Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Layout of K'tch the Bard's Flat:

The only stairway that opens onto the roof is crumbing and treacherous. Additionally, there are several semi-hidden tripwires connected to small bells and chimes. Just below the entry into the fourth floor of the building, the stairs crumble away leaving a dark void. There is a grappling hook with a long rope sitting on the landing in front of the entry. There is no door, but a rather obvious pair of tripwires at shin and chest hights.

Inside are two large rooms in an "L" configuration. Both rooms are about 20'x40'. The stairs enter at about the mid-point of the 'kitchen' which has two large fireplaces, one currently burning with bariaur dung (cheaper in Sigil than wood, and for just a little extra they'll add incense). The other room could be described as the 'studio'. There are a few tables and stools littered haphazardly around the place, and several musical instuments, including a large collection of various drums.

K'tch lies on a couch with several blankets draped over the back of it. There is no bed. The entire place is rather chaotic. It is not cluttered, in fact there is little more in it than instuments, stools, half a dozen tables, a couch, and a big bucket of dried dung. Yet on no fewer than five of those tables are half-full bottles of bub, strewn about pages of musical notation, instuments, battons of wood, even a few swords and daggers of various makes. The last table, the largest one, which sits in the kitchen, is being used for food prep, and this too is a bit of a mess (and now getting wet).

"So, what's up bro? Nasty night for a fight don't ya know ..."
Ch-ching-ting-ting - - ting-ting-chakka-ting
"Or day, it's hard so say anyway"
"Yet something made you get wet, and 'yanki pride's a good bet."

"Sorry about the roof, K'tch. We were having ourselves a little training session, and I know I learned something." Gy-Nath makes eye contact with Ii, and his smile tells her he may have learned more than she guesses.

"No worry, bro. If you don't mind moving that stuff over there where the rain aint hittin' it ... thanks, brother."

The party notices that although the new hole (which is actually in the kitchen) is by far the largest, it is not the only place where water is entering the flat.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz collects himself and consciously attempts to supress all of his thoughts distrust and anger towards Kii'dem and her gross missuse of her telepathy. Still feeling somewhat hazy, he mulls over the telepath's proposal instead. He loathes being tied tied to any cause. Politics and spying were not things to mess around with. Worse still to be dragged against his will towards one side of an argument he doesn't care to be a part of.

"What is it that you ask of me, psion? I am no spy, and I am very probably a danger to your cause should I become one," Daraz pauses and adds dryly, but carefully, "You know this of course."

"You also know exactly where my priorities lie. I refuse to take any action that will hinder the fight against our Enemy. This includes playing overly with politics. I will not betray my warband as it were while it is a credible threat to the Ghaik. If you disaprove, I suggest that you do something about me before you give me back my crossbow."

Daraz keeps his voice almost neutral, his words are half bluff, and half threat.

"I will decline your offer of hospitality, though I apreciate it. I must prepare for the attack on Ilthilid house. You know this too, of course."

Daraz takes his things, not especially bothered by the fact that they are filthy. He will have the wands, ioun stone, two flaming daggers, and rings he found earlier identified. He will also browse around to see any other items that might help when specifically killing a ghaik A magical crossbow, would be a high priority. (Also, can I sell that +3 banded mail that's just sitting around doing nothing?).

OOC: I will wait for a reply before I write the next part of the post, but when should I arrive, after or during the duel?

Annother thing, can I poison my head, with an oil or something so the next squiddie that tries to eat me suffers for it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Tink-chink-taka-ching-Ting-Ting "So, what's up bro? Nasty night for a fight don't ya know ..." Ch-ching-ting-ting - - ting-ting-chakka-ting "Or day, it's hard so say anyway" Ching-Ting-chakka-ching-Ting "Yet something made you get wet, and 'yanki pride's a good bet." Tinkka-Tinkka-Tinkka-Tinkka-ching-Ting-Ting

Before she can help herself, Ya'shenn awards the githyanki bard with a rude look. After a few moments, though, the woman appears to reconsider that -- not just for courtesy's sake, but because she isn't totally lacking in any sense of humor. Even if she is cold, wet, and feeling the residue of intense anger. The hostility mostly fades from her expression, and she looks the bard over more closely -- mostly for any sign of warband identification, though he may be unarmored under these circumstances.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: I will wait for a reply before I write the next part of the post, but when should I arrive, after or during the duel?.

If you are ready to post, Daraz could have arrived just before everyone went up to the roof for the duel, so he can be with the rest of the party.

Another thing, can I poison my head, with an oil or something so the next squiddie that tries to eat me suffers for it

Sorry, they aren't lice, there is no special shampoo to get rid of 'em. Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
she looks the bard over more closely -- mostly for any sign of warband identification, though he may be unarmored under these circumstances.

K'tch is unarmored, and is in fact dressed more in Sigilan than githyanki fashion. He has nothing hinting at warband identification, on his person ayway, though Ya'shenn could take a closer look at the blades spread around the flat. Those in the party quikly realize they recognize this gith. He was one of the musicians that was playing at Haven Port the night before.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“It is good to see you again, battlebrother. How was your off-world trip?”
"Inhospitable my brother but I suppose that was to be expected." Ar'dru outlines the basics of the trip for his companions as they watch the duel.

Upon hearing the bards call Ar'dru drops through the hole, using his wings to break his fall.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Tink-chink-taka-ching-Ting-Ting "So, what's up bro? Nasty night for a fight don't ya know ..." Ch-ching-ting-ting - - ting-ting-chakka-ting "Or day, it's hard so say anyway" Ching-Ting-chakka-ching-Ting "Yet something made you get wet, and 'yanki pride's a good bet." Tinkka-Tinkka-Tinkka-Tinkka-ching-Ting-Ting

"No worry, bro. If you don't mind moving that stuff over there where the rain aint hittin' it ... thanks, brother."

When the Captain Gy'Nath gets up after showing the party the results of the skirmish, she adresses the people who are all there;
"Thank you Captain Gy'Nath for allowing me to join your party and give me some honor in dancing the blades with me to sort out the miscommunication, it was indeed a useful training" (wink to bard..for the hint on training)

Ii'Jyka'Vaar helps the captain shove most things out of the rain when he initiates to do so..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

K'tch's flat is significantly larger and more open than Gy-Nath's apartment. It is, however, much more lived-in looking. K'tch raises an eyebrow when the duthka'gith levitates down from the roof, but says nothing nor moves to get off the couch, just changes the tune to a more melodic "flying song".

