Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
I have been trained in the arts of the mind and would be able to trigger the device should it become necessary. Is there anything that I should know about the device before taking on this duty?

ooc- keep in mind that Ar'dru still doesn't know any details about what happened down in the sewer (and is far too polite to comment on the smell Sticking out tongue ).

[Note to EvilDM: I'm assuming Ya'shenn has more than enough Psicraft knowledge to avoid accidentally triggering the grenade while talking about it, especially with that very high skill check result. She'd be extremely cautious around these things! In fact, if she thinks there's any risk, she wouldn't say the following.]

Ya'shenn settles the borrowed crossbow on her back, fiddling with it until she's satisfied that it rests comfortably and will be easy to draw. Though she also hopes she won't have to resort to physical weapons much. She wonders for a moment just how much she can trust the others assembled here, particularly with knowledge of deadly psionic weapons. Especially a duthka'gith. Ya'shenn is one of those githyanki who don't like the half-dragons very much, though -- at least in her own mind -- she has a reason for that dislike. Even so, Ar'dru presumably did not choose to hatch that way.

The psion eyes the winged half-dragon consideringly for a few moments. She knows that Gy-Nath will hear this also. "There is an optional, but wise, command thought one may use first: 'wait.' The primary command thought is 'explode,' imaginatively enough. The result is purely psionic in character, so it's unlikely to do much to a ghaik, as I said -- but it should work well on most other creatures."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Meanwhile, Ii'Jyka'Vaar straps the large Morningstar back to her belt (which she took of for the duel).

hiding is probably not a good option, and disguise is a nescesity. This is to say nothing of the value of those who are large and scary kicking in a door somewhere else has as a distraction. You will be more valuble as a front line fighter than as a sneak, I think

"I was not implying I wanted to sneak in this particular case, I was informing you all that I am able, if neeed be.
Just so you all know what more I can do, apart from hacking a targets limbs of its body..., as I want to be the one they see, and make sure it is the last thing they will ever see at all"
Ii'Jyka smiles

When she is finished strapping all the weapons secure, she is also finished with her explenation, and thus stands ready and says; "Whenever anyone is ready?", she grabs her heavy rain cloak and slings it over a shoulder...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh feels himself vibrant and eager to see the battle-plans through and nods in agreement to much of what is said. The assembly and dispatch of one of the teams went a little too quick for his liking, however – he had hoped for a moment for Vivec to derive fresh information into Will’s plans by interrogating ghaik spirits of the heads he carried. The disturbing scene unfolded between Jhank’kor and Gy-Nath also gave him something to think about, but those were questions that seemed better left unaddressed for the time being.

“This tactical layout sounds good to me, Gy-Nath…” Du’minh hesitates just as he had begun speaking – he nearly had directed the host as kith’rak as the others have taken to, but despite ever-growing respect for the gith he still had only one captain in his mind. Regardless of the current meaninglessness of rank and military structure, the Rish cannot yet fully relinquish his old ways.

“… As to the distribution of operatives, I also believe discretion for Daraz and Ya’shenn initially is preferable to reinforcement with a warrior. Ar’dru is highly mobile, and both Ii'Jyka'Vaar and I should be able to teleport in with short notice – I would not think the overall locale to have such wards. There are many innately teleporting residents in Sigil and shielding such a well-travelled region accordingly would draw suspicion.”

Taking a cue to departure drawing near, Du’minh begins strapping his armor on, feeling the still damp fabric of his clothes underneath sticking to the cold metal.


'Azriael' wrote:
keep in mind that Ar'dru still doesn't know any details about what happened down in the sewer (and is far too polite to comment on the smell Sticking out tongue ).

Well, Du’minh at least has bathed thoroughly. Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
First Du'minh had referred to her fluency in Qualith script -- which could be taken as a sign of either unhinged sanity or questionable moral character.
Actually, that was neither of the above – on the contrary, it was a sign of respect. There is no shame in knowing the ways of your enemies to work against them.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
however – he had hoped for a moment for Vivec to derive fresh information into Will’s plans by interrogating ghaik spirits of the heads he carried.
[Vivec needs advance warning to use that spell, it is not one he normally memorizs]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn retrieves the psionically charged 'grenade' and puts it away. The psion continues making her own preparations for departure when she pauses in what she's doing, evidently remembering something. "Kith'rak, do you mind if I go take a look at the array -- pardon, the device that we left here -- for a moment before we depart? I don't wish to slow us down, but it turns out the device was in a partially dissassembled state when found. Some of the parts were mixed in with the weapons, and I'd rather leave its components in one place."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Yes indeed. As I alluded to before, that ... thing has been on my mind since I first caught sight of it in there. I daresay it bears a look before we depart."

