Where are they going, where can we set an ambush and when will we get to where we must go?
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State
Irritated, Du’minh stores the rings in a secure pouch underneath his spiked armor, but his attention is fully drawn towards the revelation that every blasted gith in Git’riban apparently knows about the identity of the ruling triad of Illithid House.
Addressing Vivic, Du’minh sneers:
“The responsibility of the body is yours, of course. I care little for what the Sodkillers or Harmonium may have to say about it – my concern is with the reaction of the inhabitants of Git’riban. I certainly don’t like the idea of you posing around with your new pet on a leash… just like an enslaver. You better make sure it doesn’t cause trouble for the rest of us.”
Du’minh will keep his Auravision up as they return to street-level, and pay heed to any changes that may have been brought about since they went below. As they near the Heart, he’ll keep a look out for the corpses of the illithids he had taken the trouble to crush the skulls of, and scan them thoroughly over as well.
Focusing on Ehk’Tev, the warlock wards off another bout of mind fire. [i]There's a passage to the east that the ghaiks will prolly head for, hoping to slip out of Git'Riban and into friendlier realms. We could make it quicker if we stopped this banter[/b]
Focusing on Ehk’Tev, the warlock wards off another bout of mind fire. There's a passage to the east that the ghaiks will prolly head for, hoping to slip out of Git'Riban and into friendlier realms. We could make it quicker if we stopped this banter
The warlock begins walking toward the door.
Bluff to conceal pain: 25
Ignoring Du'minh, Rey Prods his newest friend, and starts right after the warlock.
Azure, can I "Disguise Other?" The spell is not officially in the online srd, but perhaps we can come up with something - I think it should be part of the trickery domain, perhaps you can make it a 2nd sphere (or even third sphere) spell instead of first (like "Disguise Self") - just let me know if you'll be willing to offer Rey something like that. And if you're not, I'll try not to cry about it...
Spot to see if there are any more wounds on Benyamin's Character, and anyone else's character, for that matter.
Spot = 8
Spot, Search and Listen checks as we go along...
Spot: 8
Listen: 9
Search: 15 (signs of trouble; other 'flayers)
Bluff to conceal pain: 20
Jhank'kor grumbles almost inaubibly to relieve the ensuing tension and deflect his mind from the pain. Bloody sods...wouldn't understand...no, wouldn't know what a hell this has been... The rest is stifled by a grunt.
Daraz follows Jhank'kor at a respectful distance and off to one side. In order to appear unthreatning.
could we get to this entrance soon enough to set some tripwires and find defensible positions? What exactly is the area around the entrance like? Perhaps the Ghaik had the sense to leave a rear guard. In that case we have something of a problem.
Ar'Dru follows along with the group.
"This makes little sense to me." He growls "Why would the ghaik use tunnels? Why not simply teleport or use a portal? This is supposed to be the city of doors after all."
Spot check below
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
even ghaik live somewhere and the wise ones would probably protect thier homes from teleportation
... (dice roll behind the screen)
The warlock nods in agreement.
Ineed, they wouldn't want anyone slipping in unawares...or some of us would've already dropped in to give our regards.
But I'm heading for another passage that's not far from here...another tunnel in the sewers, where they would have a couple holes to dive into.
As per Azure's info:
"The alley ends in an empty lot, and one goes through a couple of ruined buildings and a celler before coming out at Gith Lane. The sub-celler of the first building is be connected to old crumbling sewers that has a few regularly occuring portals."
This will help give an OOC mental image of where anyone following Jhank'kor is headed
Rey keeps his head up and his ears perked, looking and listening to see if there is anything / anyone of interest in the new area that they are about to enter.
Listen: 18
Spot: 5
Search: 11
“This is the City of Doors after all, the ghaiks likely planned to escape by portal rather than by running for lengths through the most dangerous district they could trespass in! The other three illithids were fleeing in the same general direction of their leader, likely heading for the same portal. Any others that would seek to escape by this path would have run into us by now, or already found a way past. I expect the chances of intercepting more to be slim at best, considering how much time has passed since the attack force retreated from the Heart."
"Those “ghaikholes” might be worth investigating, if you really are sure the slavers are likely to hide out there. I was waiting for an… acquaintance… which may shed some light on what’s going on, and whom may provide more intel on the enemy. If this is where we part ways, I’ll look for signs of your whereabouts in the sewers later, if you can provide the directions to where you are going.”