Drrring - - - Drrring-Ting-Ting - - - Drrring - - - Drrring-Ting-Ting
Drrring - - -Drrring-Ting-Ting
Chinkka-Ting-Ting - - Cha-Chinkka-Ting-Ting
Jing-Jing-Jing - - Chakka-Chinkka-Ting-Ting

Gy-Nath and Ii'Jyka'Vaar (helped by whoever else) move all the foodstuffs, dirty dishes (some with scraps of old meals, which Gy-Nath throws into the fire) and other odds and ends to one end of the big table where they are no longer collecting rain. They also make sure none of the instuments are getting wet, but luckily most of them are in different parts of the flat and in no danger. When the entire party has assembled in the flat, K'tch stretches and yawns, then stands up and stretches some more, before giving a polite nod to each gith as introductions are made.

"Quite a raiding party ya put together, eh Nath? What's the occasion, more recruits for the mercinary company, or'e ya planning on goin' back to Bedlam?"

"See, that's why I never hired you, K'tch, my mercinaries know not to start asking a bunch of questions," Gy-Nath replies with a smile.

"Heh, heh. 'Tis my nature bro. Trained to be curious, observant, and on the lookout for all the angles, y'know?" K'tch laughs, "Have some wine, brothers and sisters, I got a whole case really cheap off this gith last night. I've got a couple of snorts of some stronger stuff too ... uh, over there, that bottle next the big drum. Don't mess with that green stuff over there, tho, unless you've got no other plans for today. Fungus brew, really good too! Wheee! I bet Sark is still trippin' out from last night."

"Sark'zja was here again? I thought you said you were done with her."

"Yea, well, there's done and then there's done, y'know? What can I say? K'tch shrugs, "Any of you want to take a mean drunk bitch of a gith with a killer body off my hands? I've considered putting a contract out on her, but I think she'd well shiv any assassins. If they could even find her, that is. Hende little gutter-snipe."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
K'tch's flat is significantly larger and more open than Gy-Nath's apartment. It is, however, much more lived-in looking. K'tch raises an eyebrow when the duthka'gith levitates down from the roof, but says nothing nor moves to get off the couch, just changes the tune to a more melodic "flying song".

Drrring - - - Drrring-Ting-Ting - - - Drrring - - - Drrring-Ting-Ting
Drrring - - -Drrring-Ting-Ting
Chinkka-Ting-Ting - - Cha-Chinkka-Ting-Ting
Jing-Jing-Jing - - Chakka-Chinkka-Ting-Ting

"Yea, well, there's done and then there's done, y'know? What can I say? K'tch shrugs, "Any of you want to take a mean drunk bitch of a gith with a killer body off my hands? I've considered putting a contract out on her, but I think she'd well shiv any assassins. If they could even find her, that is. Hende little gutter-snipe."

Ii'Jyka'Vaar becomes a bit dreamy eyes when she hears the "flying" melody and even humms a bit with it, before she catches herself and says.. "reminds me to much of when i was singing to my dragon mount, some years ago..",
she raises an eyebrow of weird interest at the offer of woman by the bard...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn tries not to wince. Of all the neighbors Gy-Nath might have, the one they encounter turns out to be a bard?

I hope this K'tch has indeed slain a ghaik recently. He's heard more about the raid already than she would like. Of course, with someone like the kith'rak as a neighbor, I doubt this kind of event is entirely novel to him.

She helps with moving things out of the rain, though one might notice that whatever she handles appears to be better organized, and cleaner, than it was before she got to it.

'Azure' wrote:
"Any of you want to take a mean drunk bitch of a gith with a killer body off my hands?"

I don't even want to know.

She takes note of the kith'rak's part in the conversation, though. K'tch might be a neighbor, perhaps even a friend, but Gy-Nath wisely avoids sharing very much pertinent information with him.

"Captain, your friend is... a good neighbor, especially since our arrival was so inadvertent. Perhaps we ought to be heading back, though...?"


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
I hope this K'tch has indeed slain a[/i] ghaik recently.

[In fact, though Ya'shenn does not know this of course, the other PCs note that K'tch is one of the githyanki who came running out of the ground floor of Havenport to fight thralls and illithid in The Heart of The Void.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"Captain, your friend is... a good neighbor, especially since our arrival was so inadvertent. Perhaps we ought to be heading back, though...?"

Gy-Nath nods, and adds, "Yes, and I am expecting even more company ..."

K'tch stops playing and puts his instument down. He folds his arms and looks severely at Gy-Nath, "Arright, Gy, now you're trying to spark my interest! What's goin' down? You said it isn't Bedlam again, and it can't be the Caverns of Thought, because you aren't a berk. So what is it? Silver Eyes ask you to hit another Prime Sept? They finally stick the Chaos Spire in place? What?"

Gy-Nath does not reply, but looks at the others and nods. His stance tells them that K'tch can be trusted.

"What? ... Oh ... Oh don't tell me you're hitting the House! I know you've been itching to since you got to Git'riban. Tell me you found the portals they used to come into Git'riban. You did, didn't you?!? Pike the Eyes, slayer! You've got some sharp, bro!" K'tch starts pacing back and forth excitedly, "But you seen the Dabus out there? Like ravens after a battle, the pikers. Figure, you take much more'n a dozen raiders, you'll be dealin' with the Lady before ya take more'n a few steps into the House. Hmm." K'tch stops and silently counts the githyanki present.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"So you know the portals they used, but it's a safe bet they didn't come here direct. More likely they used several portals. Without knowlege of a whole string of 'em it's likely to be a pretty shallow raid. Still, they'll have left some guards behind. Might do for some exercise, eh? Heck, for a shallow raid like that you wouln't even need a dozen, and here you've got ... wait ... you said more were coming ...? Doesn't sound like a shallow raid, unless you're breaking up into a couple teams."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Now, I'm trusting you to keep quiet on this, K'tch ... "

"Of course!"

" ... and I can't tell you what we know or how we know it ... "

"Of course not."

" ... but I've got a lode this time. You want a gem? I've been thinking, the ghaik must expect us to strike back through the portals they used to enter Git'riban, indeed how could we not after such an affront? The presence of the dabus confirms that the ghaik aren't the only ones expecting us to react."