Gy-Nath leads Ya'shenn, any any other curious githyanki with a mind to follow, into the back bedroom. He uncovers the crystal array and wads up the torn cloak which shrouded it. The illithid-made object looks even more sinister here in civilized surroundings than it did in the dank ghaik-hole it was found in.

When set upright, the crystal array looks somewhat like a metal tree with branches pointing upwards. At the end of each 'branch' is a psionicly-charged crystal. The metal 'branches' are able to waver back and forth, and the crystals seem to attract, repel, and interact with each other, the oveall effect being like counter-breezes moving through the 'branches' of the 'tree'. Some of the crystals glow faintly, and of these some are constant, others wax and wane, and still others seem to glow brighter the closer Ar'dru, Gy-Nath and/or Ya'shenn are to them. The 'trunk' comes up to split into a kind of cage containing a clear crystal the size of a skull, then comes back together to be topped by a metal ornament resembling an illithid's head with ruby eyes. Several 'branches', those closest to the central crystal, have had their crystals removed. There are sockets at the end of these that the memory record crystals from the thralls fit into.

Ya'shenn discovered in her investigations that the pale crystals found in the illithid spies' satchel, the ones sized to fit the empty branches on the array, contain the thoughts (sort of) of four individuals;

"The Speaker", aka Mim, had everything he spoke aloud, or intended to speak aloud, recorded. Over half the recorder crystals are filled with his voice.

"The Dreamer", aka The Old Sharpener, aka Dhar Gi Ghaaz, dreamed horrible nightmares which would probably make sense to an illithid, but which merely left Ya'shenn in a cold sweat.

"The Wanderer", aka Mik'ka the street-gith, provided detailed spacial information about Git'riban's alleyways and tunnels.

"The Entertainer", an otherwise unknown githzerai female who had many guests, some very intimate, who she was very attentive to the faces, manners, and personalities of. It is fair to assume the illithid have a good idea of the identities of half the Sharpshadows [githzerai exiles in Git'riban] through her.

There were also half a dozen similar recorder crystals that were empty other than a quick flash of one of the above thralls' identities.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn summarizes the previous night's encounter with the two illithid Tamers, as she lays out the crystals she believes to be power sources or detection crystals for the array. "The ulitharid has therefore had some time to start guessing what has happened." Gy-Nath already knows about three of the thralls, but he would probably benefit from knowing about the fight that had nearly killed Daraz, though he had probably inferred much of it already from today's conversation.

The psion goes over what she knows of the array's purpose and powers. "...It may be my mind, but it is your home, captain. If I attempt to reassemble it, the array could have any number of safeguards in place, though I wouldn't be surprised if such defenses were more of the mental than the property-damaging variety. I am willing to take that risk, but I also trust your judgment."

If, and only if, Gy-Nath agrees to it, Ya'shenn begins to experiment with the functioning of the array, something she had not had time to do the night before -- not with Daraz close to death and the possibility of other ghaik arriving in the vicinity.

[A new Psicraft check, if possible. Let me know if I need to provide more specifics about exactly how she's messing with the array. Some things she's interested in: How to turn it completely on/off, whether it has any powers beyond those she surmises it has already, anything having to do with its reaction to the presence of psions, and whether it's still actively recording emanations from any mind-marked thralls in Git'riban.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh follows into the back and listens carefully to Ya’shenn’s recollection on the array. The sight of it makes him uneasy – in a slight fit of paranoia he wonders if some of the psionic juju has somehow transferred, by the array being shouldered against him for so long. At mention of the numerous recordings, it doesn’t take long for the Rish to surface another immediate concern, however:

“Sister, I think it may be a good idea to go through recordings of the last few days in more detail. Specifically, can you tell if any of us have been recorded? And if so, have any sensitive information been compromised?”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Sister, I think it may be a good idea to go through recordings of the last few days in more detail. Specifically, can you tell if any of us have been recorded? And if so, have any sensitive information been compromised?”


"I think you should be fine. The sharpener only transmitted while he was dreaming, and you would not have given him a chance to do so. The others, however..." She knows perfectly well what's on the final Mim recording, but Ya'shenn takes the time to personally examine what she guesses to be the last in the 'sharpener' series, the last of the Miik'ka recordings, and the last relating to the Entertainer -- the latter, particularly, to verify whether Grazz was actually successful in killing her. For now, however, she keeps these away from the array itself. The psion touches other crystals, as well, and after some thought, she selects two and offers them to the Rish.

"While I'm doing that, I would like you to examine these two. They're not last of series, but they are fairly recent. I'm not sure whether a non-psion can 'read' these directly, but there's one way to find out."

The first is one of the Mim crystals, a rendering of what he knew of certain sensitive meetings involving the Silver Eyes. The second not only reveals the existence of the Entertainer, but a good deal about one of her more common visitors -- the Accursed One himself, Grazz. It's quite clear from the content of the second crystal that Grazz and the fourth thrall were... intimate.