It seems likely that the iltilids would prefer to make thier base of operations in Sigil. They may be too confident to expect an attack on thier holes.
OOC: Daraz keeps aware of his surroundings as he walks
Listen: 28
Spot: 23
OOC: another 19.
[DM: So what's going on guys, are you heading back to the Heart, into the sewers, or splitting up? I would prefer if the group all did the same thing, but I can run a split if neccessary.
Oh, by the way, did Jank'kor pick his electrofried squid head back up? It's a little more damaged than before it was used as a bludgeoning weapon, but then again it was in sorry shape to begin with.]
The gith climb out of the celler and back to street level. When they emerge into the alleyway, they are faced with the choice; back towards the Heart of The Void, or further on towards Gith Lane and the sewers that Jank'kor suspects some illithid may have fled to.
OOC: I'm probably following the majority of the group with a preference towards undersigil.
Daraz pauses a moment as he emerges from the archway. He hears echoes of shouts drifting down the alleyway from the direction of Gith Lane. Rey hears it too, the sounds of battle down the alley in the direction the warlock was talking about.
Jhank'kor hastens toward the ensuing combat near the sewers.
sure. Totin the head.
Spot: -1
Ar'dru fastens his trophy-head so that he has both hands free to hold his sword before chasing after his companions.
Listen check below
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
Rey prods the corpse towards the sounds of battle, but does not follow, using the corpse as a buffer.
Du’minh readies his flail at the first hint of trouble and moves out to engage the enemy.
Daraz carefully follows, the rest of the group, looking for a place where he can hide and get off a few good shots at whatever enemies he can see.
Rey sneaks in behind the corpse (not directly behind, but hanging close to the walls), and sharpens his eyes for the signs of battle.
Hide: 34
Move Silently: 23
Spot: 13
The party moves quickly down the alleyway, the sounds of pitched battle getting louder. At last they catch sight of the ruined buldings and empty lots, and a scene of utter chaos unfolds before them. There are githyanki and illithid thralls slaying each other, true, but there are also several gith in brightly colored, if tattered and dirty, outfits, wielding broad sabers and firing flintlock pistols at both sides. These gith pirates pillage bodies wherever they fall, without discrimination. Closer at hand, in an empty lot strewn with razorvine, close to a dozen savage gith wearing naught but filthy rags and bone jewelry attack any and all comers. These savages are armed with a mish-mash of weapons, from Sigilan-style shivs, to bone-tipped spears, to attacking with viscious bites and bare hands.
The thralls, along with two illithid taskmasters, are trying to fight their way through the closest ruin, aided somewhat by the overall confusion of the situation. If anything, it is the githyanki warriors who are in the most dire straights, as they are for the most part split up and fighting as individuals against a multitude of foes.
So far, none of the combatants has caught sight of the five gith, and one undead headless ulitharid, emerging from the alley.
[Layout: The party is standing at the top of a rise, so they have a good view of the ruins ahead. The empty lot, strewn with rubble and razorvine, is to their right, while the bulilding they can see is straight ahead. One has to go through a gaping hole in the lot's wall and about ten yards, before being able to enter the building through a doorless archway, though a good climber could make it up the rubble pile and ruined wall where the alley abruptly ends, and make it to the second floor of the ruined bulding, though it would take a couple of rounds.
There are two illithid visible. They are curently on the second floor, surrounded by thralls [DMing: 75% - 95% cover.] The ruined walls offer a patchwok view of the second floor, and a clear view of the more heavily ruined third floor.
The empty lot is fairly large, about 90' x 120'. The crumbling archway that offers access to the building is about 30' from the gaping hole in the in the wall between the empty lot and the alley. The lot is strewn with piles of rubble and vertible bushes of razorvine. There are a few other places where the walls are crumbling, and it is through one of these that the savage gith are still coming, being the second-newest arrivals on the scene.
Currently there is hand-to hand fighting on the second floor of the ruin, and probably the first. The third floor is held by half a dozen laughing pirates firing flintlock pistols at the lot and the second floor. A pair of githyanki warriors stand in the archway, defending it from both within and without.