"I'm following you so far, brother. Offer them what they expect but when they take the bait it's not a worm but a wyrm? Who's sanctioning this, really? The Silver Eyes? The Embassy?"

"I can't tell you. My story, and I'm sticking to it, is that we just stumbled onto something and I put this raid together myself."

"Yea, sure, whatever."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

By conclusion of the duel, Du’minh moves over to the disintegrated opening and peers down to learn of the result. Though displeased with the outcome he accepts it nonetheless, and nods a greeting to K’tch when addressed.

He is latest to arrive down in the bard’s apartment, however. Du’minh has the sense to retrieve the cage of the vampiric illithid head, and while doing so glances down at street level and nearby buildings to see if the ruckus has drawn observers near. After securing the cage to its original chain as best he is able, the Rish-i-Chal joins the others below. He carefully proceeds down the crumbled stairs while wringing rainwater out of his shirt, and takes a seat at a relatively clean chair.

It unsettles him a little how quickly the exchange between Gy-Nath and the bard goes from insinuations to overt reveals, but hopefully the captain’s trust is not misplaced. Keeping quiet for the moment, the warrior studies blades in the apartment to see if he can assert any allegiance for K’tch.

'Azure' wrote:
"Arright, Gy, now you're trying to spark my interest! What's goin' down? You said it isn't Bedlam again, and it can't be the Caverns of Thought, because you aren't a berk. So what is it? Silver Eyes ask you to hit another Prime Sept? They finally stick the Chaos Spire in place? What?"
'Azure' wrote:
"I'm following you so far, brother. Offer them what they expect but when they take the bait it's not a worm but a wyrm? Who's greenlighting this, really? The Silver Eyes? The Embassy?"
Du’minh raises an eyebrow and makes a mental note to inquire in private more about Gy-Nath’s relations. Wouldn’t K’dar have mentioned if Gy-Nath was a fellow operative of the Silver Eyes, or at least worked closely with them?

“Your talents of perception and reasoning are commendable, K’tch, but with all due respect I think it better that we either heed Ya’shenn’s advice and retreat to the captain’s quarters for any sensitive discussion of our plans, or include you in them and level fully.”

Turning to Gy-Nath with these last words, the Rish gives him a look speaking wishes of decisive action.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Your talents of perception and reasoning are commendable, K’tch, but with all due respect I think it better that we either heed Ya’shenn’s advice and retreat to the captain’s quarters for any sensitive discussion of our plans, or include you in them and level fully.”

Turning to Gy-Nath with these last words, the Rish gives him a look speaking wishes of decisive action.

"Yes, we must return," Gy-Nath agrees, "there may be others coming, and there are other matters as well. K'tch, it's your choice if you want in on this, but choose now."

K'tch does not reply, just smiles ear-to-ear. He rushes around the flat, gathering his blades and equipment. He lifts up the largest drum, and there is a suit of leather armor underneath. "I'll be down in a minute, just have to set the traps after y'all leave and put out the fire." Ya'shenn notes that although there are swords and daggers of various makes, not all githyanki, scattered around the flat, K'tch grabs a matched pair of shortswords with cubes of pyrite for pommels.

The party also notices that, as they are leaving, Gy-Nath pauses for a moment, as if considering something, then goes back and grabs the bottle of fungus-liquor.


One everyone is back in Gy-Nath's apartment, he replaces the pannel which hides the fireplace/ladder. A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door and Gy-Nath opens up for K'tch.

He enters and bows to the assembled githyanki, being as formal now as he had been informal upstairs, "I am K'tch of The Esoteric Order. My blades are yours, children of Gith. May the Enemy be destroyed!"

"May your blades destroy the Enemy!" Gy-Nath replies, "Yet your part in this is not set, K'tch, and I may have a special task for you, while we others strike. Our tactics have yet to be discussed, however, and at this point both you and our knight need to be brought up to speed."

"I cannot reveal the identity of our informant, nor how the intel was obtained, to those who do not already know." Gy-Nath scans the entire group, leaving those not 'in the know' guessing which ones might be. "Yet suffice to say I have come upon knowledge of Illithid House that makes a raid, a fairly deep raid, possible. I have come to know of several portals and their keys, and layouts and potential defences inbetween. What remains is a discussion of specific tactics and routes to be taken. I welcome all suggestions, of course, and though we are still missing our scouts Vivec and Daraz, perhaps we should begin."

"First, however, my own concerns. As I've said before, I believe a reprisal raid is both expected and prepared for by Illithid House. Too large a raiding force would be considered a 'riot' by the dabus and bring the wrath of the Lady down on us. Now, just how large is too large? Impossible to say, but I'm willing to risk going with about a dozen. That is, I am willing to risk my own life and those of any who would willingly follow me in this undertaking."

"Heh heh, 'undertaking' ... "

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Good to have you onboard, K’tch. May your strikes by guided by the spirit of the Liberator.”

Du’minh nods to the bard and gives his input to overall strategy:

“Now, I agree that the House may be anticipating and preparing for a retaliatory attack by their own portals, so I think we should run through the number of viable portals entryways we have learned of. Have each one presented, which sanctuary site it leads to, how important that sanctuary might be, what guardians and countermeasures are known on that path, and so on.”

“My experience with the City of Doors and its ruler is not foremost among this band, but I believe the threat of the Lady’s wrath should be weighed in the light of… case-studies, I suppose you might say. I would think that in the city there have been similar instances of large-scale military action and reaction comparable to this one? If these had unfolded without interference by the Lady, did the forces participating in these acts compare to a dozen warriors on the reacting side?”

“Another point I had in my mind; is it possible that more forces could conceivably be included, if they were less concentrated throughout the sites of attack? That is, by splitting up our operatives into smaller teams, could we pull off greater numbers in total? If so, I suggest we take a closer look at sanctuaries with multiple known paths for entry – a number of small groups could simultaneously assault different paths and congregate at the sanctuary.”

Finally, if the dabus are the Lady’s eyes, are we better off prioritizing underground entryways? I, at least, have only seen them “walk” the streets. Any thoughts?”

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I cannot reveal the identity of our informant, nor how the intel was obtained, to those who do not already know."

Ii'Jyka'Vaar acknowedles K'tch as he enters with a warriors greeting, thumping her fist agains her chest and saying; "I am Ii'Jyka'Vaar, may we all kill many Ghaik on this visit!"

