consider the booty that lies in the vaults rightfully ours! Leave this place, before we change our minds and allow the brainwashed fools their desire!"

As the muscular graith speaks, Gy-Nath wathes him and his two allies with half an eye, but concentrates more on trying to get Ii'jyka'vaar untangled from Violet's death-grip.  He ends up needing to cut her out of the tenticles' grip before she once again can gasp for breath.


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote:“You are

'Dunamin' wrote:
“You are tranquility within the storm, Ya’shenn.”

Du’minh offers his gratitude with a smile, feeling wounds close and burn marks fade at the psion’s touch.

Ya'shenn returns the smile, and seems about to say something -- until the psion's eyes widen, then glaze over in pain. Her current drowic disguise may be the picture of health, but the healer herself has just collected a number of intensely painful acid burns. She manages not to start screaming, though it is likely that the presence of Du'minh, Ii'Jyka'Vaar, and a githyanki captain does something to reinforce the expected githyanki stoicism.

'Azure' wrote:
The other three tenticles, however, wrap around Ii's head and neck and start to constrict with amazing strenth. Violet begins to throttle Ii, and painfully crush her skull. In addition, the caustic secretions burn her skin.

Perhaps the psion's hand stays on the Rish a moment longer than is strictly necessary for healing purposes. Does it...?

In any event, Ii'Jyka'Vaar is in peril. Overcoming her general distaste for githyanki knights, the psion mentally prepares herself to heal Ii'Jyka'Vaar much as she had Du'minh --

'Azure' wrote:
Du'minh rains crushing blows down upon Violet with his heavy flail. The monster pulls Ii off her feet as it spasms and collapses, but does not let go. The neothelid retains a death-grip with its tenticles, but it no longer has any real fight left in it.

'Azure' wrote:
"Githyanki warriors! You have found your quarry and triumphed, and for that you have my thanks, for it was only a matter of time before I myself would have become a meal. The other associates and myself have decided not to seek revenge for the murder of the masters, for they ruled mostly through fear and cruelty, but the guards have been brainwashed and controled their entire lives, and would thank you with clubs and swords if we let them. Do not tarry here. This business is likely to fail without the coordination that Master Lavendar provided, and we have yet to discuss whether we will remain or seek our fortunes elsewhere now that we are free. As such I consider the booty that lies in the vaults rightfully ours! Leave this place, before we change our minds and allow the brainwashed fools their desire!"

Ya'shenn eyes the pimps and assorted hobgoblin thralls carefully, assensing their demeanors and body language (barbarian though they are) as best she can, though she does not extend her psionic senses as yet. Indeed, as the overlarge human speaks, the psion begins to knit together her own acid-burned flesh. She is not eager to battle the lot of them right now, particularly not with all of their informal warband, save Daraz, wounded. At least she possesses many tools to make thralls miserable, should it come to that.

"Your generosity, Mister Muscle, is praiseworthy."
Ya'shenn speaks with a certain amused sarcasm as she stalks over to the thrall still attached to Violet and hacks away at the leash. Assuming that she succeeds at this task without incident, she moves between Ii'Jyka'Vaar and the collection of thralls and pimps. "As is, of course, your undying hatred for your foul masters." Not that an outsider would normally recognize it, but her manner of speaking at this moment is very much the 'see how cultured I am' version that citizens of Tu'narath sometimes use.

She twirls the mind-control-negating dorje in her hand for a moment. "I do not seek further violence -- provided, of course, that you and yours do not bring it on yourselves. Regardless of your own wishes, Mister Muscle, or even mine, we must, at the very least, visit the lair of your erstwhile masters, Lavendar and Violet."

For information.

"Second, it is a rare Githyanki who will forego trophies. As for wholesale looting -- " she looks to the other githyanki -- "you will have to negotiate with them on that subject.

"If you are truly grateful for your freedom from Lavendar, I would be grateful myself for whatever knowledge you have of It, of Violet, or for that matter any others of its loathsome kind. Perhaps we can help one another. If you truly have no wish to be enslaved again, association with enemies of the illithid may be to your profit."

Of course, I rather doubt that. Barbarian filth, making slaves of your own species -- and likely you are twisted enough to serve the ghaik of your own free will. That is if you are not actually one of Will's creatures, herding us, thinking us as simple as a pack of wild dogs. Perhaps I can buy enough time for Ii'Jyka'Vaar to be healed...