The empty lot is total bedlam. There must be more than one group of pirates, because although they are the most numerous, many are clashing with other pirates. The savage gith are, well, fighting savagely. There are only two living githyanki in the lot, besides the one defending his side of the archway.
What the PCs, as residents of Git'riban, know beyond what they can see:
The "alley" that goes to Gith Lane from here, goes through the lot, the archway, up to the second floor, to the second floor of another ruined bulding, down to the basement, and through a pair of cellers (with private basement apartments connected to the second one), and back up to street level. It is by this route, in reverse, that the illithid must have fled from the Heart.
Additional Info for PCs:
Jank'kor: The access to Undersigil is a sinkhole in the sub-basement of the visible ruin.
Du'minh: One of those illithid is a spell caster carrying a wand, and he's worming his way through the crowd of thralls towards the stairs!
Ar'dru: It sounds like there is a battle going on, not just in this lot and building, but in the building behind as well.
Daraz: You've got a clear shot at any of those swashbucklers on the third floor, but between the rubble and the razorvine everyone in the lot has 25% - 50% cover.
Rey'arteb: You so saw one of the savage gith eating a chunk of flesh from a fallen foe.
“Ugh, Athasians.”
Du’minh crouches to remain unseen from the battle, while he surveys the scene. The tactical experiences he has had with all his old warbands springs fresh to mind, and he proposes a plan for engagement.
“Got a wand-wielding ghaik-chal there, going for the stairs. Ar’dru, was it? Could you lift one of us in flight to the building across? We could assault them from above, working our way down to slay the ghaiks. Vivic, perhaps you can use that thing as a divertion in the lot… That is, if you are willing to part with your new… thrall.”
OOC: Is Du’minh’s concealing amorpha still active? He activated it shortly after Jhank’kor split from Daraz and him, and it lasts 8 minutes. If not, he activates a second one.
Listen and Spot below.
OOC: how far from the building am I?
Daraz loads his crossbow and kneels behind any cover he can find.
Isn't it hard being everyone's enemy? he thinks dryly to himself, noting the irony in the thought.
Daraz takes aim at the pirate who looks most seriously wounded.
attack roll: 24
damage: 7
sneak attack (if aplicable): +4
hide: 31
Looking at Du'minh -
This will be the diversion, but we must not follow it in - we have to find a roundabout way.
He points to the building with the two Illithids, including the one with the wand.
I suggest that we start there.
Rey will prod the undead ulitharid towards the center area, but he will take a roundabout route towards the building while still hiding. Once at the building, he will cast 'invisibility' on himself, and go for the illithids.
"A sound enough plan little cousin" Ar'dru replies to Du'minh with a smile at the other gith. "You will accompany me in the assault on the ghiak, ready yourself."
He turns to the 'warlocks' of the group "Clearing my landing area with flame will hasten our victory if you have any suitable spells."
With that Ar'Dru takes hold of Du'minh, activates his own concealing amorpha and launches off towards the building.
[ooc- assuming that Du'minh doesn't try to squirm free]
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
“Excellent! Then let us be off, my fellow warrior, the thrill of battle awaits us!”
Du’minh grins in anticipation and readies himself for potentially incoming attacks, preparing to twist his body out of harms’ way.
OOC: Total Defense during the flight (+4 dodge).
Smirking under his ashen cowl, Jhank'kor quips,You'll have your fire...See you at the top.
Last use of D. Door to 3rd floor, use move action to make the stairs, pausing to peer down from the top (kneeling if he must)
Move Silently: 17
Hide: 11
Spot: 17
Listen: 3
Daraz: How far from the building am I?
[DM: The party emerges at the top of a ramp, able to see over the wall into the lot on the right. 90' down the ramp (full move) is the entrance through the lot's wall. A little beyond is a big pile of rubble that provides access to the second floor of the ruin, but it would require two full rounds of movement and a climb check to reach the 2nd floor by this route.
In order to prod the ulitharid body and hide, Rey needs to hide behind the body. The ulitharid, headless, is still quite large (7'). Basicly Rey can prod the ulithrid forward down the ramp, actually taking 2 rounds to do so. He can cast invisibility the second round (and take any normal action round 1 as well, since he's not running), so that when he breaks cover and climbs the rubble, he's already invisible.