"I don't think that the most recent information made its way to the House, though it would have if we hadn't put a stop to those two Tamers. I can't be certain until I learn more of the array."

[OK, examining the last-in-series recordings for Miik'ka, the sharpener, and the Entertainer before continuing. She's particularly interested in the last recording pertaining to the Entertainer -- it would be nice to know whether the fourth thrall is dead or still kicking.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM - Due to the nature of the Dreamer's recordings, it is difficult to put them in temporal sequence. They are heavy on emotional content and do contain some recognizable referances. For instance, there are a series of dreams nominally about the ghaiks' attack on Git'riban. However, if Ya'shenn wants to really examine and interpret the nightmares, or even delve far enough to identify the last one before his death, EvilDM demands a will save.

Miik'ka's demise has been described before. Ya'shenn finds that by examining the crystal that contains it, she can pinpoint the exact coordinates of Miik'ka's death well enough to teleport there if so desired. The temporal/spacial nature of these records also made them easiest to put in sequence.

Mim's last words, "They're killing me!" are recorded about a third of the way through one crystal, which also includes him explaining the situation on the astral plane to the pair of Bronze. From the conversation, Ya'shenn deduces that one was a recent incursion refugee, while the other was nearly clueless about the incursions and Vlaakith's fall. It is not hard to find one where Mim was divulging sensive intel to his masters. In fact one of the pale crystals chosen at random is 50% likely to contain such within the first few minutes of 'listening', since his job was to spill darks on portals and sell keys (keeping track of many comings and goings of the residents of Git'riban) and furthermore he was privy to much of the Silver Eyes' knowledge and plans.

The Entertainer's last recording ... {evil DM chuckles and brews some cofee with a cinnamon stick, mmmm}]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
The Entertainer's last recording ... {evil DM chuckles and brews some cofee with a cinnamon stick, mmmm} ]

[Ooh, this is going to be good...]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

... She is awakened by her lover Grazz, who as usual has snuck in, picking her locks and disarming her traps along the way. Her current 'client' lies on the bed, a small knick on his neck oosing drowic sleeping poison.

"Come with me. Now." he whispers, "He'll meet you."

Silently she dresses and straps on her shivs. Grazz looks at her with admiration, and when she is dressed and ready for action he takes her in his arms and kisses her deeply. They move out into the Sigilan darkness together, two grey cloaks slipping down Duskgate Road away from Git'riban.

They reach an anonymous address on the very edge of Git'riban. Grazz the Accursed raps on the door and it opens a crack. He does not attempt to enter, instead speaking a watch phrase into the darkness, "Not that I'm telling you your business friend, but Limbo dulls the unattended blade." There is the sound of several clicks from within before the door is opened fully and the pair of greycloaks enter.

Inside is a largely empty flat. There are empty boxes and blocks for furnature, and some bottles and food scattered about. Overall it gives the impression of a place that has been inhabited by the current residents fewer than six hours. There are four githzerai there. The one who let Grazz and the Entertainer in steps into the light of the room. He wears a silver pendant that looks strangely familiar ...

Three other githzerai cluster, speaking in hushed tones as the visitors enter. They break their circle and stand to bow. The middle one is much taller than all the rest. He casts back his cloak, and is revealed to be almost a giant of a zerth, seven and a half feet tall and muscular. He has a blade on his right hip and a wand on his left, and though he does not yet speak, his mere presence is commanding.

The Entertainer kneels down before him, "Razor of Tyrants, it is an honor to meet you upon this road of fate."

He does not reply, but steps forward and rests his hand upon her head. His touch electrifies her emotions. He takes her hand and stands her up. "What words do you have for me?" she asks "If you are he, or he is you, or both or neither, I would hear your wisdom. What words have you for me ... Father?"

"Forgiveness is our credo. What is liberation other than the forgiveness of cowardice? Freedom is forgiveness of fear, for fear keeps the thrall. So shall every slave be forgiven who embraces liberation after long suffering."

She bows again and starts to back away, but bumps into Grazz standing behind her.

The tall zerth spins around and and continues with renewed fervor. "The Great Enemy cannot be forgiven, nor its devices. We cannot live under a sky while the Enemy dwells within the earth. We cannot liberate our bodies while the Enemy touches our minds. We cannot complete our circles if the enemy becomes us."

Grazz grabs her in a strangely tender embrace from behind. He brings his blade to her throat ...

... the crystal ends the same as the other partial ones, with a sudden flash as the crystal was removed from the Array ...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM- Only the psions can 'read' the crystals. Since githyanki are naturally psionic, the others detect whispers (from Mim) or vague and unsettling emotions when handling them, but that's it. Ar'dru needs to make a DC 20 use Psi item to understand them.]