[Sense Motive check on NPCs. Bluff check (healing her own wounds). Diplomacy check. Body Adjustment.]

13 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 16.
15 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 26.
15 Bonus for Bluff to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 29.
0 Bonus for Body Adjustment to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 8.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'drus' eyes cross in

Ar'drus' eyes cross in pain from the groin strike, however he re-groups enough to lash out again at the Illithid.


(ooc- what's Meathooks AC?)

Power attack (Greatsword) - 18

Damage - 24

Power Attack (Bite) - 19

Damage - 13

(ooc- Thank Gith for good damage adjustments eh?)

12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 18.
8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 19.
23 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d10+23, the result is 24.
12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+12, the result is 13.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Regardless of your own

Regardless of your own wishes, Mister Muscle, or even mine, we must, at the very least, visit the lair of your erstwhile masters, Lavendar and Violet."

For information.

"Second, it is a rare Githyanki who will forego trophies. As for wholesale looting -- " she looks to the other githyanki -- "you will have to negotiate with them on that subject.

"If you are truly grateful for your freedom from Lavendar, I would be grateful myself for whatever knowledge you have of It, of Violet, or for that matter any others of its loathsome kind. Perhaps we can help one another. If you truly have no wish to be enslaved again, association with enemies of the illithid may be to your profit."

"Hrmm, well, if you truly wish to visit our masters' chambers, false-Lythe (for your voice is not hers), you may have to cut your way through dozens of irate hobgoblins who would not thank you for freeing them from tyrany.  In your present guise, you might sucessfully make your way there yourself, but your githyanki friends will likely not have as easy a time of it."  Mr. Muscle sneers, for though Mr. Sharp and Ms. Slink are successfully holding the hobgoblins back, it is obvious that wihout them, the guards would rush in en masse to avenge their masters (or, from their former reactions, at least Master Lavendar).  "As for knowledge, I may be convinced to part with what I have, but knowledge barters for a high price where I am from."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though Du’minh

Though Du’minh appreciates that Ya’shenn is stalling for time and information, Mr. Muscle has just reinforced all the gith’s otherwise waning prejudices against graiths. He whispers a short message to Gy-Nath and Ii’Jyka’Vaar before taking action:

“If the situation turns unfavorable, I will teleport Ya’shenn and Daraz away from here – we can rendezvous at the chambers from where we left, unless they give us the location to Lavendar’s chambers.”


The Rish then strides up to stand by Ya’shenn’s side, dripping a trail of neothelid blood from the Arbiter. He positions himself ready to step in and block off any assailants, perhaps a bit closer than strictly necessary for body guarding purposes.

Du’minh eyes the three figures carefully, trying to get a sense of what danger they pose and searching for any trace of magic, then directs the one who speaks for them.

“I applaud your resolve to oppose your oppressors – and that is the extent of my sympathy. Now that you are free, no thanks to your own machinations, I suggest you reconsider your attitude towards your liberators as well as your imagined position of strength.”


Azure wrote:
"As such I consider the booty that lies in the vaults rightfully ours! Leave this place, before we change our minds and allow the brainwashed fools their desire!"

“We are not interested in avoidable deaths or lingering in this place. Be that as it may, I certainly speak for all of us when I say that we do not respond well to demands and threats. Especially when those threats only would have marginal impact and do nothing but slow us down a bit.”

“So, considering how circumstances prohibit prolonged bartering, this is how it is: You answer my companion’s query and you answer her straight, and we give you the Vault, save for one choice picking for each of us. Alternatively, I treat you how I treated Lavendar’s pet – and then we leave as suddenly as we came, leaving your two associates to face the wrath of the loyal thralls.”

“Which is it?”


Du’minh is being painfully aware how he just issued a threat himself – and he finds it perfectly appropriate against such an honorless graith.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
After Gasping for air for

After Gasping for air for being cut lose from the tentacled grip, she nods thanks to Gy'nath,

"I will not..." Ii'Jyka says whilst standing up, dlood and gore still dripping from her body... "let my right of spoils be twarted by some slaves that manage to be free according to our help given, we have done the efforts and will be rewarded as we see fit from any spoils here in the vaults..."