The action as I see it (chime in for any changes)
-Ar'dru and Du'minh go for the 3rd Floor. Round 1: Movement. Round 2: Charge attack. Du'minh makes a normal armed charge attack. Ar'dru must use natural weoponry the first combat round. Round 3: ....
-Rey prods the ulitharid forward and attempt to get to the second floor. Round 1: Prod + ? Round 2: Invis + Prod-turn. Round 3: climb check + movement. Round 4: 2nd floor....
-Daraz provides missile fire for the LZ on the 3rd floor. Round 1: Shoot. Round 2: reload, shoot?
Wei may be leaving for awhile, if he does not post timely, I'll assume he's in the woods. Absent any correction, as NPC Daraz will provide covering fire until Du'minh and Ar'dru have conquored and are moving down to the second floor, at which point he'll run down the ramp and either follow Rey up the rubble pile, or the UHU into the lot if it seems easier at the time.]
OOC: Scenario looks good to me. Du'minh will be delaying his initiative until as soon as he's dropped (so I guess that would be the same as Ar'dru's initiative, right?).
Anything more we can tell about the 6 pirates holding the roof? Such as how heavy armor they appear to be wearing?
Azure, you forgot the little guy (pun intended
[DM: Sorry Ben, I didn't see your post before I posted
The 6 pirates on the 3rd floor are unarmored, but armed with sabers and flintlock pistols. One is defending the stairs up from the second floor, the others are firing down the stairs, and target practicing on combatants in the lot.]

I'll survive. Let's hope your rampaging giths have the same spot checks.
Initiative: 20
Bring it, ye gith primates
Spot Checks
Ar’dru allows the spell casters to clear a space before landing on the roof.
As soon as he is within earshot of the pirates he bellows “No true child of Gith would battle another while the enslavers still stand. Repent and face the true enemy or receive judgement at my hand.”
Initiative (1d20+1=17)
Intimidate (1d20+6=16)
Assuming the Pirates fight on, or if they hesitate and look like they need proof of his resolve, Ar’dru attacks the nearest in a frenzy of bloodied tooth and claw.
bite (1d20+12=29)
Damage (1d6+8=12)
claws (1d20+12=17, 1d20+12=30)
Damage (1d4+8=11)
Damage (1d4+4=8)
[ooc- please make adjustments to my rolls as necessary I’m doing these off the top of my head and have probably missed some bonuses/penalties. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do a cleave but if I can let me know and I’ll do the rolls.]
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
[Round 1]
After quickly coordinating their plan, the band spings into action.
Du'minh runs down the ramp, followed by Ar'dru. With a few powerful beats of his wings, Ardru is airborne. He swoops forward and lifts Du'minh with him into the air.
'Vivic' prods his creation, and the headless zombie stumbles forward down the ramp. Meanwhile, Vivic does his best to remain hidden behind the large undead, and readies a spell.
Taking aim at one of the gith pirates firing from the third floor, Daraz shoots a crossbow bolt straight through his neck. The pirate pitches forward and falls into the the lot, landing on a pair of pirates fighting off a savage gith. The other pirates on the third flood seem to pay little attention to the fall of their comrade, and continue loading and firing their pistols.
Jank'kor concentrates, and marshals the inate powers of his mind. Folding himself between the spaces of Sigil, he emerges in a shadowy corner of the third floor, next to a pile of broken bricks. The five remaining pirates do not notice him, despite the fact that Jank'kor is cringing under a blinding migrane as the bleeding sigil reacts to the activation of a psionic power. [ Max penalty, i.e. -5, on all rolls for the next 3 rounds ]
The illithid, their thralls, the githyanki and gith pirates, are all too occupied with fighting to notice the small party of newcomers thusfar, but as Ar'dru and Du'minh mount into the air, a feral shout is heard from the savage Athasian gith. They redouble their efforts in the lot and surge toward to ruin. A pair of them teleport themselves to the third floor and start attacking the pistol-wielding pirates there.
[Ben, let me know what spell Jank'kor is going to try and cast. Other than the warlock's actions, I can do round 2.]
Oooo....dirty DM. Mean. Evil. What more can I ask for?