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

ooc:whow, 5 minutes in the kitchen and 5 new posts, lol,

Ii'Jyka'Vaar follows silently, when she hears about the crystals and the mention of Dhar'Gi'Ghaaz she says;
"Sister Ya'shenn, i would like to know if anything of value comes out of the 'sharpeners' crystals.. but do not put yourself at to great a risk, if it seems the effort of obtaining any information from his crystals seems to dangerous"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn is quite visibly disturbed by the content of the last Entertainer recording, eventually yanking her hand away from it as if it had been on fire. And for entirely different reasons than the more straightforward horror of the crystals pertaining to the sharpener. After a moment she presses her palms together, apparently concentrating on something, before returning her arms to her sides.

"I'm not certain, on the sharpener. Those crystals come in the form of especially unpleasant nightmares -- while I am willing to try them, I wouldn't be able to vouch for the state of my sanity if I attempt to read them thoroughly. Occupational hazard." To Ii'Jyka'Vaar she answers specifically, "I'm not sure yet whether you come up in any of the sharpener's dreams, but recall what I said about the risk."

"The death of the street-gith is here, as well as that of the Entertainer. The latter was slain by... a certain well-known sharpshadow." She's still not going to utter the name of the Accursed One. "The Razor of Tyrants was involved, as well. The two Tamers were aware of the deaths.

"As for the young warlock at Void Keys..." Inside her own mind, Ya'shenn fights the revulsion, guilt, and genuine fear she experiences every single time Mim's name comes up. She adds that crystal to the pile -- the one pertaining to the warlock's demise. "He was recording until the moment of his death, but not to such an extent as to identify his assailants. I'm not entirely clear on what role the sharpener played, but the street-gith was clearly used to thoroughly map out Git'riban. The Entertainer kept an eye on the sharpshadows, while the warlock kept track of githyanki movements, in addition to having access to some rather interesting conversations."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"I'm not certain, on the sharpener. Those crystals come in the form of especially unpleasant nightmares -- while I am willing to try them, I wouldn't be able to vouch for the state of my sanity if I attempt to read them thoroughly. Occupational hazard." To Ii'Jyka'Vaar she answers specifically, "I'm not sure yet whether you come up in any of the sharpener's dreams, but recall what I said about the risk."

"I do not need the information to be specificly about me, I was not hoping for a spark of emotions that died out years ago...", although her eye twiches when she says that, "I only wish to know what information can be gained in a tactical sense..., your call though, regarding the sanity dangers..."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn eyes the knight for a few moments, not with hostility, just thinking over what the dragon-rider had said. She definitely notices the twitch, and even allows herself to feel an ounce of sympathy for Ii'Jyka'Vaar. The psion does not have all that much room for the pain of others right now, having lost an incredible number of persons close to her in the past year, but she does notice the blackguard's reaction.

"Very well, sister. I will see what I can make of these." She does wonder what prolonged contact with the sharpener's broken and abused mind will do to her own mental health, though. Settling into a chair, or failing that, into a lotus position on the floor, the psion arranges the "nightmare" crystals near to hand. Entering into a fairly deep meditative trance, she selects one crystal that she guesses, or hopes, will be one of the more significant from the clues she's seen, or one of the later ones in the series. Reminding herself of what had gone through her mind when she'd gone after an illithid Tamer with a borrowed weapon, the psion allows her senses to peer into the crystal.

[Will save below.]

11 Bonus for Will save to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 26.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Examining the Dreamer's nightmares is trying, and weighs heavily on Ya'shenn's sanity. She has to remind herself repeatedly that they are not her dreams, yet it is likely that she will have horrible nighmares of her own from the images and emotions she exposes herself to. She quickly realizes that the dreams can probably only really make sense to an alien mind, but there are still many familiar images among the horrors.

There are many images of mind flayers and other horrid aberations hungering for mind and flesh, and in many of the dreams they attack and consume either the dreamer or others around while the dreamer is forced to watch. In more than a few the dreamer's limbs are slowly consumed by disease, cruely amputated by the leering figures of evil-faced githyanki, or eaten by amorphous masses of flesh and mouths. Yet there are also snippits of more mundane occurances, including the sharpener's many customers and other happenings in and around the Heart of the Void.

Due to the recuring nature of the nightmares it is difficult to put them in any sort of chronological order, but Ya'shenn finds a few clues of note. There are several nighmares about the illithid and their thralls attacking Git'riban. Invariably, they are far more successful in these dreams than they were in actuality, and over the course of them, nearly every combatant, githzerai and githyanki alike, is identified by face and by weapons wielded.

There are many dreams about sharpened weapons weeping blood on their own, or held in the pale dying hands of their wielders. The more powerful the weapons or their wielders seem, the more attention seems to be paid them, and the more horrible and gruesome their wielders' fates in the nightmares.