"Agreed, one can never be safer then not knowing at all regarding information and informants."

"In regards to tactics, I am not a true scout, but I am somewhat silent, subtle and observant, this makes me a scout in a pinch, i have to agree with the tactic Du'minh is suggesting, in that we might be better of stricking from multiple angles,
so to keep them guessing where we come from and they cant effectively respond.
In light of using the sewers, might I suggest potions of 'Pass without trace' and 'Invisibility' used in somewhat combination might be useful even though we might approach them via waterways..."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“My experience with the City of Doors and its ruler is not foremost among this band, but I believe the threat of the Lady’s wrath should be weighed in the light of… case-studies, I suppose you might say. I would think that in the city there have been similar instances of large-scale military action and reaction comparable to this one? If these had unfolded without interference by the Lady, did the forces participating in these acts compare to a dozen warriors on the reacting side?”

"I have lived in Sigil since before Vlaakith's fall. I was often stationed at the Queen's Embassy for the Band of Iron. I remember one time a brace of zerth, about twenty, goaded us out. My commander ordered us to stand our ground despite their insults, for she saw dabus gathering to watch, but a squad from the Band of Lead was not as well disciplined, and they inspired some others to join them. Two dozen githwarriors issued from the postern gate to meet the score of zerth. Their blades clashed for less than a minute before the Lady's shadow fell upon them. No survivors."

"I doubt breaking an army up into squads is going to fool the Lady, but three teams of a dozen might be allowed to attack while a force of thirty would not. Still, it is a calculated risk and everyone's calculations are their own. Myself, I would deem fifteen unsafe, and would not want to be part of a raiding party with that many or more."

if the dabus are the Lady’s eyes, are we better off prioritizing underground entryways? I, at least, have only seen them “walk” the streets. Any thoughts?”

"Well, have you been underground lately? Who's to say there aren't as many under our feet as on the street. Not I, that's for sure, because I haven't gone and looked. Still, if you have, and there weren't, that's good, right?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"I doubt breaking an army up into squads is going to fool the Lady, but three teams of a dozen might be allowed to attack while a force of thirty would not. Still, it is a calculated risk and everyone's calculations are their own. Myself, I would deem fifteen unsafe, and would not want to be part of a raiding party with that many or more."[/]
“Very well, then let us settle on a dozen as the maximum number of operatives within a single squad.”

'Azure' wrote:
if the dabus are the Lady’s eyes, are we better off prioritizing underground entryways? I, at least, have only seen them “walk” the streets. Any thoughts?”

"Well, have you been underground lately? Who's to say there aren't as many under our feet as on the street. Not I, that's for sure, because I haven't gone and looked. Still, if you have, and there weren't, that's good, right?"

“I have, in fact, been underground very recently, and there were no dabus underneath whereas there were plenty above. I think it a good sign that there is some discretion to be won by subterranean entry.”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn takes a seat and picks at some of the food that Jhank'kor so thoughtfully provided. She has become something of a believer in Du'minh's tactical ability, so merely listens closely to the speakers for a time.

"Kith'rak, my thoughts at this moment are focused upon what, exactly, the Enemy has or has not done in preparation for our arrival. I cannot claim it will have a clear and immediate bearing from a tactical perspective, but I believe I may have recently learned something concerning the internal politics of the House. Those politics may well have an impact on their response. Even if we do not speak of it now, I would like to discuss it at some point prior to the raid, for I find it weighing heavily on my thoughts."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"One thing that has been weighing heavily on my thoughts has been something in my bedroom that was not there when I left. Something partially covered by a torn illithid robe. I did not look closely at it, but still did not like what little I saw. That is something else we need to discuss."

"Intriguing, but I like her hook better, Nath. Rob a burning house, neh? If there is strife in the Enemy's camp it can only help us to know as much about it as possible."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh is not without humour, but he knows better than to comment on the bard’s joke in an unproductive manner.

“Graphic ideas aside, K’tch, it is something for Ya’shenn to take a look at.”

“Sister, if this contraption was used for spying, is it possible that you can employ it in our favour? If there was some way to relay information over distance, perhaps the connection could be traced back to its source?”

“Further, I think you are right to bring up the matter of possible internal conflict in the House. A little misinformation carried their way could go a long way to stoke the flames… And perhaps such a message could actually be delivered with the device we conquered?”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Graphic ideas aside, K’tch, it is something for Ya’shenn to take a look at.”
Ya'shenn looks away for a moment, evidently rather embarrassed. Cursed bard, that is not what I meant! The psion had been about to approach a topic she considered extremely serious too.

She eyes the bard in question for a second or two. It seems clear that Gy-Nath doesn't want Grazz's name mentioned, but she hesitates, out of long habit, to freely share the other information gained with these newcomers who keep appearing -- even if her own involvement is perhaps twenty-four hours old.

"It appears that the leader of the ghaik in Sigil, Will, is also the leader of its Tamer Creed. Understand that much of what I am about to say after this point is speculation, based on other clues that we know. Indeed, I might be entirely off; we only have incomplete information. We are already aware that Will is making a bid for control of Illithid House. We might assume that Its creed is fully in support of that bid. In that light, an 'ideal' end result for Will might be an Illithid House governed by Tamers, with other Creeds removed from power or simply annihilated outright.

"For those not familiar with the Creed, it is the most militant of all, and one of its major priorities is the elimination of Gith's children. While no social arrangement of ghaik can be said to be favorable for the People, an Illithid House filled with and run by a group of particularly aggressive would-be gith-slayers is not a sight I would care to see.

The psion appears to be about to add more, then glances at the newcomers for a moment and chooses another tactic. "Those ghaik that have stood in the way of Will's goals have shown a noticeable tendency to die at the hands of the ulitharid's own ancient racial enemies. I am not sure that this is accidental. I don't know whether ideological reasons play any part -- aberrant and renegade ghaik are very common in Sigil -- or whether they were merely in the ulitharid's way. While it is dangerous to overestimate the Enemy, consider this theory. Let us say that Will is able to induce the children of Gith to kill off members of a rival Creed, while keeping Its own precious Tamers uninvolved. Whichever side wins, Will profits, for whoever dies, it will be someone It wishes to be rid of. Once the opposing sides are weakened, the Tamer Creed moves in and cleans house, as it were."