Ii'Jyka accepts the healing from Ya'shenn, but tells her to not heal her if she is not in emmediate danger of death (if she is not that atm.).. "dont waste your energy on me if i am not down, though your gift of help is not ignored, thanks, sister.."

will edit later..

Dam: 11+ 17+ 9+ 11= 48 -11 healing (fast heal + Ya'shen)= 37 , 20 hp atm


In addition, the caustic secretions burn her skin.
NO way hose, i am immune to acid... Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"Very well, warriors. I

"Very well, warriors. I merely wish to remain practical, for whichever associates wish to flee will need some sort of stake in order to start again. This business was thriving, so far as I could tell, and it is entirely possible that another Master will eventually arrive to re-establish control here. I for one do not wish to be here when that happens, but I have also seen what poverty in Sigil is like, and have no desire to live a destitute lifestyle. Especially not now that, thanks to Lavendar, I know the pleasures that jink can provide, for though she was a brain-eating monster, she enjoyed the finer things of life and shared them with her associates."

"As for us being slaves," he addresses Ii'jyka'vaar, "I was born in the slave pits of Tyr, and must admitt that my life here was greatly preferable, dispite the fact that Lavendar had to restrain Violet daily from consuming my brain. Evidently, being psionic, they considered my brain especially delicious, but to Lavendar I was more useful than scrumptious. Still, I have not felt a lash nor been deprived of sustainance in many years."

The human's demeanor and attitude toward his former master reveals the depth of his ignorance: to ascribe an illithid gender, to believe one could be anything other than a cruel monstrosity, to have been taken by its love of creature comforts, to believe that privilaged subservience to an illithid is somehow better than material slavery. Surely this graith is little more that a greedy, deluded fool. Gy-Nath even calls him such under his breath, but also whispers to Ii, "Do not be hasty for spoils, for we have other battles yet to fight this day. Let the fool graith think we are bargaining away jink we should not laden ourselves down with anyway."

"Still, here we stand. You warriors may be able to slay each and every guard that rushes you, but you'd have no time to loot the vaults while they did. There is also the matter of us associates. I have no desire to risk my own life facing you, but could soon summon others who might gladly do so. Those associates who shared Lavendar's faction affilliation were quite loyal. Loyal enough to avenge her. Some of the longer-serving ones are nearly as brainwashed as the eunichs, too. There is therefore a time constraint, and I would like to loot one of those vaults before any of the others arrive to level accusations of treachery and abandonment upon me. It will be significantly harder for us to get away with some jink should they do so."

"Now, if some information will help convince you to move along and leave us enough jink to do so ourselves, than I will gladly give it to you. Lavendar and Violet were the only ones of their respective kinds residing here, but other beings like Lavendar came from time to time to consume the brains of greenskirts or patrons that Lavendar had selected. Lavendar would never reveal Violet's existance to them, for some reason. I did not understand why, and knew better than to pry, but it was odd, for Lavendar treated Violet like a favored child at all other times, dispite the fact that they are obviously different types of beings."

"Those others of Lavendar's race arrived exclusively through the portals here in the vaults. The greenskirts upstairs had no knowledge of them, save rumors, and we associates were instructed only to vaguely refer to 'The Masters', though considering their diet this was wise. No sense in causing a panic among the employees and customers. They did not seem to share the normal ... desires ... of other beings, considering our business, but came exclusively to feed. Well, that is, except for Lavendar herself who took pleasure in her own various perversions. All the more reason I am glad to see her dead."

"Well, anything else you'd like to know?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote:The Rish then

'Dunamin' wrote:
The Rish then strides up to stand by Ya’shenn’s side, dripping a trail of neothelid blood from the Arbiter. He positions himself ready to step in and block off any assailants, perhaps a bit closer than strictly necessary for body guarding purposes.

Ya'shenn doesn't quite repress another smile. Despite the fact that the room could soon be filled with furious hobgoblin mind-slaves, the psion seems to be in unusually good spirits.

She needs to focus on the barbarian's tale, though. Indeed, her (decidedly low) esteem of Mister Muscle rises slightly during the conversation, purely because he is a psion, or at least a wild talent of some sort. Such abilities are generally rare among the graith races. If she were not in the midst of holy rrakkma, Ya'shenn might not object to speaking further with this one out of genuine curiosity, even bearing in mind his sickening profession.

'Azure' wrote:
"Evidently, being psionic, they considered my brain especially delicious..."