Ya'shenn finds Ii'Jyka'Vaar in one of the nightmares. In it, her skin turns green and putrid then begins to fall away. She draws the nagamaki she carries and the blade is black. It smokes with ash-colored whisps that form skulls and suffering forms. She then cuts off her own head with the blade and impales it. The head turns porcelin white while the rest of her body rots away into a skeleton festooned with strips of putrifying flesh. She walks forward and embraces the dreamer (Ya'shenn experiences the dreams from his perspective) and emotions of lust and horror clash at the rotting-Ii's loving touch.

Ya'shenn also finds what must be the Dreamer's last dream, as it is the final one on a partial crystal. In it, the ghaik attack Git'riban (again) and though no illithid is shown actually being killed, the aftermath leaves masses of decerebrated githyanki lying among the still-quivering purple flesh carved from their foes. The dreamer wanders among the mixed gore, looking in vain for a survivor of any race but finding only death and mutilation. Then a crack in the cobblestones slowly widens, pouring forth a sickly green light from beneath. The Dreamer is drawn towards it against his (now Ya'shenn's) will, and peers down inside. A greenish haze like a diseased fog slowly rises from the now-gaping crevase, and within squirm monstrosities of such horrid aspect that the mind rejects their form utterly, and the dreamer awakens. At the very moment of awakening, however, dream and lucidity blend, and before the Dreamer in his shop stands Du'minh, covered head-to-armored-boot in blood.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Even in a deep trance state, with her eyes closed, the psion shudders visibly. Several times. Nor is it long before Ya'shenn begins to hyperventilate, sweat starting to run down her face. Obviously, her reading of these crystals isn't going well.

She remains in this state for several minutes, and it is only with increasing, mechanical effort that the woman is able to put one crystal down and pick up the next. Many times, a muscle in her cheek, or arm, or shoulder spasms while she 'listens,' giving some indication of just how much strain the telepath is experiencing. Somehow, Ya'shenn makes her way through the entire series without either falling into complete hysteria or curling up into a fetal ball.

Setting down the final stone, the psion keeps her eyes shut for some time, as her breathing struggles to return to normal. Given the greenish cast to her face, she's probably trying very hard not to vomit.

"Kith'rak," she manages eventually, in a strangely dull voice, "I imagine you've lost siblings to one thing or another over the years. Any of them go completely, utterly mad?" The way Ya'shenn says it suggests that she's not really expecting an answer.

After a few more moments, the psion opens her eyes and wipes a hand across her forehead. She looks down toward the floor, trying to glean useful information from the otherwise unrelenting horror she'd just experienced.

"The sharpener... provided... detailed physical descriptions of what I would guess to be nearly everyone who fought against the ghaik when they attacked Git'riban recently. He paid particular attention to the weapons they used, and more attention was paid to powerful individuals -- or powerful weapons." She looks over at Du'minh. "You were in one of them, after all, as were you, sister. The sharpener also dreamed about his customers and more ordinary events near his shop."

The Double-Edged describes something of what she saw in the 'nightmare crystals,' omitting the most sanity-destroying details, and shying away from much description of the dream about Ii'Jyka'Vaar. Ya'shenn does take time especially to describe his 'final' dream in detail, though in an unusually dull voice. "Aside from tormenting Kith'rak Dhar'Gi'Ghaaz, probably to the point of insanity, these dreams seem to be a compilation of... how a ghaik might want events to have gone -- or to go in future-- in Git'riban."

The psion's eyes suddenly widen. "In the wake of that last dream... I'm suddenly very much reminded of... what our source called the Awakening. I hope that is coincidence, but somehow, I doubt it." She looks back toward Du'minh. "Why would a ghaik go out of its way to slaughter so many others of its kind? These are the fantasies of a nihilist..."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The Rish-i-Chal grits his teeth and paces back and forth with unrest while the readings proceed. He is all for calculated risks if there is much to gain, though judging by Ya’shenn’s reactions he feels some doubt about whether the endeavour was worth braving. When the psion has completed her task and regained her composure, he offers a mug of water and listens to her recounts.

“Good job, sister, albeit the dreams you speak of are grim indeed. Hopefully the ghaiks that collected these nightmares had not yet reported their findings when we came upon them, though we should still expect the worst and assume that our enemy has become more aware of our identities.”

“This destructive spark may indeed speak of the workings of an illithid madman, though I would not jump to such a conclusion just yet. It could be a motivation of culling the weak from the flock, twisted though it might be.”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Thank you." She's clearly thoroughly disturbed at the moment, her mind continuing to ruminate on the sharpener's horrific nightmares, but Ya'shenn takes the drink and looks grateful for it.

"That may be so," the psion agrees, in response to Du'minh's statement. "I..." Her voice trails off, and she starts again. "After what I've just seen, in addition to the content of the other crystals, and the nature of each of the thralls, I think it's possible that another attack on Git'riban -- or at the very least, a major attack on the gith races -- may be coming. What I don't know is when. Or why, really. The Lady would respond to an attack of that magnitude."