"I did note that in the parts of Illithid House that we know about, there is a rather distinct lack of Tamer presence. I don't know whether the Tamers actually hope for a githyanki attack on their rival Creeds, but at the very least, they would expect it, and would try to take maximum advantage of the situation. I think that the short-term plans of the Tamers may be very important to us."

Ya'shenn glances over to the Rish. "I think we might have an opportunity to learn more about what the Tamers are up to, as well." She doesn't actually mention the two illithid heads, though.

"Kith'rak, as for the 'something' that you found... it would probably take some time for me to fully understand its properties, but I can summarize what I do know of it, as well as how it came to be there."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh takes his time digesting the presented theories, weighing them against his own speculations.

“Sister, I find your thoughts well-derived and reasonable, especially on the notion of Will being behind the elimination of his closest peers. However, though your knowledge on the Enemy’s nature may be greater than mine, I do have a point of disagreement.”

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"In that light, an 'ideal' end result for Will might be an Illithid House governed by Tamers, with other Creeds removed from power or simply annihilated outright.
'Zimrazim' wrote:
Let us say that Will is able to induce the children of Gith to kill off members of a rival Creed, while keeping Its own precious Tamers uninvolved. Whichever side wins, Will profits, for whoever dies, it will be someone It wishes to be rid of. Once the opposing sides are weakened, the Tamer Creed moves in and cleans house, as it were."

"I did note that in the parts of Illithid House that we know about, there is a rather distinct lack of Tamer presence. I don't know whether the Tamers actually hope for a githyanki attack on their rival Creeds, but at the very least, they would expect it, and would try to take maximum advantage of the situation. I think that the short-term plans of the Tamers may be very important to us."

“I think you may be over-emphasizing the centralization of the Tamer creed – as I understand the basic structuring of the creeds in illithid society, they each fulfil specialized roles with a number of them being vital to long-term survivability of the collective. I cannot imagine that Will has desire to eliminate those responsible for…” the Rish grimaces “… the provision of nourishment, or creeds that fulfil similarly fundamental roles.”

“Dominance of leadership sounds to me like a plausible goal for Will and the Tamers, genocide of whole major creeds not so much.”

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Ya'shenn glances over to the Rish. "I think we might have an opportunity to learn more about what the Tamers are up to, as well." She doesn't actually mention the two illithid heads, though.
“Yes, we have another resource for information we have yet to exploit, though for that task we need Vivec. I hope he will be here soon, his absence worries me.”

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The Rish-i-Chal goes silent for a bit and taps his chin while deep in thought, then snaps his fingers with a big smile.

“In any case, with our knowledge on the brewing internal strife among the ghaiks, I have a plan for how to exploit this. We play Will at his own game.”

“The raid will be carried out as settled by our planning here this morning, and we deal as much damage as we can to one or more sanctuaries, but we also leave Illithid House constructed clues to investigate. Basically, the whole operation has to appear as if ordered by Will and his Tamer creeds, to wipe out rivals. Written orders in qualith, psionically imbued crystals with messages, a dropped piece of compromising “evidence”... you get the picture.”

“The other creeds and power organization of the house will be infuriated, take measures to thwart Will’s plans, and hopefully even attempt assassinations of their own on Tamers. Whoever wins, we win. Even if our forgeries should prove insufficient, we really have nothing to lose.”

Du’minh leans back in his seat, eyes glinting with ambition at how to crush the House most efficiently – from the inside, as well as from the outside.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ii'Jyka'Vaar just sits silently and watches and listens carefully, as she is new to this environment, her thoughts swimming.. "this is remotely different from the army and its tactict, crushing opponents from dragon back...".. she looks a bit glazy/ absent... but listens anyway.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Dominance of leadership sounds to me like a plausible goal for Will and the Tamers, genocide of whole major creeds not so much.”

"Agreed. I was thinking particularly of the ghaik-chal there, but it's anyone's guess whether Will would care. The merchant class or... the Creed you mentioned, would be a different story."

'Dunamin' wrote:
Written orders in qualith, psionically imbued crystals with messages, a dropped piece of compromising “evidence”... you get the picture.”

"Qualith experts are extremely rare. Having an eye toward making Will more disliked by other Creeds, should the opportunity present itself, might be worthwhile, though."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"An interesting stategem. Perhaps it will bear fruit and we can watch the fire from across the ring, neh? But it does not help bring us victory. Such a strategem, though worthy, will be as naught if we ouselves do not survive. What I propose is that some of our number muster a second raiding party, so that the ghaiks' attention must be split. One will strike at an expected route, the reverse path of their raid on us, while the others attack via a less expected route. In fact, three parties would be even better ... but I'm sure there are others in Git'riban thinking of retaliation. I don't want to risk putting three teams in the field if somebody else is tracking down ghaik-holes too."

"K'tch, with your contacts, can you muster a dozen eager warriors who will not question the source of your intel?"

"Sure thing, cap'n. Sark's been browbeating her alley-basher friends that they can't be real 'yankis 'til they Rrakkma. Quite a few of 'em would have by now if they grew up in varsh'isks. They'd jump at the chance as much as me, and not care one bit what I knew or how I knew it."

"Hmmm .... "

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz, having the vauge notion that he may be late walks at a brisk pace to Gy-Nath's house. The rain has washed of the worst of the grime on his cloak, though it still smells foul and is somewhat stained. Daraz listens to hear if anyone is home and then knocks, regardless.

OOC: I will also put the ioun stone 'on' under the hood of the cloak. Can I determine any effects it has?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"What I propose is that some of our number muster a second raiding party, so that the ghaiks' attention must be split. One will strike at an expected route, the reverse path of their raid on us, while the others attack via a less expected route."
“My thoughts exactly. One squad to draw attention via the expected path – Sark and her warriors, for instance - another squad to follow up shortly after with a deep penetrating assault. We have yet to choose which of the known sanctuaries we direct our efforts at, however.”

“As to the stratagem to undermine Will, I had something like this in mind for the raid: When Vivec arrives, he interrogates one of the spirits of the ghaiks we have slain yesterday as planned, but I was also hoping sister Ya’shenn could capture one of their answers psionically in a crystal of sorts. Since they were Tamers, we might be able to get something compromising on the plans of Will and his creed by choosing our questions appropriately, and then we “loose” the crystal in the midst of the sanctuary during our attack. I don’t know if such a scheme is feasible or even possible, but I thought I would bring it up, regardless.”