Ya'shenn winces visibly at this point, knowing that the brain of a Githyanki projective telepath would likely be regarded as a rare and savory delicacy by Lavendar's kind. Should she ever be captured alive by the Enemy, she would most likely end up in the... hands... of a performance-eater, or perhaps (if she were slightly less unlucky) simply devoured by some aggressive and gluttonous ghaik of high social rank. Much the same is probably true for Gy-Nath.

'Azure' wrote:
"They did not seem to share the normal ... desires ... of other beings, considering our business, but came exclusively to feed. Well, that is, except for Lavendar herself who took pleasure in her own various perversions... "

The psion winces. Again.

Ugh. Another ghaik that enjoys putting its tentacles in places it ought not to. Ya'shenn tries very hard not to contemplate what sort of activities an actively... active illithid might engage in.

'Azure' wrote:
"Well, anything else you'd like to know?"

Inwardly, the psion frowns in thought. She wants to glean as much as possible about the other illithids, but it wouldn't surprise her too much if Mister Muscle were to eventually become food for some Tamer or other ghaik.

She shakes her head. "Only to advise you that other illithid are far more likely to regard you as a delectable meal than a favored thrall. You would do well to serve them no longer."

The psion returns to the vault and takes up Lavendar's key ring. She glances over at Daraz, given that the rogue is probably much more likely to safely disable any possible traps than she is. Ya'shenn has no particular desire to loot the place wholesale, but she had meant what she'd said concerning trophies. And rrakkma is expensive. She would not mind replacing the money that had already been spent on alchemist's fire.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:but also

Azure wrote:
but also whispers to Ii, "Do not be hasty for spoils, for we have other battles yet to fight this day. Let the fool graith think we are bargaining away jink we should not laden ourselves down with anyway."

Ii'Jyka whispers back to Gy   "Gy'nath, my bag does not laden me, at least it has properties to lighten my loads.., and i will, not, leave spoils to unworthy fools, they have no right to any spoils we fought for...nor should they be allowed the honor of spoils for they served our enemies...  I stand ready to claim my and even for our double edged her claims of spoils, so we will not lose our face to this fool who stands before us speaking of Illithids as if they were his saviours.."


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Azure wrote:"Now, if some

Azure wrote:
"Now, if some information will help convince you to move along and leave us enough jink to do so ourselves, than I will gladly give it to you. "


"Well, anything else you'd like to know?"

“That’s good enough - for me, at least. If you survive this endeavor and do actually manage to become established, do not forget who set you free. More importantly, however: do not forget who chained you. You must banish your illusions of comfortable thralldom, graith – the fattened pig may enjoy the feed it is given but it is destined for slaughter nonetheless.”


Du’minh glances about for the arcane aura of any portals in the vicinity; those that the muscular human psion mentioned were being used by illithid visitors. He makes a mental note of their location and then joins the two still disguised giths at the Vault.


“Speaking of slaughter, we should continue with haste to the slaughterhouse once this is resolved – our missing brother could have need of us. Ya’shenn, might you be able to make contact with him?”

Somehow the term “sister” has lately gone missing when Du’minh addresses her, though it’s not entirely clear whether this is conscious of him. He swiftly scans over weaponry, armor, tools and what other trinkets the room may hold, pointing out the most powerful selections for his allies. Among these, he picks one item out that would be particularly potent in his hands, preferably surpassing his current armament.



What items radiate the strongest auras of magic?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: “Speaking

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Speaking of slaughter, we should continue with haste to the slaughterhouse once this is resolved – our missing brother could have need of us. Ya’shenn, might you be able to make contact with him?”

Ya'shenn doesn't really think of duthka'giths as siblings -- rather, grudgingly tolerated half-breed cousins at best. It takes her a moment to realize that the Rish is talking about Ar'dru and not K'tch. Where is the half-dragon?

She reaches out telepathically for the fire-tinged mind of the duthka'gith. If he is nearby, the mind of a half-dragon should not be too difficult to distinguish from those of hobgoblins and assorted graith thralls and patrons.