She takes a few sips of water, then sets the mug down and looks at each of the others. "So, what do you want to do about the array? My moral sense is inclined to destroy it, not to mention that it might still be dangerous to us in some way. On the other hand, the more we know of such devices, the more we learn about the motives of those who created them. Lastly, I can definitely see the usefulness of an aura that defies remote viewing and clairvoyance."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Sister Ya'shenn?, anything about me, or even anything remotely connected to things i might be involved in?..."

Ii'Jyka'Vaar seems genuinly interested in any psychic impressions Ya'shenn might have read, and looks genuinly socially concerned about the effort Ya'shenn is having to put into it, her face reads concern, but she does not say anything else and lets Du'minh do the 'work'

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Burning Spear' wrote:
"Sister Ya'shenn?, anything about me, or even anything remotely connected to things i might be involved in?..."

"If you're sure you want to know..." Ya'shenn describes the nightmare in which Ii'Jyka'Vaar had appeared. She manages to refer to the erotic aspect of the dream in a tasteful way rather than going into excessive detail about that part.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Thank you for the effort, I am sorry i cannot be of help in this regard..."she says in a neutral tone.
She looks thoughtfull for a moment and says; "I did not expect his thoughts to be in this state, he did not seem to give any indication that there was more then just mutual friendship and respect.., it puzzles me"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"As far as the array goes, I don't think I have the knowledge to say whether we should keep it or destroy it, but we should--if it is possible--find somewhere to store it where it will be dificult for the Ghaik to recover. Better still if we could find somewhere where it provides no valueble inteligence to the Enemy. If it comes to it, we could smash it and throw it off the edge of the ring, of course. On a somewhat different note, we have not assumed that this opportunity is a trap. I know it's paranoid, but paranioa keeps you alive, and the fact really needs to be considered. If the ghaik have been expecting us, we need to have a way to escape, or failing that, a way to kill as many of them as possible."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Speaking of which, O DM, how about that Psicraft check? Ya'shenn would definitely like to make 100% sure that the array isn't transmitting anything out. The way the illithids were handling it suggests the data needed to be physically transferred, but it's better to be paranoid in some circumstances.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

When the relationship between Ii’Jyka’Vaar and the gith he had slain becomes clear to Du’minh, he averts his eyes from the others’ for a moment – he had never considered such intimacy to play a part in this. Following up on the issue of the array, he consciously avoids dwelling on the former subject now.

“I would not be too hasty in destroying the array if there is potential that it can be turned against our enemies. It is a rare chance for such a remedy to fall into our hands, and with proper modification it might be tuned to spy on the House and its operatives.”

“That being said, I would definitely rather see it destroyed than return to its original intended purpose – perhaps some sort of magical or psionic trigger to destroy it, should illithid influence ever taint it again? I take it that this abode has the “usual Git’riban precautions” to deter scrying attempts or the like? If not, my home has proper lead shielding in place where it might be hidden until we return.”

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I agree with brother Du'minh. Such an advantage should not be carelessly discarded so long as keeping it does indeed remain an advantage to the people."

Ar'dru pauses before going on "I do not wish to dilute our focus but the sharpeners final dream disturbs me somewhat. It seems possible that our current plans for retaliation are relied on by a ghiak plot to either cull the weak from the illithids ranks, as we have already considered, or to assist in the creation of an even greater threat, represented by the glowing chasm. We already know that the great enemy have found allies among other aberrations, it seems plausible that they may have partnered with denizens of the lower planes who could use such a slaughter as an energy source. We must be vigilant throughout our attack and attempt to thwart what may be a greater threat as we pursue our primary objective. Naturally I could be mis-interpreting the dream but it seems odd that the ghiak would desire the slaughter of so many of their own."

[ooc- wow, paranoia's contagious]

Ar’dru also takes the chance to view the ‘entertainers’ crystal and attempts to memorise the faces contained therein.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Waiting to see if Ya'shenn can figure out more about the array before giving her opinion on what to do with it. Please let me know if you want a Take 20 Psicraft, or a roll, or what, Azure. She's concerned that it might pose a danger to the group.]

"I share these concerns also."
Ya'shenn looks over at the crystal Ar'dru now holds in his hand. "Why would a ghaik deliberately aid Zur Khaan in order to kill other illithid? Their hatred of the githzerai is without limit. I would imagine that either there is a question of the Razor's... free will... or more likely the ghaik is simply giving him just enough information to eliminate Its rivals. At first I thought the ulitharid might simply be abnormally ruthless in its quest for power, and perhaps also the betterment of its Creed. I suppose it is also possible that It may be the illithid equivalent of a Sinker."