Hearing the knock on the door, Du’minh leaves to let Daraz in and applauds him on his recovery.

I think an ideal “primary squad” would be everyone at the table, subdivided into two teams with one consisting of Ya’shenn, Ar’dru, Daraz, Ii’Jyka’Vaar, and Du’minh, and another of Gy-Nath, K’tch, Jhank’kor, Vivec, and possibly Gy’s unannounced mystery man – thus separating active players from those who are not.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Only a couple of minutes after Daraz enters, there is another knock on the door. This time Gy-Nath answers it. Two gith enter, Vivec and a tall githyanki with a greatsword. The assembled githyanki recognize the newcomer as the one who provided their rear-guard when they chased after Sight, the street-preacher Xar'sauken the Free.

If there was any doubt, the tall githyanki bows to the assembled githwarriors and announces himself in a loud voice used to projecting to a crowd, "I am Xar'sauken the Free! It is a great thing to see so many free beings freely choose to fight the Great Enemy! You do me honor for presenting this opportunity, Kith'rak Gy-Nath of Ironrock!"

Vivec, too, greets the assembed gith honorably, though much less vocally. Xar'sauken and K'tch are both fairly young githyanki, a few years at most beyond first rrakkma*. They seem to know each other, at least in a familiar sense. In fact both are regular patrons at Haven Port, K'tch an occasional employee, and have met many times before.

Once intoductions have been made, Gy-Nath adresses the assembed gith, "Honored siblings," he looks at Ar'dru when he begins, and the duthka'gith finds finds it a pleasant change to not be referred to as 'cousin'. "We have before us an opportunity do deal a grievous wound to the House of our Enemy. I am conviced they are expecting us. Let's give them what they expect ... and much more."

"The first team will be mustered by K'tch, as quickly as he is able."

"Sure thing Cap'n. I can scrounge up a dozen shivs who won't ask questions in less than an hour."

"Cut it down to eight of the fiercest. Vivec, Xar'sauken and Jhank'kor will go with you. Jhank'kor can show you to the ghaik holes under Gith Lane."

"WHAT?!? You'd assign me this bufoon and his street-rat friends?" Jhank'kor protests.

"Heh, 'bufoon', good word." K'tch simply chuckles at the insult.

Jhank'kor turns to K'tch with rage in his eyes. The young bard winces in pain and stumbles backward. A slight steam rises from Jhank'kor's tatoo.

Gy-Nath jumps forward and strikes Jhank'kor, "I told you before, warlock, in my house you'll deal with ME as proxy for my guests."

Once again, Jhank'kor turns toward Gy-Nath and blood errupts from his scar, only to boil and steam away when it encounters his tatoo. Gy-Nath stops and drops to one knee as if he had been struck, but Jhank'kor clenches his teeth and is also obviously in pain from the bleeding wound in his scalp. Then Gy-Nath punches him in the stomach. The mage crumples over, but it does nothing to stop whatever he is doing. Instead what stops it is Gy-Nath painfully standing, walking over to him, and gently putting a hand on his shoulder. Jhank'kor sits on the floor, rubbing his temples, tears streaming down his face. Once again, the others see Gy-Nath's ears bleeding slightly.

"I ... I'm ... umm" Jhank'kor stammers.

"Your rage is a powerful thing, warlock, but 'a missile weapon in the hands of a melee fighter is no asset to the warband'. You must learn to control your rage. I have taught you as well as I can, but you must now teach yourself, Jhank'kor of Onyx. The Enemy has let one of their weapons fall into your hands, and I have done my part in ensuring that it can only be grasped by you now, but you must learn to use it, not allow it to use you."

"I ... I ... (sigh) Yes, Kith'rak. I understand." Jhan'kor bows his head.

"Good. You are an effective agent of destruction, Jhank'kor, especially where the ghaik are concerned, but K'tch knows gith. He will be able to determine whose tactical sense is of most value, so I am making him honorary sarth of your raiding party. As Warlock you may out-rank him, but concentrate on your job, mage. Set the House on fire. That is your task, and the only way to redeem your honor, Marked One!"

Jhank'kor nods, obviously seething at Gy-Nath for calling attention to his affliction, but keeping himself in check this time.

"Jhank'kor, Xar'sauken, Vivec, K'tch; you have your assignment, and among you enough intel. You will attack through the portals under Gith Lane**, and when you have conquored those lairs, strike at the Imperial Palace. We will meet back up with you there if all goes well."

The four gith bow and and exit.

"And Jhank'kor ..." Gy-Nath stops the mage at the door, "Do your best to survive. That tatoo cost me a lot of jink." he says with a wink.

[* First rrakkma is when githyanki children become full adults. Gith are somewhat longer lived than humans, but bred by the illithids to mature fairly quickly. Thus 'first rrakkma' happens for githyanki at about age 15-18, depending on their training. Thus, Xar'sauken and K'tch are both around 18-20 years old.]

[** The portals Jhank'kor found in his solo alventure. They lead to "R-Y-B-G"]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Jhank'kor turns toward Gy-Nath and blood errupts from his scar, only to boil and steam away when it encounters his tatoo. Gy-Nath stops and drops to one knee as if he had been struck, but Jhank'kor clenches his teeth and is also obviously in pain. Then Gy-Nath punches him in the stomach.

Ya'shenn looks... noticeably disturbed as she watches the emotionally charged encounter between those two. She'd figured out that the odd tattoo was doing something to counteract the effect of the warlock's mind-mark, but she hadn't realized the effect it apparently has on the captain himself. It's... impressive that the kith'rak would do that to aid someone, but she wonders about the wisdom of being connected in that way to one who has been left as tormented and unstable as Jhank'kor.

'Azure' wrote:
"And Jhank'kor ..." Gy-Nath stops the mage at the door, "Do your best to survive. That tatoo cost me a lot of jink." he says with a wink.

Just before the warlock departs: "Kith'rak, would you like for me to maintain contact with someone from the other group, throughout the raid?" Ya'shenn's gaze moves to Jhank'kor, and she tries very hard not to wince. The psion can make an educated guess at what a wreck the pain centers of his brain must be, and isn't at all sure she wants to touch that mind, even lightly. Perhaps another candidate...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Oops, slight misunderstanding. Post above edited.]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"Kith'rak, would you like for me to maintain contact with someone from the other group, throughout the raid?" Ya'shenn's gaze moves to Jhank'kor, and she tries very hard not to wince.