The psion looks over at Mister Muscle and the others again before taking a moment to check on the bard as well.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
[DM- If I remember

[DM- If I remember correctly, Ya'shenn st up a greater mindlink with K'tch, but not with Ar'dru, due to power considerations. If I'm mistaken, ignore the first paragraph and assume that Ya'shenn contacts Ar'dru right about where he is now. If you hadn't figured in the power drain from a mindlink with K'tch, assume Ya'shenn did mindlink with him ant then used a crystal capacitor at Gy-Nath's]

Ya'shenn expands her mind outward, searcing for her allies. The duthka'gith is nowhere nearby, however, and without a direct mindlink she cannot contact him.

On the other hand, she did set up a mindlink with K'tch of the Esoteric Order, and though it lay dormant, she easily renews it. It takes a few moments, but she is soon aware of all that he himself is ...

K'tch leads a small band of young githyanki through an Undersigil corridor. Vivec is there, as are Jhank'kor and Xar'sauken. In addition there is a pretty young warrior at K'tch's side who can only be Sark'ja. She is covered in illithid and thrall blood, and seems to be greatly enjoying herself, and is doing most of the order-shouting. In addition, there are half a dozen other githyanki, who due to their Git'ribani backgrounds seem under-armored for githwarriors. When K'tch senses Ya'shenn's mental presence, he quickly identifies the young warriors: Ha'kan'a - an eager young warrior wielding a hand-me-down greatsword that seems over-large for him; Kanchik - a swift and deadly fighter wielding a pair of shortswords; "Odd Job" Jor'nish - a stocky gish with a wide variety of weapons, currently wielding a spiked chain; Lam'k - a psi-warrior with a longsword in one hand and a dagger in the other; Kitiir - a female warrior wielding a vorpally sharp longsword; and Bru'chark - a strong-looking warrior with a hand-and-a-half sword who is freshly wounded and being aided by Vivec.

The band is currently mopping up after a battle with several thralls led by a trio of illithid. One mind flayer lies slain at Xar'sauken's feet, while another is cornered with a few remaining thralls protecting it. The last is burned, along with some thralls, into a blackened, smoking heap of charcoal. K'tch quickly informs Ya'shenn of the group's activities. They had hit the portals under Git'riban hard. There were two urophions left as sentries, and a team of elite warrior-thralls just inside the first portal. Once inside the first connecting lair, they went about causing as much a ruckus as possible. Jank'kor and his arcane might proved invaluable in this, and as they went on more and more strike forces had come against them. This was their fifth battle, and they are now in their second lair. They have already suffered two casualties, Kitiir's sho-dai, Kal, was decerebrated by an illithid assassin that sprang upon them from a hidden cieling-panel durring their last battle (that illithid's head is now in Kitiir's bag), and Galch'k, their psion, fell to the urophion in their first battle. All in all, however, they are doing pretty well for themselves. They have alsready slain six illithids and illithidae, soon to be seven. Technicly, since they started off with thirteen warriors, they are about half-way towards completing their rrakkma.

K'tch's group has over a half-hour jump on Gy-Nath's, so has been fighting for almost an hour now.  K'tch believes that the illithid are starting to get worried about their strike.  This last attack against them was led by three illithid, which is a fairly significant commitment.  The next one is likely to include tamers or some other more-competant illithid. 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar's HP total 21

Ii'Jyka'Vaar's HP total 21 after the 3 rnds...


edit correct hp..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Packing

The Packing House

Meathook fends off Ar'dru's blade, but the duthka'gith lands another bite. The taste of illithid flesh makes Ar'dru gag. Meathook is bleeding profusely from many wounds. With an angry hiss, the tamer stumbles bakwards. It continues to fend off Ar'dru's blade, but as it does so, hooks the banister of the catwalk and topples over it backwards, using the polearm to swing down.

[Ar'dru gets a single AoO as Meathook tries to escape.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Attack - 34 Damage -

Attack - 34

Damage - 21

(sorry about the delay, I had a lunch meeting)

16 Bonus for to do Attack with greatsword
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 34.
16 Bonus for to do Damage
I rolled 1d10+16, the result is 21.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Packing House [DM -

The Packing House

[DM - AoO hit, and seeing as how Ar'dru's strenth bonus alone would have been enough...] 

Meathook tries to swing down to safety, but Ar'dru spings forward, and using the reach of his greatsword, slices the illithid's hand off at the wrist.  The tamer falls to the slaughterhouse floor.  There is a sharp crack as the large wood and metal collar hits the floor first, and breaks the illithid's neck.  The tamer flops limply, the hateful light quickly fading from its eyes. 