The psion takes a moment to wipe now-cooling sweat from her face and take another drink of water. She looks thoughtful for a moment -- her mention of the Sinkers makes her think of Grazz, and that brings back a memory from the day before.

'Azure' wrote:
"Last, but certainly not least in my opinion, is the Unterreich. The 'merchant' 'thids are building what amounts to a gigantic slaver ring and criminal organization, taking over the underworlds of various gate-towns and planar burgs. They recently suffered a setback, though, when their overseer for the Outlands, known as 'The Thingpin' got dead-booked in Bedlam. Seems it was there to help the Awakeners with their scheme on the windy plane. The Unterreich is still sore about that one, and are looking for the killers." He gives Gy-Nath a meaningful look.

Carefully not looking at Gy-Nath as she says this, the psion muses: "Speaking of these 'Awakeners,' I vaguely recall someone yesterday referring to a group of them -- on Pandemonium, I think it was. A pity that we know of no one who might have previously encountered this 'Awakener Creed' or cult or whatever these ghaik might be. Such a person might have valuable, even vital, insight to contribute."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Carefully not looking at Gy-Nath as she says this, the psion muses: "Speaking of these 'Awakeners,' I vaguely recall someone yesterday referring to a group of them -- on Pandemonium, I think it was. A pity that we know of no one who might have previously encountered this 'Awakener Creed' or cult or whatever these ghaik might be. Such a person might have valuable, even vital, insight to contribute."

"Indeed, certain allies of mine confronted dark schemes in Pandemonium recently. The mind-knife Telas-Niah has first-hand knowledge of events there. I was only briefed later, as I had returned to Bedlam to hunt down the former Thingpin, whose remains now guard my door." Gy-Nath replies with a proud smile.

"I have second-hand knowledge of some of the goings-on in Pandemonium, but I understand it had much more to do with the Aboleth and a race of parasites known as the Tsochar. Evidently, they awakened a powerful entity that had been sealed away in the deepest vaults of that plane. The Aboleth seemed to be harvesting the residue left in Its trail of destruction. The ghaik were involved, somehow, but I have no idea how, other than my allies encountered one in Pandemonium. The Thingpin was itself betrayed by the Aboleth, and somehow transformed into a vampiric state before I encountered it. How 'Thing', the head, continues to exist baffles those necromancers I've consulted with."

"As for the windy plane, it yet remains to be seen if the Elder Entity was successfully re-imprisoned or not. Pandemonium is not an easy place to get news out of. I have a pair of allies with the Bleakers, one of whom had alerted us to the problem in Pandemonium and hired the Blue Steel Mercinaries to help her deal with it, but I regretfully have not heard from her for some time now, ever since ... ever since those who had gone to Pandemonium were all targeted by the Tsochar here in Sigil." Gy-Nath frowns.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn listens closely to the story Gy-Nath relates. You have had much contact with the Embassy, yet you speak of Telas-Niah as an ally. You cast your net widely, captain.

After digesting what he'd said, she replies, "I am not entirely sure what to make of this news, captain, but I thank you for it." She might want to wish Telas-Niah well, but she is not willing or ready to speak glowingly of that infamous one in such politically mixed company.

The psion spends several minutes working on the array. After a while, she says to the group, "I think we are safe enough leaving the array here for now. It is not sending anything out -- hence why it required a pair of ghaik to tend it. The main danger it poses is the moral one of being an illithid-wrought device." So says the Qualith expert and psi-dominator -- who is currently carrying illithid weaponry with the intent to use it. "It sounds as though most of those here are in favor of keeping it intact, but I feel obligated to caution you all that a device such as this is designed from start to finish for evil use. I suppose the aura it generates is useful, though."

"It looks as though these crystals are cycled every two weeks. I would guess that we encountered those two Tamers around the middle of that cycle. If we are very lucky, this may mean those two ghaik will not be missed for several days."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"And if we are unlucky, they had the foresight to have another similar device somewhere else in Git'riban, for redundancy's sake. Still, they can't know where our blow will fall. If they expect the start of reprisals, they may fall for K'tch's ruse all the harder."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"Indeed, certain allies of mine confronted dark schemes in Pandemonium recently. The mind-knife Telas-Niah has first-hand knowledge of events there. I was only briefed later, as I had returned to Bedlam to hunt down the former Thingpin, whose remains now guard my door." Gy-Nath replies with a proud smile.
“Yes, as I arrived here I did encounter a less than civil house keeper,” Du’minh comments with a grin. “Perhaps we might pursue these Pandemonium-related matters after the attack...” Turning more serious, the Rish continues. “Starting with contacting Telas-Niah. A few of us here have met her recently, during the illithid attack.”