[Of course, good idea. So good, in fact, that the DM is a berk for letting it slip by Gy-Nath. Ya'shenn will choose who to link with, and I'll roleplay the other team from that gith's perspective (heh heh) ]

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I am called Daraz. I'm afraid I don't know all of these faces. Would someone be so kind as to make introductions and perhaps fill me in on what I have missed. Kith'rak?" Daraz asks, directing his question to Gy-Nath.

Daraz sits where he can, and takes stock of his companions, both old and new.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
"I am called Daraz. I'm afraid I don't know all of these faces. Would someone be so kind as to make introductions and perhaps fill me in on what I have missed. Kith'rak?" Daraz asks, directing his question to Gy-Nath.

"I am Ii'Jyka'Vaar", she says while standing up, giving a simple nod and a fist to the chest as a warriors greeting..

"May we all slay many Ghaik and bring honor to this band of allies"

She then sits down again.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Once again, sorry that things came to a halt. I can only assume my last post was total crap and didn't leave anybody an opening to post IC. That's why a couple of players started doing introductions, to write something. Sorry. Let's try again.]

[DM: Assuming Ya'shenn will mindlink with K'tch, to stay in contact with the other team.]

Once the others leave, Gy-Nath looks to his strike-team. "Now let us plan the real attack on Illithid House. Do not hold back, for I gave my word of honor that we would include Ii'Jyka'Vaar fully. Each one of us has something to contribute. Du'minh, your tactical sense seems strong, and I believe you should take command of the raid if I should fall. Ya'shenn, as you are in contact with the other team, you will be in the back rank, covering us as best you can from a distance and coordinating our efforts as needs demand. Daraz, you will assist Ya'shenn in covering the melee fighters with crossbow and spells. Ar'dru, your mobility may prove to be one of our greatest assets. Ii ... you I know the least about, and I hope you will prove yourself to me very quickly by slaying a ghaik. Your blade is cold, and thirsty." He rubs the cut on his shoulder, partially healed already, where Ii'Jyka'Vaar's blade bit into him. "It remains to be seen what more you can contribute, but you seem to be a fast learner."

"We will attack the Hive Brothel first. Confusion will be most easily sowed there, and an aerial attack by Ar'dru simultaneous with the rest attacking from the street as well as internal portals. We should be able to quickly discern dominated thralls from the unwitting, as the innocent will flee. Any who stay should be assumed either enthralled or culpable, and therefore hostile. However, this particular attack must also send a message: any who give aid or comfort to the Enemy, even unwittingly, face the wrath of the children of Gith!"

"Those of us striking through the portal will move quickly to secure the next portal in the series, to make sure none of the ghaik or their close lackeys escape that way. Ar'dru and any others attacking from without will then cut and burn their way into the inner offices*. At that point we will go through the portal to The Packing House, then from there to The Imperial Palace."

"I propose we do our best to sneak out of Git'riban either individually or in pairs to throw off the Dabus, and meet either on the battleground or some other spot along the way. I know of a place we can pick up some alchemists' fire. There is an alchemist's shop at the corner of Craftsmens' Row and Sandstone Row** that I have had dealings with through the mercinary company I work for, though I myself am currently low on jink."

"This is my plan, such as it is. Any comments, additions, even criticisms are welcome. "

*[Where the ghaik-portals are.]
**[DM on the locations of things, Sigil-wise - I use the map of Sigil by zen79 (deviant art). Git'riban is between the Market and Guildhall Wards. The Alchemist's shop Gy-Nath mentioned is just inside the Sandstone District, which was once part of the Clerk's Ward, but was swollowed in the expansion of the Hive. The Hive Brothel is in the Marble District, a once-posh area of the Hive along Sigil's edge, equidistant from the Mortuary and the Gatehouse. The Packing House is in Meat Market Square, between the Lower Ward and the Lady's Ward."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Do not hold back, for I gave my word of honor that we would include Ii'Jyka'Vaar fully. Each one of us has something to contribute. Ii ... you I know the least about, and I hope you will prove yourself to me very quickly by slaying a ghaik. Your blade is cold, and thirsty."[/] He rubs the cut on his shoulder, partially healed already, where Ii'Jyka'Vaar's blade bit into him. "It remains to be seen what more you can contribute, but you seem to be a fast learner."

"Thank you for affirming this yet again, my honor will be point, to jump the first ghaik I see and i will not dissapoint you all, I wish I had more tactical feedback to give, yet my tactical expertise is in fighting from dragon back, not playing footmen/ infantry".
She says the rank of footment with a bit of disgust, logical, coming from a cavalry warrior...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I have no objections to the plan as you have established, save for the fact that my repertoire of ofensive spells is somewhat limited, and largely useless against more powerful foes. You can definitely count on my crossbow, though."

OOC: Would I have time to ID the wands, or at least 1?

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I will be pleased to use my abilities as you describe. Do we know of any upper or rear entrances to the building for me to enter? Also do you wish for me to start a fire at my entrance point to draw attention away from the main assault?"


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Assuming here that use of powers of the 'mental compulsion' type against barbarians isn't universally forbidden, though it may well be frowned upon. If it were completely forbidden, she wouldn't mention it in front of Ii, naturally. Laughing out loud ]

The psion looks rather uncomfortable for a moment, though when she speaks the reason for that discomfort becomes clear. "I have some small ability to... influence the minds of at least some of the numerous graith we are likely to encounter." The way she says it makes it clear she's not referring to conventional diplomacy. "With some luck, I may be able to sow confusion among the ranks of the enthralled."

Ya'shenn gazes over at the knight for a few seconds. "I know that this subject is a... contentious one among the People, and I would not bring it forward without good reason. One of those things that put a ghaik badly off balance is the loss of control over its thralls, the loss of certainty that its commands will be followed, and the loss of protection that those thralls provide. I may be able to force some of these barbarians to act against their instructions, but I would not deceive you into believing that the graith is acting of its own free will in such a case." A grimace. "I am definitely not interested in collecting personal thralls for myself, but I am also not entirely averse to the idea of depriving the Enemy of their living weapons in a fight, to the extent that I am able. If any of you feel a strong moral objection to such a method," though she looks directly at Gy-Nath as she says this, "I need to know of it."