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ar'dru swiftly and

Ar'dru swiftly and efficiently frees meathook of his collar by decapitation before stowing the dripping head and sorting through the fallen tamers possessions. He rubs his neck, wincing as he realises that the tamers last hit jarred it quite badly. Nothing some time in bed wouldn't fix but there's no time to rest yet.

 If there is an empty office nearby Ar'dru pulls the body into it before conducting his search. He will also examine the room for anything of interest, especially records and first aid supplies.



6 Bonus for to do Search
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 23.
8 Bonus for to do Knowledge (Psionics)
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 21.
3 Bonus for to do Knowledge (Arcana)
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 16.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: "...our

'Dunamin' wrote:
"...our missing brother could have need of us. Ya’shenn, might you be able to make contact with him?”

'Azure' wrote:
Ya'shenn expands her mind outward, searcing for her allies. The duthka'gith is nowhere nearby, however, and without a direct mindlink she cannot contact him.

After concentrating for a time, Ya'shenn looks at the Rish and shakes her head. "I can't reach him." She frowns slightly at this. The woman may not be especially fond of duthka'giths, but neither does she want Ar'dru to become a meal for one of the ghaik.

Ya'shenn does take a moment to silently thank K'tch for the update. While she would be happy to tell the others how the second rrakkma band is faring, she does not intend to do so in front of these thralls and 'lithid-lovers.

She moves inside the vault and begins to examine Lavendar for valuables or anything else that might be of use to their quasi-warband. Given this illithid's identity as a pervert, however, Ya'shenn does not appear very happy about this task.

Once that is done, the psion starts to examine the longswords in the vault, testing the balance of each and trying to decide which one to keep. After the fight in the sewers, having a sword might be wise. Even so, she appears to be waiting for her fellow warriors to choose their own trophies first.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
During the banter with the

During the banter with the Graith's, Ii'Jyka'Vaar walks back to the body of Lavendar and on the way idly picks up the red longsword, she uses that (having put her own blade back and her morningstar as well) to cut his head of and puts it in her bag...then she scans the surroundings for any weapons of interest...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Azure wrote:The vaults are

Azure wrote:
The vaults are a chamber like the others, save that four of the side-cellars have locked iron doors. The other two are yawning portals. Close examination reveals that they are active, and from Grazz's intel, they know one leads to the Packing House, the other to an Undersigil lair connected to The Den (one of Illithid House's major hubs). The portal key for the first is a purse made from an animal's ear, the key to the second is a necklance or amulet with a single unpolished amethyst. (Ya'shenn, knowing this, aquired the former at a keyshop on the way here).

Zimrazim wrote:
After concentrating for a time, Ya'shenn looks at the Rish and shakes her head. "I can't reach him." She frowns slightly at this. The woman may not be especially fond of duthka'giths, but neither does she want Ar'dru to become a meal for one of the ghaik.

“That does not bode well; let us be done with this mess... As we learned at the incendiary trader, ghaiks and their pawns are not the only side casting vengeance Ar’dru’s way. Though I doubt not his capabilities, I will not jeopardize the life of a battle-brother if it can be helped.”


Du’minh investigates the contents of the vault, using the aid of his auravision to get a vague sense of properties. He weighs weapons in his hands, getting a feel for their balance, design, and quality, and pointing out his findings for his brethren.

Finally, the Rish seems to settle for the adamantine mace with the transmutation aura. Having torn down walls and wholesale buildings within the last few days, he has found growing appreciation for the tactical benefit in destroying terrain to work against his foes. He secures the mace alongside his bow on his back, and - if no one seems to find use for arrows in the band - stows them in a separate quiver on one of his legs.

“Once all have made their claims, Ya’shenn might want to ready the portal key. I will cover our rear when we step through the portal, in case these barbarians should make good on their threat after all.”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
At first, Ya'shenn merely

At first, Ya'shenn merely wonders whether the Rish intends to take additional loot for himself, or further threaten one of the thralls or pimps, by choosing to be the last through the portal. He could simply be protective of the others -- an endearing trait, if so. Du'minh's recent conversation gives her pause, though. At first she'd assumed that he had simply slipped in his incautious use of her name, but his mention of Ar'dru and the trader concerns her even more. The Double-Edged is very much aware that she's not the only psion in the room. She may not have known Du'minh all that long, but it does not seem entirely like the Rish to be so free with information.