“If we are settled for now on the array and have no other immediate concerns to address, I suggest we wrap up and prepare to head out. We have already one team on the move and with the ghaiks expecting our company shortly, I would rather not disappoint.”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Very well. I suggest we leave in pairs, sneak out of Git'riban, and meet in Sandstone Square at the edge of the Clerks' Ward. We will pick up some incendiaries at the alchemist's shop there. If anyone can bring some jink, the more the better, for I am already tapped out funding certain aspects of this mission."

"Daraz, Ya'shenn, you should determine among yourselves what disguises and strategems to use. Ya'shenn, send me a missive a few minutes before we are to strike, then expect Ar'dru's flames shortly thereafter.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ii'Jyka'Vaar looks askance to the rest as to who she will accompany out of Git'Riban..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Understood. I am not rich, but I'll not be miserly, either." Very rarely does a healer among the Githyanki ever starve.

Ya'shenn arranges the various memory crystals and assorted array components into some kind of order, before turning her attention to Du'minh. "Do you still have the blades we acquired last night, brother? I believe at least one of them may be psionically imbued, and I'd like to make sure of that."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Certainly. I would not mind if we trade off those with non-psionic property at least, to purchase the warfare armaments we require.”

Du’minh procures the blades and unsheathes them carefully, before handing them over to Ya’shenn hilt-first.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Psicraft check on the shortsword and two scimitars. The roll doesn't include possible bonuses for synergy with Knowledge: Psionics or abilities related to the telepathy discipline.]

Edit: Ugh...

0 Bonus for 11 to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 13.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Perhaps a take 10 or 20 is in order? :mrgreen:

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
Perhaps a take 10 or 20 is in order? :mrgreen:

[That does sound like a good idea...]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
'Dunamin' wrote:
Perhaps a take 10 or 20 is in order? :mrgreen:

[That does sound like a good idea...]

[Sure, but not after you flub a roll - DM]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[ooc- would knowledge (Psionics) help? If Ya’shenn doesn't know anything then Ar'dru'll have a go. If she's so wrong that she thinks she's right he would probably just trust her judgement]

roll below just in case

[edit: I guess Illithid tech isn't Ar'dru's speciality either]

8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 16.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The party makes their plans for attacking the Hive Brothel. Ya'shenn and Daraz will approach from the street. They know where the portal lies which the warriors will be attacking through. The target is the inner offices of 'The Accountant', the illithid who runs the place. It is possible that other illithid slavers will be there as well, and the inner offices contain the portals to the rest of illithid house. Du'minh, Ii'Jyka'vaar, and Gy-Nath will come through a portal leading from a Sigilan street into the Brothel near the inner offices. They will not attack right away if possible, instead setting up a perimeter and siezing the escape route, the portals deeper into the house. Then Ar'dru will create a firey diversion. When he has the guards' attention, the rest of the party will strike.

"We'll split up and leave Git'riban, then meet up in Sandstone Square. Daraz and Ya'shenn, Ar'dru and Du'minh. Ii, you're with me." Gy-Nath packs a light field-pack with extra bandages, some clean water, and K'tch's green fungus-brew, among other things.

[DM questions, then scene-change depending on answers:

Did Ar'dru keep Grazz's poisoned throwing knives?

Who, if anyone, is taking the psi-shortsword? I'd suggest Daraz, since he suffered most in that battle. Its power is to restore hp on a successful critical attack.

Who is stopping off at their own kips before heading out?]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh would like to stop by his home, to check up on his captain and keep him in the loop (all the better that K’dar also knows and has confided in Ar’dru). No particular need to draw it out, though, unless K’dar should have some critical information for them.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

ooc: i am ready to 'rock', i don't need stopping except illithid lives Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

It is still raining when the warriors leave, not hard, but a steady drizzle with a slight sulfuric smell. First to emerge are Ar'dru and Du'minh, followed fifteen minutes later by Daraz and Ya'shenn. Gy-Nath locks up, but leaves the key for the small door in the keyhole, so that it can be telekineticly unlocked by any githyanki that *knows* it is there. Thing, too, is put on guard duty, though he must repair the broken chain with the padlock off his footlocker.

Du'minh and Ar'dru go first to Du'minh's house. K'dar is much better after a second day of rest, enough to change his own bandages and move about, though haltingly. He listens to Du'minh's report without comment. When Du'minh has prepared for action [having stopped at home, Du'minh can pick up any mundane item, i.e. silk rope, head bags, bowyer kit, rations/clean water, etc., just say what you think he'd grab.] K'dar informs him that he will be reporting to the Silver Eyes when he is well enough, probably before Du'minh returns. "May your steel conquor, brother."


The Dabus presence in Git'riban has slackened. It seems they don't like to work in the rain. There are still a few loitering arond in small groups, talking about umbrellas.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

When Gy-Nath is about to set of, Ii'Jyka'Vaar will walk with him where he goes (as no clear definition was given where she would go with whom, only that she was to dimensiondoor in when the attack was to commence)

(ooc: i lost the plot a little)

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