Jhank'kor stifles a wail at the blow of the battlehammer against his skull. Should of....realized that would happen... He blinks through the reflexive tears, scorning such effects of physiology.
...What...what was I going to do?
Remembering his plan..some of it...Jhank'kor smiles, attempting to embrace the blackness of the darkest tunnels. Not hard with the impetus to pass out so evident with each pulse.
The warlock strides closer to the stairwells as he intones the eldtrich words that rise within his spirit. Drink in the dark, gith swine!
He chuckles, however painfully, at the semblance to his street appellation...
Cast darkness, centered in the middle of the shooters (20ft sphere)
Concentration: 17
Intimidation to scare them off ledge:19
Rey'arteb continues his course of action, fueled by pure hatred for the tentacled swine, his senses sharpen, his pulse races. He looks at the outside of the building to see if there are any crevices which may aid his climb.
Casts: 'Invisibility'
Climb Check: 18
Move Silently: 18
Hide (just in case the illithids have any tricks up their sleeve to counter Rey's spell (eg.. "True Seeing" or "Dispel Magic") : 22
Also, everyone spell VivEc correctly before I have a cow... GOD. :
[Round 2]
Three of the pirates are startled enough by the turn of events to choose retreat. They make a break for the back of the ruin and start climbling a pile of rubble. A fourth pirate fires at Ar'dru, but it is too late, for the pan fizzles too long before igniting the powder. By the time the shot goes off, Du'minh has been dropped off and the pirate's throat has already been torn out.
Du'minh finds that, due to Ar'dru's speed, he must hit the ground running. [Dun, choice of targets for your charge: Gith Pitrate defending stairs with cutlass and pistol (you'll catch him flat footed). Athasian gith 1. Athasian gith 2.]
[ooc] I'm guessing that I'm attacking then. Attacks as in the last post unless I can draw my sword.]
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
Menacingly, Du’minh brandishes his bonded Arbiter and locks his gaze at the pirate defending the stairs.
“You choose to hold us from our prey… You have chosen death!”
As Ar’dru releases him, Du’minh speeds across the rooftop towards his target, the flail held back and down towards the ground… until he closes with the pirate, and swings it towards his jaw in an uppercut.
OOC: Charging Power Attack -6/+12.
To keep things straight, where am I in relation to Du'minh and Ar'du? And was it the globe of darkness that scared those Athasians or the impressive half-dragon and flail-bearer warrior?
[Still Round 2]
Du'minh swings his flail in an upper cut to the final pirate. The force of the blow shatters the gith's jawbone and sends him flying down the stairs, bowling over the bugbear thrall he was fighting off.
[Just to be clear, you scared off the pirates, not the Athasians.
Jan'kor is about in the middle of the cler portion of the floor. Du'minh is at the stairs a few feet to the right, while Ar'dru is tearing apart a pirate a few feet in front of him. ]
One of the two savage gith who teleported onto the third floor disappears again. The other, seemingly unarmed savage leaps forward and attacks Ar'dru with his bare hands. The gith's touch is seeringly cold, and Ar'dru notices to his horror that the Athasian's existing wounds close themselves as his life is leached away.
[Ar'dru takes 22 damage]
Meanwhile, Rey prods the zombie into the lot and climbs up the rubble pile.
One of the thralls protecting the second illithid is struck in the ribs by a crossbow bolt fired by a well-hidden Daraz. The thrall, a large bugbear, doesn't go down, but does stumble and almost crushes his master. The illithid takes the time to beat the thrall with a chain, but quickly realizes it is falling behind.
[for round 3: Rey will reach the 2nd floor. Du'minh now sees that there are a couple of stairs missing. The two illithid are trying to go from the second floor to the first. The ilithid mage will be directly under Du'minh this round, the second illithid will reach the stairs on round 4 or 5. Ar'dru is literally going hand to hand with the remaining Athasian gith, but he has the initiative. Jank'kor has a ball of darkness he can expand if he wants, or he can try to cast another spell through the haze of pain.]

Seeing Ar'du brings back the true intent of the warlocks mission. Fire...need fire...too much fire...in my head...but fire...fire...FIRE!!! The chal stumbles torward the Athasian and seems to immolate himself in a flash of incinerating heat, blissfully warm to the half-dragon's crimson hide.