Once she has chosen her own trophy, Ya'shenn takes care to interpose Gy-Nath between herself and Du'minh, though she tries not to be obvious about it. Indeed, one might conjecture that she's merely preparing to activate the portal. Wondering if she is being too paranoid, Ya'shenn makes the effort to carefully examine the Rish against what she knows of enthrallment.

[Sense Motive and Knowledge: Psionics checks, to see if Du'minh is being influenced.]

13 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 15.
13 Bonus for Knowledge: Psi to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 19.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
OOC Perhaps I ought to


Perhaps I ought to have made it explicit in my last post, but just to be clear:

Du'minh's speech within the vault is not spoken so as to be intelligible to those outside it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14

Dunamin wrote:


Perhaps I ought to have made it explicit in my last post, but just to be clear:

Du'minh's speech within the vault is not spoken so as to be intelligible to those outside it.

[All right, then.  We can assume that Ya'shenn claims the most powerful longsword, which is probably the undead bane weapon, provided that no one else demands it.  Ya'shenn will also activate the portal when the party is ready.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks around,

Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks around, with her own weapons already secure on her person, holding the red blade in hand, sees her companions take the most efficient weapons by ability, she decides to go for biggest monetary value then, looking around again, she then decides to put the dwarven hammer in her belt, and picks up the ' frostgiant handaxe' as well in her off hand.. then when she has taken that, she will stand near Ya'shenn and ready herself to step through any portal,   "I intend to be the one before last leaving", she says..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Packing House Ar'dru

The Packing House

Ar'dru glides down to the slaughterhouse floor to retrieve Meathook's head, scaring off the frightened cow that was starting to trample the illithid's corpse. He finds that the large punnishment collar makes beheading the tamer problematic, though. He is about to drag the body into the offices for some privacy, when he hears a noise overhead.

Another illithid is moving down the uppermost catwalk is his direction, clapping. It too has a large collar locked around its neck. It leans over the railing and yells down over the sound of bleeting cattle. "Bravo, duthka'gith, bravo! Finally, we don't have to listen to that stuttering fool anymore. In addition, You've given me the best entertainment I've had in a long time. I thank you, and now my men will thank you! Get him boys! Two months' worth of bonus pay for whoever brings me a pound of half-dragon meat, and five months' worth for the head."

There are half a dozen burley workers on the catwalk around Foreman, protecting the illithid. Four of them stay, while two others run for the offices, and the stairs inside, to get to the floor. About a dozen other workers in the facility start moving in Ar'dru's direction as well. They are of various races, and are armed mostly with tools, clubs, butcher knives, and cleavers.

The Hive Brothel - Portals

The githyanki loot most of the weapons from the vault. Gy-Nath is somewhat impatient during the whole procedure, and instead keeps his eyes on the graith. When they are done, he takes point moving through the portal to the Packing House first with drawn blade.

The Packing House [Note : Edited]

The portal emerges from a stone arch that seems older than most of the rest of the room it's in. The githyanki find themselves in a basement room connected to a dark corridor. Once in the hallway, they realize they must be in the right place, since there is a kind of ditch running down one side of the hall, caked with dried blood. The corridor itself is clean, however. They soon encounter one reason why, a mop and a bucket filled with soapy water. Evidently, the illithid that use this place to travel between portals do not want to get animal blood on their fine robes. There is no sign of any janitor at first, but just before they reach a stairway heading upward, they notice the body of a goblin dumped face-down in the ditch. Upon closer examination, it can be seen that the top of the goblin's skull is missing, but the wound is not consistant with decerebration by an illithid. Instead, it looks more like it was bashed apart on the stone floor, and recently too.

The githyanki follow the stairs upward into another cellar. The basements under place are extensive, and it takes several minutes of searching for them to find a way up to the main floor of the facility. When they do, they emerge into a long, wooden corridor with periodic open exits to the killing floor. As they look out over the scene of animal gore and labor, they hear a sound overhead. An illithid with a large wood metal collar some three feet to a side falls from a catwalk and breaks its neck. Ar'dru glides down after it, and spends a few moments pondering how he will behead his prize ... ... [see above post]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
[Initiative roll]

[Initiative roll]

1 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 4.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Hitpoint total after the 5

Hitpoint total after the 5 rounds then: 36


3 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 17.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17


0 Bonus for secret to do do stuff
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 14.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13


4 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 14.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Unaware of his companions

Unaware of his companions arrival ardru draws two flasks from his pack without a word and flings them at the illithid and his group - one thunderblast and one smoke. 