Once she's gathered responses from the others on this... issue, she adds, "A few other things. I'd like to pick up a second crossbow somewhere before we go. Having seen two of them," Ya'shenn smiles dryly, "misfire in such a short span of time recently, I wouldn't mind bringing a spare along." Gy-Nath's home may be full of crossbows, but she doesn't directly ask for the loan of any of them. "Additionally, kith'rak, do you want me to do something for your shoulder?" She is not oblivious to the irony, given why the injury got there in the first place.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Additionally, kith'rak, do you want me to do something for your shoulder?" She is not oblivious to the irony, given why the injury got there in the first place

if i am correct, Gy'Nath is almost no longer wounded, as i healed him decently....
21 = damage done by me to Gy, 17 = amount i healed on him.. leaves 4 dam.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:

"Kith'rak, do you want me to do something for your shoulder?" She is not oblivious to the irony, given why the injury got there in the first place.

"I will be fine. Take your pick of crossbows, if you want." Gy-Nath brushes aside Ya'shenn's concerns, "Whichever blade you are proficient in is what you shall wield, sister. Using the ghaiks' own thralls against them may put them off balance. In fact, that gives me some ideas on possible tactics ..."

Gy-Nath looks over the others, considering deeply, before speaking again. "Ya'shenn and Daraz will go through the portal, but will not attack immediately. Your first order of business is to evade detection, or at least eliminate or dominate any guards, ghaik, or employees encountered. When you are set, send a missive for the rest of us to begin our attack. Ar'dru will fire-bomb one end of the complex, while the warriors cut our way into a flank in the confusion. When the ghaik and their guards react to the attack, the portal-team will rise up and strike."

"I am considering whether or not to assign a melee fighter to Ya'shenn and Daraz. While close support would be good, a fighter in heavy armor might prove a liability when trying to escape detection."

"Also, if Daraz has any illusions in his spell list, a pair of magical disguises might even prove fruitful, as I would imagine glamours to be commonplace in a hive brothel. In fact, Daraz, if you are well proficient in such things, I might even suggest we reverse attack directions completely. Daraz and Ya'shenn should be able to walk in off the street if they appear non-gith. Then, when they are ready, the missive is sent, Ar'dru does his run simultaneous with Du'minh, Ii'Jyka'Vaar, and I attacking via portal."

[DM - Gy-Nath doesn't know that Daraz and Ya'shenn have magical items of disguise, of course, but neither does he know Daraz's spell list.]

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I have a magic hat to disguise myself, but no way of disguising annother. Charm is unfortunately not one of my strengths. I cannot hope to aid Ya'shenn by mentally influencing the thralls. As eliminating them goes, I am somewhat more useful. I can probably get into a good firing position too if someone notifies me before the rest of you kick in the doors. I am a somewhat skilled with a blade, I can protect myself and annother from graith thralls."

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"In this heap of 'TIN' i am somewhat subtle", and she points at the heavy armor she is wearing...

"Being not silent does not mean i am a light in the dark though, and can be positioned anywhere subtelty or brute strenght of arms might be needed"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Perhaps. But with all the graith present, hiding is probably not a good option, and disguise is a nescesity. This is to say nothing of the value of those who are large and scary kicking in a door somewhere else has as a distraction. You will be more valuble as a front line fighter than as a sneak, I think. They will be looking at you when I shoot them in the back."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I... think something in the way of disguise can be arranged. For myself, at least." First Du'minh had referred to her fluency in Qualith script -- which could be taken as a sign of either unhinged sanity or questionable moral character. Now the others know that she is a psi-dominator, a mind-controller, what some Sigilians refer to as a puppeteer. Must she now speak of her ability to disguise herself, as well?

Thinking for a moment, Ya'shenn pulls out one of the psi-grenades the Tamers had 'contributed' recently, and sets it down on a nearby table, making sure that one of the inscribed glyphs is clearly visible -- and being very careful not to esper the command thought anywhere in its direction. "A certain dead ghaik generously contributed a few of these to our righteous cause. I'm sure, captain, you're aware how resistant the Enemy is to direct application of psi, but these should serve to clear a room or two of barbarians, should it be necessary." She eyes the rest of the group. "These require at least a small amount of telepathic ability to activate. I'm not sure who else here may *know* the arts of the mind," though she does know, actually, about Gy-Nath, "but should I fall to the ghaik or their slaves, someone else should know how to use them."

Leaving the grenade on the table for a moment, Ya'shenn examines a few of the crossbows Gy-Nath has lying around, finally selecting one -- after making very sure the string appears to be in better condition than the frayed one on her own weapon. If it is loaded, she makes sure it is no longer so, for the moment. "Thank you kindly, captain.... What do you think the odds are of this graith establishment, or select parts of it, actually being warded against teleportation, or psi? I'd guess that such establishments in the Hive aren't ordinarily heavily warded, but an illithid might seek to protect at least a room it visits often.

"I would not mind having a front-line fighter nearby, but I share your concern also. If no wards prevented it, I could provide location information to any of our warriors to teleport in, should we find ourselves in immediate need of it. That would definitely be conspicuous, of course. There is always at least a slim chance of some alert or hungry ghaik either sifting through our surface thoughts or encountering my mental defenses, disguise or no. Should that happen, I wouldn't mind backup." I would definitely mind it if some Tamer were to decide my brain would be a taste sensation to cherish. "While I've actually had the pleasure of shedding ghaik blood recently, steel will get through their vile slime much sooner than I will."

"Do you want the group to be mindlinked? I am partial to its advantages, of course, but there is always that chance of a diligent illithid listening in via one of our minds. The patrons and employees would be far less likely to notice that than speech, though."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Mindlinking may be useful, but it may also be better to conserve your power, and send a short missive instead when the time is ripe."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"A certain dead ghaik generously contributed a few of these to our righteous cause. I'm sure, captain, you're aware how resistant the Enemy is to direct application of psi, but these should serve to clear a room or two of barbarians, should it be necessary." She eyes the rest of the group. "These require at least a small amount of telepathic ability to activate. I'm not sure who else here may *know* the arts of the mind," though she does know, actually, about Gy-Nath, "but should I fall to the ghaik or their slaves, someone else should know how to use them."
I have been trained in the arts of the mind and would be able to trigger the device should it become necessary. Is there anything that I should know about the device before taking on this duty?

ooc- keep in mind that Ar'dru still doesn't know any details about what happened down in the sewer (and is far too polite to comment on the smell Sticking out tongue ).


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