Fireburst: 10ft radius off Jhank'kor, though he moves in behind the 'thasian, so he and Ar'du should be the only two in the blast.
Ref. half vs. 16
Concentration check: 9 (ish...nat 1...screw the above post--unless you want me to make a reflex save from reimbursed flames. )
Du’minh orients himself of the scene on the 2nd floor as he clears the stairways ahead of him, with the sound of cracking skull bone still singing in the air from his latest kill.
He smirks as the wand-carrying illithid comes into view below him through the missing stairs, and leans forward to pound at its exposed squishy head, keeping up momentum for a return swing. Immediately after his barrage, he takes a few steps back and ducks out of view to get away from potential retaliatory mind blasts.
OOC: Full attack at the illithid mage, then 5 ft step back for full cover.
Listen check: +0 (to tell if that other Athasian teleported or is now sneaking around invisible. [Result 6]
1st attack: +15 (Power Attack -3/+6, +1 for higher ground) [Result 23]
2nd attack: +10 [Result 20]
1st attack, total damage: 29
2nd attack, total damage: 29
Ouch, Az, let me know if you and Ben need a hand with that… vampiric Athasian gith?
EDIT: Whoops! I rolled a d20 instead of a d10 on damage for the first attack. Please ignore.
[Round 3...
Dun, the illithid is slipping between thralls down the stairs from the second floor to the first,, so to attack it you have to do one of two things: 1) Jump down to the stairs below, or 2) lean waaaaay over. If you choose # 1, you may be cut off. If you choose # 2 you'll be precariously ballanced and, in addition to having negative mods on your attacks, need to make a DC15 reflex roll or fall down the hole anyway. BTW the gith pirate you hit cleared the missing steps and landed on a thrall that was trying to defend the hole from further down this flight of stairs.
Az, Ar'dru can draw his sword and make a single attack this round, or continue to full attack with fang and claw.
Tri, Rey'arteb will reach the 2nd floor this round. If he attacks this round he will be precariously bananced (see Dun's paragraph above) or if he waits 'till round 4 he'll have gained stable footing. He will be able to reach the second illithid from behind, but there are six big thralls surrounding it, including three grimlocks. You can go with your current 18 on stealth or roll again and take a gamble (I'll roll their listen checks after I know which you'll go for). There are at least another half dozen thralls currently engaged in combat on the second floor.
Ben, yep, Jank'kor's fire burst spell fizzled. Darkness spell too. Round 3's a bust for you, sorry. Round 4 will be the last round of your maxed penalty tho.
And, just for the record, he's not a vampiric gith, he's a gith with a vampiric touch wild talent
Just to make it interesting, and give Du'minh something to think fast about, I'll show the Athasians' hand one post early, even tho you guys have the higher initiative...]
The same savage gith that disappeared a few moments ago pops in once more. This time he is locking arms with two other savages, both armed with sharpened shanks of thighbone, while the teleporter has a dagger of githyanki make clenched in his teeth.
Jank'kor and Ar'dru are close enough now to notice clearly the physical differences between these savage gith and their astral cousins. They are taller and even more lanky than a githyanki. They have longer faces and more reptilian features, and so resemble duthka'gith more than githyanki or githzerai (the pirates, by contrast, could have passed for 'zerai except for the clothes). Most striking, of course, is their ramient. They are wearing copious amounts of bone jewelry, with multiple piercings in every concievable place. The two newest warriors are wearing breastplates of bone [think native american].
Ah, blast, I had taken the “directly under Du’minh” notion to mean within striking range. My bad.
Okay, new plan: Can I secure my flail, crouch down and attempt to grab and wrest away the wand from the illithid (employing my Improved Disarm feat to prevent AoO), then 5 ft. step back with my prize?
I figure taking his primary toy would slow them down somewhat in pushing down the stairs through savages and pirates, so that the group can catch up. (have I seen what the wand blasts with, by the way?)
The chal ignores the question of what baubles are what, turning to face the monstrosity he had taken the trouble to blast and its animator.
Jhank'kor spits in derision.
Why don't you grow tentacles while you're making thralls?!...no, I have a better role for this freak...one that'll hide it more effectively than any disguise spell.
Oh, if you want to truly face the ghaik, I know these tunnels better than a hive of cranium rats...