Roll initative


1 Bonus for to do roll initative
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 13.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Initiative order : Gy-Nath,

Initiative order : Gy-Nath, Ii, Foreman, Du'minh, Ar'dru, Foreman's Graith, Ya'shenn, (Daraz?)

Only Ar'dru has declaired action so far.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Double post - no doubt due

Double post - no doubt due to mind flayer tricks.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Though he is tempted to

Though he is tempted to call out a challenge and draw attention away from the wounded half-dragon, Du’minh suppresses his instinct and recognizes a good opportunity to close distance with the illithid unnoticed. Considering how no enemy forces appear to be airbound or carrying bows or crossbows, the Rish counts on Ar’dru’s survivability for a good deal longer.


Du’minh brings up a concealing amorpha to distort his outline when an idea forms in his mind. Well aware what adamantine does to all but the most resilient of structures, the gith draws the newly acquired mace as the group moves down the wooden corridors.

“Stay off the ghaik’s catwalk for a moment,” he requests (speaking for only them to hear), and makes his way up stairs leading to Foreman’s level. Specifically, the gith moves towards a position of structural support, so he can take out the catwalk along with its occupants.



If Du’minh should catch sight of Ar’dru flinging vials in time, he’ll cover his ears as best he is able.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka'Vaar will activate

Ii'Jyka'Vaar will activate her Blur psychic ability and draw her Nagamaki, then take a flank as her point, defensive stance whilst waiting for the others to kick in...then she will support whoever needs it mostly..


ooc: first round of combat, so hp still: 36

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Once the group is through

Once the group is through the portal, Ya'shenn reaches up and removes an ornament from her (or perhaps Lythe's) hair.  She is, indeed, heartily sick of being a graith at the moment.  The 'third eye' that the telepath normally wears goes back on her forehead.  Predictably, she positions herself behind a nearby githwarrior.

[Since she had a 4 on initiative, I'd like to know the results of the thunderblast, smoke flask, and falling catwalk before Ya'shenn acts, since those are very likely to alter the tactical situation.  Laughing ]

'Dunamin' wrote:

If Du’minh should catch sight of Ar’dru flinging vials in time, he’ll cover his ears as best he is able.

[Same, though with an init of 4...] 


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka is intent on staying

Ii'Jyka is intent on staying whole, but she does not anticipate the grenades from Ar'dru

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Gy-Nath is about to step

Gy-Nath is about to step out and support Ar'dru on the slaughterhouse floor, but when he sees the duthka'gith delve ito his pack of incendiaries, checks himself. Instead he quckly and silently issues orders via hand signals. He indicates that Daraz and Ya'shenn should provide Ar'dru with missile support, then spings for the stairs waving for Du'minh and Ii'jyka'vaar to follow. The stairs lead up to a hallway with several small offices and tool-rooms. This second level is attached to first set of catwalks (one level below where Foreman is). Gy-then motions for the githyanki to step into the small rooms in order to spring on Foreman's minions as they come down.

[Foreman and its group are on the second level of catwalks, therefore the gith cannot reach them in one round, but can ambush the minions as they come down. I hope I'm not taking too much control, especially after I asked for actions Embarassed ]

[All the githwarriors have initiative on the minions, so can attack]

[Ar'dru needs to make an attack roll on the thunderblast throw (only 1 grenade per round, regardless of full attack options, as they need to be lit and thrown). There will be a DM's secret penalty, because he must throw it upwards, and fairly far]

A few seconds later, the pair of burly minions, a large half-orc and a fierce-looking kaasta armed with huge butcher knives, rush right into the ambush ...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Ii'Jyka waves her hand in

Ii'Jyka waves her hand in such a  gesture as if to say 'lead the way', and follows cautiously after Gy-nath into the next section, and readies herself to intercept the minions..

ooc: Can she be in such a way as to count as taking only a 5 ft step to the Half Orc? and make a full attack?

(1 round?, then 39 hp)

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
throw thunderblast -

throw thunderblast -

5 Bonus for to do throw thunderblast
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 20.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

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